Thursday, November 19, 2020

Following upon my last post on indoctrination into the York Rite (Illuminati): STANLEY KUBRICK'S SYMBOLIC INITIATION RITE INTO THE YORK (ILLUMINATI) FREEMASON CONGLOMERATE. I make reference to: A Clockwork Orange scene of the Droogs holding a meet at the Duke of York pub, "nestled" like babies in a safe, warm zone of comfort and security that these Rites and societies afford their adherents (which adds to the popularity of increased membership) deep into the warm womb of the brotherhood fraternal induction and indoctrination therein. Prior to Nestling into the womb area, the Droogs perform an initiation ritual that appears as a movie violence scene but, as Kubrick was no ordinary H-wood director or artist, was of high symbolic meaning and a profound exploration of how the mechanisms of society truly operate. The color red blood crimson combined with the Illuminati symbol of The Sun create the color ORANGE. The mechanisms of the time-gate-keeper society thus merged into a book/movie that still baffles the mostly white male movie reviewers who never get to these interpretations but somehow seem to belong to the terror/stalking/ritualistic group which is attacking me as they must conform at all levels of initiation and are using attacking me as a leverage device to be promoted. They have no originality thus and perform exactly what they are told to do. Election 2020 indoctrination explanation #2: poorer white demographic turnout with expected results but no reasonable explanation given in the media for how and why this has been so widely accomplished.

 There are no clips on YouTube of this scene and I also cannot download a clip of the entire movie onto this blog through YouTube. This scene occurs after the power struggle between "Alex" the mind control subject, who is subjecting his Droogs to his power play at the lower-class flats where he resides. He pushes one into the dirty dregs of the Flats huge water pool (or however they label this expanse of the womb of dirty foul cesspool poverty created as a poor people's diversion from slum living conditions). 

After Alex has not really successfully bullied and battered his subordinates (who later assert power through steal attacks), they all go to discuss their next crime and robbery exploit at THE DUKE OF YORK pub, which as so many of Kubrick's movies are explained by movie critics as having a wealth of symbolism, mostly of Illuminati principles, incorporated into his movies and characters. This is no exception, the Duke of York meeting of the Droogs to discuss their next criminal exploit, which also involved the onset of a power struggle resulting in a promotion of the criminals into governmental and police positions and accepted as "Gatekeepers" and administrators protecting society. 

This indoctrination process, which has been ignored because "The media" established is so highly geared towards exposing "some" truths while hiding "in plain sight" others such as this reference to the York Rite ritual induction and indoctrination allegory in Kubrick's movie, which has never been "exposed" and is completely ignored by all the media "experts" who plague the lopsided and controlled, censored "free" internet. I am of course blocked in all aspects and all my searches result in restricted access to information, when I am pre-conceiving of what I want to research. On the spur of the moment, I am able to access initially some more controversial ideas and writings which may have current relevance to my situation. 


Although I cannot find a clip from A Clockwork Orange where Alex and his three Droogs sit "nestled" at The Duke of York, after the INITIATION RITE AT THE FLATS, I could find said clip and will comment upon it thusly:

"A Clockwork Orange, Flat Block Marina scene" (YouTube).

I guess the body of water can be called a "Marina" as this YouTube clip labels it, for the pedestrian mind. However, the hues of this scene are almost completely black and white, though the flesh colors of the initiates and adepts are not obscured. The leader, or Hierophant, Alex, holds in his hands a large cane implying power. The Rod is his staff and he shall lead his Droogs into initiation with the force of his bold wiles and cunning leadership.

The the body of water appears as a black pool, rippling with turmoil while the Droogs in all white saunter crookedly like they are bobbing in disarray, except for the leader. This body of water is a womb, the Flats are the temple of plebian life, although appearing like a Temple of initiation out of the poverty zone. 

ABLUTION STAGE: The Droogs are thrust into the water like a black sabbath baptism. Immersed into the black and incomprehensible waters, the knowledge base of the Mysteries (which the Rites herald back to out of the Halcyon days of antiquity ---for those who have enjoyed the throes of privilege through this indoctrination process all these Millennium--not for those who suffer under it's oppression and hefty weight)

Immersed in the waters, baptismal style. Still unable to get their bearing even in knee-deep black pools of confusion and slippery sliding, the most out-spoken "upstart" reaches his hand out to his oppressor for "help", which the Hierophant gladly accepts.

BLOOD RITUAL. The hand is sliced by a ritual knife (symbolically, for purposes of this film and it's hidden messages regarding the York Rite of initiation). The hand is cut deeply into as blood begins to flow. The Blutbruderschaft--the Blood Brotherhood rite has been initiated. A blood pact, in other words, something to which a bearer is bound to for life in a secret society or a binding oath. This act can also be seen performed in many other H-wood movies.

The Sheep are quelled and the Hierophant has indoctrinated the sheeple which then convene in The Duke of  York Temple where mind-numbing alcohol is imbibed on a daily basis--as has been tradition for most of the planet throughout all the centuries. 

The next level of initiation begins, with a theft, break-in, home violation, and then human sacrifice with a phallic symbol included in the scene. 

The bearers of these more threatening and violent levels completed are then purged into a purgatory situation (police training or prison). They perform the rites of pretense, the joker ritual of feigning ignorance of crime and of it's consequences. They employ slavish devotion to the false religious affinity that the plebian sheeple adhere to. After this stage of initiation they are further tested, controlled, and if and when they break into the final phase of torture, indoctrination and release by their own efforts to break the rules that at first bound them; then they become our administrators, leaders and protectors of the Gates leading to the sanctuary of normative society.

The End....or so it would seem. The indoctrination process of The Apprentice begins with a reality tv program and is elaborated upon by Stanley Kubrick in what is called a "classic" but this interpretation that I just wrote has NEVER been seen by me in any search for commentary in video or written form. I think it might exist. If these concepts begin to flourish on YouTube after I publish this today, which will remain unseen, unpublished for the majority of the planet as all I do is stolen and blocked from the public or those outside of this ritualistic hate organization aka "Secret Society" or Cabal or whatever one could label this group as. To be sure: when my ideas as written now suddenly appear (in the next few months) it will be a testament to how many people are stealing my concepts and hacking in to block my ability to earn from my interpretations and writings and for them to claim rights and financial earnings from therein. It has not stopped like this for over TEN YEARS.


Back to ME ME ME and what THEY THEY THEY are doing to ME. My feet are cut and partially severed in places, as are my teeth and the rest of my body literally covered on every inch with (their) blemishes, incisions, red breakouts which have been tattooed into my skin by their chemicals, and broken vertebrae, bones and etc. My skin very badly damaged with harsh chemicals smeared on every single night. I have spent over 2 years in a tiny studio, sick and too ill to move most of the time, with no money or rental agreement to really protect myself in a sustainable way. I have detailed this repeatedly all these years and months and still, no help financially, physically or in any way from readers and people surrounding me. 

They are removing the packaging tape which I plaster over my feet, hands and over my mouth. The terrorists remove the tape in these specific areas of regular severing, using solvents, and then retape all. I wake up with very visible evidence but I am not going to take photos as the terrorists have broken my camera/phone and I have no money to buy another one (not really, I must have money in reserve for emergencies, which I am always on the brink of due to the financial attacks which have never been met with any financial or physical support from any single human being all my life, up to this point it's just endless lies I see around me of people who are performing roles of being "decent" who are attacking me with the most hate possible, using these technologies and stalking terrorist groups all backing them up completely. Waiting for some shift in society--but even with a pandemic, the evidence of corruption, people are still unwilling to unclutch their greedy aspiration to this group which keeps them nestled in the warmth of having others to put into poverty and ugliness while they feed off feeling entitled and above it all. Promised endless awards, luxury and entitlement, I remain sitting here waiting for any individual to actually care about such a system of hate being promulgated but the real reactionaries are dead or avoid and ignore me as they only care about themselves or their group--or put out charity as acts of random kindness but can't do a damn thing when it's right in front of them and they have to do more than pull out a checkbook.

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