Tuesday, September 14, 2021

More--I mean there are almost none-- nearly naked, hot, sizzly and diamond-see-through adorned MEN please on the red carpet. The nearly all-female parade for male purchasing power, adoration of fantasy and fashion was a titillation to see, beautiful but skewed heavily towards male consumerism and consumption. UPdate on the Met Gala 2021. Enjoying seeing the beautiful, splendrous gowns (wishing it were not almost exclusively focused upon women instead of also having tons of males scantily dressed--I mean straight men at that). Only one or two (perhaps) notable terrorists this year focused upon, as opposed to what was laundry list after list year after year for this Met Gala. So glad to see that a kind of shift of focus has occurred and the photos are beautiful. It looks this year like originality and fun. Except for that one terrorist expletive I enjoyed watching this extraordinary fashion line-up (wishing more almost naked men would be also displayed instead of mostly women--that goes for all entertainment and media concepts of "fashion" which seem to always focus on women with men wearing the usual bland 3-piece stuff that conceals while the women are popping out through all the nearly invisible seams. MORE MEN nearly naked please let there be less focus only on women as nearly naked sex objects for fashion apparel and shows and tv and movies and etc. Straight women also want to see the opposite sex and not just always, usually the endless display of women as sex objects wearing nearly nothing with sparkling jewels while the men are almost always covered up and vacant for these displays. The displays obviously are focused upon male as the main viewer discarding female desire to see men also as sex objects. I can't watch any of these mainstream media things without some adverse criticism because sexism and racism are still dominant themes underlying the premises of the fashion "themes" that are just shadily cloaked names for females as busting out busted naked nearly as men are the voyeurs and viewers and money-holders purchasing all they can and woman as purchasing item at the top layers of the prize competition for most higly valued purchasable items. For sale$$$.

My favorite mainstream media movie about fashion (I consider this a classic but it is not labeled as such by the industry, as far as I know perhaps by BET?). It is a movie which moves me, it is a movie about politics of fashion and the fashion of politics;  albeit from that time when "politically correct" statements and fashion could coincide respectfully and gracefully. When a bold woman is held in reverence by her politically correct man, but nearly killed by the man who represents the powers-that-be to control you and me.



LOVE, LOVE THIS SONG. It epitomizes the beauty of the actress and the theme and the loneliness the journey the political aspiration the revelation, the fashion of the bonding the fascist of the bondage--that is why this movie is a classic.

Move on over oh bulbous blonde singer whose ire hath brought me to this page, who was featured in the Met Gala Disney-themed dress (who is a terrorist, bigot and an expletive but so honored and she stole lines from my writing as well--say whatever you want about how I am claiming all these people are stealing my concepts --due to years of writing posts and having no access to really publishing or writing, I can't even begin to find the posts and also often the posts with ideas that are stolen are then deleted by the terrorists. Oh blonde bigot bulbous skank singer who was so featured at the Met, when I compare thee to the winter's fry you remind me of Wisconsin fish fry fatsos who went on extreme diets and went to H-wood to invoke racist iconography-- like your chubby nasty over-priced personality has been so over-touted

and I watch the most glorious Dianna Ross and her performance and the theme of this movie and the meaning which goes far beyond the black theme or racism. The shallow superficiality the meaninglessness the lack of utter love the devotion to the devoid.


"Diana Ross - Do You Know Where You're Going To (Theme from Mahogany) / Mahogany" (1975). Music Video Vault. February 23, 2015.


"MAHOGANY 1975 Anthony Perkins Maniac Driver". CoopyKat. August 18, 2018.

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