Thursday, June 3, 2021

President Biden calling for anti-Corruption plan. This sleazy and rotten most foul group of Whorewood actors and their associates in the political realm are 100% a part of the corruption that is destroying the United States.

Biden: Government Must Draft Anti-Corruption Plan by December 

This sleazy and rotten most foul group of Whorewood actors and their associates in the political realm are 100% a part of the corruption that is destroying the United States. Private financing, donors and financiers out of fascist Nazi/mafia cartels are part of the power structure that are left unaccounted for and unaccountable for their transactions that leave so much in the hands of the incompetent corrupt. The situation I have been writing of regarding my MK ULTRA terror/trauma-based torture and rape/violence/destruction campaign by these very actors and politicians are intimately connected to foreign groups which influence and affect elections, power groups and have completely infiltrated the Whorewood media establishment and absolutely control these foul actors I have been writing of for so many years to the endless silence of the United States apparatus that is supposed to at least protect my Civil Rights if not my Human rights--which none has done so far.

There is now an open call to examine and make transparent some of the flagrant excesses of corruption because the problem is now such a threat to the fabric of American Democracy and the country, which the Europigapes are determined to turn into a vassal satellite endlessly corrupt and rotten State servicing fascist Nazis like this German pig ape who is raping me endlessly while I respond as if I am in love but wake up feeling slimed and filthy and disgusted while this pig is being championed by the Europigape-influenced "influencers" in Whorewood as they continue to be put into leadership position.

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