Thursday, November 19, 2020

Copied from Facebook: a most desperate appeal for the terrorist rapist billionaires to be forced to pay me so I can live in a private home with a private swimming pool because my body is rancid from poisoning and lack of exercise and I cannot do even one single stretch and I must be able to swim to try to save my life.

 ...*wow, I just read this post after having published it. The hackers literally rewrote and deleted the very first sentence so badly altered that it's completely unreadable. I had written that at nighttime there is a hacker who gets on who amplifies the keyboard attacks, rewrites and then my brain is rendered in a "spinning" hazy confused state like being turned on and off by a switch as words are lost while I am writing. I leave the paragraph now as the hackers had changed it just to let you readers see how badly the rest of this post has been rewritten. I spent so long fighting endlessly to backspace and retype as hackers would insertt letters, spaces and delete portions while I was writing this has taken me a few hours to get out, and it's been altered so completely it's unreadable and confusing, at best. I also want to state that they behave like spastic creeps, the hacking feels like some evil entity giggling as it deletes, rewrites and blocks my words to create a mess and discrediting. Every single night there is a couple of Thais in a room below mine who make the most sinister laughing noises--it could be used as something allegorical if only I could write creative fiction about this situation I am embroiled in without, as has been happening for over 10 years now, all words literally verbatim stolen by these people who are slowly murdering me with explanations that are very badly rewritten below--which I have not stopped writing about on Facebook and now in this blog for over 8 years to the array of Hollywood leaders who remain doing NOTHING but celebrating these terrorists who are celebrities but to me they are just expletives I wish the worst upon.

I will now not read any more of this post as it's just embarrassing but I did not create the mess these spastic scumbag evil demons surrounding me created--\\

At nighttime the hacking and attacks on my brain amplify at least 50 times. There must be some daytime terrorist pig ape who gets on the internet to rewrite and attack my brain in a way that only a native English-speaker could achieve to this degree. During the day, I hear only Thai creeple surrounding me in these terrorist attack rooms on all sides of me. 

The rest of this is this very badly hacked and brainwave altered post which began as a nice appeal and degenerated into a nasty hate rant filled with curses and insults aimed at these people torturing and having me raped and disfigured. It is discrediting but I am going to paste this as I do not want to write this again tomorrow as I have already spent so much time backspacing to correct the hacking and writing this, plus, I have already been discredited probably forever so one more post filled with hate ranting probably is going to achieve the same result of no one doing anything but keeping me as a torture victim as you all have done all these years and one more hate ranting hacked and mind control post will not probably change an iota of your lack of response:

I try anyway to achieve some positive response to my endless rants but in reality this horrible writing style has been forced upon my consciousness. I am not able to think or write with this block to typing and this attack upon my brain, which renders me incapable absolutely of writing with grace and in any formal style that is respectable. After more than 10 years of appealing to this silent readership for help, for safety, for protection, for the law to be enforced, for human rights I believe I am entitled to as every human being is, should be respected. Instead I am treated with callous silence, the perpetrators remain laughing, partying and enjoying their closets of new awards, properties, investments, parties honoring them, new mansions, and I live in deadly toxic filth that they are ordering poured into my body and home to fulfill these contracts of slow murder upon me. Thus I write in this style as the silence from you the readers has reached a ten year impasse of NOTHING HAPPENING and the future appears grim but I must continue to fight as I truly believe that these pieces of K-rap have NO RIGHT TO DO THIS TO ME and I also never want to help establish this system in any way and I believe it must be ABOLISHED. The fact is that many of these people have increased in psychopathic violent propensities of behavior and have become more deadly personalities while being handed more powerful positions. I think some of you should begin or continue to take this into consideration and actually help me (first) and then stop this technology and begin to address how sick society is to award such a system instead of even revealing it or helping victims as no one will or has done for me to any real significant way.


*This post is very badly written due to brainwave blockages by terrorist technology. I cannot think or write well due to hackers blocking keys and rewriting my post and deleting parts while and after I am typing. ** I begin thus: I LIVE IN PHUKET WHERE THERE ARE MANY BEAUTIFUL HOUSES WITH SWIMMING POOLS FOR RENT, AT $1000 PER MONTH. I have been attacked by multi-millionaires torturing me to extract ideas and information FOR OVER TEN YEARS--MEANING THOSE PIG APES OUT OF WHOREWOOD WHO OBTAINED THIS CONTRACT FROM Rotten Europigape whore pig apes from Italy and England, who have obtained huge estates and red carpet luxury investments in the United States after having attacked me for YEARS before handing me over to be tortured and exploited while they continue to this day to steal ideas out of me, as they did for the years they traded me between themselves to teleport, rape, poison and have Europigapes rape me while I was sleeping, breakikng into my home for years, before Americans did the same in every city and state, but the real torture that I now experience began with the Europigapes who are very wealthy, believe they are entitled to doing wqhatever they want and have an agenda to destroy the United States and I have heard and seen them say this and their cohorts and friends say and act the same principles and expressions. They are enemies of the State, in other words, offered the best properties and investments in the United States and they are partners with this group of rapist whore pig apes who are Americans in Whorewood: Now, I am under severe attack as I type and think, my brain is being something like shut on and off and my ability to write with clarity or higher articulation has descended into hate rants, my emotional centers of my brain are being exacerbated into hyperbole and my ability to be cool and clear are blocked and GONE. ---but to continue, these creeps have been exalted by their crimes against me, offered millions of dollars and they are held in reverence by the Americans who participate in this crime, even as they openly claim they HATE AMERICANS and disdain the culture and insult it with their Nazi bigot Europigape friends as often as possible. i REMAIN forced into a hate and torture slow death living situation while my body desperately by now needs exercise--as they leave me fighting to survive on less than $700 a month. I have been paralyzed by poisoning for over 10 years AND I NEED A HOME WITH A SWIMMING POOL THAT IS PRIVATE BECAUSE MY ONCE VERY BEAUTIFUL BODY HAS STAGNATED AND I NEED TO EXERCISE AND SWIMMING IS THE ONLY FORM. The other very unfortunate thing about all these microchips and implants is that once I try to swim or exercise or even exert myself, the attacks from remote sources cause my heart to (remotely, not a natural condition or due to any infirmity on my part) causes heart palpitations that are DEADLY. I used to swim 4 laps and my heart was attacked so badly I was heaving for breath and had to stop swimming when I tried to swim at a resort public pool (at night, alone but surrounded by people in houses monitoring the electronic attacks on my heart). My body so badly needs exercise and swimming is all I can do. ALL THESE BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES ATTACKING ME AND LEAVING ME FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE WHILE they are being paid in millions for the ideas they steal out of the hate and anger they force out of me, as I am drugged up continuously while they are literally murdering me and making my body stinking, filthy, poisoned with stinking poisons--I need a home with a swimming pool. During this pandemic the picks for a house costing less than $1100 per month are available and these f*(ers can so easily be forced to pay something. I am stuck here as my body is decaying an ddying from lack of exercise while they keep spraying fungus and toxins in my tiny room all night and day, whenever possible through these mechanical arms. I wake up with stinking filth sprayed on my shoes, into the air, on clothing hanging on a rack, stinking filth sprayed and sprinkled on the floor by these mechanical arms, and when the terrorists used to be able to enter my room they smeared my body and inserted fungus into my ears, hair, vagina and into my food. All are still inserted except for my body parts, as I am now having to cover my body almost completely with caps, gloves, layers of packaging tape after months and years of fighting to stop these entries through panels and from opening the front door. They have left me forced to live in squalled stinking filth and to have to breathe it in, as all these cheap rooms with stinking, nasty foul-smelling furniture have ONE SINGLE WINDOW which I must shut and seal all access to opening with tape, layers so no one can enter through the sliding doors or windows. I have to seal every single crack to stop the mechanical arms on every single panel, tile, and crack and after more than two years I am not at this point where I must board up the entire room and I cannot do this with a VIOLENT rapist landlord who is under orders of violent abusive people out of H wood and "democracy" America ordering these attacks, under the instructions of their Europigape whore friends who tortured me for decades before passing this contract off to the next batch of pig apes who I think should be forced to PAY ME FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME so I can live in some fashion where I am not dying every day from poisoning as my body is decaying and broken down and I MUST EXERCISE AND SWIMMING IS THE ONLY FORM i CAN DO AT THIS POINT. My body is literally so bound up in internal hard poisons I cannot stretch or do any single thing. I need water and swimming and any public swimming would entail a potential for murder/drowning if in the Sea and/or attacks at public swimming pools such as heart palpitations and assault in various nefarious forms. I now have to live in this tiny stinking room which is sprayed every day and night with toxic sprays and fungus by mechanical arms, and there in only one single source of air, a silding door to the patio, which I must shut up completely to fight to not be severed and slashed by mechanical arms at night--as with every other inch of this room from ceiling to the floor to both sides of walls and into all cabinets, all of which I have spent more than two years in this tiny microstudio patching with layers of paper, glue, sitckers on all corners, hooks pounded into all corners and tied permanently with string. Now most of the cabinets have been completely pasted over with (colorful, artistic) paper and tape and pounded in with nails--regardless, nothing stops the insertions of mechanical arms while I am in the shower or sleeping. By the way, as I type this hackers are putting spaces between letters, my hands can't move to keys as my brain is under SEVERE ATTACK COGNITIVELY AND IN MOTOR SKILLS SO i CAN'T MECHANICALLY FUNCTION TO PUT MY FINGERS TO THE RIGHT KEYS--I am correcting and fighting to not curse while I see letters appear as I pause and stop typing, etc --so this post is very filled with hate terms, wrongly written and grammar blocked and etc--it is so hard to type that I am fighting for every word and to not digress into insults and hate speech but my emotions are being so highly attacked and my motor skills are so blocked I am struggling to get anything out. As I was writing, I have spent YEARS trying to stop the mechanical arms from breaking in to destroy my body and home and nothing has stopped this. I am not able to pound wooden panels and pour cement into all the cracks as this violent and disgusting landlord who was picked by the team of abusers, rapists and intellectual property thieves who keep asking me if I "like" them and why not and what about all this don't I like as they slap and punch and rape and continue the poisoning and torture either directly as they physiclally assault me when they teleport me, but mostly through their sleazy rotten agent terrorists surrounding me on all sides all day and night in every location and now it's all my life spent like this. Years of fighting just to protect my body to not be covered with more and; more scars, liver spots they create, eruptions of red pimples due to fungus and chemicals smeared on my skin which they cement into my skin by pouring more chemicals which act as tattoing agents--etc etc the damages are complete covering my body from the crown of my head to every toe which; is not being slashed to the bone between the toes, every toe, every night, as I tape up my feet bound them in socks tie the socks with three layers of strings, tied around rubber bands, folded up--the tape is removed, my fingers and hands are slashed every day to the bone--bloodied and bruised--abused while teleported every single night--breathing in toxic fumes and fungus night after night, all night, for over 8 years and I have always slept with open windows even in winter all my life--they are murdering me just through stress and lack of being able to exercise plus more poisoning. Yeras of writing about this to no avail as they keep being honored, awarded and praised by the entire globe while I remain silenced and living in squallor which is murdering me that they create-- but I wake up with slashes adn cuts to the bone and into my teeth, to the bone and slashed into my toes so my feet are now huge, swollen, infected as they are probably inserting fungus into the slashes--I wash my feet at least 20 times and have to brush the rubber shoes I wear upon waking, and etc etc I have to continuously clean these items and have not energy or strength to clean anything else--thus I must exercise, myu body is so rotten and stagnated and I remain with a huge bulge of poisons hanging off my abdomen and hardneed into my spine--as these pigs who have explpoited me for years by now have left me with no ability to earn money online, so I remain stuck with a violent rapist sleazy greasebag scum whore landlord yelling, groping me, abusing me, yelling at me and threatening me continuously and I can't defend myself as pig apes in Whorewood have attacked me to rape me, to suck out my life force for years, and to exploit ideas I can never profit off as they block my brain, keyboard functions, I can't write, can't get any real exposure on line, can't earn money, can't get HEALTH CARE, can't afford medicine, can't afford to see a doctor, can't afford to buy sh oes, can't afford to buy health care, can't afford to pay for the damages they have poured into and onto my body--and despite over two years in this room of fighting to block their attacks with all my money spent on materials from the dollar store to blockaide all portals, cracks, tiles, panels and pound metal hooks and tie together panels, harming my body very badly--I wake up with all completely covered and all possibilities exhausted--I wake up every morning with bruises, black and blue marks, slashes and cuts into my body which are then smeared with scarring chemicals, while I still am breathing in toxic fumes and fungus all night due to the poisons these fuckers are being paid to administer through their stalking terror agents into my room. Godddamn them all, goddamn these fucking celebrities and abusive violent rotten politicians who laugh and participate in this and the millions of creeps around the world who fully can't wait to inflict damage and violence upon me and all the other targets--it doesn't matter what targets say, do or have done or not done people just are enthralled at having a defenseless target to torture as some form of public withburning and torture and murder: goddamn them and their filthy exploitation. I NEED MONEY TO HEAL MY BODY I NEED A SAFE HOME WITH A PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL WHICH IS ABUNDANT AND ESPECIALLY NOW IN THE PANDEMIC HERE IN PHUKET PROPERTIES FOR RENT WITH SUCH AMENITIES ARE AVAILABLE IN DROVES. tHE PIGS WON'T DO A SINGLE THING TO HELP ME THESE GREEDY ROTTEN PIGS KEEP TELEPORTING ME AND ASKING ME THE SAME QUESTIONS: DO YOU LIKE ME WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THIS ETC THESE GODDAMN FUCKING PIG APE CREEPS GODDAMN YOU SICK DIRTY STUPID PIECES OF CRAP i KNOW MANY OF YOU ARE READING THIS DAMN YOU STUPID SICK UGLY CREEP PARASITES DAMN YOU TO HELL. IT'S TEN YEARS OF THIS GOING ON AS MY BODY HAS BROKEN DOWN INTO OLD AGE FROM NON-STOP POISONING, TORTURE, RAPE, POISONS SMEARED ON MY SKIN AND INSERTED INTO MY FOOD AND BODY ON A DAILY BASIS FOR OVER TEN YEARS AND ALL MY LIFE (BUT IN THE EXTREME FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT IT ENDING FOR A SINGLE DAY). gODDSAMN YOU ROTTEN PIECES OF CRAP


Again, as I type, hackers have changed the font, put the font into underlined and italics, and blocked highlighting and then deleted what I had written. All within five minutes all these functions were forced. The writing is really hate-driven but years of appealing for justice and met only with silence and now waiting for a change in political administration with this sinking realization that it's just one set of liars and abusers after the next with hoards of people fully committed to this technology enabling them to crush and destroy anyone they hate, don't want to see achieve or have more than them or have any chance at doing so. I am surrounded in America by such types, who claim they are "liberal" and it's even worse in Phuket and in Europe with openly fascist Nazis who don't have to hide when they are surrounded by "slaves" servicing them to their genitals to their toilets and loving them for the crumbs they throw at them so they can get investments in Thailand for their plantations estates and villas and condos. The rental situation at this point is of much availability for very inexpensive private homes with swimming pools--costing 35,000 Thai baht per month, which is about $1000 per month--often with Wifi included. Goddamn they can afford to pay me to live in some kind of healthy living environment instead of polluting me to death with toxins sprayed in my home every moment possible when my back is turned, when I go into another room, while I am sleeping--all I do is clean so I am not breathing in deadly substances that are continously sprayed--and the rest of the time I am too ill as I can't get this poison out and I also need ultrasound, a relatively inexpensive technology for a small machine but not a single greedy rapist actor out of Whorewood will ever, has ever, helped me financially after exploiting ideas out of torturing me--instead they order more poisoning so I am perpetually fighting not to be murdered by them as I continue to see poison glued into my body, deforming me, and fighting to heal while they continue to poison and spray toxins and fungus into my room while they profit off doing so-and never stop, never help me, and for over 8 years this has gone on and on, I mean over 10 years--just with THIS GROUP but it's been going on at a much lower level for decades--deadly poisoning began decades ago but the more wealthier the terrorists are, the worse their hate crimes are towards me--or the contract entails more violence as I fight for my human rights which these "liberal" performers are completely denying me of so they can torture ideas outof me--for years and years without end. Now they want a baby otu of me. They are poisoning and abusing me so much I am dying from lack of oxygen, exercise and from non-stop poisoning. I havde not been able to exercise an iota for over 7 years, not even once, not ever. I used to exercise 1-2 hours daily and all my life very athletic with a very strong body. Now I am decaying and the poisoning and toxic sprays and fungus and not having fresh air in this torture studio never abates much less ends for a single day.


Thus I curse and my brain and this keyboard are under attack so I can't think I just rant in hate after a long day of my brain being attacked to this point as I am still detoxing from poisoning which never comes out of my body because I can't afford health care and these millioniare/billionaire parasites have never once helped me in any way but have only made the situation much more deadly for me as they LAUGH ABOUT IT to my face in teleportation:


This is very mind controlled hate ranting--the attack on my brain makes me into a ranting lunatic--much is being subliminally pumped into my cochlear or subconscious by their tech. This discrediting is awful but on the other hand, on some level, I "accept" these hysterical thoughts so I am going to publish here anyway---please note that this is not 100% "me" but is mostly due to "them" pumping this hate and these words into my brain, attacking my brain using ELF waves, and etc but its' still somewhat legitimate although it sounds like crazed ranting and hate expletives on a really "crazy" level--at least I can acknowledge this but I leave it as is--I hope this will induce someone to help me achieve this because rationally writing in a kindly and clear tone has never helped me to effect any support or help--maybe cursing will get at the axes of connection between the readers who may be able to influence this torture situation as rationality has not worked, so it would seem.

mAY YOUR SHIT LIVES AND CAREERS AND BODIES BE RUINED JUST AS YOU HAVE LAUGHED ABOUT ALL THESE YEARS AS YOU INFLICTED HATE UPON ME. The pigs who commit your crimes and then recede into anonymity are as disgusting and these groups MUST BE REVEALED, THE TRUTH MUST COME OUT INSTEAD OF BEING HIDDEN ANY LONGER because the damage to society is so great--people laugh when there is a target to assassinate, torture, mutilate and the hate, racism and ugliness abounds when there is no exposure to the stupidity and ugliness that people keep hidden behind the exteriors of their fake smiles and rotten happiness wiles.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...