"The Rhodes Center Podcast: Nazi Billionaires, Capitalist Ethics, and Other Notable Contradictions". Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. May 16, 2023.
**Next day edit: I discovered that hackers had changed something with the cookies permission for this browser. This has never happened before. In fact, the Blogger tab has a completely different appearance for the upload YouTube video link than it has always had all these years. But I am now able to upload a video which I will do from the above.
The title of the podcast is above, it can easily be found on YouTube. My other blog site, which is the same title as this blog but just with the number 2 affixed to the title, likewise will not post any video and I am given a small screen stating I must "sign in" but when I click on the "sign in" tab, a screen appears momentarily and then disappears and I can't post anything whatsoever (in terms of videos).
I had managed, last night, to put all the wrappings and layers around my hands after I had to, as I always do because I really believe the terrorists are inserting liquids into my bladder while I am in the unconscious sleep "MK ULTRA" state, being teleported to their filth teleportation skits and attacks of hate, violence, rape and all and every kind of torture. Last night I made sure to not pass out, because I am always very ill when I have to get up, with my head wrapped in 5 layers of material wound and bound so tightly I try to not allow the terrorists to insert their mechanical arms into my skull/hair to damage and spray and destroy and cut off and etc. But today, more of the hard poison came out after just a little bit of exercise and stretching in this tiny cubicle studio, standing in one spot and twisting my body just slightly to stretch. The stuff is caked and hard but stretching and/or fasting or just not even doing anything, at this stage of over a decade of fighting for my life to get this poison out while all the celebrities and politicians have coordinated with the creep factor surrounding me at all times to mutilate and poison me so my body is by now completely covered with scars and poison is inserted internally so I am never without near-death illness and fighting for my life to protect my food/body and home. LIterally endlessly fighting for my life every day.
So I collapsed around 2 pm and lay down because I was in too much pain from the hard "tubes" of hard poison criss-crossing around my spine, which had been pulled by more poison coming out after having done 15 minutes of stretching (if that much) just standing in one position. I ate, more of the hard poison had broken off and softened and latched onto the endlessly huge amounts of food my body demands; of course the terrorist celebrities make much ado about how much I must eat while they continue poisoning and mutilating my body through their proxy terror agents here in this condo unit terror operation.
So I passed out. I had to lay down. I could not spend the 30 minutes required to layer my head and wrap my hands in the 4-6 layers necessary, and then my feet were left unprotected and of course they can't stop inserting tubes into my vagina and into my bladder so I am endlessly poisoned, drugged and for many years, under the Mafia and under the Trump tyranny, passing into the Biden years of his administrators coming to threaten to kill me and cut off my foot (Pelousi--the Mafia Nazi "feminist" whom Biden just awarded for being such a "feminist") and etc. but I woke up with my fingers so swollen as objects had cut into the cuticles, under the nails. I have to pound on this keyboard and I can feel the knife and sharp object injuries to multiple fingers, most of which have been cut in half on the horizontal plane--cut in half and then repeatedly inserted with sharp objects into the nail, lifting the remaining nail up so the nails are yellowed and pried off the actual skin of the finger.
Meanwhile: the people who have ordered some of these deadly and sinister and mutilation attacks upon me, in addition to threatening to kill me after YEARS of them having their boyfriends (if female) or themselves (as the other "sex"--so-called "men) raped me themselves, and when I finally responded after YEARS and years and years of them obtaining endless lead roles and promotions, finally only beginning to understand what utter crap they are as so-called "Human beings" I began to fight back. One of them I called a piece of shit, which brought on a house of cards of the English Monarchy (as this scum whom I called a "piece of shit" has an entire entourage of people who also have ordered me to be poisoned nearly to death, as I fight continuously--all rushing to claim I should be killed --the fellow blonde Nazi English contingent with their Commonwealth others all assorting, just around awards time of course, to laugh, share giggles about how after years of me being poisoned and mutilated and raped and tortured, which is still never ending in my sleep state and in every other way possible on this planet in every facet of life under non-stop deadly attack --)
and they are--many of them--featured at the Cannes festival. The pig ape who raped me for years is featured as being "not guilty" of abusive of his former partner in teleporting and torturing beating and raping me/ along with his spawn whose skank tv show is also being highlighted--of course, non-stop appearances from the spawn of this filthy "actor" who is so "beloved" by the French, in particular for his role performing Nazi hate acts upon me using these nefarious technologies with all the bigot women cheering him on and on and on (he and his spawn and partners NEVER NEVER EVER stop attacking me if possible they would still be raping and beating and poisoning me and laughing as I bloat up dying--but they are kept off somehow so other pieces of shit can attack me)
and thusly, others were also featured in the parade, some of them have not actually openly participated in this teleportation attack upon me. But as usual, they are featured in American media clips on various celebrity sites such as ENews and Entertainment Tonight. There was a dearth of the terrorists on the "red carpet". All of them playing roles criticizing fascism and all playing roles fighting racism and all endlessly playing monopolizing the industry with the monopolistis who want their children to be put into the same terror 4th Reich Nazi roles of administering racism and inequity through the monopoly chain that keeps rolling out the same celebrities year after year, but focusing on the most violent ones who attack me as being just wunderbar.
I remain here fighting to not be mutilated endlessly while passing out from the poison they inserted into my body and continue to profit off. The ideas they stole from me they have completely taken credit for and tortured me for becoming angry after they raped and beat ideas out of me using poisoning and blocking of my internet so I can't actually write or accomplish anything.
A chorus of "loser" "Bitch" and "she should be killed" echoes endlessly when I fight to get on filthy and disgusting parasite from attacking me for the nth year in a row as they take turns, then are rolling in succession on red carpets for every single year for every major awards ceremony to every festival for the bs they are put in lead role to present as representing a society that is crumbling with mass shootings, homelessness, mental illness, a collapsing economy and ALL THAT WITHIN THE YEARS THAT THEY WERE HANDED THESE TECHNOLOGIES AND THEY PUT THEIR BUDDY INTO POWER and now all the President's men and women are joining on in with teleportation as well. Note that #45 obtained his position of power as a Whorewood "celebrity" associate of the pig apes I barely list or mention only as veiled shadows for this post. The actual line-up of the celebrities who have attacked me throughout this past decade far surpasses the endless few who are endlessly in these parades. Every time there is a celebration you can see Whorren Mirrage the ugly old English skank--with dyed purple hair for this mirrage of her being some celebrity "star" and her absolute death threats, rape with her ugly huge Irish thug creep scumbag who both jointly had my head in the crook of a car door slamming it shut as I was teleported and on the ground in this position after I called that ugly piece of shit a piece of shit.
Honored, worshipped nearly for the decade that rotten whore mirrage has been participating in teleporting me. Every December that ugly dirty thing rolls into attacking me with her dirty ugly Irish creep actor who keeps being handed lead roles for violent thug movie roles. She keeps being put into "humanitarian" parts for these movies; this year playing a Jewish woman who is supposed to be a "hero" for Israel. Like the Evangelical Nazis I wrote of in another post (one of my blogs, maybe this one I think it was my other tho) but the Evangelical Nazis trying to overtake the country of Israel with a genocidal twist of anti-Semitism but playing the role of benefactor and charitable concerned humanitarian, being filmed handing out with huge crocodile smiles gifts or some token of support for the situation in Israel (the trend has been for years to label the Jews as Nazis and the Palestinians as victims--and the media endlessly plays along with this role--you will NEVER hear the alternative position from any Jews on Israeli defense, only that Israel is a fascist country but no interviews are possible as Palestinians are crying about their land being stolen. I am referring to the lack of media attention to both sides, but most of the fastidious Nazis --black in particular but this is sponsored by the whites like Whorren Mirrage with her fake stance of being a kindly supporter of "Jews" --who bow and obey white supremacy a la the English Monarchy and it's goals of taking over The Promised Land and proclaiming themselves as the "chosen people" once Jews are slaughtered by the Black and Brown Nazis who are being trained endlessly to want to kill Jews).
But endlessly on the red carpet and for such an ugly piece of sick crap, adjoined to the English Monarchy who, like Biden along with his filthy Mafia backdrop, pushes such people into the limelight so they can endlessly claim that they are beneficent human beings fighting for "freedom and Democracy". In reality they are working to undermine everything except for an elitist white supremacist system with the "good" black and brown minions fully playing into the hierarchy and pushing violently anyone they are told to viciously attack for their masters and for their own safety within the clutches of the 4th Reich hierarchy, because they hold such a tenuous position therein.
Always very near impossible to type and write, and I'm pounding down on my mutilated fingers trying to get this out so I can not have it compounded with the actual poison these toxic filthy scumbag actors have ordered put into my body as they strut the red carpet. You can see that despite all their money and beauty treatments, the sinister quality of them shows up on their plastic-coated rotten faces and no matter how many layers of silicone injections or botox can erase that sheer evil quality that they have imbibed. Just look at the arched eyebrows and sinister set of wrinkles and the grinch type of smiles they all grit their teeth to crank out for the cameras flashing on the red carpet of that pig ape whore parade in Cannes. All the money fascist Nazis and Mafia have stolen from all the millions and millions of victims whose money they stole before gassing and destroying their lives and countries on display at the same time for these scumbag whore pig ape parades on the red carpet (for any of the countries where these displays are held--but in particular in the G7 countries but I think it would not matter any longer as the global economy and 4th Reich have created a seamless system of corruption and evil greed compounded into monopolies and awards for being a piece of shit every year for the same people and their rotten spawn and friends).
After my diatribe, because the enervating technology blasts into my brain while I am typing causing a more Hyperbolic reaction than I would chose, just to try to retain "face" and not appear ranting as I do in these posts while I fight to pound out letters with fingers that are bloated and swollen from metal objects inserted under the cuticles and fingernails--now every time possible when I am sleeping or sick and am not able to wake up or protect my body
but---watching now the English YouTube video on Cannes and I see the "Jewish" Nazi from Israel who fervently approached me to gain her own lavish promotion, operating with hate towards me and delightful grins (and now for a decade ongoing) celebrated for having played maybe some minor role in some movie--glamorized endlessly ever since participating with the male raping me and using holocaust language about killing me when I was fighting to stop him from raping me--and thus pounding poison more deeply into my body, which he couldn't give a damn about, began punching me and abusing and having me thrown off heights from behind in teleportation. I tried likewise to post this video on both of my blogs and the application is being blocked-the first time in all the years I have written on this blog. So I must continue and although I cleared out this system just yesterday (in a 3 hour system restore operation), it is now polluted completely with malware one day later.
My brain is now blanked out and I can't "remember" what I was going to type, which I was in the middle of while the app was blocked from posting any videos.
But the list of these violent sleazy sick and disgusting Jewish and Black and White Nazis all playing the role of defender of the Universe and of America and for feminism and for women--
remembering when Pelousi was stepping down how I wrote that her role as "feminist" was to put==as all the "Italian-American" mafia agents I have been subjected to for all these years and decades of this attack do--they like slavish devotees of white supremacy viciously attack me with deadly violence and near-death poisoning and rape without end and theft of all I have worked for--as their forefathers had done under Mussolini with the Jews in Italy, and as the American mafia thugs had done in places like Brooklyn as they terrorized and abused and raped and threatened the Jews until there was a mass exodus out of Brooklyn of Jews who could not stand these dumb and sleazy violent thug scumbags any longer---the ones like my family who sold off their children just so they would not have to be subjected to the filth and terror of this group of sick filth in Brooklyn--but, Pelousi was heralded by bigot #46 of the Oval Office as being a defender of "women's rights" as just happened again and was posted in The Hill today (I suspect this blog will not publish any single link for either a video or URL so I won't even try)
And the blonde wife of the MSNBC anchor who has yelled like a fascist, is most immature and nasty bigot yapping K-rap out of Pensacola with his bigot post-sorority type blonde Nazi bigot wife sitting next to him playing demure, nice and supportive of her immature and nasty, obviously occasionally violent hubby who plays "Democracy" advocate but is increasingly violent towards me with yelling and absolutely defending the bigot Mafia underlings who all violently support white supremacy and Nazi iconography. You will see in Miami, as I have done selling cigars at "fancy" French and Italian restaurants as an independent vendor and along Ocean Drive and in discos and clubs for over 2 years, that the darker Italians and "Italian-Americans" make it a matter-of-course pilgrimage to have a blonde woman mate with them so their offspring is of a lighter skin and hair hue--in a massive effort to Nazitize themselves and to appear more like blonde Nazi culture. So when fascist Nazi bigot Pelosi--who loves black men, oh yes, oh yeah, but they play the same role for the "Italians" as the "Italians" do for the blonde Nazis--adoring and fervent supporter for all the racist agenda that they all claim they are not disposed towards (the Mafia makes it open and apparent in many cases that I have witnessed, behind the glare of public hearing, how much they loathe black people and Jews and etc etc in all these meatball mentality racist jokes and memes and stereotypes).
But the blonde wife of the MSNBC had a little sorority girl meeting on MSNBC about what a "feminist" Pelousi was and what a great passing of a great defender of "women" is leaving the Speaker position. Now, I truly hope to not offend the current speaker Jeffries, and I am sure he could take offense to what I am writing now, I do not mean him selectively but, I refer to a general pattern that is ubiquitous to say the least (in my experience as the perennial target and exposed to all the nuances that people endlessly try to conceal which they glaringly show to me in this hate contract where I am silenced so only the insiders have access to my writings)
But they were "sad" that Pelousi was leaving, because as an Italian she has so much concern to nurture the blonde Nazi cartel of the 4th Reich, her partner in crime and the mutual Axis powers that many Americans still cling to.
Why I am focusing on this right now, I don't know because my thoughts are being scattered (by tech, mind control suppression) while I write this.
The other "point" I wanted to write is that this actor who is featured in news clip after news clip who teleported and beat and tortured me--his career was in a decline when he began. He starred in a movie and looked in the very lax background of the small little groups of people attending his movie premiere--which flopped--and he looked greasy and ugly and fat and polluted, which he still does--but he was on a decline in his career when he began--and now being featured as a hero in France, with his former dirty French whore wife and her family once more welcoming him in because he's bringing their spawn and their entire family and French fascist Nazi group into the tentacles of American 4th Reich media through this contract out on me--and featured and on the red carpet with global attention because Heard flopped in her role as accuser on the stand a few months ago. The "hero" was redeemed from his accusations of being a rapist. Undoubtedly, (in my opinion) Heard's partnership with Elon Musk was so extremely financially impactful for her life that she was willing to play a role that would crucify her image on the stand, and Musk's ability to manipulate brain waves--as he's an integral component of this tech contract out on me and has risen in rank like one of this Space X missiles which no one can foresee will crash course and deflect as a deadly hit upon the planet unless it's stopped from it's intended course. But I think she was under "mind control" while she was on the stand, and perhaps deliberately on her part as part of a deal to obtain a lot of money from Musk. You see, Musk is a good ole racist boy and slightly immature if you meet him in person (or see him in his antics in videos). He is nothing of a "cool" California alternative person concerned about the environment or the planet. He's interested in supporting white male power and hegemony and in infiltrating America as part of the English Crown Commonwealth out of S. Africa.
Heard played her role, was lambasted but is probably reeling in the money that Musk payed out for her to play that role because his intention, along with the rest of the celebrities attacking me, is for rape culture to absolutely THRIVE onseen with the teleportation technology.
The absolutely murderous violence that every one of these pig ape so-called "men" have inflicted upon me would have made headlines if even the most lowly of transplanted black-skinned immigrants were treated like this and had evidence of such for cameras and publicity to publish. In the unseen black web of this subculture of hate and wealth and entitlement, which so many impoverished wish to join in on and create a world of hate and violence that is silenced by technological tyranny.
So Musk got Heard to play a clown on stage and she played her role. Her income from all of the rapist hate men she has partnered with has made her absolutely wealthy and famous in some obscure way--just from this contract out on me which she eagerly participated in AFTER she accused that pig ape of beating her (once, or many times, what ever).
Musk had to have that pig ape redeemed for the media to then publish what a victim he was of a false accusation because he won a defamation suit that undoubtedly was a paid-off massacre of justice and Heard was paid, undoubtedly, a lot of money to play the sobbing victim but smiling immediately after her performance so the male-rape-culture indoctrinated jury could claim that she was lying.
Anyone who studies classic rape trials or reads anything about how women are expected to act, the suppositions the misogynist juries and public assumes about the women in question when they accuse such prominent white males--anyone could have studied this and understood that her performance would have deflated her case and her appearance. It was staged in my opinion. And now the culprit has been thoroughly acquitted and is in regalia like the greasy scumbag he is on a red carpet in fascist Nazi France with his other abused French wife who divorced him for $100 million, now cheering him on and claiming he is not an abusive SOB to the cameras because SHE likewise is starring in movies in France.
The sleaze and greed and lies and racism never ends.
Meanwhile, I have never harmed any of them whatsoever. I have just tried to compete in society and when I was attacked by fascist bigots because I was forced to be around them (Europigapes in particular out of France, Italy and Germany and England) they have had their Eurocentric American fascist Nazis of the 4th Reich completely attack me using the same protocols of poisoning rape into my body and bodily rape poisoning and theft of my ideas and then torturing me to obtain the ideas and going on and on and on and for a decade doing this and mutilating my entire body so I am constantly fighting to heal while they continue the abuse.
this is very disorganized, my brain is under attack this is just ranting coming out now.
The destruction of American society, the destruction of the economy, the destruction of the environment, the destruction of the Democratic system: all of these have been under severe attack as a RESULT of this technology used upon me being handed to #45, #46, their Senator buddies their bipartisan greedy acolytes and in H-wood it's a huge pile of them piling up to extract as much out of this hate contract upon me as possible. Any phrase that I say, after years of any of them attacking me, is used as justification for increased violence against me that goes on for a few years. I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima after at least two YEARS of her participating and stealing my ideas (to make A Wrinkle in Time, a book I wrote of on Facebook a few years before that ape pig starred in that film, like so many ideas I wrote of that became movies and tv shows).
I am still here writing about the terrorism and violence which is being handed over to one piece of shit to the next. The bigot MSNBC shithead creep and his bigot sleazy whore wife--who still clings to her sorority days I can assure you as a southerner or whatever or wherever she comes from, a most nasty but passive fascist Nazi pair--he's the loud-mouth aggressor endlessly playing "Democrat reformed from being a Republican" but a fascist yelling dirty nasty pair--but they all are, these creeps participating.
Still being awarded by #45 and #46 and then the wives of the former presidents also are just foul exploiters of that position and all working for "women" to have power--
the list never ends. If only I could have a blood-red-smeared carpet for the pig apes to parade on for public jeers instead of the cheers that they continue to obtain from their lying fake roles which are endlessly touted.
The meaning of the video I tried to post above is how a fascist system of the theft of the money from Jews was so financially beneficial and the slaughter of millions of other people--and the tally of 6 million Jews slaughtered must be absolutely a huge deception because if you hear the accounts of the numbers of people being killed daily--I think the 6 million mark of Jews being killed by this hate machine was reached perhaps in 1941 or 1942--years before the war ended. The numbers of people whose gold, diamonds, bank accounts, property, and everything else was confiscated and the number who were most brutally killed far exceeds 6 million Jews.
The film festivals are a celebration like a Nazi festival of how much money and fame is being focused on the fascist Nazis of all races who fully comprise the media faction of Nazi ideological brainwashing techniques.
I just got up and walked away from the laptop. I was so dizzy I could not walk straight. The attack on my brain is so smothering and I fight to think clearly and write but it's impossible under these conditions. I turned off the router and did a restart for this laptop but the malware blocking the YouTube video function for this blog (and my other blog on this Google Blogger service) will not download videos (I have not tried uploading---whenever I use any video uploader it takes over 10 minutes for one short video--and if I use a youtube downloader all kinds of malware get into my system so it's impossible to use and I must restore the entire computer for hours afterwards, there is so much malware injected with every video I open or download through a YouTube downloader.
But I walked away, trying to connect the disparate points I had tried to write--pounding on every key on this board with all my hand's strength. I can't write more than at a very slow pace to try to get any keys to work. My brain is under attack so it's like oxygen deprivation once I do get up, completely dizzy and feeling like I'm going to stumble and fall I am so dizzy from whatever attack they put on my brain while I fight to pound letters out to get anything out. Then they delete and rewrite what I write anyway and no amount of re-editing stops any of it.
Now, what I am writing, in regard to the awards and red carpet could be interpreted as being somewhat demoralizing on my part and anyone could claim all sorts of things about me (jealous, bitter, sour, etc). I am referring to the fascist Nazi infiltration process of culture, of the indoctrination of murderous violence affixed to entertainment and media/news and to politics. If you readers could actually see how these celebrities and politicians actually behave in the "privacy" of their group orgy experience of torture using teleportation, you may understand my flailing attempts to get any attention to the seriousness of this issue, which may be taken seriously to some degree but not to the alarm that should have been garnered by my descriptions--and years ago, people should have been shocked they should have been outraged. Instead I have non-stop sleazy foul and filthy creepazoids who cling to attacking me as long as they possibly can for award and deal after deal after award. They have an agenda I believe of absolutely creating a death replication of the Holocaust, but this time it will be Jews and Blacks and Asians and Latinos in a worldwide attempt at a complete divide of humanity into those who hold these technologies and those who are enslaved.
The worship of these pig apes is shocking to me and the sheer stupidity upon which they all rely as their knee-jerk basic reaction to my every resistance and fight back just seems like so much nothing to the readers who all want to be a part of this huge pay-out structure of whomsoever joins in and participates will get endless dream-quality of life promotions forever and ever if they comply and act as viciously towards me as possible.
It's not just "me" of course who is bearing the brunt of all the death-mongering hate of this 4th Reich organization, but with this technology that holds such a promise of complete destruction of any threat to the mediocrity and stupidity that these creeps actual are, as opposed to what they are so publicized for representing.
So now I have to do another restore function for this laptop to see if the malware will be removed and I can once more post videos on this blog page. If this function is restored after another hour's of waiting for the computer to clear out the system and re-install Windows, I will post the vid that I only posted the title to above.
I was blanked out and unable to type that while the terrorists are using mechanical arms to break into my room through the panels barely separating my room from the next rooms on all sides, they are not only inserting metal objects under my skin, nails, damaging my hair so badly I'm mostly balding by now, etc and endlessly fighting to not pass out from detox and cover my body when I do actually go to sleep
but they are also smearing horrific chemicals on my hands--all over my skin but they are on a rampage to make my hands gnarled and hideously deformed--the skin on my hands has been so routinely deformed with harsh chemicals smeared by this group, which they do every time they can (they did it today)
my skin looks like I am 80 years old--it's wrinkles around my thumb joint, along the top of my hands--I do wash dishes and I have to hand-wash clothing because they broke the washing machine--but it's not like I'm endlessly dipping my hands in some acidic substance and that is how my hands now look--with huge deformed nails, yellowed from being lifted up off the skin, cuticles that are so badly cut into that the nails are almost falling off
but my skin is so badly damaged all over my body--yet my hands reveal some of the worst damage. My entire body has been likewise deformed in this manner. My hands look like those photos of people who have worked in fields all their lives and never used hand lotion. I smear vaseline and all kinds of stuff on my hands constantly but the damage, like all they do, has been made permanent. That i keep passing out and must lay on that bed while they smear more poison into my skin, hair and body and then mutilate me while I spend hours every day wrapping items around my head and feet and hands while I"m sleeping just to try to stop all of this.
This psycho scum bigot racist Depp had my cat, La Moux, stolen from me back in 2013, 2 weeks after I said NO to being teleported and raped by him. This group still won't return my cat to me. This is years of them stealing ideas from me and destroying my home and body so I am covered with scars, while they have obtained endless red carpet and awards and lead roles and their spawn have as collateral parasites in this contract--but they still won't return my most cherished cat to me.
The U.S. Government continues to fund and allow all this unbelievable crime and injustice against me. The recurrent theme is that I am "wrong" and called every bigot Mafia name as a result of fighting for my human rights to silencing and the one and only companion I had who isn't a parasitic scum leech on me was taken away due to the protocols of this psycho hate organization and this "gang stalking" situation that has it's own algorithm set of instructions.