Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Terrorist report: June 3, 2021. Stinking foul chemicals sprayed onto my pillows and clothing while I slept last night--as I was teleported and assaulted by this German violinist who is using most pornographic sleazy exploitation of torture technology to obtain this contract out on me. I fight and fight but the isolation, torture, poisoning and drugging and endless violence aimed at me with zero blocks from the U S Government or anybody on this planet has left me absolutely vulnerable. I fight and fight to get this next bigot Nazi parasite off me and he won't stop. He's complimenting the women who have laughed as they had me tortured so they could obtain information to use as their own, while their husbands and lovers raped and abused me as they watched on laughing. This pig ape German whore is telling me he finds her so much more attractive and "better" than me while telling me to have a baby with him, get marred and move to Germany so he can obtain more free deals out of this teleportation rape and torture technology which he is using like a torture orgiastic porno racist advocate.

*This is my 2nd posting of this entry, as the one I just published has been partially rewritten, deleted and changed to incomprehensible form by hacker terrorists. This post will also have been rewritten and altered by the terrorists but I am trying to revise it (and I did not get through the entire post as hackers are making typing very difficult if not impossible at this time.

THIS IS AN APPEAL TO GET THIS GERMAN RAPIST RACIST BIGOT PORNO CREEP OFF ME and I hate to write about him as this only has proven as "proof" of the absolute willingness of these teleporting thug group of celebrities and politicians to get more promotions and deals while I remain in homelessness, poverty and sickness that they have forced upon me --also living in filthy squalor that their terrorist minions pour into my home and body every single day that never ends as well as the rape, which is the "exciting" theme that many of you will only get titillated at by reading of my endless appeal to get racist rapist abuser and porno sleazy bigot off me in this heinous crime that no one stops or will defend me from so it is stopped completely.


I then woke up this morning to these horrific sprays on my pillow and my clothing. I hung up something outside to air it out and the mechanical arms used by the terrorists flicked horrid stains on the clothing and that also won't wash out. The stinking chemicals on my pillow I have sprayed twice with bleach/water spray to the point of complete saturation. When it dried the stink remained but subdued only a bit. I then washed the entire area with soap and after that dried it still stank like rotting meat had been smeared on it. I have again for the 4th time washed this area of this pillow and it's drying right now in front of the huge fan I have in this torture chamber room/surveillance death trap I have been forced into and can't get out of because my every attempt to earn money has been blocked by this global terrorist organization. My every internet action is censored or blocked. This post, like all my posts, has been partially deleted and rewritten by the terrorist hackers; I am now reediting and rewriting as I must in order to try to get all my thoughts out in staggered attempts and rewrite all the deletions and rewrites. I have just slightly rewritten this paragraph and the one below but I am not going to read through the entire post as hackers are making the keyboard nearly impossible to pound anything out on as it's made too stiff and keys/letters are being juxtaposed while I am typing.

The German scumbag creep--because it's now over one week of him raping me using this insidious technology nightly and even while I am in a very awake but semi-conscious state. The brain-altering technology is so awful that they can induce a semi-conscious state while I am in a waking state and teleport me to do their nasty work of information extraction and all other kinds of rape and fantasy racist rapist types of attack.

He's a very nasty, racist rapist porno freak kind of personality and I wake up from being assaulted in most ugly and "Humiliating" degradation scenarios that only a sleazy porno personality could contrive. With the backing of the Whorewood persona who haven't stopped with filth sprayed into my body, mutilation, rape, stealing ideas on and on for over a decade from me and blocking every single financial possibility I could ever attempt to achieve so I remain in dire poverty, being abused by them non-stop, raped and raped and raped both while I'm unconscious in this death trap room and mutilated and disfigured afterwards--but then raped while teleported simultaneously as my body literally is split in twain during these putrid sick teleportation episodes. But this German piece of trashy creepy scum forces the most sleazy nasty porno actions out of me as I swear all kinds of promises and love for a man who disgusts me on a deepening level day-by-day and I write and write about him and he's going on and on and on, which means he's getting more and more and more promotions, more love and respect from this group in Whorewood as he's helping them all to obtain more deals and contracts as a gang that is now so large I can't count them all any longer is operating to break my body, spirit and soul every single day while extracting every single thing possible out of me. This German pig ape whore Nazi is lavishing affection upon greasy ugly pigalina the whore rotten creep and this nasty man Pit, her "divorced" husband in name but they are always together attacking me like a married couple of sordid, porno sexually-depleted parasites who both have been going at me FOR A DECADE without end. *By the way, I am now re-reading this and hackers have changed spelling and words in parts of this paragraph which I am now correcting. For example, I had written "Pigalina" to mock Asswipe-alina the actor, but hackers rewrote it as pigaline--which may be confusing if my "immature" ranting is not confusing enough with all the hacker rewrites. I then wrote "and this nasty man Pit" and hackers rewrote it as "these nasty men pit" which is also confusing and leads away from identifying brad pit and his rotten ugly skank whore wife who he has divorced but endlessly they suck every bit of sexual energy, every intellectual concept and all creative ideas out of me as a couple like they are still married. They are disgusting all I have done since 2013 is tell them when they teleport me that they and their movies are crap, and all they have done is make sure my body is mutilated and my home made foul and stinking and dirty and disgusting as they then call me dirty, ugly and all other kinds of names while they have pig men like this German creep teleport and rape me and abuse, humiliate and violate every single thing about me then insulting me with derision afterwards and when I fight back, I am attacked and attacked. The millions of gang stalking Nazi creeps of all races and colors ensure that this is going on without a hitch. But because it's happening to me and I can't fight back, it's me who is denigrated by society and not them, who are promoted for their every repulsive and dirty, filthy vile action which is applauded and met with awards and million dollar contracts by this Nazi industry that controls seemingly everything and every body. This Nazi bigot violinist is now a repugnant ugly parasite I can't pry off me as he's sucking out my life force, I'm giving my love to a worthless creep who I now despise (which is the goal of this unnatural death group and why he won't stop and he's not only getting love from his cherished movie stars and the women are surrounding him, but he's pouring his disgusting porn racist hate upon me and I am fighting back only to get more torture and violence aimed at me). WHEN DOES ANYBODY EVERY STOP THIS GROUP AND DEFEND ME?

This nasty, German pig ape classical violinist who I have told to leave me alone and now am screaming in hate after these sleazy, disgusting abuse/humiliation/torture sexual rape porno fantasies that are extremely typical of German pig ape bigots and I have experienced them for years not only personally--using this same system and the same mentality the same racist hate scenarios and abuse and humiliation and insults but I have known of "brown and black" women who have lived in Germany who receive the exact same type of humiliating sublimating subjugation with these disgusting mama's boy German ape whores who frequent the prolific whorehouses of Germany on every single weekend and their sexuality is rife with racism and hate (not that American porno dumb dudes are any better in that respect) but the patterns are so identical from one German creep to the next that it's more than predictable and boring as well. But anywho---I am writing about this as usual waiting for someone to pry the next rapist pig ape off me--hoping that soon this entire spectacle of torture aimed endlessly at me will be stopped and I can live in peace and these pig apes face justice for their crimes against me and I also receive financial compensation for not just one decade for their crimes--just from this ever-enlarging group of s*** out of Whorewood but in general the endless injustice that my country has allowed to be perpetrated upon me by gangs of creeps that circulate these technologies, have information-sharing networks, every kind of surveillance possible to block every kind of attempt to have financial solvency and a decent life--all threats and murder and death and all is completely covered up.

I have told this German pig ape scumbag whore to please go bonk greaasy pigalina the rotten actor who has not stopped attacking me for a decade with her husband. If he adores her and sees this fellow bigot whore piece of S** as being "better" than me then go screw one another and leave me alone. But no, they won't leave me alone because of this contract out on me. Please let the Nazi pig apes go screw one another and stop allowing them to force their greasy pig ape penises in my body where I react with love to some nasty hater disgusting parasite who then orders that stinking sprays are put on my clothing that are manufactured in torture laboratories that are designed to create such instruments of torture and mind control coercion. They mutilate, poison, abuse and insult me immediately after they use mind control to extract a passionate love response out of me as they get promoted for it. This is one greasy pig ape after the next and all I do is fight to clean my body from their scars, poisons and fungus and the hardening chemicals and then all I can do otherwise is clean and clean their stinking poisons that they spray on my clothing and furniture because after multiple murder attempts by their predecessors who raped me using this system for years or decades they then tried to kill me off slowly in horrible ways--or in accidents and I am now screaming at them to get off me as they force sexual responses out of me in this decade of torture and paralysis that has not stopped for a single day with no love or support coming to me from anybody whatsoever--

Please America, stop this endless array of Nazi bigots, whores, creeps and parasites attacking me non-stop for years and years and years and years and years and years.

The hackers are now blocking the keypad so badly I can't type any longer. 

The creeps who are doing this to me, who are really the subhuman crap who really are those who should be pointed at and insulted, humiliated and shunned--who should be banned from being put into highest financial brackets instead they are adulated and awarded. Their sleazy hate crimes against me are used against me psychologically as further torture as they then insult me on every level possible for the violence they have inflicted upon me in the first place. They have mutilated my body so badly I can't walk any longer. They have made my hair fall out, my fingers are mostly huge and enlarged there are scars and parts of my fingernails are completely and permanently destroyed--my toes have all been broken they have put hardening chemicals on my toenails and broken bones and vertebrae and put hard chemicals in my body and inserted objects under my skin that I need surgery to remove--these are not things like cysts there are things inserted into my body. They have put fungus in my hair, vagina and food and all my furniture for YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY as they also had rotten creeps break into my room, rape me, put my hips and spine out of alignment and then sprayed my room with toxic stinking sprays--stole money and broke and destroyed things every single day. That is just this group of shit in Whorewood and not to mention a lifetime of this. The racist rapist German psychopigape who is not stopping with his endless sexual energy extraction of me is now insulting how I look, the condition of the place I live in (he of course is following what filthy pigape-alina the rotten ugly plastic surgery modified piece of ugly and stupid sleazy crap is telling him to do--and that she's wonderful, he tells me (or hints at it_) that she looks so much better and blah blah and then he rapes me and then has my home and clothing sprayed with this crap after he has more metallic objects inserted under my fingernails so they are more damaged and already blood vessels and nerve endings are completely severed off (as this group also cut out part of my uterus and haven't stopped having my body mutiliated for a decade--also they have tried to have my teeth knocked out and they have made my hair so damaged and falling out that I have had to live with bald spots for years due to their damage. I now sleep with layers of items covering my head and pinned together and parts of my hair are finally growing back. Oh yes, they also have smeared damaging chemicals on my skin every day for years as well and caused scars, liver spots, and spider veins cover my legs as well the bones are crooked from all the spinal manipulation and they have forced tears out of my eyes also for years on a daily basis so my skin is damaged on my face--while my eyesight is very badly diminished due to all kinds of vision and brain attacks.

And this rotten German pig, like all of the men who participate in this, are showering the Nazi women like filthy ugly pigape alina with compliments as she and they all get more plastic surgery, more huge promotions, while they block my every financial attempt to earn even a meager amount of money so I am not living in such squalled poverty and desperation I must always buy food that is left out poisoned and on sale because I can't afford to eat. I take the food home and hairs are in it, it's moldy and that has been how I have had to eat for years because of this rotten group of stinking crap who are continuously attacking me so finally I will "break" and have a "baby " with one of these pig men who have raped and abused me, who all say I am not attractive, call me names, rape and physically slap, punch and abuse me, insult and torture me after they get some reaction of sexuality out of me, and it is NEVER STOPPED AND IT NEVER ENDS.

What is almost as disgusting is that by me writing about this filthy and vile bigot Nazi creep out of Germany who nearly ran to this group of shit in Whorewood so he could participate in this contract out on me (because I was drugged up and dazed and watched a movie he starred in--and wrote a post about it because I found his violin playing in the movie, the plot, sort of fun but I was being brainwashed and always am while I am in front of this laptop). 

He ran to join this group--and has followed the disgusting protocols that only the most ignorant and loveless scum would follow day after day for years and years. He doing exactly the same things so many other foul parasites have done to me while I am stuck in this state with zero support system of protection from anybody (or so it seems, or they can't openly make a real support system for me because they are scared or whatever--if that is ever happening or has ever really happened that people have supported me I have only a vague knowledge of--what people have done is so scant considering the scope of these operations it feels like nothing but I know people have actually done things to help me but right now it feels like "nothing".)

I am writing about subjects that are intended to cast shadow upon the victim as if they are to blame, which is what society always does anyway.  I wrote this thug's name yesterday and he has run to commit more violence upon me because he's getting promoted for me writing about his violence and sleazy pornographic exploitation which is disgusting to me. I wake up not only slimed from their toxins but the psychic energy and sexuality is so dirty and filthy and sleazy and ugly and stupid--on their part--not on mine but THEY GET PROMOTED I still am being tortured for simply defending myself and because "they" don't want to see me have any kind of standing, success or chance to compete or succeed and I keep trying to get up from this pit they have forced me into and they keep putting people to abuse, humiliate, rape and threaten me and the list never ends.

It is THEY who should be shunned, insulted and cast out not me. But that is now how this Nazi global structure has worked the brainwashing and compliance system out to be and thus I write hoping that the small fraction of people out there who also may have been victimized may eventually rise up and not only defend me but themselves and society even from this pollution that poisons the planet but is considered some kind of superior race or group only to the duplicity and violence they are being allowed to continuously get away with using these horrid technologies and brainwashing media and political exploits and channels of mind control programming.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...