Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Another stinking filth report--again. Urine sprayed onto the wet clothing I had handing outside after having just washed them. I know the clothing was absolutely clean when I hung it up. Stinking of urine when it was dry enough to take off the patio, where clothing, plants, everything is routinely damaged, broken and the entire area has been sprayed with brown, permanently staining goo which nothing washes off. No amount of scrubbing or trying to dissolve in baking soda and vinegar and nothing gets the stink or the goo out of the walls, floor, everything on the walls--but as usual disgusting and foul. The room 2 floors beneath mine has the creep terrorists who make loud psychopathic laughter noises when I realize that my clothing stinks of urine. Their surveillance extends to knowing exactly what I am smelling or seeing, even when it's late at night, there are no lights on the patio so it's almost black, and they know what I am doing every moment and thinking. It's always a sick and disgusting experience dealing with anyone who operates within the beehive pyramid entity that this group entails. Everthing they say and do is sleazy and sick and disgusting and mostly stupid. Most of them are capable of doing their jobs of selling "Democracy" for public viewing on air or the tube. Their propensity to lie and deceive is also part of the filth that they pour out due to the ugliness they continuously harbor but don't reveal, and that hate and ugliness congeals and they are just rancid with emotional rot and psychopathic sick behavior.

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