Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Terrorist teleportation/rape/torture/life-threat/exploitation/coercion report. June 8, 2021.



The fire burns out quickly when grease, scum and porno filth is mixed into the purity of love's desire. When Jim Morrison, however, sings it the fire is alive and not-yet murdered in Paris dead and gone. Morrison was a musician who had a soul and spirit intact to some degree. These creeple raping me have ZERO NONE and are foul and meaningless psycho rapist whores who you have put into lead media mind control entertainment-turned-politico position where they are forming a European-fascist-based monopoly so they NEVER LEAVE for decades and decades. All you can do is have your inner fire turned into a smoldering grease pile as the violence and porn and hate grows in America and the seemingly "clean" Europigapes pour in to help "rescue" America from it's sodden and sullied desecration that the Europigapes have carefully constructed for decades and they are now achieving full hegemony in American life and taking over. If you think this is a ranting post I seriously urge you to take a look at H-wood more carefully and who wins and what themes are continuously being pumped out, how many Europigape actors are in lead roles playing Americans and what is really being entrained into your brain by this K-rap organization.

Morrison was far too sensitive a human being, too much a threat. His music is now being used for Nazi propaganda movies like Cruella and I know that pig apes like Danny Moynihan, the Monarchy-connected English pig ape has observed my and others' in America who are of "alternative" persuasions so they can steal music like this while all they listen to is porno orgy relaxation cocktail music.

I play this today to try to recoup a bit of what the pigapes are stealing of my culture--misappropriating. That is the word, I am under strong mind control attack plus this German pig is digging with his penis into my psyche to imprint hate and all kinds of horrible mind control abuse sublimination programming as I fight to get him off me he's pushing me down like the police who are claiming that they are pinning me down so I can't breathe (in this case symbolically) because I am "resisting" arrest. I feel completely embittered and old after this younger boy-old man has raped me he's a complete mind f** operator and a nasty negative type of pollutant digging his hate into the very recesses of my body if possible. 



This music--the Rite of Spring--reveling in pagan orgy themes, sacrifice, rebirth, phallocentric of course as most of these fascist cultures are--dancing around a Maypole as fertility symbol--the violence the rebirth of a Nazi global order--this is the classical musical "crossover" that this German hate violinist is really at the psychic level of---it was a big hit as Hitler included this piece which he consigned to Stravinsky (who was rumored to be half-Jewish and I saw an English documentary that claimed that Stravinski, while being closely guarded by the 3rd Reich as a composer was then ordered to commit suicide-but Wikipedia omits that entire claim and I cannot find any further information on this subject online). yet, this is the real music of the overtake with power that this German man is trying to inflict upon me and the rest of fully entranced H-wood I mean whorewood. As they are also satanic, demonic or however you want to label evil and violent bad energy this is only my way of quickly establishing a sort of quick label. I may sound like I am ranting but one must look into the occult and pagan origins of Germanic Nazism in order to get a better grip on the reality rather than the false, smiling fantasy that Germans exude, and everyone wants power and control who are part of this global organization and a quick and easy way to steal anything and suck out energy and push people down by automatic assumption as to who is supposed to be in control--I must now endlessly fight another one with this group of Nazi subordinates cloying for power who are just bringing a very nasty German into American society like this (who was already established anyway). The CORRUPTION OF THE SOUL OF THE SPIRIT AND OF SEXUALITY, OF POWER AND DOMINATION AND OF COURSE THE QUEST FOR MONEY AND CONTROL--THIS SONG fully encapsulates this fiery symbol of pagan power that Germans really are in tune with. It had to take a (reputed) half-Jew to begin to formulate this musical piece though--if the rumors which have now been doused are correct about Stravinski) but...I am just putting this out, to put that fire out and to stop the spread of a fiery contagion that will bring a firestorm of ruin to my country and to me. The fires will consume LA this summer and partly that is due to their entire Nazi mentality of taking over everything possible including nature and it's real driving natural force for their endless gluttony and pig ape whore luxury lifestyles as oppressions for the rest of the world and now the planet will suffer and burn and flood for having embraced this sinister philosophy. 


Stravinsky The Rite of Spring



The latest hater, bigot, racist, rapist Nazi (this time a German male, famous for playing classical violin who wants to--or already has--broken into "crossover" heavy metal and rock combined with his violin stuff but with H-wood now embracing him because of his violence towards me, his propensity towards deceptive appearances and of course posturing bs and rape hate culture of racist proportions aimed at me).

The increase in attacks and the hate of this man I have seen with so many German men from years of living in that abhorrent country. My country is as or even more abhorrent than Germany at this point in time and political consideration. The American actors of this huge multi-billion dollar conglomerate fascist Nazi propaganda agency are thrilled that this man is raping me using pornographic hate themes of abuse, insult and all kinds of threat and violence. They love him. He loves them. Once more I am surrounded by them in teleportation while awake and while asleep. The teleportation is a very ethereal type of aerial form of exploitation you are simply ripped into twain but remaining in one solid form and one more seemingly incomplete form in another location. I think by appearance I look like I am whole and conscious when I am teleported. In that state I am not in the same consciousness as I am in my prime physical state. It is hard to describe when few people have experienced this. I suspect that these technologies are being handed out to this group of lascivious demons who are attacking me like candy for their orgy, rape and other kinds of pilfering aspirations. 

I am under serious threat of any thought, action or movement that this prick doesn't approve of. AT this time my former sensational amount of energy WASTED on this hateful user/abuser/rapist whom I have no contact with other than his endless exploitation of me, abuse and insults and the contracts he is now obtaining. In fascist, Nazi German fascist fashion he is oppressing me to the point that all I have is at risk at this time. It is sexual oppression, pornography and abuse and humiliation and the pig apes of whorewood are watching on as usual like the gloating and smug hyena whores that they are as this German "classic" dirty nasty person is abusing and forcing all kinds of reactions out of me using this technology that I cannot defend myself, not in this extremely weakened state of a DECADE of not having a safe home to go to with toxins that are so deadly pouring out of my body in diarrhea and then stuck and solid against my flesh and into all viscreae and bone structure without any access to any safe place to heal while this group of K-rap is physically torturing me non-stop.

In absolute desperation to get this group, which yesterday was spear-headed by Robert DeNiro, who hasn't stopped (like they all do) latching onto abusing and torturing me in this evil and vile contract for as many years as possible in order to obtain his Oscar awards like all the rest who never stop obtaining every kind of lead role for their "performance" of abusing me.

this German prick was sitting there smug as I screamed in rage at rotten DeNiro to stop telling this creep porno immature German mama's boy to stop abusing me, but of course the pig who wants a "baby" out of me so he and his group of shit in Germany can obtain more egress into american culture--as the infiltration is complete you can even hear this pig ape from Germany saying that NYC is a "little Europe" and that is how badly the pig ape Europigapes have taken over the country and what he really thinks of his entrance into Whorewood by abusing and raping me is all about. Whorewood is already a Little Europe for the pig apes who have helped to create this current fascist Nazi uprising within America through their shitty mafia/nazi movie crap.

I am now ranting and of course I will be tortured and the threat is very real. I was going to write in this post that I need to stop writing but I am now going into a hyperbolic hate rant (sometimes I wear an aluminum foil "hat" just to try to stop the brain-altering technology attacks but I am not wearing it now.) That is because I have tried unsuccessfully for three weeks not TO GET THIS THING FROM GERMANY OFF OF ME and I can't do it. The prizes and deals these utter scumbag pieces of rotten, evil and filthy crap get out of attacking me are so huge that none of them ever stops trying to force every kind of positive bit of love, friendship, ideas for these rotten, unevolved stupid and dirty ugly pigs to steal for their crappy movie and bs K-rap output

and this kraut creep is no different by now I really hate him on a level that is getting to the point of wanting to destroy him and not the reverse, which is what having a baby should be but this is a hate and death group which is determined to force their old age, hate and misery upon me and obtain everything out of me that I can't profit off myself in any way-as they are blocking every single opportunity and forcing rotten pig shit like this German pig on me and yelling and fighting day after day to stop while my government continues to let it all fester and go on and on.

I am writing this because I am still fighting for any kind of decency from my country and appealing to this group of "woke" bullshit whores in whorewood is impossible, and it appears almost the same thing for members of Congress. I want the world to know that my reaction to this german rape fuck nazi pigape is not out of love or desire but as usual from a pornographic scumbag it's from drugging, poisoning, torture, everything I love stolen or killed, all opportunities blocked from me including the health care I need to heal as these pigs are making millions off stealing my ideas, calling me stupid ugly bitch etc etc ande then having me raped and abused and dismembered and disfigured

so I write thisGerman pig fuck to let you know that I think of you as an overblown piece of stupid mama's boy porno pig crap you are an ugly and sick creep who I don't want to know. 

I can't describe how disgusting these Nazi pig men are and the Americans try so hard to behave in this fascist rape methodology that the German shit has literally swept across the planet. I have to see daily Nazi Europigape men with brown-skinned Thai women in rotten and disgusting "master-slave" relationships and the Thai men are grovelling and desperate to be loved as well while the usual degradation of the environment is going on here as it is everywhere on the planet for "development" of hotels, coffee shops so every retired Nazi pig ape rotten ugly dirty old man can have his penis sucked by an adoring brown-skinned woman who is really just a pawn he's using for legal purposes to invest in Thai property--they are so sleazy they go off to strip bars like flies leaving their nests at night as the Thai women are so loving and give all and everything to worthless shit who are violent and vicious exploiters--just like this German pig ape who is disgusting and just like this shit from Whorewood who are still surrounding him and telling him to assault me in almost every way possible as they embrace him like he's wonderful. This has been the continuous situation surrounding me for over a decade and probably longer but the use of this teleporation technology--the way I live in a deadly torture chamber with dismemberment and violence inflicted upon my body nightly--(last night they ripped open the socks I was wearing, used solvent to loosen the packaging tape wound around my feet, used a laser to slice skin tissue into my toes around the bottom of the toe area--the balls of my feet have rolled up skin from months of the skin being burned and one foot has had the skin cut to the bone for at least 4 years on a nightly basis.) ANd the attacks are worse I have elaborated upon them for years and nothing has ever stopped this.

I want you to know German rotten pig ape whore that you are ugly and disgusting. Your threats combined with a planet of pieces of shit torturing me for decades is the only reason and the fact that you are not some rancid ugly old man is also a bit appealing as my energy has been drained by aging older men (famous but still rotten creeps by now in their decades of being sleazy and foul in Whorewood) but that is the general theme of the "entitled" Nazi male anyway--their manhood is lost while they posture as if they are supermen but they are super slime crud whores and stupid and immature they cling on to their mommies serving them for their entire lives their abuse of women is notorious but German women love them when the abuse and oppress other women like me.

I want you to know this German prick scumbag and I hope someone will pry this next pig piece of shit off me finally and also the rest of this group. They are torturing me to death.

Oh, last thought from my hyperbolic rant: this younger German pig ape is only appealing because I have been stuck in a room partially paralyzed for over a decade as rotten pigs have teleported and raped me who I ran from when I could see them in person (the ones who did this for a few years were men I met and immediately got away from, they latched on and raped me using this technology for years while murdering me--both Europigape fascist Nazis not out of Germany but now all the Nazi culture has merged in that rotten continent and has infiltrated whorewood and that mentality has trickled down into American society--). However, there are other facets of the sentence I just wrote but I won't go into it). This German man is younger, sexually potent and a seducer but a sleazy whore nevertheless who is getting into his rotten old man years of debauchery and he's sucking out my life force as much as he can. The influence of these rotten old men training the boys to become users and abusers of women (but really their true coagulation is of homoeroticism because they are trained from boyhood onward to really mistreat and use women and they are instilled with a pornographic hate and violence towards women as well). This boy is no exception (after being forced to be around rotten and aging old pricks raping and abusing me, this guy appears like a boy and that's just from years of being sucked dry by aged old men who try their best to dump their misery out on me because with this tech and the adjoining hate organization I can't get rid of them ever or get any support).
However that initial desire has turned rancid and sour very quickly. He had an infection put into my vagina while I was sleeping after I "made love" passionately with the love I was reserving for my self-survival energy because this group SUCKS ENERGY OUT EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF MY LIFE. Like the rotten and ugly parasite that this filthy creep is, he is using sexuality as a weapon to penetrate, suck out my love energy and then inflict as much humiliation, subordination and violence upon me as possible. the women like filthy pigape-alina his real choice and someone he adores only because it's another Nazi pig ape whore like him and his ilk of shit and filth--but these women are lavishing love upon this rapist pig sucking my life out and inserting his ugliness, racist abuse and hate upon me as I sit here under now more increasing pressure to not fight back as he's like a horrible predator hovering over my every breath to suppress any kind of dissent. It's very much the psychological version of police brutality when the pigs are kneeing someone on the neck and then claiming that they have to press down harder because the victim is struggling to breath as they fight for oxygen. That is the general strategy this fascist Nazi piece of shit is forcing upon me as I struggle to get him off me. The pigs in Whorewood have already been training him into violent fascist abuse of me, I'm sure it didn't take long and he's adding on his cultural legacy of being trained in abusing people and I can't express the gloating smug attitude he has because MY COUNTRY WON'T STOP THIS OR HELP ME AND THEY ARE PROMOTING HIM FOR THIS.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...