Tuesday, February 1, 2022

As I suggested earlier in my last post on the "retribution" of me writing about the crimes of these celebrity/politician terrorists (who are operating under "anti-terrorism" legislation which funds their terrorist "gang stalking" torture/MK ULTRA rape and abuse entertainments upon me). They are messin' round with my $$$ once again.

 It just happened on my online bank account. The money I receive every month, direct deposited upon the last day of the month, SHOULD show up by the latest by noon my time here in Thailand on the 1st of the month. That was SOP for many years until I became targeted by the Italian mafia personality who also partnered with the English scion whose inheritance includes hobnobbing with English monarchy and doing business with The Crown. 

But what had been routine clockwork became money coming in at various random times on the 1st, culminating to the point that the money would appear by 6 pm instead of by noon. It really should show up when it is first direct deposited, the night before. When I phoned my bank which has since closed (BBVA Compass) I was LIED to on the phone by the terrorist agent where my phone call was diverted, who claimed that the money would not "clear" their procedures until that late hour of the day. The money first cleared by noon, then it changed to 2 pm, and then onto 6 pm. I was so broke every month living with not enough to pay rent and eat that by the first of the month I was destitute of food and things I needed and had to obtain money immediately in order to get food--just to get some food and I could not afford various really cheap things as well. Of course part of all of this is the total block to earning money online or anywhere else as blacklisting is endemic for targets--plus all kinds of nasty harassment for any job I do manage to obtain. That is without exception on every job I have had all my life. 


But my bank failed and was bought out by another bank. The fiasco I had to undergo just to obtain my new debit cards cost me over $200 for FedEX mailing and the way it was all handled was more than suspiciously corrupted. But my money for a change began appearing in my account, pending, on the night before the 1st of every month. That was 3 or 4 months ago. Then things like my account balance showing $0 when I still have money from my stimulus in that account and that is far more than $0. Then the money has begun to appear at odd times not even at the stroke of the top of the hour. Money just appeared in my account at 2:47 pm, which is in no way appropriate for digital money transfers---or I assume as this was a fully functioning system for the first couple of months and now the same old block to the transfer of funds is appearing. There is no pending amount shown and the threat of taking away my money has been a constant in the endless threat to my every survival as a matter-of-course by this group. They had my money cut off a few months ago but I wrote about that and it's now very hard to constantly backspace and pound out letters due to malware affecting the keyboard.


Another point unrelated to finance: the blasting and bombing of the hillside outside my patio view--it is a steep hill that faces the back of this building. It had been adorned with flowers and birds when I moved in. The terrorists arranged to literally bomb the hillside as boulders tumbled down, breaking the cement landscaping at the bottom of the hill (I'm on floor 3). Subsequently the terrorists began shooting and killing the birds that had formerly nested on the hillside so not a single bird has appeared for at least 2 years. The hillside is strewn with huge plastic bags and other such plastic objects (hangers, etc). Any flowering vines that had grown before and were beginning to regrow have had acid poured on them as they appear brown and shriveled up. But there was one huge and incredible species of lizard that roamed the hillside right directly in front of my 3rd floor patio--in a parallel view of the hillside which is nearly at a 85-degree angle upwards, with almost no slope. It was a fantabulous lizard and I made contact with it and threw food to it sometimes. I had a rapport with it in a sense. It then found a mate--but disappeared for a while because the terrorists saw that it was bringing me joy and fascination to watch this lizard hunt for food--just right outside my window on the rocks. It got it's mate but was being probably shot at and would go to the plateau above the ridge of the edge of this steep hill. But now it's completely gone. I don't know if the terrorists killed it or they took it away. I suspect they killed both lizards just because I found a thrill and happiness in watching and having a rapport with any sentient being. 

As for my cat, La Moux, it has been years since they stole her and if she is still alive she has been waiting for me to come and rescue her. She was my only remnant of a family and my loving companion and of course they had to break her body and then kidnap her. Other cats I have taken care of were killed and left in front of my front door--as well as pet frogs, etc any animal or creature I form any slightest bond with is killed or destroyed or taken away.


These same actors who are a part of this play roles in cartoon movies where they are animals (they do the voices of course) who are fighting against human degradation of the environment. 

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