Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A small but significant add to my last two posts: regarding government websites hacked-into to block critical and essential services to me; lies by terrorist agents operating from within the US Government for Social Security; and hacking to continuously threaten my life--more below...

 I was lied to on the phone by Social Security but I don't even know exactly for sure which lie was correct 

I have an online account with this agency and there is an, "Email only" option that one can click to receive emails instead of letters through the mail. I phoned SS years ago, asking if that meant that I would receive no more physical letters and I was told, three times by three different rude and negative agents attacking me that, "yes, that means you don't get any more letters from Social Security".

So, I opened my account and opted for the "emails only" option and since then, I have received one single email notification for an insignificant bit of information for the general Social Security program. Otherwise, a barrage of letters threatening me with case reviews since and most of the letters informing me of the reviews blocked by this mail service (and any other mail service blocked from me by this terror agency attacking me so I am stuck only with this one option for a mail service). This has been the case with almost everything I have attempted for years, I am left with one single option for survival and it's always that I am rushing to push to get something I desperately need because of the surround-terror group and it's tentacles reaching into every facet of every discernable aspect of society to block and threaten me with every kind of near-death catastrophe and that never ends. 

Thus, phoning Social Security 6 times in one day for a period of over 4 hours to be lied to and hung up on and then having to re-phone as my benefits were indeed cut off, fighting and fighting for hours as my voice was constricted by the microchip implant and I was coughed at, spoken to with harsh and negativity and lied to endlessly until I finally got just what I "should have" been receiving in the first place without a hitch.

I was then lied to 6 times in 4 hours about this selection of only receiving email notifications instead of having to be screwed over by the mail system which is now a form of discrimination and threat to my life by lack of information of my mail with all services discriminating against me with threats by mail for things that are constructed as an attack in the first place. 

I was told that because I am in a certain program that the "email only" option does not apply to me. The entire website for Social Security mentions no such block to anyone receiving this particular (lowest-paying) program for that agency. Perhaps what I was told is correct but it is not listed on the website for that government agency, and all agents on the phone except for this one told me that I would not receive any more physical mail but since then that is all I have been getting with absolute threats to my entire life due to this series of constructed lies, deceptions and threats and attacks.

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Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...