Sunday, November 8, 2020

What will aid in the backlash against the 2020 election. The "Deep State" covert technology voter fraud claim(s). I include this with no partisan politics but only as info I have found. This is one of the claims being made for the surge of lawsuits and theories. As an established target of BRAIN THOUGHT READING HACKING the fact that private citizens' electronic information is being hacked covertly and unlawfully is almost like an archaic system of surveillance as far as I am under non-stop surveillance. I am attacked for what I think, which is repeated to me as threats to not THINK these thoughts, and then if the THOUGHTS which are hacked can be stolen and used by the criminals who represent the media brainwashing apparatus want to use them to continue to portray themselves as being "alternative" "liberals". What a joke it is for me to hear about the chagrin of military top officials who understand the real surveillance possibilities but yet are "exposing" Scorecard technology (aka Operation Hammer). Selective information "exposed" aimed at "The Obama Administration" for purposes of recount and allegations of voter fraud. Now my partisan stance is evident.

 "In this edition of the WTF?! Segment Dr. Dave dissects a number of issues including Biden's goat rodeo, Brennan, Hammertime, and much more."

Radio talk show is as effective a brain programming delivery method for social control as the boob tube visual content.


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