Thursday, May 11, 2023

Teleportation skit hate from greasebag scum outta Whorewood and Congresswood/swamp. Put into situations with disgusting crap people in squalid and filthy nasty cheap impoverished places where I had the choice to pay my subpoverty income or look elsewhere. Of course, in the now defunct USA with cheesy and greasy nasty white trash creeps attacking me on all sides. This is the trickle-down filth that all these economic policies have solidified all these decades of no taxes for the ape-filth residue of Whorewood and their minions who attack me as their proxy terror agents. They had huge, palm-sized spiders attacking me and my cat, or a cat which I was told was my cat "daughter" La Moux --they had cheesy white trash creeps posing as "neighbors" who were ready to violently gang stalk and rape and steal anything possible from me in these cheap rooms where I was looking for a place to live; homeless in the skits. The night before it was one of the Europigape rapists who, with the filth from London and the English contingent who puts that stupid ape into lead movie roles year-after-year--his one single decent role offered to him because he resembles in physical ape hormone-growth excess a huge Nazi from a concentration camp--the Jewish director of course hugs that piece of rotten ape shit residue along with the greasy whore skank from London who always plays a compassionate anti-racist, good-hearted humanitarian in all her posturing whorish roles. I call her Whorren Mirrage--they are such skanks and crap and filth it's unbelievable and yet, the crap on the lower economic scales are far terms of murderous hate and rage which they can't wait to unleash when Nazi death squads won't have to hide in the closet any longer. Forget about compassionate homosexuals, jews or any other minority they are part of the entire fudge mix which trickles down into a brown/black batter of a hate mixture resembling and emulating ape filth residue with a huge helping of pig filth residue on top. Plastic-coated and they appear like shiny plastic-coated fake fruit in a crazy basket being plied with millions and billions of dollars of awards for not appearing as disgusting and ugly and violent for public perusal as the down and nasty filth that is waiting to come out once the floating crap on top of the pile of very ugly crap below, which will bring more death squads into the streets and death and destruction to the beleaguered-by-this incompetent group country of the United States.

 Just at the end of the huge "title" descriptor in the "title" line of this blog, as I was almost finished writing (but completely blanking out and not writing what I had intended, the mind control tech always blocking cognitive function while I write or am in any public view whatsoever) but they popped up some page and the entire post skipped back to the beginning. I write very long "titles" so I had to lose not only the slight train-of-thought I did have, but then got lost trying to "remember" and continue to write.


As I was trying to write, because my brain was just blasted into some tangent that is tandem to the point, it was not the actual point:

the night before, one of the sleazy and ugly rapists who attacked me so this rotten old ugly actress in London could get the by-now standard procedure for attacking me, which is high-cost plastic surgery after attacking me, lead roles into near perpetuity as long as they continue to attack me in teleportation whether sleeping or waking, order filth and crap sprayed and sprinkled and poured into my room on a constant 24/7 basis, have people hit me or nearly hit me by cars, have my body ransacked and poisoned and put out of alignment and as they rape and abuse every possible moment they can, they get more and more. This huge pile of filth with this ugly woman who leapt to the chance for all this free promotional excess has not stopped attacking me viciously since 2013, when filthy ugly Depp and his dirty nasty daughter and shit whore from France, the filth he married who is a fascist Nazi Europigape with a cartel of other French pig apes driving these grease bags to commit as much Nazi-based violence upon me as possible. And like the Europigape fascist Nazis, I wrote about that ugly piece of huge hormone-growth crap adjoining as the dumb minion of the very wealthy, monarchy-puppeted creepy woman who put this dumb Irish thug into his prominent position--I assume. I wrote that his disgusting rape and her endless vulturism were an abomination; but not to the fascist Nazi pig apes and so they are promoted and endlessly handed this tech to attack me in most reprehensible ways, which they do with glee and this fascist Imperialist swagger because they can get away with it. How delighted they are, along with a contingent of old quacking English actors of the same generation and then there's the younger gen who are as violently fascist and disgusting as the elders but just more fresh and young and not as openly ugly in age and degradation of soul and spirit.

I wrote that he was a donkey kong, so he put some creepy skit about enormous phalluses on cartoon sketched characters, and then had some other skit about a violent punching match which just happened right next to me.


All of this for writing about what shit and filth and crap they are. I wake up thinking about how stupid and vile they are, and how this tech is being handed out by the likes of disgusting foul Greasy Graham a most sinister and corrupt Senator. That Ted Cruz is a part of this hate group is no secret but a conniving and lying corruptician is something he tries to hide. I saw recently a very blonde and manufactured youngish woman criticizing Cruz for his lambasting of the new "liberal" Black Supreme Court justice--(my brain is being blanketed out, and it's always such a task to look anything up as the internet is endlessly slowed down to a crawl pace)

His demeanor was of a cowed and flattered adoring minority minion looking at this blonde, youngish "attractive" woman who was saying that Cruz was "racist" as he looked like a scolded puppy with huge, loving adoring eyes and sweetly declaring that he was not "racist" at all. His violence towards me, the stupid sick lies he used (asking me if I were willing to go before a Congressional Committee and blast Biden for the crimes he and his cronies like rotten T-rump the pig have inflicted upon me for at least as long as the Biden-Obama team plus the Biden administration--equaling almost parity between the dinosaur administrations they all encompass. He lied like the greased pig that he is, and I immediately pointed out his lies about how I would have to lie before any committee and deny knowledge of Trump being a filthy rapist sleazy and extremely violent scumbag attacking me along with the shit of Whorewood, who put filthy sick Trump into power in the first place by eagerly welcoming their next 4-8 years of more endless Oscars and lead roles and promotions in Whorewood and Europigapeland movie cartel land because apparently every crook politician works hand-in-hand with the slime from Whorewood to project a fair and equitable society which loves and cares about humanity; in particular, the black population with the filth like the plantation Aunt Jemimas and Uncle Toms playing key comedy and lead roles and talk show blathering bs for white mainstream housewives to watch and google at with "google eyes".


It's a cesspool and I have been subjected to it for over a decade. You could say, completely disenchanted by now with this crap which pitts out the movies that you all cheer on as if they are great, not understanding the difference any longer between fact/fiction/truth/reality or good quality and pure bs shit cranked out in perpetuity in these tv-land movie brothels--that also includes many a news anchor and youtube podcaster who have become the influencers-and oh yes, the censorship has blocked out almost any voice that isn't congruent with the propagandized lie set that they all echo as a collective drone.


Endlessly under attack from one lying disgjusting fake parasite to the next. All supposedly the "leaders" of entertainment, media, news broadcasting, and in politics. As the country is floundering on every collapse on all sides. The fascist Nazi Totalitarian take-over is almost on the brink of the first stages of complete take-over.

I wrote about this topic many years ago, but the goal is to emulate the first stages of the Nazi Party in pigapeland Europigapeland--(not just Germany, the entire country essentially was working for the same aim, only that each separate country wanted to take primacy over the others, and their populations had not been in such preparation for slaughter as the Germans were, but this was an organized death situation that the continent of Europigapeland was already programmed to follow almost perfectly, as they did in the killing of those they wanted to steal everything from and then slaughter in most vile ways afterwards. America is now on the brink of the same financial and sociological conditions. The Depression brought about the chaos which brought about the fascist Parties of Europigapeland (covertly assimilated in England, btw with of course Ireland and Scottland always tagging along--I speak in terms of Nazi racism).

America has been thoroughly programmed into Nazi iconography for at least 40 years or much longer (as America was rife with pro-Nazi prior to WWII and during and after, but ever since the end of the war, they have been slowly building up this technocratic death squad system of eliminating covertly anyone going against fascist Nazi overtake, and thus in the silence that accompanies all the gang stalking turmoil that any outspoken target undergoes, they are put into the Nazi vice of the death squad culture and threatened with death if they speak about what they know is going on. The children of such followers become absolutely and virulently pro-Nazi and then obtain free promotions. I just encountered a "Jewish" Nazi piece of scum and filth that this scumfilth group of actors brought to attack me in yet the nth number of my resistance to their rape and sex trafficking enslavement endeavors of forcing their hate upon me; after years of them STEALING MY IDEAS which I tried to write about and have a career for, which they have stolen verbatim and given not just nothing but stole my money my ability to physically function while torturing me to obtain more ideas for over a decade and slowly poisoning me to death as well.

But this creep was murderously violent towards me, and had been while he feigned being a friend. In the meantime, the business he was handed by his mommy and daddy, which his Communist grandma and whatever other trashy creeps from the dregs of Castro's infiltration and destroy "refugees" brought, the Jews being "hated" in Cuba (look it up) as I have experienced absolutely violent hate from Latinos en masse in Miami--they are programmed to be anti-Semitic and like greasy Ted Cruz, they longingly adore the blonde white Nazis (see The Proud Boys with the Latino leader who was just sentenced--and see the commentary on YouTube about how, yes, Latinos are absolutely racist and part of the Nazi brigages). 

this creep dude who I conducted some business with (his family sold cigars and I had to work independently because I was blacklisted from ALL business on Miami Beach so I just did my own independent sales, which has since been completely blocked out by the fascist Europigapes who have taken all over in Miami with full permission of the white trash supremacists of Florida)

and this Cuban "Jew" has been one of the most violently threatening towards me---while having people threaten me with violence while he posed as a super chirpy happy "subculture" dude always with trashy skanky girls around him because he's a boy band dickhead and his band, with the lead singer a "jew" coming out of Israel, bellowing out some kind of depression "metal" rock about being victims of racism--completely enthralled with attacking me and marrying blonde white trash (from Georgia, the ugly kind and absolutely bigoted violent racist kind--which of course rubbed off on the disgusting creep who pitt and filthalina sicced on me as I fought to get them off me for the TENTH YEAR IN A ROW).


Otherwise, this post has many gaps in continuity. My brain can't function, the keyboard is being blocked it's extremely if not almost impossible to type on. Every few words the keyboard doesn't work; most of the keys won't function unless I pound down as hard as possible, very slowly. I must literally pound like I'm hammering down as hard as possible.

I can't go on typing any longer, and it's taking so long to get through this. I won't re-read and try to correct this.


The point is that this incompetence and stupidity remains being handed these technologies. Because you people reading this are either their "friends" or "can't" fight the system or think it's great, all you have to do is step back a little and see that the conditions of pre-war Germany are being re-created and they are helping to crank out bs about how they are NOT racist. Every one of the most vicious Whorewood parasites who have attacked me all these years have starred in roles where they are either played as "Jewish" or people who are "fighting" to save Jews in concentration camps. That they are re-creating a kind of Nazi "concentration camp" mentality, as they all mention Nazi death camps as they scream at me in fascist style after they rape me and I fight to get them off me. I wrote about what a great dancer Baryishnikov was (don't know if he still is) but, otherwise he's just another duplicitous rapist scumbag playing "anti-authoritarian" in just plain double-agent Russian Stasi/KGB style. And don't doubt that he's an agent of the Russian empire working to install destruction "from within" as they all are doing, being paid in millions to do, are handed documentaries for years of attacking me (shit-negger the thug Austrian now has a documentary about how 'great" he was or supposedly "is", as a result of having Pelousi threaten to kill me as she sat next to him twice before two stimuls bills were passed and California was handed much of the luxury contracts for building swimming pools in the region of Pelousi's habitat and her grafting husband and it's just the same thing as their insider stock trading grifts just on the Congressional level--always claiming she is fighting racism and cares about "The American People") and thusly, shit-negger gets a documentary about what a great and fun guy he is, and etc etc they all keep being plied with endless promotion.


Every time I write about the injustice of their sleazy and filthy stupid actions, which constitutes their absolute incompetence as people portraying any kind of artistic rendering of art, but no matter for that as long as they titillate sexually that is the most important thing, according to Whorewood and Congress swampwood---(recalling filthalina going topless for Greasy Graham as he gave yet more and more millions of dollars worth of "awards" to pig pitt and shitalina--pig pitt then obtaining a huge mansion in Carmel within a two-week duration after Greasy Graham began his death threats and KKK Nazi hate speech at me and violent poisoning attacks upon me while he was fighting the Fulton County DA and having to testify--trying to gain immunity or something, which he got, the greasy dirty pig ape).


Meanwhile, back to the thread that got completely lost as I was fighting to pound letters out, my brain under so much attack I can't keep my ideas straight--

after Cruz tried to put me into a situation, in teleportation, where I would lie to some Congressional committee, supposedly exposing Biden's complicity in a crime that he has not personally entered into but his minions in Congress have (on the Dem side, with mocking sarcasm watching me get raped, tortured, poisoned as they threatened and mocked and insulted me along with the pig apes from Whorewood). Before Biden, it was T-rump and his nasty ugly wife attacking me viciously and in deadly nasty ways (having me raped nightly by the people in the rooms surrounding me in this condo unit--as I struggled to try to figure out how they were getting in, not being able to think clearly because they kept me in a dazed drugged sickness which I am still in most of the time--with my body put out of alignment every night after having fungus semen inserted into my vagina--(with mechanical arms, that turned into sewage water and fungus along with mind control drugs--courtesy of your "fashionable" and "elite" and "superior" white trash Nazi actors with the black and Latino Nazi players alongside them, all attacking me and obtaining endless mansions, studios, awards at the Oscars never-ending for their violence heaped upon me--with mirth and glee coming from MSNBC anchors who joined on in with vicious racism and hate and Nazi fascism (and Mafia) and the sleazy and filthy Mafia actors violently assaulting and threatening me constantly for about FOUR YEARS non-stop (now endlessly adulated in all these awards and for lead roles, of course they are playing at the Cannes Festival this year in lead roles, or one of the more violent greasy Nazi/Mafia pig apes is)


But Cruz, after his attempt to lure me into testifying, while I asked for some kind of security and safety in this respect which of course he could offer nothing because he's a lying bag sac, and then after all that as I saw that lying under oath and claiming you "don't know" can have you thrown in jail for perjury. He was trying to entrap me into such a situation. I am so used to scumbags like him I knew there had to be an absolute pit behind the fall he was offering me.

But when I was "happy" that during the House of Rep's vote for Speaker, when McCarthy lost 13 times or so, I had the hope that Jeffries would take the lead. I was happy and hoping it would happen. Cruz then threatened to rape me as a disgusting boar rushing at me --having observed T-rump and this cartel of crap raping and beating and doing all kinds of very sick and disgusting things for years and only being awarded for it.


So I am venting now--I can't think clearly or type clearly so this is coming out as a ranting post. 

No amount of ranting ever spurs anyone to ever protect me from this. I only warn you people reading this that your negligence in protecting the Law and allowing this to carry on and on will NOT ultimately lead you to the paradise of being handed more lead roles and Oscars because first the Nazi Europigape cartels are going to put their shit filth actors in place of you (if you are American reading t his) and secondly, the country is slated for destruction as the pigs and idiot whores from Congress come and then spew about dividing the country up so the Europigapes can take over using the stupid sleazy pawns that they are as the lead roles posturing as competency. Put in place by the conniving rotten filth out of places like London who have plugged up into a cesspool formation in this contract using their sleazy posturing plastic-coated whores who claim they are "english" to create all this deception and division with them holding all the strings.


So I am at this exhaustion point right now. I have been fighting for my life for more than a decade non-stop while being terrorized while sleeping every single night so a bunch of shit from Whorewood and the fledling politicians can obtain more and more and more and sell out and turn America into a destroyed country, just so they can have more and more mansions and lead roles and endless monopoly. They are sick and stupid and incompetent--I try to describe how sick they are but you reading this just keep patting them on the back and claiming that the stupid and sick movies they crank out are fantastic. You are all brainwashed if you continue on this path, as I believe that all the violence hitting America now is a direct mind programming targeting attack which people like Elon Musk are using their satellites and technologies in order to swamp the brains and nervous systems using subliminal "kill" orders upon those with their MK 47's to go out on shooting and killing sprees. 

The mind control is being used on huge segments of the US population by now. But no bother to you f-ers reading this, you live in mansions you are secure you will continue to get more and more as the country is being destroyed. You, of course, could care less about anything.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...