Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Re-Trump v ersion 2.666 in the 4th Reich Bigot Biden team. Krapola and Ape-rah and Mobama with a Whoppie fart cushion to soften the constipation of the confluence. The same attack that fascist T-rump used against me, Krapola the black side-clown accomplice with Bigot Biden used--a car hitting me, but in teleportation. I was "awaken" in teleportation, like all the creeps attacking me, they do it from side angles, poisoning my food with tasteless and odorless murder drugs and poisons, lying perpetually, as they all do to the collective "you" too out there, especially those who are dying for some "hope" amongst the bs actors who are chosen by the 4th Reich to "lead" my country into chaotic disarray and division so they can swoop in, claiming inherent "superiority" as Farrakhan the bs hater claimed they were as he first threatened, then sexually humiliated, the threatened, then told me (in teleportatoin) that the bigot white trashy Nazis whom he was sitting next to were "superior" to me, after years of poisoning and mutilation and blocking all financial opportunity and blocking all health care while constantly poisoning my food and inserting poison and fungus and mold into my body--every day, while having people rape and put my body out-of-alignment--every day, for YEARS and the list of damage to my body and life is endless I can never even begin to "remember" any of it while in this brain-altered state while fighting the hacking blocking th ekeyboard).

 **This post was BADLY hacked and rewritten, particularly in the latter portion written beginning with "A half hour later" below: sentences were half-deleted and strung together, many typos were inserted as I wrote perfectly and corrected all the blocks to the spacing of the keyboard while typing this out. Re-reading I see typos galore and absolute non-sequitur sentences that had been half-deleted and pasted into other half-deleted sentences. They changed the meaning of some sentences to sound opposite of what I had written as if I were congratulating the rapist terrorists instead of writing my ranting rage diatribe here. The hacking has very much disrupted the quantity and quality of my writing. It's hard to get through and these hacker terrorists always insert more curse words and make my writing appear very bad---I was ranting and my brain is always under an influence while I am writing, but this is after hours of torture while I'm in a deep sleep. The shit people forcing this on me can't get enough of producing this reaction out of me, I guess they get endless promotions out of me reacting to what shit they are. It never ends. But it's now nearly and even more violent and racist than the Trump team was during all those 4 years of hate and violence. In fact, Biden is a much worse racist and the shit from Congress are "coming out" in ways that Trump restrained them from all those years. In comparison, Trump was "nicer" than Biden and they are on par with their fascist capabilities, if not worse concerning the Biden team which is endlessly producing all these fascist Nazi racist bigot Mafia people who endlessly are starring in films and tv shows where they are rescuing Jews from Nazis and etc the bs never ends.


I was on a bicycle, in this teleportation "skit" while I was in deep sleep. I was put suddenly in the middle of a busy street. I was put in the middle of two sedan type cars sandwiching me into a triangular space between them at the junction of a busy 6-land road. One car moved and barely swiped me on the left, and the car immediately in front of me relaxed his/her brakes and drove into me, but stopped short of knocking me off or running me over. I could not move as I tried to get past the car. I could "feel" that the driver, whomever it was, had no intention of seriously harming me so I was relaxed and pushed myself out of the headlights of this car, one of those "assassination" cars that are much lower than the bicycle, riding very low to the ground. Trump used a vehicle like this when he and M-bolognia his wife ordered cars to drive suddenly from behind parked vans and drive into me in a similar manner. These were nothing like cars you can buy in any car dealership. Special types of cars, maybe for racing but mostly for hitting and killing people. That is what the pig apes have access to who participate with the sleazy filthy celebrities to appease the Nazi 4th Reich which controls and monitors them from places like London and Gernany andf France--completely having bought out the entire political-celebrity landscape they chose their clowns and rapist scumbags with ease as money dangling from endless promotion is all it takes for meaningless crap out of America.

I wasn't outright assaulted by sleazy dirty ugly Krapola or filthy nasty rotten Ape-rah or M-obama or Whoopie the fart filth bag cushion, (excuse my "juvenile" depictions but suppressed need for retaliation on my part, this is all I can do to try to alter the image you people have of these creeps who are as stupid and animalistic and incompetent and surrealist cartoonish buffoonish as I create in my "immature" jesting of them--which to them is grounds for murder and assassination, completely Nazi fascist style).


I was then subjected to a celebrity moving me to a white box-shaped room, rectangular actually. First they showed me that behind the back wall of this room was a removable wall panel with a glass panel and behind that was a room of technicians using technologies against me from behind the wall. It looked like a government agency or some officious laboratory. The panel went down and the faux "wall" re-appeared, and then a huge poster of this celebrity (in his earlier days) was tacked to my wall (taped). I was asked in the sleep, deep hypnosis state, if I liked him or this poster, I said no in honesty not only because he's involved with this situation and for many years as a peripheral operative, but also because I can't see huge posters of celebrities facing me any longer in any guise or form, and definitely don't want to see "them" on my personal home space.

Maybe he was "relieving" me of the more murderous content but "allowing" for "Just" one death threat instead of Krapola and her black women crew (there were black women involved with the white trashy contingent yesterday who threatened me with murder, and Krapola lovingly looking at a black younger woman, hinting at the preferential treatment of Blacks over whatever "race" they ascribe me to. Since her own husband is a "Jewish" man who attends Synagogue, at least in form if not undoubtedly in substance, or that has never brushed off on the white supremcist-driven Krapola Ferris (wheel) the crappy circus clown put into 2nd rate position by a 3rd rate president but typical of most who have come before him.


Was it T-rump and B-lognia T-rump offering Krapola the same car system that they used to have me  hit years ago when i wrote that Shit pitt the pig and Filthalina the skank should not be awarded after they steal my ideas and torture me every day and night with murderous intent and poison that I am still fighting to get out--asking for justice, written one time on my private Facebook page where I have blocked every other person on the planet so no "friends" and no one able to see my posts. I was then subjected to s hit pitt throwing baseballs at me while he was naked, because torture and murder and violence and rape turns him on. then he raped me (sodomy) and then he slapped my face and then he had me tortured viciously every single day for the next year until he "won" a role for a movie where the basic concept for the film was stolen by the "good" "Italian" American scumbag director who is famous for his hate and anti-racist pro-black pretensees and thus far, all the blacks surrounding all these "lead" scumbag actors in H-wood are fascist co-conspirators to the white supremacists like T-rump and pig pitt and filthalina et al--most of whom appeared for the Met Gala with the blacks who participate fully publicized for every magazine from Huffpost (English-owned) to Time to etc etc---all the black Nazis appeared who have partaken of this contract who are females who ever since (and after having stolen my concepts, some of them) now are featured year-after-year in these Nazi spectacles of fascist fashion and awards ceremonies. That includes Michelle Yeoh, as well, who has not personally or viciously been involved but absolutely has participated in virtual stalking and pushing her videos and herself on my social media non-stop for over 4 months while that horrid stupid movie that won all those awards was handed non-stop top awards for KRAP CRAP.


All part of the racist team. All behaving like the "fascist Nazi" T-rump whom they claim they are adverse to. That includes, of course, what Wintour herself claims is her semi-political stance to reject those who make outright anti-Semitic statements but oh how she pushes those who are adept and coached and faking and feigning pseudo-religious righteousness of being fighting against racism. 

Krapola strikes again, but the death threat was "buffeted" by a car nearly hitting me in a more elusive and anonymous way than an ugly square and muscular body-builder woman threatening to beat me to death because I wrote some posts detailing, after years of being raped, beaten, my body mutilated and tortured without end--about how fake and sinister these black nazis are in particular what the Biden duo has forced upon me with an endless line-up of rotten politicians of both "opposing" parties who are exactly the same fascist bigot template.

The blacks and other minorities like Bloomberg the "jew" from NYC are an abomination of racism and anti-Semitism. I told Bloomberg over one year ago that Biden was K-rap and he began threatening to kill me as over 2 months of yelling "loser" into my face began from his ugly and stupid sinister daughter who is half Nazi half Jewish Nazi.


Thusly, I don't mean to aim my chagrin solely at the plethora of black Nazis who have accumulated all these years to attack me along with their white supremacist "superiors" and benefactors.


Half an hour later: my early morning rant assuaged somewhat by the morning routine. I wrote the above fresh from waking up from non-stop subliminal hate content pumped into my brain while sleeping, in a "Brave New World" style of brain programming to crush the spirit and destroy the mind and soul.

The celebrity I only vaguely mentioned was, of course, a white male very wealthy and prominent in media and celebrity, who as one of the players of the boy band reaching fame due to the originality of one of the members (assassinated in an MK ULTRA mind control situation) for over 50 years and is I believe an octogenarian. It was he who played the "sent out your monkeys and play the rescuer role" in this nighttime teleportation murder intimidation threat episode.

Because of the Met Gala and the other White House parties at this time, the usual criminals are not sitting with their now extremely expensive clothing in the seats and rows of chairs staring with hate and aplomb at me for saying No to their exploitation plans of raping, poisoning and murdering me after stealing ideas, breaking my body and ruining my chances for having any single thing except sickness and poverty and being on my knees essentially giving fellatio endlessly to men slapping my face and calling me bitch in their racist hate enthrallment teleportation skits---while they are having their minions where I live insert sewage-fungus-laden water directly into my bladder through my vagina, inserting silicone injections into my body to appear like cysts, hard and round under the skin. Fungus in my hair every night for years and years, poisoning of my food and inserted into my body with hardening chemicals and mind controls drugs while I would react to their non-stop rape-pounding the poison deeper and deeper into my body so I could not fight it internally---breaking my body down, ruining every bit of clothing and furniture and forcing me through their global usurpation of the entire telecommunications network system to force me to live around ugly white trash pig men who come into my room or home while I am in a deep, MK ULTRA sleep state, raping and inserting filth into my body and stealing and robbing and destroying and then stalking and abusing me when I would go outside as they sat staring and calling me names at late night through their windows--(here in Phuket that happened in one community where they then broke my cat's ribs and etc---the situation exacerbated by the shit from Whorewood who only do the very same things as the white trash porno rapist pig men from Europigapeland who flock to Thailand for near slave sex porn industry prostitution. The wealthy men who are training them in this modality of their Imperialistic exploitation are the ones you cheer on as the "sexy" Nazi-appearing black and white boys and women who are endlessly being cheered on by English Wintour and the rest of the Europigape flock and especially for the Cannes Awards and the German awards and etc--these emulators of sex tourist prostitution via teleportation and torture and poisoning out of America get absolute monopoly in the Europigape theater of awards ceremonies and always put into the Met Gala presentations as long as their plastic surgery holds out. This year there were a few new inserts coming out of England (from the Game of Thrones Nazi indoctrination series) and although the men who viciously yelled with threats of death at me and raped me from England, it was the women behind them who were featured by Wintour--and they are not beautiful to the slightest degree, in my opinion they just play the role of fascist colonist and the black Americans I have mentioned above in this post are more than eager to obtain their mansions and invitations in Europigapeland as a result of proving how anti-Semitic Nazi they truly are behind all the glamorized anti-racist movies and tv shows they crank out and political roles they are handed by absolutely death-mongering Biden who has proven his real racist policies by the "border crisis" and the Afghanistan crisis--he loved watching the "brown-skinned" slated for genocide people struggling to survive, and the violence they have inflicted upon me , as time progresses, reaches the endless frenzy that T-rump and his crew --which is the very same crew operating with Krapola out of Whorewood who helped her obtain her 2nd clown position to Biden the Bigot---that would be Apr-rah and the rest of the black Nazi posse including all the Jews and Asians and Latinos operating from withing that same "victim" status group playing up kissing up schmoozing up and attacking me with very visual hate to present their absolute affinity with terror applications of technology used against "enemies' of the Nazi State.


So the white male who was not at the Met or with his good friend filthalina, who sat next to the other surviving Beatle, the endlessly chipper one who was so racist and nasty towards me when he sat next to filthalina, the English factor playing in very strongly, as it was last night or early this morning while I was in a deep sleep. Ringo made sure to let me know with a post of him from a few decades ago that he's there sitting alongside nasty racist Paul and completely destroying the legacy of The Beatles for me. I have to worry whether John Lennon would also participate in this in his geriatric years along with Paul and Ringo? I think that George Harrison would not have, so that is comforting. I have to wonder if John Lennon would be a pig ape assaulting me using this technology as well? It is very disconcerting because John Lennon far above them all was one of the great influencers of my childhood---so I hope he would not have been brainwashed if he had not been shot in the brain by this team of mind f*** operators whom the Beatles cling to for more "fame" and money and movies as McCartney has obtained through all the years, along with The Rolling Stones, in assaulting and participating in attacking me.

It was the English imperialist that quelled the black minion Nazi violence of Krapola---as always it is they who instigate the violence and they who call off their dogs, the minorities, when they want to exert the "hero" rescuing role.

And that is why I endlessly state that I know it to be fascist Nazi Europigapes who are playing the behind-the-scenes dictator imperialist function but making their usual appearances as working for "love and peace" and "Democracy" in and around the world. The division and chaos they sow is now apparent in how America is being demonstrably turned inside out and upside down and cracking into splinters of acrimonious opposition. The exact strategy I see every day in the micro version of the same strategy for total impregnation with an Alien monster coming to feed off America and then spawn a new Nazi colonistic system

If you see how a Nazi minion like Krapola has helped in turning SF into a vicious racist and homeless very violent city, you can observe her immediate knee-jerk reaction to death threats for any slight criticism with the endless violence that is now headline in SF on a near daily basis--so I have heard the jump in crime has exploded as well as the homeless population. These are not accidental policies but the result of vicious fakes like Willie Brown (former Mayor who helped bigot blonde Nazis to very dangerously assault me) and his "girlfriend" Krapola who was coached and groomed into following this black Nazi approach to "leadership" that has so obviously failed and her absolute incompetence except for scripted speeches she makes, varying her "black" accent with the color spectrum of the crowd--just a clown joke and a sinister representation of how Nazis have absolutely bought out the black Nazi group--in Whorewood and in politics as well.

Unfortunately for the surviving and undoubtedly they have survived because they are just more opportunistic fakes following trends that Lennon created, the HIppie movement but now absolutely sinister men completely backing a racist Imperialistic Nazi movement which is very much connected to the Vietnam War that they so openly protested against (to "defend" white males from having to fight and die in that war, like Bill  Clinton who attended Oxford in order to have a clearance from having to fight, stating with sensitive-driven rhetoric how much he cared about not helping to foment war and killing--and look at how many have died from his bombings and wars once he obtained power, with Hillary a shrieking power-grabbing scumbag and endless adored by the white power contingent of the fascist "left" wing of the Nazi Democrat Party).


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...