These two rotten old men, actors out of England who are now attacking me--responsible I assume for having ordered destruction of my property because I made a little joke about Shakespeare, then this rotten dirty ignoranmus stupid pig who is supposed to be this intellectual because he's more like an accountant schoolteacher in an abusive Charles Dickens novel who must fastidiously abuse anyone who doesn't get into the boxes that he, himself is confined in--with him and his rotten crew of crusty English only "supposed" to be on top and superior. Of course in emerging fascist and Nazi racist America this is so wholly and fully embraced that it's nothing short of a Paradise colony for English Imperialism at this point in time--America that is. Without the complicity of Americans this group of dumb-as-shit shithole asinine scum would have have been allowed to get away with these endless crimes against me--but they are the "role-models" that are "training" the American actors and so, they are treated with this kind of reverence. I am being abused by politicians for fighting for any civil and US Constitutional Rights that these fuckers are ALL destroying in this systematic covert fashion. But all of them are the loudest shouters of "Freedom" in the helliverse that they are being paid and promoted to distort into a fashionable bullshit self-destruction.
The ONE AND ONLY role this ugly rotten English piece of shit has ever played that was exemplary was when a Jewish director instructed him on how to be more sensitive and artistic. The other roles I have seen of him, including his coveted Shakes play for a movie directed by another openly fascist Nazi English bigot fuckhead shithole (with his rotten "partner" or former wife) he was stiff, boring and meaningless as an actor and in every subsequent role he has ever played where I was forced to watch him as a kind of supporting actor the role of blank and empty, stiff and meaningless authoritarian type of "leader" has just blanked out the impact of the movie. I came to the conclusion that he had been bought out by "fame and money" but perhaps he too is a mind control victim? I think many people are and they have no clue that they are. But I had to remind him of this but I was very "nice" about it while being very angry--I am putting this in a more angry and direct way at this point because I know this rotten disgusting ugly old man has ordered this--or just ordered destruction of my property--they are focusing on poisoning my sponges for cleaning pots and cookery and my one and only cooking appliance which I just bought this week--which was beautiful and clean now it's like the old thing I had to throw away which was saturated with stinking substances and metal-deteriorating chemicals so repeatedly that after less than one year it was stinking and deteriorating rotting hunk of metal and stinking pot. The heating element still worked though. I had to throw it away, buying a brand new beautiful item that now is rotten and brown stained the metal is gritty from having been deteriorated and the cooking pot has scratches on the bottom--it was perfect, shiny like bright and clear just two days ago--the mechanical arms went into my room while I was sleeping and destroyed my property instead of the scumbag pigs who ravage my room whenever I leave.
I have had to open my patio sliding door by now I am being killed by having to close it and get no fresh air to try to stop from being raped by people breaking into my room---not just raped but my fingers and toes have been cut into even by mechanical arms--my hair has been mostly chemically blasted out of the scalp the hair follicles in my arm pits and on my scalp won't grow back--huge balding spots are covering the crown of my head--the hair won't grow back at all. They put my hips and spine out of place--cutting into the skin between my toes--all of this every single day for YEARS AND YEARS. I would close all windows and doors and tape them shut just to try to SAVE MY LIFE.
But now I am keeping the patio door open because I am now dying from toxic poison inhalation adn I have to stop this closing of all fresh air. My body has completely broken down just from breathing in the fungus and stinking filth that is sprayed into my room on all furniture and clothing repeatedly--and for years.
But now another piece of rotten shit from England is latching on as the typical parasite--first with his male English partner--asking questions as if they are "friendly" and interested-then upon gaining whatever ideas they want to steal for their stale and boring mediocrity productions lacking all originality--but because they have played roles of Emperors out of Rome and Shakespeare they are supposed to be some elite father figures upon whom all must bow--especially if they are not blonde bigots out of Europigapeland of fascist Nazism.
He began yelling at me when I just said blithely, "Billy Boy Shakespeare, Jr." as a little witticism (at least to me) and the yelling began. It turned into me after 5 minutes telling him to finally stop, then after another 10 minutes of this yapping disgusting old man going on and on with me yelling about how they call what I write and say "stupid" until Nazis steal it for their own boring productions, which brought him to yelling about something and other things but I could not hear that piece of shit and what bullshit it had to say I kept telling it to shut the fuck up already and began hitting him and it just went on and on,. Now this immature and dumb rotten ugly old man has ordered this kind of destruction of my property because I am reacting to not being able to stop engaging in these pigs when they teleport me, as they abuse and insult and torture me--defending every rapist and attempted murdering bigot who are all their good friends.
My country remaining doing absolutely NOTHING to stop them, despite AOC, Pelosi, Kinzinger, and another member of the J-6 committee Raskin who asked me if I thought his son was murdered via being "suicided". I said "It is likely" and then he asked me if I thought it was because he is "Jewish" and I said "Undoubtedly". To which he and Kinzinger, the great "defenders" of Democracy began to join in with the abuser actors and since then (maybe three weeks ago or a month this happened) I have been confronted by a new batch of shit from England the attacks have not stopped and they have all gotten their advancements from whatever sick organization hosts this group of parasitic hosts. as I deem them to be.
That is just the last year since Biden took office. For 4 years it was Trump and his family and then the actors who were given carte blancy by Trump, but under Biden there was violent rape, death threats, and the endless destruction of the ONE SINGLE COOKING appliance I can afford to buy--plus I have no room for anything else.
The hacking and the mind control is very awful as I fight to pound this out--the keyboard is made stiff, I am fighting to backspace constantly as functions won't work. Pages are popping up as I write, blocking the writing, etc. Terrorist hackers are deleting parts of sentences after I write.
EIGHT YEARS of writing these posts only to have more politicians and more pieces of s hit from Europe--England in this case--but they are all disgusting these Europigape scumbag whores--the ones here in Phuket it's disgusting having to be forced to deal with the filth and sh it that they throw at me constantly as if this is what I am and not them. It's they who are disgusting filthy dirty and stupid dumb whores.
They (these rotten English "actor" ape creeps--great in roles that expired decades ago--now corrupted and rotten like the rest of their brood and ilk)--also ordered my body to be attacked--there are welts on my chest, huge puffed up areas where something made the skin swell up. Nightly my body is cut into, bruised, doused with damaging chemicals or otherwise (much worse if the terrorists had physical access to my body instead of mechanical arms the minions use in lieu of the actors who are as fou l and violent as any terrorist--as the US Government is a terrorist organization--.
AGAIN I reassert that I have done NONE OF THEM any harm. They tried to murder me and havn't stopped slowly murdering me once I began to detox and over 10 years later, going on 11, I am still detoxing from the poison these same English scum ordered put in my body (the actors in question maybe not, but their Monarchist benefactor who has gone after this contract out on me since 1987--this most disgusting parasite this most foul pestilence endlessly attacking me for decades now--and they all assert that they have every single "right" to do whatever the fuck they want to me and my government and country fully support them and leave me writing as people laugh about my posts and mock and make fun of them. I have to face either the foul creeps who I have done no harm to, but they support years and decades of unjustified violence against me due to this technology--all so their wilting careers can, like the rotten dumb mirrage whore who they are good buddies with alongside the rotten pig ape scumbag who is the connection to English Monarchy to whom they owe this immediate promotional and never-ending series of deals, contracts and awards for doing SHIT--meaning NOTHING. And not talented not any longer if they ever were at one point in the decades that are long gone--and only due to one Jewish director in the case of the two men in question--and I am not stating that only "Jewish" people are top quality directors but in this instance it in volved a barb aimed at the Roman Empire to which Jews are not fixedly in awe of if they know their history at all.
Taking the p-out of Rome, in other words, the Jewish director extracted the very best out of these actors--and then the rest is a puffed up puppet spewing out stale and empty lines posturing and now glorified in the Shakespeare cult of self-importance and posturing elitism lacking substance in ensuing roles--even in Shakespeare adaptations.
So it is sickening. I now have to face yet another pair out of years of one after th enext, coming at me in pairs and going after me to break my body and spirit while Governments come and go and the Presidents just join in the complicity and silencing and it goes on forever. the current US President is connected to the former, former participant and so the silnecing must be a total endless series of leaders lacking leadership. If and when a Repub Prez comes into office who has no connection to any of the above-mentioned, they will have to protect Trump and of course their foreign Dark Money donors. The rest of the helliverse who knows about this has to "protect" their security and the status of their endless rotation of top roles.
It is thus incumbent upon anyone who is concerned about the real state of the nation and of national sovereignty and the special characteristics of what The United States has offered to the world; that there are opportunities, that centuries of slavery and racism need to be abolished. And the silencing and lies of this hate "gang stalking" system needs to be shattered and it needs to be stopped. For so many people's sake.
And whatever hate and hell series of "skits' that are going to be imposed upon me, as has been the nightly case for over a decade with these psycho scumbag "leaders" who are lacking all leadership but full of posturing--
I find that ignoring them is impossible. I need a support system and a safe place to live that is beautiful and happy without the ugliness and sickness of these energy parasitic filth whores to infect my life and property and my life's chances. won't anyone ever get involved and stop this group of f-ing shit?
IT is disgusting: one rotten scumbag whore pig ape male after the next having me drugged, then using the mind control to force a certain druggy reaction of immediate gratification--then acting like a pig and whore towards me while I am loving, kind, passionate and very beautiful towards worthless pig whore apes--then I was "dumped" by them for a very long time until I began to dump them quickly--then I began to be harassed, followed, the police assisting in the men stalking me--I tried to go to court for protection I was lied to by government and city clerks about restraining orders--then I became absolutely celibate and then the teleportation rape began and didn't end for years--with ugly rotten men I thought were putrid and disgusting like the English pig ape whom all these rotten English pieces of shit are "defending" by doing almost the same things with the same attitude: they can do whatever the fuck they want to me and no one is going to give a damn or help me. Endlessly supported by politicians now who also are vying for political promotions in this obviously English-controlled contract out of the Crown (and from other places, but I am not certain which other fascist Imperialist places this contract really originates from at this point).
So I have rotten foul skank whore women with English backgrounds, or their mothers are English, or they come from an English colony but are slightly "independent" (Australia and Canada--the skank whore in question out of Canada is a male but with English partners/women of course connected to all the skank whores out of London who have viciously attacked me and of course their Aussie surrogates for English Imperialism).
I am writing in a most cursing mode--but it's just another disgusting pair of parasites attacking me to "defend" the rotten and ugly disgusting old woman, seemingly so vital to the connection between The Crown and the acting scumbag subordinates of The Crown. Thusly they are attacking like a pack of cards flying at me in group formation with absolute hate. This is all due to first the male from 1987 who I avoided who was stalking me when I lived briefly in Chelsea. I can state that when I avoided him instead of jumping into his snare, it seems like the whole of London attacked me for him. That is how dedicated England and Londoners are in retaining their aristocracy and the caste system.
Since 1987 I believe this man has monitored my life in order to ensure that I was physically broken down by poisoning. I was mind controlled when I tried to find his contact information in a last ditch desperation to find health care which I had tried for YEARS to obtain in the United States. I knew that something was horribly wrong but was too drugged up to begin to understand or comprehend how seriously sick American society really is.
I was being poisoned to death. I was urged to contact him in a mind control operation that he hasn't stopped exploiting for endless profit since 2008 (in a direct manner, as opposed to monitoring the death progress of his American minions who will do anything they are told, like all the minions and all the people involved in this attack situation).
years of him having me poisoned with intention of murdering me and raping me the entire time. Then taking turns with the Italian mafia creep who I had turned to for help because this foul scumbag was obviously going to do nothing and I still, at that time, had zero concept of what was happening to me. The connection between these people is a nebulous parasite connection that is beyond the conception of anyone who has not been teleported or forced into these mind control trap situations.
But to make this shorter--by 2013 I was aware of what he was doing and so finally, after asking him to stop teleporting and raping me while he was still having me poisoned, when I saw my ideas sold off to Europigape men in the film industry--verbatim words, concepts and I know that only this rotten English pig scum had access to my information on that level--and obviously so did his Europigape fascist peers who he either sold the concepts to--or rented them out as some of the ideas appeared in more than one production.
I was just being poisoned to death and my money is still being stolen--now by the destruction of my property at a pace that is sucking out what meagre amount of money I obtain which is below sub-poverty.
But in 2016, the vulture parasitic skank with the title of Dumb Whoren Mirrage (my "silly" name--just affix the English titles to it, which in themselves confer probably far too much to scoundrels anyway)
on and on since then, she and her buddy from Ireland haven't stopped profitting off this--and now like the man responsible for having handed out this contract which has been his gigantic leap into the film industry (he began production of the movie he wrote the anti-Semitic, anti-American "art" theme on--all due to this contract out on me
and now they are determined to abuse and "beat" it into me that they are entitled to doing this to me with no repercussions or blocks or admonitions from anybody but instead applause, money, profit and promotions.
Is everyone fully immersed in this shit cultural facade that these scumbags are beyond law and entitled to murder and rape and theft when they are blank hateful scumbag whores in reality but posturing bullshit con artists for the public domain?
while I get no chance at anything I am left here with threats of all kinds and sickness I am still battling with as they block health care and continue to abuse me so my body can't heal? When will this ever be stopped?