Thursday, June 3, 2021

The environmental, personal and political filth that this Nazi-based global terrorist organization brings to the planet, in brief hyperbole.

"Sri Lanka faces environmental disaster as cargo ship burns for days."  Guardian News. May 31, 2021."


The filth and pollution that the Nazi global cartel produces which appears as random incidents but are all inter-related. The filth that is sprayed into my body and home is the filth that this Nazi-based organization really is at heart (or darkness) and in action and it is their overwhelming interior substance: filth and destruction and pollution of people, countries, the environment and all. Endless development for the apex of luxury for a few "master race" pigapes to exploit with plantations and endless imbalance of power is the real motivation and the real origin of all these other problems that are interconnected. This system trickles down into all aspects of politics, media, entertainment and personal life and down into the degradation of life-sustaining properties of water, air and life itself.

People see wonderful photos of Thai beaches in colorized tourist photo shots. They pour into places like Phuket to enjoy the beaches and appear to love swimming in the Andaman Sea, which is connected in huge degree to the Indian Ocean. My years of swimming at the South Beach, Miami beach, which is a "man-made" beach with imported crystal sands (I believe from The Bahamas) has shown me the effects of mass tourism on what was more clean water. The water on South Beach was so contaminated after the area had been massively developed with skyscraper after skyscraper (with resulting flooding on the beach, which "experts" attribute to global warming and not the effects of huge swaths of skyscrapers being constructed along the very sand-based shores of the tip of South Beach and along the Miami Beach corridor in general). And the last time I swam at one of the more remote beaches--Nai Harn Beach--was years ago when pieces of plastic stuff were floating in the water and I felt so slimed by the water I never want to go back and swim in that muck again, even though it appears clear, blue/green/azure and wonderful. I had experienced cleaner water in Miami which is now sullied, and the increase in tourism alone has made the waters in Phuket filthy but clean in appearance. But the real problem lies out in the less tourist-consumed consumer Paradise destinations like just up the coast in Sri Lanka and here is just one huge ecosystem disaster but there are many others that never make the huge news headlines. You can add Nazi sex and master race infiltration of SE Asia into this mix of destruction of the environment--as it has also happened in Miami and in Florida in general. If anyone in America is aware of politics you then know that Florida is a haven for Neo-Nazi activity both overt and covert. I am thus connecting once more a huge global problem with Nazi culture because people are not equating so many of these huge problems with the real cause or origin of the systematic problem that appears like random instances of discrimination or environmental damage.

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