Saturday, April 15, 2023

On women's sexual liberation. I am Unjustly accused of being a sleazy skank prostituted worthless "nothing" + "stupid" and a drug addict by this celebrity and politician group of cocaine addicts, or other types of addiction even including work addiction, reformed now into sex abuse and torture addiction and money and power addiction, and rapists being paid for rape and torture, which officially makes them prostitutes. Paid "elite" whore drug, $ and power addicts delighted with rape and torture and paid in high prices for it versus physically disabled targeted desperate for survival "feminist" who got a job at the Lusty Lady when being officially denied health care and had to have marijuana, self-paid pain medication in order to survive near-death physical conditions inflicted upon me while sleeping, as has been the continuing ongoing slow death operation by this group of whores currently accusing me of fighting for my life against people like them who ordered my life to be destroyed. Not an apology but an explanation and a very rational video explication on what they refuse to try to understand so this post may clarify exactly who and what is the drug addict skank drug addict and who is a victim of their Nazi/mafia operation fighting for survival and discovering in the process a new awareness of sexuality empowerment. The program they are following is to crush all sense of sexual empowerment and turn all sexuality raped into me a form of murder and hate, perpetually. Supported by all politicians and very much by the blonde "feminists" from Congress and the Senate and former presidents and their wives et al who claim they are "fighting" for womens' rights but act like disgusting savage skanks and drug addicts and have been, all of them, high on cocaine and other assorted drugs, or are children of drug addicts who have inherited the disposition and act like trained psychopathic and sleazy drug addicts nevertheless.//Discrediting attacks upon me while I am sleeping, teleported and asked specific questions while my brain is more blocked in that state from a wide perspective than even while fighting to type and my brain is blocked while tryng to communicate in these posts. Asked extremely personal questions but intended to make me appear sleazy and like a drug addict prostitute. I must explain, although I have done so for many years, constantly, what the terrorist group did to maim my body to the point that I could not function nor obtain health care, even a correct diagnosis of a health condition leaving me to have to fight for my life with a metal rod attached to my spine slowly coming out of my back with all medical facilities telling me to go to hell--in San Francisco, after an "accident" the terrorists forced upon me while I was running to work as a temp secretary for a high-profile law firm off of California Street, Downtown, SF. I hope to "Goddess" that this post I write today, which as I try to re-read it already has been altered, partially deleted and is hard to follow due to hacking terrorist interference, will somehow get them to stop making these derogatory comments about my sexuality, which they keep trying to suck out and then destroy with hate and violence and mutilation and poisoning afterwards, after stealing everything I love and making my body and home deformed, stinking and filthy and broken down; every day for over a decade. Officially endorsed and cheered on by political representatives down to the level of AOC and her funder of "The Squad" and now attacked by Marjorie Taylor Greene in a sexual way--because I am begging them to get deniro off of sexual violence and commentary about my body as they poison me and grabbing my breasts just as I am teleorted with the Nazi women literally embracing him for it. Awards and ideas he stole from me put into his film(s) as he violently assaults me "mafia style" to obtain this contract of absolute destruction of my body and sexuality. Theft of the one creature on earth that wholly loved me, my cat which they have kept as she is so old it's a miracle if she is still alive waiting for me to pick her up. They are supposed to destroy me on every level, emotionally, sexually as these whores and sleazy drug addicts and work addicts and money addicts are accusing me of being far lower than they--only because they have also blocked all my financial earning capabilities and thus that means I am "nothing" as they continue to torture me to obtain ideas. I am so ill from non-stop drugging I can't read or think any longer so there is nothing more to steal so they are just working on breakiing me, every day and this last night they transferred the hate to people who have repeatedly either raped, sexually assaulted and had me mutilated and tortured instead of sleazy and foul deniro the rapist drug addict abuser Nazi devotee worshipping blonde nazi culture and violently assaulting me nightly and ordering non-stop destruction of everything around me--and so he gets promoted endlessly and after YEARS of this going on and on, they just transfer me to other rapists abusing me. So I hope at least that they will stop their hate commentary about how I am this sleazy sort of "stupid" free prostituted whore instead of they. This venue The Lusty Lady is a concept that people like this celebrity group are actively working to destroy and the people who support them and promote them have very actively been working to revert sexuality back into the rape culture that existed before the feminist movement tried to defend women against rape and this kind of endless sexual violence I now encounter--this morning it was from the homophobic cheerleader Marjorie Taylor Greene. I keep telling her I'm not gay, she keeps grabbing at me to prove she is part of the racist male rape culture as an advocate of dehumanizing and violently sexually abusing me.

"Jennifer Worley/Under Nude Management: The Worker Takeover of The Lusty Lady Theater". Labor Solidarity Project. February 7, 2023.


About the book

Neon Girls Cover.jpg

A riveting true story of a young woman’s days stripping in grunge-era San Francisco where a radical group of dancers banded together to unionize and run the club on their own terms.

When graduate student Jenny Worley needed a fast way to earn more money, she found herself at the door of the Lusty Lady Theater in San Francisco, auditioning on a stage surrounded by mirrors, in platform heels, and not much else. So began Jenny’s career as a stripper strutting the peepshow stage as her alter-ego “Polly” alongside women called Octopussy and Amnesia. But this wasn’t your run-of-the-mill strip club—it was a peepshow populated by free-thinking women who talked feminist theory and swapped radical zines like lipstick.


As management’s discriminatory practices and the rise of hidden cameras stir up tension among the dancers, Jenny rallies them to demand change. Together, they organize the first strippers’ union in the world and risk it all to take over the club and run it as a co-operative.


Refusing to be treated as sex objects or disposable labor, they become instead the rulers of their kingdom. Jenny’s elation over the Lusty Lady’s revolution is tempered by her evolving understanding of the toll dancing has taken on her. When she finally hangs up her heels for good to finish her Ph.D., neither Jenny nor San Francisco are the same—but she and the cadre of wild, beautiful, brave women who run the Lusty Lady come out on top despite it all. 

A first-hand account as only an insider could tell it, Neon Girls paints a vivid picture of a bygone San Francisco and a fiercely feminist world within the sex industry, asking sharp questions about what keeps women from fighting for their rights, who benefits from capitalizing on desire, and how we can change entrenched systems of power.


*Please note that whenever I write that I was or am "drugged up" I mean as a surreptitious deception of covert non-consensual drugging plus poisoning by people injecting a poison, invisible clear liquid laced with hardening stiffening bloating poisons that latch onto skin and bone plus Mind control drugs which get trapped into the nervous system underneath the hardening/bloating drugs. This cocktail mix has been inserted into my body from near infancy up to the present day, where I must fight for my life to stop the endless infernal poisoning and drugging attempts at slowly killing me as if I have some "disease" or internal problem and, as they try not to do, make it appear that due to aging I am just dying from some deterioration as they discredit me and every single thing about to to inflate and bolster these lies and claims.** so I am not taking "drugs" when say that I am and was always "drugged up" in these hate persecution and rape/torture situations. I was always drugged so I would "react" in a simulated manner by all the tech and drug interface plus carefully constructed terror operations of "mind control programming" in order to raise the Nazi expletives and their minions by having me so drugged and incapable of understanding, plus non-stop lies and no one ever warning me of what was being forced upon me, all my life until I had to discover it at the point of dying from poisoning and endless pattern-based assault. But I write this as part of trying to unravel the endless lies and "gossip" that these terrorists are imposing upon me and spreading about me. Everyone who joins in the teleportation hints at and accuses me of being either a drug addict, too stupid and a prostituted nothing to have any ideas these prostituted dumb celebrities could ever steal, and the politicians can't wait to get their media exposure and graft theft contracts by attacking me when they need their bills passed and they rely on California celebrity influence to get their huge money graft deals of theft from the "people' they also want drugged, brainwashed and teleported and destroyed--in large part, except for their Nazi and Mafia cherished blonde Nazi types pushing for white supremacy. What happened to me that I very briefly detail here, in all the hacking frenzy and fighting to type this out that I always undergo, is what happens to many women in Third World countries or in countries that are destroyed from some war. The war is upon women who they want to turn into free or very cheap-priced prostitutes for the violence pleasure of the rapist hate men who want sex tourist vacations and women to abuse and beat and rape and torture and perhaps murder for "stress relief" and "fun". Include in that children and men as well. Minorities and white cultures not deemed of the "superior" Nazi 4th Reich also included in this list of targeted future drug/mind control victim populations slated for destruction and servitude. They try to impose upon me through repetition of hate while I am in this vulnerable sleep teleportation state being assaulted, tortured as I fight and yell and try to kill them in response--and then they use psychological tactics of abuse and hate-- that I worked as a kind of sleazy and stupid whore in what you can hear clearly is a "feminist" type of institution in the video below, while I was denied health care and facing literal death by lack of health care as administered by the U.S. government in a covert murder attempt upon me. This venue I worked at for specific lack of heath care and survival reasons, while being "feminist", albeit very racist as this woman clarifying the functioning of The Lusty Lady Theater in San Francisco turned out to be, so I was assaulted in the 4th Reich hate contract nevertheless. This empowerment of my sexuality that ensued as a result of not being inflicted with the male rape indoctrination domination culture is so threatening for the white male rape culture, and the black male rape culture, and the bigot Nazi women beat and rape other women down of minority color culture, and the culture club as well---all intermixed and a part of this woman-hating and mind control drug and drug, porno abuse sex, rape, and every other type of sleazy and nasty addiction-centered group. It's so threatening to me that they have spent over a decade trying to erase this image that I may have accrued that I am in control over my body. That I am not some disposable free rape victim who they can mutilate, humiliate and then murder via internal poisoning as they discard me with hate afterwards, as has been the case with every single pig ape who has exploited this drugging/mind control interface that no one still will stop or defend me against. The entrenchment of woman-hating is so extreme and growing, that even Marjorie Taylor Greene is very keen on exemplifying male rape culture upon me. The threats from her and intimidation are being put in a quasi-friendly alternating with violence version of mind control to bend me back and forth with deniro violently assaulting me as I react to years of his violence with pesce and the gotti team--(raped by the son of Victoria Gotti) and threatened--all due to racism but very much at the core is hate for women and misogyny that is unbelievably violent even towards the blonde bigot skanks who sit giggling as they watch me get beaten and raped by the men they want to hold me up to as victims to vent their hate out upon instead of them. The men require women like the rape cheerleaders in order to perpetuate and then increase this system, as the cheerleaders keep getting the little power boosts that they never could achieve when THEY were the sex slave partners of these rape porn men, abused by them eventually when they lost their sexual porn imagery of these women whose main "power" resides in posturing as sex object "feminists" who secretly cheer and laugh and dance as their husbands and friends rape and beat me while they watch on feeling relieved that there is finally a replacement. They get their divorces after I am exploited because the women finally get their financial "independence' from the hateful sleazy men, and then they latch on to having me raped so they can get more promotions. They are endlessly telling me that I am sleazy and stupid and etc      endlessly as they continue to torture me to death, passing me around for one after the next to abuse after I beg online for this hell to be stopped and it never is. They are now throwing these accusations at me so I have included this video about The Lusty Lady just in case anyone out there has any notion of what kind of violence these people want to further expand against women, and what kind of potential there may have been for women to not cheer rape men on because the pornographic culture is so embedded in H-wood and in Congress. And in America and if you listen to this lecture about a different form of sexual enterprise for women, perhaps you will understand that there is not only one reality in terms of women's sexual liberation.


I began working as a temp secretary and intended to go the corporate route to earn my living, at least until I could discover which niche in society I belonged to. Temping was a way to earn money and get a feel of that new big city, where I had gone after just graduating from the University of Minnesota with an undergrad degree in Literature.


*I am now re-reading this post and the paragraphs below have been very badly hacked and huge sections deleted. I can't spend another hour on this so I will just add what I can see from the first two paragraphs that were completely rewritten and hacked: I moved to San Franciso in approx. 1988 (this was deleted from the paragraph below, which reads like a non-sequitur, and the paragraph below it was lifted from another part of the post and parts deleted and I can't remember fully what I had originally written. The hacking is so bad on the keyboard I am struggling endlessly just to write words out without having to rewrite constantly and backspacing and rewriting, as I am doing non-stop while writing this.
It's very unclear and most has been deleted. The 2nd paragraph below is completely out-of-sync and partially deleted. I am not going to read the rest. Just know that most of this has been hacked/deleted and/or rewritten. I can't continue to fight the hacking any longer I have spent more than one hour just on correcting what they are inserting and deleting and rewriting, plus time spent on backspacing and rewriting every post like this requires something like 3 hours to fight to get out and backspace and correct--I can't do it any longer so this post is very unclear from here---


I was surrounded by violent terrorists who did things that are sickening and disgusting, as I have to endure and see every day and night from people performing their hate acts with full concealment and protection, so their behavior is sleazy and disgusting because there is no temperance or restraint upon appearing like a scumbag sleaze for these people when they are told they are "classy" and "superior" for behaving like the a$$es of horses.


Nevertheless, under hypnosis, after another traumatizing hate experience with someone who has had me raped, tortured, mutilated and stole my most beloved cat (La Moux) and has not stopped profiting in millions and awards and promotions off of this sick contract off me, and being celebrated for fascist behavior that I believe "sane" people would consider to be abominable, but not so for this group.


I was working on December 24, some year around 1988 or so--(it's hard to remember now with my brain being so blocked and so many attacks and this endless time-span of decades of violence endlessly aimed at me). The buses I relied on to get from my room on a shared apartment with strangers, all part of the Nazi/Mafia hate organization cartel, they all appeared like Lower Haight artistic types, they all poisoned my food as all the roommates and landlords have done for so many decades--they organized things like having a kitten gouged with a hole in it's stomach laying in agony in the bathroom and began coughing loudly from behind their closed doors when I said there's a tiny baby kitten in pain.I had NO MONEY to pay for a vet and they removed the kitten afterwards. It was an action some would consider a kind of ritualistic "sacrifice" akin to a "Satanic" or "Voodun" magick death curse or threat or traumatizing attempt.


But, just giving a bit of the atmosphere in which I lived, I was then put into an accident once I got this very lucrative and nice job working for a law firm downtown. I had to take two buses to get to this office, and on the day my legs were suddenly lifted up into the air because I am sure there is a network of microchip implants in my back/spine/ and brain inter-connecting a network which can make the body literally jump in creepy ways if enough energy is pumped into the muscle. My legs flew up as I was running at a 90-degree angle, literally I saw my feet fly up as I fell on cement. I was able to work the rest of the day, but while sleeping that night the terrorist literally fractured my vertebrae and the next morning I was partially broken physically from it, and since that day I have not been able to work enough hours to defend myself against the high cost of living--anywhere. I was lied to for the next two years as I felt the metal "stabilizing" rod that the scoliosis surgery forced into my body slowly coming out of my back, because the terrorists forced this rod to be broken. No doctor or hospital would help me, and I tried to get X-rays at the SF Public Hospital and they literally lied to me. I got a 2nd opinion when I finally had to leave the country, obtained X-rays in Germany because of their Socialized health care system and because Germans helped me out (for ulterior reasons, the contract of endless promotion out of exploiting me using "mind control" microchips and implants and MK ULTRA deep sleep assault programming etc).

But I had to return to SF, and I had the X-rays in hand from the German hospital with the diagnosis that this metal rod was disconnected from it's correct place and needed to be removed. At the SF public hospital I got groped sexually while I was being wheeled on a gurney into the X-Ray room by the technician. He did it very sleighly, as if he were grabbing the edges of the metal bars holding up the edges of the hospital rolling bed. The ceiling was crumbling and there was construction going on inside the emergency room for 5 hours, while I sat surrounded by terrorists telling me their problems and making up stories about being brutalized and sexually abused while I sat as always drugged up an in pain and needing health care.


The "Jewish" last name of the doctor came in and told me that the metal "hook" that was supposed to be correctly placed under the vertebrae, but obviously was sticking up and unhinged, this Jewish doctor told me that there was no problem and I was making up the problem and needed more psychological help than medical. I literally stood up and showed him the reversed metal hook and he said there was nothing wrong and to go away. I had no other recourse to health care and I was forced to literally face homelessness or death at that point.


I returned to my wealthy family in Arizona and they tried to create situations of putting me in jail due to a theft that required something I could not have possibly done. My mother accused me of stealing her jewelry while she was busy taking care of the husband who died on the day he tried to leave her, in the process of splitting up the estate which they both jointly paid into--and he suddenly died on the day he was trying to leave her. She of course obtained the house and in this process she accused me of stealing her jewelry. I was working for The Arizona Republic as a copy clerk and although this metal rod was coming out, and my family told me that the public health care clinics were excellent, I was told that I had no problem and to go away and I got NOTHING. My family was trying to destroy me back then, and so after my mother began demanding that I take a lie detector test and threatening me with prison, without evidence, and also that I had no car in which to drive from downtown Phoenix to her home in Scottsdale late at night to steal something from her while she was trying to steal half the property she took from her then dead 3rd husband and also fought for the money he had left in his Will to his children, claiming that she deserved all his money. If anyone can understand the malevolence of my family and the position that put me in.

This is not to engender a "pity party" but I am explaining why when I drove in a frantic attempt to get away from my murderous family trying to destroy me so more of my family members could profit off destroying my body and life, as they have done and still are trying to do, I drove BACK to San Francisco (my brother and grandmother paid $1000 for me to have a 2nd hand car, after the incident of my mother's accusal of me stealing from her, something I have never done with her or anyone--except $2 once when I was 10 years old at someone's house, while drugged up and also under mind control--trust me, it's been going on for a very long time and people have been attacking me to discredit me since childhood).

So I ran back, after all that, to SF but I had a fractured vertebrae, a back hardened and caked with bloating/hardening poison and a metal rod extending from the thoracic region of my spine into the unhinged hook sticking out and coming out of my back, through the skin--

My car was quickly broken by terrorists. I had no transportation and really didn't have enough money to pay for bus fare after a point and had no patience for the bus, so I got a mountain bike and rode on my heavy boots and heavy black leather jacket everywhere possible up those 45-degree huge hills of San Francisco. In pain, not with money for health care, trying to survive and fighting to find a way to be financially self-sufficient without resorting to drastic means, I rode bicycle everywhere I go, at all hours of day and night to get around. I took methamphetamines that people offered me for something like $5 for a little baggie, because my body was very weak and I needed extra fake strength to get up those hills. After about 6 months of that, I stopped and just smoked marijuana for the pain that I ALWAYS was in. I also worked for the Lusty Lady, a female-owned and Unionized sex entertainment venue on Kearny Street, a famous female-owned place that was one of it's kind for the entire United States for being a "feminist" "peep" show of dancers behind glass, no touch, male bodyguards ready to throw anyone out the women claimed were offensive in any way. The women had the power, not male domination and subjugation of women. Unfortunately, because of the Nazi/mafia contract out on me ,the "women" of this joint attacked me viciously along with the "cool" subculture men.


I have explained this for years to this group which only seems to neglect to "remember" that I am disabled due to the injuries sustained and spent years in a declining health condition while no health care establishment would provide even an accurate diagnosis of the problem, much less any care. I have to note that once I was officially recognized as being "disabled" after going through intensive analysis, I still received no health care from Medicaid other than very weak Ibuprofin, there were no massage treatments, no physical therapy, and I was told that there was no funding (mostly this was in Florida). In Portland, Oregon, I got a tiny bit more of physical therapy and was LIED TO about how to position my body correctly. They tried to manifest worsened body posture to make my body more broken down and out-of-alignment, even with the "professional" health care practitioners being paid by Medicaid, they participated too in the violence against me by appearing like they were legitimately providing me with information on how to stand correctly and which exercises to do to strengthen back muscles. As it turned out, what they showed me made my body completely out-of-alignment and the condition much worse.

The terrorist celebrities only and always focus on that I worked for a strip joint and that I am a skank sleaze prostitute as a result. People like Farrakhan in particular with his racist Taliban edicts of how women should behave, but loving adoration for the rapists and the skanks of the Blonde Nazi team who are having me raped and poisoned and tortured--for profit and for a sense of power over a helpless person. No, they are not whores and prostitutes and skanks, it's "me" who through this Nazi/Mafia societal "gang stalking" network of terror operations force me to have to grovel in some sense for survival. However, as The Lusty Lady, and you people reading this can look up it's history, was no pornograpic humiliation torture oppression dehumanization factory as most of the traditional male-owned strip joints have been, and even if women own these joints, they behave like male domination abomination. However, I was attacked very viciously by the "feminist" women working there out of racist hate. You can see that the history of The Lusty Lady is of black women being discriminated against and taking their case to court and winning for racism at The Lusty Lady. This is the same "blonde only" feminist hierarchical "pecking order" that the rape culture of the males who are currently insinuating all the discrediting hate at me fling at me, constantly. That I am sleazy. But it's really they who are the whores and the skanks and the prostitutes. Women's sexuality is so threatening when it's not controlled by the male rape culture and it's associating women who cheerlead racist rape and sex trafficking operations, as ALL the blonde women assocaited and participatory in this crime against me are, and the darker haired women are there but not as violently assaultive and giggly after the whorish prostituted men who rape and beat and are sleazy and foul and sexually disturbed whores--try to destroy my sexuality.

In the end Steve Forbes, the great propellor of all the black and "feminist" Nazi Mafia women who assault me or who openly condone the violent rapist male celebrities who spittle Nazi slogans at me about killing me in concentration camps endlessly hurl at me, with their Europigape Nazi wives and children laughing and being promoted by Europigape hate Nazi/Mafia cartel operators who "handle them" as "handlers" (for the animals that they are).


I eventually returned to Germany, where I would become an English language teacher at Berlitz, only to be assaulted by the "good German" co-workers who then discredited me after drugging my coffee in the break room as I put my head down on a table one morning just before class in a dazed and doped-up stupor, trying to rest so ill from the recent poisoning they inflicted, then watching through the class window and reporting that I was "sleeping" on the job. Things like that happened so that after YEARS of working for that company and having Germans request me as their teacher, coming in at all hours of the day to have to work for 90 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in early afternoon, 90 minutes a few hours later---something I did for years, earning less than poverty income as well and no health care benefits even though it's "Socialist" Germany they exempted me so that I have always been left out of health care even when I officially have it through Medicaid.

But these rapist sleaze people who endlessly abuse and insult me constantly ask me about this job I had, and never ask me about the health care that all their tax avoidance strategies help in destroying for Americans they laugh and urinate on who are homeless in the streets of wealthy LA. They constantly refer to me in these terms, never asking me about my health situation which I have been writing of for years while they continued to have me poisoned slowly to death with hardening and bloating poisons and then insulting how "fat" and broken down I looked compared to them.

Then raping me and using every means of discrediting after stealing ideas from me, they have not stopped refering me to this one situation that I literally had to undergo because if you have a loose metal rod that spans almost all of your spine coming loose internally, with fractured vertebrae that people inflicted while asleep due to MK UTRA comatose programming so people can commit every kind of mutilation to the body and then inject severe drugging afterwards so you don't even realize the extent of the damage for a few days; also that NO ONE ever warns or gives information of what is happening so you have no idea. But anyway, the sleazy whore rapists who are raping me for money, which makes them not only prostituted scumbags of the worst whore type, but participating in these acts as a collateral greed and greasy sleaze group for profit, giggles and a sense of power. But they can't stop endlessly asking me about this to try to reinforce that I took "drugs' at one point, because I needed fake energy to ride a mountain bike wearing motorcycle boots, because every time I walked up those hills of San Franciso groups of terrorist stalkers would walk in tight formations towards me, blocking my path. As they would walk nearly into me on all sides, they then kicked my feet or pounded on my feet with their shoes. Finally I bought some leather steel-tipped motorcycle boots and if they came close enough I would just kick their feet so finally they stopped stomping on my feet as I walked--because I could not afford a car, and I could not really afford bus fair. Also, my money was stolen from this "feminist" club Lusty Lady by management and I was so drugged up I could not understand anything.


But none of these extenuating factors is relevant to endlessly discrediting me. So I am writing about it now, although I know now that many people are reading this. First, the club was "feminist" so although the bigot racists who became managers and had weekly meetings so the women could vent issues, have power, have a kind of control in this "unionized" setting, the one-and-only venue of it's kind in the whole of America at that point in time (I don't know if anything similar has ever materialized since then, but it was not a sleazy dehumanizing place and it was intended to empower women in their own sexuality and not to dehumanize--except when it came to me and I was very much attacked by the Nazi types who were the vast majority of the women working in that place).


So they never stop trying to make me out to be some sleazy prostituted drug addict, and they ask me about working in that place and whether I "liked" it or not very often, while I am under hypnosis, after being assaulted, beaten and fighting for my life to get the next piece of excrement off attacking me for their prostitution profit pyramid scam scheme of MK ULTRA mind control adn teleportation and rape for profit--whore style with sexist woman-hating coming from the "feminist" blonde Nazi pig ape women and their pig ape whore men who are your leaders of entertainment and the politicians who then grab me and attack me and insinuate that I am some kind of drug addict and a prostitute based on the lies that they keep cranking out to discredit me. They never ask me about teaching English, or about the metal rod I could not get taken out, or about my health situation which they turned into murder operations that never cease, and the stress of their nightly teleportation hate attacks upon me is another form of "soft" murder which no one will stop.

I consider them to be the most vile and putrid skanks and drug addicts whores and their histories will show that I am correct, if you just coordinate their current actions upon me with their past histories of cocaine and alcohol addiction for their pursuit of pleasure and power, as opposed to what their terrorist group forced me into....
Now for the main part: I didn't "dance" on stage as my back situation prevented me from any real movement and it was excruciating for me. The management, luckily there was a Jewish woman who took favor to me, but the Nazi blondish woman who was the co-partner was hostile and aggressively negative towards me (she would steal my money I had earned, by the way and I was too drugged to count the piles of money I had earned which they paid through a check at the end of the month--I was absolutely drugged and sick at that time I could not take account of my finances, literally the drugging is that severe from mind control interface of drugs and technology)--but to continue---I worked in a "private" booth where there was a "one-on-one" exchange, behind a glass panel, I was set on a tiny height about their sitting or standing position. I was absolutely in control and not forced into anything by management. I was encourage to call the male guards if anyone as much as said anything offensive to me. The clients knew and understood this. That is why this example of female empowerment in a sexualized "porn" setting was not as degrading as the vast enormity of the male-dominated sexual pornographic venues and magazines and flim industry, including the highly pornographic Whorewood industry which is a rape and violence culture to it's core, and where I worked was a kind of anti-thesis to that, even when it appeared on the surface to be a "tawdry" example of the usual sleazy pursuit of cheap thrills. It was a kind of "temple" for some of the women, it was a respite from the traditional roles and it was an empowering situation for women to "safely" explore their sexuality outside of the norms of human society which bind women to these very oppressive roles (and men as well) of submission or of having to do or be something that is not 'natural" to their disposition. That is why a magazine magnet like Forbes bought it out and has endlessly encouraged the rape enablers and the fascists and posturing Nazis posing as "woke' liberals to be listed as being the "best" in society. They had to try to break down tihs one empowering sexual venue for women in 'alternative" San Francisco and so they did. The backlash against feminism and abortion and equal rights has been steadily declining and this closure and buy-out by the good ole boys club owned by Forbes and Co, is one of the social engineering projects along with this teleportation and rape and mutilation and poisoning and hate contract out on me, for various reasons. Mostly that if any women are "allowed" to explore love and sexuality in a positive way, it must be blonde Nazi women whereas women like me are "supposed" to be abused, drugged and sex trafficked for their entire lives, as they are trying to force upon me with gang rape torture schedules by these "respectable" wealthy white supremacy men and their minority minions who viciously assault me verbally with threats for the sake of approval by the plantation management.


In order to attempt to de-condition me from having this former sense of sexual composure and some kind of grounded sense of self, this group of "feminist" celebrities and "equality" minorities have been passing me around from one of them to the next to rape me brutally as they all watch on giggling and laughing and hugging the men who drug and abuse me to the point that I react. They get tours and promotions for "successfully" abusing and drugging me into a "pain" or facing death situation while sleeping and teleported, helpless and essentially paralyzed and sick and not able to think in any sense of the word. The women torture me in order to obtain the ideas about feminism and use the ideas to sell themselves off as being independent and original. The men beat and abuse me endlessly (the mafia in paticular are extremely sexually abusive and violent and sleazy and sick and disgusting, and then alternatively grovel in adoration for the blonde celebrities whom they nearly worship on bended knee--the women love them for it and put hateful videos on my YouTube channel to "defend" the YEARS of violence their pedestal-upholding "Italian-American" men endlessly push for them, as they want me broken and ugly and maimed, they continue to applaud all the entire group which has tried to break my sense of sexuality and self-love, by mutilating my body constantly and then claiming I am ugly and how disgusting I look after they order this endless poisoning with bloating poisons and disgusting disfiguration of my skin, hair and body--I am still partially bald as a result of trying to get a most disgusting German from pounding poisons deeper into my body via rape as I kept writing about how sick I was, for someone to stop him, as this group literally embraced him like he was their hero. He got a Europ-a-land tour for his music, I got most of my hair permanently chemically destroyed as it fell out in clumps, and I got my money stopped so I was facing death, they broke my motorbike they kept abusing me for saying no. The Lusty Lady Experience I had has since been a constant theme about who and what I really "am" and even though I have said it was a woman-controlled place and not a sexist rape culture abuse pornogrpahic place (albeit, a Nazi racist place so i was attacked anyway with sexual abuse orchestrated by the "good feminist" of San Franciso who are now the sleazy and disgusting women of LA in Whorewood, just a different batch from the same template and group.


 All completely welcomed by the Republicans and Democrats alike. "Feminist" Pelosi is most keen to threaten to have me killed for saying NO to being sexually humiliated, abused and then murdered afterwards and/or just being discarded with hate. Being treated as a "free" prostituted sex trafficking victim through technology for the sake of uplifting blonde Nazi iconography which H-wood is rife with and which fuels the frenzy of hate endlessly pummeled at me.

so I must include the truth in this post and fortunately there is a college professor and the Progressives can feel a bit awed that a Progressive group is honoring the unique quality of the Lusty Lady while this group of sleazy, distgusting, pornographic, murder-orientated domestic violence abuser racist rapist men and their sleazy whore women all want to turn into something lessor than the filth world in which they inhabit, and want to expand as women's rights are being taken away and Nazism and fasist ideology is instead being spread by them and their associated promoters.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Klaus Barbie, the Nazi SS Gestapo "Butcher of Lyon" dredged from the dead as a drag queen transvestite symbol cloaked as a sexualized, huge-breasted blonde girly Nazi 4th Reich American programming plastic toy for children, derived from the 3rd Reich death reality, but transformed into a "fun" sexualized social engineering franchise://I don't know how Mattel obtained the name "Barbie" for it's blonde symbol plastic doll (franchise) but now that I know a lot more about American psychosis psychology, believe that this company derived the name Barbie from the Nazi SS officer, Klaus Barbie, "The Butcher of Lyon" who said his business was murder and sadistically tortured people to death and felt great about it.

 "Taeterjagd: NS-Verbrecher Klaus Barbie/ZDF infDoku". ZDFinfo Dokus & Reportagen. March 23, 2023.

Rhetorical question: is there some coincidence that this documentary on Klaus Barbie came out in Germany just in the same month as the H-wood 4th Reich version of the female plastic doll with the same name, which I believe owes it's distinction to the name derived from Klaus Barbie and has it's roots in plastic-coating Nazi atrocities in the form of a sexualized albeit female version of Nazi blonde worship iconography? Selling Nazism endlessly in entertainment and in toys for children, the mind programming into Nazism and worship of this SS-Gestapo officer never ceases through the (mis)use of this "Barbie" doll.


 **There is a lot of hacking and rewriting of my post. I had to completely re-edit the opening sentence as hackers had deleted many parts and strung it all together, inserting spelling typos and etc. I don't feel like spending time and fighting the stiffened keyboard to correct the rest of this post. Hackers always force me to spend at least one hour just correcting because they block so much and create such a mess and delete and rewrite so much...I'm not going to do it now. 4 posts today and spending hours fighting to write and get rid of the negative energy these filthy and foul parasties perpetually pour and dump on me so they can go off having "fun" afterwards is a disgusting waste of my life, but the bad energy is stuck in me because I am paralyzed by the poisons they keep putting in my food and etc and the ugliness of these psycho creeps is just poured on me every single day. This creep starring in this movie has absolutely profited in enormous ways and means through this hate contract. Absolutely a Nazi-supported actor (the female) and I sit here fighting to expel all this hate and negativity her Mafia bigot partners dump on me every day, to the cheers and applause of her and the rest of the psycho gang and their promoters who think this is a great way to destroy me and anyone who won't serve and obey pigs like this for their endless 4th Reich fantasy world of superiority. The only thing I can look forward to is that their stupidity and greed are every increasingly destroying the planet, and thus hopefully their network of electronic violence will be disrupted if they are cut off from torturing people like me using all these electronic means of surveillance and mind programming into Nazi filth iconography mixing up symbols of death with sexualized nazi blonde bigotry using a Nazi actor absolutely enthralled with torture and sadistic violence and like the Nazis laughing about torture, she's playing this role like the rotten skank that she is and the H-wood fick flick industry endlessly promotes. 


*I have not corrected or rewritten what is below, which undoubtedly will be partially deleted and rewritten and hacked by terrorist hackers to discredit my writing***

I think that company, as so many in America have done and are doing now, glorified that name and put it to use as an entertainment piece of sexualized Nazi imagery. It would not have sold if it were only a male doll, so they used the Nazi female symbol and affixed the name of the SS Nazi "butcher" to it, and then added a male doll--somehow named Ken--in German "Ken" could be associated with the word "kenn" which in the first person singular means "know", as in I know. I know and Barbie are a team. I know Barbie, I know what Barbie means....

The same Nazi imagery is being used in the selection of the actors themselves, as an added dimension of racism embedded in the movie--or flick if you will, as flick sounds a lot like the German word fick (look it up). This flick is a mind fick about a Nazi chick, with a Nazi prick (female) lead actor who has partaken and absolutely been promoted for her participation in this Nazi protocol system inflicted upon me, with the rest of her Tarantino/Nazi/Mafia team who are always also obtaining lead roles and awards for the fick flicks that are endlessly being pumped out to promote 4th Reich symbolism, always disguised as "fun" entertainment and/or "liberal" compassionate victim/revenge plot movie flick ficks for your quick fix in Nazi mesmerization.

I wonder how many minority minions are being portrayed as being part of some "inclusive" "non-racist" addition to sell the newer version of white supremacy in this quick fix fick flick? THey must play the submissive and comforting role, I would assume, in order to be "allowed" to participate in the play room of "fun" that Barbie and her knowing world of fascist iconography get to just have "fun" in while everyone else is slated to poverty, sickness, war and destruction so Barbie and her Nazi world can feel entitled to being the only ones who can live in merriment and luxury in the 4th Reich "paradise" they are creating with all their policies enforced by the politicians of hate and destruction for their benefit?

In the guise of this fick flick about Barbie the actor prick and her prick friends and colleagues in torture, hate and rape and violence aimed at those being targeted to be feeding frenzy bait unless they behave like good minions servicing Barbie and her 4th Reich system for only their fun on the planet, the world is being programmed, as usual, by a Nazi actor playing lead role in a Nazi-themed movie disguised as a "fun" symbol of only "blondes can have fun" and I know that for sure, as I used to have fun all the time and this group including this actor playing Klaus Barbie in a female role made damn sure to make all miserable, sickness and poverty for me and it and it's associate group continue to thrive off it. That is the world of Barbie and what Klaus Barbie brought to the world. Turned into a silly dopey movie endlessly repeating the Nazi imagery as a "fun and zany" entertainment mind programming spectacle, in order to sell off their death and hate/torture/mutilation/rape culture which creeps like Robbie enjoy watching and participating in. Endless lead roles for her participation in the death programming cult so she can be "zany" with all her abuse hormones and titillation at being endlessly lavished with lead roles for her participation in a death situation of endless torture for me, non-stop awards and deals for her and her nasty group which I can't stop writing about because no one ever stops this hell situation for me and they keep pouring money into making the Barbie world of Klaus Barbie a distinct reality.

This is yet another H-wood 4th Reich organization attempt to outright, but in a covert double-dealing fashion, as they always do, promote Nazi imagery, racist white supremacy and etc etc...while pitting it in the form of entertainment for programming purposes (minority minions included in the "new" version of white supremacy Nazism also sold off as part of the product, H-wood style with it's parallel minion-mouse club of entertainment racist "inclusivity" and don't forget all the "feminist" rape enablers of the 4th Reich, including this creep actor playing the Klaus Barbie role).


Anti-Semitic Disinformation/misinformation cranked out as "liberal" invective to not "believe the hype" about deploying anti-Semitic persuasion. "Can't Truss it"//: Yet another post for one single day---on a topic that relates to places I have lived and celebrity(s) who have used minions to target me, while I was in undergraduate school decades ago. Still inserting themselves into my purview through social media (YouTube vids galore for the one person I will only imply because he's being interviewed below).

 "Roger Waters, Bryce Greene & Ahmad Abuznaid". Katie Halper. April 12, 2023.

I am not feeling well right now, after another morning of fighting the sickness poured into my body/food for so long--and the attacks on my brain which leave me slightly dizzy, sick and feeling nauseous after I fight to pound words out and backspace endlessly while pounding out paragraphs which get rewritten by terrorist hackers anyway after posting.


This is not intending to attack the person in question, this celebrity, but I thought about him this morning because my recollection of having been attacked via "friends" who represented the interests of various celebrities back in Minneapolis brought me to the realization of a "friend" who constantly discussed Pink Floyd, along with various other people involved in attacking me, even in Germany--throughout decades. Another one played "The Wall" but offered food and other incentives in a dorm living situation when I was at SUNY Purchase for one year in the mid-80's. I went every day for the free "goodies" because I was drugged up, it was a group gathering and we would play guitar and do things and it was always watching The Wall and getting food, from someone who claimed it was from his very wealthy trust fund so he could easily afford to spend mucho $$ for all the free stuff just readily handed out. All the people (men) who discussed and talked about Pink Floyd, for all these years, always handed out marijuana joints in conjunction with the mind control operation that they were being paid, I believe, to inflict upon me. 

I am not saying that Pink Floyd is not a band I was brainwashed into "liking", only that I was subjected to a massive mind control type of brainwashing attack as I still am being with endless Pink Floyd albums an Roger Waters videos being pumped into my YouTube channel. I subscribe to something like 200+ channels, but not a single one features Pink Floyd or Roger Waters. The "recommended" page, which I watch almost every day because it reflects the news and commentary that I miss out on from such a long distance away, is "supposed" to present videos from my "liked" and "subscribed" list, and always never does for the most part. I get endless celebrities partnering with the Mafia/Nazi cartels hacking themselves and their videos of their stuff onto my page instead.


I listen to Waters explaining "why" he's being labeled as being "anti-Semitic" to this "liberal" vlogger--in this video. I have to stop as I usually do when I hear him speak and just try to get the rising anger away from me when I listen to the Orwellian "double-speak" he so glibly puts out, with the vocal tone of a slightly whiney victim in doing so. The victim narrative is one of the most commonplace narratives used for "double-speak" mind programming from the victim perspective to gain sympathy for those who are just distorting and manufacturing.


Waters claims that his lectures and appearances against the "Israeli" State for it's dictatorial and genocidal policies towards Palestinians in refugee camps is being disdained by "The Germans" in Frankfurt, who, as he says, feel such "guilt" for the actions of the Nazis in the mid-30's so they are blocking his concert in Frankfurt for his refusal to "love" Israel. According to Waters, the "Germans" believe that the State of Israel in it's murderous land-grab actions towards Palestine and the Palestinian people can "do no wrong". I must add as a side that when I lived in Germany, the Germans in Stuttgart I had the few discussions on this subject with all said the same exact phrase, literally. That the "Israelis act like Nazis".


So, I have written for many years, in a random set of posts on this theme, that I know that Germans were obligated to pump money into Israel as reparations. I know that, from personal experience, members of the Evangelical Church also have formed religious fronts in Israel but their lectures always focus on political matters and on hegemony. Stuttgart and it's outlying "suburbs" has a huge Evangelical population, btw. Please note the correlation between American Evangelicals with their desire to have Jerusalem denoted as the headquarters of power in Israel and to reinstate the Temples that the "Jews" had built. I have written at least 10 times in all these years of my posts and put podcast videos of lectures by William Cooper who explicated an historical background of "British Israelism/Christian Identity (the American version of British Israelism, the same organization which backed the bombing of the Oklahoma City terrorist attack for "Christian" causes--also according to the backed and accredited sources that Cooper used when lecturing on this topic).


The Germans have a stake in the Israeli State. I have written that from my years of living in Germany and being an audience member for German-speaking Evangelical meetings on this very topic, where afterwards the elderly women who were alive and kickin' it during the Nazi era all discussed how wonderful and warm the good old days of Nazism were and how tight-knit the Germans were towards one another. Meaning, they loved Nazism, in effect. Their donations and influence with all their very concealed money has been covertly sent into Israel for decades through this "Church" network in Germany for as long, or earlier, than the State of Israel was founded in the late 50's--so I believe. But at least it was very healthy in it's membership and influence in Israel when I was confronted with this group back in circa 2001--summer of.


My experiences with Israelis, every single time, has been of "Jews" absolutely following in "blonde" adoration of white supremacy. Dyed or otherwise natural blonde Jewish women, for example, hold a notch up from any of the darker woman of that nationality, as far as I have been exposed from living around Israelis in Miami Beach and partying with them to being assaulted viciously by owners of businesses and etc in that area, to trying for one semester to learn Hebrew in high school because I was told (in a drugged up mind control operation) that living on a Kibbutz would make me very healthy and strong and I should try it and it would be a feasible way for me to live without the decaying sickness my family was undergoing through the tragedy of my entire family being under mind poisoning and trauma-based mind control operations from Nazi and Mafia bigots--all around America). The people I met in this high school class were all into worshipping blonde Nazi culture, which my high school was absolutely saturated in and immersed into at that time in history. Btw Oprah went to the same high school, where she claims she was very "popular". I rejected Nazi blonde culture and was literally not-spoken to for the years I attended and attacked by some people. The people who befriended me were all violent rapists and exploiters, even at the tender ages of 16-20 (and well beyond, increasing in their racist propensities; therefore I have no people from high school I can rely on for any fond memories of past days in high school as I was constantly surrounded by creepazoids who I really find embarrassing that I was hanging with them in the first place--now in retrospect).


Back to Waters. I have never seen a German person from any "alternative" group actually truly "remorseful" towards Israel or the reparations or that State. They pour money into Israel because there is an Anglo-Germanic pact to control the "Promised Land" and to occupy it through their minions. It is sometimes deemed the "4th Crusade" by some, and it has been a program of infiltration and domination for much longer than the inception of the State of Israel in the mid-40's (I wrote it wrong above, I am heavily being bombarded with brain-altering technology while I write this, fighting the hacking, backspacing and rewriting constantly, not able to think or count or remember dates correctly).


Waters is on his English mission to protect the interests of the very age-old English desire to claim, as Henry V did, that Jesus and his ancestors are part of the "English" heritage and that the "Jews" are actually lying and faking their claim of being anything remotely God's chosen. They claim direct lineage to Jesus and the dynasty of David, the former King of Israel through a (according to William Cooper) absolutely concocted bloodbirth family treeline that the English royalty created to make their claim against the Catholic Church when establishing the (Protestant) Church of England, turned into various sects such as the Evangelicals. 

I am now tired of writing but that is the usual hacked and (undoubtedly rewritten after I publish) limited writing I am able to put out with hacking that is non-stop to block keyboard and my brain under typical assault that blocks cognitive functioning (and motor skill such as my hands working).


I wish he/you Roger Waters would, after decades of forcing your music, band and now political stuff on my view, through people, through the internet and just GIVE UP because I'm not buying it--not your plight against the "remorseful" Germans who feel so sad about what they did to Jews, not your "liberal" claims at "exposing" American politics and none of it. Go AWAY! Stop putting your stuff on my YouTube I don't want to see it or hear it any longer.


To try to put this more succinctly, in my effort to coalesce all the observations and thoughts--backed by what I know from personal experience to be heavy-hitter bigot and anti-Semitic cultures such as "England" and "Germany" (to make huge generalizations, but just because I am always surrounded by hostile forces)--I believe that people like Waters are agent provacateurs used, as all or most of the celebrities constantly surrounding me also appear to be--that what he's saying is absolutely crafted mis/dis information about Israel, and as an English Agent for "The Crown", he's dispersing the contrivances of appearing like a "liberal" but actually supporting a fascist overtake of Israel. The Israeli people I have been on personal terms with all have been absolutely programmed into following the protocols of the Elders of the Germanic and British Isrealist agenda. The love so many Israelis have for blonde nazi fascists is shocking, as I have seen it so frequently. I am not alone in this observation on the color divide and racism inherent in Israeli society. If you look at the Knesset and the wealthy Jews applauding the Israeli State apparatus dinners and such, they are mostly "blonde" Isrealis. They are absolute puppets of those who had formerly "traumatized" them and are merely conduits through which genocidal and fascist manipulations of law and power coursing through, the origin of which stems in ole England and Germany (and many other places too, including the United States where, as far as I have also ever seen my whole life, the "Jew" who want to become very prominent and wealthy are obliged to intermarry and be controlled by blonde Nazi bigots, "Italian-American" bigots, or their ilk). I am being tortured to follow in this pattern protocol, right now, every day. The main plan is for Israel to be taken over, eventually, by the Jewish nazis like Bloomberg who has been handed so much power over the money that pours into Israel, who viciously assaults me with death threats and his screaming hysterical daughter yelling "loser" at me for the benefit of the Trump hate portion of this hate contract forced upon me. Behind Trump are Evangelicals, as many of you already know, who "love" Israel but goddamn they will poison me to death for not submitting to the fascist "rule" that they are implementing using mind control, death squad "gang stalking" terrorism and all that I have been writing of for years. 


**Correction: I meant to write King Henry VIII but I wrote V instead--I only realized the mistake after walking away, as usual, from the laptop brain-zapping zone and realized that my brain is blocked from memory. I "remembered" as soon as I was out of range. Most of my writing capability is being blocked by this brain-altering tech that is always zapped into my head while I sit here--or transmitted through the brain microchip implant. I bet you all can't wait for a completely zombified world of mind-controlled slaves that Elon Musk will build once all the animals and people from Mexico he plans on further ploughing microchips into their gray matter at very early stages of their lives will become docile, non-questioning fellatio and obedience slaves to the ultra wealthy class they are building with economic fascism plans to have their cake and eat it too and rephrasing the "let them eat cake" to the dying homeless in the streets. Now considered "elites" once more with no revolution forthcoming once the brain implants make people not able to count or think--as I am stuck with while fighting to write because I had a brief chance to learn to think while growing up and not so completely traumatized every day and night as I am now while society continues to revere these fascist liars, but some of the worst are in the form of the "alternative" "liberal" "activists" like Waters. They create such an aura of untouchable "alternative" perspective that no one can question them and their statements, cloaked in righteous, slightly whiny victim rhetoric as he is doing in this vid and lying about Germans and their culpability and how Israel is an independent actor in a theater of oppression just acting like fascists of their own accord. People like him should actually "take over" I assume he really means, and Americans should let him take political control because he's really going to help build a wonderful peaceful land of Israel with all the righteous Evangelicals pouring their money into destroying the "fascist" Israelis and putting their Anglo-Teutonic orders into power instead. I believe that is their ultimate goal, which they are slowly building over time. I would say they envision that a total Nazi/racist overtake of Israel by the blonde/Nazi cartels, backed by hateful and extremely anti-Semitic factions like the "Italian-Americans" who are extremely violent in rhetoric and in action towards "Jews"--and that cartel has been backed by the U.S. Government almost openly through Lucky Luciano ever since he helped the "Italian Campaign" under Patton back in ole WWII. The Jewish mafia was then "kicked out" essentially and all the fighters against anti-Semitism in NYC turned into the modern Bloomberg anti-Semitic money-funder of Israel--so fully contaminated with racist ideology and violently assaulting me to protect his pro-Nazi backing with Mafia support and consent by the most bigot "Italian-Americans". Yes, a global "conspiracy" I refer to, but we are in the the linear age of mind programming and consent now for the purposes of establishing the 4th Reich State of Israel. Waters is just another duplicitous agent posing under the former "hippie" days of playing his music and singing about power exploitation grabbing. Like so many, now an agent of that same force but in terms of British Colonialism, also aimed at overtake of the U.S. in so many realms of power (entertainment, politics etc).

This is: My opinion based on observation from being a target of fascist Nazism and Mafia for most of my life and also understanding the forces and lies upon which rests the axis of their "power" grabbing tactics and deceptions.


--30 min. later, and I must correct a hyperbolic statement I made above, when I wrote that I have "never met a German" who is truly is the throes of "guilt" for the Holocaust. I met people who did these "random acts of kindness" towards me, some of them were not of "German" origin but lived in Stuttgart and region all their lives. Some were Germans who were absolutely kindly and without which I would not have had a single moment of peace. I left Germany in a neck brace due to a murder attempt at poisoning me to death, back in 2011. My vertebrae were crushed while sleeping which is part of the reason I am physically hindered, and the terror group with their bloating and hardening poison and physical attacks have kept me in a semi-paralyzed state due to the absolute attacks that Germans rendered upon me for saying "no" to being raped with mind control tech, poisoning and hate and psychological, then sexual, then physical violence and then not "wanting" more of "them" or to be in that position (any longer, from a lifetime of it).


Some people really are not thrilled with what Germany did to the Jews and in fact they are German. I was only endlessly surrounded by hostile forces and it was a very rare occasion when a very brave soul was kind and did something to offer friendship or assistance. They are there in Germany, there is no doubt. However, as in America, there has been a concerted and coordinated mass murder operation to "cull" the population of these types. I recall one time when I walked into one of the two photocopy internet shops in the little suburb of Stuttgart I lived, back in 2010--the grey-haired German man who owned the shop, sitting at the register, kindly smiled at me, and very warmly helped me to understand some of the German for a program I needed to copy and download and etc. 

The next thing I was aware of concerning this one photocopy shop was that it suddenly closed. And the next time I saw this man who had helped me, he looked broken down and infuriated and depressed. He approached me in downtown Stuttgart on the "walking street", the Koeningstrasse (almost every German town has this type of main shopping street calleld the "King's Road", which is a very famous road by the way also in London, the same name.

He approached me with great hostility and hate, and said something as he nearly walked into me, hostile and aggressive body language, an as he nearly assaulted me in plain view in front of the entrance to the underground train station, I said nothing but only observed how he looked like a broken down changed man. His "hate" towards me was theatrical and intended for people to see, I then surmised when I began to understand the extent to which anyone not participating in hate crimes will be dismissed or killed off. I surmise or "assume" that he lost his business because he was friendly to me one single time. Believe it or not, this is how seriously deadly this organization is, and how I cannot find anyone on the planet willing to go outside of the demands of this organization for more than one minute. The friendly people are kindly towards me for one minute and then I never see them again, they just vanish. One can "assume" after countless other attacks them in the same genocidal country that "they" are all still Nazis. The killing off of anyone against Nazism is a huge social engineering project. While the main thrust of the American occupation of Germany after WWII was in full force, and I experienced the last tail end of that wag of the dog back in 1991 when I first arrived in Stuttgart--home of 4 U.S.-controlled Barracks in that general region, dominated by Diamler and Porsche and many other manufacturing firms of that power-house region.

The pretense to appear "guilty" and "remorseful" was at a height, but has completely waned since the pull-out of U.S. Troops. Those Germans who pretended they were "punk" during and after the occupation retained their drinking beer parties and "alternative" costumes but when it came to how they behaved around me, the aggression and negativity came to the fore once the restraints of U.S. military force had receded to a great extent. 

The "antifa" forces still have their open-air concerts, but being in the midst of these groups I found that during moments of truth, there was no remorse. The State benefits they all receive from the genocidal theft of property and wealth from the millions of victims has exempted actual real "guilt" when it comes to the bottom line paradigm. That is the dominating force. So when I wrote that I had never met anyone who was truly guilty, I subconsciously applied that "bottom line" factor into the hyperbolic "assumption" statement. I know that there are some who must "care" in some way, but I truly found it nearly impossible to find after years of scratching underneath the very warm and personable psychopathic "warmth" that Germans use as a ruse for their psy-ops pretense at not being Nazis en masse and yearning for more take-over of property and land and wealth and money from more victims--

Israel is one of the targeted lands for overtake, by the way (probably much of the Middle East as well, as genocides have been ongoing by Europ-a-trained terrorist "leaders" like Assad--trained and programmed in London with his education, just like Bill Clinton with his horrendous global policies of "globalization" and the "Prison-industrial-complex" of enslaving blacks in prisons, along with the poor with his "crime" omnibus bill and etc.. all programmed into them by their Europ-a-educated backgrounds of Imperialistic support for the 4th Reich, Europ-a-centered elite 4th Reich plot for global domination. I know this all sounds like a cartoon-style conspiracy theory but ....this is my blog I am "getting this out" instead of being subjected to more videos by Pink Floyd I hope my  message comes through. I post some of your The Wall videos because you clearly define how fascism works in good ole England which America is emulating and has embraced so well. That is all my posting of your videos means. I am not writing this in an antagonistic voice, but the fascists always have to retaliate if I say "no". What to do....sick of them all.

Personal musings/thoughts---on not being able to participate in Songkran due to having to protect my property from theft and damage if I leave anything vital unprotected; like my money and passport and other items I deem essential that I don't want to have to pay to replace. Items that are so important I can't replace them (easily). Unattended, they get sprayed with stinking substances, money is stolen, the bags in which they are contained ripped, frayed, sprayed with brown permanently staining liquids, etc. The stink never comes out with repeated washing in every bleach and cleaning solvent possible.

"4K TH SONGKRAN 2023 Water Festival. Bangla Walking Street in Patong Beach, Phuket. Thailand". FLANEUR. April 12, 2023.

I could only find 2 videos of Phuket Songkran for this year, 2566 I believe the Thai year now is--there are a very small Thai videos all in Thai from local and national news sources, but the thumbnail videos are pasted on the tiny side of the news anchors so you can't see the action of people being sprayed with these huge environmental disasters for this one holiday season. The huge water guns are also priced at exorbitant prices for the holiday tourists. Will they all be disposed of into the ground to rot for about 10 years before perhaps deteriorating into the ground, not wholly? 

The clips I found, because Songkran only began yesterday (or "today" if you are in the U.S. zone) on the 13th, so the videos of Phuket fun and reveling have not appeared yet. 

The last time I celebrated Songkran, before excessive poisoning made me so ill that for every year I have been literally bed-bound from endless murdering attempts at stiffening/hardening/bloating poisons so that I could not literally get out and was in endless pain. I began having to physically protect my backpacks and passport items at least 3 years ago, so the 7 years preceding my last attempt at having "fun" at Songkran have been spent in unending sickness from unending torture and poisoning, leaving me semi-paralyzed.

Although this all sounds like whiny complaining, there is more! Ha ha. 

First, I also have to risk that terrorists, of which the numbers far exceed the people who will not try to have me killed in accidents, hit me with cars, and etc--but they could oil slick down the watery parts of the roads just as I approach, which happened to me before. Every time I get injured on one of "their" orchestrated "accidents' at night they use the mechanical arms, or when the minions had physical access to deforming my body and raping and breaking bones, but the damage is heightened exponentially in the one night after each such accident where they procure permanent bodily fractures and severing of body parts while I am in a deep comatose sleep state, being teleported to being abused in the other teleported state as my consciousness is literally sucked out of my "prime" physical state and teleported to the psycho expletives who conduct these exercises in exercising their demons so they get ample latitude for further terrorist activities with all their sleazy and foul proclivities.


Also, there is a huge police presence, which underlies the activities, which is also a drag but of course necessary.


The video clips on YouTube have been posted from one of the sleaziest tourist districts, or undoubtedly the most sleazy place in Phuket--Bangla Walking Street. The women are dressed in opaque sheer dresses so they appear almost naked and are being sprayed like something from a strip stage, which is the intended visual approach as some of them are actually put on top of some platform appearing like the "girly" "happy ending" bars that dot the Walking Street like the American equivalent of a fast food strip avenue.


The last time I was involved in Songkran, I remained on my motorbike and road all the way from the tip of Phuket and around to the airport region and back down--something like 25 miles, I am unsure, and back so it took hours from beginning to end. The Thai people, while they had some of these huge plastic environmental disaster guns, mostly used buckets and just threw the buckets, environmentally non-destructive, onto people riding bikes. They were in flatlbed trucks, using some of the plastic toy water pistols but not these hefty automatic type version of the same that are being sold in huge piles around Phuket Town, in front of the area where there was a huge concert stage and masses of people flocking in to watch fireworks and etc and bands playing. I was shopping and thus drove past all the merriment. I looked somehow whistfully at the "fun" but had to keep driving, skirting around the huge SUV that was tailing me and almost hitting me from behind as I drove out of the huge Central Shopping mall parking lot area at night, just around 7 pm.


Only to have to return to stinking filth sprayed on my floor, my bathroom, and I spent all day yesterday bending and cleaning so that by nighttime I was in too much pain to do more than collapse in bed, trying to just clean the black stinking filth that was sprayed everywhere on the floor, bathroom, etc. By terrorists, the Thais surrounding me operating for the fascist bigots who were out, and now are out, celebrating Songkran. I would like to have the chance to spray some of them with a Rambo style water gun, just at least to get them in some way. I don't have that chance even to do that now, because their Thai minions will go in, themselves not celebrating Songkran, this festival which I think is supposed to be of origin in Buddhist tradition as a PURIFICATION ritual of water cleansing of the soul and spirit from bad deeds done throughout the year(s). It's something of a Baptismal "rebirth" ceremony in Catholic terms, somewhat loosely applied as an analogy.


As usual, nothing is sacred for these expletives except for the endless solidification of their power grabbing sleaze and filth empire, which nothing will cleanse or remove like all the filth they put in my body and my home and property.


There is NO "loving your abuser" and being "allowed" to thrive and strive next to the fascists and Nazi Mafia murdering bigots. You will be killed in the end just like all the people you turned against, of your own race and skin color and gender who are targeted for death and destruction by the fascist Nazi/Mafia pig ape cartels--displayed in short by Pasolini in SALO.//This is an addition to the post yesterday (on Facebook) on this same theme, in that the commentator who analyzed this film, which I admit I had to skip through very often to get through, because of the scatological content and the violence, which left me skimming through but I did keep fast-forwarding to the very end, to the meaningful parts with the symbolic content, which of course the bare-bones approach of the typical critic of film lacks in detail in their film analyses, in our post-modern world of dumbing down-- what he left out and completely got wrong was the literal progression of fact of which of the teens got murdered in the end. The commentator claims that it was the male who always smiled in loving devotion and fell "in love" with his rapist abuser, whom he clung to in a cognitive dissonance which is the kernel of mind control operations--to traumatize, rape and abuse the victim until they "love" you. The reward, according to the disinformation propagandist who put out this movie review, is that if you "love" your abuser, you will be spared and you will get to survive the ordeal.

 "Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)/DISTURBING BREAKDOWN". SpookyRice. February 19, 2019.

But contrary to his "plot" summary, the loving male WAS KILLED at the end of the film, I remember this avidly, and know that he was WRONG in his review and analysis--whether intentionally or he, like most other brain-manipulated regurgitators of disinformation and propaganda, was informed by his "handler" on what to say. "Loving" your rapist abuser is NOT going to save your life "in the end" it's merely going to get you perhaps a delusion of being "accepted" by the violent usurper organization which relies upon mind control to slowly suck the life out, brainwash and control and then after stealing or sucking everything out, eagerly awaits the murder ritual "sacrifice" of the loving mind control victim in the "end" as the culmination of a "successful" mind control murder operation. It is the sheeple willing to get on the trains to their death with a few soldiers with guns standing by. It is people being told that Biden loves t hem and cares, as well as Trump, as they perform all the rituals of death and destruction because they "believe" that they are beloved an cherished by the destroyers who seek to suck out and drain as much as possible using mind control means to bend the population into all deadly directions until they "love" and cheer on their abusers. It is what crooked Hillary and Bill Clinton did, if you ever study what kinds of absolute cimres they committed in Arkansas and Whitewater you should have understood what kind of destruction they would wreak upon the U.S. in general. They are still scamming for money and luxury, and they are all under the thumb of fascist Nazi usurpers out of Europ-a-land--the Clintons primarily through England, as that is where Bill ran for an Oxford education under a grant opportunity---to escape having to fight in the Vietnam War, He wrote lengthy letters explaining how much he reveres life and can't tolerate killing (in the name of) and must therefore decline fighting alongside his impoverished whites and blacks to kill the Asians in Vietnam. Instead he was programmed to spread war and racism in the U.S. as a puppet of England and this force has been put into highest position in every field, which I am currently dealing with from Whorewood.

The "boy" who smiled with sheepish love into the face of his rapist was killed brutally at the end of the film, the culmination of the sacrificial rape and orgy fascist Nazi Italian wealthy elite film that Pasolini was murdered for having made. His killers ran him over shouting something about Pasolini being a "Communist" bastard. They obviously were agents of the post fascist Nazi Italian State which pretended to be against the war, and put directors like Bertolucci with his blonde fascist and Italian American fascist actors in positions of being held up as "heroes", which would of course placate the pre-disposed Socialist and Communist viewers of Italy, for their own eventual slaughter in covert assassinations something akin to the COINTELPRO operations that plagued America in this exact same time period of the mid-70's, when that film came out.

There is no "loving your abuser" and being "allowed" to thrive afterwards. You will be used, if lucky like all the puppets of the plantation of minority appearance are, and get mansions and will be invited to lavish affairs, perhaps even occasionally put into high political position, but that will be a short-term superficial appearance with the undermining already programmed into the sell-out minority minion (and it's descendants, who expect to be glamorized endlessly not daring to contradict anything just going along and being plied with luxury and wealth for their participation in the eventual murder of billions).

This is the story of the Jews who were handed police uniforms by the Gestapo so they would whip and beat the targeted for slaughter Jews, steal their goods and food, and "love" the Germans who, after the years of the "end" of the war, have done almost everything to welcome in with open arms, minds and legs spread for every kind of trauma-based mind control acceptance. It is Bloomberg being handed billions for his role as a most vicious and violent Jewish Nazi, helping to bring in extreme wealth into the 4th Reich and viciously attacking me with his rotten dirty stupid spawn daughter who has been "welcomed" as ugly rotten Bloomberg has been; now smiling with a warm smile of sheepish delight that Time Magazine has honored him for a past year of violence against me--I expect that is the reason why he was awarded with a slew of other "good" minorities for being People of the Year--hosted by the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich in the media. The result is the break-down of feminism, reproductive rights, and the Left and Right of the American Dream turning into a one-way street towards take-over by fascist, Nazi Mafia europigapes and their cartels of foreign influence. It all ties in, because the situation has been allowed to fester and grow for so long--before the end of WWII surely and prior to that war undoubtedly. It is very impossible for me to explicate my ideas without rambling, and thus this all sounds like a ranting conspiracy theory crazed rant, but these aspects are truly inter-connected and relevant. I am NOT able to write clearly or think clearly. Typing is in itself made so difficult by the stiffening of the keyboard and the keys disfunctioning (sic) so continuously that I can't write a single word without having to backspace or pause to make sure it's written somewhat correctly. Thinking is marred by subliminals being constantly pumped into my brain as my brain is afflicted by wavelengths that alter cognitive critical thinking and enhance emotional hyperbolic hate--consumed by rage, and the situation is so foul and disgusting due to the sickness of the so-called "people" assaulting me. DeNiro is not alone with his rancid inner core of defunct out-of-touch with humanity putridity, but he's been so awarded by the blonde women of Whorewood for his role in breaking darker skin women, which he does with me and began when I was being violently raped by a (dyed) blonde bigot German whose video I posted once because of a reproduction of a piece that he played in a movie, which I thought was done well, the production and the playing, and the creep instantly rushed to violently rape me using extreme drugging and violence. I was so drugged I could not function or think. He was pumping poison into my body while hitting me through the rape, and the actor Deniro then began punching into my face after a month of poison being pumped into my body by this huge disgusting dirty nasty filthy German creep I never "loved" but under drugging and mind control while sleeping and so sick I could not move in a waking state, "made love" like he was the creme-de-la-creme and I finally began screaming in outbursts that his greasy pig member was too foul and to sotp and stop and stop and stop--so greasy and dirty blonde Nazi fascist Mafia defender DeNiro began punching violently into my face while I was teleported--he and they always teleport me and while I am barely able to "see" in the instasnt "waking" state they grab at my body--Depp and his dirty daughter would push me off heights in this state, and rape me from behind as I was just "waking" up in th is teleported state to the alternatate state as they viciously rape and beat and abuse me when I am absolutely defenseless, coming into cognitive awareness just at being teleported to them. DeNiro uses this constantly. This morning I woke up with blood stains on the crotch area of my sleep clothing, and the "dreams" were of dark-skinned dark-haired minions of the Nazis walking around hand-in-hand naked in public--with me in various poses and being assautled by police and the night before that it was rambling written recitals of people being stuffed into bed mattresses with rats, read to me by some scumbag while I was in this barely functioning teleported/deep sleep state. And on and on, with the psycho creeps. In the years of writing about what these pig ape filth parasite scumbags do, with the blonde women adoring them for their utterly depraved and sick and psychopathic sickness endless aimed at me, to destroy me, while they poison me with bloating and hardening chemicals inserted into my vagina and bladder nightly, before they had their minions go an break into my room raping me while I was teleported being abused and raped, simultaneously in both states--and on and on, the blonde women adn the white supremacist women and the black rotten filth like oprah and farrakhan only jump in to defend their "masters" as they unleash hate and violence upon me for calling one of them an aunt jemima one time, as a plethora of blacks have ever since come to threaten to kill me, call me a prostitute and stupid and nothing, an they sit next to their white nazi counterparts and then drivel on to the public about how they are "fighting" racism and white supremacy.

More slaughter of blacks by white cops, more violence unleashed in society--more Nazis and white supremacy rising to direct legislative power since the mind control tech was handed to Trump by filthy racist shit pit and this pig group of "Italian-American" mafia like Stallone and deniro and pesce and their associates out of fascist Italy (now fascist openly in politics) but the movies they played in, in the 70's were all about "fighting" against their political "fascist' oppressors in a huge and vast mind control operation to herd the communists and the socialists and the "radicals' into "loving" their abuser through the portals of loving their abuser, which is the entertainment media at this point, shepherding the sheeple into loving their slaughtering bigot abusers. 
While Oprah and Farrakhan and Bloomberg sit with billions of dollars and their respective "empires", they violently assault me as I fight the rapist murdering bigots who pour money onto them to play these roles for society, similar in respect to placating the upset masses and brainwashing them into compliance to loving their abuser--who is not going to let them live, despite even oprah and farrakhan and bloomberg being wealthy symbols of the slaves who love their abuser, awarded and praised for their endless decades of playing these roles so successfully.

It is the story of filthy rape cheerleader shitalina with pig pitt who both fully participate in rape and violence against me, but crank out movies based on ideas I wrote of frantically trying to persuade anyone reading my posts that these creeple are going to destroy both feminism and the country. Endless praised and awarded at the Oscars, handed mansions and glorified by Europigapes when they go to live in Europigapeland, handed millions and billions and if they "break" me into "loving" the shit filth pig ape abusers and giving them a "baby" they will get a media empire.

So it is a story of you people loving them and expecting that once the Imperialistic Nazi Mafia Europigapes whom you have allowed to take over everything are going to just let you live in your habitats with wealth and comfort with people like me destroyed, killed off any ideas I may have stolen and all my capabilities stolen and blocked so the fakes and liars can continue to placate the public into "loving" their abusers and exploiters.


*posted on Facebook yesterday--April 13, 2023, related to the movie Salo, my commentary as it applies to the current "Italian-American" mafia violence aimed at me for over 7 years or perhaps much longer. All inter=connected to the Italian Mafia out of Miami Beach which has been following and torturing me and poisoning me slowly to death since 1997 (or earlier).

/I discovered that the terrorist minions had put a triangular shard of black glass, extremely sharp edges on all sides--on my burgundy colored bed sheet---while I was out shopping getting attacked by blonde bigots from Europigapeland and their Thai minions--nearly hit by a huge SUV driving directly into me as I was driving at high speed on a busy road--it came at me from the side, from a parking lot or street. Hours of people attacking me, as always happens, but YEARS of just this one terrorist who probably considers himself more "Italian" aristocrat with his undoubted welcome mat in Italy for helping to establish a fascist Italian Mafia presence in the U.S.--the goal of many fascists around the world to infiltrate and destroy concepts of equality and justice and turn every single iota of the planet into a fascist Nazi cartel-driven plantation system (=slavery and oppression and genocide and extreme wealth encapsulating the opposite extreme). Then the minions, operating under instruction by the white supremacist fascist pigapes of America who have been torturing me in this room with stinking fungus inserted into my vagina every night while sleeping and unconscious from drugging poisoning and rape insertions but while teleported and my consciousness literally blocked out into the teleported "other" state.//my reaction of rushing at the pigs now trying to kill them, screaming in absolute rage that is not contrived after years of yelling in hate to get off me get off me as they laugh and make jokes. As "punishment" for reacting in rage after more than 7 years of just one of the extremely nasty terrorists--disgusting deniro who is a psychopath criminal absolutely beloved by every politicians who has come to exploit this situation for endless media interviews and deals--Hillary Clinton being one of the most egregious hypocrites of them all--and with her Italian force backing her (she is very much connected to Italy and the fascists of that country defend and love her-as they love all the Americans institutionalizing fascist politics into American society. The blonde Nazi women are thusly only considered women "allowed" any kind of business or independent status (but still enslaved in various other ways) and the dark skinned women who only serve and obey them like the Aunt Jemimas of the plantation genocide death system are then "allowed" as adjuncts to the low-level scumbags put into high positions of power--in this case because of criminal exploits along with excellent posturing and acting capabilities--but as for deniro, so ugly and disgusting by now from YEARS and years of violence towards me literally every day with stinking filth sprayed on everything and into my body and my hips and spine being put out of alignment so that ugly rancid pig ape and the brooklyn mafia shit scumbags associated with deniro and pesce get instant free promotions for the furtherance of their psychopath dramas put to tv and movie--but this disgusting man, who is truly a psychopath--(deniro) who wants nothing more than to be an Italian fascist "nobleman" and this contract out on me is something that has lifted him and his squad closer to that aristocrat fascist ideal with full applause by fascist Europ-a's who have completely taken over so many positions of American society and hold out endless awards for those following the basic protocol that movie Salo encapsulated, in very obvious visual form. Trying to get very violent and sleazy sick people off me who inflict the sickness of their sleazy and decrepit lack of soul on me every day they possibly can, as an almost pathological need to inflict violence. Odd that Hillary Clinton is such an avid "feminist" who quotes people like Susan B. Anthony but yet, when it comes to fascist "Italian" Americans, she's full on the torture and violence and sadism which is based on dehumanization of women (and men). These people attacking me lost their humanity perhaps long before they lost their lost virginity. But the truly pathological aspect of all this is that all the peeps of H-wood and the institution we call "congress" absolutely applaud these pig apes and continue to allow them to inflict as much violence upon me as they are allowed---I have to state again that pig ape deniro and his psychopath team of actors from the movie joker obtained a serious huge aspect of a concept from their torture of me and my response to it, and having stolen the idea, not only no thank you but endless violence to get more and more for the sick and disgusting perverted thugs so beloved of the institution for death and destruction the U.S. Government and all the shoulder-shrugging minions who see what is happening to me but can't connect the dots to a serious decline in our society by the continuing neglect of what this technology has allowed fascists to program these celebrities into. I have to repeat that the list of the scum who have abused and teleported me who are now publicly known for their violence is growing. However, the most violent of the men, even if they are first castigated by society, eventually are pardoned as they go off giggling for the next round of debauchery with full applause and invitations to Cannes and to every Italian fascist modeling appearance in Venice and Rome--the mecca for the fascist pig apes of Whorewood and Congress as well.

However, what is really being programmed is not ME but it's the sleazy and essentially stupid sick shit you all cheer on who are being programmed that something like Salo is attainable in American society and well be a force of promotion for all who follow this type of sadistic murder system upon anyone they can get into the teleportation or MK ULTRA or date-drug and rape and mutilate harness--

Still, my words will fall on deaf minds who can hear the lament but don't consider this to be shocking or any kind of threat to them or their or your security.


"Robert DeNiro Cocaine Scene (1900/Novecento, 1976)". Bangers and Mash. July 31, 2021.

This is a film by Bertolucci, which I believe has been relegated to a dust file in the annals of H-wood sensationalism. Deniro played a man who, in the near opening scene, told a young Italian peasant (in Italian, not sure if it was a voice-over) that he should obey his "master" and so the youth, strapped with a shotgun, shouted, "There are no more masters in Italy" and killed the persona that Deniro played. Bertolucci's "radical liberal" approach has been left as a faded film from the days when being open-minded towards the light of humanity was something H-wood sold off. But what really brainwashed filth like deniro and pesce is what this next scene portrays, in the numbing of the soul and spirit in excess and sleazy sex and drug haze inebriation. I believe the character deniro plays in the film abused the blonde women (always considered the epitome of womanhood) so she ran away--the innocent blonde with the "dark" man--(dark hair).
Deparieu also teleported me along with rapist abuser Depp years ago, and I don't know how many "anti-Nazi" movies he has come out with since (meaning the French prick playing the "good" blonde role in this film, which was supposed to be a kind of Communist/Socialist ode to revolution, against aristocracy and fascism but still clinging to racist fascist Nazi iconography in the lead blonde "good" characters and the "dark" bad character, so aptly played for once by Deniro in his capacity as an evil b-tard
I wonder how many lines of cocaine this psycho sicko deniro has snorted down all the decades of his fame and fortune, blowing his brain into a powder puff of sleaze and an endless need to satiate the loss of love and heart in his blackness of empty void. Every day for years he has participated with the rest of the shit of pit crew to violently have my body poisoned, very similar but more sinister almost than Salo--my uterus partially severed out, toe broken, teeth nearly knocked out, gum tissue severed and cut out after trying to bash my teeth in, hit by cars and nearly killed by landing on the pavement on my jaw--laughter and rape and violence from shit pig pit after that with melania trump threatening to really kill me the next time I wrote on facebook that pig shit pitt should not be awarded with more oscars for endless violence at me using these technologies--just asking for justice. shit deniro and pesce coming to inflict more violence because pit the pig extraordinare and shitalina were not violent enough for me to break--so they got cocaine-saturated deniro and pesce to try to destroy me--and now it's been going on and on and on every day for hours and hours and hours of abuse and torture just from this piece of rotten sick crap deniro and pesce, but now it's deniro--and they can't get enough of violence, and years of me writing about how sick and disgusting they are never achieves anything more than more psycho wanna be aristocrat fascist Americans living in Europigapeland in castles where they can teleport and mutilate nad rape and beat and rob anything from people if only Elon Musk could develop this technology of brain implants more quickly so they can get someone "fresh" who becomes traumatized much more easily thanm me, after years of this going on.
So screaming at deniro for the nth year to get off me, and they put urine on my clothing and a triangular piece of glass that matches the color of the bed linens--and etc. If you watch Salo you will see the absolute resemblance of the PROGRAMMING that the pig apes from Whorewood are getting and the mind control is really being aimed at THEM and not me. **Hacking is very bad now, the stiffness of the keyboard and how the spacebar won't work, when I pound down on the keys literally with the full force of my fingers and hand, oliterally pounding like it's weight-lifting---so hard I'm literally going full strength to get anything out. This disgusting cocaine-brain scumbag actor who is so foul and nasty, as well as absolutely corrupt hillary and of course trump is nothing but the same thing--they are all sickening and the movie salo really represents what they are aspiring to be. They have sold America out so badly but Congress and Whorewood and most of American society is right there applauding them for representing their "interests".


"Novecento (1900) Clip". Community Kino. December 21, 2021.

How disgusting to see this French Nazi racist playing something that Bertolucci included as some kind of "good blonde" icon of "clean" society fighting oppression. This rotten and foul actor is the exact opposite--but now thinking and typing are extremely difficult for me, nearly impossible to fight to pound letters out---but this is a movie that Whorewood never brings up, they only put deniro as a mafia psycho scumbag and claim that these mafia psychopath dramas are "the best" movies ever, a claim that is never replaced by any other movie franchise and they remain being titled as "the best movie ever" by all these white supremacist movie controller programmers. They will never put a Bertolucci film like this portraying rotten and evil deniro as something that actually is far more close to reality, but unfortunately not so for the blonde French actor Depardieu, who is still touted as being "the best" and a benevolent bs con artist who comes out with his anti-Nazi bs for publicity but very disgusting in racism and hate when I am teleported to him. For his years of rape and torture of me, Depp is endlessly honored by the French and all the Europigapes trying to infiltrate America through the media--along with his dirty ugly skank creep daughter, they are endlessly being promoted by fascist Nazi interests using them, these drugged up crap Americans, all drug addicts formerly on cocaine and other drugs, NOW they are endlessly striving for that sexualized titillation hormone high on torture and rape and violence--literally addicted to it as a replacement for cocaine and whatever else they got high with until they lost their souls and personalities and become pure mind controlled puppets for the 4th Reich. It ha been so strenuous to type this and think clearly without resorting to name-calling. My brain is as always under strong attack by mind control tech so I can't think or type with all this interference. This has come out as a ranting piece to discredit me, but the situation has been ongoing literally every day for years and no one will interfere so I don't have this putrid creep ordering the sleaze filth living next to me to use mechanical arms to douse my clothing hanging up to dry on the patio with urine, and putting shards of glass on my dark bed spread so I can't see it--and etc it's been going on with rape and mutilation and poisoning that is disgusting, absolutely sick and foul. They keep being applauded by the fascist mafia out of Italy who operates with Stallone. HIllary clinton just laughs about it, she's truly anathema at the very least to the feminist movement, if not to America as a whole. The bs lies they all spout in public about how they care so much about women and equality and are against racism is also part of the filth that underlies all the posturing they do. But that no one will ever stop this sick psycho scum parasite from attacking me and feeding off the money and the power and the violence like it's a drug, is appalling that America puts the enabling "above the law" title like a stamp of approval on celebrity bullshit operators cranking out fantasy roles about how much they "care" and how society needs them so much (the government needs them so much because all the government does is fully fund and hope to enlarge more victims to be tortured by shit like these pig apes from Whorewood, and the rest of the wealthy, until the 'trickle-down" technology will reach sadistic hypocrites like Marjorie Taylor Greene who is dying to become an aristocrat with luxury Europigape red carpet treatment for her role in playing fascist Nazi with gun-toting America waiting to destroy the country, so the fascist Nazis and Mafia can continue to take over the country with their divide and conquer strategies--so carefully played out with this technology of mind control, including all the violent and mafia and murder movies and the people mind controlled to go out and shoot and kill--yes, people are being targeted I believe to play these roles in society--terror, chaos and more and more Europigapes coming to claim that America is truly f-ed up not like them and their wonderful Europigape countries where rational and calm people like they are in full control, more or less. Let us come to help you, they claim, just give us the best beachfront property in every major city. Turn H-wood into a fascist Nazi enclave with Europigapes coming to show Americans how to pose, dress and make real movies. You can see Tarantino if you look closely enough and all his crew following the white lines to their fascist psychopath movie deals and "wins" year after year. They are having deniro torture me along with pesce so this group of shit can be handed more power in H-wood and I am trying as hard as I can to prevent them or any fascist from turning America into a Europigape colonized cesspool, as it has turned into already in so many respects for so many people.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Another stinking filth report--again. Urine sprayed onto the wet clothing I had handing outside after having just washed them. I know the clothing was absolutely clean when I hung it up. Stinking of urine when it was dry enough to take off the patio, where clothing, plants, everything is routinely damaged, broken and the entire area has been sprayed with brown, permanently staining goo which nothing washes off. No amount of scrubbing or trying to dissolve in baking soda and vinegar and nothing gets the stink or the goo out of the walls, floor, everything on the walls--but as usual disgusting and foul. The room 2 floors beneath mine has the creep terrorists who make loud psychopathic laughter noises when I realize that my clothing stinks of urine. Their surveillance extends to knowing exactly what I am smelling or seeing, even when it's late at night, there are no lights on the patio so it's almost black, and they know what I am doing every moment and thinking. It's always a sick and disgusting experience dealing with anyone who operates within the beehive pyramid entity that this group entails. Everthing they say and do is sleazy and sick and disgusting and mostly stupid. Most of them are capable of doing their jobs of selling "Democracy" for public viewing on air or the tube. Their propensity to lie and deceive is also part of the filth that they pour out due to the ugliness they continuously harbor but don't reveal, and that hate and ugliness congeals and they are just rancid with emotional rot and psychopathic sick behavior.

What I learned about Russian military soldier life while living in Germany (around Russians in a foreigners dormitory for women with Germanic heritage roots-as I have in my background in some odd way, not exactly what I am "proud" of but...)

All this talk about Russia and Russians for so long, and in my utter exhaustion from returning from shopping---only one murder attempt while driving--yeah! Well, only one huge SUV driving directly into me from a side road or from the side, driving into me, while I was driving at high speed in the middle of my lane

but utterly exhausted from all the hard lacerations of hard poisons which are pulled in every direction while I am out and about. I have to carry so much extremely heavy weight due to the three "default" bags (huge, laden with items I don't want destroyed, stolen or sprayed with permanently stinking substances)

and it pulls the poisons latched to my spine, glued into my muscle tissue and viscerae and every other part of the interior of my body, and it's being pulled simultaneously in all directions while I'm carrying all this heavy stuff while under attack from all directions.


I'm too tired to fight the hacking to write with correct grammar--it's so difficult to type at this point that I am writing as quickly as possible just to get some of the words out. There is a hack and interruption every word or every other word--so this is lugubrious 


When the  Ukraine-Russia "war" or military exercise, or whatever you want to call it (a lost cause) began, I had no thought whatsoever that "Ukraine" or NATO would "win" against Russia. I know that Putin knows exactly what he is doing, as does NATO. The world requires a polaristic duality in order to have an enemy in which to spend billions of dollars into the coffers of various entities who profit from cold and hot wars.


But my point was to write about Russian military and the extremes to which Russian soldiers are trained to become like "stalin" (which I heard is the Russian word for "steel").

I was invited, when I lived in Germany, to the house of a Russian man (early 20's) by a Russian woman who lived in a room next to mine, along with a Romanian woman who had befriended me (to participate in gang stalking terrorism, for one thing, and perhaps for her and her family to be more accepted into mainstream German society in the little village which I had much more to do with a few years later. Neo-Nazi activity is very much at the forefront of this very small village, which is not a little arm-pit "dorf" but has it's own wine label and vineyards spread throughout the village and region, slping up to the hillsides of the "Schwabish Alps" and the Medievel castle resting on top of a craggy very steep hill above the town.

My experience wasn't as a tourist, and so I got to hear the gossip, or perhaps that was the "gang stalking" protocol of endlessly aiming negative energy and thoughts at me, but I heard a lot of @S**t about the goings on of the people, the affairs, the sex tourist trips to Hungary just after the fall of "Communism".


The type of training I was casually told about, while I was offered cups of coffee, cake and etc (it was a Sunday, that is the Cake day in Germany, or Southern Germany where you sit around eating cake with family or good friends (or more like drinking beer after beer in a bar or cafe after the family gathering).

I was told that soldiers in Russia had to jog 10 kilometers (or it was "miles" I can't remember, the story was told to me in Schwabish German and not in English, or it was mixed because none of us could speak the others' language well at all, or German for that matter).

This very athletic man told me that he had to run carrying a backpack for 10 kilometers (or miles) up a steep hill, wearing heavy hiking boots, in the snow in winter. There was no exception, and everyone had to do it no matter what. He also described other conditions which also the German mandatory army detail entailed, which was to sleep outdoors in January on the ground and then wash your body with cold water, outside, after sleeping all night in the snow without blankets or anything (having to fight for your life and survival) and then washing your body, taking off your clothing, and then doing more hiking and etc for miles for how long, I can't remember).

One of the German men (whose last name was very Polish) but like his father and mother, born and raised in that area and considered 100% German---but, he told me that if a Russian soldier in training died, the Russian military didn't care. They literally trained people to be able to fight or die, in military training. There were also stories of people being threatened with murder, and the threat was not a listless coercion attempt but a reality, and if people working in scientific research didn't find solutions or experimental designs they faced being killed, so I was told.


That is what a German told me about Russian military, with a grain of fear about how violent that situation must be for Russian men to have to endure. 


But I am now exhausted and I can't go on, only to write that I don't believe that Russia will fold and that Ukraine and Nato can fight Russia and also China will probably get involved and other countries are also lending military mght to the Russian theater so----I  expect very drastic and dire situations to arise out of this conflict, which will become a conflagration.  


I fear that in comparison, the U.S. is very weak and bombastic about it's power and far too complacent about it's position in the world theater of politics, military might and economic stature.


I could delve into other topics such as the "leadership" I am faced with in teleportation lacks the essential human dignity and grounding to be able to perceive how dangerously inept they are in the face of their enemies, whom they have embraced and handed every kind of 

vulnerable exposure to, and pathways for infiltration. They always underestimate the vileness of the Europ-a war machine and the lies and hypocrisy that they want to believe in for their sense of restoring white supremacy and fascist Imperial culture within the U.S. and their only goal of eliminating "equality" or the struggle for it far overweighs any rational assessment of the serious pitfalls and dangers of the people they embrace from, in particular, Europ-a-land.


I had intended this post to be about Russian military raw grit and the level of do-or-die training that makes the Russian military very much on par with the fighting-for-survival camp of the Ukrainians. But the ability to withstand stress and pressure within the framework of war has been a Russian advantage for many a year--not sure how long, I truly don't know much about Russian history, like most "Americans" but I have this understanding that Russians  have been trained to fight "to the death"--their own death--making them a formidable and unrelenting foe. 

The hacking is very bad and I am too exhausted. I have had to rewrite sentences at least 6 times in the course of writing this because they are attacking the font size and blocking typing, and it goes on and on every time I try to write another sentence the font is at tiniest size, too small to read. It never normally happens. I have to once again clear out the system, which I have been doing now almost every day. The horrific hacking begins almost immediately but with time the laptop is laden to the point of being frozen and all kinds of hacking and blocking prevents writing. It gets to that state 3 days after doing a 2+hour "restore" system operation.


More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.