Wednesday, February 23, 2022

REVENGE OF THE NERDS*#($! ....Democracy, that old Chestnut. Chestnut definition: 6. a. An old joke or story. b. something (such as a musical piece or a saying) repeated to the point of staleness. --Miriam Webster Dictionary.

 You can see in the video that the "nerdy" --looking due is thrilled that he's hacking and stopping the car of the "trendy" looking spiffy dude--who has "won" the power? THE NERDS!!! And their technology!!!! And those who gain access to the tech which are the spiffy "winners" who make sure everyone they don't like is a "loser" by the use of this tech (which can kill or destroy their enemies). Thanks to the powers that pay for such research this is now happening ubiquitously around the planet, covertly!

The terrorist organization is also blocking the electric motor of the "new" Honda motorbike that I am renting--by force. They began breaking my old but reliable Honda ("old" meaning a few years--maybe 5 years I paid monthly rent paying the cost by at least 5 times over, besides the years of paying rent for motorbikes and paying off total price of the bikes by 10x over--and over--never able to earn money to pay for my own property. The motorbikes I did buy and cars I have bought were immediately broken and put into disrepair (literally a hole was punched into the floor of one vehicle--in winter in Minnesota).


But this "new" motorbike is being blocked from starting. The engine dies when I stop at any intersection. This happens almost all the time while driving, and even stalls while I am driving. There is a green light, like an email @ symbol on the dashboard of this electrically-engineered motorbike (but runs on gasoline of course). This means something like the battery is low or there is a problem. The bike is less than 2 months "old" by now. The light showed up a few weeks ago and then stopped and the bike ran normally. Now that "high season" is in gear this attack also happens while cars are driving behind me and not stopping. I tried to get across an intersection yesterday and a huge car had stopped and began driving straight into me and if I hadn't swerved it would have hit me. The bike almost stalled at that point. I was carrying this new pressure cooker which didn't fit into the leg area as the other older bike had enough space--so I was driving very dangerously not being prepared for this loose and large box, heavy, that I had to literally prop upon my knees to be able to somewhat steer-not able to round corners but I had to drag my feet in order to make large arcs in order to navigate corners. The huge van began to drive straight into me while I was making this loose and large arc while the engine was stalling--

so it's a threat to my life and it's being done by their remote tech aimed at my vehicle.


I keep writing of this, but it's a very disorienting effect of their terrorism: I wrote of just a few of the filth and scum attacks (scum as in literal scum that is flicked, poured and smeared on everything in this room, almost--walls, floor, cabinets, countertops where I cook--any white tissue I use to clean up the filth is brown almost immediately--likewise my clothing, when I clean it, emits a brown liquid as this scum filth is also sprayed on my clothing at any hour this group can manage to insert mechanical arms into my room--and now that I am not closing the patio doors so I get fresh air, as by now from years of breathing in this filthy toxic my body has completely broken down

but the other damages to my BODY besides making my hair fall out and killing hair follicles permanently--(not a natural product of stress-related factors or of poisoning but deliberate sabotage and disfigurement, along with scores of other very damaging effects to my overall appearance and just fighting to not stink every time I go out to do anything as they spray filthy vile toxins and stinking substances that likewise are permanent on my bags, backpack, items inside--every single thing from my passport to my wallet to every item I carry around and the stench emits from a few feet away--another extremely nasty discrediting tactic. I bury and bind it all up in multiple layers so at least one facet of this is not under their endless destructive attack. That is only because I managed after years to stop them from breaking physically into my living space while I am unconscious and sleeping and teleported to the Hell that the celebrities and politicians inflict every single night with their "fun" toy of teleportation.


My legs are scarred up because they put something on my skin every day that causes rashes and eruptions. They then tattooed it into my skin so the marks are permanent. This is the area above my knee caps,  and on my arms and on the thigh area. This is not my conjecture that they are doing this, it is factual but of course where is the evidence of such? I cannot obtain camera footage because without enough money to waste on such equipment I can't fight the hacking and deletion of evidence. This has happened to me already when trying to film the "perpetrators" in public places--the cameras are jammed the footage is partially deleted just from remote hacking devices on my personal gear.


My skin has blemishes they cut and inserted into it for years and these circular objects that have been injected under my skin  (I think silicone). The objects then get infected with the bloating chemicals which then coagulate into these recesses and tears in my body skin structure--which is why this organization has been so keen to put me into accident after accident, and of course they did body manipulation while I was sleeping to make my body crooked.


And so, I write of this once more. I cannot protect my body from this. Right now there is a huge brownish gash on my thigh because I cut it while walking into the metal hooks that I use to try to block the mechanical arms from breaking into my room from the under sink cabinets in this "kitchen" area which is just a countertop with my table two feet away from the counter and a table set against the wall. The white painted surface of the walls in all directions have been splattered with brown goo stuff that permanently stains (of course, nothing gets it out, no solvent no cleaning fluid nothing). They put something like this into my wound and it's now just a brown gash that won't heal because they also made it infected. They probably put this stuff on my by now marked wound every night. 


I NEED A SAFE HOME TO LIVE IN. I am subjected to this tyranny because I was inserted with the tyranny of these microchips and the greedy celebrities and politicians are being offered untold awards if one of them (then they all get) some kind of award system that is probably so unbelievable--they are all in a virtual feeding frenzy trying to abuse and torture me into submission so they can obtain this contract, whatever it is it is huge. 


I am just trying to retain my independence and the human rights that are supposed to be intrinsic to any civilized society that all the leaders have bashed and dashed for decades all without a glitch or a hitch to the stances they make about how much they follow the Constitution (for their constituents) but not for me. If I have no advocates, and the other targets also remain isolated and under the oppression of similar types of psychopathic groups which are titillated (as they are) by torture and violence, feeding off hate and theft and rape and robbery and attempted murder and the huge power high it affords them--

and, writing to try to reach out once more.

I cannot get out of this place and I have moved literally non-stop for decades because this has followed me around and around with no relief or protection.


How many more years must I write online to a silence audience which participates in this either complacently or directly?

Why is this so impossible to have stopped against me after all these years and years and years simply because I was put on some list and people just viciously can't wait to torture someone and keep it all mum and they all are really violently sick at heart and mind and soul.


But they tell me that I am the problem. It's me being racist when I become incensed that other races are attacking me but make their debuts on the stage for their "anti-racist" memes and themes. It's me who is racist, they claim because I am saying that they are racist and following orders from white supremacists in this hate organization which has no cultural or ethnic boundaries for the hate attacks.


The future looks grim for freedom in general for the planetary population. So far so many people are being handed these free incentives. They only begin to question it once they are personally attacked and then quizzically try to ascertain if they, unbelievable they assume they are far too important or critical a part of the hate organization's structure, but I can assure you that they can easily replace any or all of the lessor minions and minorities after they obtain their goals of final domination--which seems to be what they already have for the most part with all the duplicity of their public stances as to defending and championing human rights, but especially, "Democracy" that old chestnut.


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