Thursday, June 17, 2021

Terrorist teleportation rape/torture/abuse and the other endless cycles of attack report: June 18, 2021. Raped by the greasy, sleazy and stupid ugly pig ape from Germany David Garrett for the last time (that I respond) as this ugly rotten filth pig is using technology that absolutely blasts my brain and forces a state of hyper-reaction out of me. He's disgusting and I KNOW this mentally but can't stop reacting while sleeping, in a drugged up and pained state from the poisoning and years of torture. Please get this filthy stupid ape pig Nazi bigot filthy rapist piece of crap off me please!

 If I were to write a lurid short story about this porno creep who is using every formula for little dirty boys to exact pain and pleasure out of technology following the dictates of pornographic misogynistic hate fantasies I would do it, but I am stuck with endless intervening blasts into my brain and keyboard every time I write. For instance, two days ago I attempted to write a short few paragraphs (backspacing and correcting hacker inserts the entire way) while I could not remember Shakespeare's hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon, and only could remember the name immediately upon turning off the WiFi connection and getting off the laptop.

But back to the rape, this pig ape Nazi whore scumbag filth is only being absolutely cheered on by the likes of the Whorewood crowd jeering and cheering and watching as this pig forces a reaction of "love" out of me and almost desperation to have some kind of intimacy while this scumbag whore pig ape creep who always has his adoring mommy to run to as he screws around and plays the sleazy "romantic" playboy while trying to get into the cock rock milleau of Whorewood and all the "actors" involved in this sleazy operation--

Like the mind control technology blasting into my brain while I try to write my thoughts in some coherent and non-cursing way, which is rare after being assaulted night-after-night like this in teleportation hate scenarious for the entertainment of the performers who entertain the burgeoning Nazi groups that are being programmed by this Europigapeland Nazi group of Americans in Whorewood, California (let it BURN THIS SUMMER TO THE GROUND).

I wrote a comment under one of Meryl Creep's stupid videos on my YouTube recommended page because I had copied and pasted the Shakespeare video of that rotten sold-out skank hag fag bag who has completely lost her soul and is another bloated, rotten fake who has had some "classical" performance background but is now a whore completely immersed in this soulless and loveless group of fascist pig apes who have monopolized the mind control programming "entertainment" and media complex to involved in this technology. The pig ape Creep has attacked me many times in the past in order to get her awards and lead role deals out of participating in this crime. There is nothing savvy, sophisticated or intellectual about this rotten creep who can perform, there is no doubt, but her performances of people such as Maggie Thatcher are skewed as to how authentic the reality is, and part of programming and the insult to the former female PM who had insulted the good ole boy network finally too much. To finalized the hate impression of her that these rotten rapist old men out of Europigapeland want to have as a more durable impression of her, they obtained this skank Creep to really spew some sludge onto the character of Maggie Thatcher. I am not a fan of Thatcher but I think of her as a very formidable personality who, as a women, was probably poisoned, drugged and under mind control so as to discredit her. I am impressed by the strength of Thatcher and how she managed to rise above the demands of the housewife status as she did. Thus, thrown in the dirt by Creep the actor who probably claims she is a "feminist" because SHE wants to obtain power in this woman-hating organization called Whorewood. I thus wrote on her crappy video pasted on my YouTube page (along with rapist shithead meatball Garritt, the immature as hell sleazy stupid mama's boy rapist porno dumb adolescent old man) with a caption, "How I achieve happiness and success." or something to that vain vein: I wrote a comment below that her lying fake crap about being so successful as a human being on the happiness level is when she can assault and target an innocent and helpless person and then get promoted for it, just to claim later that fake crap they all spew out about how "great" they all are in their personal lives (as they are really tragedies of love and especially the lead "romantic" men who become the worst sleazy, loveless ape whore pigs in this system of rape and domination and all must prove they are so to get promoted in this contract out on me, thus I know from first-hand experience which can be corroborated if ONLY people would provide the video evidence of rape-after-rape and abuse by this group of collective ignorant shit teleporting me). 

I really can't stop cursing because this pig ape whore Garrett is some filthy and rotten , stupid pig creep whose lead role in a movie about Paganini (which was my SOLE REASON for downloading this film, because I am too drugged up to read I was in a very sick state of detox after a fasting session and poisons were pouring out of my body as my flesh also was being ripped out by the detox process so I was also basically paralyzed and extremely sick). Since that day, not even one month ago, I have been fighting the rape and physical violence of this Nazi piece of utterly stupid s hit who hasn't stopped performing his nasty rotten little boy rape fantasies of violence and hate upon me while the technology is forcing a reaction of "love" out of me. Being couped up in pain for a decade with pig after pig ape shit teleporting, raping and abusing me, from the feminist women (all blonde or their black counterparts who are part of the system) and all the other "minority" races involved--lots of Jews by the way--and I haven't had a day of not fighting one piece of rotten shit after the next. Finally someone broke through my endless wall of shutting off my sexuality and my emotions and this pig ape hasn't stopped abusing, hitting, raping and insulting me for the last near month--with endless demands while raping me that I go to Germany where this rotten stupid ugly pig will have his friends gang rape me as he does whatever he wants and is forcing a "baby" out of me. I really do'nt want to go to prison for murder so please, will someone stop this filthy pig ape finally?

As for Merlyl Creep, this pig began raping and abusing me in "defense" of the rotten Nazi bigot piece of shit Creep who is just a rotten and bloated and far-too-inflamed hag of dirty filthy fags who should, like most of them, be sent out to pasture in some rotten whore old age home where their shit and filth can't pollute the consciousness of the planet any longer with their shitty brainwashing Nazi themed-"alternative" and "feminist" movie plots--some of which have been derived from some of these greasy whores by my ranting about what rapist co-conspirators they are.


This sleazy scumbag Garrett is the odious form of future pedophile rapist user possible and he can't wait to use this technology to further entice women and boys and men to give all their passion so this endlessly fake sleazy whore creep can posture in his fake "romantic" violin-playing sleazy entertainment venues as the rotten europigapes who also are fascist nazi sleazy rapist whores can applaud the pig who they truly want to further penetrate into the American mind control propaganda Whorewood and other political avenues to further break down and destroy and infiltrate America. This is a true Nazi piece of pig ape shit I truly advise people to look beyond the bs orchestrated "romantic" posturing and his fake voice which changes utterly when he's assaulting me--his voice is a trained fake pitch and all he does is an act. Nazis are serious pieces of crap who are sinister really and have learned to disguise their real intentions by utterly changing their voices, smiling warmly and looking innocent they are as violently murderous and ugly as they ever were and their aspiration is to take over and destroy Democracy and America as it was during the Hitler 3rd Reich.......................................................................................................

 a few hours later....realized that in the mind control outrage that these attacker terrorists require to obtain their promotions for inducing as negative and miserable response from me as possible through torture and other assorted nastinesses that they pass to one another like a torch being passed from one low-life to the next: I was not trying to insult "fags" but the men who are both misogynist (yes, some gay men are not "all that" hip and loving towards women and there is an element of woman-hating amongst some of the wonderful gay men that you all defend regardless of any deep inspection of their real political and gender leanings--as well as many a fascist Nazi anti-Semite amongst that "gay" tribe and thus, when I use the term Fag--and not to "excuse" myself but I am referring to the type I just mentioned above. This is not the homosexual but the low-life variety that also could include very well-groomed and wealthy of that group. Superficial appearance does not mean much. But I used that in reference to the very wealthy "fag hag" Creep the actor which I wrote of earlier in the day. The person in the posts above I mean. I can imagine how many extremely wealthy gay people surround this creep but how many of them realize what a disgusting racist and sleazy rapist-enabler this filthy creep is? I am writing about it but I am discredited not only from my "position" of being a victim (a choice I have never accepted or "allowed" to happen to me, thus the mind control and torture that never ends to try to force this status upon me) and then...alas, my rambling enraged drugged up torture ranting posts do me no credit but...I also write these posts because of the illness forced upon me so I cannot exercise the stress off my body--I literally cannot do a single exercise--my entire spine is caked with hard poisons that I have spent over 10 years fighting to get out (more like over 20) but the detox process is particularly hellish. That never stops these creeple from attacking me instead they view it as a vulnerability to exploit.

But if anyone can imagine, as I have had to experience now every time this German man Garrett teleports me, being slapped while raped endlessly while teleported, sick, partially paralyzed, under non-stop attack for over a decade that is murderously violent on every kind of level possible

and to be stuck literally pinned down and the technology blasting into your cerebral cortex and other brain-mapped out areas that these terrorists are exploiting using technology they never created nor even conceived of, but are claiming that they are inherently superior based on the old World Nazi code--and to be raped like this every single day so someone can get promoted--now it's almost a continuous month of this going on and on with hate and violence endlessly aimed at me, and I know this man Garrett is currently already offered many promotions and deals for this with the full applause of creeple like the Creep actor and the rest of this FILTH that continues to laugh and cheer every abuser who attacks me

thus my posts are a bit hyperbolic and I have nowhere to go, I sit here in this room partially paralyzed (where I was always athletic and strong but still being poisoned until I could no longer function and was dying from poisoning--a decade ago) and now... I am ranting online instead of getting out into fresh air, exercising and trying to find any kind of consolation amongst humanity that even if I did strive to do it I would not find--as almost all victims of this targeting experience no one ever gets support, or that is the prevailing lament amongst the targets whose webpages I have read, and most of the pages are fake and faked agents posturing and stealing the words and concepts that the real victims are being silenced out of publishing--which is another reason they obtain almost no support but when every single agency and business participates in this it becomes almost impossible.

I guess I just have to wait for some day when enough people who are still alive and not yet dead from targeting realize what is happening to them and that it's not "fun" any longer because it's also happening to them. However, most don't know or care if or that they are being targeted as long as they get their deals and fixed security (they assume) within this structure.

My next hope is that the fires that will ravage California this summer will somehow prove to be a cataclysmic "Act of God" upon the Whorewood establishment which burns that citadel of sin off the planet so perhaps some other more congenial place dedicated to real art and not smut will take it's place in the world.


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