Tuesday, November 17, 2020

I am being tortured (in teleportation hate skits) for my thoughts on the election. I am unable to not think about what I believe as I watch YouTube news clips. I can barely express myself in any form as it is, plus not being "allowed" to think in any partisan way except for what the terrorists want me to think and believe about their injustice, hate, violence and misappropriation of technology to torture me (for years upon years without end, night and day without end).

 The attack was very nasty and bad, but I do not want to get into the facts which I cannot prove until someone helps me to provide evidence of teleportation. Suffice it to say that it was very nasty and the person doing it is in a very wicked mood due to my heightened emotions at the election outcome (and the many millions of other people who are reacting to the election results, but I am easily at hand to attack for these thoughts due to this tech and terrorist contract out on me).

If I write my thoughts, which are blocked by NON-STOP hacking interference--as typing is very difficult, I must correct continuously, and all the things I have elaborated upon all these years of fighting to type or think while technology is blocking both simultaneously.

Then, what I do manage to pound out, is STOLEN often verbatim by unscrupulous "liberal" and "alternative" commentators, writers, actors and their managing partners who then glob and latch onto this contract, which entails that I am demeaned, tortured and attacked without end on every level of existence, which culminates in their higher promotion schemes. The revolving list of these terrorist mainstream actors, writers, directors and their very often Europ-a-backed base, which operates often clandestinely even to me from behind protective unseen areas or through video-recording of these teleportation torture and attack skits.

I posted quotes, as now all I can do is post what other, mostly white males have written regarding the thoughts I am trying to convey. If I write my thoughts directly onto any social media or this blog platform, I risk absolutely deadly attacks which so far I remain undefended against.

All I can say at this point in the "narrative" concerning all the commotion is that the Lies and distortions are an almost overwhelming response on both sides of the issues, in the media clips that I see. I agree with some points on both sides and find the puerile responses on both to be embarrassing. I can't elaborate and it's too hard to write anyway to get anything out.

What is at issue is not truth or distortions but power cartels that are vying for power. So many cogent facts and issues are never brought out in any of the discussions, which often focus on the facts but disregard the more pertinent overarching facts that are so overwhelming in influence but so overt that they are hidden in open sight. I won't get into what these are, as I have stated, so many ideas are stolen from my THOUGHTS and not just what I fight to type out here, while I remain absolutely silenced and blocked from all real public discussion. And if I were in America and able to congress with people I think I would be silenced, or the microchip in my throat would kick in and block air passage if I attempted to speak in any public setting. I would be heckled by terrorist/stalkers as they would cough and make endless distracting and interruptive noises and arguments while my brain would be shut down partially and blocked from functioning (neural firing, blocks of cognitive functioning, etc all the symptoms I experience every time I go shopping, making simple calculations literally impossible and speech is remotely generated subliminally into my brain and repeated by me while I laugh and smile as people insult and glare in hate at me into my face and I can't "understand" what is going on but appear lucid and aware superficially--and even to myself and not able to control it).

Thusly, today I wrote posts on Facebook quoting John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise 
Regained, amongst Aleister Crowley quotes and beginning with John Lennon & Yoko Ono quotes and Beatles quotes. Beginning from the apex and descending down that hate spiral.  Unable to really articulate my ideas, as just my thoughts have been met by the endless misuse of this technology, specifically the teleportation to assault me endlessly night after nigh for over a decade (much longer than that I am afraid). 

By people who will be forced to hand the technology over to responsible and ethical people who will protect my Constitutional and Human Rights, perhaps? After all these years of writing about this misappropriation of terror and torture technology (which these people are using for their orgies and sex games for themselves, as they say that it is "wonderful" but I think that means that they can destroy people they can't stand to see have a chance to be happy, beautiful, strong and compete against them and by eliminating them using these terror squads and torture and disfiguring tech and poisoning and groups willing to do anything to maim, or torture and murder someone else they think this is just "wonderful" technology and isn't it for people vying to control the planet and it's resources?

That is a main gist of the election that NO ONE is discussing because these operations are so highly coveted and desired on the part of those who build these oppositional and polar bipartisan facades of power that to relinquish this technology is absolutely without question their LAST priority for this next administration. However, it is of the greatest impact on how the 2016 election panned out, and how politics and power structures have been evolving since then (and long before but more overtly than ever before as time goes by).

Yet I must remain "silent" about my reactions to these events that are such digressions from THE REALITY as I have seen it, not conceived it to be but witnessed all these years of being passed around from extreme bigots to "liberals" who all work together in this technological terror operation that no one will comment upon or stop or reveal or expose. This one situation of ME has had such a gigantic impact on the politics of America and of the world and yet it's so silenced that even the commentary that appears to go in line with the usual rhetoric remains in a rut/groove of obscured information that is so ..I can't think of the right word--upsetting? Discouraging (for Democracy) to me hearing all this. The blame, the excuses, the misdirecting of ideas and of focus on what is responsible for all this power misappropriation, the commentary which ignores what the other side is really saying--blame shifted to the losing party, or winning party--but all is such distortion and is still leading the country--on the side of the "Democrats", "Progressives" and other extraneous parties and groups into the same system that existed prior to the 2016 election cycle. Meaning the "authoritarian" and monopolistic "elitist" system is fully disguised and still operates like a "bi-partisan" divide that one group accuses the other of mishandling or turning into chaos or lying about to gain power. The real issues remain silenced just as I remain silenced. I must remain silent because I was raped last night in the teleportatoin so I had to copy and paste quotes by John Milton and only make vague reference instead of directly having the chance to write my own thoughts without being further attacked. I was attacked, I repeat, because of my internal reaction to the election and not for anything I actually wrote or said to anyone else (as I am sick and have been from the poisoning of this terror group for over a decade and remain nearly paralyzed and sick in one single spot all day, too tired and sick to even do anything but sit too exhausted from detoxing poisons blocking my body for decades).

I wait for the Biden team, as it appears inevitable that this is definitely going to happen. I wait for any real concern about how "Democracy" has been threatened in this country AND MY SITUATION IS A DEFINITE CLUE AS TO HOW THIS HAS BEEN ALLOWED AND TURNED INTO A SILENCED PHENOMENON OF ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION, DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE AND HUMAN RIGHTS, DETERIORATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, AND A SERIOUS THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES ON ALL LEVELS AND IS REPEATEDLY IGNORED AND LEFT SILENCED AS ARE ALL THE REAL AND TRUE VICTIMS OF THIS TERROR OPERATION. The "fake news" you will find on the internet and in many sites are disinformation agents for the most part, posing as "targeted individuals" and I know this from years of fighting to gain any support system and all is blocked, diverted and blocked and real victims are absolutely silenced and blocked BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT which is decaying because of their culpability in these technological terror, surveillance and torture teams, technologies and "experiments" which extend into highest echelons of power.

Thus I must remain silent and WAIT FOR any truly concerned group which actually cares about freedom and democracy and equal rights instead of focusing on their one group which supports them or for which they represent instead of the collective of human beings--the targets are always isolated and then silenced and blocked from participation or if involved, highly drugged into "brainwashing" behaviors which ultimately are intended to silence and discredit them. Thanks to the US Government for decades and now the "threat to Democracy" is being blamed on all sides with all kinds of lies and distortions when the ultimate reasons and the reality is being silenced and obscured, because really, from what I have seen, the differential between those at "the top" of the main power structure are operating like a two-faced liar which repeatedly steals all it can from the base of it's operations (i.e. "The People"). This is an overarching blanket statement but I am under mind control, the hacking is bad, it is literally impossible for me to write at length to try to back-up my assertions. I have tried all these years and only see my writings and thoughts repeated in the form of million dollar contracts handed out to millionaires who need original ideas to sell of this huge, ever omniscient series of lies to the public while maintaining silence in regard to the reality of the brainwashing and the propaganda and the deals and offers that really buy out affiliations and political bargaining that have almost nothing to do with Democracy. Hearing the excuses and lies being put out now and having to remain silent because I am being maimed, slowly dismembered, raped (in teleportation and often and for years literally due to my home being broken into, and drugged and with the MK ULTRA microchipping I was not aware but saw the evidence upon waking_) and so  yuck yuck disgusting and I remain silenced and can't write my thoughts even though these abusers and users are continuing to torture me to obtain a reaction of hate so they can get more promotions out of me reacting from their ugliness and hate in concert with using this technology. Their inherent need to torture, abuse, rape and create misery for anyone else, probably they would do it to anyone if they could but the tech enables every kind of deviant ugliness to emerge--and the people who are "fighting" for Democracy are gladly watching it all happen. Oh how the commentators in the news also remain silenct but also are aware of this situation of technological torture their leaders are gladly pouring out on me--

all such lies in this wake of the election, so many finger-pointing exercises when I know for certain that most of these personalities actually operate from the same source of "power" which controls them as they control the plurality of oppositional forces which all have the same main theme underlining all issues and all extending back to one main source which buys them out, makes the deals, and issues the rewards and contracts for publicity and power roles.

For me to specifically detail any longer would be more deadly attacks or worse and thus far I have not or ever received any sort of remuneration for these crimes, protection of any kind except through covert support (if at all) and silence.

I can only feel and experience something akin to DISGUST when watching these videos and clips on the commentary and events transpiring after the election and the comments being made on all sides. I can only imagine how much the Nazis in Europigapeland are LAUGHING AT THE STUPIDITY OF THE "STUPID AMERICANS" which to a great extent they control on all these fake "oppositional" sides. Their strategy of "divide and conquer" has so carefully been incorporated into the threads of all dialogues (when I say "Europ-a" I mean also those other countries such as China and Russia but they are more silent partners operating behind the scenes--as they do here in Phuket as well) but they are there laughing alongside the more obvious Europigapes you can be assured. In this sense I can not only remain silent but I adhere to the "immature" name-calling but years of having lived in Europe and here in Thailand around DISGUSTING master-slave operations I can't describe these hateful stupid and sick groups in even the most remotely non-offensive terms as they are highly offensive and I have lost all respect--I can only dehumanize them because in this rage context they have lost all humanity and are utterly repugnant on a grand scale--that is the only grand thing about these groups (not individuals, not people who are soulful and care, but these large post-Nazi operations of brainwashed zombie parasites who helped create all these death squads and this technology alongside their Paperclip American friends at various high offices in their continuing "black op" funded terror "experimental" operations that have had such GREAT IMPACT ON THE 2016 AND CURRENT ELECTIONS IT IS BEYOND DESCRIPTION AND YET IT REMAINS SO SILENCED. The real issues are so completely ignored as to how so many people have participated in these deal-making disasters now facing America. The real problems are being ignored by focusing on details and blaming the other side when all are guilty in one form or another. I can name my situation as a huge factor in the blame game but no one will admit to this and I must remain silent. However, one large personality in this drama of my attack terror situation just had me raped by some ugly rotten creep where I was hypnotized into "believing" while asleep and teleported that I was "in love" with this ugly stupid and rotten creep they sent in to "humiliate" me (and it's never these abusers who are supposed to be the humiliated ones for acting in these ways, no they are the macho men and their beligerant rotten disgusting women behind them claiming they are defending (Nazi) women's rights and their minority minions behind them--in a cascading trickle down hierarchy. However, waiting for the next administration to put an end to these terror operations to in the future the silenced technology outside of the hacking of election machines can also not be used to enhance political careers any longer for unscrupulous aspiring people who understand adeptly how to really manipulate people to perform oppositional tirades which all absolutely LIE about their real intentions.


*This post was of course, like every single post I have written on all forms, for years and years, rewritten by hackers. Words were changed, deleted, grammar was erased, parts of sentences were deleted and then tied to other partially-deleted sentences. The rate at which I must backspace to correct what hackers have blocked on key function or retyped is at a near 80% rate for all words I type. It's so hard to write and going up into the content above would require at least another hour after having spent nearly 2 hours fighting to type just the few paragraphs above. Normally I could have written the above in less than 15 minutes, or less even if not encumbered with all the hacking. My writing would be extremely different than how it has appeared for years on all Facebook or on this blog (which is relatively "new" in terms of fighting to write). Every post I have written has some explanation (or almost every post) about how hacking and brain-altering tech has affected my ability to write and think and express myself. The situation never ends.

I think and hope that more feminist thought is turned into public awareness that has true feminist content regarding rape. So far, the victims are still blamed and rape is a vehicle of humiliation for the helpless instead of a red zone of castigation or constraint in any form for the perpetrators. They are instead heralded as heroes for having "shamed" women, and many a feminist has written that rape is a war crime akin to a prize to the more aggressive in the arena of war. If I could only think and write clearly I could express this in a more tangible way, but also, the awareness that over a decade of people stealing my ideas verbatim adn blocking my ability to publish openly and have any career has stifled my voice and ability to write and I would be doing much more if this theft and attack were not endlessly continuing. The rape is a consequence of racism, that these white men and their minority minions and their women are glad to see me raped and tortured before and after they steal ideas from me, because they are enraged that people "like me" could ever have a chance to out perform them. I have always been competitive, as I have written so often about this. This concept in itself was stolen by a black male who turned the ideas into another award-winning hate exercise of attacking me with various internet mind control operations that would make me sound "delusional" if I were to repeat how this is being done (as I have before for years). I am waiting for America to actually not allow this to continue any longer and to not promote these groups and people and not allow these foreign influence who make these deals, partition out the contracts and have bought out and are recruiting sell-outs to perform these hate acts while being promoted as the heroes of American Dream franchises which proliferate in Congress and in the H-wood and other media establishments. 

People are now clamoring either for complete control in an endlessly lying fascist control organization where dissent is outlawed and can be criminalized by covert death squad activities, as my situation is an "experiment" of and silenced on all sides, or;

People are clamoring for "Democracy" and "Freedom" but unwilling to give up their own versions of racism and attacking other groups who are also "disenfranchised" because they want to be in powerful positions and thus can attack other members of other groups but still claim they are fighting for "equality" and "Democracy". This sentiment also includes many whites who are of working class or lower upon groups and /or groups which espouse the same label that is continuously being forced upon me, which I have never adhered to but these people who want hierarchical racist structures and power echelons to remain intact, while still being able to rise up above their working class white levels are keen to keep the technologies and the racism and hate alive when it can be expressed covertly in these terror and murder and rape operations such as I am being forced into.

Therefore, the divide betwixt the two factions is almost non-existent and only the details in how much leverage external actors playing their bit parts can be allowed to maneuver within and between.

Blanket statement but not capable of writing to my full extent, and still the hackers and thieves have enough information on what I just wrote to steal more concepts and turn them into their "liberal" fascist output or platform roles while retaining the semblance of concern over society and "Democracy". Some of the Repuglicans right now are openly espousing and expressing outright dictatorial stances and it is supposed to be "alarming" to the "Democrats" who kept silent, obeyed, allowed fascist organizations such as those attacking ME and others in this technocratic authoritarian "experiment" with teleportation, thought-reading, torture, mutilation, death squad torture, etc and all silenced on all sides. I hear some of the most "intellectual" pundits of "liberalism" espousing rhetoric and analysis about how the shift from Democracy to full authoritarianism can be achieved. I believe many of these to be absolutely fascist operators and agents in disguise pumping out brainwashing manipulations disguised as liberal commentary. Reverse psychology pervades all and is the most pervasive operation I see in all the political and media output and it is backed up (for my personal commentary here) by my 7-10 years of experience of this covert torture technology being passed from one famous media personality/political personality to the next (mostly on H-wood, only a small sample size of politicians but that is growing as I focus on the elections). 

This is my very arduously-written response and analysis based on the constraints, hacking and brain-alterations of the tech aimed at me.

I wait for the Biden Administration to fully endorse stopping this tirade of fascism with me as some "experimental" subject and for some kind of protection for me.

In the mean time, I had made the resolve to not respond to torture, because the contract that these personalities obtain so many deals, awards, higher leverages, and "get out of jail" cards involves endlessly torturing me to extract response and information. That is what I surmise from this attack from last night, not only was it a hate response to my thoughts on the election but also because the contract out on me entails abusing me to the point that I react and write and once I begin to write, the thought-creative-concept extraction and tech influence opens the portals of this area of my brain like a sieve. For years these fascist "black lives matter" and "Me Too$" feminists have obtained some concepts and awards adn promotions by simply using this tech. The brainwashing influence on the main public has already been demonstrated and is probably in full effect. They react like absolutely controlled puppets on all sides. That is why I know that this technology must be cherished and kept a secret by these powers, but I ask for an END to my torture if not an end to this travesty of technology for all the targets. AT least LET ME GO FREE TO THE PROMISED LAND OF TRANQUIL DOMESTICITY IN MY OWN HOME WITH MY CAT(S) RETURNED AND THIS HELL OF OTHER PEOPLE NOT INFLICTED UPON ME ANY LONGER. I promise to be "silent" about my experiences just let me live in peace and with privacy, financial remuneration for all this block to my life and career--and to be left the $ $ F alone to not have to deal with these people and to have a decent home, money and health and to enjoy living without the uglinsss, hate, stupidity and hell of other rotten sick people forced upon me THAT AND WHOM I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH EVER--not a person from this huge group--the global group except for relatively obscure purposes like shopping. 

I just ask repeatedly and now for years for this to be stopped and for justice in this sense of me living in peace without their sick and rotten sleazy hell forced upon me ever again but me living with prosperity and peace amongst people who mind their own business.

I wait for the next administration. For now I have tried to not write due to the reasons above, and to not help these people any longer get promotions for "successfully" torturing me into reaction. Being raped and mutilated and having some access to trying to reach out via the internet, as all sources WHICH WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT MY RIGHTS ALL MY LIFE HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT CONDONE THIS GROUP AND THESE ACTIONS AND SO DO MOST CITIZENS AROUND THE WORLD. I however know that there are people who do not speak openly against this group but they do not condone this behavior or this torture protocol. I ask that those who are not spouting "Democracy" rhetoric in the Biden Administration to please stand up for me and protect me as I have nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

If you can stop the current culprits please do so IMMEDIATELY so I don't have to wait another TWO MONTHS JUST TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS EVER GOING TO STOP THIS TERROR PROGRAM OUT ON ME WITH COUNTLESS PEOPLE ATTACKING ME YEAR AFTER YEAR. I know that most of you reading this find this wonderful, funny and a great testament to your group's power and the influence you have over law enforcement and the corruption therein (as well as judiciary, executive, military and all walks of life and business and society). 

I wait for a paradigm shift, as I waited FOUR YEARS AGO AND FOR YEARS BEFORE THAT. Must I have to wait any longer just to see if this is never going to be stopped in the next few months?

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Corporate interests are not in the best interest of the Biden/United States' Department of Justice pick. Torture prisons for profit have been exonerated and torture of civilians using the mind programming and torture apparatus has gone on unabated for administration after administration. "VP-Elect Kamala Harris Says DOJ Will Decide Trump's Fate" ; "We saw (under former DOJ administrations) what happens when you allow criminals--with power--to get away with crimes. They just become more powerful. So let's put an end to that....if not, it will be much worse in 2024.""(video op-ed from Ring of Fire).

 "VP-Elect Kamala Harris Says DOJ Will Decide Trump's Fate"

*Forward/Nota Bene: this post was of course hacked and grammar and parts of sentences deleted and then strung-together into huge, unbroken sentences that reach paragraph length. *Right now I insert for the 4th check of this post that hacking is pervasive, rewrites and deletions predominate most of the writing and it appears ranting and incomprehensible in parts. I am not going to correct anything as I wrote the post today carefully and am tired of cleaning up the filth this group pours into my home and body every day and night and then having to rewrite what I wrote slowly due to hacking, backspacing most of the time to rewrite what hackers blocked. I just add this as I always do to my posts, that this has been manipulated and the below does not reflect any lack of coherency on my part but is entirely due to hackers and deletions and insertions and grammar deleted...As I keep reading parts of paragraphs after having written the last part of this post in rage, my brain skewed into a hate wave pattern from the technology (not an excuse for bad behavior or writing style)--I see words were deleted all over the place from hackers. Tense has been changed in parts and singular cases were changed to plural or vice-versa, at least in one sentence I perused and didn't alter as I was in the published mode. The ending of this post is in huge caps but hackers really messed the writing up in that area as well. Words are gone and sentences have gaps of content so it's all very blotchy and badly worded due to hacking--forget about grammatical accuracy due to the hackers. Content is extremely skewed due to hacking and so read at your leisure but do not take pleasure in how seemingly "hysterically" badly this is written as this is part of the terrorist discrediting scheme. I consider these actions to reflect the stupidity and hysterical aspect of how these terrorists really think. I believe they are hysterically upset that there is a challenge to their claims of supremacy and they are waging an insane and really sick and stupid war but lethal and deadly and not humorous but nevertheless, they have polished exteriors but are maniacally creepy crazy sick and stupid and rotten underneath it and their tactics reflect what they are, not me. the writing that is rewritten to discredit me is really how these people think underneath all their posturing lies and coached and rehearsed posturing performances. I have been instructing myself not to look at the news until January 20th, which means on that day I will also have to wait 12 hours for EST time to kick in as I am 12 hours ahead of that. I have told myself not to look at internet subjects or the news because every single event triggers a response from me, after more than 10 years of being attacked by this group (8 years openly, but they were internet and otherwise stalking me LONG before 8 years ago) so almost everything is a kind of trigger to me as they are very much in league with all the media events---one of them just won a People's Choice Award although she didn't teleport and openly attack me. There are many of them who have never made a personal appearance of attacking me but they sit in rows and behind the scenes giving torture, rape and abuse advice and they also steal fragments of thoughts and ideas I write in this inability to type due to hacking. Another one of them who has just won an award at the People's Choice is another one of these more silent partners but still visible to me (has attacked me through the channels and internet covert pathways with others alongside him who have viciously and violently attacked and threatened me--all winning charity awards and being portrayed as the very icons of love and compassion and sympathy for the good people of America--who aid and abet in terrorist stalking activities you can bet most of those who vote and pay for these media presentations of lies constitute much of the terrorist network and these performers are their "icons" who lead them into these avenues of sublimated hate activities through their propaganda mind programming deceptions. I realize I sound so "conspiracy theory" oriented at this point. Much of my writing sounds like ranting delusions conspiracy theory--and I have to repeat that hackers are changing words, blocking grammar, inserting words and deleting words so please do not judge me too harshly for the content. I am going to try to stick to my conviction that I MUST GET OFF THE INTERNET UNTIL JANUARY 20, 2021 because even if I stopped writing, the dismemberment would not abate an iota. These sleazy disgusting rotten parasites poison me to induce hysteria, then have me disfigured, cut into and slashed and poisoned nightly and daily, then I am really incapable of not writing and exposing my chaotic thoughts under sheer torture. they then threaten me for writing in rage about dismemberment, torture, rape and poisoning and my home made stinking, dirty and foul every moment they can possibly break into my room and destroy all and make it a filthy and vile disgusting place. Every single day without fail this never ends. They torture me for reacting, but if I remain silent as I have and tried for days and weeks without end, they just increased the lower levels of torture until I did write to ask for help oln the internet, as this is my one and only recourse all law enforcement abuses and mocks me if I go in for claims of stalking. Thus, they poison me to induce a reaction, the torture me for reacting, then torture me if I stop reacting because they need ideas to steal out of the rambling hate rants that are like sieves opening up my creative and philosophical centers of my brain as they suck out ideas and concepts. This cycle has not stopped for over a DECADE NON-STOP WITHOUT END AS ONE IGNORANT UGLY STUPID CREEP SUCKS OUT IDEAS AND THEN RAPES AND TORTURES ME SLOWLY TO DEATH, WITH INTENTION TO MURDER ME AS i BEG FOR HELP, click on a page or movie and yet another scumbag creep who is "famous" continues the round of torture, abuse and violence upon me with his "feminist" blonde Nazi wife or child or friend or lover. I wait for THE FUTURE TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS EVER GOING OT STOP THIS AFTER YEARS OF BEGGING ON THE INTERNET FOR THIS TORTURE AND RAPE AND MURDER TO BE STOPPED AND MY CAT LA MOUX RETURNED TO ME ALIVE (TRUMP AND HIS NASTY WIVES HAVE STOLEN HER)-- Everything I see on the news triggers a reaction out of me, and the tech aimed at me assists in this. Ostensibly, the abusers then have me tortured more for reacting unless I lie and say that their misconduct is wonderful and that they are men I really admire. I wait for the future because the years of asking people for any kind of support or protection have been met by silence and the same torture going on from leaders of the American Nightmare. In January there will be a new administration--However, if and perhaps any of you could possibly go out of your lugubrious ways to just petition the new administration as advocates of my plight and torture situation that NO ONE HAS DONE FOR ALL THESE YEARS perhaps I could survive this with my toes and fingers intact my body and life not permanently destroyed and my cat La Moux returned alive and well my own home living in peace with financial security that these criminals should be forced to pay--and I must fight for my life until then in silence because although these creeps attack me using my reactions, which they force out of me (the drugs make being silent IMPOSSIBLE LITERALLY) but if I just wait and see if perhaps a new adminstration will ever stop this if there is anything but bs and lies from American leadership if there will ever be anything but people allowing this to go on and on and on and on not just towards me but towards anyone this is a heinous crime which has allowed people with fascist Nazi and genocidal supporters to come into higher positions--some of them are the icons of liberalism in the media and it's such a heinous crime and lie. I judge the real health of the nation by how people react to someone like me being tortured covertly when there are not groups which can openly film what is happening to me as the BLM movement has done. When the lights are off and the fangs come out, that is all I see of these people attacking me who are so exonerated and welcomed and worshipped for being abusers and rapists and parasites stealing ideas off me and laughing as they are dismembering me afterwards. I wait for this new administration to see how willing Americans are really for a genocidal regime and if you continue to allow torture like what has been imposed upon me to continue then you will see worse and worse in the coming decade than what has been going on now in America..
now you can all read the rest, it is partially discrediting reads like ranting conspiracy theory much of which is due to brain-altering tech and hacking--do not judge me badly:::
much ado about nothing until January 20th oh complicit assistants of state-sponsored terrorism.

This op-ed (video above) involves the potential hiring of another corporate lawyer as head of DOJ--under the Obama admin the torture prison camps of Bush were proverbially swept under the carpet, thus allowing for MY TORTURE which continues to be exonerated and used as a vehicle for political and media promotion by actors pursuing a career in brainwashing and propagandized partisan politics disguised as neo-liberal and et al. Because I have been so drugged, tortured on a non-stop 24 hour schedule daily and nightly for years and years without end, my internet searches always leading to photos and articles about the very people/famous actors/politicians attacking me/ and thus rendered incapable of research into these matters, I can only rely on copying and pasting this most articulated stance that has just been put forward by Ring of Fire. It is a Progressive page on YouTube, but in this instance I can't only agree more but find this somewhat comforting that Obama is not endlessly touted as some black folk hero although I can only admire Obama for having gone through and endured warfare in the trenches of racism and bigotry, albeit mostly by "selling out" to racists in some form, and on a positive note, he installed the Affordable Health Care Act which is a testament to the greatness he brought to his administration. There are pro's and con's to this, but in terms of allowing for crimes of this "right wing" bigot/Nazi wave throughout America (and the globe), he allowed, as Ring of Fire comments on, for the continuation of these covert torture policies which helped to install the current nearly genocidal administration, with it's fascist rapist but fallacious fellatio"liberal" performers out of Whorewood the disgusting p place where torture and rape are privileges of the "A-list" but reasons for public humiliation for "minorities" who aspire to reach top positions in the media empire, which is run by absolutely fascist bigoted nazi Communist murdering (foreign-influenced or controlled) HATE GROUPS which AWARD FASCISM AND TORTURE AND put those who perform such deeds into highest positions of power. You must listen to the lecture in the video below to get this drift I am following, but elaborating upon as the silencing is deafening in regard to my condition and situation. At least there is someone willing to discuss how allowing torture, by advocating for corporate control over the Department of Justice has allowed for corporate-military contracts utilizing civilian death squad torture technology to proliferate with permission of the top Executive Branch of the Government.

Please allow me to reiterate as I have only been repeating for years on my Facebook and on these posts that I am NO TERRORIST nor have I committed any fraudulent activities that have earned a terrorist determination or action against me. I am attacked because meaningless bigots, mostly white males who have inherited positions of power, want to gain access to US media interests (I am referring to foreign, mostly of European origin) wealthy mafia and Nazi persons want to control the US media output. By using the voice-to-skull, drugging, death squads which proliferate every cranny and crook of American, and indeed global, life, spanning the entire glove in a "seamless" torture protocol that never deviates, is acknowledged openly and certainly is never addressed by any leading politician or group. Because Americans in positions of power want to emulate fascist Nazism out of Europe and other countries because they associate themselves with a lower status, consider Europeans somehow more elegant and intelligent, look up to them because they have bought out the United States to a large degree through silent partnerships, aka "Dark Money", all unproven all with shell corporations and off-shore accounts and etc etc...As I have no access to documents or these insider deals, but have only skimmed the covert activities as a teleportation torture subject, my accusations are of course subject to highest scrutiny and dismissal. As that may be, I am referring right now to allowance of torture technology and information extraction to be aimed at INNOCENT civilians such as myself because people who can't create original ideas and likewise can't stand to see newcomers or people outside of their acceptable Nazi boundaries ever have a chance, and Americans are so keen to follow in the tracks of their Nazi instructors, I am writing this post to denounce these accepted covert torture prisons and activities that the last few and many Presidential Administrations have covertly or overtly swept under the carpet, allowed to proliferate, and then denounced these activities of corruption for public appeals as to their genuine (lying) concern over the public and for public safety and against corruption and etc etc (blah blah as it all sounds to me and ever-so offensive when I have to hear their flippant coached statements for cameras and cheering crowds which also openly participate in terrorist torture activities and utilize these technologies because they want promotions or to block people "like me" from EVER having a chance to out-perform them, in all their bigotry and bias. That also includes many professing to be BLM and feminists. As they serve the interests of the oppressors far too often.

I appeal to anyone concerned about this growing threat to the PLANET to have these technologies and these offices of power put in the hands of non-corrupt and competent persons who will conform to the US Constitution, to protect the rights of citizens and not include people who white supremacist bigots and their millions of eager and willing to comply minority minions attack using torture technology, funded and sponsored by covert funding by the US Government and accepted by the Executive Branch to inflict death and hate upon targets such as me and countless others, many of whom are already dead from torture and from having been "suicided" or poisoned or put in accidents to DEATH WITH FULL PARDON AND FUNDING BY EVERY ADMINISTRATION THUS FAR. LET THIS END NOW IMMEDIATELY AND IN THIS NEXT ADMINISTRATION LET IT BE STOPPED PERMANENTLY. LET PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE CONSEQUENCES OF ALLOWING TORTURE TO BE PERMITTED AND COVERT TECHNOLOGIES OF TORTURE, RAPE AND INFORMATION EXTRACTION TO NOT BE HANDED OUT LIKE CANDIES TO GREEDY AND MEANINGLESS UNDEREDUCATED HATERS IN HUGE DEATH SQUAD GROUPS, SPREADING LIKE A PANDEMIC OF HATE AND DEATH.

and yes, the incisions into my body continue nightly while I am unconscious and incapable of defense. Cutting into my toes and fingers goes on nightly no matter what I say, do or not do. It began in 2013 and has not stopped for a single night since then. The odious creeps you have all awarded and allowed to do this to me sneer, laugh, gloat, make jokes about it, describe how they are being instructed to slowly dismember me, after they rape me and have me assaulted, hit by cars, poisoned and drugged daily, torture me for writing hysterics that they force upon me with subliminals and drugging. Stealing idea after idea from my writings for over a DECADE and it's still being awarded up to this very day, today yet another one of these participants, that I wrote of yesterday, has been awarded by The People's Choice Awards as an Icon. Another one of them who had been awarded this same sort of award by that agency won top awards after more than TWO YEARS OF terror activities using this teleportation and the adjacent terrorist stalking groups to poison and rape me in my home after breaking in while VICIOUS AND VIOLENT ABUSIVE landlords hand them all keys, get more properties, as the actors get more studios and mansions and the planet becomes immersed in wars and death and genocide and hate.

I am still being slowly dismembered and the culprits are still being awarded by highest honors in their fields. I still need, as I have written of for years, a safe home from these terrorist activities that even prisoners are not subject to in prison camps unless they are deemed highly culpable (albeit without Habeus Corpus rights and imprisoned without Just Cause or Due Process) as I am being imprisoned in a torture situation that is slowly severing my toes completely off, my teeth, my hair, my skin is severely damaged, my spine and hips have been fractured, broken in places by people breaking my spine while I have slept in a comatose unconscious state due to these implants. All the culprits have gone unpunished and are awarded and in high places in their chosen fields. I remain fighting for my life writing these posts to many people hacking/reading my blog and Facebook posts without a single "donation" because you all can't acknowledge openly or secretly that you are sponsoring me in any way--thus I remain absolutely stuck in a deadly trap that the top Executive Branch and many US Senators and other politicians know about, support and advocate (as representatives for their constituent base, which is the roaming masses of millions of people terrorizing and stalking and committing covert murders and assassinations using these technologies. Often for highly sexist and racist rationale and always funded by very generous sources of finance--could that be the US Government, amongst all the other governments of the planet combined? It appears that way.

I try to convince the do-nothing readers that it really is not in your greedy and self-serving best interest to continue to allow these torture, rape and murder technologies to be proliferated or utilized upon civilians as a guise for "anti-terrorist" funding activities.

The absolute raging need for a racist supremacist order is more highly coveted than public safety, any kind of exploration into future potential for mass murder, genocide or catastrophe when such technologies are further unleased upon the public. The tendency towards machiavellian misuse and autocratic despotism that is inculcated in the bearers of these death technologies should not be under-rated nor ignored ANY LONGER. I have tried to describe the heinous behavior of your icons and celebrities and performers and leaders, and yet because I am "discredited" because I can't fight ALONE against teams of poisoning/drugging cartels surrounding me with no legal or lawful protection or acknowledgement does not mean that these leaders are not LYING ENDLESSLY and that I am "delusional" or just ranting, although it would appear as such through my hacked, rewritten and technologically-altered writings.

As I have written for years by now: I have spent over two years fighting to protect myself in this tiny studio that is an expanse of panels covering both sides of the walls, plus the ceiling and the floor. All my money I need for food and medicine while I am fighting against murder attempts via poisoning has been spent purchasing items at dollar stores to try to avert this dismemberment of my body. To no avail. I have blockaded the front door and sliding patio door with layers of items stuck into the frame, from the inside. All the panels have been covered with FOUR LAYERS of paper, tape, stickers on all corners, and then I tried hooks tied together to connect all panels securely, which nearly damaged me permanently as the attackers not only have been entering to rape me but to put my hips and spine out of place while drugging me with hardening paralyzing poisons which seep into every injury-years of this, in every room, from administration to administration. I have begun, in addition, for the last month, out of areas to try to secure since literally two years+ of trying to stop terrorists breaking through with mechanical arms and opening my front door has not stopped the severing of my body (and I can barely defend myself against being molested the razor thin defenses I have are not breached due to how this group does not leave evidence of break-in, regardless of how impossible it would be for me to prove or prosecute in this current situation. However, I have been taping my feet in multiple layers of packaging tape, covering that with socks, tying string at the bottom, then looping the string around rubber bands (the successive attempts to block, as the terrorists just adapt and pass through very easily within a day or two, the have non-stop surveillance and night-time vision surveillance and I have heard can "see through my eyes" listen to my thoughts and other horrid things--they have gotten through it all with ease. ) I now remain being severed and my toes and fingers slowly cut off, nightly. this group, under hate pit the actor, had part of my fallopian tube severed out and it fell out one day shortly after I told him to stop trying to force his agenda on me. He also had cats killed a year later (after ONE MORE YEAR) and tried to have me killed TWO YEARS AFTER THAT by having my motorbike h it as my brakes were blocked and the steering was remotely shifted 180-degrees as I hit my jaw on cement while driving at over 40 miles per hour. He laughed about it, raped me because I asked for Justice and for these actors to not be awarded any longer and allowed to steal more ideas from me using the drugging, my Facebook posts and this technology. He won another Academy Award the NEXT YEAR and this YEAR FROM THE years of him torturing me to extract information his partner, the Latina Nazi, has been awarded and I have now been fighting for over SEVEN YEARS TO STOP dismemberment and murder attempts by this group, which helped put people into power in politics which are now considered threats to Democracy. Not this group of actors however are deemed threats to anything, as they remain at the forefront of the deception of the "liberal" media agenda (not quoting from Fox News or "Conservative" elements but however the "liberal" label is a deadly RUSE. I write of this Nazi actor because today he hacked a photo of himself on my YouTube page when I was trying to find information about the current political situation, which is of extreme importance to me and has weight on my survival. They remain gloating, smug and laughing about over SEVEN YEARS of teleporting, participation of gang rape aimed at me passing me around in teleporation states, and now after years of them obtaining ideas I am fighting for my life to not be dismembered after years of them blocking my ever attempt at earning a single penny (but instead they steal from me using their proxy terrorists) and they are not threatening me with further dismemberment because they want to extract a baby --according to this contract out on me, this Nazi-based contract) out of me so their gang can further continue to dominate the media and political power structure along with their other entrenched and established power brokers, famous movie stars who have been raised into corporate and political office and power. I have no intention of furthering any endorsement of these people by writing negatively about them, as this appears to only get them promoted. However, I write this hoping that there are elements reading this who understand that the greed associated with participation in this contract is more than detrimental to the United States and also to the rest of the planet. To exhibit the absolute pyschopathy that this technology encourages in these people attacking me in teleportation who are exonerated from all legal consequences and handed millions of dollars in awards and contracts and lead roles and highly desirable awards afterwards: The main question that these famous "charitable" "Humanitarian" Feminist etc etc performers ask me, is "Why don't you like this?' while I am under hypnosis, teleported, asleep and drugged up. As I begin to elaborate, they then smirk and get promoted for me explaining all the tortures which are affecting me adversely, which is a lot and it's all intended to slowly murder me. They get promoted for my every negative response, which continues with these posts but I am trying to get anyone to install leaders who will stop these nefarious and deadly activities instead of remaining silent and allowing yet another administration to put more death enablers into power. The Crony Capitalism/Democratic Socialism has reached a stage of absolute tyrannical corporatism and elitism and the combination of that plus no checks on these technologies with full massive participation in these terrorist stalking activities MUST BE ADDRESSED AND you people reading this are RESPONSIBLE, as the future of America and the planet surely is at stake. The sense of power that these technologies affords these corrupt and meaningless personalities creates tyranny, absolute psychopathy and death mentality which is only rewarded and not stopped.



It is now difficult to put any weight on my feet as there are cuts in the balls of my toes, insertions to the bone, between the webbing of toes, and on the toes on every toe on one foot and they are beginning to cut into my other foot. I have sealed off this room and yet mechanical arms get through all the 2+years I have spent fighting to block off all the panels and from being tortured, dismembered slowly night-after-night, and my hair, skin and body mangled and raped and objects inserted under my skin to appear as "cysts" and cuts into my skin, fungus inserted into my hair, vagina and ears---poison in my food, fungus in my food, my home sprayed with fungus, mold and stinking fluids nightly and daily ---objects broken on a daily basis, clothing ripped, stained, shrunken and frayed continuously, raped by agents who are operating the tech, my body and hair stinking and smeared with greasy nasty substances---my money stolen from my purse which stinks of rotten fluids sprayed into it, always done the night before I have to leave early in the morning the next day so I spend at least 2 hours cleaning my clothing and apparel and body after they damage all I had planned to wear and do---including my passport stinking with fungus and other odors the night before I have to present it at a bank. I am NOT A CRIMINAL I AM NOT A WILLING DOMESTIC VIOLENT PARTICIPANT OR RAPE VICTIM FOR HATE-FILLED BIGOTED MAN IN WHOREWOOD OR IN THE OVAL OFFICE WHO NEED AND MUST HAVE A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PARTNER  who are bigots, rapists racists abusers haters wife-beaters cheaters and liars and that is the nicer side of what they are turning into with these technologies. They have turned me into a perpetual domestic violence rape and torture victim due to their racism, hate and obscene desire to kill and maim and torture anything that represents a threat to their racist claims of supremacy. I so ask people to get me into a safe location after more than SEVEN OR EIGHT YEARS OF WRITING POST AFTER POST DAY AFTER DAY WAITING FOR SOME AGENCY TO STOP THIS GOVERNMENT AND PRESIDENT AND THESE WHOREWOOD ACTORS WHO ARE SO FAMOUS FROM INFLICTING PERMANENT DEADLY DAMAGE TO MY BODY AND LIFE.
They have stolen my cat La Moux, which is my family and they make jokes about it and threaten to kill her all the time. I have sat while rotten women from the lead positions in society have watched this going on, attacking me alongside their rapist fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. They all claim they are fighting for women's rights--as long as it's for bigot women and their minority minions but no one outside of their mental constraints that they conform to. This sounds offensive to many but this is an unfortunate reality of the situation that no one will address and especially not in the media, of how women adapt to chauvinistic rape culture which appears "liberal" and "anti-racist" but is most ostensibly racist and rapist and violent, murderous and genocidal. I sit here writing about this to H-wood and to the world, since I have been accosted, raped and dismembered tortured my home made unlivable stinking and foul and toxic for years and years without end as I fight to heal and all financial support or help is denied me, all possibility of earning on the internet at least, while I am in a foreign country, is completely blocked and thus I remain like the most abused domestic violence partner who is imprisoned in poverty with wealthy abuser rapist hate racist men abusing me as substitutes for their hate-ful rotten wives who laugh and are absolutely thrilled about all of this going on and on as their nasty disgusting husbands and fathers torture and attack me instead of them.

I therefore have zero support amongst any group or affiliation with any group as i have been paralyzed and left stuck in a paralyzed homebound condition for over a decade, and much longer but the paralysis is very bad by now and I remain fighting to heal. In addition to hard poisons latched all over my spine and into my skull and down into my legs and feet, they are cutting into my toes nightly now to the bone in many places in all the toes and I can barely walk now not just from the paralysis of hard poisons that this goddamn group forced into my food all my life but now due to ugly nasty men I detest who are trying to force a BABY out of me and cutting into my body as they have only torrtured, poisoned my body until it was corroded with disgusting poisons, abused raped and attacked me and punched, slapped, raped and threatened and had me h it by cars have stolen my animals have blocked my finances and I sit here asking for the 8th year or longer for PEOPLE TO INTERVENE IMMEDIATELY I don't know how many more days and months and years I can just sit here begging this goddamn government and country and Whorewood to stop these creeps stop this abuse and torrture of me as i AM NOT CRIMINAL and with all your supposed freedom and democracy can't anybody ever stop this violence against me must I wait for TWO MORE MONTHS OF MY BODY BEING SEVERED AND DISMEMBERED ADN TORTURED ADN ATTACKED NON-STOP TO SEE IF THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION IS GOING TO STOPT THESE CRIMINAL RAPIST HATE MEN AND THEIR NASTY WOMEN AROUND THEM? yEARS OF ASKING PEOPLE TO INTERVENE IT IS UNBELIEVABLE THAT NO ONE WILL OR HAS BY NOW EXCEPT TO GAIN FROM PROFITEERING OFF ATTACKING ME BY PRETENDING THEY ARE COMING TO "HELP", THEN ATTACKING ME AS WELL. tHAT IS ALL i HAVE SEEN SO FAR OF THE PARTIES RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING INNOCENT CIVILIANS OF THE UNITED STATES WHO MAKE HUGE GESTURES OF PROTECTION FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR A DECENT LIFE. MY "CRIME" WAS IN COMPETING AND WINNING IN COMPETITIONS AGAINST BIGOT NAZIS AND FOR THAT THIS IS OVER A DECADE OF HATE AND TORTURE, RAPE AND VIOLENCE ABUSE BEING HIT BY CARS AND NEARLY KILLED WITHIN A FRACTION OF A SECOND i ONLY SAVED MY LIFE. oN AND ON I WRITE THESE POSTS DAY AFTER DAY NO ONE STOPS THIS DISMEMBERMENT OR TORTURE FROM THESE HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE DISGUSTING AND UGLY TO ME. THEY ASSUME BECAUSE THEY ARE WEALTHY ADN FAMOUS THAT THEIR RAPE AND ABUSE MAKES ALL OF THIS OKAY AND THAT I SHOULD SOMEHOW FEEL GRACIOUS TOWARDS THEM FOR THEIR ABUSE OF ME. i WISH THEM DESTURCTION AND ASK PEOPLE TO GET THEM OFF ME FOREVER AND DO IT IMMEDIATELY WHAT IS THE PROBLEM THAT NO ONE CAN EVER GET THEM OFF ME FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS?

Friday, November 13, 2020

Observations on how brain-altering tech influences speech, thought and behavior from my personal experiences of being attacked. An "apology" regarding my hate posts which degenerate into ranting expletive-filled biases.

 I do not refer to subconscious material that surfaces due to technology "opening" portals of emotional hyperbole. No. I mean words inserted subliminally and repeated through whatever --I hesitate to use the term, but INGENIOUS- technology that pervades my brain, causing absolute shift in vocal chord language skills, motor skills, while inserting speech patterns that are reflective of the person uttering the sentences into my cochlear or into some speech center of my brain. (Or it is computer-driven technology, using algorithms that are highly advanced, at speeds that are fractions of light speed into my brain). The quantum computer technology age has appeared silently, without fanfare to much extent. Without proof or evidence, only having to rely on articles and videos on my computer, which is highly hacked for content and much of what I might require to defend myself is blocked. However, this technology is so quick that it would appear faster than the speed-of-thought. 


I noticed more apparently than usual how the technology affects and influences my behavior and speech, but only AFTER an attack had been thrust upon me at a grocery store. I have begun to buy my purchases at the bakery counter, which the first time was friendly, open and extremely efficient and professional and friendly. The next time I went to this counter, however, there was a group of people surrounding me on all sides. After I had paid for the items, as I was putting change in my purse, the terrorists surrounding me stole my items and a few of my items had been exchanged for cheaper and lower quality products but with similar packaging color, and in a daze of pain, I did not notice until I got home. This was largely due to pain, as my healing process is at the lowest stage of elimination to this core of hard poisons latched into entanglements covering my spine, hips, muscles and into my skull and even into my brain--extending into my feet---in a serpentine pattern--I was exhausted I had gone through the entire day of driving miles and miles to get from one location to the next--on this small island where shopping I use (because I always have to buy at less expensive stores, where items are priced higher at the more commercial areas that are closer to me) is many miles apart from the places I need to go. My very bright mood at the onset of the morning had been shifted by a most aggressive and nasty, very hateful Thai man who began yelling at me in a tiny Thai store, as he blocked my path, all the items I had been carrying and asking him to help me with knocked something on the floor, he began yelling at me as I was stunned into silence, not "comprehending" that he was yelling at me and aggressive and hateful, in this attempt to have "power and domination" over me by yelling commands. He is of course wired into the communications system with either earbuds or voice-to-skull technology commanding him how to act and what to say. 

 I wear headphones continuously and have loud blasting music on at all times, just to shut out the ugly noises and triggering coughing and remarks and stupid sounds that the terrorist "stalkers" make as I pass by, plus the music in these stores is awful and I actually have a great time listening to my music and not hearing these idiots surrounding me. But back to the point, as I am now fighting hacking and digressing as usual. It was only after I left the little shop where this man, who has attacked me before in the past, but this store is in my vicinity and due to the length of driving for miles to get things done, I went there for the first time in over 8 months just to try to get something that should have been at another store and wasn't. I only could understand that this had been an attack only AFTER leaving and seemingly "allowing" with friendly smiles and saying "thank you" immediately, the mind control tech literally forces this to immediately come and blurt out of my mouth while I had no intention of saying anything but leaving after paying for this one small item. I could barely "understand" what was happening while it was happening, but I was very intent and thinking of all the errands, places I had to go, things I had to do, and not concentrating on this nasty person who appeared to be shouting but I thought he was simply trying to tell me things over my earphones--this also was inserted into my subconscious, this thought. Trust me when I say this, as this has happened ot me routinely and it's always the same artificial "thought" process that flits through my technology-controlled brain processes. The point was for me to appear docile, accepting and saying "thank you" after being essentially harassed because this man ignored me when I asked for help, something was knocked over as I tried to put this huge bunch of items on the payout counter, he hissed in hate at me and began yelling at me, then knocking items at me "accidentally" onto the floor at my feet while I was paying. Because he is such an odious person I just kept listening to my music and concentrating on what I needed to do, as my energy was already waning due to the pain of these hard chemicals latched into my body. While the attacks happen, I cannot "understand" what is going on and I am "forced" to smile and "submit" to saying thank you. They try to get me to tell them they are very nice at the end, which is what happened at the shopping mall where I bought groceries, at the point of pain in my body where my threshold for "mind control" penetration was at a very low point.


Back to the check-out counter at the bakery: surrounded by a throng of Thai or Indian people yelling and surrounding me. This "family" grouping of terrorists, screaming children running in haphazard circles around me yelling in hateful aggressive tones while the parents kept flitting around me, pushing into me, putting items into my face as if to thrust them at the cashier while I was standing right there putting my groceries on the counter. After I paid, this "family" of terrorists replaced/stole my cans with white paper advertising and replacing them with cheaper brands of the same color, I was so focused on putting change and the receipt into my purse, with my back turned to them, that I did not notice. I did a few more things afterwards, such as go back into the store where, at a junction, a Thai male suddenly thrust his cart into my path as I rounded an angular corner of the bakery section and the main, larger isle. There was a terrorist/stalker agent with a cart right in the way, standing at a little table of products piles up "on sale" just at this junction point of the intersection. (right now I am pounding down on the keys, fighting to type as the hackers are blocking key functions--I can only imagine how badly they are attacking my brain to deviate from the point, please bear with me a bit longer as this is extremely arduous to type and think, as per usual). As I had to hesitate while this thai man bolted from around the corner, his metal cart blocking my path and the only way I could proceed was to halt and stop, but slightly for a moment, He bowed at me smiling, as I pushed the cart ahead the woman who had been standing there, wearing a store uniform (but was a terrorist/stalking agent) shoved her cart ever-so-slightly into my path, thus forcing a collision. She smiled and bowed. What the technology does is when someone smiles at me, I smile immediately back like a mirroring process. 


Right now I don't feel like going into the rest of the story as it is exhausting to fight the hacking and exertion of pounding down on keys any longer.

I just woke up this morning, right now;, my thoughts upon waking, after being attacked in teleportation hate skits all night, waking up to realizing that the mind control terrorists "forced" me to remove the packaging tape I put on my face to cover my jaw and mouth, so the terrorists can't access cutting into my gums and teeth any longer--they "forced" me to remove it in the dark hours of the morning, but inserting the concept into my brain that I was "awake", as I have programmed myself to do, that I am awake and thus "safe" and can take off the tape. I took it off, and began to try to get up and became frozen, passed out into unconsciousness and thus they accessed cutting into my teeth and gums (to the roots of my teeth, slivering off gum tissue in increments nightly until there is nothing left). That is another way that the "mind control" has been used to dismember me and I fight against it but they can literally force me to slip into unconsciousness at a second's notice. I have no time to shield myself against falling and they really enjoy making me pass out while I am walking down stairs. 


The rest of the "story" is really just about how the 2nd time I purchased items at the bakery counter, which had been friendly, smooth and without any problems the first time I used this counter, a few days earlier where there was absolutely no problem and it went off without a glitch. Due to 360-degree/24/7 surveillance of my thoughts, actions, movements and all that I do, this terrorist groups was prepared to make what had been a very lovely purchasing diversion from the heavy traffic area of stalkers surrounding me and doing nasty things while I stand at the more congested areas. The first time No one surrounded me. It was the first time I had used this counter in the newer mall area of this Central Festival huge spread-out complex which spans three huge central blocks of Phuket Town. It is the most elegant place for shopping and the selection and quality is usually excellent. It has the same prices as less decorated Thai stores. Really, this area is more reserved for the tourist sector and their Thai devotees. (A nice euphemism for what they are in reality). The second time it was fraught with hate, negativity, items were stolen from my cart after I paid, and after I left the store, the terrorist agent posing as a manager followed me and asked me to hand her my receipt, which I did without the concept that they had already stolen an expensive item out of my cart, and had taken this receipt away just to remove all evidence of the purchase. I was so exhausted, in pain, drugged up, technologically induced into a hazy smiling happy artificially blank state, in a miasma of pain and exhaustion but always, always  very happy to have groceries from this store as it's really a wonderful place and regardless of the creeps surrounding me, they can't daunt my joy at being able to buy good food in lower-standard for meat and quality-control Thailand. That sounds racist, but it's a fact. They leave meat in huge piles at Tesco and it's a germ-laden pile of meat but cheaper. However, going astray as usual. I wrote more on this attack by the terrorist managers, as I am now into the 2nd re-editing phase of this post. The terrorist hackers had blocked either the sentences or my brain from being able to cohesively write my thoughts, and concepts had been either deleted from the paragraphs or my brain was blocked from a smooth flow of information. Both scenarios are possible and probable, consecutively. 

All I can do in the future is not drive myself into exhaustion to go shopping all day because I am stuck in a room in pain all day, day after day being re-drugged and poisoned thus causing endless inertia and paralysis. All I do is fight and fight and clean and detox, that is all I do literally with my life. As for the ideas stolen, while others who have not done anything but conform to this mafia /Nazi cartel and their expectations of social engineering, who have teleported me to steal ideas--written yesterday about the adult entertainment themes where women rise to the top or attain power over sexist and domineering men--that was STOLEN from me by this crew of actors, which includes this black Nazi Latina actor who has obtained millions from this exercise in rape technology but being promoted as some kind of feminist heroine for her role in this really sexist movie. I was going to write about this on a more in-depth level, but first the terrorists from that partition of the terror operation are still first torturing me for writing any critique of their media fodder, and then stealing the concepts afterwards, and then ordering more torture and dismemberment, destruction of my hair, body skin and home while they are paid for more plastic surgeries, beauty treatments, luxury homes and technology, and promotions into higher spheres. All I can say at this point is that from the onset I could see that the very patriarchal system was immediately portrayed in her film, and also the P-Valley series which was much more thoroughly researched and held fascination for me, but was still a male-dominated theme (but realistic and very well done, researched) but still conforming to the sexist and male-dominated adult entertainment industry paradigm. My concepts which they tortured out of me were a breakthrough concept that I did not devise but elaborated upon in all these torture, teleportation information extracting nightly torture sessions by the rapist white bigot males who pose as alternative (they LOve BLACK MALES and love being around the "good" and obedient black nazis who surround them for promotions and for jobs in Whorewood) oh I am digressing and going off into expletives at this point. However, they turned the concepts I was tortured into elaborating upon, this pit gang of actors/performers/rapists who have tried to kill me for fighting back against their rape and torture and theft of ideas using trauma-based technology. They turned the ideas they tortured out of me into TWO media explosions which have gained the fascination of people around the planet, while I remain fighting for my life afterwards, after a DECADE of people making millions off ideas they have tortured and then stolen out of me, blocking my ability to function physically and intellectually with all these drugs, but mostly with the compliance of most of you hacking and reading into this. Please note there is a donation button on this blog site and I very much need more than $700 a month (less than that due to banking fees) that this group of billionaires has forced me to fight to heal from their poisoning and from endless violence, which keeps mounting into permanent injuries that they are ordering upon me by their terrorist agents surrounding me right now (hacking and blocking my typing and cognitive functions using their array of weapons aimed at me perpetually). What these two media outputs have done is turn the concept of female empowerment into criminal activities, where these women are forced to commit crime in order to "get over" on the violent and abusive men who control the bodies and sexuality of women. My experiences and my creative thoughts on this, which they sucked and drained out of me for at least one year, and this year the two productions have come out to thundering applause and no money for me whatsoever and only more theft of my property and life and energy and slow death from their poisoning and torture) but...it was that women were legitimately and legally empowered and not under the legal oppression of male owners of these franchises and businesses that cater to male clientele, predominantly, while women are controlled by men who demand them to play roles that conform to the silencing and oppression of women. However, the racist card is always at play and that is something I was not really tortured into revealing as these rapist #Me Too! Feminists with their violent rapist men were trying to focus on the more sellable aspects which they then passed off to their nazi wanna be white latina actor who has been in the background of these operations against me for decades, at this point I know this to be very true. No proof, I have none and the email with her name put on a "invitation-only" VIP list which had her name is long gone, as I have changed email addresses many times, trying in vain to get the hackers off my email.

This has been a huge digression, and it's part of the overall mind control scheme as these people also want more elaboration upon this theme for them to steal from me. I leave the rest blow as my bicepts are literally in pain from pounding down endlessly on this keyboard.  I leave the rest as is, with blanks and spaces where ideas should have been inserted, were either blocked from my brain or deleted after I published.\

 I could write much more about this theme of the adult entertainment high-grossing industry movie intellectual property theft by these criminal performers in H-wood, but I actually want to be paid for my concepts and ideas instead of tortured, stolen from, and then silenced and then more torture slowly to death afterwards going on and on and on with your silence and complicity in all this. Dear sheeple readers who think this is all fun and wonderful for incompetent idiots to be put into power because you really can't fathom women who are empowered by their real strength outside of criminal assertions to power, or "minorities" who don't play submissive nazi minion and in the endless recurring propagandized formulas you all expect from these movies, which you have based your narratives on, and rely upon for the Nazi mafia cartels which have wrested power and retain control over all facets of life. Any outlier is killed off or silenced and stolen from. You all agree to it. Movies keep getting dumber and more violent and you all just watch these buying into the mostly computer-generated graphics and sit numb and dazed at the same themes repeated by the same actors put out by the same production companies year after year . Winning award after award for it, year after year. The "alternative" media content is just a tiny stream of barely visible alternative content outside of the mainstream of propaganda brainwashing media fodder you all feed on and love and buy into. 

However, the theme below is on the more minutia aspects of how behavior modification can be ensured with happy complicity to oppression, which is also a part of the overall and arching theme of the big players in the media/corporation mega complex which strives to turn hate-filled rapist exploiters into icons of feminism, charity and anti-racism so they can be promoted into leading positions, controlled as they are by extremely GENOCIDAL RACIST MAFIA NAZI COMMUNIST factions (meaning Totalitarian regimes using their entertainment agents, infiltrating all industries, which have bought out the USA Product and image of anti-authoritarian freedom and equality. All is turned around into it's opposite, nearly a polemic of reversal using subliminal content and mental manipulation, plus symbolic manipulation using "minorities" to represent this "fight" against oppression. Eager and willing minority minions serving Nazi and fascist purposes. The extreme subtlety of mental penetration and behavior modification is very slightly addressed below in what is a rambling, mind control-controlled post (with blank spaces where coherent ideas should have been). All of these tiny incremental mental and behavioral programming which is continuously aimed at individuals and in larger masses of people (the technology and the huge areas of control geographically are astounding in impact and breadth of range). It makes for segments to be controlled. I wrote a few days ago about HAARP technology, that is one example that is bandied about in "conspiracy theory" circles (not so conspiracy as many books have been written about the potential for altering brainwave activities by these technologies).

Thus, a daily dose of behavior modification, as I detailed below, leaves for a larger acceptance of allowing people to oppress, dominate and remain having a "nice day" and smiling and saying "thank you' afterwards and going off giggling and laughing because your BRAIN IS PUT INTO THIS MODE AND IT'S NOT YOUR REAL THOUGHTS and IT IS LETHAL IT IS DANGEROUS IT CAN HAVE YOU KILLED VERY EASILY or STOLEN FROM. 


The new gang of terrorist agents began yelling at the cashiers who had taken my items, but with hesitation and I had to urge them to do it.  The other store of this franchise in the other building across the street always allows the bakery to check out items if the customer is buying something from the bakery section, as I was. Yelling in Thai, a terrorist pretending to be a "manager" began berating the two Thai agents behind the cash register, standing in tandem in this attack situation. My brain was put into a foggy haze of happiness as I laughed, my voice came out completely altered from what it really is. They make my voice lower into some tired-sounding lower tone that is definitely not MY voice or vocal range. I began smiling and laughing and complimenting them on how wonderful they are, saying that I use this bakery in the other Central store to pay for other groceries. At this point, the agents behind the counter were (faking) along with the yelling, slamming my groceries on the counter and yelling exchanges began between one actor fake manager and the actor terrorist fake employee, all wearing the same fake store uniforms which were of a slightly different hue from the real employees. I then thanked them as I complimented them in this altered vocal range, as behind my back the "manager" stole an expensive item (for me) of oil, not cheap oil but expensive which I really cannot afford. I use it for healing because of the harsh chemicals that are smeared into my skin nightly while I am unconscious while my teeth, feet are being severed off slowly night-after-night by these incisor mechanical arms which also hold tiny spray functions to spray stinking fungus and filth all over my clothing, hair, body and furniture and they also drug my food in the refrigerator nightly. I am never without extreme drugging in my body, never, not even once in decades or perhaps almost all my life.

While I tried to package all the items in various bags because I have to fit it all on a small motorbike, the two terrorist agents approached me outside of the store, smiling as I smiled back, my voice sounding aged, tired and ugly--the tech altering my voice completely as I noted above--and this happens when I speak to people, and these terrorists also make my throat sphincter muscles completely contract while I am speaking as I choke on words, they make this microchip implant in my throat constrict completely which creates a horrid noise while I try to breathe or move--I can feel that happening definitely.

Thus, they came smiling like crocodiles, asking me to give me the receipt for the transaction. Under pain and exhaustion as I had been carrying, lifting, driving, skirting around cars driving into me, fighting hostile and nasty cashier terrorist agents, (normally I can't function for most of the day while I am in this tiny torture chamber studio, and for one day out of a 7-9 day stretch of being nearly incapable of body movement, I spend the entire day fighting to move all the blocks to the front door, cleaning up the stinking clothing and my backpacks and purses which are sprayed while I sleep so I can't go out without emanating stinking odors which waft for a few feet around me, unless I spray bleach on all items, then anti-fungal cleaning fluid, then perfumed oil covering all fabrics, and then the items STILL stink but not wafting out for a few feet from me as I walk around. I then drive skirting cars and trucks nearly hitting me continuously, go into stores with people blocking my path in tiny little Thai shops as I carry four bags with me, heavy with items I can't afford to repurchase and etc. then attacked at every cashier as my brain is under attack so I can't  understand the insults, hate and hostility endlessly aimed at me, sometimes with huge greasy glowing smiles as I smile back, because of this insidious reflective mirroring technology where I literally without an instant of reconsideration began to smile while people smile into my face. My lips and cheeks go up immediately without having the emotion of happiness or of any pretense at such. It is a physiological movement that is controlled by this tech, along with the drug/tech interface my brain has no barriers to this technological assault upon my voice, brain and movements and behavior and response to attack. Thus artificially simulating acceptance of abuse and of a demeaning tenure aimed at me perpetually in all social functions and in all interpersonal interactions (at cashiers of all places since I am so ill and have been and am so continuously repoisoned that all I ever do is lay in bed or sit in one place all day in pain and drugged up to near comatose levels as the hardening poisons are still inserted into my body and I just sit here without zero social life whatsoever, for over a decade and ideas that I had wanted to write are continuously stolen and stolen as these terrorist actors torture me while teleporting me, clipboards of paper in hand to take notes, while I see the ideas I was tortured into revealing to these empty meaningless fascist nazi mafia parasites are making them all millions and millions of dollars.

The adult entertainment theme I wrote of yesterday is another example of this, but that is a different post and I don't know how much more of pounding down, backspacing, retyping and fighting to think I can do. 

This post was an "apology" of "bad behavior" with my posts with expletives, insults and calling these ho-s whores. Well, I can't think of any other term while my brain is put into a ranting hate mode for rapists who torture someone to extract ideas and get off on abuse and violence and then are promoted for it into highest socio-political positions afterwards while I am discredited and silenced and ignored but remaining as a topic of focus for the perpetrators as my every thought and action is monitored--meaning I am being ignored by law enforcement and any sanctuary of protection on this planet. Still.

To finish with a terrorist report: my toes are being cut off by nighttime terrorists using mechanical arms to cut my skin to the bone every night in the same area.

 I am wrapping my feet in layers of packaging tape, covering the severed areas. I put socks over the taped feet, and now I am tying small pieces of string to try to stop the mechanical arms. It's not really working. My toes are being severed off. They are not only cutting in one area but to the bone all my toes on my left foot. 

The terrorist doctors decades ago cut into my left hip to remove bone due to the scoliosis surgery. The poisons have hardened into this surgically incised area, and a huge hard tube of poison is latched from my left hip into my skull, extending throughout my spine, hips and into skull. This huge interlaced area, which persists after TEN YEARS of detoxing liquid poisons that have been calcified into my body, as the poisons form layers of hard shell areas--plus the recurrent poisoning which has also persisted so the detox process to save my body has taken probably more than 10 times longer than it should have. Plus not having money for any medical treatments such as ultrasound. The billionaires have blocked all access to earning capability for me because they are trying to force a baby out of me, after they ordered part of my fallopian tube to be cut out when I asked for justice and for these parasites to be stopped from stealing my ideas which I have written for years on facebook, drugged into a comatose stupor and left to die a slow horrible death. I remain without enough money to live on, but now they are cutting my toes off slowly, in addition to severing fingernails, and the list is too long. These are the serious injuries that are being ordered by the same crew which has been promoted into top positions of the country, has won awards for years out of attacking me using this "experimental" teleportation technology, while grilling/interrogating after drugging and rape and torture to extract ideas about fighting against evil and corruption, as they play either hero rescuing an underdog or they are the under dog in these endless K-rap movies they crank out year after year. 

I am in great pain as they are literally cutting my toes to the bone every night, all the toes are being cut now. I NEED A SAFE HOME DO-NOTHING PEOPLE READING THIS who support this torture and rape and murder contract so fully. Meaning of course you will continue to do absolutely nothing to stop this. A new political adminstration has come into power, being thwarted of course by someone who has absolutely ordered this current torture of me because he's facing lawsuits and while he's forced me to try to heal from murder attempts from poisoning, forcing me to have to live off less than $700 per month and unable to afford health care, the billions that he has has been squandered in his luxury pursuits and power grabs and orgy fun and games and entertainment along with his most unscrupulous family members and so they are cutting my toes off because I am fighting TO GET THEM OFF ME FINALLY after years of fighting to get one rotten parasitic rapist off me after the next, all the buddies operating these technologies gratuitously from president, administration and government to the next. 

Again, I implore you readers w ho may not be absolutely fanatical bigot fascist Nazis to please FINALLY DO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST ME. i have just backspaced and tried to write the same word four times in a row as hacking and the brain-altering smothering of my cognitive functions and coherency and concentration makes writing any longer impossible

I am now nauseous and sick from this remote tech attack (or implant attack) making my physically ill, not just dizzy but sick from this attack.

I need a safe home I need this hell to be stopped. They are torturing me to death and I am waiting for yhears for all the people who stole ideas from me to pay me something substantial that I know they can afford, all the dozens of these millionaires can now so easily buy me a home and go  away and let me live in peace, return my cat and get off me. There has to be other microchipped teleportation torture victims by now leave me the f*(** alone finally goddamn they are cutting off my toes, basically cutting my fingernails off to the root and permanently destroying my fingers, and more and more because they are trying to torture me into being forced to have a baby with one of them so they can all obtain this huge contract of some huge studio and empire out of forcing this out of me. I neither want to aid any of them into having more power nor have a baby or anything to do with any of them whatsoever.

Please someone intervene and get this new government to intervene and stop this debacle tyrannical torture technology that hasn't stopped being aimed at me for a few decades or longer. The stalking and hate attacks in public places involves absolute brain-altering smothering so I can't count, can't think clearly, am smiling while people are ripping my clothing while my back is turned, stealing items from my cart while my back is turned or I am paying at a checkout counter. People are aggressively pushing into me as I walk down aisles they nearly hit me and etc etc etc. I have not had a single human being walk with me to offer any support or help ever, not once. WHY CAN'T I GET ANY SUPPORT OR ASSITANCE IN THIS ENDLESS MURDER TORTURE SITUATION? Even some of the most acerbic people actually have some kind of relief or sanctuary or place where they can commiserate with others in the same situation, seeking aid or assistance. I am talking about zero support no groups are viable no gang stalking groups legitimately support me and I am attacked and many targets are also attacked by these very vocal and open officious gang stalking organization. They are fronts, hoaxes and traps set for both victims and for dissemination of lies about how serious and pervasive this system is. Spanning right up to the executive levels of charities, businesses, retail, commerce, law enforcement, etc et al. 

Even when you reading this can see the devastating effects of how power is being mishandled with people who are offered this technology, you continue to allow the situation and the tech to be passed around without any interference or exposure of this death and genocidal system.

Carrying on from my last post, which turned into a huge long rambling ranting post--my brain is completely out-of-whack from the technology and hacking. Sophia Stewart, black woman, I assume but do not know whether she is or not wealthy, not as far as I know embedded into the fascist Nazi mafia cartels controlling W-wood and the next step: the politico machinery: won a lawsuit for plagiarism in The Matrix trilogy and others. One of the main actors in these movies teleported me alongside the rapists, Nazis, mafia and "A-list celebrity" parasites and then raped me, threatened to kill me afterwards when I tried to stop him and get it off me, and was featured as usual, per this contract, visibly at The Academy Awards, his movies were featured in this lean time of the pandemic, four movies this past year---the same hate situation continues and it's so interconnected. Another "Jewish" actor involved with the "revolutionary" "hipster cool" white boys who stole these concepts for the mostly silence black author, the lead actor has also attacked me participated in this, probably as an advisor, and in same psychopathic glee laughs about torturing me after being handed awards, free production companies top avenues of power for participating in the theft of ideas technology. A new Matrix movie is coming out soon, probably as a reward for participation by the actor and perhaps the stealing white boyz making this new movie (which of course I won't watch). The entire concepts of these films, with ideas stolen by black women and "brown" women and all the other "disenfranchized" roles that the victims are supposed to play and never escape from or get out of, unless they play the submissive minority minion roles that are being touted as the alternative anti-racist propaganda puppets in Whorewood. When this technology becomes more pronounced, how many people will be left with zero chance to even write a full script that could be shown in court in a case of intellectual property theft?

 "Sophia Stewart Talks About Being The Creator Of The Matrix & Terminator | Vegas Live with Ninon." (YouTube)

*After more than an hour of backspacing, rewriting, changing font size continuously, pounding down with full arm and hand strength to get anything to type out on the page--not able to focus or concentrate, only rambling cursing is coming out now as my head feels sick, I am sick from this tech affecting me the physical sensation is of utter dehabilitation. The silencing, discrediting and block to my any attempt to actually conceive, write or publish is endlessly thwarted. This is the future of this "great technological" advance in technology that these commercialized presentations so cheerfully advertise to the eager and undaunted public who also support and silence the adversaries of these DEVESTATING TECHNOLOGICAL INJUSTICES aimed into the brains of targets, combined with all silence and silencing by legal authorities and the fans are cheering their religious replacement icons endlessly year after year and electing them into highest office! Look at what great advances in human endeavor you are all bringing about with your complacent silence and endless applause for these plastic-coated parasitic criminals you all put into highest position while the real sensitive artists are kept endlessly fighting and now can be utterly silenced while these parasites extract ideas and information with NO EVIDENCE and the real artists can't even begin to write or publish or conceive or real tangible products to copyright or sell or even to display in any form, as has been happening to me BY THE SAME PEOPLE FOR OVER A DECADE AS YOU ALL CHEER THEM ON AND ON IN AWARD AFTER AWARD.


i AM NOW going up on fighting to think and write this is impossible at this point.

The all-too-familiar theft of intellectual property, in the news from someone else for a change. Samantha Barbash has lost her court case against another Whorewood celebrity making off with her life story and being awarded and plastic-coated for the multi-million dollar whoreextravaganza awards season for a really mediocre movie about strippers. As usual, the real victim is shamed and crushed by legal sources of those mafia Nazi power cartels controlling the courts; I would believe that the underlying supposition about Ms. Barbash is that she's "just a stripper/slut" and a nobody slut so no one really cares (except she at least got an interview with a one-sentence quote after the law suit was lost, as it was probably a pre-determined situation from the onset of the suit). Likewise, I am defamed because, unbeknownst to me all my life and unceremoniously forced upon me, I am an MK ULTRA raped torture victim and I get SILENCED FOR A DECADE WHILE being tortured so sleazy and sick stupid celebrities and creepy mafia goons can obtain any kind of original content to reinsert into very old formulas and propaganda Nazi movie mafia fodder for public consumption and mind programming. True to how loveless, unoriginal and bereft of any soul, creative inspiration outside of death and murder and victimization movies, H-wood whores have been promoted to utilize this theft technology and teleportation rape and hate protocol so these disgusting perverted meaningless creeps can steal idea after idea from me, then torturing me afterwards and before and never-ending hate aimed at me. All awards seasons appears to honor this same protocol, and leading to a more "diverse" fascist Nazi mafia media complexity of brainwashing appearing more "multi-cultural" at that. It is so unentertaining if you watch the movies critically and if you understand their modus operandi and how and what powers control and sponsor this hate into-your-brain celluloid conglomerate media/politico machinery.

 At least Samantha Barbash was offered, initially, $6000 for information regarding her life story by the unscrupulous Latino Nazi (whose name was on a list of party guests in Miami where I was invited, many years ago, it was a very small and exclusive group, and I declined because I was so ill and drugged up although I wanted to go I didn't--thus I believe she has been involved in this contract out on me, and is using examples also from my life for this film, and also is abusing and using someone else to gain information about her life story and screwing her over and then being awarded as an "icon" of society and civilization after having made a really badly done movie about pole dancers).

Unlike Ms. Barbash, who was offered money, albeit what appears to be a flick of some crumbs from the table of millions of dollars of exploitation derived from her story, and perhaps also partially from mine;  I have been tortured after the meaningless and uncreative haters from Whorewood have stolen idea after idea from me. Every concept and production cost is sponsored by this insidious group which is sponsoring all these Nazi and hate cartels across the spectrum of the political and media mass programming machinery.

The point now is akin to what the Progressive Party is descrying: it's not black or white any longer, but those in power against those who aspire to have their own syndicated media operations, or privately owned and controlled operations. All independent voices much cheer on the fascist and Nazi platforms with the same identifiable faces and personalities, playing the same underdog roles year after year, being awarded non-stop for decades. 

Like softly injected religious programming, these "icons" are almost substituted for fading faces of iconographic religious entities that people had looked to for psychological comfort and spiritual wisdom and instruction. Although people still remain glued to these formerly vibrant channels of public indoctrination into passive acceptance of power and authority, now these whorewood celebrities are taking the place even if the viewers remain going to their religious alters in the familiar settings of worship. The TV is the shrine, and now the charity has turned into disdain for the poor and the weak who do not have the legal teams to combat intellectual property theft.


*Please note that I am as usual being bombarded with technology blanketing my brain and hacking preventing accurate typing or ability to get words out. My hands become "frozen" in midair as my motor skills are blocked. I begin to curse and rant, as my more analytical skills are completely blocked*. This post is more excessive in insults and hate than I had intended. My ability to focus, while fighting to type as hackers block keys, my hands can't move to keys my hands become frozen--my words turn into insults and hate instead of explicating ideas.


I wrote this on Facebook just now. Every single time I get on the news, on the internet, because of YEARS of torture aimed at me by a huge list of celebrities, hundreds of thousands of "street" terrorists, ZERO PEOPLE ACTIVELY DEFENDING ME ZERO NOT ONE SINGLE HUMAM BEING COMING TO SUPPORT OR STAND BY ME ---

Thus every time I get on the internet I am "triggered" by these repetitious situations, the same personalities who have attacked me being awarded year-after-year, and now I see that a similar instance has occurred with someone else. The discrediting of a female who is not of "Nazi appearance" or fully indoctrinated into Nazi submissive stature like Lopez obviously is---obviously clearly---and thus, I write as this entire burgeoning hate and oppression situation is not limited to me and very rarely does this come into full focus, mostly as the intellectual theft is very hard to prove. With this insidious technology I write of, silenced and yet so many are reading my posts (and never donating or helping me in any way or even acknowledging me or helping out, it seems, in any way so you all can be so safe and silent while untold destruction is occurring to your country and your planet for your silence and complicity in these technologies and the endless promotions of these hateful celebrities who grasp for more and more power--in the realms of politics and in all industries and in corporate control---)

It is very, very hard for me to think now and I am now pounding down on keys almost with full arm and bicep strength just to get anything to print out. My brain is completely blocked. I thus have been left bereft for a few decades of drugging and this brain-altering tech to actually ever produce any work of writing or accomplish anything--believe, this is not excuse this is no rationalization. The parasites who have stolen ideas are funded with all faculties, production costs, and especially much padding and support to prop up their lack of real ability or talent. Scripts are provided for them for this identity theft protocol. They then are labeled "icons" and leaders who then aspire to political office. Think about the ramifications of continuing to allow this to proliferate, oh greedy selfish do-nothing sheeple out there reading this.


The "brown" sex worker is "defamed" by the dyed-blonde "Latino" Nazi out of Whorewood. I am being very low-brow in my writing style. The brain-altering tech is to blame. I am also fighting to pound words out due to hacking. I can feel my head light and dizzy. My hands wont' write. I don't mean to write so much about "whores" but a DECADE of NO ONE EVER DEFENDING ME AND i AM WRITING IN THIS STYLE. 

I see this woman, who has black hair and "brown" skin and I realize how racist this theft of her ideas has been. I have experienced this for over a decade but NEVER interviewed, never acknowledged by anyone, although so many read my blog and posts, never paid but only tortured, disfigured, mutilated, tortured without end, attacked viciously every time I venture in public by countless groups of people hitting me with cars, blocking all paths, as my brain is blocked I can't think or even count numbers I get items stolen from my shopping carts after I pay--etc I smile and laugh while it happens. I don't even get an interview as Samantha Barbash has---who is glum but compared to me she's getting almost VIP treatment for her cause. With the thought-reading technology being used upon me for meaningless rapist parasites to steal ideas from, then torture me for thinking angry thoughts about torture, dismemberment, abuse, rape, my home made toxic every single day as I breathe in deadly vapors and must seal off my room to breathe it all in all night every night--etc etc no evidence is possible, and no one ever intervenes to defend me. Welcome to the future of an elitist death culture society brought to you by your plastic-coated gyrating dumbed down celebrity whores who become leaders in all realms. An intended power structure by very insidious power brokers who want leagues of mindless idiots following formulaic protocols where they can kill off, create disasters and then wrest control and destroy all concepts of equality and justice, while promoting it in order to be awarded and installed as leaders.

Think about your complicity and silence regarding these issues, oh supportive greedy aspirants into power structures that you really do not deserve to be in.  As for the hacking, it has worsened so that I had to change the font size once again, after changing it every paragraph as hackers change it to small sizes almost continuously. I had to highlight the above paragraphs, and had to backspace and highlight over SIX TIMES IN A ROW to get all of it highlighted as hackers would block the function each time. My head feels woozy, dizzy, I am writing in cursing hate terms instead of explicating my ideas in any intellectual fashion. I am pounding down on keys. In this way I have been blocked from writing anything significant, only relegated to beginning to write concepts, which are immediately hacked, stolen from me, used and inserted into easy and convenient formulas by hateful and violent Nazi actors (black, white, Jew, Asian, etc) and then the reformatted concepts that were stolen from me inserted back into my internet searches, displayed front and top center when they come out, half a year or two years later, depending on length of adaptation and studio production time and money. Then tortured while drugged up so I "must" react, then tortured for responding in anger, and then re-attacked after being maimed, disfigured nightly and then more ideas are stolen as I keep on trying to write anything and I must fight to simply get words out, pounding and pounding on hacked keyboards, my brain always put into a blanket of confusion and repetition and hate and lowered cognitive functioning. I wait for anyone still to stop this torture protocol out on me, as president after president has helped his friends in the media to get and gain more ideas and concepts while feeling just groovy for torturing someone endlessly with no block or threat from any law enforcement around the world.


Hustlers: Jennifer Lopez’s Real-Life Inspiration Says She Was Only Offered $6,000


I cannot explain adequately how badly this technology is affecting my concentration, ability to think and write at this point. I am repeating myself now, and my brain feels like it's floating in a spinning alcohol bath. This technology is so mentally dehabilitating I can't express it and will only paste and copy what I wrote on Facebook today, triggered by this so familiar scene of someone being stolen from out of W-wood and the same formulaic principles apply. At least I wrote down some form of my thoughts in some dizzying hate array of words in the following before I got to this point of utter foggy technological breakdown of my mental acuity: please be warned that the below writing is hate ranting replete with curses and insults, like the above writing! I am under this same cognitive technological decline influence that is ALWAYS smothering my brain while I talk or write or try to communicate to any other human being on any forum or in any form.* I am so ready for my government to STOP these technologies and hate groups from being handed these technologies. I am so ready for law enforcement and the courts to stop backing up the predatory practices of these unscrupulous white/black/latino/asian/et al Nazi fascist Mafia corporate "elitist" monopolizers and their hate practices and policies, which really are part of the overall arching genocidal policies that these groups are so itchy to enforce and would do so without a blink if only given the final wink to do so. Stop remaining silent and complicit about what is going on in this respect. My writing is honest and factual but I cannot provide evidence if no one is ever going to defend or back me up. 

Winning awards this season, the intellectual property thief has been exonerated by yet more "elite" protectors in the judicial branch, and in H-wood, and everywhere this kind of theft is considered okay and fine and wonderful. The criminals remain being awarded with top honors for ideas they never formulated, screwing the original people whose stories and ideas are turned into multi-million dollar profit for scum whore skanks out of H-wood who get awarded afterwards. The main propelling concept out of all of this is an entrenched "elitist" hierarchical structure, where people who want to profit off their own ideas get the ideas stolen by performers who are in the public view and spotlight for DECADES without end. Those who do the real work, who have sweat, suffered, written, conceptualized these ideas are left fighting mega-billion dollar industries that keep aspiring newcomers out of the realm of possibility and success in the media corporate world. I can imagine this also applies to applied sciences, research patents, etc (I have met scientists from NYU whose 20 years' worth of research were stolen by competitors and law suits dismissed because the defendants were established more so than the plaintiffs).
Stop allowing these Whorewood whores to get away with these crimes year after year, decade after decade. With the teleportation technology and thought-reading tech, their nepotism, their greed, their insatiable power grabs and psychopathy increases along with all the other torture and covert murder operations, if a person has proof of theft and wants to take them to court and could possibly win, thus defaming the (in)famous scumbag performer, they can just be easily and covertly assassinated through "gang stalking" poisoning, microwave torture causing heart attack, and etc the list goes on and continues to grow with murder technologies as time goes by and you sheeple continue to do nothing and leave all of this unexposed and silenced).
I watched the first 5 minutes of this trashy stupid movie, which grossed so many millions at the box office. It was so immediately a sexist rendition with such fake performing, but considering how the masses of viewers and fans operate, I think they cannot differentiate between what is legitimate and what is quality. I definitely think that P-Valley is a much greater and forceful and poignant depiction of the strip club industry and I was "glued" to watching every episode. For "Jenny on the block(head") whatever her moniker is, it's a bad movie, made so much from the dumbed down sheeple, and like all the other sleazy whores who have teleported me who are her peers in that industry, she's a despicable creep for having committed this same crime against another person. This proves indelibly that the media is enforcing a policy of ousting any real competition and keeping only the sleazy and meaningless and usually pretty stupid and incompetent in higher positions of power and blocking access to outsiders who actually have real stories, probably much more talent and could make movies that are much higher quality and depth of meaning than the plastic-coated crap whores who anyone watching Whorewood "must" watch year after year without end because competition is so quelled and ideas can be so easily stolen, with full consent of the judicial and entertainment industries.

I am now struggling against hackers blocking functions and the keyboard while my head is just "spinning" in mental foggy confusion from this tech. It's now impossible to think or get anything out beyond cursing and hate rants and repetitions of sentences and phrases.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).