Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Viciously attacked by a Jewish Israelite who has participated in, profiteered off, and engaged directly around the ever-widening circuitous group of hate attackers all being funded by vile Nazi and racist organizers. Hackers deleted and repasted my post into fragmented pieces strung together. This post was written with a most powerful technology absolutely blocking my brain functioning.

(* I am not going to correct or even re-read this post. The hackers had already, when I tried to read the title, deleted parts, glued and strung pieces together after deleting half of sentences and re-adding them in the middle of other sentences. What is remaining underneath was written while the keyboard was so _remotely_) stiff I could not write without using my entire arm to pound down on the keys. My brain and head felt dizzy, I got up from this chair and could not walk straight because so much technology was being blasted into my brain I was sick and almost nauseous simply physically--and the subject matter of course adds to the sickness of it all. My words came out nearly hysterical--this creep who I have never harmed, who has been part of attacking me for years--and I know that she is attacking me now because I wrote a post about "Jews" a few days ago. She jumped IMMEDIATELY to attack me and began a racist (in her favor ) attack "skit" in teleportation about how she is blonde and I am not. She then forced sleazy sexual encounters on me (in this teleported state) lesbian ones, and then had me psychologically attacked with absolute mental violence in her every skit that was forced upon me. I was then assaulted by the landlord who did sleazy and nasty things and has been illegal in his activities. She is trying to obtain a REACTION from me, which this post has succeeded in helping a most unworthy personality to obtain yet another huge and undeserved promotion out of attacking me. She has been part of a group including French who have attacked me and been involved in this mass group since 2013, or even earlier. Their goal is to abuse me to the point of hysteria that I react and write something, in what appears to be a most vain effort to engender any help or assistance from anybody. It is a very sick game they all laugh and "play" while I am being murdered by them. It is sick, they are sick but unbelievably I sit here alone fighting to stop my body from being destroyed and fighting to get hard chemicals out of my badly damaged and scarred up and broken body. They get beauty treatments, are paid in millions and get adoration for their sleazy and sick performances as parasitic whore rapist terror agents. I remain with no support system and they are in extremely large organizations with unlimited funding, all attacking me. I still am amazed that this has gone on like this for years with not a single person doing a single thing to stop them permanently or help me so I am not indelibly damaged. 

This post was written after a day of driving and being nearly hit at least 25 times in the space of a 4 hour driving period. I have been teleported to psychological sleazy and sick situations by this creep and these creeps alongside her. This #Me Too! Feminist is an entire sleaze rape and abuse operation all within her damaged psycho-sleaze mind. As I have written endlessly, these putrid personalities who attack me, teleport me, dump and pour their inner sick mentally ill slime on me. I am forever cleaning the filth they order sprayed and poured into my room and my body. I tried to write a semi-coherent post and hackers just deleted parts of sentences, strung together other parts, re-arranged the entire sentence pattern. That was just in the introductory line of this post, most of which I deleted. I felt extremely ill after having fought against most powerful technology blasting away at my brain as I attempted to get a single sentence out. Again, I reiterate that the point of the parasite attacking me was to get exactly this post out of me. I do not ever want to help promote these disgusting sick pieces of crap ever again. Years of these creeps attacking me to obtain a response, for which they get even more promotions. This is supposed to be some "success" indicator of how successful they are at utilizing this technology to destroy the enemies of their organizing group. This post is an absolute discredit to me, and a huge benefit and promotion for this personality. I tried for the last 3 days to not react and finally, the stress was too much. She went on and on with every conceivable type of attack in  every single situation, which happens at a regular and recurring never-ending attack situation every single moment, every single place I go, every single day, day after day. However, the RESIDUE of her whorish nasty energy is such an energy depleting experience; also the landlord who attacks me leaves me more than enervated and totally drained of all positive energy after his violent attacks. She sent him after 3 days of attacking me with these horrible sick teleportation skits, which were something some sexually deranged scum whore would do.  When I watch some of her movies I can see that she is a debauched personality and loves inflicting ugliness as some antidote to the sleaze she has incorporated into her very inner fabric. However, this person has love affairs and I remain alone fighting to stop hate-driven pig apes from raping and abusing me. I still cannot understand this, as really I am a loving and good-hearted person and this conniving scum creep is being handed literally every single benefit of all that this planet can bestow to a sell-out whore. I never want to help her or any of these creeps get promoted, as they attack and attack to obtain this response for which they obtain every kind of top award, studio, production, movie deal, and I remain fighting to simply type my thoughts out. What little I am able to manage with all this hacking and the total obfuscation of my brain processes is stolen by these louts. The window of opportunity to attack me came as I wrote, a few days ago, about "jews" and she immediately grabbed the chance to attack me as she is supposed to be of that religion or "race". It was just an excuse to get another promotion for YEARS of attacking me with a most disgusting group of her good "friends" out of France. Thus t his post below is completely fabricated in a patchwork of re-written chaos. I had been nearly hit over and over by cars swerving almost into me as I drove in the middle of the lane and they would drive from the opposite side into me, as I drove in the middle of the road. More examples like that, all day going on and on. My home once more sprayed with stinking toxins which these terrorists have sprayed into m;y home. the landlord knocked on my door for the 2nd time in a week after years of me writing him letters repeatedly to stop knocking on my door without advance notice. He began insulting me, yelling, grabbed my body, sexually assaulted me in a very subtle manner, kept walking into me, and worse. I finally began yelling to get him out of this room after he threatened to evict me for WATERING my plants, which has become an attack situation for years as this creep attacks me claiming  that me watering plants is ruining the clothing of the other creep terrorist in the room below mine. Every single day these creeps are deforming and destroying my body--and this Israeli filth actor organized him to attack me at night, yelling about water dripping down TOTAL LIE OF COURSE. Pretext for attack. Threatening continuously. /After days of absolutely sick sexualized violence from this disgusting A-list skank whore creep out of Whorewood who is "defending women" in her every bs media posturing crap about how she is fighting rape culture. How she defends jewish culture. what a disgusting skank and the bad, horrific energy coming out of this rotten filthy sell-out whore has made me feel absolutely sick psychically. That I am writing this is a shame because this has been her goal, to get another promotion from this disgusting and vile group which has taken over the planet with their stink and filth and hate and death and destruction machine.


\But I wrote because she and her bad energy are so loathsome I need people to intervene. thus I am writing, which fits exactly into that skank creep's plan for a promotion. However, this is deadly negative energy oozing out of this pampered rotten creep who has been handed everything. I can see she is in a very happy space in her life, but underneath is a volcanic cesspool of self-loathing and self-hatred for the insecurities of the "Jewish" identity that she is eagerly trying to dispel by attacking ME---WHO HAS never associated with the Jewish diaspora (a few "experimental" associations which I quickly stopped because I feel no affinity for the religion or the culture). However, this skank is supposed to "represent" it, attacking me because the bigot Nazis want me to be some symbol that they want to turn into a public but covert spectacle of a witch hunt scenario. Her "inner demons" on this point are stinking putridity and I feel this wash of negative death and loathing and rot oozing over me from her. It's so stinking I write despite knowing that I really must not and really do not want to. When I re-read the post I saw how badly hackers had completely deleted parts of sentences and then literally pasted them in various other spots within the paragraph, after deleting huge segments altogether. I remain unable to read the rest so it must be a total mess and incoherent in many parts but this is all I can do. I regret having written this post only to the extent that it has helped this ugly sick spiritual parasitic black hole to be handed yet another huge free promotion worth millions of dollars SIMPLY FOR ATTACKING ME along with this group of hate who are vehemently racist and Nazi adherents. As I wrote below, the black male is just the same ilk but of a male gender and a black hue. The type or shade or gender really makes no difference, as I tried to write. However, as this group wants to and is trusting this stereotypical hate cliche upon me, I must analyze the "Jewish" identity that they want to foist upon me, which this "blonde" A-list personality feels an inner shame and a great need to feel "elitist" in comparison with me, as the symbol and the hate object that the rapist white bigot Nazi men want to "shame" by rape and torture while stealing ideas from me because they hate me for having creativity while they only follow the mediocre limitations of their power roles. So many "minorities" attack me absolutely viciously to enforce the hierarchies which they are fighting to rise up in. Attacking me has been a ladder to "success" for so many minorities I can't express how many times I have seen this experience and been inflicted by their self-hate and loathing and violence sublimated into attacking me instead of the real enemies who are inflicting all the pain against them in the first place.




I am incredibly drugged up by the technology aimed into my skull and brain as I sit in front of this laptop. I know this is a most dehabilitating effect on my writing and coherency. I now have a brand new keyboard (a remote) which I just opened today. The hacking is obviously due to the system and not the keyboard itself, as I must as usual pound down on keys and fight to get words out (but it's better, on this very first day, than the last keyboard and the one they broke before that last one that was broken before...etc etc etc all broken years and years--as this skank creep who is now most viciously , day after day since I wrote that post, going on and on BECAUSE she will get a HUGE PROMOTION for her blank, idiotic and stupid personality which is expressed as hysterical crying as seeming evidence that she can ACT as an actress. Otherwise, nothing else if very convincing to me of her performances. I am a staunch Bette Davis fan, whose acting is impressive (one of the terrorist actors who has participated in this crime against me is also very impressive in her mutable acting and the movies are well done on her part). Nevertheless, this is daily vicious and extremely deadly attacks going on. I was not even considering this rotten skank whore (which is the role I have seen her in that is most convincing, she has played these roles--and no offense to the innocent prostitutes out there, I am not deriding prostitution but the symbolic form as I present it here--dirty skank prostitution not those who must or want to sell for flesh fair but that does not make it foul.).

Ranting posts. How impossible it is to write or think straight while this tech is affecting my brain. I was accosted by the landlord for the 2nd time in one week. Knocking on my door at 8 pm, increasing the knocking until I finally had to open the door. He begins to pound on the door and then tries to open the locks and begins to yell that he will break down the door if I do not answer and open immediately, and then will evict me if I don't open. As this organization and these millionaires have left me bereft of all income potential, including this blog which has a Paypal link that not a single person has donated to, but many are reading for whatever reason; some are doing so to earn a lot of money by stealing whatever they can from my blog. This has been a contract out on me that untold numbers of people in all creative and media walks of life have participated in. At this point, there is a veritable Sh** storm of them attacking me every single day it's another one. This rotten skank who is doing so now is, however, extremely violent but she is being backed and I am hacked by her French scum whore gang who hasn't stopped violently, I can't find the word or a good enough synonym for violent like this: absolutely unending violence form this French contingent which began after I wrote two sentences on Johnny Depp's Facebook page, was teleported my cat was stolen my body infected nearly killed in car crashes I barely survived from--ordered by this French contingent. French people following me in stores, blocking my path in shopping aisles (during the French Inquisition time of this particular group sucking my life out of me, stealing ideas from my writings and deforming and torturing me until I began to pray for their deaths). During their onslaught of 24/7 hate, for over 3 years it went on and on,  I would go to very nice shopping areas. I was followed one time by a rotten-looking grey-haired old French woman and her nasty husband. She kept pushing her shopping cart into mine and blocking my path, until I finally used my cart to push her carts out of the center of the aisle (not violently, I just pushed it gently out of my way, after she blocked my path 4 other times in a succession that continued as she literally followed me around the store to block my every path once I would stop to look at something on a shelf. As I pushed her cart out of my way, just to the side, she pushed into my back with both hands violently, a smug ugly look of snarling obscene glee on her disgusting face. The mind control tech kicked in as I reacted immediately to this stress by calling her the b-word. I have never had such a violent encounter in a nice store, or in any store in my life before that. I won't get into more, but my experiences with French has been very awful, to write the least. I have lost all plausible respect for what I have seen of that culture, as it exists as the gang stalking quotient of the larger organization. I have all my life been confined to stalker terrorists so please do not become upset with me for writing about my personal experiences as a target whose every move is surrounded by a cluster of stalker terrorists who are rotten and vile on a personal level--at least towards me. I can't imagine them being anything other than rotten regardless of their more superficially charming aspects in other society where they fawn and feign and posture to get an image.  Thus, this by now fully engrossed in the bigot and racist hegemony of the paradigm, fully rewarded, enticed and fully indoctrinated--postured and talked to me, or made me repeat while under hypnosis, something about how that skank has "blonde" hair, as it postured in this "elite" smug condescending snout-in-air posture. A complete Jewish Nazi with dirty, dyed blondish brownish hair who has been rewarded infinitely by attacking me, as symbol of the Nazi 3rd Reich this sort of sell-out mentality helped create the inner-betrayal circuit. Jews killing Jews for Nazis. 

This foul creep, with the backing of French and American bigot Nazis who are "blonde" who are absolute racists, who have TRIED TO MURDER ME IN ACCIDENTS have disfigured me and told me they are more beautiful, have stolen ideas from me and call me stupid, are disgusting and vile and rotten--these are her friends and like all the years of them attacking me to obtain first her movie lead role, then the award for it, then her new production company, then her move to France, where the bigot Nazis welcome her with gold, ceremony, pomp and circumstance--the Jew who is creating the impression that (blonde) Jews really have a "Home" in France. No, they are not hated or discriminated against. This role she is playing as a real life representative is a most dangerous lie and illusion, like the Nazis making a propaganda movie about Auschwitz where "Jews" are playing and lounging around (they were held in a special area and not shaved, forced into hard labor, the children were allowed to play, they lived in normal circumstances albeit not well, and later on, after the propaganda movie was put out about how the Jews were deported but they are living well, are all okay. That is the type of propaganda this skank stupid whore is playing and lavishing in the gold, money and luxurious entitlement this slut is slotted to be paid and lavished with all kinds of kisses, party invitations, love, lovers, invitations of all sorts, mansions, et al . ]

The brand new keyboard is now very stiff and inoperable, the hacking has commenced and the new system is polluted by these parasites once more. My brain, likewise is very stunned by this technology. I was hand-writing yesterday and I realized that I became dizzy, my hand began so spasm and my muscles could not operate. All writing is blocked by motor skills being thwarted with my brain put into this dizzy, incoherent rambling ranting digressing into hate contusion writing style that is ultimately intended to discredit me absolutely.

I was beginning to write about the black portion of this. I also wrote a few days ago that black people also play this very same role (and you can also substitute any "minority" label or classification with the same behavioral stunts. The contract is extremely detailed, the behaviors do not deviate from the narrow limitations of behavior and reaction that all of these "artists" conform to (and believe in, they are absolutely mentally brainwashed into believing all the lies and distortions they are told to emulate and imitate and posture as, but more importantly, to use violence hate and lies as their main focus of power grab). The black male who has made fame for his name by rapping about how black men sell out to blonde women has attacked me for writing the very exact same thing, but substituting Jewish for Black (meaning him and his ilk). With the backing of the Nazis, as he's been doing to me by hitting me as proxy abuser for the Austrian Nazi when I simply did not need their approval for my interpretation of Mozart's composition--literally hitting me when I said I already know and that this white bigot male does not need to "approve" or say that my analysis is "right". As the black male has performed his role perfectly by groveling, hitting (punching me in the face) for simply saying something like this---now attacking me for the French Nazis and the Israeli Jew who has been awarded such high standing for being a Jewish Nazi absolutely hateful towards me--disrespect, overt anti-Semitic sentiment devoutly hissed but not directly stated. The actions were a repeat of the anti-Semitic statements that her friends giving her marching orders against me told her to say and do, and like the skank whore puppet of course most happily did obey. A NEW MOVIE DEAL is awaiting this rotten whore, because her blank and mediocre personality must have this boon and boost to her career in order to "achieve" high standing in the Nazi community. The black male always representing discriminated against, enraged yelling/singing in hate and rage about racism attacked me for her (but for "them" the Europigapes who is handing him mansions and deals and awards and studios and etc whatever else, the sense of power is a drug all these "minorities" can't resist and they glob on to attacking me as the bigots welcome them all into their real goal: to be one of the Nazis the elite and billionaires with studios, movie deals forever for the rest of their rotten skank lives. Helping to kill off other "minorities' is partly fun for them, when it comes to me they are elated in attacking me and profiting off it. I told him when he asked, or said, "We gonna get her what do you want us to do?". He, like the duplicitous criminal he is, said it so warmly with such hate behind it. I only revealed their behavior towards me which has gone on unabated for YEARS. I told him I want her dead, I wish her death, immediately. Thus, all day today cars have just barely hit me by a few inches, swerving into my lane from behind and swerving in front of me and almost hitting my motorbike within a few inches. All day while driving. The borders are now opening to the Europigape terrorists who are now descending upon my place of torture (where I pay rent). A most ugly and vicious and genocidal continent that the crap out of H-wood adores, advocates in every way, emulates as often and as much as possible. You can thank the current spate of Neo-Nazi threat to the  United States are being mostly the responsibility in bringing into fruition these very "anti-fascist" celebrities I have written of for years on Facebook. The Jew and the black I indirectly write of now are as directly responsible for the upsurge in Nazism in the United States, as an open and deadly operation upon the United States as any of the subversive groups which had not had direct media and other exposure until all the H-wood Nazi "liberal" fakes helped, directly, to bring all of this to fruition and into power. They are all now lavishing in wealth, awards, production companies, and oh... now there is a pandemic, their "crib" is being burned down by global warming forest fires, and now the economy is dying but THEY  are all laughing at parties wearing gold and diamonds they obtained for this monopoly they all share with the Nazis who have bought them and all of the US major power centers completely out. (my very blanket statement, but it seems that way as every single city I have run to for some kind of refuge has been a stealth operation of murder against me , and always besides the endless blonde Nazi types, there are Europeans always training the Americans in Nazi-style thug methodology.


Again I am pounding down on keys and my hands and arms must press completely down to get keys out. Once I leave this room, the terrorists are going to break the keys even more so by the next time I write, this block to typing (and thinking, as I KNOW this post is hate-driven, ranting and written in an incoherent mess in many parts--even before the hackers rewrite and delete sentences and grammar)


I was given advice which I have not followed and this is a very dangerous situation for me to write about this. The stress however is pretty much unbearable as this is a whopping ten years of non-stop attack and torture. I am still followed around by terrorist stalkers pushing baby carriages into my path: Whomsoever gets to force a "baby" out of me from this entire group of actors and politicians, will share the benefits of this endowment as their monopolistic quest for absolute control and power in the mainstream media (and there will be very little alternative, and I am loathe to find any real alternative media any longer it appears to not exist anywhere on the planet. Either all is blocked from me, which happens anyway with most information I search out, always limited to "their" narrow confines of information for the brainwashing effect. Or..the other option is that all alternative media has truly been eliminated, which is much more close to what I can assess as a reality that is more than disturbing, horrid and awful. \

The title says quite a lot. I wrote a post a few days ago about the Jews and Blacks who form a wave of illusion not reminiscent of charming media fantasy, but murder, Inc. conglomerate style fascist overtake of the planet. One of the channels through which this is being accomplished is through this horrid fake media onslaught of "liberal" feminist anti-white male power pro-female advocacy.

 I wrote about how so many Jews marry into blonde or Nazi family systems in order to obtain their promotions into this hierarchical, closed society that wants to establish a set of entrenched dynastic families into the highest echelons of power, retaining familial grasp of power for generations like dynasties of ancient orders. That means, forget about equal opportunity, think about Monopolies for decades or for centuries if they had their way.\


This post is really repeating the same thing---I am very inundated with the tech my brain is spinning I am dizzy while sitting still in this chair. My brain is blanketed I cannot write well     After I wrote this post As quick as you can imagine, this parasite "Jew" attacking me to endlessly be handed what she probably is not capable of or worthy of obtaining and undoubtedly other people are much more talented who will never get a chance-- who obtained her production company after having attacked me, after her hysterical, crying and sobbing role as female obtained a high movie award, after being 


and etc etc I wrote all of this above. I leave all of this in unedited because I am also demonstrating how badly my brain is affected by the mind control technology. also again I am backspacing as my hands won't move, my fingers hesitate because my brain is under so much attack. The keyboard is now like pounding down once more on cement the keys are so hard to press down I must use my forearm muscldes to get anything out. Always the same attack, I can never write well, coherently, and the hackers always rewrite and block what I say and think and then STEAL ALL POSSIBLE FROM ME after torturing me for writing anything about these unworthy skank creep parasites. A globe of them attacking me. No legal representation no support and it appears that the increase of attacks is almost exponential at this point. 

I was advised to immediately cut all ties to this person (meaning in writing about this rotten, dirty sick and sick dirty stupid thing out of Israel--a country where many, many other people who have "ligher" hair and skin are viciously pro-Nazi in behavior. The irony these dumbed down slaves do not understand is that I have heard only the same thing from Germans about these Israelis: they act like Nazis when it comes to the Palestinians. I am trying to convey how these sell-out whores are and have been inundated with Nazi (real Nazi, like Germans, and French and English) who have controlled Israel, in my opinion, have kept eternal warfare to create an endless crisis situation (always coming to the rescue to save and help and the Israelis run to Europe to live in "peace). All is constructed by Nazis these puppets are performing a lie that Europigape Nazi land is welcoming of "Jews". These Jews and this black and these "liberals" are really supporting RAPE CULTURE have brought Neo-Nazi culture into a mainstream household pandemic word, have helped to nurture MORE RAPE C ULTURE and have established virulent anti-Semitic profiling leading to outright pre-genocidal regime status.

That is really the main gist of what I am trying to convey, besides how disgusting and violent this creep skank and the absolute whore behavior and the sleazy dirty things she and her French whore creep friends have inflicted upon me (with full consent of the Americans who are supposed to be "defending" my human rights and abrogate them every single day until there are "no rights' whatsoever).


NOW I MUST FOLLOW THIS ADVICE AND NOT WRITE ABOUT THIS SH** any longer at least until a few months from  hence. This psychosick group has put me into a most deadly financial and living situation. I continue to fight to not have my teeth knocked out, my fingers and toes dislocated, my body poisoned, marred, cut into every day and night and drugged non-stop to death by stopping the mechanical arms. I continue to have to fight ceaselessly with all my money, time and resources to defend my body and life--once more, tomorrow I must pound and seal and glue and fight to stop these mechanical arms form ripping out my fingernails and knocking out my teeth and destroying my hair and etc death they are murdering me. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...