Tuesday, February 1, 2022

What to do? The terrorist celebrities and politicians of the highest US ranking Executive Office branch are threatening continuously to stop my money supply, with teleportation skits of being homeless and then always being put into living situations around sick and sleazy disgusting people in group living situations where I am in poverty and can't get out to live in anything decent. Those are the teleportation skits that recur frequently if not at least once per week in addition to people being "dead" or being killed and insults and then the celebrities themselves using Nazi holocaust statements aimed at me after raping and stealing ideas and abusing and torturing me (for years). I just saw one of the rotten ugly women out of England who JUST attacked me a few days ago in such manner using "subhuman" as her Nazi theme and all kinds of violent intimations, is now being awarded as usual by the Sundance Nazi Inc always ALWAYS Robert Redford is there to fully support all terrorists attacking me (with absolute funding for his "independent" film fodder festival frumpy fashion to boot). This same woman is featured in an article in IMDB and some movie mag about how the ENGLISH Arts project which funds crap like her (supposedly a "great actor" because she was associated with the blonde Nazi bigot who accompanied her in this Nazi threat/insult session--both ostensibly have been awarded millions of English Pounds sterling in projects or their arts association just has in the last few days--just immediately after having attacked me. Her ugly disgusting square face is featured as an "independent" candidate for Oscars next year as some favorite, touting her "acting" skills which is just another replica of a woman imitating the male who helped put her into power--the blonde Nazi who is also vying for an Oscar nomination for best film this current cycle.

*Please note that I just re-read through this post and saw that hackers have altered grammar, deleted some words for that endless discrediting effect that no post I write is without (their interference and discrediting hacking/alteration/deletion/rewrites).  

Notice how I have not used their rotten names. I don't know what to do about this because mentioning them by name appears to only enhance their favorability in the Nazi media conglomerate. Not using their names but only intimating who they are probably has the same result. Still their names are odious to me as are their movies and faces so I omit the name. But I gave enough information so you can scroll down the current IMDB "movie news" page and find which ugly face is featured as a "sex worker" who has fully participated in MK ULTRA teleportation rape for her promotion in order to play a "sex worker" skank in some movie with a "brown" male sitting next to her. How feminist of her, how incredible an actor to play such a "demanding" role when in fact she's a prostituted skank in the first place and playing any kind of sensitive role of a woman working in that field with any kind of introspective insight into ANYTHING would be totally amiss with the truly callous and whorish ugly personality of this Nazi-themed scumbag who has just amply been rewarded for her role in fomenting more Nazism in the media, along with her fellow scumbag former lover or "partner". He always plays this silly swaggering kind of topsy-turvy near comedian even in serious roles and she imitates him almost exactly--I think for sure it was he who originated the style and not the rotten filth female who is now playing a "sex worker" as if she is some kind of unique and alternative sensitive artist portraying such a demanding situation for a woman to be in (with a "brown" male next to her, it appears she is even more understanding, compassionate and not the bigot Nazi piece of s*** like the vulture rotten other English creep woman with her thug Irish boy toy thug who used so many various angles of attack upon me from trying to slam a car door into my head to manipulating my brain while I was teleported in deep sleep to her home in London while she tried to lure me into a fake pretense of kindly questioning only to be the most acerbic vile of abusers once she obtained any kind of assessment of any nice thing I had to say which she used to insult and demean me (endlessly) using all the violence she and her friend who is smiling at having raped and tortured me saying he and she both have every single right to do whatever they want---(apparently because they are wealthy and "entitled" and of course no American politicians is going to do any single thing to stop this or them, nor are the actors, nor are the brown and Jewish men who put them in these starring roles for their movies nor is anyone so they are outrageously open about their Nazi mentality and affinity).

But even writing about anything any longer means this group will attack me very seriously.

I have told myself not to look at any celebrity information, but I just discovered that something bad happened to one of the actors who had attacked me and I have a keen interest in discovering these little facts about the terrorists attacking me just so I am partially informed about how the forces of life are treating them or what I need to know about these terrorists in order to navigate the endless years of their violence aimed at me (because I tried to defend myself after their pig ape wealthy leaders tried to poison me to death and were teleporting and raping the poison as deeply into my body as possible while I kept for a few years asking them to stop and then finally began calling them pigs and now pig ape is like a recurrent daily theme I use but for YEARS I was an extremely well-adjusted nice and pleasant person never using such terms--please be aware that I use these terms after more than a DECADE of murder attempts and rape and disfiguration and mutilation and poisoning by this group and their minions in addition to every kind of sexual and psychological and emotional abuse possible they have been pouring upon me without end to break me so I never question their "entitlement" to murdering me or anyone else they want to rape, f** Abuse to death and then feel gratified about it that they are successfully turning the United States into a subordinate subcolonized chaos Civil-war strife colony destroyed but still operational enough for them to control and exert endless influence over not only the media but politics as well.


So I saw today that this rotten ugly woman has been featured as being a prime candidate for her "incredible" acting skills which for some reason I have never ascertained from watching her silly movements and then seeing what a violent and ugly personality this ugly sick Nazi proponent and her ilk really and truly are. But of course Robert Redford who for years has put various triggering pictures of himself here in Phuket on objects that are placed directly in front of me alongside the actors who are raping and terrorizing me--who has included so many of the people stealing my ideas raping and torturing me and being put into lead role for it--now once more fully sustaining the efforts of foreign intervention into US media and affairs--but you must read for yourself and do your own research on this: IMDB today, February 1, 2022. There is a small article about millions of English Sterling being poured into English efforts at installing their own media industry within the larger US media corporate scenery. How much of that funding is indirectly supported by covert Nazi organizations I can only assume to be larger than the major shareholder population of the CEO's at the top of their nasty pyramid scheme.

But Americans keep flocking to them--like Redford for example who is as much a blonde "liberal" Nazi as anyone can get in that horrid racist mind programming fake "alternative" fiasco of mind control celluloid. The other American actors involved in this mostly English attempt to use mind control and influence and purchase people of celebrity status into their fold are as willing to do any single thing to be welcomed into the "aristocrat" circle of entitlement as they possibly can. No concern whatsoever about any Insurrection, which they are indirectly responsible for and have helped greatly to bring something like that into actual reality--not a shred of concern about anything but them being handed models to screw out of Europe to enhance their "class and style" fashion appearance as well as mansions, castles and endless loving kisses on the cheeks by the Europigapes who buy these prostituted sex actor workers by the dozens they truly are cheap and tawdry when you pull the expensive garments away from your eyes which have been coated by the fake sheep wool they also cover your symbolic eyesight with using their fake compassionate roles in these awful movies which are so endlessly fixated on using death and violence as the main solution to every problem.

So I risk more violence as I write about these putrid expletives, but then again I keep trying to impress upon people reading my post how dangerous it is to continue to allow this situation to continue unabated but I suspect either you readers want the United States in absolute disarray and chaos or you just don't give a damn and only really care about presenting yourselves as Europigape fashionistas with Europeans hanging off your arms for public photo-ops and of course more promotions and awards and ceremonial kudos for your k-rap.

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