Tuesday, August 9, 2022

I've been in a rather tee-d off mood as of late, more irate than usual--if that's possible under these circumstances. I've been called a "radical liberal" and it was intended as a death signature. Well, then, damn.....I feel politically motivated to say all the politically incorrect things now that I have been so labeled to my face by someone who is the real terrorist and radical anti-American--(as I see it, I am defending the United States and he and this group is operating to usurp it and destroy it from within and create a fascist Totalitarian/Authoritarian regime of plantations and techno-slavery and the 4th Reich only in Democratic name only.

 so in light of being politically incorrect, as I am just letting it all go and writing things I know will be offensive instead of just pouring out "my truths" but actual concepts I know will be upsetting to those who are judgmental and want only their own p.o.v. as the one and only established paradigm (the mind control tech and covert assassination squads will see to that).

The "bad mood" I describe above also has a lot to do with a decade of non-stop torture/rape and violence heaped upon me by psycho after psycho--all hailed as wonderful leading men of society....they claim they are naive but they are corrupt....

I mean decades of being attacked by the "men" of this organization but the last decade has been a line-up of teleportation terrorist rapist and abusers attacking me--in ways that are impossible to ignore or turn my head away from or block out or negate--because the body is split literally in twain you are facing people in one physical state while you are aware of both dimensions in your prime body state--you can't turn away because one of your bodies is stuck unmovable somehow--maybe they put me in restraints I don't know sometimes how they accomplish this. It is an extremely inhumane form of torture, although I can't imagine other forms that are more or less inhumane as all torture is just torture. This is a kind of mental and psychological torture also with spiritual aspects where you are forced to have to imbibe the essence of toxic people who poison your atmosphere and taint your awareness with their hate, ugliness, stupidity and filth and crap and violence and you can't get away from them even to shut your eyes or block them out or not respond. They all have everything handed to them as rewards for this I remain sitting here still fighting to eliminate poisons they continued to put in my body for years while torturing me. Not even an apology for that, as I just discovered what they were ordering upon my body. Not an apology not help financilaly they have blocked my money and they all call me some kind of "nothing" or "loser" for it. They continue to be paid in millions and get hugs and kisses from the whores of Whorewood who all know what they have done and love them for it. People like Sandra Bullock who is a good friend of Pitt and knew what was happening to me decades ago because she tried her pitch on me when sylvestor Stallone tried his back in 1997 in Miami Beach. The pigs are still collaborating on this torture contract on me and I am just sick every single day in ways that is completely dehabilitating due to their continuous poisoning and torture. They are out partying and laughing. The government continues to send politician afte rpolitician to support them and attack me as greasy graham cracker just did in a most brutal violent way while I was in the throes of sickness to the point of needed a nurse--he just went after me while I was bedridden and unable to move,. Shit pitt was punching into my face in rhythm because greasy graham told him to go ahead and do it. Fucking pig pit then got more deals and promotions. he's out at his new mansion having a blast and not an apology, help, assistance and they still won't return my cat La Moux, if she is still alive--which they stole because they were raping me and I was too sick from being constantly re-poisoned to be able to deal with more of the poison being pumped internally into my body from rape. Fucking disgusting pigs are being celebrated still. My cat has been stolen because I was begging them to stop, they kept poisoning and raping me until 2 months ago. I am now so sick form poisons that were trapped in my body for years coming out now I can't move. I see the pig apes being handed more millions, more mansions, they are just laughing and partying over years of torturing me and stealing ideas and paying nothing and mutilating and destroying my body and home. What kind of shit is this that still no one from the fucking government will even stop this shit against me--ever? So I am in a bad mood. I actually do'nt give a damn about Tom Cruise as he attacked me as well as his rotten blonde Nazi wife who also is a pig ape whore. Goddamn them all.


**Hackers of course dispersed errors and deletions and add-ons to discredit me throughout this rant. The mind control tech blasted my brain whilst I was struggling to get around the hacking block to the keyboard so I can't think clearly or elaborate with any clear analysis without getting into ranting hate diatribes.


I have to deal with another night of being teleported to some sick creep's fantasy world of hate, homelessness, perhaps murder, rape, and abuse, humiliation, insults and threats and then being drugged while sleeping so I wake up in a semi-hysterical mood--the drugging ensures that. The pigs then induce me to write, and they steal whatever ideas they can--all the 'progressives" reading my posts, all the fascists, endless pit pig and pigalina the pair of parasitie scum who have tortured me non-stop without pause since 2013-taking turns with filthy nasty vile Depp and Heard and his dirty ugly daughter--and now the shitty children of pitt and filthalina the parasitic whore

all so vile and nasty and sick it's very hard to describe. How they smile and laugh for their promotional displays for the movie roles they obtained partially at least from the years of having tortured me. The pieces of crap in Whorewooe who came to participate are now directing their own movies, being promoted and those who also yelled at, abused and partake in this terror situation are now executive producers, which means as I have been writing they are all put into top positions, for simply acting like subhuman pig apes with violent genocidal propensities instructed to them as they recite the lines and ad lib the rest for their advancement to make shitty fake movies. Their interviews are of them being quietly smug and self-composed and appearing very contained and polite individuals. What a contrast to the teleportation terror they take turns "enjoying" every single day, taking turns one after the next--for years. Their interviews in which they are polite, quietly peaceful and appear like sane and genuinely intelligent people last only for, at most, 30 minutes or perhaps an hour. Their torture and violent sickness in teleportation lasts literally for years per personality--they just sit in rows and take turns abusing me as one after the next goes at me.


Nothing ever stops them. I have done NOTHING to these filthy and sick disgusting pig ape whores, not a single thing to any of them. Not to the filthy pig Europigpapes who put this contract out on me, only because I wanted to compete and win and wanted to be beautiful an dhappy and didn't think that they were really "all that" and they saw that I wasn't deferential enough to suit them so years and decades of murder attempts, poisoning and torture as a result with this covert technology and poisoning and death squad support and GOVERNMENT FUNDING by shit like ugly and foul Lyndsey Graham, who is a most ugly and foul, vituperative rotten seems like an alcoholic personality. Having written all that, he's going to get more media promotions--as I see, or perhaps this is just hacking, he's been getting a lot of media attention since his endless violence aimed at me. Only because he can't stand to see people like me have a chance in America or anywhere else in the world to compete against shit like him--so he's torturing me and abusing and just now I had to throw away another thing sprayed with foul and stinking odors that just happened this last week, while I am continuously sick from healing. THe ugly sinister piece of rotten filth is an endless parasite who couldn't wait to take his turn in attacking me. Paying Pit shit the pig out with some huge promotion and deal, along with whorealina the pair of pig shit which hasn't stopped and is still trying to get this contract of forcing a baby out of me. The other "men" of this group are so foul and nasty even the violence of pit the pig is favorable compared with the ugliness and sheer brutal sickness of crap like Graham and crap like him. And the appeal of pit is at almost a null and void stage. These are my "options" instead of LIVING MY LIFE OUT IN PEACE WITH MY HUMAN RIGHTS not trampled upon every single day by my own rotten government and it's predatory players who were somehow voted into power and have remained to poison the country for decades. Now congealed like a cancer they remain to rot out the country while they are applauded by the donors who want death squad mob rule which they label a "Democracy"=mob rule of thuggery.


But I am innocent and don't "deserve" this kind of endless shit for decades and decades. When will anyone ever intervene and stop this sickness? I want and demand my cat La Moux returned, financial compensation and a home in a beautiful place I love, which is safe, in my name, and millions of dollars paid out to me as reparations for this crime as any victim of my magnitude deserves. Then for these pieces of shit to be stopped and my country to not be a fascist Nazi dictatorship technocratic despotic regime but like my rights which have been abnegated, all restored to what should have been a functioning country which failed in this respect DECADES AGO.


Never-ending hate from sick parasites attacking me. NEVER ever support, help or sanctuary ever offered by a single human being around the entire planet--and I have gone round and round 4 times around the planet and not even one single person on any continent has come forward to defend me so I am not alone facing this all alone with any support from a single person anywhere.

Besides all that: since greasy nasty ugly sick Graham began his violent assault upon me, so many things broken and destroyed under his filthy and vile order. The wealthy scumbag has to inflict as many attacks as he is capable of, from within the parameters of the organized level of torture I have been classified under. With Greasy nasty Graham came a slew of violence from pit pig with whorealina stripping for greasy ugly Graham like she's so utterly turned on by this sac of filth and greasy hate and rot and corruption--the money he used to pay them off to have access to venting his hate for women out upon me was huge and the pair of parasites went off grinning and getting undoubtedly more and more from their mutual sickness, touted as being of "elite" status and entitlement to have a torture victim to endlessly pummel with every kind of insult and hate possible. My every attempt to thwart their attacks and defend myself have been met by more torture from weapons and tools that are of covert status so I have had no information on what was assailing me until I had to eliminate through a sort of deduction what types of technology I was being assaulted by. I did a bit of research and have come to a close proximity of the types of endless torture tools this group of filthy stupid ape pig crap have at their disposal. The government continues to hand out all of these weapons to increasingly larger numbers of dumb and stupid violent pig-apes posturing as highly evolved human beings.


Monday, August 8, 2022

I consider myself to be infinitely more important than Trump and co. Regardless of your hate categories negating me entirely--

 "Trump search sends message of intention: former prosecutor/Banfield". NewsNation. August 9, 2022.

Now Trumpy---did the raiders of your estate spray filthy toxins on your furniture, clothing, into your hair, into your body, into your food as you ordered the goons you paid in huge sums to poison me with--EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YOUR ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION AND NOW INTO THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION--AND oh, also during the Obama Administration Trumpy got a hold of this contract and Obama just allowed him to roll with it--as Biden is doing now. Trumpy associates from The Senate are joining in and the chorus of hate is like an entire cathedral of Satanic orgiastic revelry concerning the numbers of "famous" people participating in this contract.
So Trumpy's home was raider and the stolen documents that were classified were returned to the Department of Justice. The commentators are shocked and this was an invasion of Trumpy's privacy. McCarthy has indicated that once the Repugs take over the House of Reps they will put up more nooses in the Capital to hang all the "traitors".
No mention of CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS STOLEN from the United States and "The People", only that a former president this precious personality was raided and the Repugs are ready to slaughter even more than they were before this raid.
Did they go in and rape your body while you were made unconscious, pour stiffening and bloating poison into your body and food and up your anus, dear Trumpy? As you ordered to be forced upon me for over FOUR YEARS without a day of it ending, while I struggled for my life to heal from the lifetime of other pig apes doing the same to my body (including my Jewish Nazi pawn family).
But no mention of the CRIME Trump committed in stealing top secret documents to hide his crimes before committing other crimes which is so egregious to the Repugs.
One commentator on this subject mentions that Merrick Garland and the DOJ has not prosecuted top Trump official (at very high ranking levels) who scoffed at the Select Committee's subpoena's but were never indicted for Contempt of Congress by the DOJ. That was a signal that Garland is remiss in his duties and that Trumpy would get off with all the relevant crimes for which his underlings are now being indicted for and sent to prison.
Did they rape you or your nasty wife, Trump when they raided your home as you had done to me for over 4 years as you laughed and smirked and giggled and smiled about it to my face? Did they put fungus in your orifices as you ordered to be forced upon me while I lay helplessly fighting to not die from stress after your gangs of celebrity scum forced their toxic fungus psychological hate upon me and rape and beatings and abuse every single night (as happened last night as well, as usual it never ends or is ended by any of these effete criminal politicians and the creep criminal celebrities).

For the Love of Money Burn in Hell.

 "Olivia Newton John--Have You Never Been Mellow". Olivia Newton John. August 26, 2012.

Have You Never Been Mellow--Olivia Newton John-=-the very first album I bought--circa 1975. I thought the sensitive and loving kindness of this song was beautiful.

Of course, in the wake of the revolutionary early 70's, this song induced the peeps into a consumer version of political aphasia--. It was the precursor to EZ listening elevator musak--happy Republican Trickle-down "don't worry be happy" philosophy. The result is that I lost contact with political keen insight until I was almost murdered by the fascists who now hold the power threatening to destroy the country and turn it into an "autocratic" dictatorship.

The use of such songs were intentional to "sell" forgetfulness about fighting against the "establishment". Later on this turned into "shake your booty" and all kinds of sexual inducements to forgetting about shaking the status quo and instead getting your cheesy and sleazy thrills out of sexualized consumer conspicuous consumption. Then came Dallas, then came all the 80's frill thrills of turning into selfish, self-interested grabbing greed--on a collective basis.


Be mellow-politically--stop worrying be happy MAKE MONEY I DON'T CARE HOW YOU GET IT---That was what Olivia Newton John was ushering in with her little songy that media execs wanted put into huge mainstream repetition on the radio and in sales--I was brainwashed and bought into it.

"Wall Street (2/5) Movie CLIP--Money Never Sleeps (1987) HD". October 10, 2015.


Be mellow while you get that money--be happy don't worry don't fight politics unless you are part of a grab greed cartel, exploiting, stealing, raping and robbing and then destroying the Constitution so you can automatically get more, and more and more. That is the mellow that songs like this were the precursors to. Stop fighting the system and create a fascist money-oriented aristocracy and peasantry society--be mellow, don't worry, be happy. That's my parting to Olivia Newton John. I was put into a state of forgetfulness when I listened to this song. I was brainwashed. It was a political maneuver by the fascist forces controlling the entertainment industry. Her songs then went into Grease mode about sexual emergence into the now almost completely pornographic media "free" feminist fodder that sells like hotcakes. 

"The O'Jays--For The Love of Money (Official Soul Train Video)". Philadelphia International Records. April 9, 2021.


"Sandy (Olivia Newton John) Sexy in Spandex from Grease (1978) new Remastered 1080PBD". Celebrity Spandex. June 25, 2018.

After selling "don't worry stop fighting politics be happy" using a kind of Carol King lookalike image, she then sold off "good girl" turns leatherette--which then included bombastic sexuality into the don't worry be happy philosophy of conspicuous consumption and "freedom" to screw (but still remaining mostly or only in the greasy hands of men and male purview): I lost interest in Olivia Newton John after watching this film in the later 70's, although by that time I was so drugged up and under attack by fascists surrounding me I could not formulate the concept of why I stopped liking her. now I am able to access these thoughs more clearly and can't find much positive to say about yet another entertainer who sold off fascism and pornographic sexuality and consumer death to the planet. I see no wonderful legacy of this personality who was just another fascist Nazi pawn playing "the game".

Post Script: this is NOT a religious condemnation of this media personality and her promotion of what I deem to be a (soft) pornographic sales of women--and the ensuing deterioration of the post-feminist movement, still retaining the name of "feminist" but only as far as being sexualized objects "free" to posture in semi-pornographic poses for men to purchase, while still calling themselves "feminist". I am not against women exposing body parts, I am referring to a type of pornographic sales-pitch on the part of the entertainment industry to "sell" women as products but really to demean any real intellectual empowerment or personal strength.

Some people would condemn my statement as having religious overtones or implied content. That is because they compartmentalize subjects into what is convenient for their belief systems. If something pricks at their pornographic propensities, it is "because" the person is a religious fanatic using pseudo-religious morality to condemn a sexualized female personality. That applies mostly to women (i.e. me in this case, as my social media is "blowing up" with content about religious persecution so I make a tentative conclusion that some male has inserted this into my hacked system in order to accuse me so they can feel relieved of any responsibility of being chauvi rape culture advocates, which they ARE INDEED.).
This is mostly "straight-up" feminist interpretation and analysis. There is no "bad girl" religious undertones. Porno themes sometimes have this "good girl turned bad" theme to the plot--it's a major prevailing sexualized pornographic fantasy that is exploited in many porn flicks. Secretaries getting undressed with male corporate execs--(good girl turned bad) and school girls who really want orgies and things like that--all the porno fantasies but now turned into a "charming" Broadway spectacle (controlled by Mafia media in NYC, isn't it? Which in turn is controlled by blonde fascist culture).
As my conspiracy theory continues on this subject of Newton John: as an Australian I consider her to be a component of the English-based assault upon the United States via the media--this I have written of endlessly for all the years I have been subjected to their fascist Nazi Imperialist input in this contract out on me. Their ways and means are devious and the psychological warfare extends completely into using pawns from their colonies in order to push their own agenda (many of the people attacking me viciously are from the colonies of England or Britain--Canada, Australia, Ireland, etc). Like the minority minions of America, they are operatives whose strings are pulled by The Crown or the other fascist Nazi countries who have dominated the industry for decades (who hold the "best" holdings and properties in America, you can see them in the Hills with the most lavish mansions--their pawns live alongside them but must tow the line unconditionally until they are absolutely brainwashed and controlled into the paradigm they perform for but claim they are fighting against).

Good News from the Democrats in the Senate!/BAD NEWS from the Repug APAC and the predictions of a future Repug "win" in gerrymandered elections and rigged Secretary of State eliminating electors for the next few years, deciding factors in whether Hitler's reich(s) will preside or whether Constitutional Republic/Democracy America will survive. Politics and the emerging fascist Nazi global cartel, aka The 4th Reich is coming down fast helter skelter.

 "Senate passes landmark Inflation Reduction Act". ABC News. August 8, 2022.

Great news, congratulations to the Dems of the Senate. Must win in midterms and the presidency 2024 (Democrat win). Hope the "expected" mass Repug "win" will not happen. Gerrymandering despite. Crossed fingers. A repug "win" would be catastrophic for the United States--for the future. Let's hope the Midterms are not a catastrophe of this insidious Party having the predicted "landslide" win that certainly feels like a rigged predictive outcome.


Since the month of Biden's inauguration, the Repugs have stated blatantly that they will "win" by landslides the Midterms and oust the Dems. The process of gerrymandering districts began and now every media source is repeating what the Repugs have sworn would happen before the gerrymandering ever began. It's all very suspicious to me as an outsider to all these monitored events. The current election of Repugs in positions of power to eliminate votes and districts and electors who were also 2020 prez election deniers adds more urgency to protect what is left of the US political system as it should have been protected years ago and has not until it's almost at the point of collapse. Too bad greed and selfish self-interest has been part of the problem of not stepping out of line and the result is that the entire system is under threat by those who want to grab and take all they can from one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I have personally seen so much graft coming out of the political spectrum that I understand completely that this grabbing vulturism is mostly to blame for the erosion of the Constitutional force that created the United States. Absolute corruption and the absolute decline of ethical standard by those put into power is mostly to blame for all. I see it every day in teleportation to these people put into power who have zero ethical standards that would care enough about the protection of these freedoms. This trickles down, that trickle down theory surely was part of the intentional plot, so it thickens and the result is muck and sediment where the waters should be flowing and pure and clean so the system is not stagnating and dying in front of our media focus--blurred by the blathering constantly by those who are corrupt about "Our Democracy and how we love The American People and Freedom" for which we are sending billions of dollars overseas to protect. I remain a targeted prisoner of the US Government so I know how much these politicians really care (not). The celebrities are merely the polished representatives of the corruption and graft just like polished waxed pieces of fruit petrified in stagnant postures and reciting the same bs about Democracy and Freedom and human rights.

Too bad there are no checks and balances put in place to check the abuses of power in the media and entertainment cartels.


"Viktor Orban Has Eroded Democracy in Hungary. Now He's Being Embraced by CPAC and The American Right". Democracy Now. August 8, 2022.

BAD NEWS from Republicans (everywhere across the US): the tsunami of thuggery is amassing power and plans to reveal their real intentions. As I have been writing (and being tortured for having written by thuggery, inc attacking me) what had formerly been called a "Democracy" in Hungary is now an unabashed fascist, xenophobic state with Machiavellian power plays to eliminate opposition, in this new Nazi, formerly titled "Populist" emerging state. This interview details the elimination of the civil servants who had been part of an oppositional force to overwhelming one-sided Totalitarianism. Eliminated through a carefully constructed version of "You're fired" (aka "Plan F" by Trump--to get people he didn't like fired in his own party and to install those who agreed with his policies--eventually culminating in hiring "consultants" who cleared the way for Trump to plan and orchestrate the Insurrection, despite his official staff trying to stop this and informing T-rump that he had lost the election according to every suit that was filed, no evidence ever produced. Now these thuggery Insurgent traitors and treasonous politicians (of America) are embracing what is an open near fascist Nazi dictatorship in Hungary. The commentator in this clip from Democracy Now is repeating what I have been writing of for so long: what was formerly called a Democracy is now emerging fascist Nazism in countries SUCH AS THE UNITED STATES but also many and most of the countries in the NATO alliance (as I just wrote this morning--my time--Finland and Sweden included). I don't mean the few groups that are anti-fa or not exclusively part of the larger deception, and there is no doubt there are many but they are eliminated from having sufficient power in any administration or tyrannical regime (as the US is fast becoming and the threat is looming ever so drastically.


**Hacker terrorists have been at it hacking away, rewriting my post, deletions and add-ons to obscure my writing. As I type I must endlessly fight to backspace and rewrite and type words. Must pound down on every key to get words to print out. Etc, the usual but I always am obliged to try to fight their discrediting by writing these statements about their interference.

Mass "thought-reading" surveillance capabilities; and the global order of fascism and Nazism and Totalitarian control; and nuclear war threats to obtain control over the semi-conductor "globalized" country of Taiwan. Dumb and dumber America continues to party like it's 1999 and the movies keep people mesmerized and the fake speeches by politicians spouting the lie that America is a "Democracy" and loves "Freedom" is a massive mind control deception program.

 "The Shadow Knows (2007 Remaster Stereo) (Remastered)". The Coasters-Topic. January 26, 2017.

 "US Government surveillance capabilities for virtually everyone--..." (see video below for this quote). BUt NOW the perverts who "run" the US Surveillance pogroms have technologies which can READ YOUR THOUGHTS and I assume this also means every isngle person can or is under surveillance for their very THOUGHTS. This is why Taiwan is so crucial to have control over for the semi-conductor market which will fueol these technologies so the haters can exert death upon the "radical liberals" they despise who can oust them if given a chance. No more chances in "Democracy, Freedom" America but it will only use that nomenclature to express it's fascist ideologies couched in terms of "Democracy" in order to further more alliances with fascist, covert fellow Nazi countries (such as Sweden and Finland) for the furtherance of a NATO Alliance. The nuclear war clock is edging every closer to global thermonuclear war as a result of these efforts. Global warming threatens to burn and swallow up swaths of the planet but the pig apes in control MUST continue their policies. If only the people whom they are targeting were allowed to have a semblance of control, instead of the fake opposition that plagues the higher ranks of Congress, perhaps the planet might have a chance to breathe from the toxicity these spewing filth-producers create in every facet of the mess they create under the disguise of "Freedom" and "Democracy" and what they don't express is racist/fascist "entitlement" cemented by these technologies. **Hackers have been inserting typos into this post, and so whatever comes out as being unclear is due 100% to hacker intervention. 


"The man who leaked secret government surveillance programs". CNN. June 10, 2013.

The targeting, covert assassinations, a slavery pogram which is being forced upon me using all these covert terrorism tactics the US Government fully funds and approves of (the Democrats are fully in line with fascist ideology--or many who hold some of the most prominent "feminist" and "liberal" viewpoints but are really just fakes working to create a false opposition to the utter plantation slave system that many of the higher ranking senators (Repugs) want to re-create so they can't have any threats like me coming to prove that they are not superior whatsoever in any sense of the word in any aspect of life. In fact, the contrary.


It's always amazing to me the lack of foresight you people have who are reading my posts at this point in history: that you blithely go along because you have been handed essentially "hush money" in order to help bigots and fascists continue to spread this system of oppression and slavery which you believe is your Big Daddy purse cornucopia which will endlessly benefit you and your family with a constant flow of deals, promotions and awards for your compliance to this system of torture which you all participate in and get deals out of. The blacks, the Jews, the latinos, the homosexuals--etc etc all believe that the promotions you are now obtaining for participating with full hate (so you can crank out the bs crap you create in movies and lectures about how much you "love" and your gay or Black righteousness cause for liberation as you sip drug-laced amnesia potions you are also fed in your mansions in the hills, watching as the stupid crap you are being allowed to pump out is called "wonderful' by the also controlled media critics. Besides all that sickness I am witness to in these teleportation hell skits being endlessly the target of hate by people I don't know, who then are later put into producer slots, directorial debuts, million and billionaire level financial positions--the technology is being further pummeled out into the society you really don't give a damn about, ultimately. The "love" you project is really a farce and you are all imbued with utter hate cloaked as pseudo-"liberal" righteousness. But besides my diatribe against you, you continue because of your careers as the United States careens nearly into destruction with every election of fascist Nazi cartel operators you all helped put into power. The surveillance is reaching, as I hinted to above, not just movement surveillance, but your THOUGHTS will be under surveillance and this can be achieved with the powerful quantum computing that requires an endless supply of semi-conductors. The crap who is threatening war with nuclear-charged China (which former president Clinton absolutely helped to arm this country, as Clinton and his filthy dirty rapist wife, racist bigot Hillary, helped put China into this nuclear weapons capability to destroy the US with all their international "free market" globalism which has also created so much despair in so many countries (along with the prison-industrial complex so they can imprison the predator class so they also must either conform as so many of the blacks in high positions do, or face prison sentences for the crimes of walking around at night while being black). This is a kind of rant, but just trying to express how the Democrats have been infiltrated by absolute fakes, agents of The English Crown (i.e. Clinton and their political machine) and are working to divide and conquer the US, just as the English did during the Civil War (supported the Confederates and they are still trying to divide and conquer the US to this very day--using pawns programmed at Oxford such as Bill Clinton and vicious and foul Hillary--who remains a favorite amongst the administrations and always put into powerful positions in politics because of the Confederate-based Repugs, one of which I just was subjected to in his hate and racist repugnance and ugliness--and they still want a plantation system and a civil war. They will use this technology to KILL/COVERLY ASSASSINATE anyone who doesn't THINK the correct thoughts. They can so easily have anyone killed if they know where they are going (using thought reading technology) and will be prepared beforehand to create a deateh situation to anyone they label a "radical liberal". How blind can people be who are part of this terror operation against me to just continue to allow this system to flourish while spouting the bs they are paid in millions or billions to project as America being such a "freedom/Democracy" country as they do in order to pour in billions of dollars into foreign countries in order to bolster a global Nazi/mafia/KKK fascist Nazi regime?


British Support During the Civil War

English aristocratic support for the Confederate cause during the US Civil War---documented loosely in this argument. I have little or no access to a research database so can't find peer-reviewed articles, unless this article is peer-reviewed and scholarly. What is called "Dark Money" from lobbies was at the time of the Civil War termed something else--(read below): In other words, The Crown ("entitled" wealthy "elite" of London, some of whom represent their political benefactors, are part of the cartel overseeing the US media empire which appears to be fully under the control of factions such as The Crown--as appearing as Europhile as possible in private torture sessions and for "fashion chic" is the one and only goal of most of the actors and celebrities attacking me. Obviously the people "pulling the strings" are of foreign source, and what I have seen comes from countries mostly like England. I am in the position of not knowing exactly whom but from observing the genuflection and the fascist Europ-a's associated with this contract, all of whom have absolute wealth and the backing of powerful fascist entities, this is what I see from the sort of genuflection going on with the American celebrities and those whom they serve and make all the vicious actions of violence towards me, in order to win the contracts and awards from these "dark money" sources. The international socio-political alliances with intention to destroy the United States and overtake it with a fascist post-colonialist system of plantation and slavery--these connections from the mid 19th Century remain intact to this very day.....when I write what appears as a "rant" it is because my internet is being blocked, I can't find or discover academic articles which would more fully support my claims...all my searches are blocked the censorship is complete. This is part of the "Democracy and Freedom" that the politicians chant in unison as they pilfer the coffers of the US in order to more fully implement this system (awards and deals from people on the Budget Committee, of both parties, regardless of their public blathering about progressive slogans they repeat endlessly like a broken record.


"From a political perspective, several of the British government’s leaders either privately sympathized with the Confederacy, or at least believed the South would win the war. According to various sources, this was the view held by the Prime Minister Lord Palmerston and his foreign minister Lord John Russell, but they kept their beliefs private. The government's main desire was to prevent Britain from becoming embroiled in a costly conflict. Palmerston and Russell's sympathy for the southern cause was also, like many other Britons, tempered by a repugnance for slavery that characterized both their careers. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, and future Prime Minister, William Gladstone did publically voice his support for recognition of the Confederacy, but again this represented his personal opinion rather than official government policy....Despite popular dissent, supplies and money still flowed from Britain into the southern states throughout the Civil War. These resources were vital to the Confederate war effort, especially following the North's imposition of a blockade against the South starting in April 1861. Obtaining a supply of goods and money from Britain required only private business relationships with British merchants and factory owners, not popular or government approval. Britain's premier port of Liverpool offered a trading environment that was favorable to dealing with the renegade states of the Confederacy, and this city soon became a primary base of southern support." (ibid)

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Freud's woman-hating Feminine Mystique versus Betty Friedan's response, The Feminine Mystique. Jewish male versus Jewish feminist. The world only remembers the incoherent blathering of Simone de Beauvoir as having coined this expression and has completely bypassed the Jews who actually originated the term. The contrast between the Jewish oppressed women and the Jewish male oppressor resolved by this contract to force Jews to be oppressed by white, fascist Nazi culture and to slowly eradicate the race and all opposition to genocidal policies--until the final slaughter takes place (killing what remains of the culture that hasn't completely adapted fascist white supremacist culture as slaves but safe within it's confines if they perform the necessary tasks of oppressing their own, destruction from within.

 "Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique". NBC News Learn. May 1, 2020.

"Psychoanalysis and Feminism". PHILO-notes. January 10, 2021.

Anyway, I can personally attest that I am very glad I do not have a penis and never wished to have one. I debunk Freud's "penis envy" theory. As for the feminine mystique, I also find no more mysterious facet of femininity to be more or less obtuse than the male counterpart of mysterious regions of the conscious or unconscious, mystical or spiritual. However, in most cultures, it's the male form of consciousness and spirituality which is most highly revered while the female version (the mystique) is viewed as a threat and an evil to be dealt with by violent suppression or discrimination. So much for any mystique of the female gender according to the patriarchy that Freud encapsulated in his sexual development theories in this respect. There are others that are fascinating that I find potentially concept-shattering in scope but certainly not within this ultra conservative upbringing which I think held much sway over his pseudo-scientific theories of female sexuality--in that phase just after the Victorian Period or even in the direct wake of that suppression of women's sexuality that brought about "hysteria" in patients, mostly women were diagnosed with this condition.


While the so-called/self-described "feminists" of Whorewood steal ideas they have their husbands/boyfriends/lovers/sons/etc rape and beat out of me in teleportation, in order to claim that the ideas I rant in rage about feminism and domestic violence are actually "THEIR' fight instead of the fight I am being pitted (pun intended) against them and their male partners to stop---(which they never stop but revel in watching and participating in).
They want ME to be enslaved into not just domestic slavery but slavery completely in everything I say and do. Still collecting royalties from the ideas they stole from my writings and what they tortured out of me in daily torture/information extraction in teleportation, they collect the royalties as I write these posts to try to influence--I don't know who since most of you completely agree that I am "supposed" to never have a voice, a career and only be subjugated to the worst of domestic violence/rape/slavery by men who I find deplorable to the core of their rotten beings--whatever is left after the coagulation of slime that they have absorbed from their sleazy exploits into exploitation culture which boosts these expletives into executive positions.
One of them just recently performed a kind of strip performance for a politician who tried to take over this rape/domestic violence/slavery contract using mind control technology (implants, drugs, brain-altering tech, nervous system tech, subliminal tech, coercion and torture from MILLIONS of thugs roaming in packs to "gang stalk" with all weapons provided by the likes of the politician demanding the "feminist" to get partially naked because he wanted to pay her for the right to rape me and subjugate me with brutality and hate, which she has laughed about after stealing ideas from my ranting after her participation in rape against me. She is still putting her rotten slimy face on my social media pages and it's a loathsome thing because she's putting feminist content on my pages--from French people because like all the fascists they believe that French culture /post Vichy fascist France Nazi co-conspirator with the secret doctrine of fascist Germany Nazism waiting to emerge triumphant once more with French participation AND NO RESISTANCE EVER AGAIN.
But it's considered the epitome of culture, now that the country has been fully indoctrinated into fascist Nazism, as far as I can tell (this as usual includes the "Jews" who are "fighting" against Nazism but from my experience of being around French people and French Jews, will HAPPILY participate in attacking me in order to get more acceptance and promotion within the ranks of fascist, Nazi culture.
So, writing about this now using a more direct example of what the Feminine Mystique is about, and it's not about Simone, who never seems to get to any point and her unfocused approach to spouting philosophy I find extremely tedious to try to unravel. Perhaps it's the translation and not due to her inconsistencies with keeping to a point to it's conclusion.
I'm talkin' about American feminists who debunk theories that held sway from the likes of Sigmund Freud and his theory of The Feminine Mystique---as I've discovered (this is my personal revelation) Jewish men will force some of the worst oppression upon Jewish women, but once they are intertwined with blonde Nazi women (as this contract out upon me is endlessly trying to mingle Jews with bigot blonde Nazis for full indoctrination but the title of "Jew" remains for business purposes and for using Jews as eventual scapegoats for problems (such as Jews in finance and the stereotype that Jews control Wall Street, when in actuality they are pawns being used and told what to do by their blonde, Nazi wives who probably can't wait to betray them and get the alimony payments direct deposited or after the post-mortem Will hands all money and property from their deceased Jewish pawns over to them and their kin folk Nazi tribes from whatever pit they come from).
But a Jewish woman descrying the harsh oppression of Jewish Men--this is the result--ignored by the "feminists" of Whorewood because all they are interested in is appearing and behaving as Europigape fascist nazi as possible in order to keep getting lead roles until they too are fully indoctrinated.
Oh yes, the claws are coming out when I begin to write about these topics. They are repugnant. You are repugnant, and I know you are reading this. I can't describe what a set-back they are to the feminist movement and how the image of women is being relegated to women appearing as warriors but still the focus is on their sexuality and attempts to become as male warrior as possible while the actors remain as sex slave objects to be exploited but loving it the entire time and it's the focus of their everyday regimes. They LOVE having me oppressed, raped and beaten, mutilated, poisoned and deformed as they torture me endlessly eventually threatening to kill me because the high of feeding off rape and torture requires more violence as time progresses.
Even the women who play some of these very ground-breaking feminists, some of whom are Jewish such as dyed blonde Steinem, are all bigot blonde Nazi types (many of whom are not even American, much less Jewish and do not understand the dynamics of why so many Jewish women were prominent in the early years when strides were made, as these fake fascist bigot creep rape-cheerleader creeps are being awarded for every betrayal of the feminist movement while still being paid in millions to "represent" it.
They have no idea what kind of oppression Jewish women have encountered in homes and in their familial relationships and why so many of the most radical ones (who created the most change) had to fight so strenuously. They only see the groveling Jewish men lavishly loving them like slaves in order to get promoted into higher ranking positions in the Nazi hierarchy. The Jewish men I have met ALL my life have viciously attacked me in front of these bigot blonde women they adore like slaves obeying every insulting command and saying nothing to every humiliating insult the creeps make aimed at them. The pig apes of Whorewood have been torturing me to try to force this kind of submission upon me as well. They are still responding to my writing about feminism and how they have betrayed it and they are still raking in the royalties for the ideas they have stolen from me. I remain in very horrid physical condition from the years of their poisoning and violence which has nearly killed me (plus being hit by cars, hits they ordered for me asking for JUSTICE in my written posts out to anyone in the world and still never receiving it). The films about women rising into power continue to keep women fixated at women bearing their gonad appendages like badges of honor as part of their costumes of power--the women in these films are ready for battle and can physically fight. AS for the love and relationship part, who does the drudgery in these movies remains the lower status women usually either poorer white or minority. The status quo never changes only a few select whores get to "rise" up in power as they strip tease for the bigot fascist men who are handing them more promotions to continue to crank out their feminist anti-feminist crap every single year without end----

"Right-Wing Women Have Accepted Their Own Subordination". Big Think. June 21, 2011.

Identifying with, and fully submitting and becoming engulfed and then working for the perpetrator is one of the key goals of mind control programming. Indeed, to "love" the abuser has been one of the main goals of this hate crime against me and it's been ongoing for years and by this time, I have gone into a reverse psychology and find this group to be obnoxiously noxious and toxic and foul and ugly and insanely innately stupid and incompetent to be in leadership positions given the utter irresponsibility they have towards life and it's preciousness. They consume, discard and continue to snort for more to inhale and suck out and drain until it's all destroyed. Life. Love. Passion. Life force. etc etc. The planet's resources. Whatever is precious they defile but claim only they have a monopoly on what is beautiful and pristine after defouling everything and everyone else possible outside of their group, and often from within in order to recruit more desperate souls who wanna just get out of the filth and war, poverty and hate these parasites force upon the rest of the planet (with the planet's full permission). The subordination mind programming continues every moment of every day. The war in Taiwan is mostly due to the control of semi-conductors in order to more fully implement mind control technocracy around the planet. They will destroy the planet and have nuclear war just in order to continue to force this agenda of the mediocre and life-screw agents put into lead positions having a monopoly on everything. That includes the subordination of women put "back" into their place that Freud and his European ilk demanded that women submit to.
As I wrote above, the one and only aim of the worst of the "feminist" (concept stealing) expletives who I make broad statements about above are some of the most adamant about imitating everything Europigape fascist Nazi in their personal lives and are thusly handed every kind of award and multi-million dollar amount to continue to emulate this false dichotomy of independence of women versus the most slavish submitting to rape culture fascist racism (as long as they are told that they do not have to be abused like people like me are being forced into while all my talents and skills are either being destroyed or stolen by them as they laugh and giggle about it in glee because they could never think of such ideas without having to furrow their foreheads and read books and study and think deeply about concepts that are antithetical to the roles they are to play as skanks for public consumption, sex objects who will strip tease to men who are rotten but who will pay them for the titillation just for promotions to continue to play roles as feminists in the media). I'm not referring to pornography where women are paid to actually play such roles, I am referring to the hypocrisy and the deception that is being played out.

The Children of Paradise exiled to West H-wood homelessness encampments by the fascist, Nazi/Mafia/KKK cartels ruling all media. Some of them could have created film masterpieces if only given a chance. (Hint: this is a metaphorical statement, a "blanket" "conspiracy" theory statement). Analysis of the analyses of film Les Enfants du Paradis, or rather, the reviews and commentaries that are missing from the mainstream controlled series of reviews and commentaries.

 "Terry Gilliam on Children of Paradise (1945)". lachambreverte. October 9, 2017.

Terry Gilliam focuses rather beautifully on the director/lighting aspects of --probably--my favorite French film (besides The King of Hearts)--older films, in other words.
My focus, when I watched this film, was on the story and the character connections. I took it as a story of feminine emancipation, enslavement, and the types of men that women are "supposed" to "want" but what they really want--or those who have had enough experience to understand.....
That the poet, the person who digs into your consciousness and soul and brings forth bouquets of new blossoms is more worth than any wealthy Big Daddy--who endlessly searches for more and more entrapment schemes for his power cartel(s) out of the brothels of his empire(s).
Amazing that this film, created very much in part by Jews during the Vichy Regime, was "allowed" to come out at all under the Nazi occupation.
Perhaps the Germans were not able to understand more about the plot other than a prostitute gets help from a former series of Johns and that this is just French sleaze prostitute culture.....


"Scene from Children of Paradise (Les Enfants du Paradis)". October 19, 2015.


"Children of Paradise. US Re-Release trailer". janusfilms. May 8, 2012.

Every established clip I found on YouTube, the release trailer, etc only concentrates on illusion, dreams and love. It has some fight scenes, lets you know there will be a murder in order to attract potential viewers, and NEVER mentions whatsoever the real theme of the movie: women's emancipation from the prostitution of being a man's property to be bought and sold or discarded when finished. The hate for women who are independent and the persecution thereof--a theme that is dominant in this film. All the males who are in control over the dictatorship of film synopses put everything into a technical or mechanical perspective, mostly focusing on the usual formulas which make almost every other film a very similar ennui. Why are they calling this film a unique classic then if they are selling it off as just another formula love and fantasy film--the director focusing on the lighting but not on the story or on the theme of women and sexuality and male domination and women's attempt to break the bondage of this grip. Oh no...this is why the clasp of power remains a strict paralysis of monopolization by fake "alternatives" who essentially follow the dictates of a fascist, Nazi cartel which could not entirely eliminate these "radical liberal" themes while this film was being made (somehow it got done under Nazi control) but now the loopholes for making such a film are almost entirely gone. The women who are put in charge are just more puppets operating for the brothel cartels which own and manipulate these women into their various sexualized posturings claiming they are "feminists".

I did, however, read one review of the theme of independence that the enslaved/released/re-enslaved protagonist female undertakes with the help of her male lover/friends fighting off her possessive Big Daddy fiend controllers (both female and male): the review stated that this theme actually was not about female emancipation, but more of a disguised French Resistance to Nazi occupation. Even then, the concept that WOMEN are made principle concepts upon which a film about male domination, under a fascist occupation where women are told (as I have been told under this enslavement contract out upon me) that their main function besides being a kind of prostituted object for consumption and ultimate control of wild independence--a need to suppress and control that elusive feminine will to self-attainment, even sexual liberation from cliche stereotypes and roles--but all was repackaged as a mostly male (with some women on the sidelines) attempt to thwart the German fascist control over France and it's feminine concept of the feminine mystique.