Tuesday, April 11, 2023

I continue to write these posts every day because the hell and sickness of the teleportation parasites continues for hours, every morning and while I'm in deep sleep. Every morning it's rape cheerleader, violent abuser deniro and his mafia goons instructing him to be brutal and violent towards me. they sit and instruct him, but they don't make their faces known to me but I know at least who one of them is (and pesce is also always there, as is the gotti family). He's extremely violent and a pest beyond pestilance.

 Right now the hacking is bad, and the page freezes constantly. I realize that although I don't want to write more posts, because it appears to be a waste of effort at this point to get anyone to respond in any way that defends my rights according to all laws in every country, which no one will defend while government agencies and officials and celebrities are breaching every human right possible in this contract and laughing and enjoying it thoroughly. It is now a huge hunt pack and sport game to abuse, slap, punch, insult and attack me using these weapons that ilk like Elon Musk have been put in control over to augment into reality so people who want to live in a fantasy paradise of control and rape and torture/murder capabilities without any culpability whatsoever are rushing to get involved, invest in, and control and own. The list is ever-expanding, and most of the people attacking me are some of the most vocal proponents of "freedom and equality" in the media universe that is of global proportion, and what America "represents" to the world.


Ever disgusting, ever violent and filthy and dirty and ugly and disgusting towards me, this foul-mouthed sleazy nasty fascist Nazi mafia parasite upon me never stops threateningly attacking me. The use of this technology is so subtle that every single thought I have he responds to using the subliminal voice-to-skull technology; that is, speaking into my inner ear. I can sometimes "see" him ephemerally but usually he's just constantly insulting my thoughts, if I use any sharp instrument he and his team make comments about cutting off my body parts with what I am  holding. They "instruct" me to stab myself, etc etc. I can "feel" it and "hear" it but this is being done on the most subliminal sense possible.


the people who literally love deniro for this type of violence are people like dirty nasty Anne Hathaway, who giggles and laughs, along with Tom Cruise and of course his former wife--the bigot blonde who is the most vocal about "fighting for womens' rights" ha ha--as long as they are Nazi women and not those slated to be beaten in their stead, as I am put into this position by their disgusting vile men like deniro just looking for someone to beat and abuse if possible so he doesn't continue to violate and torture the women he actually lives with or with whom he sticks his greasy and dirty body parts into, I can't imagine how violent he eventually becomes with each and every single one of them, eventually. Even the blonde Nazi pig apes whom he reveres like they are gold instead of bs at heart, greedy and sleazy as he is and his world of nasty goon who are too sick to be allowed to have access to this technology, but alas Biden calls himself, or his wife, an "Italian" and of course as people accuse the Bidens of being a "mafia" family I fear this is even short of the actual reality of innate criminality that this president now in power actually holds in reserve and brings out in situations like mine, where he can have his buddies who are psychopath killers, apparently, unleash part of the woman-hating filth upon me--every single day, day after day, now it's gone on for over 5 years without end. 

so, this morning, every single thing I did and thought to myself was echoed in the "mirroring" that these parasitic exploiters use (meaning all of them) in order to use ruses of pretended familiarity with the target they are preying upon . It's a tactic probably endorsed by all the business strategists to win favor and make friends with people you want to take down in business or in politics.


no matter how many years I write of the atrocities on a personal level these people fling into my privacy, no one ever interferes or stops them. The government relies on people like this to torture civilians who just happen to have microchip implants in them because the individual--myself in this case--is fighting for my basic human rights to even think my own private thoughts without "fear" of being tortured for not thinking anything but dumbed down approval of pieces of sick and sleazy stupid shit who are taking over the country and the planet who are bringing the culture and environment and society down into a primitive pig ape level of existence, and then stealing my ideas so they can hold up alternative concepts so people believe that they actually "care" about life and other human beings. 


Completely cherished by every crap government that has been in power for most of my life. Hillary Clinton is on first-name familiarity with them, and her racism is so far ensconced in her duplicitous contrived personality that it far overshadows her concern for anything but being kept in the power structure and in the limelight for her endeavors in "women's position in society for business success" as her seminars seem to always focus  upon . Her darker-skinned fans are always supposed to bow in deference to her and woe to those who don't. I didn't pretend that her insulting demeanor towards me from the very onset for her promotional status was anything but bs crap and although I didn't yell back or fight back, I just said a few calm words about her being hysterical and I just didn't know what to say so I basically said nothing. She began to have my body sliced every night while sleeping and ran off getting her tv show by the Nazi media for her fascist approach towards me. The mafia filth always backing her up. No matter which criminal is put into the President's office, the mafia under deniro and pesce is always going to be given precedent for opportunity to exploit because blonde Nazi women like Hillary Clinton rely on violence through their criminal agents like deniro to fully empower them as "women" in "power". 

As I wrote earlier, the most fastidious supporters of blonde Nazi iconography are these "Italians" from Brooklyn who are Americans rejecting their country and betraying it as they are actually traitors and the laws against betrayal against your country and sabotage should be upheld. But hillary only wants to have this blonde Nazi image affixed to her as being "superior" so her power trip over me under this fascist Europigape paradigm resulted in more bodily mutilations of me, and deniro is endlessly assaulting and threatening me. 

so I write these posts every day because I have to express myself in some way or another. There is always something I can focus on about the hypocrisy and deceptions and ruses being used to trick the populace into following in the footsteps of what Hitler wanted America to become, which it now is thanks to these Europigape fanatical traitor Americans. It's disgusting that Trump uses the patriot movement to enlist criminal terrorists into sabotaging the United States under all kinds of lies and hypocritical oaths to violence for the sake of a power grab take-over with genocidal racism and hate as one of the main vehicles of enlisting more fanatical zealots from the religion of the 4th Reich paradigm. The actors like Deniro are some of the most zealous of the upholders of white supremacy, even with his black girlfriend or children or wife or whatever. Sleeping with a minority and then disposing them later on, after obtaining a child, is not exactly the same thing as caring about equality in terms of racism. 

But I am slightly off because the black Nazi movement is supposed to mean that it's "Jews" or others like "me" who are to be considered the victims while the blacks are the preferred status "good" minorities who follow the Nazi protocols. I wrote of Clarance Thomas and his black Nazi actions and behavior and now it's coming to light in full spectrum of Nazi 4th Reich affiliation for blacks who really support fascist Nazism. The "Italian-American" mafia is just another adjunct of that former Axis power partnership between Mussolini and Hitler, reborn into a regurgitated state.

Deniro is just wetting his pants over all the nazi models and actresses who surround him with love and affection after he abuses and punches into my face and threatens me with brutal murder and insults my body and is so violently threatening as they sit back over joyed. Pig apelina and pig pitt are always there applauding him (of course, after the terror sessions are over). They tried their best but deniro is unashamed of his violence and is proud of it. He's always been trained and awarded for violent racism towards jews in Brooklyn, and my parents and grandparents told me stories of the mafia attacks upon them, but not very clearly as they were "supposed" to keep me ignorant of the deadly threat aimed at me that they hoped to avert by offering me up as a scapegoat and sacrifice for their own promotional status, which in turn became their own demise but in various other aspects other than being overtly attacked by shit like deniro as I am every single day--or they all take turns attacking me endlessly so he gets to go off elated with the young model pig ape whores who he loves who surround him with love, giggles and applause for his violence against me. Anne Hathaway is one in particular. I always forget to write about that forgetable skank who has been a part of this terror campaign against me. I wrote of her long ago, and she has not overtly participated but the photos of her with deniro with her laughing with him is  tell-tale as much as her standing next to him while he threatens to kill me and have my body parts severed off and etc....

I didn't want to forget about writing about her because she is still being given the limelight for her hate crimes against me, as is Tom Cruise who has "won" top award for a movie I think is probably not as great as all the pundits say it is, but I have not watched it. These movie awards are so rigged it's disgusting. 


When and if I can ever enjoy my morning or life without sick and violent sleazy pieces of rotten shit interfering with death threats and subliminal suggestion of killing myself and calling me bitch and loser and insulting and making comments on every single thing I do and think to myself and insulting all I say and think to MYSELF IN THE PRIVACY OF MY ROOM then I may stop writing these posts. The pieces of shit rely on me writing about them to further gather more awards for being disgusting parasites leeching off my life force using these weapons of destroying and stealing and rape and torture. 


I also usually "forget" to write about that Australian skank who has partnered with Tarantino and pig pitt for years and years to obtain her endless lead role capacity in Nazi 4th Reich Whorewood--what's her disgusting name--played opposite shit pig pitt in Once upon a time in Whorewood--the movie derived by Tarantino from posts I wrote about Charles Manson, and turned into fascist Nazi mafia hate against "liberals" in the guise of "dirty hippie" hate by the fascist blonde Nazi "elite" who always dominates top real estate around the planet due to their egregious hate genocide qualities and characteristics, endlessly championed by the Whorewood establishment, regardless of whether people who claim they are "Jewish" run it or the outright Nazi/Mafia cartel currently endlessly assaulting me for a take-over which has already begun (they all helped to oust Weinstein, and taking over his position, all of them absolute rape and sexual abuse fascist misogynists, particularly the blonde Nazi women who claim they are Me Too).

But what's her nasty dirty name and her mostly crappy hysterical acting qualities--Margot Robbie, I never think about her but when I see her endlessly ugly face being portrayed as some top "beauty" and actor -so-called then I have to think about this putrid creep who is part of the larger English Imperial colonized structure which is striving to take over H-wood through various colonized subjects like the Australians and the Canadians and etc. Their influence is of course enhanced by shit like Aprah and her crappy "black women empowerment" interviews with the English monarchy, playing that old chestnut card of "black victim" status which Aprah relies upon, as well as fascist Nazi black Nazi supporter Farrakhan.

Oh, I am now ranting, but I always forget to write about robbie who has thoroughly participated in the violence against me but has never actively assaulted me visually in the teleportation. I know that piece of creepiness is there, and pig pitt of course feels the blonde Nazi woman pushing against him in amorous flirtation and loves the attention just like deniro does. Their violence towards me always puts shit like robbie in these lead roles, and you can count on that as being a fact although, of course, from my position of being victim of highly covert, secret technology I have no evidence or proof of that, only in the actual results, year after year of her partnering with pig pitt and being put into lead position endlessly alongside him in roles and shitty stupid hate-themed movies which are supposed to be "quaint" and/or "cute" in all the merriment that goes along with their psychopathic swagger and jokes that are included in the films and the subsequent interviews of the psychopath parasitic scum laughing about their easy access to endless Oscar awards every year for just venting their racism and violence against me, endlessly and perpetually. 


There are manty others, of course. There is not just the daughter of Depp who is a most vicious and sleazy creep endlessly adored for the parasitic energy she feeds off violence, and then there's Martha Stewart, and there's Amber Heard, and there's Meryl Streep and oh ....I always forget to mention Tom  Hanks--and it is late now, I have been writing, there are so many of "them" smirking their way to the Oscars year after year tagging on the coattails of pig pitt and filtha shitalina the ugly creep pair plastic-coated shit.

What have I "done" to attract this kind of hate? Well, after the Europigapes who have passed this contract in full detail that they originated years ago (over a decade now, where they stole my ideas and then were poisoning me to keep me paralyzed and dying as they pumped poison into my body via rape--this group like deniro pesce pitt filthalina aniston et al have had the shit stalkes in the buildings next to mine rape me physically by entering into my room while they--the pig actors, teleported me so my consciousness was teleported, I felt nothing, and they shit breaking into my room thanks to all landlords who gave them keys, would also put my hips and spine out of alignment every night while I was unconscious--while they all kept me poisoned to the point of paralysis and inertia so my body is completely broken down and then they abused me non-stop in every conceivable way. Including poisoning and making my body and home and food toxic and inserting fungus into my ears, hair, vagina, food and furniture every single day in a lengthy murder attempt that I am still vulnerable to. They continue to drug me. This pig ape piece of filthy vile crap deniro has been behind much of the violence I just mentioned for well over 5 years, and pig pitt and shitalina for over 10 years, and the pigs who handed them the contract to torture me to death after extracting creative ideas go back to 1987 and 1996, when I met the two Europigapes, successively. 
But that's not enough torture for the shit that has been in control over the United States and so it goes on. Lynch Mob greasy Senator Graham ascribes all of this to being a "system" akin to lynch mob activity that he and his group are "proud" of. Yelling it at me and then poisoning my drinking water so dangerously it's almost a miracle I didn't die just from sepsis from his months of attacks upon me only because I said NO to being raped and or exploited by another bigot who wants immediate access to my never say ing to to one shitty ugly pig whore fascist Nazi pig creep after the next in something like a gang rape contract while they and their nasty wives, girlfriends and boyfriends and children all obtain huge promotions and money and awards for torturing me using microchip implants and lies and abuse and date rape drugs and poisoning and mind control technologies. One of the pieces of shit after the next. Me saying no after years of mutliple rape and murder attempts, they torture me for saying no and go on with deniro exerting torture for the sake of technocratic sex trafficking entitlement along with nasty and immature Elon Musk who, when he teleports me to his nasty and foul group of ugly old men in their billionaire yacht clothing (I think he had me teleported to some yacht orgy situation with ugly billionaire creepy old men on board) as I said, as usual, NO after years of "lovingly" in a drugged up stupor making "love" to men I ran from in disgust when I was not paralyzed, not so drugged I could think clearly and see clearly--ran from them, but "loved" them with all heart and soul while teleported and drugged and in sleeping dazed state while my brain was tweaked into a sexual frenzy--the parasites feed off it and then abuse, insult and poison me with intention of paralysis and murder. I am now fighting to stop this and I get people like Hillary Clinton looking for an easy monetary boost to her millions and or billions and media promotions so she assaults me violently and ushers in months of my body being sliced literally with knives every night between my toes and etc--every one of them brings in another form of torture so it accumulates into an entire body mutilation process that never stops. 


So my "crime" is in defending myself and they call me bitch and stupid and loser and nothing and a whore and a prostitute and a stupid ugly bloated old woman and etc etc they go on and on and on and on. My crime for defending myself and saying no, they are torturing me and they are being paid in millions for it, each and every one who participates. That includes also so many black "strong" women who were just featured  in this years' Oscars, and last years, like Tiffany Haddish although I think she was not in any movie that won a nomination, and another black woman who is so offensive I can't remember her name it is blacked out--she was in a movie made in England about wealthy white English and a murder mystery--she stole ideas from me as well and is to be seen with all the violent abusive white supremacy men assaulting me now--like Austin Butler, who sits smirking and making jokes about me sitting with legs open and apart next to pitt who always sits in that sleazy pornographic posture while he and shitalina sit glaring in hate at me like predators being handed terror technology to inflict more and more endless violence as they feed off it hormonally and get promoted without end.


My "crime" of defending myself, that is all I have ever done. Otherwise, the account of the English professor who stunted my attempts to actually live and have a career in Minneapolis is the same story of these pig apes and the years prior to them and after the pig ape in Minneapolis, it's basically the same set of people following the same patterns of behavior set in protocols by their elders who sometimes may be younger than they are, but wealthier and in more positions of power to continue the template of Nazi 4th Reich Mafia Axis power grabbing over the planet that has turned into a sum of humanity that has lost all touch with life in their cyberkinetic world of entitlement and "godlike" power and these are moronic humans with so much less intuitive knowledge than anything resembling a "god" capable of killing off the planet with the touch of a button. they are all, as I wrote earlier, tethered to those in the Oval Office and in top positions in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, where obedience to law is only a superficiality because they are literally handed all access to committing every crime possible without detection or law enforcement monitoring through these technologies that unraveling despot Elon Musk is now put into wealthiest man in the world status for helping to further develop and promote.


Still, although I am innocent, everyone continues to cheer absolute racist terrorists on as if they are heroes defending them against people like me who may have the ability to compete on my own terms and be successful and not willing to be exploited or turned into a groveling obsequious parrot puppet for them to oppress and suppress and sexually abuse upon their slightest sleazy whims in order to crush my spirit so only they can feel beautiful and happy on this planet--and I wonder if they are capable of those emotions without having to crush other people down in order to feel up. It seems that they rationalize their violence by saying amongst themselves that their violence is justified in the need to exert power and control and this is the only way to obtain it. Unfortunately, their grasp over the functions of nature will kill everything and everyone because they are truly out of alignment with life and nature in their quest for absolute power using these technologies to control people who just follow and obey-one of their most successful death and destruction claims to their superiority is that no one now questions them unless they are part of the duplicity deception of pretending to be "fighting" against tyrannical power grabs but are actually just the false opposition. 

My crime is in being actual opposition. In wanting to live my life in peace and being able to expand my life and creativity and to earn profit off my ideas and think originally and not be a "minority" to be suppressed or told I must obey and love the abuser in order to not be a genocidal target.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...