Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Even news programs I watch on YouTube (Democracy Now! podcast on You Tube) are being blocked now. The little Microsoft game I have been playing with is now being blocked from all the fun little things that have been part of the game for weeks, now deleted by hackers.

 I have been watching the Democracy Now! "Top US & World Headlines" almost every weeknight for over 8 months without fail. Last night, in addition to my game which has been the only sort of "fun" I've had "playing" anything is being blocked, and now the news broadcast was deleted from the You Tube streaming and is not listed on the Democracy Now! website at all. Every format is hacked and re-arranged by this hacking terrorist team. I mean, every single night of the working week Democracy Now! has top headlines which is a 12-minute approx segment that airs non-stop without fail. Now it's completely gone, although the usual interviews that accompany the top news stories are listed on the site as well as on You Tube but the news stories are gone from both. I do not believe this was not aired last night, and I suspect they will be deleted from my browser from now on. Hacking terrorism of course. 

It's just another thing taken away from me, including my health, finances, my cat, my home, my family, my friends, my career prospects, any sort of stable living situation, now mail is a threat to my life as I'm being blacklisted from almost all mail content and I cannot find a single reliable mail service due to the situation I wrote of in my last post. Health care after having been poisoned nearly to death? Blocked even if I am eligible for Medicaid I am essentially denied still basic services while using the government service.

I hope readers realize that this is not unique to me. I also assume that most or all of you reading this are well-situation and probably find this amusing and you are glad that it's happening to me and to others and not to you. That is the system, it is now engrained into society. I write of this for the people who actually don't want to be coertly killed or discriminated against in a system that feigns equality. These things I write of are the death attacks that are concealed by fake promises and seeming open access to essential services. 

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