Friday, April 14, 2023

Anti-Semitic Disinformation/misinformation cranked out as "liberal" invective to not "believe the hype" about deploying anti-Semitic persuasion. "Can't Truss it"//: Yet another post for one single day---on a topic that relates to places I have lived and celebrity(s) who have used minions to target me, while I was in undergraduate school decades ago. Still inserting themselves into my purview through social media (YouTube vids galore for the one person I will only imply because he's being interviewed below).

 "Roger Waters, Bryce Greene & Ahmad Abuznaid". Katie Halper. April 12, 2023.

I am not feeling well right now, after another morning of fighting the sickness poured into my body/food for so long--and the attacks on my brain which leave me slightly dizzy, sick and feeling nauseous after I fight to pound words out and backspace endlessly while pounding out paragraphs which get rewritten by terrorist hackers anyway after posting.


This is not intending to attack the person in question, this celebrity, but I thought about him this morning because my recollection of having been attacked via "friends" who represented the interests of various celebrities back in Minneapolis brought me to the realization of a "friend" who constantly discussed Pink Floyd, along with various other people involved in attacking me, even in Germany--throughout decades. Another one played "The Wall" but offered food and other incentives in a dorm living situation when I was at SUNY Purchase for one year in the mid-80's. I went every day for the free "goodies" because I was drugged up, it was a group gathering and we would play guitar and do things and it was always watching The Wall and getting food, from someone who claimed it was from his very wealthy trust fund so he could easily afford to spend mucho $$ for all the free stuff just readily handed out. All the people (men) who discussed and talked about Pink Floyd, for all these years, always handed out marijuana joints in conjunction with the mind control operation that they were being paid, I believe, to inflict upon me. 

I am not saying that Pink Floyd is not a band I was brainwashed into "liking", only that I was subjected to a massive mind control type of brainwashing attack as I still am being with endless Pink Floyd albums an Roger Waters videos being pumped into my YouTube channel. I subscribe to something like 200+ channels, but not a single one features Pink Floyd or Roger Waters. The "recommended" page, which I watch almost every day because it reflects the news and commentary that I miss out on from such a long distance away, is "supposed" to present videos from my "liked" and "subscribed" list, and always never does for the most part. I get endless celebrities partnering with the Mafia/Nazi cartels hacking themselves and their videos of their stuff onto my page instead.


I listen to Waters explaining "why" he's being labeled as being "anti-Semitic" to this "liberal" vlogger--in this video. I have to stop as I usually do when I hear him speak and just try to get the rising anger away from me when I listen to the Orwellian "double-speak" he so glibly puts out, with the vocal tone of a slightly whiney victim in doing so. The victim narrative is one of the most commonplace narratives used for "double-speak" mind programming from the victim perspective to gain sympathy for those who are just distorting and manufacturing.


Waters claims that his lectures and appearances against the "Israeli" State for it's dictatorial and genocidal policies towards Palestinians in refugee camps is being disdained by "The Germans" in Frankfurt, who, as he says, feel such "guilt" for the actions of the Nazis in the mid-30's so they are blocking his concert in Frankfurt for his refusal to "love" Israel. According to Waters, the "Germans" believe that the State of Israel in it's murderous land-grab actions towards Palestine and the Palestinian people can "do no wrong". I must add as a side that when I lived in Germany, the Germans in Stuttgart I had the few discussions on this subject with all said the same exact phrase, literally. That the "Israelis act like Nazis".


So, I have written for many years, in a random set of posts on this theme, that I know that Germans were obligated to pump money into Israel as reparations. I know that, from personal experience, members of the Evangelical Church also have formed religious fronts in Israel but their lectures always focus on political matters and on hegemony. Stuttgart and it's outlying "suburbs" has a huge Evangelical population, btw. Please note the correlation between American Evangelicals with their desire to have Jerusalem denoted as the headquarters of power in Israel and to reinstate the Temples that the "Jews" had built. I have written at least 10 times in all these years of my posts and put podcast videos of lectures by William Cooper who explicated an historical background of "British Israelism/Christian Identity (the American version of British Israelism, the same organization which backed the bombing of the Oklahoma City terrorist attack for "Christian" causes--also according to the backed and accredited sources that Cooper used when lecturing on this topic).


The Germans have a stake in the Israeli State. I have written that from my years of living in Germany and being an audience member for German-speaking Evangelical meetings on this very topic, where afterwards the elderly women who were alive and kickin' it during the Nazi era all discussed how wonderful and warm the good old days of Nazism were and how tight-knit the Germans were towards one another. Meaning, they loved Nazism, in effect. Their donations and influence with all their very concealed money has been covertly sent into Israel for decades through this "Church" network in Germany for as long, or earlier, than the State of Israel was founded in the late 50's--so I believe. But at least it was very healthy in it's membership and influence in Israel when I was confronted with this group back in circa 2001--summer of.


My experiences with Israelis, every single time, has been of "Jews" absolutely following in "blonde" adoration of white supremacy. Dyed or otherwise natural blonde Jewish women, for example, hold a notch up from any of the darker woman of that nationality, as far as I have been exposed from living around Israelis in Miami Beach and partying with them to being assaulted viciously by owners of businesses and etc in that area, to trying for one semester to learn Hebrew in high school because I was told (in a drugged up mind control operation) that living on a Kibbutz would make me very healthy and strong and I should try it and it would be a feasible way for me to live without the decaying sickness my family was undergoing through the tragedy of my entire family being under mind poisoning and trauma-based mind control operations from Nazi and Mafia bigots--all around America). The people I met in this high school class were all into worshipping blonde Nazi culture, which my high school was absolutely saturated in and immersed into at that time in history. Btw Oprah went to the same high school, where she claims she was very "popular". I rejected Nazi blonde culture and was literally not-spoken to for the years I attended and attacked by some people. The people who befriended me were all violent rapists and exploiters, even at the tender ages of 16-20 (and well beyond, increasing in their racist propensities; therefore I have no people from high school I can rely on for any fond memories of past days in high school as I was constantly surrounded by creepazoids who I really find embarrassing that I was hanging with them in the first place--now in retrospect).


Back to Waters. I have never seen a German person from any "alternative" group actually truly "remorseful" towards Israel or the reparations or that State. They pour money into Israel because there is an Anglo-Germanic pact to control the "Promised Land" and to occupy it through their minions. It is sometimes deemed the "4th Crusade" by some, and it has been a program of infiltration and domination for much longer than the inception of the State of Israel in the mid-40's (I wrote it wrong above, I am heavily being bombarded with brain-altering technology while I write this, fighting the hacking, backspacing and rewriting constantly, not able to think or count or remember dates correctly).


Waters is on his English mission to protect the interests of the very age-old English desire to claim, as Henry V did, that Jesus and his ancestors are part of the "English" heritage and that the "Jews" are actually lying and faking their claim of being anything remotely God's chosen. They claim direct lineage to Jesus and the dynasty of David, the former King of Israel through a (according to William Cooper) absolutely concocted bloodbirth family treeline that the English royalty created to make their claim against the Catholic Church when establishing the (Protestant) Church of England, turned into various sects such as the Evangelicals. 

I am now tired of writing but that is the usual hacked and (undoubtedly rewritten after I publish) limited writing I am able to put out with hacking that is non-stop to block keyboard and my brain under typical assault that blocks cognitive functioning (and motor skill such as my hands working).


I wish he/you Roger Waters would, after decades of forcing your music, band and now political stuff on my view, through people, through the internet and just GIVE UP because I'm not buying it--not your plight against the "remorseful" Germans who feel so sad about what they did to Jews, not your "liberal" claims at "exposing" American politics and none of it. Go AWAY! Stop putting your stuff on my YouTube I don't want to see it or hear it any longer.


To try to put this more succinctly, in my effort to coalesce all the observations and thoughts--backed by what I know from personal experience to be heavy-hitter bigot and anti-Semitic cultures such as "England" and "Germany" (to make huge generalizations, but just because I am always surrounded by hostile forces)--I believe that people like Waters are agent provacateurs used, as all or most of the celebrities constantly surrounding me also appear to be--that what he's saying is absolutely crafted mis/dis information about Israel, and as an English Agent for "The Crown", he's dispersing the contrivances of appearing like a "liberal" but actually supporting a fascist overtake of Israel. The Israeli people I have been on personal terms with all have been absolutely programmed into following the protocols of the Elders of the Germanic and British Isrealist agenda. The love so many Israelis have for blonde nazi fascists is shocking, as I have seen it so frequently. I am not alone in this observation on the color divide and racism inherent in Israeli society. If you look at the Knesset and the wealthy Jews applauding the Israeli State apparatus dinners and such, they are mostly "blonde" Isrealis. They are absolute puppets of those who had formerly "traumatized" them and are merely conduits through which genocidal and fascist manipulations of law and power coursing through, the origin of which stems in ole England and Germany (and many other places too, including the United States where, as far as I have also ever seen my whole life, the "Jew" who want to become very prominent and wealthy are obliged to intermarry and be controlled by blonde Nazi bigots, "Italian-American" bigots, or their ilk). I am being tortured to follow in this pattern protocol, right now, every day. The main plan is for Israel to be taken over, eventually, by the Jewish nazis like Bloomberg who has been handed so much power over the money that pours into Israel, who viciously assaults me with death threats and his screaming hysterical daughter yelling "loser" at me for the benefit of the Trump hate portion of this hate contract forced upon me. Behind Trump are Evangelicals, as many of you already know, who "love" Israel but goddamn they will poison me to death for not submitting to the fascist "rule" that they are implementing using mind control, death squad "gang stalking" terrorism and all that I have been writing of for years. 


**Correction: I meant to write King Henry VIII but I wrote V instead--I only realized the mistake after walking away, as usual, from the laptop brain-zapping zone and realized that my brain is blocked from memory. I "remembered" as soon as I was out of range. Most of my writing capability is being blocked by this brain-altering tech that is always zapped into my head while I sit here--or transmitted through the brain microchip implant. I bet you all can't wait for a completely zombified world of mind-controlled slaves that Elon Musk will build once all the animals and people from Mexico he plans on further ploughing microchips into their gray matter at very early stages of their lives will become docile, non-questioning fellatio and obedience slaves to the ultra wealthy class they are building with economic fascism plans to have their cake and eat it too and rephrasing the "let them eat cake" to the dying homeless in the streets. Now considered "elites" once more with no revolution forthcoming once the brain implants make people not able to count or think--as I am stuck with while fighting to write because I had a brief chance to learn to think while growing up and not so completely traumatized every day and night as I am now while society continues to revere these fascist liars, but some of the worst are in the form of the "alternative" "liberal" "activists" like Waters. They create such an aura of untouchable "alternative" perspective that no one can question them and their statements, cloaked in righteous, slightly whiny victim rhetoric as he is doing in this vid and lying about Germans and their culpability and how Israel is an independent actor in a theater of oppression just acting like fascists of their own accord. People like him should actually "take over" I assume he really means, and Americans should let him take political control because he's really going to help build a wonderful peaceful land of Israel with all the righteous Evangelicals pouring their money into destroying the "fascist" Israelis and putting their Anglo-Teutonic orders into power instead. I believe that is their ultimate goal, which they are slowly building over time. I would say they envision that a total Nazi/racist overtake of Israel by the blonde/Nazi cartels, backed by hateful and extremely anti-Semitic factions like the "Italian-Americans" who are extremely violent in rhetoric and in action towards "Jews"--and that cartel has been backed by the U.S. Government almost openly through Lucky Luciano ever since he helped the "Italian Campaign" under Patton back in ole WWII. The Jewish mafia was then "kicked out" essentially and all the fighters against anti-Semitism in NYC turned into the modern Bloomberg anti-Semitic money-funder of Israel--so fully contaminated with racist ideology and violently assaulting me to protect his pro-Nazi backing with Mafia support and consent by the most bigot "Italian-Americans". Yes, a global "conspiracy" I refer to, but we are in the the linear age of mind programming and consent now for the purposes of establishing the 4th Reich State of Israel. Waters is just another duplicitous agent posing under the former "hippie" days of playing his music and singing about power exploitation grabbing. Like so many, now an agent of that same force but in terms of British Colonialism, also aimed at overtake of the U.S. in so many realms of power (entertainment, politics etc).

This is: My opinion based on observation from being a target of fascist Nazism and Mafia for most of my life and also understanding the forces and lies upon which rests the axis of their "power" grabbing tactics and deceptions.


--30 min. later, and I must correct a hyperbolic statement I made above, when I wrote that I have "never met a German" who is truly is the throes of "guilt" for the Holocaust. I met people who did these "random acts of kindness" towards me, some of them were not of "German" origin but lived in Stuttgart and region all their lives. Some were Germans who were absolutely kindly and without which I would not have had a single moment of peace. I left Germany in a neck brace due to a murder attempt at poisoning me to death, back in 2011. My vertebrae were crushed while sleeping which is part of the reason I am physically hindered, and the terror group with their bloating and hardening poison and physical attacks have kept me in a semi-paralyzed state due to the absolute attacks that Germans rendered upon me for saying "no" to being raped with mind control tech, poisoning and hate and psychological, then sexual, then physical violence and then not "wanting" more of "them" or to be in that position (any longer, from a lifetime of it).


Some people really are not thrilled with what Germany did to the Jews and in fact they are German. I was only endlessly surrounded by hostile forces and it was a very rare occasion when a very brave soul was kind and did something to offer friendship or assistance. They are there in Germany, there is no doubt. However, as in America, there has been a concerted and coordinated mass murder operation to "cull" the population of these types. I recall one time when I walked into one of the two photocopy internet shops in the little suburb of Stuttgart I lived, back in 2010--the grey-haired German man who owned the shop, sitting at the register, kindly smiled at me, and very warmly helped me to understand some of the German for a program I needed to copy and download and etc. 

The next thing I was aware of concerning this one photocopy shop was that it suddenly closed. And the next time I saw this man who had helped me, he looked broken down and infuriated and depressed. He approached me in downtown Stuttgart on the "walking street", the Koeningstrasse (almost every German town has this type of main shopping street calleld the "King's Road", which is a very famous road by the way also in London, the same name.

He approached me with great hostility and hate, and said something as he nearly walked into me, hostile and aggressive body language, an as he nearly assaulted me in plain view in front of the entrance to the underground train station, I said nothing but only observed how he looked like a broken down changed man. His "hate" towards me was theatrical and intended for people to see, I then surmised when I began to understand the extent to which anyone not participating in hate crimes will be dismissed or killed off. I surmise or "assume" that he lost his business because he was friendly to me one single time. Believe it or not, this is how seriously deadly this organization is, and how I cannot find anyone on the planet willing to go outside of the demands of this organization for more than one minute. The friendly people are kindly towards me for one minute and then I never see them again, they just vanish. One can "assume" after countless other attacks them in the same genocidal country that "they" are all still Nazis. The killing off of anyone against Nazism is a huge social engineering project. While the main thrust of the American occupation of Germany after WWII was in full force, and I experienced the last tail end of that wag of the dog back in 1991 when I first arrived in Stuttgart--home of 4 U.S.-controlled Barracks in that general region, dominated by Diamler and Porsche and many other manufacturing firms of that power-house region.

The pretense to appear "guilty" and "remorseful" was at a height, but has completely waned since the pull-out of U.S. Troops. Those Germans who pretended they were "punk" during and after the occupation retained their drinking beer parties and "alternative" costumes but when it came to how they behaved around me, the aggression and negativity came to the fore once the restraints of U.S. military force had receded to a great extent. 

The "antifa" forces still have their open-air concerts, but being in the midst of these groups I found that during moments of truth, there was no remorse. The State benefits they all receive from the genocidal theft of property and wealth from the millions of victims has exempted actual real "guilt" when it comes to the bottom line paradigm. That is the dominating force. So when I wrote that I had never met anyone who was truly guilty, I subconsciously applied that "bottom line" factor into the hyperbolic "assumption" statement. I know that there are some who must "care" in some way, but I truly found it nearly impossible to find after years of scratching underneath the very warm and personable psychopathic "warmth" that Germans use as a ruse for their psy-ops pretense at not being Nazis en masse and yearning for more take-over of property and land and wealth and money from more victims--

Israel is one of the targeted lands for overtake, by the way (probably much of the Middle East as well, as genocides have been ongoing by Europ-a-trained terrorist "leaders" like Assad--trained and programmed in London with his education, just like Bill Clinton with his horrendous global policies of "globalization" and the "Prison-industrial-complex" of enslaving blacks in prisons, along with the poor with his "crime" omnibus bill and etc.. all programmed into them by their Europ-a-educated backgrounds of Imperialistic support for the 4th Reich, Europ-a-centered elite 4th Reich plot for global domination. I know this all sounds like a cartoon-style conspiracy theory but ....this is my blog I am "getting this out" instead of being subjected to more videos by Pink Floyd I hope my  message comes through. I post some of your The Wall videos because you clearly define how fascism works in good ole England which America is emulating and has embraced so well. That is all my posting of your videos means. I am not writing this in an antagonistic voice, but the fascists always have to retaliate if I say "no". What to do....sick of them all.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...