Today the first internet (meaning a plethora of other electronic weapons attacks including the same verbal confrontation of hate and yelling and negativity I experience every single day/night with the sleeping/awake teleportation terror "toy" that is being so grossly misused.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Friday, October 1, 2021
This is why the US-based business of Fed Ex, like the United States, must remain in decent and professional hands and not sink into the abyss of outright fascist Nazism as Germany really is underneath all the posturing that it and it's posturing bs con artists (a huge majority of the Germans truly are like this despite all superficial appearances to the contrary). I try to not succumb to this terror of pressure to accept being a "sex slave" microchipped abused and exploited woman forced into some kind of violent, loveless, friendless situation with anybody and that accompanies trying to not let the United States sink into the hands of the fascist Nazis from foreign countries who are behind and associated with this very influential celebrity clique. I am thus under non-stop torture status and it remains so. How I hope to try to write something to influence people to not allow this to continue any longer for me personally or for the future of the United States and it's power allegiances.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Terrorist hacking report: September 30, 2021. It is extremely difficult to write any email inquiries or obtain information due to hacking and rewrites that terrorist hackers insert or delete into my writing, while my brain is under attack by the brain-altering "mind control" technologies.
I have sent two emails today to my mail service and upon re-reading what had been sent, after sending--hackers had changed my writing and it all sounds confusing and lacks information. The pages also keep freezing as hackers block/DOS. All my emails read like confusing non sequiturs and read like haphazard and long-winded grammatically incorrect confusion. While I am writing I blank out and "forget" to include pertinent information that is vital such as dates.
I also had to fight with hackers who kept changing pdf files that were attachments to emails that the mail service had sent. I tried to get the correct dates associated with the scanned pdf files and every time I clicked on one of the attachments hackers would switch the files so I had to struggle to find the exact documents I really urgently need to be sent to me. I had to send multiple emails because with all the struggle to find the pdf files in a series of string emails where once I would click and get the file I needed, I "forgot" information and had to retrieve the same file and it would "move" to another date and string of emails so I had to constantly fight to obtain what I had just read after closing the document, because my brain was so "confused" I could not think clearly.
I also discovered that searches and requests for DHL information (the shipping company) were blocked, requests unanswered (or more like just blocked from me receiving the replies) and this kind of block had cost me $125 in the past as my mail service also used the most expensive at the slowest rate and all attempts to locate any much less expensive DHL office was met by all blocks to information so I literally could find no locations in Phuket whatsoever despite trying and trying and phoning and sending email requests for information. All phone calls were blocked, all information requests were unmet and nothing happened.
Upon using a Thai search engine I see that there are at least 5 DHL pick-up locations and service centers in Phuket which I could not find on the English DHL site--meaning it was hacked and information blocked.
As I type the keyboard is being hacked so letters I type are juxtaposed while typing--I must almost pound down and the keys are so stiff while my hands can't move--as I fight to type with this endlessly hacked keyboard and my brain really blocked by a force that just hinders clear thinking and motor skills (all from remote or microchip implant)
The block to ever transaction or attempt to get any kind of useful information anywhere on the planet has reached a near impossible stance as every single attempt to get any single thing done that is of a business or professional nature is met with as many blocks and lies and lack of information and internet hacking with information just blocked out from every search. My every phone call is intercepted by terrorist agents who are negative, lying and blurt out disinformation continuously. The hacking to the keyboard is enough to seriously thwart any kind of real attempt at obtaining a fast and accurate email correspondence, let alone the rewrites, deletions and blocks to my brain which are of such a nefarious and subtle effect and of course all lacking in evidence as I cannot prove this claim. As I type now I must pound each and every letter out, my hands can barely move it's like I can't "remember" how to type, and my memory and thought patterns are so mixed and blocked and stifled.
So sick of this. Can't do more than struggle and then wince in near embarrassment every time I re-read emails I send for business purposes, which are so badly (re)written and my brain is put so out of context out of memory out of professional style. The keyboard then tops the situation with mixing letters as I type and blocking easy access to just writing quickly and efficiently. It's like wading at hip-height through mud to try to type on these hacked keyboards and this malware follows me on every keyboard I attempt to use.
If "you" have read my post above, you can see easily how confusing it was hacked and rewritten. Commas were certainly deleted as well as parts of sentences so the revised/redacted by terrorist result was bad grammar, confusing and almost incoherent in parts like I'm rambling and incoherent. All done by hackers and this is evident in the post I just wrote above. It is so HARD DIFFICULT TO TYPE on this hacked keyboard as well like really fighting a glued-down keyboard--keys are juxtaposed while I am writing, etc, there is a lag time between when I press a key and when the letter actually shows up--if it's not mixed with some other letter or just some "left field" letter thrown in by hacker terrorists. All this amounts to me not being able to conduct business without completely discrediting my ability to communicate or appear professional (or competent). The hacking so I can't get accurate information and constantly am in a state of confusion because information on the internet is so often blocked and that also creates this discrediting of my person by the terrorist operation. As I tried to write, I searched for DHL offices and got zero results on all the normal search engines and even on the Enlish DHL site. Zero results for Phuket when I used the DHL website. When I used a Thai search engine many office locations (all tiny little hole-in-the-wall type little shops showed up as legitimate DHL pick-up and mailing stations. Every phone call I make in Thailand is either hung up on or they "no speak English" even when I use the "English" option. This has been happening in Thailand for so many years without ever once getting someone who can provide ANY bit of information in English except for the most basic yes or no questions answered. This organization has made doing any business here in Thailand virtually IMPOSSIBLE including just using the internet to generate any income whatsoever. I can't function. the billionaire/millionaire terrorist wealthy who are at the upper tiers of this terror operation all call me various "loser" type names while they ensure that I am living in squalor that their terrorist minions force upon my living quarters, that I can't afford to live in a very nice place and what I can afford they trash and make filthy every single day using their technologies (mechanical arms). They then block all internet access to any kind of earning whatsoever, calling me a loser all the time in various insulting ways. After they poison my home and make it literally toxic to breathe in, where I must close all windows at night to stop mechanical arms from entering, I thus am being slowly killed in yet another way through toxic inhalation of the poisons they keep spraying on my furniture, floors, walls, my body/hair/food and everything else in this room while, last but not least, I cannot afford to pay for health care because of their blocks to my every attempt to generate enough money to actually be able to afford food and health care, new clothing and etc (I can't do any of it, essentially but I barely exist month-to-month while they torture me slowly to death on every other level using their hate technology). So, I remain stuck here like this fighting just to write a decent inquiry or get information and all I do is under seriously deadly attack, literally every single thing II is under attack including breathing, using my eyes (tears forced out of my eyes and constant attacks on my nasal passages due to the microchip implants and technology) and's a total immersion into terrorist electronic warfare and communications is also blocked due to these technologies. I remain so bound-up in this network of suppression both physically and financially and with everything else--it's just another day of writing about this ubiquitous terrorist organization to the silent void out there reading this.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
"OLAF SCHOLZ IS NOT YOUR FRIEND" (Jacobin Magazine). It's now an officially recognized international trend. Corporate politicians on any /an/or/all sides of every aisle and Parliamentary debate. Whichever side is on the weaker side of the divide will expose the corruption of the other side until they gain electoral advantage. Then the game shifts to the other side(s). Olaf Scholz, if you read the piece below, is almost a redundant theme to me by now of former "liberal/anti-corporate/pro-freedom" advocate who upon tasting power and money, has morphed into a near fascistic-orientated leader espousing police brutality and other forms of despotism. It's so typical and I see it on a daily basis so often and have lived through seeing it almost all my life that at this point I would say that the current fascists were former hippies at one point or of some other "alternative" ilk in their "rebellion" years.
Olaf Scholz Is Not Your Friend
"Yanis Varoufakis on Angela Merkel’s Legacy, European Politics & the “Sordid Arms Race” on the Seas". Democracy Now! September 29, 2021.
The 9/29/21 Forbes Breaking News clip below is all about lobbies and "dark money" influencing corrupticians in Congress who egress the law without redress. One must undress the lies regarding the Emperor(ess)es clothing that is a shady thin veil of shabby pretense.
"'It Just Makes You Wonder': Matt Gaetz Brings Up Pelosi's Husband Multi-Million Dollar Stock Sale". Forbes Breaking News. September 29, 2021.
Just posted: hours after I wrote the above--concrete evidence of malfeasance and corruption of the above-mentioned lousy (it appears that the corruption is making newsworthy and Congressional attention): I find it almost amazing to side with Gaetz but it would befit the opposite side to bring out the truth when it can enhance their own side of the aisle. This is the true benefit of a Democratic, bipartisan society and it's still operating somehow in some form:
Just posted: hours after I wrote the above--concrete evidence of malfeasance and corruption of the above-mentioned lousy (it appears that the corruption is making newsworthy and Congressional attention): I find it almost amazing to side with Gaetz but it would befit the opposite side to bring out the truth when it can enhance their own side of the aisle. This is the true benefit of a Democratic, bipartisan society and it's still operating somehow in some form.
This shady corruptician featured above with the sneering wincing shenanigans of sarcastic acting skill sets displayed alongside Matt Gaetz above is only one more component in the force that has inflicted this corrupt and future devastation upon humanity that technologies like teleportation and the psychopathic programming for the torturing terrorists who inflict their misery and ugliness in what can only be described as a micro version of forcing an innocent into endless torture, physical harm to the point of slow death, rape and non-stop destruction heaped upon them by lascivious. Sponsored by this woman above who is a Charlatan of irresponsibility. Evidence is coming out and complaints about her incompetence are pouring into the media at this point from both Progressives and Republicans alike.
Farewell to Kmart. Shopping at Kmart used to be a socially-viable institution. A kind of homage to Super Walmarts of America.
"Last Kmart store in Michigan, the chain's home state, prepares to close doors in November". The Hill. September 28, 2021.
"Classic Kmart Commercials From the '80s". Rob's Classic Commercials and Retro Stuff.
January 21, 2021.
Ameica really needs those ole Kmart "Dollar Days" back: (don't miss Martha Stewart claiming that "class is imagination and not how much you spend" line for the first commercial filmed back when she looked like a completely different homemaker, promoting places like Kmart which were considered "chic" but not expensive by the advertising campaign reps and some American people as well.: But when I was growing up even at the beginning of the Kmart empire, shopping at Kmart was not a sign of consumer chich it was considered working class and/or lower class even back in it's heyday.
The sad and potentially deadly irony of the Republican Party stalling or stopping the Debt Ceiling vote, which could cause a Government shutdown: the police would be defunded certainly. I could be defunded as well. The people who funded this health crisis that I have had to endure to the point that I must leave the USA to survive, is now threatening to destroy my life through it's fiscal incompetent policies which have ravaged the country and perhaps segments of the world for many decades. Still, there is always funding for this covert terrorism aimed at electronically manipulating human beings in what is called "Mind control experimentation" with microchipping and UNLIMITED funding for all the criminal activities, exploits and torture apparatus' of this terrorism that is directly tied to many tiered layers of the U. S. Government. Where does the money come from to fund these illegal and unconstitutional exploits of torture, behavior modification, torture, rape and theft of the individual targets with untold millions of people being promoted and paid in this global structure of targeting, mind control and terrorism? You can bet that Homeland Security will continue to be a top priority of government funding along with surveillance and then there are the pockets where these "loopholes" of financing of these illegal activities of terrorism, aka mind control/gang stalking crime are being funded without any hesitation or oversight. Yet those on Social Security and even the police risk being defunded because the resources for actual smooth functioning of the civilian population is of such a low priority to the government and it's international allies (who want to see American "Democracy" Gone with the Wind).
"Why Weaponizing the Law is a Losing Republican Strategy; Republicans Seek to Defund Federal Police". Glenn Kirschner. September 29, 2021.
Since I depend on Social Security and many others in poverty and senior fragility and illness and impoverished unemployment, that program not only is in dire threat in the future of being cut off, but government default on it's tremendous loans, which has bolstered so many others besides those who are currently in financial desperate tenuous balancing acts monthly or daily as I am and have been due to Government malfeasance and experimentation and drugging and poisoning and thus paralysis and thus utter helpless dependency upon Social Security. Thanks USA.
"Nancy Pelosi Betrays Progressive Lawmakers (Of Course). The Rational National. September 29, 2021.
Bad Old Nancy Pe-lousy---quite nastily with not just condescending abuse but threats of severe life-threatening violence along with the Europ-a humungous thug actor glared in hate, threatened and joined forces with the Nazi fascist infiltrator actor to misappropriate funds from the Stimulus Bill for California graft--using me as part of the package and for approval of Europigape fascist partnership--in teleportation of course which of course I cannot prove unless there is a video or any kind of record taken by this exacting organization of terrorism that has been teleporting me non-stop nightly for sleep and brain dysfunction and break-down of my existence and with complete support by Pe-lousy who absolutely threw me to the dog pig apes to be raped and tortured brutally, drunk with powerr, incompetent and sleazy and corrupt and rotten and nasty. Now a semblance of that corruption has shown up but the extent of the rot can not even be conceived of by the commentators or if they do understand the depth of the betrayal, they cannot out of fear utter anything resembling my ranting tirades after having been literally handed over to be raped and tortured by Democrat-after Democrat with Republicans laughing in the shadows because I assume the Democrats who are this corrupt like Pe-lousy are akin to the brown/black minority minions who they so use and abuse and program and condition and brainwash to get them likewise to do their bidding; just as rotten fakes like Pe-lousy is and does just like a minority minoin for the approval of the fascists and Nazis who really control people like Pe-lousy and unfortunately much of Congress, which is backed by huge swaths of millions upon millions of civilians who form these covert terror gangs, aka "gang stalking
More electronic manipulation of the body politic and of the body humanity...another reason why I am extremely anxious and worried about the global crush to rush into cryptocurrency as forms of legitimate central banking and/or banking units of finance:
"Special Report: Thaksin Shinawatra's Latest Investment Has Experts in Awe and Big Banks Terrified....Thai citizens are already raking in millions of baht from home using this "wealth loophole" - but is it legitimate?" (I have to wonder about that last statement as a subtitle to the article--which doesn't copy and paste like a normal link so you have to click on the vague link that appears below).
This deposed Thai leader (Thaksin) hails the potential to become an instant millionaire if you invest in the loophole bitcoin investment he mentioned in an interview. Yeah--Thaksin, your rush to extract money lead to a political and financial crisis in Thailand (which followed a complete burst of the Thai economy back in the late 90's) which lead, ultimately, to the military coup that is still holding down basic rights to protest or freedom of speech in Thailand--under the former military junta which was part of the team that ousted Thaksin and then his sister who then followed the "Red Shirt" revolution to become likewise deposed by military junta.
Monday, September 27, 2021
All I see on some news broadcasts are people around the world yelling into microphones about their "rights". All angry, yelling and demanding their rights. So far, no one will fight for me to defend my rights. My rights are all human rights that have gone before me and extend into all history.
This technology and the misuse/misappropriation of it by sickening people like Nancy Pelosi, who has to be one of the most greasy, sleazy and disgusting examples of malfeasance in the political sphere (and she lisps and sounds like a grease machine when she hisses out like a slurring drunken slut (that is how I perceive her, how I have seen her when she teleports me, a hideous bigot a most disgusting evil and sick person, like the rest of these celebrities it is sickening how violent, ugly and sleazy and nasty and putrid they behave and this kind of sickness is being used as a promotional tool by even more evil and sick unworthy types who have demonstrated absolute evil in the name of power and pretense: but back to this ugly and foul woman who is chief Democrat in the House of Representatives who partnered with a most nasty and also evil Austrian celebrity who is vile, filthy, nasty, sleazy and it's just one component of the entire gang of these creeps I have had to suffer through for over 8 years and longer--who are so immersed in this torture apparatus they utterly believe they have every single entitlement to torture me for ideas and then torture me when I fight for my rights which NO ONE else apparently is fighting for.
Putridity: the bs banter about how much she is fighting for Democracy and The People)--she's one of the most vile examples of this, but if NO ONE will fight against this gross injustice but they are demanding their "rights" when it comes to technological torture and slavery and rape and slow murder and absolute oppression and endless circular attempts to crush my mind, spirit, body and replace all with decay, destruction and obsolescence while the criminals laughing about their criminal exploits using this tech and being promoted by the grease sleaze that is responsible for this huge injustice system that everyone just watches going on--won't fight or help or defend me--but all are yelling about their own rights if they see these rights being eroded. None can make the huge leap of intelligence to understand that this system affecting me is as deadly as any plague throughout history and as deadly--in it's budding stage no one can even begin to perceive how dangerous this technology and this system of gang stalking terrorism and its' subsequent death squad psychopathy is utterly a threat to everyone's rights. I find myself having no options or choice despite over 7 or 8 years of writing these posts to the people responsible for protecting the most free society for the masses, and yet none can even do more than jump to participate in this heinous technocratic system of perversion and fascism and bigotry just to get a leap up in temporary promotional status. In the end, many of the perpetrators will also fall victim to the greed of their partners and of the system which seeks to slowly eradicate and eliminate, refine and narrow the profiteering-circles of elitism and that means that the culling process will also entail mass murder but probably of a covert nature.
"The Devils & Self Transcendence" : Our legal drug addiction fixations and the disaster that accompanies socialized and prescribed chic addictions. Learn to CHILL THE FREAK OUT!!!! Claiming you need THREE CUPS OF COFFEE to get up the energy to fight for that corporate right to rule every day? Claiming that as you get older you get lethargic, grumpy and slower? Using legally acceptable drugs as a way to pump up and then slow down your over-excited adrenal glands to the point that you can't explain how your body needs more and more to get up and then down?
"You wanna live in this lousy world, play it cool boy. Boy, boy, crazy boy, be COOL boy. Just play it cool boy, real cool. (boy, boy, crazy boy)."--"Cool", West Side Story.
"West Side Story - Cool (1961) HD". John Long. December 15, 2013.
"7 Telltale Signs You're Addicted To Caffeine". Mashed. July 13, 2018.
"Coffee In Chinese Medicine. Yin, Yang, Blood and Qi". Acupuncture-Points. May 18, 2021.
The "Running from Myself" song from ye olde year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Nine.
"Scorpion - Running From Myself (Rock) (1969)." foreal1992. May 19, 2020.
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...