Friday, April 28, 2023

A New Hope or a fantasy projection? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. campaign speeches are, I hope, not a movie trailer about a "New Hope" celebrity CGI hero movie://Sleaze, porn sex trafficking (slavery) teleportation skits as "punishment" for writing my political views in chagrin, and that I don't want either terrorist, bigot Nazi/Mafia candidate to continue to be allowed to present this rape and poisoning/drugging/torture/teleportation contract out upon me for aspiring media/entertainment and politics Mafia and bigoted Nazis to exploit so they can then promote the candidates in promises of endless media glorification as their "reward" for partaking in assaulting me in every way possible: and I am writing that I actually do NOT want them in power and hope that Kennedy ousts them from the role they never should have been granted in the first place. My response from over a decade and from years of gang stalking/death squad/teleportation violence, US Government backed, Whorewood circus engagement rape and torture by our elected "leaders" in this MK ULTRA/microchip implant/teleportation hell forced upon me by the millionaires and billionaires of Whorewood GmbH and Mafia/Nazi minionhood of D.C.

"RFK Jr. throws down the gauntlet". The Greyzone. April 26, 2023.


"CloseUp: Kennedy will put himself to the test of NH voters". WMUR-TV. April 23, 2023.

The last few days I have written in a negative tone, to put it in a most mild tone--about the two dueling dinos who hold positions of candidacy in the upcoming election cycle--you know who-saurus versus you-know-who triclops. I have been subjected to teleportation skits, while in a deep, sickness-induced daytime sleep from never-ending detox (euphemism for crapping out) of hard poisons that are cracking and like some compressed series of finely compressed layers of hard poison black filth, sliding off and pouring out in never-ending decompression. Parts of my body are so affected I can't move, as the poisons are latched to sinews, bones, joints, into viscerae, etc. The process along with recurrent poisoning (meaning never-ending repoisoning in a most horrific slow murder via poisoning campaign that has been aimed at me for over a decade, by your delighted celebrities of all skin colors who have been handed red carpet appearances never-ending as well for their promotional lead roles exploits after ordering such murderous filth to slow and derange and destroy me.

But sleeping today after making a wonderful meal, the warmth of the food, seeping into my painful body wounds and putting me into a very deep sleep--

but no, the terrorists can't miss a single moment of me being "vulnerable" in sleep mode to not teleport and inflict whatever hell and terror they can. Today's torture "punishment" for not willingly allowing people to poison and drug me into death while pumping poison into my body via rape and then also destroying my health--to the point of death of course--with hate abuse and terror tactics that the technology of death has allowed them to unleash almost unfathomable violence which they never tire of but only are emboldened and energized by inflicting and exploiting as often as they are allowed. 

I was teleported to a bulging (i.e. fat, with a large pot belly) white middle-aged man, light browning hair with a balding patch (not that it matters really what he looks like) but the "skit" was that, as usual, I was (and am essentially) homeless (but paying a lot to be raped and mangled and poisoned in a torture chamber "studio"--again, with no options or choices and all telecommunications diverted to one choice which turns out to be a constructed terror prison-style unit of surveillance and torture infiltration and bodily-zapping non-stop every day and night with technologies situation on all sides of the room, top-to-bottom).

I was told that being homeless with no options (in the teleportation skit) I would have to have sex with this man, and not just "sex" but a most porno version of "humiliation" style male fantasy of subordination. 

Supposedly that is meant to imply great "shame" for me because some pig ape men want to dehumanize and have their bigot Nazi blonde women steal all they can from me (ideas to make their pretenses at being "liberal" while playing both sides of the political farce that I am writing of in chagrin--thusly leading to more violence against me in these covert teleportation skits).


The situation of being made homeless, and underlying all my fears is the fact that this group has kept me poisoned with internal hardening poison while having me raped literally physically in deep sleep comatose state while the terrorists on all sides would break into my room--although I have various locks on my front door, the mechanical arms which enter this studio on all sides of the walls from the other side--opening pre-constructed panels which line both sides of the studio walls, literally cabinets which easily can be used as opened portals through the panels to stick very tiny mechanical arms into my room--extending to open every lock and relock the front door in exactly the same way I had tied all the strings and barricaded the door with propped up items and items stuck into the cracks of the door and frame, and etc--it took me years, literally, to understand that mechanical arms were being used as I fought to not have my entire body be put out of alignment, fungus and semen inserted into my body, hair, food, clothing, etc

So the threat and the "mind programming" of sex torture abuse this afternoon, as I collapsed from the stress of poisons pouring out of my body through my own detox procedures I had to self-teach myself--(no health care physician or person has ever actually helped me to rid my body they only profitted by using modalities but keeping me in limbo stasis of poisoning, always knowing what was happening to me but literally "testing" out their alternative medicine, all I could obtain in America of any kind of health care for my body through a non-profit)--but as an "experiment" on how to treat serious poisoning and illness like this but never, once actually administering actual real protection for me on a personal level. Never once informing me of the death they were not stopping but only holding back so they could continue to "experiment" with how proficient their students were at the student clinic which provided me with any kind of actual real health care as part of student training. 

I am now digressing from the point--but this is the point, of never-ending poisoning, sickness going on for years, and then being abused in deadly and daily/nightly teleportation hate skits and then tormented with rape and sex slave fantasy skits by disgusting creeps

and then being told that I'm a "nothing" sort of prostituted b-word and etc


I woke up, so ill and sick (I never know if they are repoisoning me or the sickness is from the daily detox of stinking poisons that come out black and rancid out of my body--a huge bulge sticking out of my abdomen without end--basically all my life it's been going on.


I wrote of politics and of both Trump and Biden--I can't consider them as human beings any longer, as well as their politicians like the most vile corrupt Pelosi and the Progressives like Sanders and et al.


any candidate like Kennedy, Jr. appears as the "Camelot" hero that people like me have been yearning for all these decades of the debacles of the endless successions of corrupt and rotten, lying presidents and all their women too (and "minorities"). 


don't be surprised, dino pack of thugs of both political Parties, if "The people" you claim you represent rise up in huge massive rallies shouting that they will elect Kennedy as your rotten and foul bottomeless pitt behinds get slammed in the door as you walk out of the offices of power in the next election. Kennedy, Jr. 2024!


It's really you rapist sleaze porn trash operators who are forcing this rape and sexual violence contract upon me because in all your orgies, porn policies and debauchery, in all your racist attitude towards women "like me" and your bombastic blatherings about racist equality for the benefit of appealing to a fanbase in tv-land--the reality of your hate will not be supressed any longer as people will begin to feel that there is some kind of advocate against your lying corruption and porno piggery--it's really "you" who are forcing this upon me who are the sleazy disgusting dirty foul porno sleazy "nothings" but put into power, the whores and the bitches but pain in millions and billions for your duplicitous roles. Thusly you are titled as the "entitled" and put your snouts in the air in Nazi posturings of "superiority".

Some times "the people" cannot be fooled any longer. I'm not saying that Kennedy, Jr. is the Camelot promise of the Kennedy rebirth of a revolution into integrity, but it would appear that many will rise up to rid themselves of the really stupid platitudes you have been coming out with as political punditry and rise to nominate and then elect in massive numbers Kennedy into the position you believe is your "right" from all the years of your lies and deceptions and whore-mongering war-mongering exploitation exploits of the economy and of the nation for your pan-Europigape 4th Reich infestation of humanity and the planet.


Don't think that you are ironclad in your position as candidate.


Meanwhile, the man who has ordered much rape against me here in this condo unit is now on trial for rape in Manhattan. The endless violence this expletive has inflicted upon me makes the claims of all his "victims" the blonde nazi women appear to be something like mosquito stings compared with endless murderous regimes of rape and poisoning and torture while fighting for my life to heal--as Trump has  done for over 4 years because he has to exploit me as much as possible for his endless "entitlement" to rape and torture women, in particular not of the blonde Nazi variety whom he merely rapes in closets and pays for porn sex but has me tortured and mutilated endlessly as "punishment" for not playing the victim on a much lower rung of rape and exploitation than his blonde Nazi women who also fully endorse what he is doing to me--they get a "better" ability to fight back as in they are legitimate in court whereas I remain censored and tortured for simply fighting for any right to be a woman and to live in peace without torture via sophisticated, US-government endorsed torture and rape technologies of teleportation and "gang stalking" death squads.


Biden is just a blathering fake and the violence heaped upon me for the past 2 years and directly coming, for the first time in all the years of teleportation to the celebrities who endorse the candidates, to now being directly assaulted by the media reps pretending they are not fascist to the politicians who feign caring about fighting racism (with a slew of blacks surrounding them as usual, some of them have Jews and many of Latinos but it's the basic system that is the same of having visual props surrounding every fascist Nazi/Mafia murdering bigot who aspires to reach a corruption power plank in the American "dream" nightmare scape they have been and are creating.


One can only fantasize the Kennedy, Jr. will be different. It's not a real happy hope I have, but at least the rhetoric sounds very damn appeasing to my near-breaking nerves from years of torture without end and poisoning that has never stopped/drugging continues--ascribing me to being not a grad student, not an accomplished person, but a sex fellatio rape and torture slave due to anti-Semitism and the hate of people like leaders of the Democrat Party (pelosi) et al, making Trump appear as a mutual ally in that respect, which he is, and they are.


As for all the white male political pundits I see and hear and the black women on YouTube who claim they are "Progressive", they belong to the Bernie barrage of bs--many of them. Hopefully Kennedy, Jr. will provide a more realistic and less bs blathering representation for the silenced and censored preffered rape victim torture and mutilate victim as I pose to the witch-hunt society of the not-free America. Maybe even Kennedy, should he sweep up the remnants of a dying corrupt dinosaur political "swamp" and win the election in 2024 (wouldn't THAT be some miracle?) but maybe Kennedy may even begin to recognize my plight as a direct threat to the safety and sanity of the general population, instead of turning it into a covert escalation of the corrupt contract as all the people currently endlessly engaged in this terror rape and torture contract are.

It is they who are the sleazy and dirty foul rotten whores and not me.

Will there ever be a political person who will NOT participate in this hate contract out upon me and instead actually have some consideration for basic human rights and those principles of self-sovereignty that the US Constitution so promises which mostly white pig ape Nazi Mafia claim is their inherent "right" but never mine. They try to take away my citizenship even, and staunch Nazis in places like Gainesville, Florida ask me routinely, "what country do you come from?" when obviously I have a most indistinct American accent. My skin gets darker in the sun of endless sunshine Florida.


I read through my post above and saw that much had been deleted and re-strung together into elongated paragraphs. They changed words, such as the sentence I wrote about how the rape-enabling and rapist celebrities and politicians involved in this terror campaign of teleportation tyranny upon me are PAID as in $$$$ in millions and billions for the duplicities and lies they continuously spout upon the planet through their celluloid presentations which turn into red carpet celebrity billionaire status for them, and the wreaking of the Republic of America for most people like "me".


I have a subconscious aversion to writing about Hillary Clinton, whose video appeared on my YouTube channel after the first day of me writing about Carlson's interview on Fox with Kennedy, Jr. As I wrote on that day (a few days ago), my guess upon hearing of Carlson's dismissal was that his stance was becoming too "liberal" or "progressive" for the Fox platform, but also that his celebrity was endorsing Kennedy, Jr. with too much fervor. Others in the media claim that Fox endorsement of Kennedy by using favorable interviews such as what Carlson accomplished was supposed to create a division in the Dem Party. What I heard on the interview was Carlson going against both the Biden and Trump planks and platforms and essentially railing in effect against both. I thought that was perhaps a more salient reason than the usual rationale I heard later that the Dominion suit was the "reason" behind the firing of Carlson. Carlson was going against the established view a bit too enthusiastically and for almost once I felt that this was an actual human being on Fox News putting out a more humanitarian bent than the usual lying stuff endlessly protecting the white Nazi/Mafia clique with which Fox News is stuffed as the fodder producing the racist-laden bigotry posing as "news". I say this as a person "on the ground" being exposed to the followers of the news propaganda source and not as a news analyst. The end result is a fomenting of racism along the lines the Europ-a-based Murdoch has set, in accordance with the dictates of his English Monarchist backers who also hold positions in Whorewood to influence the wanna be fascist aristocrats of the H-wood "celebrity" spectrum, many of whom have fully adopted the "Murder any dissent" position that they aim at me continuously with endless death threats accompanied by murder attempts on so many various levels on a continuously, decade-long basis (and longer than a decade, in fact).


Hillary Clinton swore with her new plastic surgery and her new hair dye job that in her rebirth of extracting as much money as possible from the politican opportunities that have been coming her way, with her English-based husband from his years of having been "programmed" in England into "liberal" fascism and racist hegemonist bigotry disguised in liberal rhetoric and displays of race-based rape-culture "feminism"--Hillary swears that Biden will win. As one of the terrorists whose yelling and screeching abuse attack upon me in teleportation then ensued in slicing of my body every single day for months in ways that would have literally severed parts of my body until I began to wind materials around my feet and limbs as much as possible in order to stop the mutilation that would have literally cut my toes off and finger sinto bloody mutilation (they are still mutilated after more than a year of me keeping all my hands and fingers and toes and feet covered, except that routinely I pass out in sickness and leave my body exposed when they slice into my body again while I lay in deep sickness sleep as they then teleport me to ugly filth men raping or beating or abusing me and claiming I am only for their porno rape fantasy subordinate fun and games as the women like Clinton watch on gleefully with Pelosi right behind her; both stealing money from "The American People" whom they claim they represent and "women" in particular.


She's waiting for her endless handout from her lying pretense into the political arena which Americans by now are  tired of, even some of the Democrats in fact. I have never actually participated in any Democrat Party activities as whenever I tried, blondish women sat in chairs at tables in front of the entrance to the Democrat offices who glared in hate at me. The mind control poisoning and drugging lead me to walk away in distaste at what obviously had been another orchestrated terrorist skit of subliminal messages combined with nerve and brain attacks by "mind control" tech plus open and obvious hate by racist blondish women like Clinton and Pelosi, who is private in teleportation really let their racist hate proclivities pour out while their Mafia men who worship all things blonde and Italian and fascist and fake and criminal bow in delighted deference to the blond iconography which they defend with absolute violence heaped upon me when I fight to defend the Constitutional Rights that all of these politicians and celebrities and MSNBC anchors claim have nothing to do with lowly me, who obviously "deserves" this treatment for daring to say NO to being raped and poisoned and abused to death by white Nazi pig ape disgusting creep "men" so-called and their rape cheerleader wives and daughters and girlfriends and boy-toy-friends and black viciously anti-Semitic minions along with the vicious Jews and Latinos and Asians who cheer alongside and get their promotions for their participation and deceptive betrayals both of themselves and of their own "race".


**Again, the "corrected" paragraphs have been hacked and now need to be "corrected" by me, but I will leave it all with all the typos and hacks....rewritten, and twisted by terrorist hackers as usual---Unable to think clearly or write concisely or think in linear compact clarity, as usual by the confusion inflicted into my brain by the tech aimed into my brain by the terrorist technocracy involved in this tyranny terror contract forced on me. 


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...