The same "from-the-top" enforcement of paradigm structure applies in the United States as this soldier amplifies in his short lecture. (any spelling, cohesion or any other typo that appears in this post is entirely due to hacking, which is profuse at this moment while I struggle to pound out and think cohesive sentences--the hacking is awful as usual I must constantly backspace and rewrite words I fight to get out). Right now, the page has frozen, something popped up to block what I was just about to type--the hacking is completely interfering and this has been the case for years and years every SINGLE time I am on any computer worldwide--just like this code enforcement of racism that justifies every set of violent actions in the name of conquest and power.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Friday, September 24, 2021
"Racism and War the Dehumanization of the Enemy (14 of 18) - Geoff Millard". The same structured, hierarchical set of inculturated layers of racist indoctrination, exactly the same as what this former Iraqi War soldier expresses in this video (below) are constantly being monitored and enforced in an intact system of chain-of-command structure in "normal" civilian society (the structure is applied almost universally and globally I suggest, but with varying degrees of enforcement and punitive measures of control depending on variations in cultural adaptation to being openly controlled by authoritative sources of power).
When "minorities' hit, abuse and slap and insult at me while white supremacist terrorist "gang stalkers" are standing behind them, smug and almost gloating but stern and "commanding" as the minority performs with absolute deference and hostility towards me, the same hate and racism they have internalized--this is apparent and the chain-of-command is no hidden aspect of the failures of any society to create a system of equality. The top trickles it's hate down to the bottom. The oppressed can't wait to feel empowered and attack another "minority" group. This aspect is what the dehumanization factor implies which is unilateral for all races when it really comes down to tearing apart the veils of polite societal behavior.
I was just physically assaulted (slapped) by this black celebrity who has hit me and ordered endless filth and fungus into my room with violence and torture--lasting a few years. Prodded on by the Mafia and Nazi contingent of this celebrity teamwork cartel organization of the A-listers for the opportunity for advancement for their careers by demonstrating to their "superiors' the absolute hate they can muster up (which is an endless amount of black hate and negativity that never ends, as I wrote yesterday they energetically feed off violence and torture and love doing it and become hormonally addicted to it--finding any rational to do so and usually and in my case there is NONE they just keep on and keep on until I react and then they continue to gain more promotions and call me all kinds of names after I just can't take it any longer ---which happens when I am extremely vulnerable, i.e sleeping and teleported, drugged and under a cloak of YEARS of isolation, torture and duress and interrogation and violence that has been shielded by the top commanders who also represent the top powers and representatives of the US military forces, as part of the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government at highest levels. Voted into power by waves upon waves of terrorist "gang stalking" bigots claiming they are patriots or Christians or religious or alternative or Liberal or Left or Right wing or black and proud or Jewish and not in peril and all fighting for themselves and their little circles which expand as more people they are targeting become "eliminated" through military-corporate-industrial-technocratic forces that trickle down the commands and the mind programming through their media outlets and lack of opportunity for any dissenting voice (although a huge market has been delivered to provide the seeming alternative point of view. The dissenting voices of former soldiers, aka Vets, is not given the same importance for some reason (just as there are so many homeless vets) as the media corporations putting their spin jockeys into the orbit of importance.
Once I walked away from this computer to keep drying the 4th load of fungus-ridden and foul substance-sprayed clothing that the terrorists have polluted my environment with (not having worn any of the clothing, which has been hanging on a rack in my room because if I put them in a closet they will absorb the fungus and it's stinking foul rotting material at that point if I simply put clothing in any closet after terrorists get through with shrinking, spraying, fraying, fading and then spraying with fungus and horrific stinking substances).
Exhausted and in pain from so much bending and lifting soaking wet clothing for the last two days --non-stop yesterday all day cleaning up the filth that someone else put into my life, body and home--
I remembered what I had been attempting to write in the above very confusing set of paragraphs. I did try to re-read the paragraphs and it was all very disjointed. Hackers deleted words that tied sentence meaning and structure so it was jumbled and hard to follow. I am too tired of struggling to backspace and simply type to go back--as I just type this sentence about how bad the hacking is, the justaposition hack is going on--I type two letters and the computer switches them in sequence--I must backspace almost continuously--also letters I never typed appear and when I use the space bar it stops operating
back to the point: I was hit by a black very wealthy celebrity who has been a continuously violent personality towards me. Her media pitch, of course in keeping to this tradition, is all about tolerance and anti-racism when it comes to her and her friends (but when it comes to being promoted by being lock-step with white supremacists in attacking another "race" as I am supposed to represent--which probably stands in the forefront of her mind when she is attacking me--and as the video above hints at, this is not uncommon in the chain-of-command that is so integrated and enforced through punitive but subtle means throughout "normalized" civilian culture--which resembles greatly a military society in all but name, even in the most "free" country on earth, as Americans claim for some unfounded reason at this point in history.
She attacked me "because" I wrote yesterday of how many blacks have attacked me in the cause of celebrity inclusion and promotion into this very bigoted (at top levels, but only openly demonstrated when it comes to this covert teleportatoin technological tyranny that the top-military-grade technology provides every closet fascist who otherwise is an endless emblem in society for open-minded charitable humanitarian heroic rescuer of every ill of society.
She hit me "because" I wrote that many blacks have been a part of this very racist organization. I was accosted also by another very famous black male who has been a beneficiary of this contract out on me for a few years now.
Thus, I "forgot" to add this in the rambling set of paragraphs above which were hacked with the intention of making me seem incoherent or rambling without any clear focus. I am coherent and focused by this intrusion of the mind control with hacking and then subsequent redaction/deletions/rewriting makes any clear prosaic attempt literally an impossibility and beyond my control.
I realized that she has probably come from a very violent place in her life, and the violence of racism has undoubtedly been inculcated into the fabric of her being. I was listening yesterday to some of the Los Angeles "gangster rap" songs which were written by one of the people who has participated (alongside the woman I mention just above) and--his lyrics are filled with violent retribution for anyone who doesn't, essentially, respect his authority and steps out of line. It is reminiscent of beatings that resonate with oppressed cultures and have remained as a kind of holographic programmed set of behaviors that carry from the oppressed to the would-be and then in-training oppressor--as many of the people I witness coming from "oppressed" classes (including white but not of "elite" financial status" also imitate and strive to emulate as best as possible.
It is now too hard for me to write due to hacking and my brain being just blanketed with the insidious "slime" effect of mind control technology.
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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