Wednesday, April 5, 2023

#Most of the sentences and paragraphs of this post were hacked with portions deleted and then strung together. So many words and components were deleted it's impossible to understand in parts--I the hackers keep doing this after I correct and publish so it's impossible for me to get a correct post out---Another insanely-driven rant from 13 years of non-stop 24/7 torture from a pile of shit you call your celebrities and Leaders of society in America. The shit and filth you have allowed to pollute and destroy America. The shit that you pay millions and billions of $$ to for fantasies of equality and Democracy. The shit you adore because they are fascist Nazis and bigot Mafia filth, kept in power because you want a culture and quality vacuum to destroy the United States while you watch movies pretending it's all beautiful and a power trip for you as your cities turn into homeless encampments, the US on the verge of every kind of collapse. But keep cheering them on.

This post has been mostly hacked and partially deleted and rewritten, as usual to discredit me--by terrorist hackers. Every "mistake" or incomprehensible sentence is due to the hacking. I've read through almost to the end but could not get through it all because so much was deleted and strung together into rambling half-sentences with non-sequiturs. It's extremely discrediting but I can't endlessly fight to pound out every key due to malware on the keyboard and fight the endless partial deletions and rewrites that plague almost every sentence--so I will leave it as is, it's mostly comprehensible, I have tried to explain the discrediting attempt by this group of crap. They also added in a lot of curse words which I had not written in. I used the s-word once and they hacked and rewrote it afterwards almost every other sentence--and etc etc etc. My brain is also under severe "mind control" attack whilst I write, so I succumb to hyperbolic excess while I struggle to fight the keyboard hacking which makes typing almost impossible. I must literally struggle to get every key to operate as they juxtapose the letters while I type. I can't think clearly and my cognitive decline due to the attack on my brain by remote tech or microchip implant makes writing under these circumstances impossible as well. My posts always turn into hacked ranting diatribes. They also insert curse words constantly and add extra words to my cursing hate rants about the people murdering me and raping and abusing me every day while no one still ever stops this absolutely disgusting situation of hate forced upon me by just sleaze and filth you all put into lead position. Or you keep them there. Or you don't expose them or you do nothing and think it won't negatively affect you. Keep watching as they destroy America and Europigapes come in to colonize and ravage the country and take it over...while the crap "people" I write off go off into the sunset with all their orgies and luxury mansions in Europigapeland as their prize for destroying America while you have all applauded it on. But they deleted quite a lot from the original after altering the writing to make it almost nonsensical and ranting with curse words and slurring diatribe content--I wrote that the Brooklyn Mafia was put on this case of attacking me to death to "submit" to fascism and Nazism, just like Bloomberg who has embraced it and has been awarded billions, like ole Aunt Jemima Aperah who is one of the worst rape enabler, racist enabling white supremacist aunt jemimas of all the crap in whorewood, along with farrakhan who is a disgusting example of this, and etc. But they deleted how Trump did this, maybe it is part of the lower portion of this post, because I could not get through the post to read any more of it after struggling to correct and understand what was left of the rambling mess the hackers forced upon me legible and clear writing--it was angry, but not completely ranting misspelling and unclear--with words hacked and rewritten constantly---most deleted--etc etc and all strung together by hackers--I wish someone would just finally have some concept of actual "Democracy" in the United States and actually stop this endless murder situation forced upon me--how I jjust want to live in peace finally--wish that there was something in my culture that didn't absolutely conform to these creeps--but anyone against them gets killed or put out of society (made homeless or killed) so I "understand" You all just can't do anything because you have to retain your standard of living and etc. Just keep doing nothing as the last preisdent is indicted on multiple counts of crime in multiple states and in federal court because none of you could stop this back when it was feasibly possible back in 2015 and 2016--now years later, under your wonderful Democrat leadership you still can't do anything to jeopardize your security to stop these psychopath scumbags who are assualting me and being put into more power. Just keep doing nothing...keep watching as they destroy the environment, the economy and the planet so you can have your security in your little enclave of in that you do nothing and conform, or protest a few times in a few street protests, or go to political rallies safely surrounded by your friends as you go off to parties afterwards. The real fighting that people like me must do are left as "loser" activities silenced and ignored. People like Gloria Steinmen praise the blonde Nazi women for their songs and gyrating movie shows about how much they are "fighting" for acting credits and money royalties in these "roles". I fight for my life and am called loser, bitch, slapped, raped, threatened, nearly killed by cars, because I am fighting the need for your filthy men and women you all revere to have someone to beat to death in order to feel better about having to fake being decent human beings for their multi-millionaire lifestyle American celebrity leadership roles about Democracy and how they are all righteously "fighting" for your rights as well....

The next extremely wealthy white Mafia/Nazi pig ape is now taking the reins of teleportation and stinking filth and staslking torture, this is a multi-billionaire or whatever he is--a stinking nasty bigot Nazi who has built an empire out of Nebraska, only to circulate Nazism in that corner of the Nazi and Mafia outpost of America. The Nazis in that region are immense, and undoubtedly he's been handed money and influence to retain his grovelly fake humble financial empire through all the social engineering of the endless monopoly that all these worthless crap pig apes have been handed by every generation and every administration of all governments on the planet. Meaning, I hope finally after all the years of this shit Biden administration that the old men die off finally--that this is the next endless sucession of shit that Biden's administration has unleashed upon me, because Biden is such a fake and such a disaster on all levels. The few items of his administration that are congruent with the campaign "promises" that lying fake "Humble" grovelly old man Biden stuttered out, barely passing a few greed and graft Bills for shit like Pelosi et al to steal money from in collusion with the shit out of California and the shit out of Whorewood and the shit out of Capital Hill-scumbag-wood. Boy or boy am I writing the hate content that the greasy and filthy pig apes really drool to read, they are wetting their rape culture pants reading my hate diatribe right now. I am playing completely into what they want, their agenda of hate and misery by writing this.

I see that greasy and nasty disgusting Marjorie Taylor Greene is now in the throes of receiving her endless media propagandized promotions after just sexually assaulting me in a most disgusting way last month, or was it this month? Every time I get on the internet she has been interviewed by the major news shows and is constantly being quoted as if her opinion is meaningful. I wonder how many actual Republicans there are who are not bigot fascists in the House of Reps at this time who actually have something intelligent and worthwhile for society to offer, instead of that ranting death-rattling bigot scumbag whore Greene who did what Trump said he just "did" to women by grabbing them in the p-word and she's his neophyte in that respect. Extremely rapist disrespectful, and then the next day spouting out bs about how homosexuality is a shame upon American society. I think the bigots consider rape an act of power not an act of homosexuality, so she is exempt in being called a rapist lesbian in something like a prison atmosphere of torture aimed at me and fully coordinated by the Biden and Harris team. Did not not write endlessly that for the first month of their induction into power, back in 2020 or however long ago their hate despotism disguised as benevolent despotism Democratic Party failure (just can't pass the promises due to Manchin and Sinema lies, as part of a huge deception ploy to continue the endless fascist program for corporate fascist dictatorship in America). it's disgusting and lying, fake "humble pie" All-American bigot white supremacist rich old man hyena out of Nebraska coming to join in with rotten and foul deniro and pesce, dirty and disgusting filth parade of the endless championing of shit pitt and shitalina--both of them and the "Italian-American" shit pair of deniro and pesce--all having stolen ideas from me (not pesce, I think, not from the movies he has not put out in all these years, I don't know what he's stolen or done) but deniro, has tortured me to obtain ideas, and has tortured me endlessly before and after, has been poisoning me to death and abusing me to death, has done things like punching into my face extremely violently--(that was day #1) and I've been fighting to get them off me for YEARS and no president or administration will do anything but continue this slow torture-to-death situation. The pig ape pair from Brooklyn, who ensured that my family ran from Brooklyn because they turned it into a violent and anti-Semitic pig shit place of filth and hate, because the U.S. Government so fully supported the mafia and allowed the "Italian-Americans" to attack Jews, who had been prominent and also in the realm of Mafia--but ever since Lucky Luciano and his pact with the U.S. Government as a liason with Italian mafia and the U.S. Government, the shit filth from Brooklyn like this pair and ugly and sickeningly rotten Gotti inc have been having carte blanche in racist attacks upon Jews and my family ran to get away from shit like that. Only to sell me out to be tortured in their stead by this technology so no matter where I go I am confronted by shit like deniro through teleportation, and no matter what physical direction I turn while in this teleported state, I can't not have to see or hear that filthy ape spewing hate and threats at me, along with pesce, and filthy stupid pig shit pitt and shit-whorealina sitting watching with pig pitt threatening to kill me alongside deniro and the other shit and filth that is endlessly being put in front of me. I put a song by a German cock rock rotten band on my Facebook page, which uses a double-use of the German word that is both "have" and "hate" in phonetic sound---because I detest that ugly sick psycho pig ape and wish him and his ugly filthy wife death by now, after years and a decade of their non-stop mutilation of my body, poisoning to death, rape without end, and that pair of stupid shit torturing me to obtain ideas so their blank and empty staring plastic surgery modified faces (to conform with Nazi standards) can have something both intelligent and "alternative" to crank out so they can continue the "Democrat" "woke" narrative that American is a country of "freedom". The only freedom for them is what the fascists and Nazis all claim they are fighting for: freedom to fuck people over, rape and steal and kill with government approval based on racist terms and against anyone who is against them.


So I put this song on my facebook page about how I hate this rotten piece of stupid sleazy ignorant shit pitt and shitalina (it was intended towards pig pitt, because he's the male part of that partnershit in crime, trying to force a "baby" out of me so those worthless and meaningless twit idiot filth shit can obtain a huge empire with their rotten swarm of shit children out of endless torture and theft of my ideas so stupid and blank ugly sh it like them can sound original and that they are "woke".


Putting out this song by this cock rock German band, and since then, they have been included in the mix. After telling them "NO" for whatever they are demanding (they are never gone, they have latched on along with rotten and ugly black Nazi shit from Brooklyn, the supporter of white supremacy that ALL the blacks I have ever been exposed to in this hate situation of rappers and "activists" who are extremely anti-Semitic in order to have another group to push down in order to be levitated upward by the Nazis--and they are so adulated and awarded it's sickening to see. So attacked endlessly.

Now it's the "venerable" old man out of Nebraska and at this point I only see one of the huge conduits of fascism and Nazism into the Western region of the U.S.  through his fake posturing as being a well-balanced personality of humble means but really, in reality---he's vicious and nasty like all the rest. Only following orders. Doesn't appear to have much higher intelligence when it comes to anything beyond sucking money out and following orders.


My bathroom is an endless water-spouting stinking filth attack. Cockroaches are still being put into my kitchen sink, as has been happening for months now every single morning I have to deal with at least 6 cockroaches that have been put into my kitchen sink. 


I was teleported to a skit where I was thrown out of a satellite into some orbit where there was no oxygen with huge bags of black plastic containing, supposedly, garbage. I "landed" in some patch of grass behind something like a billboard and I was "told" in my sleeping and altered state, while teleported and in a deep sleep, that the bags contained something" important". I felt the usual desire to smash the face of the pig ape forcing this shit upon me, the ugly rotten white Nazi old man from Nebraska who is using this to gain his own promotion for his endless wealth accumulation and his anti-Semitism comes to the fore. 

It's amazing who Bloomberg, also a most vicious and nasty Jewish Nazi with his ugly ranting daughter screaming "loser" in a high-pitched sickness into my face while in this state, as I was literally dying from poisoning because deniro, biden, pesce pig pitt and shitalina the ugly skank whore were ordering me to be bloated, dying from internal bloating/hardening chemicals while insulting how I look and saying that ugly endlessly carved-up with plastic surgery shitalina the stinking stupid sick rape-enabler whore is more "beautiful" than me as I was huge, bloated and dying. They have been inserting sewage water and bloating poison into my vagina and into my bladder literally every night while I was teleported--for YEARS literally non-stop to kill me. Nothing but awards, cheers and accolades for them all. Ugly and sickening Bloomberg has been awarded by Time Magazine for his "work" for that year, which he did nothing but continue to have his Nazi Mafia team crank out financial news while his ugly sinister stupid daughter was put on Hauge Magazine partying on South Beach--the place where I was tortured, poisoned because I tried to have my own business and was raped and poisoned by Europigapes who are still behind all these filthy and ugly stupid sleazy American pieces of shit endlessly trying to get awards for the shit they crank out, mostly from ideas they have stolen from me and regurgitated into fascist Nazi propagandized "movie" content. The same French and Italian pig apes are still working with stallone and the mafia (not to forget to mention, which I always do, that ugly old sinister man pacino, who is a rabid supporter of this and has attacked me calling me that word that these ugly bitch whore "Italian" men call women who are not "good" who don't play the roles that support their takeover of Brooklyn, then the government, then the media, then the country,  and into a global takeover--the mafia out of Brooklyn with ugly and sinister Gotti leftover mafia and the rest of that very sick and violent, absolute groveling to blonde culture group of shit. You can see this slavish adoration of blonde women in all the "Italian" men, even if they screw and have sex with black women all they are "supposed" to do is violently support white supremacy and worship blonde women and men, and that is all they do.

so now it's the German pig ape cock rock band, dirty filthy pig ape pit and shitalina never ending that pair of crap I pray for their deaths every day but they never die or go away--now I hope that biden dies along with Harris and also that McCarthy does not become president--don't know what to do, they all so sinister, and their next brainwashed generation has been trained that all the corruption and deceipt is so amply rewarded that all the shit spawn of these filthy pig apes have to do is become more violent in their aspirations to become fully welcomed members of the American Nazi bund Mafia party.


That is my diatribe--meanwhile, Jewish Nazi, dyed blonde Gloria Steinem is praising some blonde Nazi bigot for being an incredible feminist this year--I am silenced and ignored. I fight now for the silenced trafficking victims of racism and torture that the global destitution organization like filthy shit Biden has orchestrated along with Harris at the Southern border.  You can hear Latin-based Senator Cruz  yelling in rage about his people being sex trafficked but he fully supports it happening to me with this teleportation and drugging and gang stalking apparatus which he must support because greasy Graham wants nothing more than lynch mobs to be reinstated into mainstream popular culture via the Republican Party using these technologies. So every pig ape piece of shit is being awarded and these Senators and this "Democrat" president and Harris are all fully on board with the agenda. 

**I have re-read this post up to this point, and see that ALL of the post has been rewritten and parts deleted; this post was badly hacked and redacted--the hackers deleted words in every paragraph, reducing most into nearly rambling rants--So to have to insert this again, as it was deleted but I will rewrite in italics (for my blog) : For the first month of Biden's administration, back in 2020--Every day of the first month Harris and Biden hacked their pages directly in front of my open Facebook page, literally both together at the top of my Facebook page every time I opened it. Harris operated with black Nazi aunt Jemima Oprah, now I will use this term openly because I used it once in rage after YEARS of that ugly dirty stupid filth bucket participating in fascist Nazi activity against me, stealing an idea I wrote of to promote herself as being alternative and open-minded but instead what a stupid and incompetent but organized black whore she truly is, endlessly put into power because she "plays the game" so well of grovelling in love to white Nazi supremacy while lying constantly about how much she is 'fighting" against racism. After he years of participating in stealing ideas and watching me get raped and beaten and tortured and poisoned to death, I called her an Aunt Jemima as she began her assault upon me. That brought on YEARS of her violence against me,and that brought on a slew of black uncle tom and aunt jemima dancing and singing and "acting" shit operators out of Whorewood (but oddly, not from Congress--except for sinister Harris who, with Ape-rah--attacked me and I said that Harris should be president under a deep sleep and drugged-up teleported state, and thusly bigot biden and his Nazi and Mafia "Italian" wife included her into their fascist Nazi cartel of power--with "Italian" Pelosi coming to threaten to kill me and cut off my foot alongside ugly and foul shit-negger out of Austria but formerly the governor of California.


The disgusting black leather-clad cock rock band from Germany, after I said NO to their request that I help them to obtain more money and power for their horrid music and stupid personalities of absolutely typical German fake "liberal" albeit Nazi culture underneath the fake facade--they threatened to kill me, they have sat in the rows of chair attacking me, they tried to have me killed in car accidents, and they have not stopped latching onto whatever other rewards they get for free for participating in this crime against me.


None of you continue to do anything about this, as you all continue to do nothing but allow this incompetent mass of shit to further destroy the United States and sell it out to foreign infiltrators of fascism and Nazism, which you all allow to come and take over because you assume that their control over the fashion industry over America, which has resulted in America going down in every respect, in addition to movie and media content, means that these pig apes are "superior". I also have the shit from MSNBC coming to violently assault me yelling that any stupid white piece of shit from Europe is "better" than me, yelling with hate. I call them pieces of shit and yell back. I sit yelling and trying to punch them and yelling every day that they are shit and to go away. It's been now years and years and years and years. Shit T-rump put the Brooklyn mafia out on me. Biden is keeping Trump's legal incarceration threats in the air until the very last minute of the next campaign cycle, so regardless, the piece of rotten, lying shit that biden and harris collectively are (with her Jewish, half Nazi "model" daughter who obtained her global modeling position directly after her rotting black nazi mother and jewish father fully supported this endless trafficking, torture and rape and theft of my every idea, every block to my financial security and all I have ever worked for blocked by poisoning and torture and mutilation of my body forcing me into semi-paralysis which I cannot stop. I am dying from poisoning that they continue to insert into my body so my body stank and stinking sewage water was coming out of my vagina along with semen for YEARS along with fungus sprayed into my ears and hair, into my food and on all furniture, constantly.

The same shit pig ape whores who ordered this are still torturing me. THe "reason" is that I fought the French and Italian pig apes who were having me raped, my money stolen and who were having me poisoned to death while they raped it into my body--and that was over a decade ago. They also are still behind the shit that biden and trump and all the rest are surrounding with love and warm affection--not to exclude the sick shit that bloomberg is, who had me dangling off a harness suspended from a helicopter flying over Manhattan--that was last year and the pig was awarded by Time Magazine as being one of the top leaders of America. The greay and ugly smug smiling pig ape and his ugly yelling daughter have since been endlessly pampered by the Mafia-fascist Nazi controlled media--

and all of you reading this are a huge part of that disgusting group, but I write this anyway. I am feeding the sadists who want to read of me being miserable from non-stop torture that no one will ever stop, apparently no one is ever going to do a damn thing but cheer on the rapist pig apes and continue to have them put into lead positions of power in the US with no resistance and all people just complying with this organization.

But I write this rant anyway, as it's a kind of relief for me. Hacking is very, very bad. I wipe out the C-drive almost daily with the "restore"
 function on this Windows 10 system--it stops the hacking for about 30 minutes if I don't use any social media or get on any websites--in effect, if I don't use the internet. If I don't use the internet they are still hacking in but not as badly as when I get online and the malware is downloaded from every site I click on. I am endlessly rewriting words that I fight to pound out. None of you ever do a damn thing.

I am neglected and tortured for fighting for human rights. The dyed blonde Jewish women like Gloria Steinem are just like Bloomberg but not as avidly violent about supporting white fascist Nazi mafia supremacy--they all know what is happening to me and continue to praise some women who come out with marketing fodder for sale about what "feminists" they are-- while I am the one literally fighting for womens' rights I get torture for it and ignored and told to conform to allowing bigot shit men rape and beat me so they can vent the hate they accumulate from the whores and skanks they marrry and are partnering with, as they are all viciously disgusting on the most deep personal levels when and if you get close enough to them for long enough the thin veneer of blonde "appeal"wears off extremely quickly and you can see the ugly sinister quality of that group. They need people to beat the life out of , and this sex trafficking situation of attacking me is a promise of endless rape and abuse of "minority" women or anyone they want to attack (any "bad" Bitch" women who don't do what they want). Or any children. Or any men, etc etc etc.

you all continue to do nothing but applaud them at every awards ceremony they are handed for following the Nazi Mafia system you all conform to as you step over dead people in the streets and say you can't understand how America has become such a wasteland, laughing about the "losers" in the streets and applauding Biden as he forces America into near nuclear war with Russia and is breaking all his campaign promises and can't pass legislation because he truly plays a lying game and got Manchin and Sinema to block the passage of these "radical liberal" Bills that the old goat pig ape had no intention of ever passing in the first place. But what they did pass, shit like "Italian" Pelosi and her mafia interests stole money from as they pursued attacking me as surrogates for Biden in this hate contract. And the cascading list since shit Biden the Bigot has taken over the government has not stopped in a rapid succession for all these years. 


After having gone through this post 4 times, fighting to correct and seeing that half of what I wrote was deleted--the other half partially deleted or rewritten/words omitted and sentences half deleted strung-together--as I struggled to understand what I had clearly written, seeing curse words inserted, and the explanations about hacking also doubled (hacked for repetition) I stood up and felt a wave of sickness due to the attack on my brain. I cannot see clearly, literally my vision is blurred because my brain was under so much pernicious attack by their brain-altering tech. Not only not able to think but feeling sick--it's called "Havana Syndrome" but this has been relegated to a long-forgotten news byte forgotten and dismissed by the media--and society. It's been "debunked" as a kind of myth. 


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...