Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Never ending attacks. 4 hours to try to order items online from a Thai online delivery service. Every attempt for the first 2 hours was blocked, on three sites. I had to keep trying, get into chat, had to endlessly refresh the wifi connection because terrorist hackers kept turning the internet connection on-and-off repeatedly throughout the entire blocked access attempt. 4 hours of non-stop trying, with only a few breaks to continue the decade-long detox process (while the pip apes from Whorewood and their political partners in Congress have ordered non-stop re-poisoning to keep me dying and fighting a non-stop fight to get them off me and for someone to stop this). And there's more--the scum from MSNBC attacking me most viciously with ugliness and sickness, undoubtedly tutored by the Mafia filth that did the same sort of teleportation death skits for years before they were trained--the "good" white "alternative" anchors from MSNBC always railing about Trump but participating in a contract trying to preserve his power and control as parallel agents while Biden keeps Trump off of personally attacking me; only so his buddies can contribute to their own promotions for his Party and election campaign instead of #45.

**Nota bene: I am now re-editing after rewriting endlessly all the hacks and deletions and rewrites--I can't get through it all. Most of this post was partially deleted and then restrung together. The keyboard is very hard to pound down on, and the usual attacks on my brain continues so I can't think clearly.


I rewrote endlessly and corrected and tried to make cohesive up to about the midway point of this post and then am tired of this endless travail that requires hours to complete for what I would otherwise have written at most, in 20 minutes and much with much more erudite and flair if not attacked by brain-mapping cognitive blocking technologies. All of that after FOUR HOURS of fighting hacking so every online order site was completely blocked. Every order and attempt required me having to refresh the page, in addition to the wifi being turned off at least every 7 minutes on average. Always in the middle of some chat session where I was trying to get answers from the "not write English good" chat agent (always a lie in these cases) and then, blocked for so long it literally went on for 4 hours until I could order one single item without the site going down or the attempt being blocked. I still can't put my debit card information or email address into one of the sites which is a very famous site in Thailand with it's English-translation capabilities and it caters to a huge English-speaking population living here in Thailand. It won't work when I get online as every single thing is blocked. So hours of doing that ,because the item I really want is not available anywhere but online. Etc etc.



Waking up to half of my fingernail sliced off with a knife--another fingernail lifted up with some metal object stuck under the nail so it's yellow and swollen ---almost all my fingers now are sliced and reddish and infected and black or yellow and pried off the skin of the finger---almost every single finger, my toes have been pasted with hardening subtances so they never grow and are mutated and one is completely black--a toe has been broken, and that is just the digits of my body, the rest has been completely doused with damaging chemicals or broken or fractured

but to continue---

I always have to get up in the middle of the night to relieve my body from what could be the endless insertions into my bladder of liquids so I am forced to get up. I have four layers of items overlapping on my hands and trying to get them back on while my entire head is wrapped in 5 layers of materials tied as tautly as possible with rubber bands and pvc strings tied around, with a sleep blindfold as well---so I can't see all the 4-5 layers I put on my hands, including rubber bands to get them on property. They then mutilate my hands while I have not put all the layers back on--and inject poison into my bloodstream either by inserting metal objects into my fingers or through insertions into my bladder or a skin patch--many various modalities of transmission of sickeningly disgusting drugs and chemicals are used in rotation, I suspect.


The teleporting terrorist news anchor(s) from MSNBC last night--the male teleported me as I lay in sickness from endless detox from poisoning that they never stop inserting into my body and food through all their invasive methodologies--

he began making a noise that a child would make--like "na na" nasal hate with his arms waving like he was shaking his hands like a monster sort of creepazoid---the noise was so hateful and nasally--his female partner is always there behind him, like the good female sitting quietly injecting her hate commentary while he, the "alpha" male, very aggressively shouts and yells like a fascist. They then put me into a hate skit where some man was being impaled and the terrorists were "reading" some scenario where this man was split down the middle from some prop ripping his body up from behind--the descriptions were of his teeth being shattered, his head splitting open, etc etc. I had a vague theatrical scene put in front of me while this was being read to me. They described gallons of blood pouring everywhere as the body literally was slashed into tatters and blood poured like a cascade. 


I woke up in the usual state of nervous system attack that they combine with these hate skits while I am teleported, my body being mutilated in the "first person" state or "prime" body, while the secondary physical body, much more ephemeral and intransient, is teleported to being shouted at, insulted, beaten, raped or abused and put into either homeless skits or people-being-murdered states--

they attack my nervous system after all these skits and after drugging me through injections, insertions or mutilations of poison directly inserted through the cuts into my body and into my bloodstream directly. The nervous system attacks force a state of agitation that is very hard to "come down" from especially with all the drugs plus isolation plus being surrounded by the terrorists on all sides of me. While I am putting my sleep clothing away and watering plants and etc, they make sure to make triggering nasty noises; they also torture a cat so it's wailing in pain or it's been "trained" to cry out like this. They also keep killing my plants, which all have brown and dying leaves and no more flowers except for a tiny few which barely survive the onslaught of buds being ripped off daily.


I wondered what had instigated the hateful attack by the MSNBC anchors. Was it that I wrote on Facebook about the latest Thai elections just yesterday where a Progressive group won the most seats (by one single seat) over the more usual bipolar imbalance of power that exists even within America, and especially within America.

The MOVE FORWARD Party won and it was a huge upset in Thailand and in the region, and around the world. This is why there was absolutely NO MENTION in any US newspaper on any front page about this upset Progressive anti-authoritarian Party in Thailand. It sets a "bad example" for the usual "domino" effect that the fascos of America love to quote whenever they want to stage a coup in foreign countries, another war, or the military coup that lost and was put in last place in the election yesterday. Oh no, none of these anchors want any kind of "developing" country to break the mold and have any chance to thwart their fascist aspirations to control and dominate the world with their fake "Democracy" fascism. Alas, I must personally experience how false and fake their claims of working for "Democracy" truly are. The other people who are aware are the willing accomplices and don't give a damn.


Was it that I was championing "brown" women from Thailand not having to be endless near-free "slaves" of white male sexploitation and that perhaps they may be granted, from this "alternative" and "youth-oriented" leader some kind of reprieve from 12 hour workdays and sex work as their ladder to achieve "success" if they play the game correctly and grovel and then embed that groveling until it's a true art form of subservient sexualized submission delighted to do so, oh I love you white culture exploiting my country!

Was it that the fascists feel threatened about me proclaiming delight that a Progressive candidate, who has not "won" the PM position and that has been coveted by a military coup ruling that the US put into place to keep Thailand as a subsidiary of it's global enterprise free trade surfeit (plus there is a CIA torture prison here in Thailand which America doesn't want to see eliminated by any "Progressive" Party).


Was it that they wanted to quash my enthusiasm that any political party might not be fully in line with a martial law military junta ruling the planet, in open form here in Thailand, covert and hidden in America with people like them controlling the "Left" media in the guise of MSNBC--people put in prison for protesting under Thai law called Les Majeste, which this new Move Forward candidate wants to abolish and many a Thai person does as well . Did this shock our "Democracy" slinging "liberal" media anchors into attacking and psychologically and physically torturing me for being enthusiastic about?

Or was it that I was not a groveling deferential Stockholm Syndrome mind controlled puppet telling one of the Mafia filth attackers who has personally stolen my ideas and used them for his movies that went to the Oscars, had my body polluted to a deadly degree and caused so much negativity he--in my opinion--in his endless black cesspool of crime and violence--is an entire black hole of negativity all in himself. That Brooklyn mafia scene is nothing charming or fun as the movies make them out to be. Much beloved by all the criminal political administrations for so long that they hold sway far more than the presidents themselves and their adjoining cabinet members--in sociopolitical terms. Always held on reserve and being handed these mind control and torture technologies to go out and inflict much damage to anyone the government tells them to target; me being one of them. After having spawned something, it demanded that I congratulate it for having had sex and a thing being born out of it with another criminal who partnered with him for all these years. In the truth serum effect of being teleported and asleep, all I could do was curse him and wish him and his family destruction along with his disgusting mafia group in Brooklyn and their partners around the world (thinking in particular of Miami, the Italians who had personally gone on endless years of violence towards me and profited in unbelievable ways).

so, was my response the reason this MSNBC crew of two attacked me in this juvenile and psychopathically sick criminally insane manner using human dismemberment as the "traumatizing" skit, because I didn't wish someone who was slowly poisoning me and abusing me for hours every day after injecting me with fungus and poison and mind control drugs and then spending hours inflicting his filth and hate upon me---and then with hate and violence demanding that I congratulate him on having something of his progenetration which I consider nothing special or wonderful. I kept telling him I don't care, and finally after he kept on and on, as he always does, I began screaming because he would not stop or leave me alone. Finally wishing him death and screaming that he's only excrement to me and filth and hate towards me, and perhaps that was the reason the MSNBC anchors were attacking me. Because I didn't love the abuser, and they all need me to be a brainwashed enslaved sex torture victim so they can all get more mansions, jets, oscars. awards for their tv blatherings about "DemocracY'. The reason, also, of course, could have been that I was overjoyed that the oppressed "brown"  women in this famous country Thailand might have a chance to not be enslaved by the blonde and Nazi white supremacist women like whom this MSNBC anchor has backing him who makes nasty jibes at me after he shouts in violent fascist manner into my face while I am teleported, asleep, and drugged up so I can't really have balance or a chance to see clearly or think clearly--Thailand, a place some men, in particular the men of the 4th Reich, love for it's  sex trafficking and sex tourism--but no one understands how much the white supremacist women love the enslavement and mind programmed Stockholm syndrome of the abused and oppressed sex object brown and black women more than the men, how they are lifted up out of their abused slots and dearly can't wait for more and more teleportation of women to be freely handed out so they can be relieved of being the abuse object of their violent ,nasty Nazi fascist men. Here in Thailand, the oppression of Thai women and men equates to nearly free sex, by currency conversion standards for those out of the wealthy 4th Reich countries).

and then, there was my post two days ago about the Jewish Nazi who I believe was responsible for the death or or murder of a woman (his business partner and financial underwriter, I suspect). I wrote of how he, like so many Jewish men (and so many "minorities") play the wanna be Nazi game so enthusiastically and in this case, this "writer/artist" spouts out the same "philosophy" of the German Nazis in the same patterns he did when I knew him back in 1988. Defending the Nazi 4th Reich and then participating and being awarded with exemption from murder and rape, as they all are and continue to wait in line to be promised as their "entitlement" of "supremacy".

 The "reason" for attacking me with this hate skit, which I pondered as my body was riddled with nervous system attacks and my breath short, as I fought the technological onslaught on my body which happens almost every morning:

Any one of these posts or all or my endless posts or current or former or just my  stance that they have no legal right to do this, they are all violating the US Constitution, have put fascists and Nazis into lead roles in American society, have helped to make abortion illegal, and have helped to assist in the furtherance of global warming--just to name a few of the consequences of their collusion with people like Trump, whom they truly put into power by handing him this rape and torture technology as his ratings and popularity soared the month that he began attacking me from near falling out of the race to being the front-runner for the Rep primary season, back in 2015 --(somewhere it's been "published" on my Facebook account).


That I am fighting to stop "minorities" from being the puppets who so fully embolden these white supremacists, who so require OTHER women to replace the battered and abused and neglected. emotionally-abused or physically abused or intellectually abused wives or mothers or lovers of these violent Nazi white supremacy men (with their parallel black and Jewish men who fall in line and emulate the abuser in order to be approved and to join in the power structure--and oh, how I have been put into the abused wife/daughter role for Jewish men whose own mothers, if they were Jewish, were so ripped apart from their children from such a young age that they were nearly extinct from all participation in the child's growth--)

but--any or all three of these or just the need to attack me for more endless promotion just because they "must" continue without end, no matter what I do or don't do; as this hate contract began long, long long before I ever was aware and began to fight back. It happens to people who fully comply but they are so brainwashed they don't realize they are being murdered slowly anyway after they bow and grovel in love for the abuser, which is the ultimate mind control schemata for all of these terrorists attacking me. Some of the most openly vicious are the minorities themselves.

But short of having minorities to attack me for them, as they have their symbolic "one black friend" sort of group of minorities surrounding them in their tv show (and all of these white supremacists have their "one black friend, see, I'm not a racist" backdrop prop surrounding them, but usually with a host of black and brown-skinned people or Jewish with blonde dyed hair or etc...)

But I wondered this morning what the "reason" was--that I am saying that their much-needed minorities must remain in place while they and their power cartels continue to influence places like Thailand so the military coup remains in power with it's "partner" which claims it's a "Populist" party--as the Progressive Party is holding promise to Thais that they can achieve much more independence from the chokehold of military and monarchical rule and silencing and imprisonment for the slightest of protest--such a crime to the white Nazi 4th Reich they are in shock and will be fighting to block the ascension of this party in Thai politics. Thusly no news source reported the election in Thailand and I was attacked.

but the attack could have been provoked by my post on the Jewish murdering rapist psycho who so nimbly bows in groveling deference to Nazi philosophy to justify his violence, so awarded by the 4th Reich controlling San Francisco.

Or it was the Mafia Nazi who I didn't congratulate for his spawn birth, which to me is an affront that he would demand this after endless jokes about them all stealing my child from me (my cat).


Or it was just the endless, never-ending hate cycle of being attacked by one sleazy sick mind-screw operator of the 4th Reich who needs another promotion.


So disgusting, they are all so disgusting in my opinion and it's such a shame that they are put into these positions of power. It's creepy how either no one can see through the deception, or yearns for that deception and allows it all to continue. For their expertise in deception they are put into these lead positions on all fronts.


Trust me, when I heard the winning candidate repeating exactly what Biden had said for his inauguration: "The sun is rising in Thailand and it's a NEW DAY"-- (in America--so said Biden, like an exact quote, a verbatim repeat of what Biden had said on his first day in office). Do not fear, oh hate-mongering bigot of MSNBC, your power structure is probably not in any threat and I have no one ever stopping you to protect me and your violence is being awarded.

I just wish somehow someone would just pull these parasites off me, the entire throng of them. It has been almost a lifetime of a parade circus of hateful latched-on parasites attacking me to obtain every iota of benefit that this 4th Reich metes out for attacking me using this system.


So, Elon Musk, how's it going with all the implants you are putting into sacrificial human beings in your new factory in Mexico where you can experiment in brain implant invasion for almost free with all the migrants and desperados who will sell their bodies and lives in order to try to survive what the former administrations of the Democrat Camp put the "developing" countries into--so slavery and Stockholm Syndrome love for the oppressor is not just a mind control operation but enforced through sheer financial manipulation and impoverishment of people like me through your integrated network of terror and then manifested into entire countries being outcast and run into the mud financially?

How much longer will I be "the only one" inflicted with this hate group that has it's tentacles everywhere running through every agency, every city and almost every person around the world?


By the way, I suggest people begin to consider that people like Musk are using their satellite capabilities to influence the subliminial content of masses of people so they are filled with murderous hate and go off killing sprees on a daily basis. Perhaps people can begin to contemplate that these murder shooting sprees are a reflection of the technologies for mass mind control and instead not a product of select influencers who are pedaling" freedom under the 2nd Amendment and military fascists who want to kill the minorities they despise.



One hour later: after having gotten up from the laptop to another part of this torture/surveillance-swathed room of electronic brain-mapping technology and suppression, I realized the "Justification" for the vicious attack upon me, which for ALL of the people who teleport me, really involves the same mind control procedure: they hack their bs blathering crap onto my youTube channel or on my social media or on all online newspapers I try to read to find out what chaos is flailing down upon the American public now from those who are delighting over capitalizing on dividing and destroying my country which they have betrayed.

The MSNBC K-rap was forced onto my YouTube feed. My brain and body had been suffused with mind control drugs and subiminals telling me to watch this K-rap. I always underestimate the ugliness and "evil" of these people attacking me, so I open and click on the bait they hack in. Once I comment or even just open a page, they get instant promotion. Many of them like the music pop stars just endlessly force their faces onto my news source pages so every time I open the page their (unwanted) faces and news of them (repulsive to me) are always, always there like an STD I can't get rid of. I mean nearly a decade of Taylor Swift doing this non-stop and she has never, after I watched a few of her music videos, in the slightest interested me as any miniscule remote replication as an "artist".

But to continue: MSNBC news clips are hacked onto my youtube channel in the form of various gaming sites which have a history of games and other silly vidoes, then a string of recent MSNBC news clips with the anchors involved in this hate "game" of mind programming, ostensibly so they can all retain a monopoly on being news anchors, and replaced by those who are legitimately concerned about a Democratic Republic instead of a fascist nepotism hierarchical 4th Reich system disguised as the former but controlled, really by the latter.


The topic this hate-wolf in sheep's clothing ("formerly a Republican" he states in almost every show, always very concerned about how Republicans can "win" in the next election)--and, as a former politician in Congress and part of that good ole 4th Reich carry-over from the 3rd Reich ,he's on top of deception as the ploy that keeps giving like an STD.


The topic was Israel, and like most of the black "Progressives" who also attack me or can't lift anything but erections to help me out as a victim of racism, which they thoroughly enjoy participating in alongside their 4th Reich "brothers" (and "sisters" which they mostly forget to mention) and....this hate blathering liar stated that the Palestinians are always so victimized and that the agony that Israel is inflicting is never-ending and "when will it stop"? I wrote in the comment section that every attempt to create a solution has been sabotaged. Yes, I did research on this subject using EBSCO Host research database, peer-reviewed and newspaper articles as subject for a grad school paper I wrote. That is my background in the history. I wrote it while under drugging and very obtrusive gang stalking terrorism (when I lived in Beaverton, Oregon). I wrote that every attempt had been sabotaged. I also wrote in the tiny little three-sentence comment on YouTube that the charity agencies and other "Help" agencies should be investigated for funneling arms, money and/support for terror operations (against Israel). I know a little about this from having attended German Evangelical meetings in the Stuttgart region which were NEVER focused on "God" or Religion but instead on politics, and money being sent to Israel was on the topic of a meeting where the audience were Nazi-era old German woman who yearned for "the good old days of WWII when 'everyone was so close-knit'". Their discussion about their charity fundraising events to spend money on their Israel installations really pricked my ears up, especially in light of how much they adored the Good ole days of the Holocaust, spoke often about how the Jews were broken and beaten down and then killed, and then I was attacked by this woman who brought me to her meetings. I was the curious cat and unafraid. I had an insight into the deception and so I wrote, very veiled, about these "charity" organizations in particular coming out of Evangelical or other such organizations claiming they are doing it out of religious love for "Israel". That Nazis and white supremacists really want to claim that they are the "chosen" and the Jews really have been abandoned by Odin, this should be kept a secret. I think the window of opportunity that I opened by remarking on this video from MSNBC with people who have viciously attacked me in teleportation and yet I was so drugged and under mind control I still opened those videos--and thusly, they used that as pretext to viciously attack me with veiled death threats and murder and hate and threats---

But that they are hugely anti-Semitic, this must be endlessly concealed and that their white Nazi Southern self-proclaimed "Christian" brothers (and sisses) may be funneling money for terror weapons and for this "war" to continue indefinitely in Gaza and the West Bank, which they are banking on. They want to destroy the Jews and take over Israel and claim that Evangelicals truly are God's chosen, and this philosophy is exactly what they spout whenever possible in the silenced privacy of their closeted Nazi meetings. 

If you think this is some hyperbolic rant, then please remember Raiders of the Lost Arc and how Nazis of the 3rd Reich truly were trying to assimilate all information and spiritual power that they claimed that the Jews had lost because they lost God's favor, and only THEY are "worthy" and must overtake Israel.

This is the "secret" that they want to keep silenced until it's too late to truly fight this, if there are any Jews left not following orders of the 4th Reich. So they attacked me, but mostly they are hoping for a Pulitzer Prize in Journalism, the equivalent of the Oscars for the celebrities endlessly attacking me and being handed these nominations and awards for year-after-year of torture and violence aimed at me in this system of systematic hate. Using the word "systematic" in relation to racism: Now fearfully labeled with great disdain as being "woke".


15 minutes after having written this last addition to the post, the wife has been impossible to regain. I have turned the router on and off 4 times and this won't connect. Obviously they want me to lose what I just wrote because I would have to turn the laptop off and not being able to save this information it would be lost. they have deleted my writing so many times in the past when I write such similar types of incriminating concepts or ideas or factual bits of information.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...