Thursday, November 19, 2020

Yes, dearest readers, watch your country your homes your lives turn into disease, burning sinking destruction and hate raging in the streets because you can't stop corruption because you can't stop stalking groups which put terrorist leaders into positions of power so you can block people from attaining success who you want to be discriminated against or murdered. Keep putting them into power and remain silent for god's sake don't ever speak out against this gang stalking corruption or you might miss out on entitlement to discriminate and rape and torture using this secret technology "everyone" is using but no one will admit to. Keep allowing people who are destroying your planet with poisoning as they deny it's happening--in all it's facets--as you believe and trust in them up to the point that people are dying around you and then that is what it takes for less than half to actually not endorse such people.

The terrorist culture you all voted for, or didn't vote for, but watched as terrorists blasted the Broward Country election office to stop the counting of ballots in the 2000 election. Time to Die has become an unspoken specter haunting the planet now, as the terrorist apparatus has reached epidemic proportions and the profits off your loss and homes and lives is epic. Time to continue as if all is going to return to "normal" when "news was boring" as the wars and terror mounts in your cities, States and country and around the world. Keep doing nothing. Keep watching as people like me are being killed as entertainment spectacles right in front of you in plain sight. Governments and their endlessly greedy, corrupt psychopathic albeit well-experienced or educated "elite" leaders and entertainers sponsor and create situations such as this on either a micro or macro scale, all furnished by your smiling charitable "liberal" entertainer rapist feminist black lives matter whores you all love and keep in power as they become insufferable psychopaths supporting hate crimes and laughing about it, to the chimes of the crimes of the people who pay for these entertainment spectacles and love their fascist pretenders who are covered with beauty treatments and posture with absolutely coached precision. This is what they really bring to the planet and to America--one of my "favorite" videos about what the United States Presidential Offices has brought and contributed with all the surveillance and torture to America and to the planet. The misery and death to millions and endless hate crimes allowed by lack of transparency with all surveillance of all you do and think at their disposal so they can dispose of you while stealing all they can from you and raping and murdering you besides, if they want. Obviously 9/11 is the precursor to my current endless slow murder situation of endless surveillance, torture and murder attempts by unscrupulous entertainers and politicians allowing and handing it all out like candy to temper tantrum idiots put into power (not meaning Trump necessarily and not in regard to the vote recount situation but in general the temper tantrum mentality is being supported fully by this technology that NONE of you will stop, reveal or do any single thing about. Take my ten years of experiencing it and them despite all the hysterical hyperbolic hate ranting posts that have been rewritten and technologically-induced by these terrorists who want to discredit me to hide and conceal how sick and stupid and disgusting they really are and how that is being promoted as they are put into leadership positions. This is one result, and many more deaths and catastrophes are to follow:

So burn you goddamn do-nothing idiots who have read my posts all these years and nearly had orgasms waiting in line to participate. The result has been absolute catastrophe and you are not capable of leadership on any level especially as parents and I so wish that my government would get this sick group off me because I have expressed hate and asked for people to stop them for over 8 years and have told them they are disgusting repeatedly without end for OVER A DECADE AS THEY PASS ME AROUND AND MY RESPONSE IS ALWAYS THE SAME.

 Keep allowing them to create technologies that will create a paradise of entitlement and luxury for you and your Nazi Paradise to flourish.

Keep voting for people who covertly allow for such deaths to happen so you can have a surveillance state put in the name of protecting you and your security.

Keep hailing celebrities who are racist rapists who claim they are fighting against injustice, but you know darn well that they are teleporting and raping me. They helped put Trump into power and that is 100% not an exaggeration or distortion of fact. Keep allowing this to go on and on indefinitely because you don't want a really free society where people like me can be able to type, write, be beautiful happy and free because of your expectation of racist privilege and your minority minions who want to push others down so they can rise to higher levels of the unattainable hierarchy that, if attained, are demeaned and knocked down as far as possible by those you allow to take control because you can't stand to see "minorities" have real success unless they bow down to white supremacists and are good obedient bowing down servants even if you "allow' them to get "success" but only as long as they follow your protocols of attacking some other group or person from a hated group--as I have only experienced even during the Civil Rights era in grade school when I was bussed from the white neighborhood to the black "magnet" "experimental" school in Champaign, Illinois. 

I have insisted to myself to not get on this laptop and look at the news, but I must see what is happening as I have this only one chance for any politician to ever defend me but it's almost impossible or unrealistic --but I must see how this is panning out. The endless delay in this election process is daunting. I have stated on Facebook that I do not blame Trump for this and I agree with Repub's that he has a legal right to challenge the votes because this has been a provision in the election process and is not unlawful or illegal and he is within his rights to do so.

I have been only tortured by him and his very nasty family for all these years so I  hope and wait for Biden to win, but do not like hearing that he is having a "temper tantrum" by the news sources which repeat this same discrediting line. It is wrong to say this and I do not think that counting votes and checking them thrice or more is having a "temper tantrum' as a "spoiled child". It is very wrong for these news agencies to put out this discrediting tack and I wish others would denounce them for doing it. I am in favor of Biden, I want this to be over too. I do not think what they are doing is healthy for the country by claiming that following procedure and checking is akin to being an immature brat having a temper tantrum it is part of the lawful process but it's not precedent. 

My country is so f-ed up and so blasted away by  hyperbole and hysteria and insults and stupid joke entertaining political commentators lacking content and without real intellectual debate to form a barrier between hysteria and knee-jerk reactionary violence by the masses of brainwashed hysterical civilians. This is also partially the cause of a lack of real intelligent debate about the misuse of the technologies and death squads which surround not only me, but have been responsible for many assassinations and murders left silenced for at least a few decades, if not longer, in the United States.

However, I leave it up to you readers to find some reality amidst all the tv and movie blitzkrieg brainwashing and I wait in vain or desperate hope for January 20th to effect some change. I have this concept of not looking at news perhaps until the Electoral College (or perhaps after the Georgia Senate Run-off election) and then to wait to see how the planet has changed, if not blown up in the process, by January 20th. A repeat of seeing Trump being under oath would be a sick Twilight Zone rerun episode. I know he is aware of my writing and will torture me for having written this. He has been torturing me non-stop for over 4 years, but no moreso than the H-wood celebrities who under Obama did worse or the same with no blocks, and only promotions for more blacks participating in this all those years and extending into the current administration. 

What will the future hold if no one will ever "grow up" and be responsible for protecting human rights when this technology is being used like dumb kids playing with nuclear warheads and throwing temper tantums when they can't get their way and torturing people to death for "fun" in huge groups--extending to huge death marches in the streets and violence erupting and the Democratic "institutions" that have been ignored for ME now under peril as people still can't openly express how this could  possibly have gone this far and to this point of insanity? It's of course pre-calculated by the Europigape Nazis who have been controlling, instructing and participating in controlling their stupid whores who are celebrities who are running for office or helping people of their race or color to gain political and all influence in all walks of business, commerce and in politics and in the media brainwashing apparatus.

But keep on keeping on doing nothing about it, oh helpless readers who are just going along with it, waiting for "normalcy" that will never come back because you created this death culture by awarding it and helping it to run in a smooth manner until the numbers of the dead and your life being threatened has forced you to pause, but only for a second and you still can't stop this system that created the death mess you are now embroiled in.

I can't express how stupid I consider most or all of you, whom I do not see and how are silent--but how stupid you must be to never intervene never stop this technology to continue to allow it to proliferate after the damage to all countries has ensued due to mass technological spread of this virus and is probably due to this technological control you all want to increase and not control or stop these death squads and terrorist groups or defend me or anybody else. What dumbed down idiots you are how kinda stupid and sick and incompetent at a huge massive level.

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