Sunday, April 2, 2023

Another reason why I fight, or Mein Eigenes Kampf gegen Nazis und andere Mafia Criminalitater. It is the global concentration death camp vs. luxury resort world landscape of the 4th Reich with it's new technological instruments of social engineering and death squad universal system of seamless and unified, centralized-based, reliant upon repetitive protocols, torture and horrific slow murder of targets, sometimes individually and I assume as the technology and system grows, so will the numbers of casualties of this "system".// I was told that I was and am "lucky" that the people torturing me are only "them" who are jolly but violently disposed Mafia with instructions to promote Nazis and bolster their mutual empire, formerly called The Axis Powers (Italy+Germany+Japan). They said I was and am very lucky that I only experience nightly and daily torture from them instead of truly violent and murderous psychopaths such as murder operatives from truly sadistic sub-culture organizations. Apparently these must be likewise sponsored by those in "normal" positions of power in "society" just as "they" are in the group attacking me who are prominent in "entertainment" and "politics" within the purview of the United States, land of The Free and Home of the Brave.

 Why I fight, or Mein Kampf, mein eigenes kampf gegen Nazis und andere Tod groupen (excuse my Intermediate-level German language skills, or lack thereof).

*Nota Bene: I re-read this post after having published and realized that huge portions were simply deleted. I had to fight constantly to backspace and retype due to blocks to the keyboard function (they always increase the blocks while I write about them blocking the keyboard, ha ha). I wrote that the next generation, the children of these psychopath criminals attacking me who are yearning to unleash their genocidal fantasies based on the Nazi documentaries that they plaster on my YouTube channel and verbally assault me with when they teleport me--the children of such are being trained in becoming absolute despotic tyrannical fascists and nazis and criminals entitled to do whatever they want. Anyone competing against them who is not "supposed" to be superior by their cliched stereotypes and racist memes will be, as I have been poisoned and drugged into paralysis and killed slowly. If they could, they would rape as many as possible and kill them off. The rest of society has ALWAYS watched on doing nothing as this was very obviously happening to me and very many people knew, and now even more know and the same response is the ubiquitous response to these violent actions upon me. That is sort of the gist of what I had written which was deleted, as I can recall. I am ALWAYS attacked by "brain-altering" technology so it's impossible for me to think clearly and access my true capabilities cognitively  while trying to express myself. Literally there are "gaps" in my memory and ability to think. The ideas always come back to my consciousness when I am off the computer. Sometimes it takes hours for my brain to regain some semblance of normal intellectual functioning. But the attacks on the keyboard are very obstructive in the process as well. I now have to go up and correct many of the words I wrote which are underlined in red due to the blocks to the space bar and keys from malware and hackers. 

I had to nervously laugh when I was told that I was lucky it's just "them" and not truly deadly people who are part of this terror group out of famous and wealthy individuals merely striving for entertainment and media and political monopoly, rather than those who brutally sadistically murder those who go against their demands. Another such video appeared on my YouTube channel this evening, as I am too exhausted from the effort to try to break the internal poisoning through very careful and slow isometric exercises that I do every day, if only to break out a tiny small fraction of a little bit of the poison, which takes at least one day to swell up and then loosen if I eat the right food that is heavy enough for the adhesive poison to latch on and then pass out. The drugs and poisons that are then emitted into my bloodstream make it impossible for me to do more than sit staring into a screen fighting to gather the strength to do more than sit in a numb and sick state--to get anything else done. So I click on YouTube to find entertainment because all the movies and videos and reading material I have are all very "heavy" topics and my brain is too saturated with brain-numbing drugs that have congealed into hard pockets inside my body for a few years or decades, and have thus fermented or stagnated. I am very ill every day like this, and the fight to get this poison out and heal is a non-stop internal battle.


This evening a documentary about Mexican cartels was put on my YouTube channel. This is after I was told, yesterday during one of the attack and insult sessions that is ongoing every morning through teleportation with the celebrities and politicians sitting in rows as one after the next takes turns insulting, berating and threatening me--for hours, and it goes on every day, and it's gone on every day for years without end.

Hearing this, it confirmed the worst I can imagine of how deadly and dangerous this technology is and would be if it were continued to be put into the wrong hands, which the government officials deem to be the "right" hands. 

When I observe as the target and torture victim of the people who are the most smiling and gregarious of American media who are vicious and violent towards me in private, I can't imagine how much more sadistic and deadly those who are not "privileged" and are accustomed to death squads roaming the streets, such as in Mexico, being handed these technologies. Or those in the streets of Los Angeles, or those in the streets of Manhattan, or those in the streets of Lansing, Michigan who form death squadrons with military-grade weapons and allegiance to re-creating concentration camps in the New 4th Reich America this organization is working assiduously to put into power asap. Obviously destroying the semblance of the structure of a constitutional Republic is of first order. At best, it would remain "in name" only, and only then applicable to the most "entitled".


I try to stop the progress of this situation and the entitlement programming of those who, in my opinion, undeservingly, are put into highest position in various propagandized positions in society. As I wrote many months ago, or years ago, the most articulate and competent of these terrorists are those in the media, i.e. anchors and political news commentators. Underneath the Big Brother "Democracy" output are just human beings with foibles and cracks and chasms of personal prejudice that remain fastened to the race for power and supremacy. "By any means necessary", as I have learned "the hard way", is one of their secret mottos.


If me being basically gang raped non-stop for over a decade, part of my uterus severed out, my hair permanently chemically damaged so there is a huge bald gap covering at least half my scalp, my fingernails and cuticles mangled by sharp instruments inserted under them literally every single day for years until I have to wrap my hands and feet--yes my toenails smeared with hardening chemicals, the skin between my toes severed nightly until I had to wrap them with layers to try to stop this--after a very long time, a few years, of trying to figure out how to block the violation of my room by terrorists. They hide their attacks and mode of entry very cleverly. 

My spine fractured and hard poison inserted into my body. Poisons slathered on my skin nightly for years so it's permanently scarred from toxic eruptions and then whatever erupted from fungus poisoning and etc was "tatooed" onto my skin by more chemicals. And there's more and more violence to my body that has completely permanently damaged parts of my body, which I must fight every day to heal and then I must fight to not have more damaged every single day.


If this is "better" than what "could" be inflicted upon me, I realize that for the sake of humanity I am fighting not just for myself but for anyone else caught in this hate situation. I have no idea how many others are in this horrid predicament, but I actually found, in all these years of fighting, a sense of "patriotism" towards what "America" is supposed to represent. These people who are working out of greed, selfishness, racism want nothing more than to rule over a destroyed wasteland of what America is quickly turning into.


I can't describe how many of these celebrities and politicians literally laugh and are turned on, behave like the "evil" characters in the movies they play heroes of, are absolutely lacking in all moral and ethical concern for human life, the U.S. Constitution. I realize in their Nazi and fascist idealization of their organization that I am not "supposed" to enjoy the rights of any U.S. constitution and only they are "entitled" to get "freedom". The longer they have access to these torture weapons and covert technologies, the more violent and sadistic and genocidal they become. They are showered with awards and promotions without end for their ever-increasing "success" at this social engineering system of protocols based on a newer version of a global concentration death camp vs. luxury resort world landscape of the 4th Reich with it's new technological instruments of social engineering and death squad universal system of seamless and unified, centralized-based, reliant upon repetitive protocols, torture and horrific slow murder of targets, sometimes individually and I assume as the technology and system grows, so will the numbers of casualties of this "system".


So I fight it by sheer determination in the face of non-stop physical and every other kind of torture. But I am told that I am "lucky" that it isn't worse. This situation WILL become worse for society at large, and there is no doubt that if left unchecked that is exactly what will happen. I am treated like a witch in a hunt, a pariah, a criminal worthy of death threats for not complying with this system automatically and upon demand. I am informed that I am "lucky" for not having worse than Mafia and criminals and psychopaths who already have mansions around the world, private jets, millions and billions of dollars already at their disposal plus all kinds of public attention glued to their every move so they must remain extremely cautious about their criminal enterprise afflicting me, for their endless gain based on emulation of Nazi concentration camp and genocidal death squad actions and propaganda to bring "the masses" into the sway of their subliminal and symbolic mind control programming with their movies, political rhetoric and public "appeal".


I fight it as some kind of ostracized object who is treated with brutality for trying to not "allow" this situation to be further implemented. The result of it going unchecked, I believe, will become something similar to Mexican death squads in a culture that will become something like a "banana republic"--as I have held the belief that many of the Europ-a's truly want to turn America into a colonized death squad colony of fascism and destruction with the greedy and sleazy nasty celebrities and politicians sitting in luxury in Europ-a-land with their new mansions handed to them--which they already have been handed so they are completely sold out and brainwashed and they fully comply with the protocols. The rest of America, turning into a literal wasteland as the Europ-a's swoop in like vultures to implement a literal death squad society with these technologies. The constitutional "rights" of individual humanity will ONLY apply to the very wealthy. The other masses of incarcerated and homeless and slowly dying in the streets will remain with no rights for anything. Then the technologies and death squads will begin their ravaging of the country, for real.

I fight and I am treated with hate, violence, death threats by those "in power" and ignored and left to be raped, poisoned and killed by the rest of society which appears to only care about other people but no plight is "supposed" to be ignored. They all follow in the protocols.

I fight for what? I am fighting for something. Not just myself but for the notion that there was a country founded on principles that life can be something worthy of individual attainment if given the chance to compete and live in peace without endless monopolies of power blocking access to "the dream". These people and their technologies attacking me will not just take away "The American Dream" but literally life for thousands, millions and once they get a taste of death they will go on and on. I just envision this, and see it happening RIGHT NOW. I fight for some kind of justice for myself and for not allowing this. I am often very shocked that no one can perceive how dangerous this technology being used against me truly is, how absolutely fanatical about exploiting other people and raping and killing others will become a dominant theme. How many Nazi concentration camp videos these putrid criminals attacking me out of Whorewood have put on my YouTube channel and then threatened me with murder, plus all the bodily mutilation plus infecting me with fungus daily to slowly kill me, plus of course poisoning me with hardening and bloating poison and then teleporting me to nightly and daily terror and torture. I have been told that I am "lucky" that it's not worse. Unless someone stops this, not just for myself but for many others this kind of system will be a much worse deadly situation. 

I also truly believe, based on reporting in the news. that these types of death squad activities in Mexico are partially funded by agents of the U.S. Government. For instance, there have been reports of military-grade weapons used by Mexican cartels that are of origin within the United States military, and etc etc...


"Mexican Cartels' Insane Torture Methods". The Club. February 27, 2023.

 Meanwhile, the people (from Mafia out of Brooklyn, "entertainers" who have tortured me now it's gone on for years and years, periodically taking turns with a host of other Whorewood "celebrities") who says I am "lucky" is physically assaulting me, threatening me as usual. Violent, sleazy, nasty. But I am "lucky" it could be something like all the Nazi concentration camp videos they keep pasting on my YouTube channel, and the torture and death videos they keep posting on my video to threaten, intimidate and terrorize me on some level. I fear for society. I fear that the leaders are absolutely defunct as human beings and as leaders of any kind of society, much less a "free" society. They delight in death squads and making people destroyed, miserable and dying in sickness and poisoning and starvation. They love rape and sex trafficking. They claim they are religiously based but they appear to be more possessed by "evil" than anything else. The technologies are being dispersed like candy and what I have observed about human nature is that when given the opportunity to commit crime, people fully change. The more they are allowed to get away with crime, and if they are actually rewarded for it and promoted and paid for it, the more they become violently affixed to the principles that they have every "right" to do whatever they want to you with the weapons, poisons and technology they have even the slightest desire to do, like Nazi concentration camp guards who upon whim beat prisoners to death brutally--or Mexican cartels who create gruesome death tortures such as are in this video. The technologies they use can burn your body perhaps to death slowly--cause heart attack, but slowly, they can poison you with internal bloating poison so you die a slow horrid death. No doctor will provide a reasonable diagnosis as they are all forced to comply with this organization and many very happily do so. The list can go on and on how people will be brutalized and murdered by such people and even moreso by their children, now being trained that they can inflict death and destruction upon anyone they don't like who is competing against them or a threat of having more success than them, particularly if they come from a group that is deemed not "supposed" to be better, because only white Nazis are "better". They will artificially reconstruct a person to have no chance, to be malformed, to be sick, to be dying and then claim they are the only ones competent. If anyone disagrees they will be brutally killed and I think if this technology and situation is not stopped, the murders will be in public like public lynchings of old which one of the very nasty Americans of high political rank told me is a "system" which he and his "people" are very proud. 


"Lucky's speech Waiting for Godot". Laz Brezer. January 2, 2023.


"Chomsky-Foucalt Debate on Power vs Justice (1971)". Philosophy Overdose. July 21, 2021.


"The Doors--Strange Days (Official Video". The Doors. October 3, 2017.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...