Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Terrorist physical violence report. February 15, 2022.

 While I slept...

Terrorists used mechanical arms to inject something akin to SILICONE into my body--not silicone as in plastic surgery but an insert of a clump of hard material that has "grown" in the past week--not hard like an organic piece appearing under the skin but more like a collection of moveable clumps injected under my skin so as to appear like a sebaceous cyst (formed out of fats or lipids). These are NOT real cysts but injections and made to appear as ugly cysts. This has been done to my body for over 20 years in a few locations, but for the past few years two have appeared and in each case the appearance happened from one day to the next. From nothing to a full-blown hard object under my skin.

 One is just above my right knee cap but a bit higher up on my thigh, an unlikely place for a sebaceous cyst to form. The other is on my left rib cage, but almost on the side or peripheral of the rib cage. It has expanded to two new clumps in the last week, so it's larger than 2 inches and juts out of my body to at least 1/4 inch or half an inch. It is unsightly I can imagine and it hurts by now, it is stretching my skin so I can't lay on that side of my body.


Back in 1998 the terrorists in Miami inserted such a huge object on my breast plate, that I had to have it surgically removed (as in anesthesia, being put out and in real surgery) and it was HUGE. It was around 3-4 inches in diameter and extended into a large round fatty sphere maybe 1-2 inches out of my body. When I tried to get it removed when I had to move to Gainesville the Alachua County clinic, which could not diagnose simple thyroid problems I had using a blood sample, likewise informed me that removing this cyst was not in their budget so I just had to live with it. They lied of course and were simply denying me health care. I now experience the same lack of affordability for health care now that I am living overseas but the terrorist millionaires and billionaires attacking me have ensured that I can earn $0.00 and thus susceptible to their every threat of being made homeless. That includes now not being able to afford to pay the inflated prices (as in, every doctor I try to get an estimate for removing this cyst informs me that the cost is around $500 here in Phuket--which is probably more than 1000% times the actual cost. I am lied to perpetually here by hospitals and doctors and it's actually dangerous for me to go to any doctor any longer. I believe I was injected by a doctor in Germany with a substance that made the chemicals in my body absolutely rigid in a murder attempt (I had to run to Thailand a few months later because I was not able to move any longer, I had to call an ambulance and I arrived in Phuket wearing a neck brace because the chemicals had hardened--when I arrived in Germany I was athletic but still had all the problems but not to the extent of the point of departure which was nearing the critical point of saturation for the hardening chemicals and a total paralysis and death--). But not digressing but going off point: I cannot trust doctors any longer nor can I afford to pay for any doctor for anything here in Phuket thanks to the extremely wealthy billionaires and millionaires who are torturing me so they can prove to the English Crown and the Nazis and the US Government that they are all working to create a "master -slave" rich and poor Imperialized society with them of course exploiting and no one who is under them with any chance of even criticizing the bs that they pour out perpetually with their despotic benevolence plan they are unfolding across the planet. 

But back to my body and this horrible never-ending mutilation and destruction of my health and body by this organization: they input the mind control and bloating/hardening chemicals that have made my body crooked and now "disabled" (plus countless "accidents" terrorists forced upon me with their orchestrated terrorist incidents) but..I can't "afford" to pay these prices to heal, see a doctor nor can I trust any clinic or doctor at this point and certainly not to remove this cyst-like clump of objects.

And there is another problem: because the mechanical arms are continuously inflicting my body with harm to mutilate, and destroy me and slowly murder me, I also can't heal my body if I have any cut or bruise (they also put bruises on my legs very often--I wake up with black and blue marks on my legs all the time, but I went to bed without the marks--and I don't bruise easily and all my life I have actually never once had a black or blue mark on my legs--and years of jogging and being a "tom boy" and none of black and blue bruising has ever happened until this mechanical arm endless terror has been continuously inflicted upon me while I sleep.


I cut my leg because of some hooks (I used to try to seal the cabinets under the kitchen sink to try to stop the mechanical arms from breaking through the huge cracks in the doors --cut intentionally so the mechanical arms can get through and the cabinet has been made so objects can easily slip through a certain area behind the pipes which are always dripping and the back panel is always being rotten out so they can easily open the panel from the other side no matter what I paste or do to the flimsy and cheap faux wood panel that is about 2 mm thick and bends with a very easy finger touch.)


I cut into my leg, the metal hook just sliced through my skin (I am now very fragile in health from a decade of non-stop torture and abuse from this group which feeds energetically off torture and violence-- it's an absolute energy-draining transfer which is why I always call them parasites).

The cut has still not healed after more than one week. Any cut I do actually get outside of their endless slicing and bruising of my legs and body while I sleep =-anything I actually do is then smeared with some chemical so it never heals. I do know how my body heals and I see these cuts then become infected and swell up. I wash my body 2x per day--and I put antiseptic on the cut but it just gets infected due to the mechanical arms and the destructive chemicals these terrorists pour on my skin, hair and any part of my body they can get a hold of.

Thus if I did get these cyst-like objects removed, it would be very hard to heal and this group would try to ensure that any cut would scar permanently. They have done this to me so I have scars and cuts all over my skin from things that I never did to my body. 


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