Sunday, November 29, 2020

A tribute to the old school technologies of supplicant rain seeding--the Rain Warrior Man with panther and deer at Westside Park, Champaign, Illinois.

 Because I wrote of Westside Park in my last post, but included it with the concepts of misuse of technology, in this Age of Aquarius and the potential for mass destruction and brainwashing and obliteration of brain/body fusion--not the enthralling peace and revolutionary hope for humanity that these hope on spiritual dope slingers portray in their crack videos about these astrological alignments for The New Age (The New Age is merely part of the old world/aka Nazi dystopian New World Order and stems from the premise of astrology--the black sun being at the center of a plexis of power and control with the stars following orders of this Black Sun entity power)

But...not wanting to include that wonderful park Westside Park, which is a ten-minute walk from my house on White Street--the oak and maple-lined cobble-stoned street with it's rustic early 20th century houses--so absolutely different from the pvc-coated quick and hasty architecture (if you can call plastic boxes with snippets of grass) housing box-cutter housing that surrounds the new Champaign landscape that makes it lacking any unique characteristic to the point that an exterior view while driving reveals it could be any ugly sprawling place on the plane of dehumanizing architecture used in this new Age modernity explosion of conformity and lack of mental exploration in the private and personal sphere---but plugged into the technocratic matrix yes you can invent something technologically new to add to the Matrix

and back to my old park--harkening to the days when honoring the ancient tribes was cool and not something you could deride. The hippie protests were held right at the point of this statue, and my mother had or still has 8mm videos of these hippie protests of hippies on top of the Rain Man wearing feathers and leather and protesting the war in throngs of hundreds within this park.


To give a more honorable mention to this place and in remembrance of that time:

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