Tuesday, February 15, 2022

How the terrorist teleporting Executive/Legislative/Entertainer/Actor et al expletives manipulate the mind control technology to attack me. One of their "favorite" tactics of absolute injustice and sick degradation of all decency (as usual, it's all they are about in this situation).

 *Hackers rewrote and changed grammatical tense and wording throughout this post. Typing was extremely difficult due to malware blocking keyboard functioning. Etc etc. blocks to critical thinking and typing capabilities throughout the post and rewrites by hackers.**

It always happens, of course, while I am in a deep sleep state and being teleported to the foul people exploiting this situation for their gain, or it's when I am in a nascent waking mode. I am always sick from having been poisoned as they never stop drugging my food so they can obtain their goals of the protocols of attack aimed at me. They could care less about how it affects me and they make jokes about how sickly I look and about my appearance after they have made sure I am broken down physically, as I attempted to pound out in my last post (hacking and obstruction and mind control is very bad, as usual while I fight to think and type anything out. I always "miss" important points and "remember" them long after I have turned off the computer).


THE TRICK THEY USE which is a disgusting example of how callous and manipulative and what types of attacks they are "practicing" on me in order to attack others (which could be you reading this too and maybe already has happened).

WHAT THEY DO is force me to "repeat" some sentence they "program" me to say while I am under hypnosis. It is usually me talking in a joking tone as I am not normally an angry and deadly serious personality--I like to have fun in life, ("clean" fun I refer to) meaning just laughing and enjoying little situations and not being stuck on hate and power games and all of that. They, of course, are obsessed with their power machinations and are deadly serious. They instruct me to make a joke or say something which is contrary to them in even the slightest any criticism or joke can be used to attack me. I repeat their stupid sentences which are not things I would normally say, sentence structures I don't use and thought patterns that are not mine. However, what happens prior to all of this is that I have told them all repeatedly that I don't "like" them, they always ask me repeatedly why for at least, a minimum, of weeks day after day. They never stop asking this question, I always tell each and every single one of these rotten and nasty abusers that I don't want their bs their game their exploitation of me. They then order non-stop torture of me and ask the same question the next day. And day after day. Two days ago one of the expletives from London, very famous expletive, who has been part of this attack upon me since 2013, almost NINE YEARS AGO AND has obtained movie deals and put his videos on my internet social media platforms, has partnered with a very violent rapist who is now famous as an abuser of women (but not against me, no, he was awarded for raping and beating and abusing me day after day with his girlfriend/wife who then became "famous" because he allegedly punched her in the face, and being a blonde Nazi that made headlines and now he can't obtain a lead role, but she used my exact statements about domestic violence which I wrote of for a few years prior to their now famous incident. But the expletive out of London was there for all of it, obtaining his deals and deals. Now he's with his band "mate" attacking me and they have not stopped trying to exploit this deal out of abusing and torturing and slowly murdering me for so many years I think it's incalculable at this point how greedy an disgusting they are; absolutely famous for their nasty mentality which they have helped to degrade societal restraints at doing whatever the $F- you want if you are a bigot Nazi and believe you are entitled. That has been the Satanic message this band has pumped out and is now a global phenomenon for it (plus a magazine in their name, also featuring bigots and Nazis and racists and abusers and their ilk who have partnered in attacking me). But every day it's another nasty male along with his consort of females, all viciously nasty towards me and happy as hell that I am being raped and abused and deformed, mutilated as they steal ideas from me to sell as their "feminist" persona for the snake oil sales pitch that they all are selling ("feminism" for blonde Nazi women and a few shades lighter, sex slavery, demeaning roles of servicing them and their men and being subordinated to their hegemony for the rest; roles many "minorities" are more than happy to play and sustain as a livlihood.

But I am getting so out of whack on the thread I was just writing. The mind control exerting a blasting deletion of my critical thinking capabilities is operating alongside hacking intervention and keyboard stiffening and etc.


They force me to repeat these sentences about how I don't really like them, but I always say it in a joking but sarcastic way. They then rush to hit me, call me Nazi anti-Semitic names or use references to killing Jews in the Holocaust, and then the physical violence begins. Then they never stop attacking me because I repeated a stupid but nasty sentence they "programmed" into my subconscious while I was sleeping, teleported to these unwanted disgusting parasites who are all torturing me because they really want this contract of using me--so they never stop asking me why I don't like what they are doing as the torture and violence is never stopped, not surely by any politician in the entire United States--ironically the situation is becoming perverse with the politicians now partaking in the immediate advancement of their careers for simply joining in with what is now a cadre of English Imperialists trying to slam my head in car doors as they lurch at me using Nazi Holocaust language while they are calling me every indecent name and because I have no money except for this subpoverty which this group is constantly threatening to take away--and everything else they can after years of destroying all I have ever worked for (years in graduate school while their mentor, the English wealthy "aristocrat" connected to The English Crown was poisoning me to death while stealing verbatim ideas I had written and short stories, which many of these partaking of this contract have also likewise been doing for years and years--but he was raping and poisoning me to death and once I tried to get him to stop he would not for at least 2 years until I began calling him a pig in emails and Facebook posts--so this group is now surrounding me and I have just experienced this same sort of attack from a disgusting nasty older woman out of London who is famous for working with Spielberg, his good friend, who is an absolute racist an anti-Semite and oh wow--it's all just so sick and pathetic the whole thing is.

But that is their trick--they got me to repeat the sentences they input into my subconscious under hypnosis and drugged and under deadly duress after more than a decade of non-stop torture and murder attempts and all stolen from me--so much I mean I still have a basic living condition with absolutely no future no way to earn money no home can't get health care as they continue to drug and poison my body after murder attempts via poisoning as they have torrtured me for years while I was fighting to heal 

but no problem for US political leadership to join on in and threaten to mutilate my body and kill me alongside the actors

but this is what they are doing. And now no one is going to do anything to stop them or help me, as usual.


That is how this technology is being so misused by unethical (to put it as nicely as possible--the nicest euphemism to what kind of absolute shit these scumbag whores really are) 

but anyway, how much mishandling of this sophisticated tech for their petty power games and deadly power acquisitions is being meted out by the leadership of the United States, so Imperialistic Europ-a's can train Americans in how to break people until they have absolutely nothing left and then exert absolute control over not just their thoughts, their bodies and to murder upon will anyone who they either don't like , threatens them in any way if they don't belong to their fraternal organizations of white male supremacy with the bigot women right there to twist the rape as deeply as possible into the females who they want to see made ugly, broken and destroyed if they are not part of the white supremacy image--because they have to sustain that image and turn the lie into a peremptory technocratic torture supremacy--meaning just without having to get permission by any authority they can just kill anyone they don't like using these forms of technology--and this is something I have seen happen ANYWAY throughout society by these pieces of shit operating these torture technologies and the poisoning and it's all being welcomed by almost the entire US governance at highest levels. I was just attacked in this same mode by yet another high-level politician who I had appealed to for help in a few Facebook posts I sent to his Facebook page. Of course the mask dropped and the claims of fighting for Democracy died just like the January 6th fiasco that seems to be full of well-intended peeps performing their patriotic duty but oh....oh no...


So that is the kind of crap these people do. It has happened to me many, many times all my life. These scumbags who join on in act like all these various types of attacks which are just like routine protocol situations (always ugly, always using the tech to "force" the target to say or do something that appears to be almost innocuous but they jump on the programming in order to then forever attack the person). In one store someone threatened me with violence after I made a remark about her not being a problem as she stood next to me and crowded my space but I made a joke that blurted out, I had no intention of saying it, and it was not a hostile remark but it was programming into my subconscious by the subliminal operators in the next room (it was actually in a massage school in Gainesville, and I knew the people who were operating the technology). This bigot blonde woman then began threatening to physically assault me for this "joke" I had made inside this little massage school shop where there were healing items--it wasn't even a sentence that was hostile or nasty towards this f-ing creep--but she used any pretext in order to threaten me. And that is now going on again, and again, and these people then attack me. Of course, that is after having told them that I don't want them, after they have happily engaged in destroying my body or home or life and in helping to rape or abuse me. They perpetually then ask me why I don't like them and then they have me repeat some sentence and then they physically assault me. I fight back. They go off getting their free new deal and free new promotion and I have to fight to clean up more brown sticky stinking fluids form my home on every single thing (clothing, my body--the infected scratches I wrote about in my last post were also stained brown, the creeps here are putting toxic brown stains on my body if I cut myself accidentally--)

and so...that is the bs they are doing. 

Of course, as usual, NO ONE is going to do ANYTHING to stop this or help me. By now I know that the people reading this are either out to steal ideas so they can get their promotion or they are doing this as some thrill-seeking or out of "curiosity").


But I can state emphatically that the United States appears to be absolutely f-ed up for any future possibility of retaining a real "Democratic" Republic. It's going to be Nazis and their very well-heeled brown and black minorities who are shouting for their equal rights as long as they don't have to suffer in any way and get to have people below them they can easily attack--the "Liberal" faction is just a more liberal dose of fascist bs without all the harsh overt conservativism.


I am being attacked by Republicans and Democrats alike, but of course my contract has been geared more towards the "liberal" Democrats who need to steal ideas in order to flaunt the bs snake oil pitches they are cranking out perpetually and being paid in millions to misrepresent. I am silenced endlessly of course as you all know. These expletives make sure to let me know that my ideas are worthless as they steal them and then are paid in millions for them and also applauded when they quote my writing and words verbatim. I am tortured by them for criticizing their beloved Nazi structure and systemic racism, which they covertly so fully endorse and support and sustain.


One of the politicians now attacking me is on the J-6 Committee and is is an affront, beyond words. The scumbag whores from Whorewood one can more easily accept as being stupid whores who will do anything, but when it comes to lead politicians it is more disconcerting. The list is now growing of the really unscrupulous who have participated who are part of the "Democratic" push against Trump and everything else that they really have always been a part of. They just object to the Trump factions taking away their opportunities to rise up in power because what these people all really want is an endless monopoly. 
So it's not a question of whether fascism is going to topple Democracy, it's which group of fascist bullshit artists is going to use this technology to manipulate more of the "masses" and obtain the monopoly on power and then drain the United States even more of it's immense wealth while more and more millions become destitute and without any power. Eventually they will have something resembling the former Soviet Republic of Socialist States, ununited at that in the former United States. The former Gulag system is now being replaced by homeless encampments. Homelessness is now the United States version of concentration camps and gulags. The list is growing. For the rest, the mind control tech and drugging of perhaps water supplies (#conspiracy theory) and however else they are going to misuse this tech is not anything anyone is afraid of. They all assume that it can't happen to them while it's already happening (to them, which means to you).


Oh, didn't I mention many times for so many weeks that this upsurge in direct threats of murder or physical violence (not that they weren't having me hit by cars, raped while sleeping by the terrorist scumbag neighbors as they teleported me to abuse and rape and hate and homeless skits every single night--simultaneously--plus endless poisoning and toxic shock and drugging and violence non-stop and electronic torture to my body) but now, in the teleportation episodes the expletives are threatening me with more violence and this all has happened after Nancy Pelosi joined into the group to threaten to kill and mutilate me as she sat next to that Austrian thug weightlifter who became the Governor of CA, who is an absolutely nasty fascist as they all are---and of course, the Americans nearly grovel in deference to all the Europ-a's who are part of this as the subordinates who long to become Europ-a aristocrats-who have all obtained mansions and castles in Europe for their participation in the take-over of the United States by European interests--H-wood is replete with Europ-a control. Thusly, Pelosi was almost immediately promoted by Biden who has urged her to re-run for that lead role, and supported fully by both sides of the aisle as Pelosi was a staunch supporter of Trump and is a fastidious fascist. Her blathering drunked-sounding displays of yapping about "The American People" and "Democracy" is as disgusting a display of duplicity and manipulation as the entertainers who have obtained their endless monopoly of power in the entertainment fields that are likewise controlled by fascist "liberals".


But of course I write all of this only to MORE fascist Nazis who are reading this, or apathetic and do-nothing Democrats and "liberals" who yawn and are glad it's happening to me and not to you, too.


And all I want is for this group of haters to pay me in a substantial fee for the ideas they have stolen, to have my cat returned, and for me to be able to purchase my own home in a place I love which is safe (and not in the path of environmental or war devastation, both of which I have not contributed to but these expletives all have, even if they claim they are "green" they all, even the Swedish environmental activist who is so famous, all fully support all the bulldozing white male supremacists of this Nazi regime who keep on plowing in the land and exploiting every single thing for their entitlement luxury that they can possibly drain from every living and dead thing possible on this planet. And that is really all they are all about. The hacking is now very bad.


I am writing this under great duress from over a decade of non-stop torture. How long must it take for any single politician to actually not participate in this sick fascist situation how many people are there who are not part of this network still alive on this planet and where are they? 


the hacking has forced me to endlessly pound down and backspace and rewrite this entire huge post--thinking is very strained as well.


America is f-ed. They are now going to war. (maybe?) they can't wait to go to war. It is a disgusting country I don't want to return to that awful and sick country. And certainly never to be around these expletive people teleporting me. Can't anyone ever get them to stop asking me why I can't stand them, they all have been taking turns and attacking me now for years and years and all the politicians do is just jump on in to get their own promotions and free deals. They are a shame and a discredit. They all spout out the most vociferous claims of defending and championing Democracy and the values of freedom. Well, they mean only for them and the Nazi regime and they want slavery and death for people like me. The homeless camps are the result of their real oppression. The upcoming war is the promise of their never-ending sucking out of the economy all for their profiteering fascist regime (which is probably in cahoots with the Russian supremacist regime, they will all make huge profits and remain "safe" if there is a serious war beginning only in Ukraine but extending indefinitely, of course, with billions of dollars going to the war effort as the shareholders rake in the billions in profit, as usual).


It's all so disgusting it's all so sick that no one, NO ONE NO ONE ever defends me not a single politician not a single person from H-wood not a single person any single place around the world will come to me with any real form of protection or help or defense. 


I just want to live in peace, with my cat returned to me and alone without any of these shit people around me any longer (but not to be away from people who are respectful and at least decent)>

These are not decent people. I can't stand them I wish someone would get them off me---but no, of course, no one ever can. No, not any of you reading this, no never. Welcome to the future of your apathy. The world is now facing a huge war and homeless camps are everywhere, climate change from the greed and endless development of these parasitic exploiters is now creating death and destruction on every frontier on the planet. Keep doing nothing to stop this mind control tech, this situation of torture endlessly heaped upon me by your celebrity nightmare shithole group and the politicians who just join on in, shitty people reading this. Stop stealing my ideas. Think for yourselves. Another person who had run for president is now blathering on using my exact words and phrases that I wrote how long ago--I have been writing to that empty space of parasites you readers for so long now, post after post, but I remember my words. Someone else is repeating my words and being applauded for them on the talk show I just watched which was planted on my social media so I would see it (the title of the show was enticing). Believe me, the words were mine, they were not ubiquitous sentences they were unique, a complete copy of something I had written about the politicians--I had written that the Republicans don't even pretend they care but what's worse is that the Democrats DO pretend they care. This was literally stolen from me and used by a woman who had run for president, who was just applauded for the sentence. My sentence.  I continue to be tortured for my writings with no recognition or financial compensation for these concepts that keep being stolen so Northern European looking fascist Nazis running for office and those who are running for celebrity-turned-politician can have original ideas as if they are alternative and cool. I get called "loser" and a "nothing" by them endlessly as they flaunt all the money they have been handed for their whoring exploits while they have me raped and exloited and my ideas stolen for NO MONEY and nothing but more torture. The person who stole my idea, which I just wrote of, is supposed to be this "spiritually positive" force but appears like a well-done job of cosmetic alteration and Nazi "intellectual" female. The result is always the same. I remain sitting here being mutilated, the "liberals" steal my ideas, join in with outright fascist Nazis out of Europe to attack me so Europeans can invade and take over training Americans in how to really break and destroy the will and spirit of any resistance, Nazi and Mafia style, and I remain writing these posts. The f-ers keep hacking in to see what else they can steal to present themselves as having this original take on politics. And then they run for office, and I think this woman how stole my sentence is really in the race in order to divide the Democrat vote because of course the "liberals" who interviewed her really want Trump to be reinstated. This is not a conjecture on my part by the way but I am now pounding down and backspacing due to hacking blocks and it's just enough.


 As usual I have to add a bit more, after having gotten off this blog and off Facebook (I always post simultaneously on both platforms).

While I was being assaulted by this musician I wrote of above, who had me "awaken" in the deep sleep, teleportation skit while under hypnosis, unaware of where I was, and I was in a supine position on the floor while he was attempting to smash my head in with a car door. I then found myself standing and fighting back physically and as usual yelling in rage and hate into the face of this person appearing astonished that I was fighting back. Behind it all was the politician I only briefly alluded to, won't mention his name. The newest addition to the political group assaulting me out of Congress. Of course he has aspirations to run for Prez as well. He's not a "liberal" but is flaunting his "Democratic" idealism as a platform. He fully supports the violent assault this man whom I have never harmed, who has been a part of torturing and raping, mutilating and poisoning, theft of my ideas and all that I have been fighting to write of for all these years with this endless hacking and mind control block to my every attempt at communication every single attempt I make (that is why this post has so many grammatical "mistake" hacks and etc). But he fully supports this kind of fascist abuse and torture of me and fully supports all the murder attempts and hate and every kind of vice and crime that this group has committed for all these many years and decades aimed at me. Being a part of the J-6 committee, he is joining in with the team that Trump also utilized in order to obtain his position of power during his 2016 campaign. 

They are dangerous people and I am writing about this while no one, I realize, has done anything to protect me and I can't assume that this post is going to generate anything but more xxxx people stealing whatever concepts they can and then doing nothing about this crime against me. I think the situation is so bad that no one considers this a crime against me they just consider this "normal" activity--just like raiding the Capital Building was just "normal political discourse" or acceptable or whatever. That is the same rationale that is being used against me. One of the J-6 committee has the very same attitude towards this crime against me, where my home is violated every single day but that is "Normal discourse" for personal power acquisition and just "normal" as far as they all are concerned.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...