Friday, June 25, 2021

Terrorist report on mind control conbobulation (sic) of my brain/cognitive capabilities.

 Oh how horrible to realize yesterday that the email I sent to one of the terrorists in this global organization was a complete flop as to grammar and cohesion and repetition and lack of clarity. While writing posts on my Facebook page today regarding the Chauvin sentencing phase that will erupt into public consciousness today (this Friday, June 25, 2021) I had to realize after having attempted to write clearly that it was a complete jumble of incorrect grammar and lacked all kinds of brevity and comprehensibility. I can't imagine what is being done to achieve this effect upon my brain. I suspect that subliminal streams of random words are being pumped into my brain and likewise, various frequencies or pulses are being aimed into my brain so neural firing sequences are being interrupted. I can't use my imagination to further guess as to how this technological effect operates but I suspect the mode of transmission is similar to what I have just tried to imagine.

It is absolutely horrible and embarrassing and this endless thwarting of my cognitive processes while I attempt to communicate to anybody is part of the non-stop discrediting assault upon my every transaction on this planet. It is a seamless operation. Sometimes this organization makes the microchip implant in my throat literally change my vocal chords or I begin to cough and choke as air is being constricted or my voice actually changes tone and pitch to sound either tired or more chirpy (while someone is attacking me as if I am "happy" about it or not understanding) and this is always done with a combination of brain-altering tech that makes me literally blank out and not understand that malevolence of the smiling insulting scumbag facing me as they are being paid to attack me and I am blanked out and cannot "understand" that this is an attack, which is also part of the very nefarious attack multi-phase and multi-pronged system.

I tried to write just a few sentences and saw that it was so badly written and the grammar was as if I have no education and almost like I am not a native English speaker with almost no background in writing English. It's very, very horrible and absolute breach upon humanity and privacy and every other kind of crime possible that restricts potential and capability.

This same system is continuously used against me.


There is also the ubiquitous factor of non-stop hacking and rewriting by terrorists but, this also contributes but is not the sole reason why I can't write a decent email. My structure is gone when I try to write anything that is determined and clear and to-the-point. I digress and waiver constantly in intention and in tone and it makes me sound ambiguous and "weak".

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