Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet love." and this can be accomplished through a vetting process of political priority to stick to Democratic principles. On Bernie Bro "Feel the Burn" and Stacey Abrams who are the future of Democracy for the planet. This could also include greats such as AOC, or others unnamed. This is not to say that there are many others, even in the Republican Party (i.e. Kinzinger and America First) who also hold values of cohesion and respect for the US Constitution and the rule-of-law, however for people like me, the "hope" that a Party will not submit to absolute fascist ideology lies more within the Democratic Party than the Republican, from my years of life on this planet I believe this to be the case and there are many problems I have encountered in this respect to Progressives and Democrats as well. To not be narrow-minded I am open to anyone of any political Party who will stand by respect for human rights, dignity and respecting items such as the 4th Amendment and stopping these egregious terrorist "gang stalking" organizations and technologies from deteriorating the rule-of-law and thus enhancing the chaos that has brought both the Insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021 but also continues to foment this type of hate crime behavior as all crimes are allowed under this system that has been so heartily pushed by Democrats and Republicans for far too long.

 I may be writing prematurely for the upcoming 2024 election and the 2022 midterms, but the situation is now dire and my former apathetic attenuation into concern for politics is at a new high where it should have been but I was brainwashed, drugged and under mind control to be apathetic. From my years of experiencing political machinations and deterioration of American Democratic solvency into it's near unraveling last January, I fervently put this forward as a tenable solution to the problems that also affect me in this state of being a state-sponsored victim of terror campaigns which are more congenially termed, "gang stalking harassment" which is really state-sponsored torture and murder and mind control programming.

If the world has a future for independent thought, at this point-in-time with the increasing expansion of these technologies and the literal outer space technologies which are creating a mental iron clasp upon freedom of thought--a kind of electronic fence around human brain activity through the global network of these technologies and the countless millions of people who are viciously zombiesque participating in this hate crime upon orders, without thinking or blinking and very frenetic in their approach to torture, rape and murder protocols as they are insidious as they are evil and loveless and without thought and barely under control with their violence.



SANDERS: "I'm tired of talking about Mr. Manchin and Miss Sinema." MSNBC. June 24, 2021.

 STACEY ABRAMS On Voting Rights: "We are seeing a subversion of Democracy."  Yahoo Finance. June 16, 2021.

STACEY ABRAMS BIOGRAPHY. (The True Story, Episode 1). Goodread Biography. April 22, 2020.

Yale Law School graduate (for those who doubt her capabilities and don't know her bio) Stacey Abrams believes that being US President is her future and has stated that this is her goal. I would vote for her but would have a hard time choosing between her and Bernie Bro feel the burn. I think Abrams has a chance to win an election for US President and I think this is the future of America and what it needs to be a more fully fledged Democratic institution that the world can see as an example and not a deteriorating, authoritarian Police state of brutality and global terrorism disguised as geopolitical control for world peace and "Democracy". Much of the planet is now embroiled in impoverished despair and tyrannical governments and I fear US foreign policy is partially to blame and the planet really needs to change this and install a truly benevolent leader who cares about humanity on a much broader scale than the current more myopic level of a narrow focus on Eurocentrism. 

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