Thursday, November 19, 2020

Next conspiracy theory. I do not know if QAnon has posted this or not. I doubt it as my theory goes against the grain of Nazi propaganda which QAnon espouses.


This post is based on an interview on Democracy now regarding the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine development study and it's process, aired last week). The control group, which received placebos, consisted of 70-80 randomly selected subjects. The test group for the vaccine consisted of 7 or 8 subjects. THE RESEARCH/STUDY/TEST LASTED FOR 7 DAYS up to the point of the publicized findings of over 90% efficacy in reducing or blocking Covid-19 transmission or in blocking it's effects. That is less than 10 people receiving the vaccine in a 7-day trial period.


GERMAN COMPANIES OFFERED THE VACCINE. The heroes coming to the rescue. The villains who may have helped generate or create the pandemic (CONSPIRACY THEORY--BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE OF HAVING LIVED IN GERMANY AND BEING POISONED NEARLY TO DEATH WITH MIND CONTROL AND ATTACKS--with Americans doing the same thing in The United States.).

THEORY: perhaps they had the antidote ALL THE TIME. Look at how devastated the United States is, while China is on top of the situation and is economically booming! Germany is suffering from another outbreak, but I do not know the demographics of who and how many are being affected and in which community. If Germany parallels America in any way, I would suspect that a much higher concentration of Turkish and immigrant populations are being affected while the Nazi Germans are not as much. I have not looked at statistics I don't know how or where to find them. I have not searched for any information as well. 

Here in Nazi Paradise Phuket, Thailand, where the German Consulate was a booming trade center over a century or longer ago: where "Hitler chic" has become synonymous with "FASHION" here in Thailand (look it up on YouTube). The transmission rate is almost at zero here. Guidelines were followed but now I almost never see Thai people wearing masks or taking precautions. I attribute this to a blank trust in their leaders, as they are fully indoctrinated into Nazi ideology, like Americans appear to be to a great extent.

The Chinese are the main investors in business and property here in Phuket, while I hardly see Chinese residences, and surely not in the most coveted and higher-priced bigot white supremacist neighborhoods. The Thai people are there to help clean, be investment partners (marrying is one sure way to obtain contracts that are similar to ownership/partnerships and that is perhaps one of the few or only ways for the "normal" citizenship to invest).. The partnerships are entrenched between Nazi and Europigape exploiter colonialists and Communist Chinese investors (of the Oligarch stature) but the white supremacist Nazi haters are loathe to include Chinese at their events or parties unless they can profit or exploit. As I have only heard from Europigapes from Europe, when I lived there for over 6 or 7 years (in a few different countries, but in Germany mostly) they "hate" Americans. The Thai people express trained monkey "hate" for Americans as well, to my face at least. They literally repeat what they are told to say, so when they speak, it's really a Europigape telling them what to say and how to think, which they repeat. I can't say there is much different from the white supremacists out of H-wood who are teleporting me, and even more so with the blacks participating with them, and the Jews, and etc etc. It is extremely rare to meet a single person who has anything original to say, but I am ALWAYS surrounded by rotten creeps who are instructed and are being trained in fascist Nazi hate machinations and crimes. The pandemic has left Nazi paradise Phuket alone for the most part. Many other countries surrounding Thailand are also relatively or almost completely unaffected by Covid, and it's not due to cleanliness or intelligent design by the Thai people who throw germs around like it's Sangkron every day. Having written what could be construed as a most racist piece of commentary on my part, however I know this to be true and accurate and not a reflection of racism on my part. The part about Americans behaving exactly like infiltrated Thais is even more poignant but always unexpressed, as I'm sure Americans assume they are superior to Thais in some respects because they assume they are in control and not a developing country infiltrated and colonized by Europigapes. Nothing could be further from the truth in their assumption of independence and originality and freedom. They have very little to compare their actions to, and my ten years experience of living in Phuket and then 5-6 years of living in Germany and plus some other European countries has proven to me that my assumptions are based in fact, although not written in a politically-correct manner. Offensive but a reality. It's my blog. 

How amazing that a 7-day trial is being expressed as 95% effective as a vaccine in this situation, coming out of an American-German narco-industrial pact that has existed since Project Paperclip and before!

My conspiracy theory. Personally, I doubt it is incorrect, if not in detail but in larger scope, at the very least.

As people have become more attenuated to Nazi ideology during the pandemic, as the misery, fear and hate explodes and people are going (probably with a lot of help from remote technology skewing their brainwave patterns into hysteria and suggestibility from remote brain-altering tech like HAARP)--in addition to Nazis waiting t o shoot to kill orders from their leader: Millionaires have become billionaires. Billionaires have become multi-billioniares from the misery that the pandemic has created in the market. The increase in the poor means more recruits into the folds of the power-brokers who want to demolish "Democracy". The last Great Depression brought on The Nazi sweep over Euroapepigland and is still the most dominant force regardless of the public political posturing these groups make in politics and in the media. Now America has joined almost oifficially into the large Nazi plexiverse corning all markets around the planet. Misery is one of the main avenues of indoctrination of the masses. Death is another, meaning murder. A massive pandemic brought on, not easily dismissed by me and many others as being some freak of nature or even, perhaps, solely created by The Chinese in a laboratory in Wuhan as an isolated semi-terrorist global power-grab over the United States. (That, is a QAnon conspiracy).


Once again, I claim this as a "conspiracy" theory of ranting range. However, it is too coincidental that the vaccine has emerged from a German-US collaboration for me to ignore these thoughts that I have expressed so poorly due to brain-altering tech, hacking blocking keys and my rage from years of torture which no one ever stops, despite the leaders of the "Free World" all participating and laughing about it almost openly in the inserts they put on my internet searches (the subtle cues are revealing after years of people using this same form of discrediting attack--for merely trying to report it I jeopardize being labeled crazy/delusional or schizo but this is the sick protocol these psychos all adhere to.)


My food has been tampered with. Jars of chocolate have been opened and hairs inserted into the chocolate. My body slashed and cut into nightly after I paste tape and gloves, socks on hands and feet and literally tape my entire face except for my nose and terrorists break through and slash and cut into my gums, teeth, fingers and  toes nightly. They are absolutely sick and disgusting foul crap that people still think are superior for some reason. The technology they use to stifle and murder any opposition is all that separates them from mediocrity and being "losers" if others were only allowed to be not microchipped, not drugged, not deprived of opportunities and not brainwashed by this endless onslaught of Nazi ideology in the media and in art and literature and music productions that are all controlled by this one source but appears as divisions of power.


My years of experience seeing how and what these terrorists really are and how they operate has only proven that they are a deadly threat to the survival of the planet and I urge you readers to stop admitting them into power, stop allowing them to get away with their crimes only to continue to commit more.


boy-oh-boy am I ranting in excess today. It must be due to my feet being sliced to the bone every night, my fingers swollen and internally bleeding every day upon waking without a day of it ending for over 7 years. It must be due to being teleported and attacked by the people who have obtained huge businesses, million dollar contracts, MY IDEAS THEY TURNED INTO THEIR IDEAS, and awards without end, nominations into highest office and thrills from having a torture and rape and slow murder target to torture day and night through proxy sleazebag scumbag agents galore, some good-looking, expensively-dressed Europigapes but mostly impoverished nasty stupid minority minions performing outrageiously sick and stupid hate attacks which they are instructed to perform by the well-dressed, polished pieces of pigape crap they worship nearly, as you all do and are.

I am ranting waiting for a change in administration after over 8 years of waiting for anyone from Whorewood or Congress to stop this crime they are all endorsing and profiting off and waiting in line to participate in as well (or get their own victim when the technology becomes more available to the general public, as they assume in the bright future of "progress" every trailer trash white supremacist member of this organization can teleport a child from a pizza parlor to rape and torture them and then have them killed if they want or enslave or just rape "bad" women who threaten their hegemony which their nasty Nazi wives and children all support but claim they are "fighting" against.

Oh, the ranting the conspiracy theories the bad names such as Europigapes which appears to make me so "immature" and crazy. Oh's nothing compared to your silence which means you conform and approve of the sick, sleazy things your friends and partners and neighbors are doing to me, which are so stupid and immature I am merely responding in just a fraction of reflective response.

I wait now for the "new" administration which will probably be a huge let-down from the last two (and earlier ones). However, it could be different and so I must wait for the hope to emerge (probably as a disappointment but I can only wait to see). Meanwhile, here I am in dire poverty, needing financial and domestic security and a safe home where I won't be dismembered or attacked any longer. to wait for over 8 years for the United States government to actually stop funding and approving of domestic abuse fabrications forced upon me, as I would most definitely never allow this or encourage this or become entrapped in any situation like this if I were not forced into it by technology and drugging and poisoning which has left me in a state of nearly perpetual infirmity with no access to health care, thanks to the billionaires attacking me so they can exploit me more fully for their endless more millions and billions of dollars in paid-for promotional expenses.

I have to wait and wait, because over two years of fighting to stop home invasion by mechanical arms which have been ordered by sick psychos who want to see me broken physically, but in the misery they create, can exploit ideas which I pour out due to the technology they are being paid to use upon me so their blank hate mentalities can have some original or new concept to sell off to augment the lies that they represent the concerns of humanitarianism. Waiting forever it seems. Waiting for my government to NOT fund this torture program any longer. Waiting for ANYONE TO PROTECT ME IN REALITY AND PERMANENTLY SO I CAN LIVE IN PEACE with prosperity to the degree that I am safe and supported. Waiting in vain I am sure no one is going to do anything as nothing has ever stopped this and no one has ever, ever helped me beyond a mere tiny bit and just for a short while and always from behind the scenes so I can never tell if anyone has actually ever, once, intervened in this hate crime perpetually being dumped upon me. That I was beautiful, talented and a top athlete has meant a lifetime of torture, disfigurement, theft of my concdepts and insults and rape and poisoning and disfigurement and parts of my body broken so I am disabled, paralyzed and sick perpetually while these apes torture me to the point of hysteria every single day operating with the drugging--and NO ONE CAN EVER INTERVENE ADN STOP THEM OR HELP ME it is unbelievable to me. 

2020 the year of this writing and I remain waiting for Biden to be a change to actually encompass some of the campaign promises that his predecessors also promised with even more fervor than he has and proved to be PERPETRATORS PROFITING AND LAUGHING ABOUT THIS TORTURE CONTRACT OUT ON ME. Participating and supporting their black friends attacking me, who they helped be inducted into the Nazi realms of power in the media (I'm not exactly sure how much "real power" has been conferred to these fake lying performers but they certainly were sold and paid for and they are glowing in delight over it with the politicians who promised all the world has delivered Nazi hate to me).

Then the current fiasco which has resulted in me fighting for my life while fighting to heal while fighting to keep people out of my home for over 4 years.

Now I have to wait another 2 months--over 60 days--plus 12 hours to see if any transition is just going to be a transitory trip to another terror terrorist administration concealed by rhetoric of Democracy.

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