Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election day, November 4, 2020. Here is your Mental manipulation graduate-level class instruction for this special day: exposing The Whorewood shit Pit gang of Trump "friends", associates and partners in this fascist, Nazi contract out on me are endorsing, publicly, Biden. Of course, of course, the whorror, the whorror of their furor. They gleam with hormonal delight of having gotten away with teleporting, raping and torturing me to extract ideas, sitting in rows after ordering physical torture and slow dismemberment of me (right now, I face losing my teeth, hair, fingernails, toes on my left foot as all are being cut inbetween the webbing of the toes on the entire left foot) plus cuts into my body every night while I sleep in drugged-up stupor and in the "MK ULTRA alter" state of comatose teleportation---cutting me while I am completely unconscious and feel nothing--every night---in various places. The attacks are more vile and much, much more disgusting than I will describe here, as people are turned on by reading about it instead of concerned or willing to stop them or help me--it seems from this endless silence as the vilence never stops against me--at top executive, media and all with endless beauty treatments, they all glow with energy they have huge smiles as they prance around gyrating and singing and dancing in public--energy derived from torture is a huge beauty treatment plus free lead roles and endless promotikons into highest power levels--the blondes are the most vicious but the blacks and mafia are in a cluster-f-formation backing them all up. Don't forget, when I write "fascist" that includes the mafia component, as mafia is just another term for fascism and has the same origin. When I see these gag gag goons, all I see are the years of rape, torture and their endless nasty and negative pouring out of their filth onto me, night after night in teleportation as they are lighter for dumping their hate and ugliness upon me. They are instructed to hate me, and their hate has no bounds they just hate and attack me forever, they go on for years night after night only smiling and laughing afterwards and being promoted for it. Now they are endorsing the "liberal" platform as they always do, they remain "fighting" with the fake "liberal" media criminals and being put into lead propaganda roles for USA Today and all the other conjoined media outlets. It just continues for years and years like this. Without this contract out upon me, I seriously doubt they would have remained in these top positions. Nevertheless, I remain now completely damaged just in the physical sense while they have blocked all my access to health care, food and nutrition and I am poisoned, dismembered and abused non-stop day after day in a torture protocol that they literally, energetically feed off on a psychic level, plus hormonally. In addition to contracts of highest promotion that they never stop attacking me to obtain. They never stop torturing me to death. Seeing them supporting Biden means that Biden is not going to stop this contract out upon me, I think but perhaps not. It's very hard to tell from my position of having to see everything they do for the public support fan base put into their huge plastic surgery smiling postures and they are gloating and glowing with glee and joy over this endless torture situation whereas I am broken down from over 10 years of this Nazi contract out that never is stopped by any leader or person around me or anyone, anywhere.. So I rant now about these non-stop, covert and undetected by authority but fully funded and supported by them--these paid-for attacks which these celebrities and politicians are being funded, promoted and awarded by foreign, fascist and Nazi/mafia interventionists (and whatever other Communist, socialist or other entities are funding and controlling this American debacle with these fascists now endorsing Biden for their next funded publicity stunts). All endlessly being handed, for this inclusion in this death system operation which WILL be foisted upon the mainstream and has already been a controlling factor for probably decades by now; for just using technology to extract ideas, torture, rape, destroy physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually and reap all they can suck out of another human being and all disguised and protected by every government on the planet--these celebrity endorsers and their politicians--in top awards categories, year after year for over 7 years non-stop. For a number of years, these "Biden supporters" sat in rows or in small groups, attacking me most viciously and then questioining me afterwards for concepts to use as their own, ideas and political theories while they took notes which they took the notes down on, clipboards in hand as they grilled me with inquisitorial questioning, nightly for years--and torture going on for years. Smiling, in USA Today photo ops about endorsing Biden who they really could not give a damn about, or not as much, because Trump is their Big Bro funding source, or part of their continuation of these contracts and bids, their endless monopolies for power grabs.. They have to keep up the image of being the "alternative" to what is really their main source of promotion: fascist Europigape Nazis. This is the onus of the T-rump paradigm, and it prevails with no censorship for their claims of "alternative" concern about society nor their heinous violent crimes against me. All the other Biden supporters smile and laugh with these rapist abusers, with no blocks to their endless monopolies, and all crimes against me have been fully exonerated and then heaped with top prizes and rewarded and left unpunished--years of torture, attempted murder, and non-stop slow torture and poisoning to death via their proxy terrorist groups attacking me where I live. They smile for the cameras, endorsing the Democrat Party while they really hang out with fascist Nazis out of Nazi Europ-aland--their supreme leader destination, like pilgrims going on pilgrimage to fascist Fashion week that is their real political motivation plus more castles, mansions and endless studio top positions which keep being handed out as they continue the torture to death aimed at me, as this is the contract. These celebrity endorsement criminals are fully instructed by their fascist (real) leaders, which is not T-rump, telling them what to think, say and do. They obey like the mental slaves that they are. They get millions and billions of dollars for performing these rituals of compliance to their authority and in leading the public into fascism and Totalitarianism while ostensibly supporting the "Liberal" platform, publicly. With this morally skewed compass of incompassionate Nazi fascist violence never ending hate directed at me as some symbol of hate they really believe and have fully incorporated into their every action towards me, They head towards executive positions for the mega-international conglomerate media and tech companies and get these deals out of torturing and teleporting and attacking me --partially so, demonstrating their willingness to have a fascist government but using deception to get the fans to endorse their politics which are really controlled by foreign entities of fascist and genocidal orientation. (using their proxy terrorist organizational units--the greasy, dirty nasty people attacking me for them on a 360-degree, 24/7 basis every single place on the planet I have gone to live in peace).

 Again, first off: I re-read parts of this title and post, after having published. Hacking is bad, repeats of sentences and partial deletions of concepts abound. The internet has been blocked as pages freeze and operations won't function. I sit as the laptop freezes and pages won't open, essentially endless DOS attacks. Sometimes I can see that the connection is turned off for less than 30 seconds (I see the connection icon at the bottom of the screen flicker between connected and disconnected often for these DOS attacks). 

This post was written under hacking blocks to keyboard making writing something close to impossible. I am always, every single day, due to mechanical arms, and food poisoned in my refrigerator, and food pre-poisoned sitting "on sale" in stores because these criminals have forced such poverty on me they know I can only buy food on sale so I am always drugged up and attacked duress and "mind control" obstruction to my brain and mental processes which should operate like my nearly new laptop: perfectly. Not able to do this and I remain fighting to write this out. My purpose is like a campaign in itself. To stop these people from endlessly being put into positions of leadership in the media and in politics. I have tried to write about how sick and stupid and disgusting they are, and how incompetent. My writings only serve to get them more promotions, it appears.


And now, what to write in the body of the text after such a bold and lengthy title to this post. With no evidence this remains an "anonymous" blog written under no-name not even a pseudonym. Everyone reading this today, Nov. 4, 2020 knows exactly who I am. 

I had to do it, it wasn't masochism but I had to see the bs operators out of Whorewood endorsing Biden. Some of them openly endorse Trump. The psy-ops spread of misinformation and disinformation in the guise of celebrity endorsements remains almost like the spread of the Electoral College results, or voting districts. 



It is so foul to see their happy glowing faces. all I do every day is fighting to heal from the orders they give to dismember my body every night while I cannot defend myself. All I do is clean up stinking filth that is sprayed in my room while I remain in absolute pain fighting to remove hard poisons that none of them who have stolen ideas from me will help pay for any medical care. I remain unable to afford to buy food I really need, much less herbs or medicine (I can only buy two herbs per month, when I really need much better quality food and more, more medicine and they keep also breaking items I need to live on so all my money goes for defending myself and the rest of my life is spent cleaning up their filth as they glow with joy with the endless media promotions as they are "endorsing" Biden under the auspices and umbrella of the T-rump organization. I could not get to some of the usual suspects I just scrolled for less than one minute and had to close the entire page, knowing beforehand that I was doing something that would prove to be disgusting, and yet I had to see and it was worse than I expected. Probably it was a hacked page but probably not. The situation is so disgusting. Everyone in Whorewood knows (meaning "everyone" who makes the decisions, I think) and they all fully support this.

Just please remember that the categorical titles I use, like fascist, Nazi, mafia, Europigape, etc are all really just various tentacles of one huge conglomerate operation that has various other names in conspiracy theory circles. The "theories" have been proven to be correct and are not theories. It would take a lot of research on my part to actually connect these groups and I cannot do it with non-stop hacking on my laptop and all information blocked except for disinformation or misinformation or skewed knowledge or facts or data (all hacked into my every search by this insidious group of hackers and terrorists).


I wrote something else today in response to a Carlson Tucker clip about the "Hispanic" vote in Florida. I have spent so long fighting to type this single post out that spending time I really need to endlessly fight to heal my body, as I am now trying to scrub off the layer of slime and filth that was again sprayed on my clothing, my body and my shoes are sprayed with stinking fungus every night while I am sleeping as well. All I do is clean my body and home but I am too ill to do either or both most of the time, as this group besides entering my room and raping me, putting my hips and spine out of alignment every single night, poisoning and drugging my food, smearing disfiguring chemicals onto my arms, legs, into my hair, cutting into my gum tissue to make my teeth loose and fall out, every night and cutting to the bone into the webbing of my toes, now all of the toes on my left foot, every night. I sleep with layers of tape, gloves, mittens, covering my mouth, feet, hands and covering my legs which they cut into, my arms have slashes on them, the cuts are smeared with fungus and they become sores which are then sprayed with something else so they are indelibly scarred into my skin. That is a small list, but that is the nightly routine of these terrorists attacking me, under orders from these rapist pig apes in Whorewood who are gloating, smiles and laughs, beauty treatments, parties and top positions while I remain unable to type my ideas out or make any money as they are now trying to force a "baby" out of me. Seeing them promoted for endorsing Biden, who I have but should not have hopes that he will somehow be "different" than all the rest of the crap leaders and actually not try to force "sex slavery" unpaid prostitution plus theft of ideas I went to grad school and college to read and study by these under-educated whores out of Whorewood who can feign emotions but appear to have almost none, whatsoever. I know their policy is to be loving towards one another and then cruel and violent and murderous towards people "like me" and that is their Nazi philosophy that they are being inducted into. They appear joyous as they appear after their beauty treatments and awards. Academy Awards year after year. I wrote two years ago that I want this injustice of them being promoted stopped and for justice. They have not stopped trying to murder me for years, but they tried to kill me in an accident and since then have been slowly cutting my lower teeth out and my fingernails are black and falling out and my hair is gone. That is their Nazi "punishment" for writing on my PRIVATE Facebook page that they not be rewarded and awarded any more Academy Awards for participating in this contract out on me. After one year of non-stop violence, rape, torture and abuse from shit pig pit, he was awarded an Academy Award, with huge glowing smiles of "victory" and after h itting, punching, slapping, nearly killing me, his goons are still having my teeth slowly cut out every night while he's glowing with beauty treatments, having parties and still being promoted by all of whorewood. He has an arsenal of black rappers, black compassionate fascists, mafia haters, and T-rump all at his disposal. Seeing his rotten face with huge glowing plastic smiles is more than a disgusting example of how America has become such a sick and insane place. The gag gag fag hag singer who is a piece of sleazy nasty crap has also been awarded and so have them all--for partially attacking me but moreso for participating in training exercises in fascist misuse of technology to torture, extract ideas for idiots, sleazy whores and apes to obtain so they can continue to posture as if they are "alternative" with the full cheers of that pile of crap out of Whorewood who keep getting in line to also obtain these contracts due to attacking me using teleportation and all this surveillance and extraction of ideas using Voice-to-Skull tecyhnology (aka thought-reading technology).

Waiting for Biden to not be a lout but it appears that it's not exactly a promising fantasy on my part. Waiting for justice and it appears that Trump is perhaps not going to lose (but I think he will). What will change if Biden wins when these pig apes are puppets operating for fascist Europigapes who control them? And there is never any justice for me in any iota of any single entity on the planet and zero support that is visible. 

If there is, and I am wrong: I just want these pigs to remunerate me for this endless decade of violence, my cat(s) returned (there is also a white dog I rescued here in Phuket which I would like returned) and for them to purchase a home for me to live in, alone, without any of them or this group ever bothering me again. Preferably, they should have no knowledge of my whereabouts. I want a beautiful home with people who are respectful and private around me, in a beautiful area within a city or place that is wonderful. And then to be left alone so I can meet or be with people I actually have some affinity with and for, or alone but with animals as human beings have proven to be absolute lemmings who have no real critical thinking capability and only follow the zeitgeist and will attack most viciously if they are only allowed by authority. 

Just go ahead and look at the Entertainment celebrity endorsements today from USA Today and the list of "perpetrators" who have nearly killed me begins, as I could not scroll down beyond seeing four of them within less than one minute of scrolling and there are another 100 or so of them "endorsing" candidates. 




misleading fascist Nazi actors endorsing the "liberal" candidate

in droves

a long list of them

who advocate for tyrannical despotism and technocratic authoritarianism and all the nasty isms that are akin to spewing genocidal hate spat out at hate rallies. They really are an atrocity wrapped in deceptive smiles--they are glowing from having tortured me for YEARS AND YEARS and these Nazi rallies really are many of their most ardent fans. They really are Nazis they really are fascist and they really are ugly sinister parasites. They have made me broken down and I remain now fighting literally for my life to stop this endless death and murder attack upon me, sponsored by Obama and Trump and Hillary and the Repuglicans and the Dems and Progressives. Wow, so much attention is being paid to me in order to crush my spirit and inflict this techno-terror upon other people who will be seduced and used and exterminated once everything possible can be sucked and stolen from them. I am just one prototype for this contractual "experiment". I can't express to people reading this how deadly this technology is, and how disastrous it will be to continue to allow these criminals to be put into lead, corporate, actor or political power roles and positions. 

I have been writing of this for years and years on Facebook and now here, but I remain silenced, these parasites continue to torture me to obtain ideas just like what I have written here now, so they can use them for their fake appearances as being "alternative" and posturing for the illusion of choice and "change" but really are installing a fascist dictatorship controlled by foreign entities and geo-political and corporate interests who have no desire to see America as a free society with equality for people "like me", and most of the Americans participating in this want this for me or anyone like me either. However, they seem to not mind that these foreign entities want America to be a controlled vassal colonial puppet state for their systematic hate paradigm that has kept people oppressed and brain-numb and quelled creatively for millennium. That is another reason I am fighting because America is such a unique and special place and THEY ARE DESTROYING AMERICA as I write this now. You continue to allow this to go on indefinitely and to what conclusion?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...