Friday, June 18, 2021

The usual Nazi usurpation and co-opting of art. The older pre-Nazi paradigm versus the newer and usurped Nazi mediocrities. I can state in this instance much of the old far surpasses the new because the older classical music scene had not completely been taken over and Nazified but now it appears to be the case. What a decline in Western civilization. It really is at the point that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between superior performance and skill and the mediocrity both in personality and performance that the sleaze Nazis have slimed the planet with in their complete overtake of almost everything possible. If only the world would stop consenting to this and perhaps look at what culture had produced before this onslaught of the bigots who have overtaken all possible to compare and see that this is a lowering of standards and style and skill and genius.

* Hackers have deleted/rewritten/changed grammar on most of this post--I tried to revise and reedit but I can't go through 4x to fix what hackers just mess up once I publish every time I write.

 David Oisrakh plays Tchaikovsky Concerto, 1st Movement. 

The usual Nazi usurpation and co-opting of art. The older pre-Nazi paradigm versus the newer usurped Nazi mediocrities. I can state in this instance much of the old far surpasses the new because the older classical music scene had not completely been taken over and Nazified but now it appears to be the case. What a decline in Western civilization. It really is at the point that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between superior performance and skill and the mediocrity both in personality and performance that the sleaze Nazis have slimed the planet with in their complete overtake of almost everything possible. If only the world would stop consenting to this and perhaps look at what culture had produced before this onslaught of the bigots who have overtaken all possible to compare and see that this is a lowering of standards and style and skill and genius.

your overly gushing sound is like what induces an insulin overdrive of sensation--or diabetes--this is softness and exquisite pausing where you play like a masturbating child getting high on self-excitement for the first time but it's all the same rhythm and tone throughout with just a few pianissimos and vibratos regulated to a sensation

this is much more delicate but strong and the man is much better than you
too bad he's not alive any longer
plus he's not a German Nazi pig ape but a more superior Jewish violinist--too bad so many of them living now are completely brainwashed by Nazi violence so they succumb to the rotten fakeness that you are.

But thanks to you, I have now a new violinist I just discovered to listen to and as always, I find once again much higher artistic merit from performers of the past before the entire Nazi shit paradigm swept like a plague throughout the planet making everything so mediocre that almost anything posturing and fake will appear as "superior". You can also hear that the symphony at this time was also much more involved, passionate and the music more interesting than the zombie orchestras you play with. Besides all this which does sound like I am "bitter" but I'm not, I'm just comparing because I have written this also of the crappy mediocre "actors" who have tortured me as well--if you compare them to actors of the past or movie themes of just a few decades ago there is almost no comparison in quality which has gone into the Nazi swamp drain for the past many years now and it shows in the crappy decline of the quality of movies. Your nearly drooling sexualization of violin masturbating is accentuated by sticking your nasty hips out with the shadow of your organ nearly flaunted as you play like you are jacking off on stage but playing with exaggerated harmonics--while this much superior player David Oistrakh does not make those hissing noises when he plays harmonics, nor does he gush on the strings like he's playing boring pop music for his mother but plays with such delicacy that all seems like a soft gentle but firm and solid MASTERFUL performance---and mastery in a way your hateful masturbating sexually loathsome personality cannot conceive of-- instead of your technically perfect but somehow missing the fine elements of style. playing like you are sexualizing on stage that makes it appear obviously that you are striving for an effect to disguise your basic and elemental barbarity that cannot go past the excellence barriers that you cannot overcome or surpass due to your lack of real imagination and finesse as a human being; and the audience cheers the sexualized performer on stage while the symphony behind plays like mediocrity zombies with no umph or soul or style as well compared to this video there is absolutely no comparison on either the symphonic performance nor of the solo violinist.

hackers are completely rewriting my post, I just had to rewrite parts of it and I have not gone through the entire post to see what hackers have partially deleted and rewritten. The entire post was rewritten to make me sound gramatically incompetent by rotten creeple defending this Nazi monstrosity of art that has plagued my life for a decade because they don't have the background to research anything more subtle than their wanking sexual orgy forays into endless streams of output and media attention going in endless revolutions to the next cycle. Very insipid people very unartistic and the reference to idiot savants is just so apt and perfect in this situation. But if you just compare this performance to the jack-off sensationalized media sensation of David Garrett the bigot Nazi rapist to this jewish violinst above who was trained in the REAL school of violin virtuosity and not trained on a diet of pornography while his mommy wiped his rotten ass until he's a disgusting rapist clinging to his adolescence but performing like he's a man. Just COMPARE THE PERFORMANCES and you can see the utter difference in quality between a German Nazi pig ape and the old European school of classical music which this Jewish man plays and does to an infinitely better sphere of wisdom and excellence and without sexualizing it to sell the sleazy playboy Nazi bigot commercialized product that David Garrett is and is trying to increase revenues and exposure for his sleazy nasty dirty deals by exploiting and abusing me. The other sleaze whores of Whorewood have welcomed him in with open legs and arms like the drooling audiences striving for excellence and seeing this 2nd rate virtuoso as the one and only because the Nazis killed off so much of what old Europe really made excellent and put Nazi idiot shit in the top positions instead. Just look at this video and compare the same exact piece as played by rapist David Garrett and you will see absolutely no comparison in quality this is so much of a higher quality and the Nazis have killed it off and proclaimed Jews as being inferior when the case is absolutely reversed--you can see it plainly here but I won't paste a video of that rotten sleaze pig ape Garrett on my post just look it up and compare.

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