Sunday, November 29, 2020

An honorable mention to the choreography of Twyla Tharp. AN ORGANIC ANTIDOTE TO THE FAKE BS OBEY AND BE STAGNANT AND COMPLIANT PROGRAMMING (PBS Special): "Why Twyla Tharp wants us to 'shut up' and do what we love!". Surprise! Surprise! Twyla Tharpe IS NOT AN AQUARIUS! A short list of dictators who are/were Aquarius spawn below. Baryshnikov IS an Aquarius who does epitomize the fluidity of the beauty of human form. To counterbalance claims of Aquarian Fraudulent fictions about fruitful fantasies of fun-loving flames of freedom. "Baryshnikov in America - Push comes to shove Part1".

 There is something soothing, calming and steering away of negative thoughts if one can see body movements which exhibit the spiraling sinews of the potentialities of the human form combined with dignity and sensation.

As I also wrote or commented on Twyla Tharpe on my last, last post--I want to add a new section post on the videos exhibiting that even two years ago she was the epitome of graciousness unveiling the grace of the human body and the lightness and violence of spirit. 

Her work deserves to be honored in this way and not left within the closed boundaries of mind control hate technologies cloaked under the hyped-up happy pretense of potentials for humanitarian progress and development for future progress of the human spirit in the ever-increasing technocratic tech boom that is happening RIGHT NOW DURING THIS PANDEMIC sign post which reads: EMPTOR CAVEAT

HERE'S TO MS THARPE AND HER CONTINUANCE OF BEAUTY BROUGHT ONTO THIS TECHNOLOGICALLY HYPED SPIRITUAL DOPE SLINGING AGE which could hearken the loss of Eden and what we really have as our paradise here and now on this planet of infinite possibilities in the flesh and in the air and on the earth and in the water without electromagnetic control blasting your brain into an induced happy doped-out state of fake euphoria (yes, mind control technology plus the drug interface can indeed cause fake reactions of bliss in very deadly and ugly situations while the target remains unawares of such because they are so doped on psychologically-induced unaware happy Elysium just shortly inebriated into compliance before the final death blow hits unawares. 

BAck to the flowing dance groove of organic body and chemistry and mental aeronautics of Twyla Tharp dance!

ENJOY THE FLOW OF LIFE FLOWING WITHOUT ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION brought about by synaptic nerve ending transfusion from a matrix of generated pulses controlling your body and mind and sucking out your spirit and soul!




"Aquarius seems the sign most likely to produce dictators, and Sagittarius possibly the sign that produces the most dangerous dictators."--"CYAN" on an Astrology internet forum :


My favorite male dancer: Baryshnikov! Always fascinating and he's more than an Aquarius too! As in.. he has individual traits and expresses them in an organic way outside of cliches and stereotypes, the favorites of mind control programmers for you to rely on for you paradigm security system.

So magnificent so fluid so limber so exquisite! So Twyla Tharp choreography! I guess this number is supposed to represent "America" but however it could be any country...

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