Friday, November 13, 2020

Observations on how brain-altering tech influences speech, thought and behavior from my personal experiences of being attacked. An "apology" regarding my hate posts which degenerate into ranting expletive-filled biases.

 I do not refer to subconscious material that surfaces due to technology "opening" portals of emotional hyperbole. No. I mean words inserted subliminally and repeated through whatever --I hesitate to use the term, but INGENIOUS- technology that pervades my brain, causing absolute shift in vocal chord language skills, motor skills, while inserting speech patterns that are reflective of the person uttering the sentences into my cochlear or into some speech center of my brain. (Or it is computer-driven technology, using algorithms that are highly advanced, at speeds that are fractions of light speed into my brain). The quantum computer technology age has appeared silently, without fanfare to much extent. Without proof or evidence, only having to rely on articles and videos on my computer, which is highly hacked for content and much of what I might require to defend myself is blocked. However, this technology is so quick that it would appear faster than the speed-of-thought. 


I noticed more apparently than usual how the technology affects and influences my behavior and speech, but only AFTER an attack had been thrust upon me at a grocery store. I have begun to buy my purchases at the bakery counter, which the first time was friendly, open and extremely efficient and professional and friendly. The next time I went to this counter, however, there was a group of people surrounding me on all sides. After I had paid for the items, as I was putting change in my purse, the terrorists surrounding me stole my items and a few of my items had been exchanged for cheaper and lower quality products but with similar packaging color, and in a daze of pain, I did not notice until I got home. This was largely due to pain, as my healing process is at the lowest stage of elimination to this core of hard poisons latched into entanglements covering my spine, hips, muscles and into my skull and even into my brain--extending into my feet---in a serpentine pattern--I was exhausted I had gone through the entire day of driving miles and miles to get from one location to the next--on this small island where shopping I use (because I always have to buy at less expensive stores, where items are priced higher at the more commercial areas that are closer to me) is many miles apart from the places I need to go. My very bright mood at the onset of the morning had been shifted by a most aggressive and nasty, very hateful Thai man who began yelling at me in a tiny Thai store, as he blocked my path, all the items I had been carrying and asking him to help me with knocked something on the floor, he began yelling at me as I was stunned into silence, not "comprehending" that he was yelling at me and aggressive and hateful, in this attempt to have "power and domination" over me by yelling commands. He is of course wired into the communications system with either earbuds or voice-to-skull technology commanding him how to act and what to say. 

 I wear headphones continuously and have loud blasting music on at all times, just to shut out the ugly noises and triggering coughing and remarks and stupid sounds that the terrorist "stalkers" make as I pass by, plus the music in these stores is awful and I actually have a great time listening to my music and not hearing these idiots surrounding me. But back to the point, as I am now fighting hacking and digressing as usual. It was only after I left the little shop where this man, who has attacked me before in the past, but this store is in my vicinity and due to the length of driving for miles to get things done, I went there for the first time in over 8 months just to try to get something that should have been at another store and wasn't. I only could understand that this had been an attack only AFTER leaving and seemingly "allowing" with friendly smiles and saying "thank you" immediately, the mind control tech literally forces this to immediately come and blurt out of my mouth while I had no intention of saying anything but leaving after paying for this one small item. I could barely "understand" what was happening while it was happening, but I was very intent and thinking of all the errands, places I had to go, things I had to do, and not concentrating on this nasty person who appeared to be shouting but I thought he was simply trying to tell me things over my earphones--this also was inserted into my subconscious, this thought. Trust me when I say this, as this has happened ot me routinely and it's always the same artificial "thought" process that flits through my technology-controlled brain processes. The point was for me to appear docile, accepting and saying "thank you" after being essentially harassed because this man ignored me when I asked for help, something was knocked over as I tried to put this huge bunch of items on the payout counter, he hissed in hate at me and began yelling at me, then knocking items at me "accidentally" onto the floor at my feet while I was paying. Because he is such an odious person I just kept listening to my music and concentrating on what I needed to do, as my energy was already waning due to the pain of these hard chemicals latched into my body. While the attacks happen, I cannot "understand" what is going on and I am "forced" to smile and "submit" to saying thank you. They try to get me to tell them they are very nice at the end, which is what happened at the shopping mall where I bought groceries, at the point of pain in my body where my threshold for "mind control" penetration was at a very low point.


Back to the check-out counter at the bakery: surrounded by a throng of Thai or Indian people yelling and surrounding me. This "family" grouping of terrorists, screaming children running in haphazard circles around me yelling in hateful aggressive tones while the parents kept flitting around me, pushing into me, putting items into my face as if to thrust them at the cashier while I was standing right there putting my groceries on the counter. After I paid, this "family" of terrorists replaced/stole my cans with white paper advertising and replacing them with cheaper brands of the same color, I was so focused on putting change and the receipt into my purse, with my back turned to them, that I did not notice. I did a few more things afterwards, such as go back into the store where, at a junction, a Thai male suddenly thrust his cart into my path as I rounded an angular corner of the bakery section and the main, larger isle. There was a terrorist/stalker agent with a cart right in the way, standing at a little table of products piles up "on sale" just at this junction point of the intersection. (right now I am pounding down on the keys, fighting to type as the hackers are blocking key functions--I can only imagine how badly they are attacking my brain to deviate from the point, please bear with me a bit longer as this is extremely arduous to type and think, as per usual). As I had to hesitate while this thai man bolted from around the corner, his metal cart blocking my path and the only way I could proceed was to halt and stop, but slightly for a moment, He bowed at me smiling, as I pushed the cart ahead the woman who had been standing there, wearing a store uniform (but was a terrorist/stalking agent) shoved her cart ever-so-slightly into my path, thus forcing a collision. She smiled and bowed. What the technology does is when someone smiles at me, I smile immediately back like a mirroring process. 


Right now I don't feel like going into the rest of the story as it is exhausting to fight the hacking and exertion of pounding down on keys any longer.

I just woke up this morning, right now;, my thoughts upon waking, after being attacked in teleportation hate skits all night, waking up to realizing that the mind control terrorists "forced" me to remove the packaging tape I put on my face to cover my jaw and mouth, so the terrorists can't access cutting into my gums and teeth any longer--they "forced" me to remove it in the dark hours of the morning, but inserting the concept into my brain that I was "awake", as I have programmed myself to do, that I am awake and thus "safe" and can take off the tape. I took it off, and began to try to get up and became frozen, passed out into unconsciousness and thus they accessed cutting into my teeth and gums (to the roots of my teeth, slivering off gum tissue in increments nightly until there is nothing left). That is another way that the "mind control" has been used to dismember me and I fight against it but they can literally force me to slip into unconsciousness at a second's notice. I have no time to shield myself against falling and they really enjoy making me pass out while I am walking down stairs. 


The rest of the "story" is really just about how the 2nd time I purchased items at the bakery counter, which had been friendly, smooth and without any problems the first time I used this counter, a few days earlier where there was absolutely no problem and it went off without a glitch. Due to 360-degree/24/7 surveillance of my thoughts, actions, movements and all that I do, this terrorist groups was prepared to make what had been a very lovely purchasing diversion from the heavy traffic area of stalkers surrounding me and doing nasty things while I stand at the more congested areas. The first time No one surrounded me. It was the first time I had used this counter in the newer mall area of this Central Festival huge spread-out complex which spans three huge central blocks of Phuket Town. It is the most elegant place for shopping and the selection and quality is usually excellent. It has the same prices as less decorated Thai stores. Really, this area is more reserved for the tourist sector and their Thai devotees. (A nice euphemism for what they are in reality). The second time it was fraught with hate, negativity, items were stolen from my cart after I paid, and after I left the store, the terrorist agent posing as a manager followed me and asked me to hand her my receipt, which I did without the concept that they had already stolen an expensive item out of my cart, and had taken this receipt away just to remove all evidence of the purchase. I was so exhausted, in pain, drugged up, technologically induced into a hazy smiling happy artificially blank state, in a miasma of pain and exhaustion but always, always  very happy to have groceries from this store as it's really a wonderful place and regardless of the creeps surrounding me, they can't daunt my joy at being able to buy good food in lower-standard for meat and quality-control Thailand. That sounds racist, but it's a fact. They leave meat in huge piles at Tesco and it's a germ-laden pile of meat but cheaper. However, going astray as usual. I wrote more on this attack by the terrorist managers, as I am now into the 2nd re-editing phase of this post. The terrorist hackers had blocked either the sentences or my brain from being able to cohesively write my thoughts, and concepts had been either deleted from the paragraphs or my brain was blocked from a smooth flow of information. Both scenarios are possible and probable, consecutively. 

All I can do in the future is not drive myself into exhaustion to go shopping all day because I am stuck in a room in pain all day, day after day being re-drugged and poisoned thus causing endless inertia and paralysis. All I do is fight and fight and clean and detox, that is all I do literally with my life. As for the ideas stolen, while others who have not done anything but conform to this mafia /Nazi cartel and their expectations of social engineering, who have teleported me to steal ideas--written yesterday about the adult entertainment themes where women rise to the top or attain power over sexist and domineering men--that was STOLEN from me by this crew of actors, which includes this black Nazi Latina actor who has obtained millions from this exercise in rape technology but being promoted as some kind of feminist heroine for her role in this really sexist movie. I was going to write about this on a more in-depth level, but first the terrorists from that partition of the terror operation are still first torturing me for writing any critique of their media fodder, and then stealing the concepts afterwards, and then ordering more torture and dismemberment, destruction of my hair, body skin and home while they are paid for more plastic surgeries, beauty treatments, luxury homes and technology, and promotions into higher spheres. All I can say at this point is that from the onset I could see that the very patriarchal system was immediately portrayed in her film, and also the P-Valley series which was much more thoroughly researched and held fascination for me, but was still a male-dominated theme (but realistic and very well done, researched) but still conforming to the sexist and male-dominated adult entertainment industry paradigm. My concepts which they tortured out of me were a breakthrough concept that I did not devise but elaborated upon in all these torture, teleportation information extracting nightly torture sessions by the rapist white bigot males who pose as alternative (they LOve BLACK MALES and love being around the "good" and obedient black nazis who surround them for promotions and for jobs in Whorewood) oh I am digressing and going off into expletives at this point. However, they turned the concepts I was tortured into elaborating upon, this pit gang of actors/performers/rapists who have tried to kill me for fighting back against their rape and torture and theft of ideas using trauma-based technology. They turned the ideas they tortured out of me into TWO media explosions which have gained the fascination of people around the planet, while I remain fighting for my life afterwards, after a DECADE of people making millions off ideas they have tortured and then stolen out of me, blocking my ability to function physically and intellectually with all these drugs, but mostly with the compliance of most of you hacking and reading into this. Please note there is a donation button on this blog site and I very much need more than $700 a month (less than that due to banking fees) that this group of billionaires has forced me to fight to heal from their poisoning and from endless violence, which keeps mounting into permanent injuries that they are ordering upon me by their terrorist agents surrounding me right now (hacking and blocking my typing and cognitive functions using their array of weapons aimed at me perpetually). What these two media outputs have done is turn the concept of female empowerment into criminal activities, where these women are forced to commit crime in order to "get over" on the violent and abusive men who control the bodies and sexuality of women. My experiences and my creative thoughts on this, which they sucked and drained out of me for at least one year, and this year the two productions have come out to thundering applause and no money for me whatsoever and only more theft of my property and life and energy and slow death from their poisoning and torture) was that women were legitimately and legally empowered and not under the legal oppression of male owners of these franchises and businesses that cater to male clientele, predominantly, while women are controlled by men who demand them to play roles that conform to the silencing and oppression of women. However, the racist card is always at play and that is something I was not really tortured into revealing as these rapist #Me Too! Feminists with their violent rapist men were trying to focus on the more sellable aspects which they then passed off to their nazi wanna be white latina actor who has been in the background of these operations against me for decades, at this point I know this to be very true. No proof, I have none and the email with her name put on a "invitation-only" VIP list which had her name is long gone, as I have changed email addresses many times, trying in vain to get the hackers off my email.

This has been a huge digression, and it's part of the overall mind control scheme as these people also want more elaboration upon this theme for them to steal from me. I leave the rest blow as my bicepts are literally in pain from pounding down endlessly on this keyboard.  I leave the rest as is, with blanks and spaces where ideas should have been inserted, were either blocked from my brain or deleted after I published.\

 I could write much more about this theme of the adult entertainment high-grossing industry movie intellectual property theft by these criminal performers in H-wood, but I actually want to be paid for my concepts and ideas instead of tortured, stolen from, and then silenced and then more torture slowly to death afterwards going on and on and on with your silence and complicity in all this. Dear sheeple readers who think this is all fun and wonderful for incompetent idiots to be put into power because you really can't fathom women who are empowered by their real strength outside of criminal assertions to power, or "minorities" who don't play submissive nazi minion and in the endless recurring propagandized formulas you all expect from these movies, which you have based your narratives on, and rely upon for the Nazi mafia cartels which have wrested power and retain control over all facets of life. Any outlier is killed off or silenced and stolen from. You all agree to it. Movies keep getting dumber and more violent and you all just watch these buying into the mostly computer-generated graphics and sit numb and dazed at the same themes repeated by the same actors put out by the same production companies year after year . Winning award after award for it, year after year. The "alternative" media content is just a tiny stream of barely visible alternative content outside of the mainstream of propaganda brainwashing media fodder you all feed on and love and buy into. 

However, the theme below is on the more minutia aspects of how behavior modification can be ensured with happy complicity to oppression, which is also a part of the overall and arching theme of the big players in the media/corporation mega complex which strives to turn hate-filled rapist exploiters into icons of feminism, charity and anti-racism so they can be promoted into leading positions, controlled as they are by extremely GENOCIDAL RACIST MAFIA NAZI COMMUNIST factions (meaning Totalitarian regimes using their entertainment agents, infiltrating all industries, which have bought out the USA Product and image of anti-authoritarian freedom and equality. All is turned around into it's opposite, nearly a polemic of reversal using subliminal content and mental manipulation, plus symbolic manipulation using "minorities" to represent this "fight" against oppression. Eager and willing minority minions serving Nazi and fascist purposes. The extreme subtlety of mental penetration and behavior modification is very slightly addressed below in what is a rambling, mind control-controlled post (with blank spaces where coherent ideas should have been). All of these tiny incremental mental and behavioral programming which is continuously aimed at individuals and in larger masses of people (the technology and the huge areas of control geographically are astounding in impact and breadth of range). It makes for segments to be controlled. I wrote a few days ago about HAARP technology, that is one example that is bandied about in "conspiracy theory" circles (not so conspiracy as many books have been written about the potential for altering brainwave activities by these technologies).

Thus, a daily dose of behavior modification, as I detailed below, leaves for a larger acceptance of allowing people to oppress, dominate and remain having a "nice day" and smiling and saying "thank you' afterwards and going off giggling and laughing because your BRAIN IS PUT INTO THIS MODE AND IT'S NOT YOUR REAL THOUGHTS and IT IS LETHAL IT IS DANGEROUS IT CAN HAVE YOU KILLED VERY EASILY or STOLEN FROM. 


The new gang of terrorist agents began yelling at the cashiers who had taken my items, but with hesitation and I had to urge them to do it.  The other store of this franchise in the other building across the street always allows the bakery to check out items if the customer is buying something from the bakery section, as I was. Yelling in Thai, a terrorist pretending to be a "manager" began berating the two Thai agents behind the cash register, standing in tandem in this attack situation. My brain was put into a foggy haze of happiness as I laughed, my voice came out completely altered from what it really is. They make my voice lower into some tired-sounding lower tone that is definitely not MY voice or vocal range. I began smiling and laughing and complimenting them on how wonderful they are, saying that I use this bakery in the other Central store to pay for other groceries. At this point, the agents behind the counter were (faking) along with the yelling, slamming my groceries on the counter and yelling exchanges began between one actor fake manager and the actor terrorist fake employee, all wearing the same fake store uniforms which were of a slightly different hue from the real employees. I then thanked them as I complimented them in this altered vocal range, as behind my back the "manager" stole an expensive item (for me) of oil, not cheap oil but expensive which I really cannot afford. I use it for healing because of the harsh chemicals that are smeared into my skin nightly while I am unconscious while my teeth, feet are being severed off slowly night-after-night by these incisor mechanical arms which also hold tiny spray functions to spray stinking fungus and filth all over my clothing, hair, body and furniture and they also drug my food in the refrigerator nightly. I am never without extreme drugging in my body, never, not even once in decades or perhaps almost all my life.

While I tried to package all the items in various bags because I have to fit it all on a small motorbike, the two terrorist agents approached me outside of the store, smiling as I smiled back, my voice sounding aged, tired and ugly--the tech altering my voice completely as I noted above--and this happens when I speak to people, and these terrorists also make my throat sphincter muscles completely contract while I am speaking as I choke on words, they make this microchip implant in my throat constrict completely which creates a horrid noise while I try to breathe or move--I can feel that happening definitely.

Thus, they came smiling like crocodiles, asking me to give me the receipt for the transaction. Under pain and exhaustion as I had been carrying, lifting, driving, skirting around cars driving into me, fighting hostile and nasty cashier terrorist agents, (normally I can't function for most of the day while I am in this tiny torture chamber studio, and for one day out of a 7-9 day stretch of being nearly incapable of body movement, I spend the entire day fighting to move all the blocks to the front door, cleaning up the stinking clothing and my backpacks and purses which are sprayed while I sleep so I can't go out without emanating stinking odors which waft for a few feet around me, unless I spray bleach on all items, then anti-fungal cleaning fluid, then perfumed oil covering all fabrics, and then the items STILL stink but not wafting out for a few feet from me as I walk around. I then drive skirting cars and trucks nearly hitting me continuously, go into stores with people blocking my path in tiny little Thai shops as I carry four bags with me, heavy with items I can't afford to repurchase and etc. then attacked at every cashier as my brain is under attack so I can't  understand the insults, hate and hostility endlessly aimed at me, sometimes with huge greasy glowing smiles as I smile back, because of this insidious reflective mirroring technology where I literally without an instant of reconsideration began to smile while people smile into my face. My lips and cheeks go up immediately without having the emotion of happiness or of any pretense at such. It is a physiological movement that is controlled by this tech, along with the drug/tech interface my brain has no barriers to this technological assault upon my voice, brain and movements and behavior and response to attack. Thus artificially simulating acceptance of abuse and of a demeaning tenure aimed at me perpetually in all social functions and in all interpersonal interactions (at cashiers of all places since I am so ill and have been and am so continuously repoisoned that all I ever do is lay in bed or sit in one place all day in pain and drugged up to near comatose levels as the hardening poisons are still inserted into my body and I just sit here without zero social life whatsoever, for over a decade and ideas that I had wanted to write are continuously stolen and stolen as these terrorist actors torture me while teleporting me, clipboards of paper in hand to take notes, while I see the ideas I was tortured into revealing to these empty meaningless fascist nazi mafia parasites are making them all millions and millions of dollars.

The adult entertainment theme I wrote of yesterday is another example of this, but that is a different post and I don't know how much more of pounding down, backspacing, retyping and fighting to think I can do. 

This post was an "apology" of "bad behavior" with my posts with expletives, insults and calling these ho-s whores. Well, I can't think of any other term while my brain is put into a ranting hate mode for rapists who torture someone to extract ideas and get off on abuse and violence and then are promoted for it into highest socio-political positions afterwards while I am discredited and silenced and ignored but remaining as a topic of focus for the perpetrators as my every thought and action is monitored--meaning I am being ignored by law enforcement and any sanctuary of protection on this planet. Still.

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