Tuesday, February 15, 2022

How the terrorist teleporting Executive/Legislative/Entertainer/Actor et al expletives manipulate the mind control technology to attack me. One of their "favorite" tactics of absolute injustice and sick degradation of all decency (as usual, it's all they are about in this situation).

 *Hackers rewrote and changed grammatical tense and wording throughout this post. Typing was extremely difficult due to malware blocking keyboard functioning. Etc etc. blocks to critical thinking and typing capabilities throughout the post and rewrites by hackers.**

It always happens, of course, while I am in a deep sleep state and being teleported to the foul people exploiting this situation for their gain, or it's when I am in a nascent waking mode. I am always sick from having been poisoned as they never stop drugging my food so they can obtain their goals of the protocols of attack aimed at me. They could care less about how it affects me and they make jokes about how sickly I look and about my appearance after they have made sure I am broken down physically, as I attempted to pound out in my last post (hacking and obstruction and mind control is very bad, as usual while I fight to think and type anything out. I always "miss" important points and "remember" them long after I have turned off the computer).


THE TRICK THEY USE which is a disgusting example of how callous and manipulative and what types of attacks they are "practicing" on me in order to attack others (which could be you reading this too and maybe already has happened).

WHAT THEY DO is force me to "repeat" some sentence they "program" me to say while I am under hypnosis. It is usually me talking in a joking tone as I am not normally an angry and deadly serious personality--I like to have fun in life, ("clean" fun I refer to) meaning just laughing and enjoying little situations and not being stuck on hate and power games and all of that. They, of course, are obsessed with their power machinations and are deadly serious. They instruct me to make a joke or say something which is contrary to them in even the slightest any criticism or joke can be used to attack me. I repeat their stupid sentences which are not things I would normally say, sentence structures I don't use and thought patterns that are not mine. However, what happens prior to all of this is that I have told them all repeatedly that I don't "like" them, they always ask me repeatedly why for at least, a minimum, of weeks day after day. They never stop asking this question, I always tell each and every single one of these rotten and nasty abusers that I don't want their bs their game their exploitation of me. They then order non-stop torture of me and ask the same question the next day. And day after day. Two days ago one of the expletives from London, very famous expletive, who has been part of this attack upon me since 2013, almost NINE YEARS AGO AND has obtained movie deals and put his videos on my internet social media platforms, has partnered with a very violent rapist who is now famous as an abuser of women (but not against me, no, he was awarded for raping and beating and abusing me day after day with his girlfriend/wife who then became "famous" because he allegedly punched her in the face, and being a blonde Nazi that made headlines and now he can't obtain a lead role, but she used my exact statements about domestic violence which I wrote of for a few years prior to their now famous incident. But the expletive out of London was there for all of it, obtaining his deals and deals. Now he's with his band "mate" attacking me and they have not stopped trying to exploit this deal out of abusing and torturing and slowly murdering me for so many years I think it's incalculable at this point how greedy an disgusting they are; absolutely famous for their nasty mentality which they have helped to degrade societal restraints at doing whatever the $F- you want if you are a bigot Nazi and believe you are entitled. That has been the Satanic message this band has pumped out and is now a global phenomenon for it (plus a magazine in their name, also featuring bigots and Nazis and racists and abusers and their ilk who have partnered in attacking me). But every day it's another nasty male along with his consort of females, all viciously nasty towards me and happy as hell that I am being raped and abused and deformed, mutilated as they steal ideas from me to sell as their "feminist" persona for the snake oil sales pitch that they all are selling ("feminism" for blonde Nazi women and a few shades lighter, sex slavery, demeaning roles of servicing them and their men and being subordinated to their hegemony for the rest; roles many "minorities" are more than happy to play and sustain as a livlihood.

But I am getting so out of whack on the thread I was just writing. The mind control exerting a blasting deletion of my critical thinking capabilities is operating alongside hacking intervention and keyboard stiffening and etc.


They force me to repeat these sentences about how I don't really like them, but I always say it in a joking but sarcastic way. They then rush to hit me, call me Nazi anti-Semitic names or use references to killing Jews in the Holocaust, and then the physical violence begins. Then they never stop attacking me because I repeated a stupid but nasty sentence they "programmed" into my subconscious while I was sleeping, teleported to these unwanted disgusting parasites who are all torturing me because they really want this contract of using me--so they never stop asking me why I don't like what they are doing as the torture and violence is never stopped, not surely by any politician in the entire United States--ironically the situation is becoming perverse with the politicians now partaking in the immediate advancement of their careers for simply joining in with what is now a cadre of English Imperialists trying to slam my head in car doors as they lurch at me using Nazi Holocaust language while they are calling me every indecent name and because I have no money except for this subpoverty which this group is constantly threatening to take away--and everything else they can after years of destroying all I have ever worked for (years in graduate school while their mentor, the English wealthy "aristocrat" connected to The English Crown was poisoning me to death while stealing verbatim ideas I had written and short stories, which many of these partaking of this contract have also likewise been doing for years and years--but he was raping and poisoning me to death and once I tried to get him to stop he would not for at least 2 years until I began calling him a pig in emails and Facebook posts--so this group is now surrounding me and I have just experienced this same sort of attack from a disgusting nasty older woman out of London who is famous for working with Spielberg, his good friend, who is an absolute racist an anti-Semite and oh wow--it's all just so sick and pathetic the whole thing is.

But that is their trick--they got me to repeat the sentences they input into my subconscious under hypnosis and drugged and under deadly duress after more than a decade of non-stop torture and murder attempts and all stolen from me--so much I mean I still have a basic living condition with absolutely no future no way to earn money no home can't get health care as they continue to drug and poison my body after murder attempts via poisoning as they have torrtured me for years while I was fighting to heal 

but no problem for US political leadership to join on in and threaten to mutilate my body and kill me alongside the actors

but this is what they are doing. And now no one is going to do anything to stop them or help me, as usual.


That is how this technology is being so misused by unethical (to put it as nicely as possible--the nicest euphemism to what kind of absolute shit these scumbag whores really are) 

but anyway, how much mishandling of this sophisticated tech for their petty power games and deadly power acquisitions is being meted out by the leadership of the United States, so Imperialistic Europ-a's can train Americans in how to break people until they have absolutely nothing left and then exert absolute control over not just their thoughts, their bodies and to murder upon will anyone who they either don't like , threatens them in any way if they don't belong to their fraternal organizations of white male supremacy with the bigot women right there to twist the rape as deeply as possible into the females who they want to see made ugly, broken and destroyed if they are not part of the white supremacy image--because they have to sustain that image and turn the lie into a peremptory technocratic torture supremacy--meaning just without having to get permission by any authority they can just kill anyone they don't like using these forms of technology--and this is something I have seen happen ANYWAY throughout society by these pieces of shit operating these torture technologies and the poisoning and it's all being welcomed by almost the entire US governance at highest levels. I was just attacked in this same mode by yet another high-level politician who I had appealed to for help in a few Facebook posts I sent to his Facebook page. Of course the mask dropped and the claims of fighting for Democracy died just like the January 6th fiasco that seems to be full of well-intended peeps performing their patriotic duty but oh....oh no...


So that is the kind of crap these people do. It has happened to me many, many times all my life. These scumbags who join on in act like all these various types of attacks which are just like routine protocol situations (always ugly, always using the tech to "force" the target to say or do something that appears to be almost innocuous but they jump on the programming in order to then forever attack the person). In one store someone threatened me with violence after I made a remark about her not being a problem as she stood next to me and crowded my space but I made a joke that blurted out, I had no intention of saying it, and it was not a hostile remark but it was programming into my subconscious by the subliminal operators in the next room (it was actually in a massage school in Gainesville, and I knew the people who were operating the technology). This bigot blonde woman then began threatening to physically assault me for this "joke" I had made inside this little massage school shop where there were healing items--it wasn't even a sentence that was hostile or nasty towards this f-ing creep--but she used any pretext in order to threaten me. And that is now going on again, and again, and these people then attack me. Of course, that is after having told them that I don't want them, after they have happily engaged in destroying my body or home or life and in helping to rape or abuse me. They perpetually then ask me why I don't like them and then they have me repeat some sentence and then they physically assault me. I fight back. They go off getting their free new deal and free new promotion and I have to fight to clean up more brown sticky stinking fluids form my home on every single thing (clothing, my body--the infected scratches I wrote about in my last post were also stained brown, the creeps here are putting toxic brown stains on my body if I cut myself accidentally--)

and so...that is the bs they are doing. 

Of course, as usual, NO ONE is going to do ANYTHING to stop this or help me. By now I know that the people reading this are either out to steal ideas so they can get their promotion or they are doing this as some thrill-seeking or out of "curiosity").


But I can state emphatically that the United States appears to be absolutely f-ed up for any future possibility of retaining a real "Democratic" Republic. It's going to be Nazis and their very well-heeled brown and black minorities who are shouting for their equal rights as long as they don't have to suffer in any way and get to have people below them they can easily attack--the "Liberal" faction is just a more liberal dose of fascist bs without all the harsh overt conservativism.


I am being attacked by Republicans and Democrats alike, but of course my contract has been geared more towards the "liberal" Democrats who need to steal ideas in order to flaunt the bs snake oil pitches they are cranking out perpetually and being paid in millions to misrepresent. I am silenced endlessly of course as you all know. These expletives make sure to let me know that my ideas are worthless as they steal them and then are paid in millions for them and also applauded when they quote my writing and words verbatim. I am tortured by them for criticizing their beloved Nazi structure and systemic racism, which they covertly so fully endorse and support and sustain.


One of the politicians now attacking me is on the J-6 Committee and is is an affront, beyond words. The scumbag whores from Whorewood one can more easily accept as being stupid whores who will do anything, but when it comes to lead politicians it is more disconcerting. The list is now growing of the really unscrupulous who have participated who are part of the "Democratic" push against Trump and everything else that they really have always been a part of. They just object to the Trump factions taking away their opportunities to rise up in power because what these people all really want is an endless monopoly. 
So it's not a question of whether fascism is going to topple Democracy, it's which group of fascist bullshit artists is going to use this technology to manipulate more of the "masses" and obtain the monopoly on power and then drain the United States even more of it's immense wealth while more and more millions become destitute and without any power. Eventually they will have something resembling the former Soviet Republic of Socialist States, ununited at that in the former United States. The former Gulag system is now being replaced by homeless encampments. Homelessness is now the United States version of concentration camps and gulags. The list is growing. For the rest, the mind control tech and drugging of perhaps water supplies (#conspiracy theory) and however else they are going to misuse this tech is not anything anyone is afraid of. They all assume that it can't happen to them while it's already happening (to them, which means to you).


Oh, didn't I mention many times for so many weeks that this upsurge in direct threats of murder or physical violence (not that they weren't having me hit by cars, raped while sleeping by the terrorist scumbag neighbors as they teleported me to abuse and rape and hate and homeless skits every single night--simultaneously--plus endless poisoning and toxic shock and drugging and violence non-stop and electronic torture to my body) but now, in the teleportation episodes the expletives are threatening me with more violence and this all has happened after Nancy Pelosi joined into the group to threaten to kill and mutilate me as she sat next to that Austrian thug weightlifter who became the Governor of CA, who is an absolutely nasty fascist as they all are---and of course, the Americans nearly grovel in deference to all the Europ-a's who are part of this as the subordinates who long to become Europ-a aristocrats-who have all obtained mansions and castles in Europe for their participation in the take-over of the United States by European interests--H-wood is replete with Europ-a control. Thusly, Pelosi was almost immediately promoted by Biden who has urged her to re-run for that lead role, and supported fully by both sides of the aisle as Pelosi was a staunch supporter of Trump and is a fastidious fascist. Her blathering drunked-sounding displays of yapping about "The American People" and "Democracy" is as disgusting a display of duplicity and manipulation as the entertainers who have obtained their endless monopoly of power in the entertainment fields that are likewise controlled by fascist "liberals".


But of course I write all of this only to MORE fascist Nazis who are reading this, or apathetic and do-nothing Democrats and "liberals" who yawn and are glad it's happening to me and not to you, too.


And all I want is for this group of haters to pay me in a substantial fee for the ideas they have stolen, to have my cat returned, and for me to be able to purchase my own home in a place I love which is safe (and not in the path of environmental or war devastation, both of which I have not contributed to but these expletives all have, even if they claim they are "green" they all, even the Swedish environmental activist who is so famous, all fully support all the bulldozing white male supremacists of this Nazi regime who keep on plowing in the land and exploiting every single thing for their entitlement luxury that they can possibly drain from every living and dead thing possible on this planet. And that is really all they are all about. The hacking is now very bad.


I am writing this under great duress from over a decade of non-stop torture. How long must it take for any single politician to actually not participate in this sick fascist situation how many people are there who are not part of this network still alive on this planet and where are they? 


the hacking has forced me to endlessly pound down and backspace and rewrite this entire huge post--thinking is very strained as well.


America is f-ed. They are now going to war. (maybe?) they can't wait to go to war. It is a disgusting country I don't want to return to that awful and sick country. And certainly never to be around these expletive people teleporting me. Can't anyone ever get them to stop asking me why I can't stand them, they all have been taking turns and attacking me now for years and years and all the politicians do is just jump on in to get their own promotions and free deals. They are a shame and a discredit. They all spout out the most vociferous claims of defending and championing Democracy and the values of freedom. Well, they mean only for them and the Nazi regime and they want slavery and death for people like me. The homeless camps are the result of their real oppression. The upcoming war is the promise of their never-ending sucking out of the economy all for their profiteering fascist regime (which is probably in cahoots with the Russian supremacist regime, they will all make huge profits and remain "safe" if there is a serious war beginning only in Ukraine but extending indefinitely, of course, with billions of dollars going to the war effort as the shareholders rake in the billions in profit, as usual).


It's all so disgusting it's all so sick that no one, NO ONE NO ONE ever defends me not a single politician not a single person from H-wood not a single person any single place around the world will come to me with any real form of protection or help or defense. 


I just want to live in peace, with my cat returned to me and alone without any of these shit people around me any longer (but not to be away from people who are respectful and at least decent)>

These are not decent people. I can't stand them I wish someone would get them off me---but no, of course, no one ever can. No, not any of you reading this, no never. Welcome to the future of your apathy. The world is now facing a huge war and homeless camps are everywhere, climate change from the greed and endless development of these parasitic exploiters is now creating death and destruction on every frontier on the planet. Keep doing nothing to stop this mind control tech, this situation of torture endlessly heaped upon me by your celebrity nightmare shithole group and the politicians who just join on in, shitty people reading this. Stop stealing my ideas. Think for yourselves. Another person who had run for president is now blathering on using my exact words and phrases that I wrote how long ago--I have been writing to that empty space of parasites you readers for so long now, post after post, but I remember my words. Someone else is repeating my words and being applauded for them on the talk show I just watched which was planted on my social media so I would see it (the title of the show was enticing). Believe me, the words were mine, they were not ubiquitous sentences they were unique, a complete copy of something I had written about the politicians--I had written that the Republicans don't even pretend they care but what's worse is that the Democrats DO pretend they care. This was literally stolen from me and used by a woman who had run for president, who was just applauded for the sentence. My sentence.  I continue to be tortured for my writings with no recognition or financial compensation for these concepts that keep being stolen so Northern European looking fascist Nazis running for office and those who are running for celebrity-turned-politician can have original ideas as if they are alternative and cool. I get called "loser" and a "nothing" by them endlessly as they flaunt all the money they have been handed for their whoring exploits while they have me raped and exloited and my ideas stolen for NO MONEY and nothing but more torture. The person who stole my idea, which I just wrote of, is supposed to be this "spiritually positive" force but appears like a well-done job of cosmetic alteration and Nazi "intellectual" female. The result is always the same. I remain sitting here being mutilated, the "liberals" steal my ideas, join in with outright fascist Nazis out of Europe to attack me so Europeans can invade and take over training Americans in how to really break and destroy the will and spirit of any resistance, Nazi and Mafia style, and I remain writing these posts. The f-ers keep hacking in to see what else they can steal to present themselves as having this original take on politics. And then they run for office, and I think this woman how stole my sentence is really in the race in order to divide the Democrat vote because of course the "liberals" who interviewed her really want Trump to be reinstated. This is not a conjecture on my part by the way but I am now pounding down and backspacing due to hacking blocks and it's just enough.


 As usual I have to add a bit more, after having gotten off this blog and off Facebook (I always post simultaneously on both platforms).

While I was being assaulted by this musician I wrote of above, who had me "awaken" in the deep sleep, teleportation skit while under hypnosis, unaware of where I was, and I was in a supine position on the floor while he was attempting to smash my head in with a car door. I then found myself standing and fighting back physically and as usual yelling in rage and hate into the face of this person appearing astonished that I was fighting back. Behind it all was the politician I only briefly alluded to, won't mention his name. The newest addition to the political group assaulting me out of Congress. Of course he has aspirations to run for Prez as well. He's not a "liberal" but is flaunting his "Democratic" idealism as a platform. He fully supports the violent assault this man whom I have never harmed, who has been a part of torturing and raping, mutilating and poisoning, theft of my ideas and all that I have been fighting to write of for all these years with this endless hacking and mind control block to my every attempt at communication every single attempt I make (that is why this post has so many grammatical "mistake" hacks and etc). But he fully supports this kind of fascist abuse and torture of me and fully supports all the murder attempts and hate and every kind of vice and crime that this group has committed for all these many years and decades aimed at me. Being a part of the J-6 committee, he is joining in with the team that Trump also utilized in order to obtain his position of power during his 2016 campaign. 

They are dangerous people and I am writing about this while no one, I realize, has done anything to protect me and I can't assume that this post is going to generate anything but more xxxx people stealing whatever concepts they can and then doing nothing about this crime against me. I think the situation is so bad that no one considers this a crime against me they just consider this "normal" activity--just like raiding the Capital Building was just "normal political discourse" or acceptable or whatever. That is the same rationale that is being used against me. One of the J-6 committee has the very same attitude towards this crime against me, where my home is violated every single day but that is "Normal discourse" for personal power acquisition and just "normal" as far as they all are concerned.


Terrorist physical violence report. February 15, 2022.

 While I slept...

Terrorists used mechanical arms to inject something akin to SILICONE into my body--not silicone as in plastic surgery but an insert of a clump of hard material that has "grown" in the past week--not hard like an organic piece appearing under the skin but more like a collection of moveable clumps injected under my skin so as to appear like a sebaceous cyst (formed out of fats or lipids). These are NOT real cysts but injections and made to appear as ugly cysts. This has been done to my body for over 20 years in a few locations, but for the past few years two have appeared and in each case the appearance happened from one day to the next. From nothing to a full-blown hard object under my skin.

 One is just above my right knee cap but a bit higher up on my thigh, an unlikely place for a sebaceous cyst to form. The other is on my left rib cage, but almost on the side or peripheral of the rib cage. It has expanded to two new clumps in the last week, so it's larger than 2 inches and juts out of my body to at least 1/4 inch or half an inch. It is unsightly I can imagine and it hurts by now, it is stretching my skin so I can't lay on that side of my body.


Back in 1998 the terrorists in Miami inserted such a huge object on my breast plate, that I had to have it surgically removed (as in anesthesia, being put out and in real surgery) and it was HUGE. It was around 3-4 inches in diameter and extended into a large round fatty sphere maybe 1-2 inches out of my body. When I tried to get it removed when I had to move to Gainesville the Alachua County clinic, which could not diagnose simple thyroid problems I had using a blood sample, likewise informed me that removing this cyst was not in their budget so I just had to live with it. They lied of course and were simply denying me health care. I now experience the same lack of affordability for health care now that I am living overseas but the terrorist millionaires and billionaires attacking me have ensured that I can earn $0.00 and thus susceptible to their every threat of being made homeless. That includes now not being able to afford to pay the inflated prices (as in, every doctor I try to get an estimate for removing this cyst informs me that the cost is around $500 here in Phuket--which is probably more than 1000% times the actual cost. I am lied to perpetually here by hospitals and doctors and it's actually dangerous for me to go to any doctor any longer. I believe I was injected by a doctor in Germany with a substance that made the chemicals in my body absolutely rigid in a murder attempt (I had to run to Thailand a few months later because I was not able to move any longer, I had to call an ambulance and I arrived in Phuket wearing a neck brace because the chemicals had hardened--when I arrived in Germany I was athletic but still had all the problems but not to the extent of the point of departure which was nearing the critical point of saturation for the hardening chemicals and a total paralysis and death--). But not digressing but going off point: I cannot trust doctors any longer nor can I afford to pay for any doctor for anything here in Phuket thanks to the extremely wealthy billionaires and millionaires who are torturing me so they can prove to the English Crown and the Nazis and the US Government that they are all working to create a "master -slave" rich and poor Imperialized society with them of course exploiting and no one who is under them with any chance of even criticizing the bs that they pour out perpetually with their despotic benevolence plan they are unfolding across the planet. 

But back to my body and this horrible never-ending mutilation and destruction of my health and body by this organization: they input the mind control and bloating/hardening chemicals that have made my body crooked and now "disabled" (plus countless "accidents" terrorists forced upon me with their orchestrated terrorist incidents) but..I can't "afford" to pay these prices to heal, see a doctor nor can I trust any clinic or doctor at this point and certainly not to remove this cyst-like clump of objects.

And there is another problem: because the mechanical arms are continuously inflicting my body with harm to mutilate, and destroy me and slowly murder me, I also can't heal my body if I have any cut or bruise (they also put bruises on my legs very often--I wake up with black and blue marks on my legs all the time, but I went to bed without the marks--and I don't bruise easily and all my life I have actually never once had a black or blue mark on my legs--and years of jogging and being a "tom boy" and none of black and blue bruising has ever happened until this mechanical arm endless terror has been continuously inflicted upon me while I sleep.


I cut my leg because of some hooks (I used to try to seal the cabinets under the kitchen sink to try to stop the mechanical arms from breaking through the huge cracks in the doors --cut intentionally so the mechanical arms can get through and the cabinet has been made so objects can easily slip through a certain area behind the pipes which are always dripping and the back panel is always being rotten out so they can easily open the panel from the other side no matter what I paste or do to the flimsy and cheap faux wood panel that is about 2 mm thick and bends with a very easy finger touch.)


I cut into my leg, the metal hook just sliced through my skin (I am now very fragile in health from a decade of non-stop torture and abuse from this group which feeds energetically off torture and violence-- it's an absolute energy-draining transfer which is why I always call them parasites).

The cut has still not healed after more than one week. Any cut I do actually get outside of their endless slicing and bruising of my legs and body while I sleep =-anything I actually do is then smeared with some chemical so it never heals. I do know how my body heals and I see these cuts then become infected and swell up. I wash my body 2x per day--and I put antiseptic on the cut but it just gets infected due to the mechanical arms and the destructive chemicals these terrorists pour on my skin, hair and any part of my body they can get a hold of.

Thus if I did get these cyst-like objects removed, it would be very hard to heal and this group would try to ensure that any cut would scar permanently. They have done this to me so I have scars and cuts all over my skin from things that I never did to my body. 


Aspirants for the favor of The English Crown (and permutations thereof). "I would set the mur'drous Machiavel to school. Can I do all this and not get a crown? Tut, were it further off I would pluck it down."---Richard III, William Shakespeare. This movie offers a reflection and A shadow representation of how I have observed politicians playing their roles in what Shakespeare has so craftily scripted as universally recognized political machinations--albeit what I have witnessed personally and find Shakespeare has completely nailed in this teleportation drama unfolding year-after-year and politician after politician participating in the plot.

 What is even more brilliant, genius, ingenious about this soliloquy featuring the great Olivier is how shadows are used on his face as he stumbles/lurches towards the camera before he begins the famous lines, Now is the Winter of Our Discontent....his eyes are black in the shadows while the harsh jutting of his determined and chiseled chin create a mask of hate and brutality or an evil demonic mold that then melts into a frosty face beginning this Winter soliloquy about the Sun of York frolicking to a nymph alongside a lute while he, aspirant Lord in the shadows, deformed and made obsolete in the absence of War and fighting, plays his piper ditty to lure, entice, destroy and loot.


"'Now is the winter of our discontent'" - Richard  

III by William Shakespeare. Philip Spade. July 15, 2013.

I would have to say that this scene is one of the best acting moment I have ever witnessed on film. However, in "reality" I am perpetually surrounded by superlative actors who play every part with every nuance of skill appropriate for the elaborate "gang stalking skits" that are continuously employed surrounding MOI. They are remarkable actors, it's amazing they aren't in show biz or politics! They too are aspirants like Richard III. However, their work is intended to solidify existing monopolies and not give any upstart any more chances to play the field on any level except as pawn and broker.


Oh, tis a wondrous bit of writing on politics and shananigans!


It would appear that Olivier took some huge creative license with adapting the actual play by Shakespeare to his 2 1/2 hour movie, skipping entire passages and substituting right away his amorous plots and licentious liasons. Leaving the more insidious plot of undermining the friendly foe whose name begins with a "G" to be discovered after a series of evil plotting by the smirking evil genius protagonist. It's all very sinister but unfortunately it reminds me of the people I have had to deal with who are famous politicians and for all these years the shock of seeing Machiavelli unleashed when it comes to immediate gratification and promotion by attacking MOI in this teleportation hell that has been forced upon me. A very quick lesson in politics to be sure and I was always just going to lamely believe all the hype they put out in their scripted speeches and be happy to just turn off the boob tube once they stopped their acting on a podium but     NO...i HAVE TO witness Richard III in person and the evil plots are aimed AT ME. Oh NO! But they are also a threat to the nation and national stability, which no one seems concerned about. 

I have no idea how this movie ends except I think there is something about a horse and a kingdom for a horse as Richard III is killed--betrayed, perhaps, by his enemies or overtaken by his foes--I know that much but it's always the intricacies that make up the plot, and that I what I refer to. Knowing simply that this character dies does not detract from the mystery or surprise or delight in HOW and what words and what emotions and what soliloquys are uttered and most importantly, HOW it's all done by the likes of Olivier and that will be my surprise ending for this film--hopefully as impactful as the opening scene. As this is my first time viewing this play and movie---I have watched this opening scene at least 5 times and have not gotten very much past some of the beginning acts but it's a joy to watch this higher level of acting and performance so I am relishing it, but the similarities of political Machiavelli machinations is striking now that I have gotten a bit more familiar with the English accent and 400+year language barrier of that older English style--now familiar with at least this opening scene--

This is one reason why Shakespeare is considered to be, and is, peerless in his theatrical and writing style--not only is the language use and style more than superlative but the precision of exacting the truth and reality in a poetic and artistic rendering making it actually entertaining and thrilling instead of morbidly depressing is wonderful!


*As I stumbled through the hacker intrusion by malware blocking the keyboard, I must remember that most likely this post will be hacked, rewritten, partially deleted because all I have been doing is backspacing to rewrite and retype words due to keys not operating and my hands also not functioning --my brain is under attack as well as the keyboard--so obviously once more the terrorist hackers will be busy deleting and rewriting and taking commas and periods out and pasting what is left into long unreadable strings as they have been doing for almost every single post I have written for--over 8 years now without fail for every post.


I am not going to post this to Facebook, usually I post on both this blog and Facebook because I have no idea if my writing is going to ever show up on either site--actually, this blog has been so blocked--I have a red warning sign on the front of this blog stating that "content has been suspended" due to a Cyber Crime Act in Thailand--which crime I have no idea I have breached as I have never written adversely about the Monarchy and that is the only breach of law I think exists in Thailand but probably there are a plethora of other restrictions. I have been writing about US politics. The sign I received about the suspended site appeared after I wrote a post about the 911 bombings in NYC. It had nothing to do with Thailand or Thai politics but somehow that was enough for someone to put this warning on my blog site---and it has not been removed since. Maybe I will post this to Facebook after all. The hacking is very bad it's very difficult to write any longer without endless strain and struggle and retyping every other word--literally.


30 minutes later:

Realizing how badly the subliminal "mind control" has operated whilst I wrote the above--I had to rewrite entire passages because various weak and watered down "tags" were input into my subconscious by the inaudible technology while I was writing. I found myself using various types of "English" watery segues to ideas such as, the English would say, "I suppose....(blah blah blah)" and the American version would be, "I guess (etc etc etc)" (!)

I do not use these types of weak intros to my ideas and I came as a surprise to find this post had been wreaked somewhat by these inclusions which came out like the porous choice of words that are spoken without any hesitation and no pre-thought in the situations where it's obvious that mind control and the use of subliminal coercion and manipulation to my speech and actions is being utilized by these nefarious technologies (which no one will admit to using and certainly government officials are loathe to let this information out to the public, for how could they obtain their plausible machinations in this modern day of information without the use of drugs and subliminal technologies to entice people into believing their inplausibility?


I had to re-write, but it is clear to me that an English national or deviation of that Imperial former  conquistador country is using the subliminal mind control whilst I am attempting to get past their hacker intrusions and blocks to my writing. I am literally pressing correct keys and other letters appear. The keys are now so stiff I must pound down on the keyboard as usual to get anything out.


So if my style above has a lot of embellishments that sound like I am going into guessing mode or don't "really know" but am "guessing" or "supposing" what my ideas are, in that attempt to not be offensive to the critical English mode of how only certain people are "supposed" to have definitive knowledge and the rest have to buttress their statements down with prefixes to their concepts such as, "I suppose" and, "It would seem...doesn't it?" to find agreement. AT the top levels they make outright bold statements as the one and only truth and you had better not disagree if you are not of their "station". 


But I continue with the English Crown theme. I want to add that the actors in question in this terror and torture scheme have no Shakespeare play upon which to base any kind of fallen nobility upon--except for one passage coming from Macbeth which rings true on the stage of actors in this terror contract out on me, and I will quote this only to include how meaningless their activities are, ignoble would be an understatement and a glorification of their inane and sodomite enterprises when it comes to this MK ULTRA rape and sex slave contract out on me and their mean and pettiness and their actions--which of course "win" them the approval of their reigning force upon this planet--and no, it isn't the United States Government, and that includes the politicians and so this theme is just and true: The English Crown rules them all like that Ring of Power in The Lord of the Rings and Sauron is only a metaphor for the entire gamut of the international force which rules the rulers.

yet it is the English Crown with which I have had to contend for many years now, and their actors brazenly acting out their meager but well-funded rape, torture, attempted murder, theft and hate roles for the sake of charitable ruse for the blinding of the universal muse of art but artistry and deception is really the name of this game and it also involves acting. Translation: playing their parts as humanitarians fighting for justice, against racism, pro feminism, anti-corporate, anti-Dark Money, blah blah blah. I don't suppose this tis True, and do they deceive either me or you?


The Shakespeare set of lines (not an entire play, "mind you"--to use that English term---but just a few lines suffice to encapsulate any connection to the tragedies of grandeur that Shakespeare depicts in his plays on power and struggle to obtain. NO, these performers, musicians, actors, entertainers, directors and et al who participate only deserve this brief mention from Shakespeare but it is appropriate to the situation:


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

A shocking revelation. Human Sacrifice in the name of Judeo-Christian sanctified religion.

 "Ex-Pope Benedict XVI admits false statement during abuse probe testimony | DW News". January 25, 2022.

I wrote a different type of post on Facebook, maybe I will include this portion in that former post after I get through the arduous task of fighting to bypass hackers and mind control tech blasting into my cerebral cortex and other areas of my brain to hinder more steadfast attempts to write coherently.

The article (below) on this formerly hushed and subdued malediction by Pope Benedict on "sex abuse" by clergy in his former parish in Bavaria, before being patted on the back and welcomed into the halls of lavish red carpet plush sanctified sanctuary of the Beast.

I write this blasphemous post due to what I consider to be a legacy of degradation of what should be devoutly pious into what it had or has degenerated into (I do admire Pope Francis and I feel strongly that he is indeed a pious individual, much to the credit of the Holy See which offered Him up as their much more aligned representative). 

The libraries of mind control are rife with information, whether it is anecdotal or proven with evidence, of various types of Satanic cult activity involving mind control experimentees and legacies of Germanic bloodlines genetically disposed towards incest and pedophilia. That is part of the "Monarch" programming, which insists that being pliable and adaptable to mind control programming somehow is loosely or closely linked to incest and Satanic mind control engineering in various pockets of society. There are cults and this is no secret or mystery which do Hail the Dark Sun of the Son of Darkness. I only bring this into bearing on the topic of mind control, but also in my Facebook post I included a bit about how H-wood has altered the former late 60's style of horror flick from psychological and societal terrorism on the population into more bloody anti-social types of personalities, psychopaths and gory bloodfests of sadism and thrills of people being attacked from behind or on surprise (always a tactic the terrorist "gang stalking" organization uses, being taken from oblique angles from behind in the darkness, drugged up with encircling sadistic thrill-seeking killers--which in gang stalking parlance is just your crocodile-smile neighbors and fake friends and strangers who appear to "help" you when you are most vulnerable so they can more easily stick it to ya when you are unaware. It is assassin style, and those are the movies that now permeate the horror genre or so from my brief glancing around the movies on horror circuit of the past many years. Not so from the 60's and onto the 70's but that was when the terrors of occultism via Nazi culture was not as estranged from public consciousness as it is now. In other words, as Nazism is "on the rise" according to the news media and indeed anyone watching recent events can clearly ascertain, the realities of the actual basis of their operations is so unrecognizable from the truth of their spirituality -----perhaps disguised more cleverly as a larger religious base of "righteousness". Perhaps the pedophilia and sex abuse is being more cleverly disguised by the mind control technologies such as I have been writing of, whereby the victim is drugged and even microchipped to have no conscious memory of the abuse and then is further mind programmed to "forget" with compartmentalization of the abuse safely tucked away into the portion of the brain that can be opened and closed, like a portal of rape and torture and abuse and murder and suicide programming to be exploited by the seemingly humanitarians who are your celebrities now "fighting" for womens' rights in the media so they can too become politicians--and etc etc the situations I have been writing of for so long but which thus far has been completely ignored by the power structures that ordain such individuals into prominent positions a la Pope and President/Emperor. You can believe that abandoning children, grown women, boys, men to be raped via these types of pseudo-religious sacrificial ceremonies is part of a larger version of human sacrifice, which of course is duly ignored by the power structure and the criminals are exonerated and then go either into retirement or get further promotions or financial compensation for any duress they suffered upon the scrutiny of the public which eventually recedes back into the apathetic structure of conformity to the corrupt authority they all eventually worship once more (and buy their products as the fanbase and further uphold the cult of celebrity personality, something politicians are now jumping into the bandwagon to be a part of).


From this point onwards I will just simply copy and paste what I had posted on Facebook earlier today. In fact, I will go back into Facebook and copy the above portion and affix it to the beginning of my Facebook post. 


"ORGY FOR ASTAROTH / To the Devil a Daughter (1976)".   I AM IN A CULT. January 3, 2020. 

The Black Sun shines on the Church of the Daughters' spawn~~.



The film To the Devil a Daughter begins with a shot of a placid lake and a Catholic Church astride the shores of the bucolic Bavarian countryside landscape. Inside the church is the aspirant female innocent in appearance (Kinski) in a nun's attire. The human sacrifice begins very early into the film by those ordained to serve the Communion of the Community in Bavaria. The same area that the excised/"retired" Pope reigned.


...as a note to the comment above: maybe the opening scene and the corrupted Church was in Switzerland--generally the same area. I recall it being in Germany and all the official "nuns" of this Satanic/Catholic Church being distinctly from Bavaria. Without looking up the synopsis on Wikipedia, this is from memory of having watched the film years ago. It's worth watching, definitely something of a much grander nature than the horror flicks of putrid blood gore that seem to permeate the genre and suspense and spiritual demise included but without the real scary fearful content that a movie like this portrays, because it does depict the insanity of the sacrificial worship and that is what is transmitted by this film. Alas such films seem very rare now.


Of course Christopher Lee is also a one-in-a-billion type of actor and Kinsi plays alongside him like a kindred spirit in this film--(bravo!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

"U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union". When Russia was a true friend to Democracy and the United States, actually saving it from destruction and utter collapse. This is a (huge) "sidebar" to the history of the Civil War that I was never taught in school (nor were you, I would guess) however it remains critical to understanding my stance on the terrorism that confronts me *and you too*, notably from the many English who have joined lately into this terrorism against me utilizing hate and teleportation for their promotional greed agenda, but powered by those supporting the ultimate demise of real and true Democracy in the United States who unfortunately are of "American" birth--the actors in H-wood for example but the numbers of Americans who are not famous far exceed their representatives in H-wood--and this trickling down effect of the Royal Crown $ cascading to bribe, buy out and exert destructive influence remains a strategy that was employed much more openly and violently during the mid-latter 1800's and the pre-and then during the Civil War era--now clandestine as "friendly" allies and kisses and hugs in the parties of H-wood and extending into political leadership and their background of study and being influenced in England and France-- and the forces that control those who are controlled and are vying for power under this hate contract using this torture protocol and terrorist technology.

 U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union

*Please note that I just rewrote the first paragraph to the below post--my thoughts--which were rewritten by terrorist hackers so badly I could only understand what was written because I had attempted to write it only a few minutes before. It would seem that this post will likewise be partially deleted and rewritten after I fight the malware blocking typing functions and my brain under severe attack so it's very hard to access my cognitive abilities to the fullest (much is being blocked in my critical thinking capabilities)

It was Russia under Tsar Alexander II which helped save the Union during the American Civil War. It was Britain and France who were enemies of American Democracy and of the United States. It was our current NATO "allies" which were trying to establish a complete break-up of the United States in what became an alliance set about to enflame the conflagration of the Civil War in typical "divide and conquer" strategy, fully supporting the Confederacy.

The former anti-Democratic alliances remain today as they were in 1965; as a force for covertly pushing destruction of the United States and a take-over of all prominent positions (and ownership) through subterfuge, infiltration and sabotage for a modern Civil War in the United States (the exception to the 1861 Russian intervention in all this historical review is the lack of a Russian leadership a la Tsar Alexander II, who was assassinated by what could be considered pre-Bolshevik forces in 1881):

"The big issue was always a British-French attack on the United States to preserve the Confederate States of America. This is certainly how Union and Confederate leaders viewed the matter, and how some important people in London, St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin did as well.....In 1865, the United States was friendly to Russia and Prussia, and resentful and suspicious in regard to Britain and France, whose governments had sympathized with and supported the Confederacy....It is hardly too much to say that the future of the world as we know it was at stake. A conflict between Great Britain and America would have crushed all hope of the mutual understanding and growing collaboration which led up to the practical alliance of 1917-18, and the outright alliance which began in 1941. It would have made vastly more difficult if not impossible the coalition which defeated the Central Powers in the First World War, struck down Nazi tyranny in the Second World War, and established the unbreakable front of Western freedom against Communism. Anglo-French intervention in the American conflict would probably have confirmed the splitting and consequent weakening of the United States; might have given French power in Mexico a long lease, with the ruin of the Monroe Doctrine; and would perhaps have led to the Northern conquest of Canada. The forces of political liberalism in the modern world would have received a disastrous setback. No battle, not Gettysburg, not the Wilderness, was more important than the context waged in the diplomatic arena and the forum of public opinion. The popular conception of this contest is at some points erroneous, and at a few grossly fallacious…. (Nevins II, 242)....The Threat of British Intervention

The two great interlocutors of Union foreign policy were Great Britain and Russia, and the geopolitical vicissitudes of the twentieth century tended to distort perceptions of both, minimizing the importance of both British threat and Russian friendship.... London even considered ways to foment secession in Maine. Bombarding and burning both Boston and New York was actively considered as a contingency; it was concluded that the reduction of Boston would be very difficult because of the channels and forts; New York was seen as more vulnerable, especially to a surprise attack. An Admiralty hydrographer saw New York City as “the true heart of [US] commerce, — the centre of …maritime resources; to strike her would be to paralyse all the limbs.” (Bourne 240)"


These foreign forces have not stopped their quest to dissolve the United States, bring into their fold Americans who cannot tolerate a country with values that truly embrace equality of races, with that traditional backlash to all the attempts to create a more equitable society for all involved and not just a coterie of cronyism exerting suppression over the vast majority. That is the attempt I have personally been afflicted by for over a decade and much longer by the English and of course their larger Euro-p-a partners who act like one huge alliance in the terrorist pursuits of domination, Imperialism and Conquest.

To revert the United States back to it's former role as a colonized subject of the Crown has already been greatly achieved just via corporate interests and the "Dark Money" forces that no one still is able to quite locate in the media nor can the politicians who complain about it actually describe in detail exactly who or what is responsible. Yet I have written of it and I am silenced. I write of it now to the dark matter of the universe of the internet with all it's black holes waiting to try to drag me into their negative vortexes as part of the overall scheme of utter devouring of anything that doesn't suit their dark universe of compression and stagnation for the solidity of their empire acquisition.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Nazi Deniers are "shocked" by the Orlando Nazi rallies. They have no excuse to hide behind their peripheral vision blinders any longer I write of over 50 years of experience with the "Jewish" Nazi deniers who are silent about racist Nazi activities in "Gang stalking" terrorism who actually participate in these racist activities (and profit thereof, but more to the point: for survival).

"Jewish community reacts to Nazi demonstrators rallying across Central Florida". Fox 35 Orlando. February 1, 2022.

Given the choice I cannot think of any person who would willingly betray their own "people". I KNOW from over half a century of life experience with this travesty of subsumed racism that is rampant in all communities across the United States that I have run to for sanctuary (all over the United States, multiple times from East Coast to the West where vicious deadly violence by extremely racist Americans and their other foreign accomplices is an underlying reality of Americanism that is now emerging "thanks" to the emergence of the utter racism that has ALWAYS existed for my entire life).

I am not trying to castigate or castrate this group of Jews, but they certainly are not incognizant of Nazi sentiment that runs the gamut of my country in all levels from top to bottom and horizontally to vertically. There is no hiding from it and the existence of anti-Semitism is something only the most devious of deceptive actors can portray as not being a threat.

I know the Orlando area more or less, having lived a 2-hour drive to the West in Gainesville for many years. I attended the university where this rally of Nazis took place: University of Central Florida albeit I took classes online. I have experienced utter discriminatory racist practices from my mail service that was rooted in the Orlando area where I had to almost beg for them to send me information on my mail, and they overcharged me by 200% for various shipping services and denied me access to having my mail sent by any other carrier except for them. The discrimination carries on to this area where I now live and I cannot trust any but the most expensive carriers to have my mail somewhat safely delivered.

But back to Jewish collusion with Nazis. I grew up in this millieu, I know about the complete "sell out" mentality that my family willingly adapted so they can comfortably (somewhat) live in white suburban neighborhoods around absolute racist blockades that are covert discrimination practices intended to keep people they don't want out and allow only their own kind into their fold. As people can see, race and color and religion almost make no difference any longer in the embrace into the more mainstream folds of these corrals of racist life in America. The pretense at "diversity" is part of an overarching plan to make superficial appearances. 


I could write stories about Florida and the Jews who violently attacked me--from Miami up to Gainesville. The only people who actually were not overtly hostile to me were the "real" Christians who thankfully had retained their heart and soul and belief in the sanctity of life and of peace and love as a general philosophy upon which to rest one's structure upon. Building a house of civilization that is not a violent fascist destruction of what is now being recognized as the threat to "Democracy". The moral convictions I have discovered are at a low point in the scale of how a society should operate in a healthy societal manner.


I have "short" stories or even a book, if only I were not afflicted with this hacking and brain-wave altering tech continuously blasting into my brain and body as I fight to type. At the beginning of this post, as I was writing the title, hackers just deleted what I had written while I was typing. I know that after I publish this post they will continue to delete portions, delete grammar such as commas, and then rewrite what I had already written in a cohesive style to render it incomprehensible in part and then to rewrite to discredit my attempt to communicate well.


The Jews are "shocked" that Nazis are now marching in the streets of Orlando. If they had been aware of the realities, as I know that they are, then they would not be making these types of statements. They expect that law and order is always going to shield them, even when they try to get those endless "promotions" that all the parasites who attack me always expect and do obtain. They never thought that the racism would extend to them if they only participated in the Nazi structure of gang stalking terrorism. I wrote of this for years, as a warning, that people who assume that they are always going to be safe and to profit off participation in this system will find that they are "dead wrong" in the end.


Not only did the Jewish people who were prominent members of places of communion like the Jewish Community Centers--playgrounds for the wealthy who can afford the fees--like my Uncle a very prominent "Jewish" leader of both "religion" and of defending criminals like the Italian mafia--literally--which is a huge reason why I am still being confronted by Italian mafia out of Miami and also their appendages who call themselves "Italian-Americans" who not only range from the actors of H-wood (out of Brooklyn, where my parents grew up attacked by these types and were brainwashed through endless violence from these gangs of New York) but....I was literally handed over to fascist Nazis out of Europe on South Beach (my "cousin" Michael who has my last name, the son of the prominent "Jewish" attorney who is a criminal defense lawyer, also with my same last name) told me that the Italian mafia who I was forced (through the network of discrimination, like a labyrinth they blocked all my opportunities of having any kind of job except for working for them, where they welcomed me with all the Europ-a kisses on the cheek embraces while they were raping me in my sleep while my brain was smothered by the microchip implant while my consciousness was being teleported and I knew and felt nothing upon waking--my money I had earned stolen, etc). My cousin who I had said privately to the people of the clan from which my genetics spring, I said that his shaven haircut and his demeanor was very like a kind of skin head--under drugging and "truth serum" effect as they also participated in drugging me while they fed me--it's a very long story, me meeting my relatives out of Miami, and that meeting happened only one single time I never met them again but did speak to them on the phone. They were abusing their daughters who were around 5 years old in Nazi control programming and absolutely acted like the "Jewish Nazis" that they really are. Prominent members of the "Jewish community" and they had their son, who I had said looks and acts like a skinhead, who appeared on South Beach while I was selling cigars while working in a cigar shop owned by an Italian out of Milan who would have me attacked and threatened and etc---until I quit and then sold cigars independently. But he said regarding this openly racist thug Italian fascist, "These are my friends" as my life was then "sold" as a "sex slave MK ULTRA" by this prominent and wealthy "Jewish" branch of my family off to Italian mafia. People like the speaker of the House are part of this larger mafia operation and I was threatened with death by her very recently, in the last year. 

The partnerships between "Jews" and mafia and nazis is astoundingly underground but very fertile. 

Now Jews are "shocked" by the Central Florida operations coming out of the shadows and confronting Jews in gangland Nazi style a la 1930's Germany, in the streets chanting the same slogans. Imagine how many people are really behind these by now small rallies in the Florida area in general.


I am not associating the larger diaspora of "Jews" with what my family participated in. No, my personal experience for all these many years of my life, decades of people of the "Jewish community" not just participating but actively going out of their way to demonstrate how much affinity they have with this organization--this Nazi global operation which utilizes gang stalking as only one small component of their social engineering project. 


From the East Coast to the West, to the point that I gave up trying to find some "identification" with "Jews" as I find I have nothing in common whatsoever on any level  that is relevant to social identification. When I hear Jews in the news discussing the surge of hate speech directed in Nazi fashion towards Jews, what I get is this blinders approach that they all "knew" there was something amiss but always assumed that the United States was a safe zone and that law enforcement would always protect "them". 

I realize my post today could be misconstrued as some kind of bitter indictment against an entire group of millions of people I have never met nor associated with. I refer to years of fighting to get any recognition for this crime by any Jewish person prominent both in H-wood or in politics and find that the situation is far more entrenched in absolute conformity to being racist pawns that one may imagine. The denial is absolute in the Jewish community.

This is all I can manage to pound out and backspace and correct at this time. If I could write in a flowing style I may be able to get out my short stories on this subject. There were also Jews who participated with the actual German Nazis who assisted in rounding up and killing Jews. They were given preferential treatment. Many of them conform to the blonde ideology of racist white supremacy. 

In order to give more detail I think it would behoove me to write a style of creative story-telling instead of just trying to point black sound like a fanatical racist myself in this limited constricted hacked and mind controlled post--always hindering me in writing to my full extent. I urge people to not accuse me of being racist towards "Jews" but I have over 50 years of experience from grade school, high school, college, life in society, going to "Jewish" places trying to get help which is impossible from almost all Jews in the planet. 

Perhaps soon this long-standing deluded Jewish diaspora will stop assuming that they are "safe" if they just conform to the Nazi program which is being implemented by the gang stalking and mind control technologies (and in  H-wood as well--the mind control is rampant there and you can thank some of the most famous "jews" on the planet in H-wood for helping to perpetuate the fake semblance of utter Nazi racists into prominent roles in their movies where these Nazi blonde Europ-a actors are instead acting like they are not the utter virulent pro-Nazis that they demonstrate openly towards me, with the "Jewish" director remaining silent and kissing them on the cheeks at their soirees of billionaires and millionaires who feel safe and assured it can never happen to them--they've been so "good" all these decades they will not be betrayed by their Nazi friends who they put into lead roles playing benevolent and concerned humanitarians fighting against racism. It is such a deception but played in full by the "Jews" who claim they are of that religion and of that doctrine but instead ignore the violence their "friends" continuously aim at me and then continue to be handed their lead slots in the mind control programming industry to continue the deception that these vicious and murderous Nazis are instead friends and not foes. For look and see!: A "Jew" who made a movie about the Holocaust with actors who in real life rape and torture ME according to Nazi standards--but the public only sees the "Jew" with his blonde bigoted Nazi non-Jewish wife as being a "liberal H-wood" advocate against racism--and his coterie of Nazi adherents especially out of euro-p-a-land--how they smile and bow graciously to their roles as supporters of little brown people they would otherwise rape and murder if possible when the Nazi cameras are rolling in order to advance them into perhaps political influencing positions along with their "liberal Democrat" media pundits and politicians.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).