Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The sad and potentially deadly irony of the Republican Party stalling or stopping the Debt Ceiling vote, which could cause a Government shutdown: the police would be defunded certainly. I could be defunded as well. The people who funded this health crisis that I have had to endure to the point that I must leave the USA to survive, is now threatening to destroy my life through it's fiscal incompetent policies which have ravaged the country and perhaps segments of the world for many decades. Still, there is always funding for this covert terrorism aimed at electronically manipulating human beings in what is called "Mind control experimentation" with microchipping and UNLIMITED funding for all the criminal activities, exploits and torture apparatus' of this terrorism that is directly tied to many tiered layers of the U. S. Government. Where does the money come from to fund these illegal and unconstitutional exploits of torture, behavior modification, torture, rape and theft of the individual targets with untold millions of people being promoted and paid in this global structure of targeting, mind control and terrorism? You can bet that Homeland Security will continue to be a top priority of government funding along with surveillance and then there are the pockets where these "loopholes" of financing of these illegal activities of terrorism, aka mind control/gang stalking crime are being funded without any hesitation or oversight. Yet those on Social Security and even the police risk being defunded because the resources for actual smooth functioning of the civilian population is of such a low priority to the government and it's international allies (who want to see American "Democracy" Gone with the Wind).

 "Why Weaponizing the Law is a Losing Republican Strategy; Republicans Seek to Defund Federal Police". Glenn Kirschner. September 29, 2021.

Since I depend on Social Security and many others in poverty and senior fragility and illness and impoverished unemployment, that program not only is in dire threat in the future of being cut off, but government default on it's tremendous loans, which has bolstered so many others besides those who are currently in financial desperate tenuous balancing acts monthly or daily as I am and have been due to Government malfeasance and experimentation and drugging and poisoning and thus paralysis and thus utter helpless dependency upon Social Security. Thanks USA.


"Nancy Pelosi Betrays Progressive Lawmakers (Of Course). The Rational National. September 29, 2021.

Bad Old Nancy Pe-lousy---quite nastily with not just condescending abuse but threats of severe life-threatening violence along with the Europ-a humungous thug actor glared in hate, threatened and joined forces with the Nazi fascist infiltrator actor to misappropriate funds from the Stimulus Bill for California graft--using me as part of the package and for approval of Europigape fascist partnership--in teleportation of course which of course I cannot prove unless there is a video or any kind of record taken by this exacting organization of terrorism that has been teleporting me non-stop nightly for sleep and brain dysfunction and break-down of my existence and with complete support by Pe-lousy who absolutely threw me to the dog pig apes to be raped and tortured brutally, drunk with powerr, incompetent and sleazy and corrupt and rotten and nasty. Now a semblance of that corruption has shown up but the extent of the rot can not even be conceived of by the commentators or if they do understand the depth of the betrayal, they cannot out of fear utter anything resembling my ranting tirades after having been literally handed over to be raped and tortured by Democrat-after Democrat with Republicans laughing in the shadows because I assume the Democrats who are this corrupt like Pe-lousy are akin to the brown/black minority minions who they so use and abuse and program and condition and brainwash to get them likewise to do their bidding; just as rotten fakes like Pe-lousy is and does just like a minority minoin for the approval of the fascists and Nazis who really control people like Pe-lousy and unfortunately much of Congress, which is backed by huge swaths of millions upon millions of civilians who form these covert terror gangs, aka "gang stalking

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