I may be writing prematurely for the upcoming 2024 election and the 2022 midterms, but the situation is now dire and my former apathetic attenuation into concern for politics is at a new high where it should have been but I was brainwashed, drugged and under mind control to be apathetic. From my years of experiencing political machinations and deterioration of American Democratic solvency into it's near unraveling last January, I fervently put this forward as a tenable solution to the problems that also affect me in this state of being a state-sponsored victim of terror campaigns which are more congenially termed, "gang stalking harassment" which is really state-sponsored torture and murder and mind control programming.
If the world has a future for independent thought, at this point-in-time with the increasing expansion of these technologies and the literal outer space technologies which are creating a mental iron clasp upon freedom of thought--a kind of electronic fence around human brain activity through the global network of these technologies and the countless millions of people who are viciously zombiesque participating in this hate crime upon orders, without thinking or blinking and very frenetic in their approach to torture, rape and murder protocols as they are insidious as they are evil and loveless and without thought and barely under control with their violence.
SANDERS: "I'm tired of talking about Mr. Manchin and Miss Sinema." MSNBC. June 24, 2021.
STACEY ABRAMS On Voting Rights: "We are seeing a subversion of Democracy." Yahoo Finance. June 16, 2021.
STACEY ABRAMS BIOGRAPHY. (The True Story, Episode 1). Goodread Biography. April 22, 2020.
Yale Law School graduate (for those who doubt her capabilities and don't know her bio) Stacey Abrams believes that being US President is her future and has stated that this is her goal. I would vote for her but would have a hard time choosing between her and Bernie Bro feel the burn. I think Abrams has a chance to win an election for US President and I think this is the future of America and what it needs to be a more fully fledged Democratic institution that the world can see as an example and not a deteriorating, authoritarian Police state of brutality and global terrorism disguised as geopolitical control for world peace and "Democracy". Much of the planet is now embroiled in impoverished despair and tyrannical governments and I fear US foreign policy is partially to blame and the planet really needs to change this and install a truly benevolent leader who cares about humanity on a much broader scale than the current more myopic level of a narrow focus on Eurocentrism.
Please see commentary below from Senator Whitehouse as a revelatory addition to this reference to the Dark Money donors and their ancient regime disguised as offering "liberty" to "do what thou wilt" as the rule of law/Libertarian even implies "liberty" but means really....
"Koch was a libertarian. He was the 1980 Libertarian candidate for Vice President of the United States and helped finance the campaign...and donated to advocacy groups and political campaigns, most of which were Republican. Koch became a Republican in 1984; in 2012, he spent over $100 million in a failed bid to oppose the re-election of President Barack Obama.
Koch was the fourth-richest person in the United States in 2012 and was the wealthiest resident of New York City in 2013. As of June 2019, Koch was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world (tied with his brother Charles), with a fortune of $50.5 billion. Koch contributed to the Lincoln Center, Sloan Kettering, NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital, and the Dinosaur Wing at the American Museum of Natural History." --David Koch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The dinos are so grateful to Koch and owe so much to his legacy His contribution to the dinosaur wing at the American Museum of Natural History has kept dinos in a powerful position in the museum, which has the same Greco-Roman architectural structure as the Capital Bldg, DC! Somehow the reference to that museum reminds me of one of the last parts of A Catcher in the Rye when our hero, the anti-establishment protagonist, was trying to save his innocent virgin sister and run away to some other happier place, but the dino legacy as symbol kept him in that metaphorical place, entrenched in the ancient regime ruled by megalithic dinosaurs and their cascading ilk of followers in the stream of history that has turned into a cesspool.
The Scheme Speech 3: The Latest Virus. --Senator Whitehouse. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. June 6, 2021.
Senator Whitehouse, the esteemed Senator from Rhode Island is protecting the Holden Caulfields of the planet who want to rescue their sisters and brothers from the predatory Catchers in the Rye who are bare-fanged, blood-sucking smiling multi-millionaire billionaires with billions of followers who worship the vicious ascent into power and follow the chain of command, just like dumb and numb lemmings who will follow the piper off a cliff to their crashing demise on the rocks of stupidity and greed below.
Speckles The Dinosaur King. The Final Battle v. T-Rex.
The Catcher in the Rye Reality Tour, Vol. 1: American Museum of Natural History. Jeff Giovanniello. February 11, 2016.
Dark money donors in the political arena. Mark how many politicians have their roots in H-wood and in the entertainment industry. Collusion abounds but this is an area that remains off-limits somehow to serious inquiry or scrutiny as if these celebrities are beyond all speculation as to their authenticity, or the forces that back their every mind programming movie, tv ad, pop music grind display and their eventual foray into the political game (whether that is to promote or ridicule politicians or vie for power as politicians themselves).
For example, today I clicked on the most recent archived show which features "dark wave" and gothic music, hosted by a male. Instead it was a quaalude-sounding female playing most mundane, played out mediocre music from radio station oldies stuff, but only slightly exempt from repeat pop top overuse. It was "A Night in Georgia" and others classics that these performers probably have in their collections or have listened to many times in the past. All the shows from WNYU are underground, very rarely if ever repeated from past shows, whether the music is old or new. The music is so unique in the REAL programs that it's a never-ending fantastic trip through all kinds of genres.
For over 2 years this insipid group of rapists, racists have plagued the entire spectrum of incredibly unique music and inserted instead songs which resonate with the current responses that I make or what they want me to "believe" about how wonderful these pig apes are trying to emit as their fabricated personalities for the world stage of consumerism.
Thus this morning Baba Yaga's Cauldron was really boring oldies from the 50's-60's such as people would hear on their car radios. The tone of the woman putting out this boring stuff sounded like fake ez listening but young conservative. The tone was like something that I have heard being on Quaaludes is like (I have never taken quaaludes or not that I know of, as I have been drugged so continuously all my life with who-knows-what? Oh the group attacking me knows what has been forced into my body and they fully love the entire program of torture, drugging as they continue to suck ideas out of me for their greedy and empty, mediocrity performances that keep dominating the entire "art" scene of the media.).
FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY--The O'Jays. Soul Train official video.
This German "man" David Garrett (read rapist, Nazi, aspiring famous celebrity in the American H-wood milieu, with fame and fortune now being handed to him for participating in raping me nightly)--which is just a pornographic violent hate exercise in sodom and fellatio forced upon me by a hateful user/abuser who says he "can't wait until I get you in Germany where you can't get away and you will have nowhere to go." threat. Surrounded by Nazis and a system where there will be no sanctuary for me whatsoever is what this group of filth from Whorewood is nearly applauding this rapist nazi German scumbag for his endless penis stuck in my mouth while I am teleported, asleep, after physical torture that hasn't stopped for one day for over a decade night and day. Broken bones, fractured vertebrae, paralyzed with hardening and bloating poison that has kept me bedridden and absolutely tortured due to paralysis by this group of shit and filth you all applaud year-after-year as they "win" top prizes for their participation in this hate crime being absolutely handed to them not only for free but millions of dollars in awards and deals and promotions just simply handed to this group of shit that you all think is the most beautiful and sexualizing tantalizing top acting group possible. Their endless glorification is nearly absurd but that is what American Nazis have been applauding and they keep the fan base going so there is no stopping any of this, or is there ever going to be?
I just very briefly elaborated upon what David Garrit is doing to me. I know most of you think he's a great, good ole German Nazi boy and you can't wait for the rapist sticking his nasty, hateful pornographic penis in my mouth, literally raping me as I am fighting to get him off me while he's pinning me down, and they are using some kind of technology where I am sexually turned on to the max and I can feel the effect physically and know this is a brain-altering technology that reaches into the pit of the brain area that is affected by desire and emotions. They are pumping "love" messages about this greasy nasty pig ape German whore into my brain at the same time. He's on a total fantasy power trip of using and abusing me and the endless deals he's been getting from the shit like the pit gang of whores who you have all adored all these years who have followed the exact same formulas and protocols of hate and torture towards me. Like all of them, once they establish a "passion" reaction out of me, they just continue the abuse and torture which never ends. That promises a reaction of release from pain and suffering as I sit alone in a room being blasted with technology absolutely skewing my thoughts as the room is a literal torture chamber with surveillance of my every action and THOUGHT which these greasy, meaningless pig apes use to extract more ideas for their crappy and shitty media output so they don't appear as mediocre and stupid as they really and truly are once you get them out of scripted speeches and scripts that they utter a few words out of with a few affectations that make Americans nearly drool because they are saying something with a trained emphasis and facial expressions and plastic surgery galore. It is all such a huge scam and so politically-motivated to continue to push the Europigape fascist and mafia into more power, to brainwash the population into believing the old norms of Eurpigape fascist NazI mentality that only people of a certain look (Nazi appearance, with the old norms of facial and bodily characteristics, blonde hair, square jaw, etc etc) are only the most superior. Thus after this group of stupid shit steals my ideas, they block my every attempt to earn a single penny I remain in a filthy room that this group has their dirty and stinking minions spray grease, stinking substances on a daily basis while I am too paralyzed due to the poisoning of this organization to incessantly clean up this stinking filth that is coating my clothing, furniture, the floors, walls and every single thing is stinking and foul in this room--my body is covered with mutilated areas that are nightly slashed into by mechanical arms I cannot stop from entering my room despite over 2 years of fighting with less than $700 per month to do so.
The years of shit like filthy rotten pigalina the wife of shit Pit the so-called "actor" who "wins" awards year after year for either his crappy production company or his shitty stupid meaningless violence movies. The same for Tarantino whose hate and endless revenge movies are accentuated by Italian Mafia goons like Robert DeNiro and his gang out of Brooklyn--the Gottis for example have been involved in torturing me for years, as well as DeNiro and his good friend Martin Scorsese, who I was teleported to only in a very indirect way, as he sat back and Pit brought me to him. He has never directly participated but oh how he has in this collateral style profited off and fully applauded this system.
MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING and indoctrination into this hate and murder psycho-terror sex trafficking hate organization through movies and entertainment:
The hate and mafia movies these people endlessly come out with, death, hate, revenge and crime endlessly spewed out into the consciousness of the public to the point that there is never any inkling of moral chagrin or even protest any longer as to the pornographic and violent content of these shit assinine movies that endlessly are cranked out year-after-year. Fully indoctrinated viewers are now using guns more in the streets, the gun violence in America is reaching something like a kind of repeat formula of death and the mentality that these movies are cranking out year after year is programming the gun-toting and violence-inebriated movie and entertainment viewers into following the patterns that they view on these screens in their homes and in the theaters of hate and death programming, plus Nazi porno indoctrination into drooling over Nazi whores who perform the tantalizing appeal fascist Nazi programming that keeps people like me being mutilated nightly because they wanted to destroy my every bit of beauty and appeal that wasn't already destroyed by years of poisoning.
So far in this post I have no very little but rant--I am writing names--David Garrett is using every kind of persuasive and threatening ruse to try to force a version of slavery and sex trafficking upon me. Nighly his penis is in my mouth as I make "love" to a hater who is only using me. He puts shitty videos on my YouTube channel about "love" with him playing his syrupy violin music and endless photos of him posturing like a movie star type porno guy that women scream and drool over when he performs his music (top classical music performer but he lacks real love in his heart and soul despite his coached smiles while he performs and his drooling sexualized posturing as well).
I have tried to get him off me now it's not even a month of his endless penis in my mouth every night while I fight him off me, he threatens me endlessly and tells me that I have "no choice" that the mafia--under DeNiro and his and the usual "Italian-American" mafia fascination with importing as much of Italy as possible into America and the mafia is no exception. They are connected to the scumbag gang in Miami of Italian mafia who terrorized and raped me for nearly 2 decades of following me around and then being handed teleportation equipment, I spent 3 years fighting to get Nicola Siervo off me as his career spun into highest orbit possible for his mediocrity while he sucked information out of me about how Prince used themes and the concepts of his club First Avenue, which this empty and bigoted racist murdering Italian Mafia bigot then stole to use for his crappy mafia and Nazi club themes in Miami--handed every top prize possible by the nazi/mafia circuit afterwards, like all of these pig apes are getting. I get not only nothing and no money and nothing but all I own has been stolen repeated, broken and destroyed all attempts to earn a single penny are continuously blocked all health care is denied me, even if I officially get health care the quality is not only substandard but completely deadly and dangerous and life-threatening as doctors completely comply with this organization and try to harm me more than I had been. I can't even trust a single doctor. Right now I may have a urinary tract infection because this German pig ape instructed the greasy crap living next to me to spray rotting meat sprays on the crotch of the pants I sleep in at night, and I am so infected that over 10 days of huge doses of antibiotics is not clearing up the problem while this German pig who has extracted the greatest passion possible out of me has only smiled and laughed when I told him what he had done to me--and this pig ape scumbag Nazi whore is now demanding that I go to Germany where he will have me beaten, raped and probably eventually murdered while I am tortured into "making love" to him while he is now threatening me that I must "obey" every single command this rotten pig makes and I have no defense, The shit out of Brooklyn like DeNiro, his real partner Scorsese, and also the Gotti's and Joe Pesce and I can't imagine what rotten old men are behind all of them--all completely with Italy and the country that began all this fascism fully as their one and sole cultural identifier.
But they continue to program the masses of Americans and are continuously being promoted for using this 2.666 version of updated human sex and murder trafficking that Obama, Trump and now Biden are not only not doing anything about, but in the case of Trump and Obama, they participated and now Biden is just doing nothing. Since Biden was put into office, I clicked "follow" on Facebook for his page just to get information on what the new POTUS is up to, and the very first post always is from this president and that is not a fluke of the Facebook algorithms but it is, I believe, some kind of intentional program into that system. Whether that is being aimed at me because Biden, like his two predecessors, is aware and a part of profiting and being promoted into this system or not, I really have no sense that this president, like all the rest, is going to ever stop these ape actor whores or this German Nazi from torturing and abusing me and threatening my life continuously.
Meanwhile I have zero financial solvency that has been utterly destroyed by this group which has made millions off torturing ideas off me and then torturing me afterwards, after they raped and obtained my highest sexual and loving passion they then mutilated my body and made my home toxic and poisoned as they were murdering me by poisoning via these covert systems of penetration into my food and living situation and intake.
Writing again about this system of systematic torture that millions upon millions of people are participating in worldwide.
I need a stable home and reparations for this crime of decades handed to ME by these criminals and protection from my government and to stop this German from trying to force absolute hate and oppression upon me as he's now becoming more and more indoctrinated and praised and handed more and more deals, his humanity has, like all of them, degraded into greed, selfishness and endless promotions and like all of these greasy filthy pig ape whores you all applaud, he's now so inhumane that I can't think of him as a human being but as a pig ape scumbag and I really wish someone would stop him from doing this to me. Please get this greasy filthy ugly Nazi pig whore off me, please get David Garrett off me. I can't control the technology being blasted into me to procure this sexual energy that this pig sucks out and then mutilates my body afterwards through these gang stalking units of greasy and filthy minority minion slave whores who serve these racist and fascist pig apes like drooling slaves they are obscene and through all the poverty protocols this organization has a literal world of brown-and black-skinned desperate slaves servicing them with no opportunities or chances for survival. This group is thus expanding as the global situation has now worsened due to the pandemic and the imbalance of power has shifted more to the Nazi white supremacist countries and the now more desperate poorer countries. All must then submit to this organization and thus more and more people are being forced to submit to this organization or face death and poverty so awful.
They have forced this status upon me and I know this is a deliberate system of enforced slavery put out upon the planet by this insidious hate organization mostly stemming from fascist Nazi Europigape countries.
During the pandemic and the aftermath has seen also a shift, within the U S, in not only demographics but in the inequal disparity of the wealth and the poor, as homelessness has skyrocketed the president is now taking responsibility for this uptick in the economy (while prices are skyrocketing and those who have been kicked out and are left out in the cold have no voice--just as my "voice" is now limited only to those reading my posts, which are those only part of this system thus I get no relief or support or no one ever stopping this group).
I continue to try, hoping that what I write will be read by those who don't want the next catastrophe that this group of hate spreads around the planet to wipe out their life-savings or take away what they have worked for, if any of you can ever conceive of the fact that this technology will be used to rape your children or have you killed if this group doesn't like something you say or do or if they want to take away what you have worked for. The greed and rapacious ugliness of every person who has teleported me acts like an exponential rise in stupidity and criminality and lack of all humanity the longer each one of these pigs goes on the more inhumane and selfish and greedy they become. In less than one month this rotten German piece of shit David Garrett has now become a full-blown Nazi piece of rotten shit while I know he's being praised, promoted and is lavishing all the deals, celebrity parties and orgies and whatever else while he slaps my face, hits me constantly is sticking his greasy disgusting penis in my mouth hitting me and then torturing me and using these gangs to make my body and home stinking, filthy and nasty while I remain in despair, poverty and he's out taking his blonde, nazi wife or girlfriend or boyfriend to the very expensive French restaurants of Los Angeles as he sits laughing with his cohorts in this crime who laugh as he shows them videos of raping me and slapping my face continuously until I "make love" to his greasy, dirty nasty disgusting penis while he hits me and then presses a button and pushes me away to have to clean up more stinking filth his greasy minions had sprayed into my vagina, my body and my home while I was "making love" to this pig who I have not had a single conversation with--it's just him telling me that I will go to Germany have a baby and will do every single thing this stupid worthless pig instructs me to do yelling at me in exactly the way that rapist violent abuser Pit and his piece of greasy shit wife ugly filthalina the whore creep who sucked idea after idea out of me so this worthless piece of shit could get "alternative" ideas to sell off as her fake "charity and love and compassionate" persona with all her adopted children who are now starring in movies due to the nearly 10 years of that pair of absolute crap torturing me. Now David Garrett, the gushing "romantic" Nazi scumbag rapist hater racist is behaving exactly like them because he's fully welcomed into their Nazi crowd of shit--is so ugly to me by now his behavior went from being a stupid porno creep to being trained by them to act in exactly the same way--and he's undoubtedly out partying, taking his real lover with full respect and love to the happy parties he's now being invited to while he's getting his greasy mafia Nazi deal out of me
I also have been physically attacked and threatened by disgusting Robert DeNiro who has punched directly at me because I am telling him he's a piece of rotten crap and how meaningless his movies are and what kind of hate he and this mafia Nazi crew are indoctrinating the masses into. He's extremely violent. and for years he has been "winning" top awards for his every hate and revenge and murder movie, along with his "jewish" friends or "half jewish" actors and whatever else who hang on like barnacles to this rotting ship of shit endlessly dragging me into their cesspool of filthy hate and promotional Nazi/Mafia indoctrination through this entertainment group of mind control programmers, who are controlled and programmed themselves by this other organization which controls them and the POTUS as well. Politicians like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have participated in attacking me in this system and I remain begging the planet to stop this crime against me once again.
One hour later and non-stop washing (by hand) of stinking fungus-smeared pillows and clothing that terrorists have made foul and unusable. The washing machine has been "broken" by terrorist actions so the spin cycle does not work. Another hardship on my body as I can't bend and lift out heavy soaking wet clothing from the top-load machine that is still pumping out water and the mechanism works for 5 spins on wash and 3 on rinse while I must turn off the machine constantly to get it to stop beeping due to the child safety.
But to continue, as this is a kind of ranting report at this point. The other celebrities fully in tune with this rape/torture/mafia/nazi terrorism sex trafficking and slow murder attack upon me are numerous. A few in the last few weeks since this German David Garrett has begun his very rapid revealing of his Nazi programming as most Germans are fully Nazis waiting for their chance to slip out of the fake disguises they don as nice, sweet and charming psychopath friendly good-natured "Democratic" personalities--completely a lie. Once they get a chance the full Nazi emerges and this is happening at an almost daily exponential rate with this German thug/violinist whose constructed performance "personality" is of a charming, sexualized seducer violinist who is so geared towards being fully welcomed into the H-wood establishment he's nearly drooling when he is being handed all and every award and prize possible just within less than one month he has changed into a vicious and violent hate personality (not really changed but he's emerged as such, the more I fight his endless sodomizing of me and fellatio rape torture and violent abuse all simultaneous and increasing in domination and abuse programming as my dislike of him is now at a very high point and can easily get into murderous intention to defend myself but I can't even reach him and he's physically huge like a gangly monster).
But beyond that, the Germans and Austrians involved in this (not a huge list but behind the actors are many of their national cohorts and peers who have been part of this as well). They are fully ensconced in attacking me in league with Garrett and they put their videos on my YouTube channel constantly. Arnie the former governor of California, who with Nancy Pelosi threatened to cut my foot off (while I must sleep with tape wound around my feet, socks and pants with material sewn into the foot openings to stop this group of slicing my toes off as they have been cutting into the webbing of my toes and inbetween the joints for months--I have just barely begun to grow my hair back as balding spots covered my scalp for YEARS while my hair was completely damaged for DECADES by this organization--also in the United States the system is absolutely no different from any other country where the same behaviors and the same tactics and the same modus operandi are exactly the same in every single country--AROUND THE WORLD.
so I am ranting now, but this is decades of state-sponsored torture. I wonder when anyone will be concerned just about this situation to care to try to stop these people.
So there's arnie the former governor participating with nancy Pelosi, just before the State of California got a huge cut of the last billion dollar stimulus package with Pelosi apparently cutting off a portion of that money for her nasty, greasy personal pacts or groups and also arnie the hateful Nazi out of Austria. With his arm around greasy David Garrett the fellatio creep greasebag, both watching me arm-in-arm as Garrett hasn't stopped this "humiliation" form of sexual porno hate with the rest of this group absolutely welcoming him into the larger group--the list of these actors is enormous. Lately Meryl Streep has begun to post her videos because she wants me to react as I am doing right now, and this is one way they get promoted by this group who demands absolute violence inflicted on their targets and evidence of suffering, hate and misery that the victims try to pour out to obtain any support. Thus I am writing about them. I posted some videos and written thoughts on Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, and instantaneously videos of Streep playing the role of the "shrew" in a Central Park presentation put out decades ago appeared. Now her videos are permeating my every YouTube search and this is the modus operandi this group uses to trigger me, as I have tried to explain so frequently in these ranting posts of mine.
This blonde Nazi creep actor, who has attacked me at least 6 times in the past in teleportation, with absolute condescending hate and ugliness is absolutely participating in this rape and mutilation and racist hate Nazi/mafia crime at this time. DeNiro is at the forefront of this rape and torture attack as is Pesci and many others, who are behind the teleportation scenes so I have no idea what videos are being made and which celebrities and their "handlers" out of Europigapland or where ever else they are from, such as Russia or China, are also invested and onlookers who award those who behave in the most despicable nasty fascist and Nazi behaviors, then promoted as such for their performances as fascists and Nazis and mafia thugs and not especially for their actual talent as performers in the "arts". The list of these people who are "famous" never ends in this teleportation protocol hate "experiment". But at the moment these are the most visible to me as this German Nazi scumbag keeps sticking his nasty member into my mouth and then threatening me with every kind of oppression and these actors who play roles as saviors to "women" and #me too! bs are right there laughing and going fully into their real, ugly and sleazy disgusting roles as "people" in this hate system. Streep the creep, when I think of her roles in certain movies and also of how Viola Davis made this kind of obsequious groveling long-winded speech before receiving some kind of recognition about how incredible Creep the actor is--it was a racist sublimation of herself at the behest of this bigot who, like a blonde fascist slave-owner of the larger H-wood fascist, racist plantation demanded some kind of honoring of herself as being "superior" to Viola Davis while Davis of course played the role as well as she could. the next year or a year later (as years merge in this endless detox process of me being stifled to endless degrees by this hard poison none of these pig apes help me to get out and in fact create more illness, injecting my body with fungus and so much stress and hate my body has broken down completely due to years of their torture with all my money stolen and no ability to really get health care)
but, that rotten thing is now participating and her shitty videos keep popping up constantly because, under drugging and the mind control tech is blasting my brain while I sit in this room. I can feel an absolute change in mentality after I finally am not in too much pain to get out (they keep me in pain by poisoning me with more hardening poisons and also are blasting my body and brain so I am enervated all the time and it's impossible for me to get out of this room most of the time--while being blasted continuously with mind control technology).
Thus, while under all these attacks of every sort, cleaning the filth and grease and stinking substances endlessly as my hands look like cleaning lady hands, fighting to stop the terrorists from destroying my skin further as they spray stinking substances on my skin as it looks like it's curdling like bad milk. But, these are people right now attacking me because I downloaded a video or movie they played in or starred in. Most of these creeps attacking me out of Whorewood I have not watched any movies of for years, but they jump on in if possible and endlessly get their lead roles and awards as well as the perpetual parasites who have not stopped for years, like pitt and his greasy rotten skank wife (both of them).
As for Garrett, he has also called me a "whore" and I have to remind this sleazy, rotten and ugly porno whore creep that he's the one being paid to rape and have sex I am a trafficking victim of crime.
Hours later (same day). I just got off the IMDB site for this day, June 22, 2021. I saw from the top portion of the screen for that page that the infamous Robert DeNiro is partially funding or partnering with someone else to put out the Tribeca Film Festival. Thusly, I looked up some of the various films being put on display and I saw a host of "alternative"-themed movies, many of which concurrent with the "I'm not racist/woke" "don't cancel me" culture that this racist, bigot hateful sleaze is being honored for because of the years of these apes asking me why I don't like their racism and violence, they now have lists of ideas upon which to formulate their "woke" culture.
Like all of them, DeNiro never told me about his Tribeca Film festival or anything else--they just abuse me and ask questions about why I don't like them or what they are doing. Voila, later on, they come out with movies and tv shows demonstrating that what I had expounded upon (more like yelling as they rape, beat, punch, assault, cut and slice my body with their minions utilizing mechanical arms) and now that vile and filthy pig ape DeNiro appears in sync with the current zeitgeist "woke" culture. When he's assaulting me and pounding dear little German boy who is sticking his penis in my mouth and slapping my face to not resist, he's the uptight, fascist Nazi wanna be "Italian" scumbag who is really more in sync with the prevailing gun culture of violence more than the sympathetic "woke" bigot in disguise that is being promoted by IMDB and elsewhere. The promotions are due to, in part, this non-stop years of attack upon me. I have to add that as I just saw his rotten face much more clearly than I could in the teleported state. These pigs never say or tell me about anything, not their ideas not a single conversation the entire abuse circus that goes revolving around one pig ape rapist whore piece of rotten shit to the next--I mean your famous "celebrities" who are plastic surgery one-dimensional parasites--
and so, I add that today as I believe that DeNiro either got into this gig of the festival either through attack me for all the years he and his Brooklyn mafia buddies such as Pesce and the Gotti's have been going at it, their tenure certainly was in partnership with the Trump administration (was Guiliani involved, I wonder. He got rid of Gotti the male engineer of crime but allowed the wife and children to get involved in this crime against me if he could profit off it, or Trump did so, but the onus of operation lies in the NYC mafia cartel industry).
Of course, the mirage of DeNiro being a hipster in his older mean and nasty age is now confirmed by this alternative and "hipster" Tribeca line-up. thanks to years of these apes only torturing me in very seriously deadly ways and then endlessly, night after night, extracting ideas out of me as to why they are rotten what about this situation is wrong how I would analyze it, etc etc--they obtained an entire cache of ideas I have learned from studying, from reading, from experiencing protest culture in the small way that I have (not really been heavily involved just hanging around "subculture" which really wasn't very subculture at all due to all of the people surrounding me these little circles were all the dressed-up clowns who are really agent infiltrators into the alternative movements who attacked and poisoned/drugged and assaulted me). But now with this technology of teleportation the straight-up fascist bigots who turn around and pose as being alternative, fun, smiling making jokes in public cheered on, always a huge smile on their blood-thirsty dirty porno sleaze lips always cracking a huge smile and jokes and hugging and warm and affable in their celebrity guises for the public to swoon over (often using exaggerated voices which they have carefully trained themselves into uttering in these interviews and public appearances. In teleportation the sheer ugliness is revealed when they assault and threaten me with death, rape, torture, dismemberment and then they perform these deeds with ugly sinister smiles on their putrid and ugly faces).
In private, in these teleportation/rape-for-promotion hate ordeals I must endure nightly (for over a decade non-stop without a day of it being stopped whatsoever) DeNiro and David Garrett, disgusting Arnie and the rest (pit and his shit wife) and etc...they are so revolting to me I can't write their names any longer because they are inhuman scum and thus I can't use names for them that resemble human beings, sorry to sound "immature" but it's now over 8 years or longer of just those two pieces of crap attacking me in deadly ways, killing animals maiming animals I love torturing and abusing me for years and getting every promotion out of it--they have latched on so permanently it's like having surgery to get them off of me by now--metaphorically of course.
Garrett was this less-than-one month of relief from them, but they remain influencing him.
DeNiro fully support fascist Nazi and Mafia racist rape culture and is promoting it behind the scenes of his "hipster" fake public appearances at this festival. This is what all of the people participating do on a regular basis. Their charities and their appearances for "help" to impoverished or sick people is part of the act of performing the civic duties that are expected of the charade of the entertainment industry representing anything but corporate greed, consolidation of power, rape and torture as part of ritualistic psychic cannibalism, and all those other nasty traits that make for "success" in that industry at that incompetent level of artistic merit that they are all undermining routinely, as frequently as the rotating cycle of their frontline performances revolves around their participation in crimes such as what they are doing to me (I can only assume, based on how easily, and quickly they adapt to rape and torture for profit and promotion scenarios that they are not novices in this type of hidden ritual and promotional demand.
I wanted to write this, regardless that most people hacking into my unpublished blog and my Facebook page which is blocked to all outside of the "friends" circle, and I deleted all "friends" a long time ago so that no one could hack into my facebook page through the "friend" who I had "liked". The hacking does not ever stop in that domain. Too bad Mark Zuckerberg has also participated in this otherwise he may have ensured that I could have protection and privacy on that format but he of course if at his position of "power" because he, like they all, are members of that organization (which most or all of you reading my posts are part and parcel of as well).
I can only say that I wish some day people would stop this horrid torture contract out on me so I can live in peace. I need money because they have blocked all my finances and stopped all my activity and literally paralyzed me for over a decade. They should be forced to pay me (a lot) not only for ideas they tortured out of me (DeNiro also had this done with many of the others for the film JOKER and that is no joke it is such an awful situation--the name "Happy" was taken from an attack they put out on me and I was asked what I would name an abused dog that they put in front of me and I said, "Happy" and then, a few weeks later, a pole-dancing club opened next door to the place all of this had transpired--here in Phuket where I rent my motorbike in Rawai). And then that name was applied to the protagonist whose name at home was "Happy" and these pig apes have been torturing me in similar fashion for YEARS AND YEARS in order to obtain what I come out with but can never capitalize off myself or publish or write without serious blocks and censorship and deletions and everything I publish online is blocked and restricted only to the abusers reading this right now--hopefully not all of you are of this same subset of the larger world population and that there are some actual decent human beings reading this.
I hope I have shed some light on DeNiro and Garrett, who both use similar tactics (they all use these tactics, all these fakes who are your famous celebrities whom I have written of--not ALL celebrities I refer to only those who I have written of for all these years). They are selling alternative fascism cosmetically created by "subculture" memes and themes but generated from skewed fascist Nazi and mafia programming and ideology lurking behind the words, displayed in symbolism, the roles each character really plays against one another and who is on top and who is put on bottom and etc, the elements of mind control are all very insidious, subtle but pervasive and always with such criminals who perform these double-sided roles and social posturing bs acts for the public to swallow.
Curly Fox & Texas Ruby--Don't Let That Man Get You Down. (1945).
I just lost that man of mine
His heart is cold as ice.
So if some woman finds him
Let me give her this advice.
Better hold on to your heart
When he comes around,
Don't let that man get you down.
He'll try to sweep you off your feet
and take you 'round the town,
Don't let that man get you down.
He can do the nicest things
Right before your eyes,
He can say the sweetest words
But most of them is lies.
He's the kind of man who makes you
lay that fiddle down
Oh no, don't let that man get you down.
When you think you need him most
He's nowhere around,
No, no, no don't let that man get you down.
He can make you laugh and sigh
in the loving high
Oh no, don't let that man get you down.
If he sits and holds your hand
Don't you linger on,
Once he gets you in his arms
You're just as good as gone.
So just remember that he's mine
Hiding somewhere about
Don't let that man get you down.
*as to the part of the lyrics where that good-4-nothin old man but playing his sweet music of seduction into your gonads, I must say he has never taken me anywhere but to a dream state of torture-based violence sexuality. Otherwise, he's also not "mine" but fully under control of rotten pig ape Nazi bigots in many various countries and he performs their infiltration of the USA with perfect youthful charm, which the older and rotten zombie pig apes who have lost it completely and are as hollow, rotten and old from the ancient regime they have followed into the decrepitude of their hearts and souls--his leaders and peers and friends and partners and buddies and lovers in this rotten sucking-soul orgy organization but...besides all that, ....
Some old advice to the Young at Heart:
Don't let the old at heart steal your loving young heart, no matter what age you are. He can seduce and woo, but when it's all over he'll suck the LIFE out of you and make you older than he is in spirit. His rotten older advisors will train and teach him in the ways of power and control until he's as old as their rotten sink ass hole soul(s). He may look young but it's your brain being stung by superficial appearances.
The lyrics say the rest but in a more candid and humorous way--country/folk AMERICAN style.
In other words, don't let that sweet-talkin' jive turkey seduce you into him/her sucking out your youth, soul and love while he goes off to get promoted by his rotten Nazi old men and women who have lost everything possible of love and authenticity in order to get power through the nearly cadaverous rotten ancient regime that keeps people in line by making them prematurely old and rotten and fully incapable of love--the racist element also has a huge sway and abuse and denigration of "minorities" is one of the key factors in the power cartel's operation.
Don't let that rotten old man seducing you with a sweet malarkey song of seduction make you older than he is at heart and spirit--rotten and corrupted flesh but still with enough collagen to appear freshly coated plastic-interior sold-out ancient and empty rotten and perverted.
Anti-homophobic post for the day: my uncle publishes (or published) a magazine--a "gay" magazine. I used to write, or attempt to write interviews for this magazine but because I interviewed lesbians and the mag was primarily focused, at the inception of the mag, on males my uncle would not publish my interviews and said they were not relevant. Now the magazine is of all colors and genders possible on the spectrum but at the time I really had a kind of fun typing in and pasting the classifieds (sex slave adverts and listings). It was at the height of AIDS striking the gay community where there was no medical cure at that time.
Just in case people still want to call me homophobic.
btw: no one can imagine how many male incubi there are coming out of Whorewood and how many that have teleported me like witches on a Sabbath of sexual orgiastic and ritualistic engulfment of my body, life, and all that is hidden in the recesses of the very witchy aspect of male domination over women. That has never been considered anything remotely malign or condemnable. It's amazing how many male witches there really are and especially from the group teleporting me. All incubi all using every spell, instrument of soul-possession and torture to cast a spell of absolute control over me (as only the beginning of a huge hunt for other people to do the same thing to in the course of time this will spread like a witches orgy with all this technology being passed around and around to all these witches who appear as holy relics of society in all their posturing glorification. Pontification. Beautification. Demolition and deterioration. Mutilation. Mutation. Confutation. Maledictis. Flammis acribus addictis.
Of course, my experience of protesting racism and my experience of defending homosexuality never stopped for one second bisexual and gay people not just in "normal" society but the Whorewood orgiastic abusers from attacking me out of racist, sexist and opportunism. Nothing ever daunts them in their attacks and there is no condemnation of them by their "woke" co-partners in hate crimes against me. I am just "blamed " and attacked non-stop for just fighting for my rights as a human being. But I put this in today just to not add any iota of pretext for more attacks upon me by haters, racists, rapists, abusers, users and absolute malicious liars that are icons of society and are supposed to represent "art", "culture" and equality in opportunity and iconic status. It appears that finding any kind of balance in human beings under the existing system of entitlement is very far from any kind of desirable attainment in the United States, which is supposed to be one of the most "free" countries on the planet. The backlash is very severe, and when one group finds some kind of social acceptance another group is sure to become labeled as an attack target and the usual dumping ceremonies commence just upon another vulnerable group that has to learn to defend itself.
"Between roughly 1450 and 1750, secular, Inquisitorial, and ecclesiastical courts across continental Europe,the British Isles,and the American colonies tried approximately 110,000 people for the crime of witchcraft, executing around 60,000.1All historiography dealing with early modern witchcraft is concerned,on some level,with explaining why this happened. There is no shortage of interpretations: the last thirty years have seen the historical study of witchcraft transformed ‘from an esoteric byway into a regular concern of social, religious and intellectual historians’ who have carried out intensive, often interdisciplinary research in the archives of continental Europe, the British Isles, and the New World."
THE DEVILS (of Loudon) and Miami, New York, Los Angeles, and THE WORLD!
The church & State, ruled by homosexual men burning women and celibate women burning licentious straight men. and etc. "Men in black gowns, making their rounds. Burning in pyres, my joys and desires."