Friday, March 15, 2024

"Money Over Every Thing (M.O.E.T)" & Minority minions as vehemently violent, suppressive force-amplifiers for oppression against "their own": Death threats performed by Congressional minority minions and other actions of oppressive discriminatory violence and orchestrated destruction of my body, life and home and finances and everything else--the same, as noted by other anti-racist activists (now conveniently dead but their ideas stolen by the worst haters and fakes): My writing on my blog, which in no way is a "terrorist threat" to any office, only political commentary and observation, not making any threats to individuals only writing about their terrorism of me in this covert and now highly popular torture-rape-mutilation-poisoning-mind-screw operation that so many run to get free entitlements and promotions out of, and literally none rush to stop or protect my human rights. //I have now obtained a most violent and vicious Nazi but he's from Congress and is "fighting for Democracy" with every baited breath he utters in front of a camera. Heightened since his inclusion of this terror torture Whorewood group many years ago, now coming VIOLENTLY to assault me, using the same Nazi genocidal protocols as the rapist Germans who are teleported to me alongside the "woke" Whorewood ensemble, and in addition to other cultures, notably in addition to Germanic(ish), the rapist English, the rapist Whorewood performers, the violent minorities of America, and he's just another one in the huge "melting pot" of white supremacy.

 **The hacking is now very bad. Every click results in something being closed, two copies which slowly appear after 5 minutes and then are frozen. This post was re-arranged after I clicked on update.  I tried to copy and paste this article (below) the page disappeared while I was copying the URL, this blog was closed out and I was logged out, and btw on the topic of technological discrimination--I ordered an electronic product which was sent to appear like it was functioning but then began to heat up into a nearly burning hot item--too hot to touch literally. I have been sent mobile phones that are broken upon arrival. I only had to click on return and the courier came and took the item back. Now they are demanding an upload of a photo. The new mobile phone I bought will not transfer photos to my laptop but it will receive music files. I was told it had internet capability and it has functions for google. It will not connect. The "system" knows this and has changed the template for the delivery service (Lazada) so that I am not able to complete a return request unless I upload a photo or use a smart phone mobile app. I have told them 10 times, literally, per chat session that something is wrong. They repeat to send a photo. They are playing me but I am under mind control daze and respond in a fury to get actual service. They tell me to wait for one day for an email. The email tells me the next day to please send a photo or use a smart phone This has been ongoing for 3 days. They blocked the email for the customer care service so I can't send an email. They deleted email contact on the delivery page. I phone the main office and my call is  sent to a silent blankness and then the connection is hung up.// All of this is being condoned by members of Congress currently assaulting me. THey are "minorities' but claim they are not discriminated against and that every "liberal" policy they fully support, in addition to "fighting against" the Insurrection and the loss of "Democracy".//THEY are part of this attack on me right now. The amount of hate and discrimination of members of the "entitled" group of an "oppressed" group is the theme of this post. 



**In the endless fight and struggle to use this laptop due to endless non-stop every second hacking blocks, I have to open another browser which is "less secure" if that is even possible with all the hacking than the Brave browser I have used which is like butter being cut by hacking knives constantly.  This browser worked perfectly for about 5 seconds as I rushed to get things done. It began to freeze, I clicked on another tab and the entire browser closed. I opened the browser, I tried to open The Hill again and the page kept spinning and I opened another tab while waiting and the page was shut down. Etc etc. All of this orchestrated and now made MUCH WORSE by the person who is speaking the MOST about Constitutional protections in Congress, this person now violently assaulting me with really deadly violence, physical abuse that is constantly from this nasty thing from Congress and is fully backed by many other of the "minorities' who I am "supposed" to be "associated" with only due to external labels that the Nazis and bigots all force upon me and they are so keen to oppress me with brutal violence in order to prove how "superior" they are and how they are part of the real apparatus of power-over crushing spirit, mind and body for their position of "power".

So the hacking is so atrocious and nothing I do will stop it. I can't order a recovery disc, I am lied to constantly at every single shop and can't get a single thing done. I am losing a lot of money from defective items sent to me which I order for protection from the sleep tyranny that is being inflicted, now, by a fascist who makes endless statements to the public to the exact polar opposite with a trained voice-coached gentle concerned "liberal" approach in his every vocal utterance. It goes with the very vicious and racist white supremacists of all sides of that body politic.

Republicans seethe over Schumer call for Israeli elections


*I include this clip from a movie I watched just yesterday in the sickness of detox from the poison the body politic has ordained be a "slowing down" process for the utter covert discrimination and murder of me, by their sanction by all above and below, on all sides and from top-to-bottom. The movie is a very good reflection of how "minorities" really deal with the oppression that has forced a pressure cooker in the society and within the family. I think this movie was done much more powerfully than most of the usual "directors" who are endlessly in the monopoly of power in Whorewood. This film is far too revealing to be put into that milieu but deserves more credit due to the lack of money poured into top quality production (not in this film but the script and the meaning is very powerful in terms of internal race-baiting and hating)--but, as expected, while I was fighting to open YouTube to get the video link, I had to click on another tab so this blog was closed and the other tabs were closed likewise. I have to spend HOURS as I am now doing, as the process of writing this very short blog post has taken over one hour just up to this point. The pages are freezing constantly. The pages are being closed while I open another tab. The copy and paste function will not work. I have to click and click, and the computer freezes constantly. Hours and hours of this, every single time I am on the laptop. It is very hard to keep my thoughts straight while this is ongoing constantly. I have fought to not get into hate ranting as I am working on not allowing psychic vampires and parasitic meaningless and worthless hateful leeches get me upset so I am trying to not rant because it is part of the energy -sucking enterprise and life-screw operation to destroy me. It is a daily event. They tweak my emotions and brain functioning through the microchip implant(s) and remote tech and a seamless and literal non-stop terror and discrimination network. Every nuance of any and all Constitutional Rights and protections is absolutely OBLITERATED and done right now by those in Congress most dedicated to being televised in defense thereof. If that is the "opposition" to an Insurrection force intending to a dictatorship--who claim that "these are my friends" in either public or private--imagine how deadly this system will become. They are thrilled with it. The lies continue. The attacks by the "entitled" of minority groups are more vicious due to this tech system and the global 4th Reich "hegemony" which increases the longer these minions are put into positions appearing to counter the fascist racist tyranny that they inflict with more deadly violence in the privacy of teleportation or "gang stalking" situations. The real perpetrators are much more subdued because their global PROGRAMMING has worked so perfectly to get the minions to do their dirty work for them. Every single Constitutional Right is being obliterated by the most outspoken "minority" minions who spout endless defense of Constitutional rights in front of promotional tv and video opportunities for their advancement as liars and promoters of a false reality. In truth, they are the oppressors working for actual white supremacy for their solidification as "entitled" from within the group of the "oppressed". I can only state this in most basic "woke" terms which have become vilified by "conservative" media folk especially those who perform the function of the "woke is a joke" minority minions who perform the opposition "minority" voice in collusion with their "conservative" controllers. I am not sure how deep the cognitive dissonance goes within their every lying lecture of benevolence disguising the despotism but they are all Ivy School trained professionals at what they "do" and undo--as they are helping to unravel the "threat" of minorities having "equal opportunity" and that is one of the main goals of the 4th Reich.

"M.O.E.T movie trailer". ShienTv. January 15, 2024.

The problem with an "oppressed" group are those who strive for acceptance into "safety" and prominence who are most keen for their slim shelf life position of prominence so they viciously attack those of their own "race" or skin color, if the "Underdog" group always claiming victimization, by the way, for their ascension to power as "representatives" for the "Underdog" and ALL they do in public is work to help other "under-privileged".

Yet when it comes down the the nitty gritty, their violence to sustain their own power and "elite" entitlement is so pronounced in a reaction of fascist oppression that they are the face of injustice. Often, seemingly countering them are the very forces which have created this self-hate shelf of entitlement for the "oppressed" who openly condemn the minority minion striving to emulate the oppressor. Now, this may sound like "critical race" theory rhetoric but I am using the language that people will identify with. My own language is more sharp and less politically polite so I am using the more common terms but oppression cannot be refuted. Except that so many of the Jews in positions of power actually ignore all the oppression of people like me--and claim that there are no problems in the Jewish community.

Either way, people who analyze racism will understand at least seminally what I am fighting to type out, as typing is fraught with hacking blocks and my brain is completely blocked from all cognitive processes by all the various weapons aimed into my body and brain and typing capabilities.


the violence of the person currently confronting me in teleportation includes an aura of extreme loathing and foul contagion of self-hate, I believe. The viciousness of Jews towards me to cement their apparent fixed hold and place in society where they got their wealthy or semi-wealthy security, their allowance to not be gang stalked but remember, they are still brainwashed, drugged, microchipped and behavior modification is the rule and not the exception. This applies to any of the prominent people in society I believe except for a very basic few. Regardless, as I have no access to actual date on how many are being drugged, microchipped non-consensually, I do know the patterns of the very violent Jews who are all-too violently smug about assaulting me as Nazis nod in approval, literally smirking in delight as they do so and hugging and promoting the Jews who perform this ritual of genocidal proportion. Never realizing that they are setting themselves or their families or community for a future genocidal pogrom. They believe always that their free-range of entitlement will last for their entire lives, Their children they hope will fare well, as well.

I would suggest otherwise.

So the disgusting self-loathing, pouring out at me like psychic slime and degenerated self-hate and murderous violence coming from this person who has been elected to represent the "oppressed" is an absolute oppressor towards me, in a genocidal fascist way.

I was listening to William Cooper's lecture series titled MajestyTwelve which details the loss of the U.S. Constitution and the rise of a Totalitarian State replacing all the Laws and rules of Law. The person who is violently assaulting me has made an oath to protect the Constitution and appears as a staunch defender of this rule of law, but in private teleportation is telling me and the fascist Nazi celebrities and onlookers (all playing "victim of oppression and racism and sexist" roles for their brainmeld movies)

that "she should not be listening to this". Trying to literally block my speech, actions, thought and ability to listen to anything critical of the actual REAL system that this group is truly aligned with.


I just want these nasty people to stop teleporting me (not "just") but for today, to get filthy rotten and disgusting sick sinister creeps to be stopped from teleporting me and forcing their filthy and ugly dirty bad energy upon me constantly for over a decade and sucking my life out and poisoning mutilating raping and every other kind of abuse--completely sanctioned by all.

the man I include as today's news clip--invites the people who have tortured me for YEARS into his office and displays them on his Facebook page, alongside his participation in helping Latinos of his voting district in happy jolly festivals as symbol of his help in fighting against racism. He has photos of himself and his grandson observing a Jewish holiday wearing all the garb and holding the sacred ceremony, taken by photo (not sure if you are "supposed" to use anything electronic on those holy days to take a photo, but as I am not of that religion I am not sure if that was a violation) but anyway

just a small point made about huge and egregious violations of all codes that are broken repeatedly by the Senate Leader and Jewish Nazi representative--only second to the many minority leaders of the other Chambers of Whorewood and of Congress--all linked in a narrowing programming system of shared power-cartel protocol-sharing for mass brainwashing and compliance to the "authority" which is ever-increasingly derailing any true adherence to the U.S. constitution, rule of Law in both domestic and foreign policy.

Behind it all is a severe Nazi antisemitism and the Repugs are very much at the core of the problem. Their reaction to the "Democrat" is just a political anti-thesis to the general amalgamation that has already been fully implemented. They play against one another to appear as opposites. In truth, it is a far more cohesive group and all fake opposition narrows down eventually to a central organization that "rules them all".

Yet the opposition is completely correct. Schumer is dictating domestic policy to a foreign country, As a "Jew" he is "allowed" to make this statement. It's like watching a movie about "African-Americans" in a poor neighborhood calling each other "my nigger" and then if anyone outside of their group uses the term, they are called racist. 


Meanwhile, under the fascist anti-semitism of the minority minion who is polluting my energy and sucking my life force out of me every day, as they all do and all are foul and disgusting parasites who display empty ennui and basic ugliness in private, contrasting completely their horrific postured public statements to the contrary, all completely trained by voice coaches out ofWhorewood and beyond and acting is also undoubtedly one of the main extra-curricular activities by the politicians who make the biggest statements for the televisions to promote (seemingly the government is really "fighting" for the "People").

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The tech explosion and personal security inverted relationship of 4th Reich impending slaughter/genocide: More unending techno-terrorism. I could not write a pithy title to my last post this morning about a series of tech-terror blockades to my life. The cascading tech affront is continuing with a severe loss of $$ and hours and hours of fighting hacking and terrorism. Oddly, as I type this now, the keyboard is working and the computer is not freezing. While I was fighting to get my money back I was redirected to a terrorist agent, the wifi went out thrice, every single component of the return was blocked.

 Contrary to the return policy that I had to follow three months ago, I am now, under new terrorist hacking into the template of the online order service, now I can't obtain a return unless I include a photo of the item to return. The new phone I bought does not connect to the internet, although I was lied to when I bought it. It does not send out files it only receives from my laptop. I spent 5 hours doing a recover operation and cleaning out and blocking remote viewing and turning on protection and the system was instantly blocked after hours of fighting to get the phone to transfer files. I spent 90 minutes trying to get the phone to work in connection to Bluetooth, it was blocked the phone app would appear on the Devices and then instantly it was gone and I had to clear out the system for all these hours to try to get it to connect at all. Again, I could only send music from my laptop to the phone, make a call out, but I could not even "save" a phone number. 

Every time I input the passcode it would not accept the passcode. 

It went on an don and on for the next 5 hours. I got nothing done except to see what new things were added in Windows 11. It appears that the hacking is much worse under Windows 11 than Windows 10.

I bought a Dell laptop (since broken by the terrorist group) in which I could press F8 and get the entire system to do a factory restore. Now I cannot order a recovery disc, every time I obtained a system restore Windows recovery it was broken by the terrorists. 

But the list of chain-terror blocks were constant. I was told to get a screen shot. I could not get one on this browser so I had to download another browser. That function stopped working and I could not log into my account on that browser at all. 

My point is that the more "evolved" the tech appears, the much less security I discover as an endless target with hacking and stalking becoming more normalized and socialized normative and acceptable--the tech next level appears more elaborate but the security is far more lax and the preventive measures are much less effective than the earlier models when you could do a factory restore built into the hard drive. Now you must rely on software and that is dubious if you are a target. The chain of interference and blocks to obtaining any remedy for this endless obstruction makes for any solving of this problem impossible. In a foreign country like a plantation system that is slowly and now ever-rapidly being instituted in the U.S. this system of total block to any and all "targets"--the list of which grows with more violent threat--the usual threat I have been experiencing for years without a single whimper of shock or disbelief amongst the readers and people observing this and fully going along  with this next genocidal techno-terror apparatus.

I am now able to type and not have freezing and blocks--not as much as before when I was trying to get something actually DONE everything was frozen and so badly I had to turn off the router. I have now spent 6 hours fighting to get photos uploaded onto this system to return the item that had some kind of hack into the hard drive so when I put a memory chip in it, it heated up so badly it almost burned my fingers holding this tiny walkman. The memory was gone and then I could not put in a chip, it would not hold and the system only reverted back to no memory but appearing like it was functioning.

A bit of jacking around with the internal components by an engineer perhaps, but the circuitry was expertly crafted so that it appeared functioning, it was supposed to have 8 G of memory upon arrival and a new chip was not, supposedly, necessary. It had no memory, I was in pain and under NON-STOP vicious deadly assault by the shit from whorewood to obtain their goddamn shit awards for the Oscars--the people who did not win and those who did--(no one "won" the contest is endlessly rigged and the most viciously fascist Nazi pig apes always "win"--yes, Cillian Murphy and also that goose guy--what's his damn name--? the Ken addition to Barbie and his --oh yes, Goosling or gossling--his photos his addition was constant online. He was another of the silent partners, not openly assaulting me but undoubtely fully there, in the background or watching through a video

but, today I had to deal with not being able to "return" this item that was sent to me seemingly sort of not working but working. Not an expert in walkmans, I thought there was something wrong with it having no memory in order to download files. But so sick, so much abuse (murder) so much stress SO MUCH DRUGGING and hate and abuse for hours an dhours from shit and scum and filth and shit form Congress and whorewood--all horrific "actors" on a stage of bs and lies--

as I fought back because they are death incarnate playing humanitarian roles of smug psychopathy

I am besieged with my money being stolen in this form.

3 months ago I only had to click on return, then the item was taken by a courier and returned back for inspection. Now they have hacked into the site template and forced me to upload photos. The camera is hacked, although the proxy terrorists have not touched this camera before I bought it, they are remotely hacking into the Bluetooth I suspect. 

They are blocking file transfer. So I cannot upload the photos, and I am told that I am not allowed to get a return without a photo.

I was made so ill that I could not leave this place until yesterday, and the window for return for this very expensive item which I spent a considerable amount on for my protection--it is to block out the noise of the yelling psycho shit whores who come to teleport me and assault me for hours and hours and hours and hours upon wakingg day after day after I have been drugged into an altered state while sleeping as they put death and hate in my deep sleep as well

so they broke the apparatus, then poisoned and drugged me so badly I could not get out to try to buy a new memory card, not realizing how carefully the electronic hacking had been so the item (walkman) works with all the functions but has no "memory" and once inserting the chip--in the store, the chip appeared perfect and the memory stated 128 G, but upon being in this assault terror chamber room, the hacking of every single thing began and the camera would not work, I had to fight to just connect to bluetooth it took me 4 hours to accomplish just getting one file transferred. I was cut off the internet 6-10 times in one hour of fighting to get the chat agent to stop asking me to upload a photo, to get a screenshot of the page which would not function on the new browser I spent 10 minutes waiting to download from the file because I had cleared out the system for 3 hours prior to the next 2 hours of freezing and blocks of everything.

Now the keyboard is blocked and I am pounding everything down.

I realize that I must live "off grid" unless someone actually cares about human rights and not over-joyed to be part of a huge gluttony sleaze selfish parasite organization flaunting fake charitable concern for humanity--

I have lost almost $100 due to trying to fight the techno-terror of this group--they have blocked every single link in the chain and created a false set of blocks--all carefully constructed along the way. 3 months ago NONE of this was done to me. And in this past 3 months every bit of tech is so badly attacked and I am assaulted non-stop for trying to circumvent the attacks. This is with paying rent, which has been a breeze for about 2-3 years by just putting cash into a machine at a large shopping mall where these machines, not the usual type of ATM but special "cash-in/cash-out" type machines--must put in a 13-digit code, then obtain an OTP on my "registered" phone--which would be my landlord's as this is his account. He refuses to help me in any way and ignores my many requests to help me to pay more easily. I am forced to go into a packed stinking crowd of scumbags, most of whom are there as the gang stalking terrorist "get everything free" by behaving like a piece of shit and attacking me.

No other of the many little banking branches next to the Siam bank are even crowded in any way except for the banks I am forced to obtain my money or pay rent in. The landlord refuses to do anything.

So for the past 2 days, every bit of technology and my money has been blocked, including being outright attacked by banks in the U.S. and here. My brain is ALWAYS under severe attack and the longer they make me wait, the worse my brain's ability to fight the attack gets so I am stumped once I get to the window and the expletive repeats things 3 times in a row even though I nod and say ok and they go on and on in a "condescending" way. I do not want to sit yelling or demanding that "I understand" or being a fascist but I also am forced to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait so I am desperate to get the f-out of the stinking Covid-potential room finally after over an hour of people glaring and staring (their shit children do this with smug psychopathy, and wait for that SHIT generation to become outright genocidal fascist murdering bigots with people skewered and technology just destroying lives and the more sophisticated the tech the less security an individual has. 


As usual my brain is afflicted likewise as well as the keyboard by all the tech interfering with all the electromagnetic functions possible to thwart and block by this terror 4th Reich group.

They WANT me to post about how disgusting they are. This proves how fascist and nasty they are, for which they obtain huge prizes and deals. The more they block my aspirations the more promotions they all obtain. 

They are blocking the keyboard function and my brain functioning but when I was trying to get my money back they froze the laptop non-stop so that I could not click on anything--I had to turn off the laptop at least 6 times in 90 minutes and wait 10 minutes for the hacking into the bios stopped so I could then click my passcode to get into the system--every single thing is blocked now. Just restarting my laptop is a hacking job that requires at least 10 minutes of waiting. The screen just goes into a black mode for about 3-4 minutes and then everything is slowed down so horribly afterwards. There is no amount of attempts to get rid of malware and I really believe that anything I do to fight it will be thwarted. I cannot risk paying for any kind of protection as all I do to defend myself, if possible, is blocked in a sophisticated chain of blockages. They alter the templates so I must include a photo of the item. The camera receives files but will not connect to the Bluetooth and the connection is lost when I try. It is the Bluetooth that is being remotely hacked, actually. The chain of blocks to getting a refund including making me so deadly sick and exhausted and not able to move and in agony from ripping hard poisons out of my spine every day and from my intestines from my internal flesh--as they torture and ahbuse me with screaming rage and violent hate screaming abusing for hours and hours. The worst most violent one visibly was Raskin, who is like some deranged anti-Semite dying to kill to prove he hates Jews even more than Nazis.  (the "bad" "Jews" like me, who never is around Jews because I am sick of their a$$-groving to Nazis and their viciousness towards me to garner approval by white Big Daddy their beloved "masters" the women also they love so much, these violent and vicious minions of the Nazis of all the various suppressed and genocided races.

Thusly, I can't get a single thing done in Thailand because of this plantation system that has been carefully inculcated for at least 100  years or much longer---

like America with more and more desperate people facing homelessness, the induction of more slaves servicing the 4th Reich has provided for every outsourced tech "help" and "support" team to be the most disgusting attackers and discriminatory crap, and outsourcing to 3rd world countries completely exacerbates the problem.

Yet they now can form a labyrinth of blockades to any single thing a target attempts to do. I literally have seen every single thing that is available in the modern tech world being hacked and blocked, all via Bluetooth or other remote hacking devices and technologies. 

The more sophisticated, the more neanderthal and primitive the terrorists behave and in teleportation they are instantly and outright violently disgusting towards me, under direction from the bigot blonde f-whore scum who you all cheer on year-after-year at the Oscars and their Mafia and minority onhangers.


So I am literally not able to get a single thing done. All the templates for banking sites are blocked. They have forced 2-factor authentication for my bank account which is only "upon request" and you must "click" on verification for this and otherwise you should have immediate access. Every single agent I get from my bank, whether on phone as my voice is choked by the microchip implant in my throat while on the phone, and the laptop stops working simultaneously--and the agents all lie constantly so I get a completely different answer to the complexities of the banking systems which are ever more intricate and designed to be suited to every single nuanced need of the banking customer. Likewise with the higher evolution of technology the more low and basic the blocks to action of the target--the propensity for discrimination is now boundless due to the "higher" tech for lower purposes of discrimination and blocks.

I have lost a lot of money I need. Tomorrow is the last day I can appeal to get this return of the item and I can only reach the agents through chat, which means I am literally just typing to some scumbag living in this condominium here who cannot answer basic questions and the wifi goes frozen when I ask anything beyond simple basic responses. They just don't know because they are not working for the company or are told to keep me waiting and giving me wrong information; either/or it doesn't matter it's the same terror operation but done with technological finesse combined with blocks to my every financial aspiration I can't afford to get beyond all the free service s and the cheapest phones because the phones that may have good services and professionalism are very, very expensive. The cheap phones I get are just instantly dysfunctional although I am lied to constantly that they all have internet access, and have internet functions. Once I pay the same smiling agents (Thai) shrug and then lie and say "no understand" and "no internet I guess" and then I can't even upload photos from the same very reasonably priced camera which appears to function when having bought it (i.e. it turns on, you can see the functions, but since I cannot upload files into the phone I don't know that upon taking it home, the installed malware and WiFi Bluetooth will then kick in and the phone will go haywire for hours.

Totally blocked from everything, amidst a world of technological necessity the higher the advent of technological finesse the lower the base and sinister aspect of discrimination and the more avenues of blocks on every single chain of the seamless system of total annihilation. That also includes health care, I have fought even after having been able to barely obtain anything this group of American shit who have assulted me for over a decade, rotten pig ape millionaires and billionaires have ensured that for their continued endless promotion I am bereft of earning money to obtain health care that i need in a place that could possibly be affordable to get what I need-but blocked as I was in America where denying health care to people via "entitlement' but calling it a "free handout and socialism" and all that is so "bad" by the pig apes with millions and millions of dollars sucking out as much as possible.

The pig ape system of techno-terrorism is just rapidly expanding constantly. This is all not taking into account the amount of subliminal mind programming that is possible and probable now for the further expansion of this pig ape 4th Reich system.


The worst aspect is the complacency that you f-ers have who are reading this. The fake hippies the scumbag politicians and the shit from every other walk of life who are supposed to " represent" something grandiose but instead are representing the reprehensible and that is being cheered on by the mobs of scum and filth who do the dirty work hoping they will get a chance to screw more people into death so they can absorb the $$ lucre from the aftermath of the financial and actual murderous genocide that is being fomented constantly--with the absolute aid of technology.

---------So "they" want me to write so dumb and blank stupid lying creep skanks can steal more ideas, make movies or tv shows of dumb scum vampires fighting this system turning my ideas into a sleazy and dumb tv series or movie plot. Quickly forgotten because they turn all into mush with no real depth or meaning, just superficial flamboyance. Some of the shows have some introspective analysis of culture (derived from my analyses) but then again, turned into sexual grandizement (sp?) of loveless and mean-spirited meaningless actors playing roles with flash and fury but very little substance--or in private outside of their scripts that is all I ever see of them, meaningless filth repeating scripts for easy monopoly and instant promotion that goes on and on as the meaningless loveless scumbags never stop attacking me for easy promotion. 


The apathy, the utter lack of concern and the overjoyed delight that people get from this system and observing how endlessly tortured raped beaten poisoned deprived of health care not able to function abused and raped and poisoned and tortured without end.

They want to abuse more and more and more and more people like this. The shit children are going not to have to pretend they are decent law-abiding in the very near future with the tech you are all applauding when terrorist 4th Reich Nazi Elon Musk cranks out another wireless death apparatus for the further envelopment of a touchless death imprisonment torture chamber for the planet of devouring worms to eat of the flesh of the innocent whom they abhor. The guilty and psychopathic are going to loom large as they are now. 

What a Brave New World unfolding it is.

So I am stuck without any access to the intricacies of the reliance upon tech in order to survive this system. 

Of course, as usual, people watch on smug, thrilled it is happening to me, assured they will always get the benefit of being a component of this system.

So I am writing once more, but no freezing of the system because the pig apes constantly need new ideas to make the shit they are paid in millions to crank out while I am blocked from earning a single penny online, and in any way except through the most degrading of situations, and then preferably either a death wage but really no wage is intended.

The money the pig ape pieces of shit have made from stealing my ideas while I languish here shitting black stinking poison out, not able to obtain health care in a country I ran to in order to survive murder attempts via poisoning and just plain absolute deadly hate and racism in America (from blacks jews white supremacists asians latinos and everything else possible under the sun).


Their networks are ensuring that people will be ensnared and made obsolete and all that can be sucked out of them for free until they are disposed of/killed is now what the children of this shit organization are being taught by example. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

One of the upcoming/current modes of economic discrimination that, if left unchecked, will destroy many more lives due to the "system" of your "friends" in power allowing it to continue and grow: The fight to pay rent has become a hell of discrimination by a bank, plus the landlord's participation in keeping me in this situation. Having to fight to pay rent for a unit that is filthy, every day shreds of the items I paste and glue to the floor to stop the floorboards from being lifted up are in literal shreds, the entire floor has been slashed with knives every day and this has gone on for years so I must continuously redo this floor, which is extremely painful. But absolute hell just to fight to pay rent due to a series of blocks to technology and gang stalking hell in the banks when I try to direct deposit the rent money. Reconfiguring of the ATM/Cash Machine before I arrive at the bank, and I suspect this is done only for me and not for anybody else. I did try other bank tellers and got a similar message but I know how ubiquitous the hacking system is. I know this because literal ATM's for withdrawal from my established bank in the U.S. have failed and I could not use any ATM on the entire island for over 3 years--no matter which ATM I got to trying to be "random" I experienced a block. My bank, when I phoned them, told me that there was no block on my Debit Card, the machines are literally hacked and reconfigured so I believe this is happening now, as well to just simply pay rent. The landlord refuses to respond to any request for alternative payment or help in any manner for this problem which he is a part of: Outright lying by another bank, in person, while my brain was "entrained" to tech blasting out my ability to defend against the multitudinous lies leveled at me. //Tech-terrorism combined with "gang stalking" death squads, and I am referring to cash machines literally changed in programming to block my ability to use them when I arrive at the bank. Lied to inside the bank with crowds of lower-ranking terrorists looking for free, easy promotion some of whom were carrying the portable brain-altering technology while I was being lied to./Forced to wait for over one hour while 4 people in the crowded room of terrorists slowed down the service to a crawl as children screamed, people bumped into me and the one teller i finally got was hateful and nasty and lied constantly when I asked questions--the per usual from my bank when I phone or get on chat. In other words, a global discrimination system that remains unchecked and permitted to carry on.

 There are cash machines for one bank called "Siam Bank" where you can simply deposit cash into an account, not needing to have a bank card but only in inputting the account number and confirming the amount. 

The terrorists have reconfigured the machine so that I must have a passcode established (my landlord's 13-number password, and the bank account only has 10-numbers so the passcode has to have been established, and then you have to receive a OTP from the established phone for the account just in order to deposit money into an account.

I may be "paranoid" but the attacks inside the bank are obvious. There is the usual 1 or 2 white Europ-a-s sitting surrounded by the brown and black minions, as is the case constantly in the United States and elsewhere.

People are sitting doing nothing at the desk windows but talking. Some are just talking on their phones for over an hour as the people never leave the windows. The bank is so packed with smelly and loud people and screaming children running around (these types of children sometimes perform the terrorism of attacking my clothing from behind at that lower level where my eyesight is not at a great angle--watching for all the predators on all sides who will do the same from the adult level of vision.

As I went to the counter, finally, I asked the woman who was the terrorist in charge of attacking me, who was glaring with black-eyed hate (a Thai--with other eye colors the eyes assume a glowing look heightening the eye color, but more like a burning skull look than anything "beautiful")

She pointed to the place to write the account number which was not listed anywhere on the slip. I nodded and tried to write as she grabbed the slip and pointed for the 2nd time, as I tried to get the slip back, and then she pointed a 3rd time. This is being done constantly with especially Thai creepy women where they "no speak English well" but repeat three times in a row the same information while I am mute and paralyzed, slightly and temporarily in a blank daze because my brain is under attack by the remote brain-attack tech which is portably carried by the swarms of goons on all sides, some or many of them aiming the tech into the microchip implant or at my brain or however it's being done so I am literally forced into a semi-conscious state but at critical moments, intending to "discredit" me, blanked out. The level of literal unconsciousness can be orchestrated for a fraction of a second or a second so the person can yell, abuse and insult and I am stuck paralyzed and unable to speak or understand. 

My body is frozen and I cannot comprehend the attack and only realize it once I am out of the situation, away from the brain-altering terror tech, and able to recount what has just transpired.

I asked her if there was a routing number so I can transfer my funds from my bank account. AS she began her soft response, not shouting at me as she had been doing, the loud speaker began immediately to blast out something in Thai--and this was "orchestrated" at the precise moment, the entire situation was precisely monitored at the most nuanced of moments for every slight attack.

While this may sound "paranoid" to people unaware of unused to how carefully crafted the tech truly is, please note that there are technologies that can function at speeds with computing capabilities that can work at the speed of light, I have heard. 

She lied to me, saying that unless I have a mobile app I cannot transfer bank funds from my bank to their bank. I told her that it was possible to use a simple laptop. She shook her head and lied. I was frozen again and how can I sit there arguing with some goon about her lies? 

I wrote about this to my landlord, he has not responded. He probably will not respond. I told him about this three months ago on the phone--the the bank deposit machine was broken or not working. The bank tellers just shake their heads and begin to blather in half-thai gibberish and then "no understan' comes out when I ask them about this system. It is because it is a lie and a deception.

The other ATM's for other banks in this mall area for banking had the same system--the one or two that allowed for cash deposit with a cardless system. I believe that all the cash machines were being hacked.



This is the system that will be used to murder people in the future because none of you will ever do anything to block the ascent to power of your "friends". Some of your "friends" will have you killed if you are a minority, or they don't like you, or just want to steal what you were handed as incentive to help them get to power.

The smug assurances of elitism of the goons and creeple who are attacking me overshadows any study of history, because they are so engrossed in entertainment and the struggle to survive the endless encroachment of an unsustainable living wage that many are hoping to just obtain barely sustainable living as opposed to being made homeless or victims of endless wars and "conflicts" which are spreading and spreading to eliminate many. That is the "trickle-down" effect which will engulf many in the future, and this techno-tyranny is one of the forms of discrimination that many will encounter. They will not understand.

Monday, March 11, 2024

The disgusting parasitic neediness of the two Jewish men (so-called) not sure what "Jewish" means any longer as neither of them have any religious affinity whatsoever--

 Both Netanyahu and Raskin have come at me with the protocol system that the Nazis developed--to garner sympathy or any kind of appreciation for the limited monopoly that is only available so people have very little choice--I have no choice in movies and I am too drugged to think, move or read and I sit here in a dazed sickness in almost agony every day--they make sure I am stuck in this situation as the drugging and poisoning is never, not for a day, ever stopped.

Meanwhile, once I react in any way--and now the protocol is if I look at a news clip about--say, Israel--I get the Prime Minister. He comes with misery, asking me for succor and sustenance of emotional support. I feel a surge of misery and begin sobbing--something I never do, never or not since I began to understand that 99.9% of the shit that teleports me is worth absolutely zero emotional reaction to in any way. But the emotion of all the anti-Semitism and the threat to Jews for so long and the endless non-stop racism of America, and around the world

and I got this sense of engulfment by transfer from Netanyahu. I will not use his first name as he is no friend to me. He is fixed on using me for his advancement as is Raskin. But both used this sort of sympathy garnering and then instantly after I reacted with sympathy to their emotional distress they began to assault me. Raskin began with insults about how deformed the Nazis he was sitting next to have forced upon me, which he then profited off for the next three years with endless interviews, now "representing" "Democracy". 

I swear that he is as fascist a dictatorial murdering a$$-wipe and even worse than Trump as he has the vocabulary and know-how to use it in order to more smoothly grease his way into the confidences of people searching for an intelligent leadership. 

The reason why there is a gouge in my finger, which is now infected they cut so deeply and put so much whatever into the wound--while I had on the 6 layers to protect my fingers, but t hey have begun to use very thin mechanical arms to dig under the layers--so I have to cut off blood flow and put on as many tightening things to stop the mechanical arms from cutting more cuticles off my fingers--they cut the nerve-endings entirely from my right large toe, and broke the left large toe

and Netanyahu when I responded to his insults, while I was reading tarot on my bed, in the evening, trying to escape the near 24/7 surveillance and commentary from the slew of SHIT from Whorewood, to me they are now just pieces of shit and sick and rotten crap--and he began threatening me, insulting and demanding a tarot card reading. Around him I begin to once more absorb tsunami of misery and emotional black-out of despair in a way I have never experience--a chasm of despair emanating from him, overwhelming. To try to stop his insults, because I had been beaten, physically assaulted by Tom Cruse and Nicole Kidman once more because I JUST WATCHED A STANLEY KUBRICK MOVIE that the pair of mediocrities that America just Loves were put into the lead roles. Undoubtedly Kurbrick like all the famous Jewish men with their Nazi wives was directed to put the Nazi pair into the lead roles because they were a married couple. Absolutely null intellectually, morally and filled with violence and nastiness, both are and Kubrick put them in this role. As soon as I watched the movie they rushed to assault, beat and threaten me because I was just watching this movie. The protocols for the pieces of shit is now outright immediately violence with beatings threats rape and death threats--coming at me, under orders by Trump and sanctioned by the also-fascist Biden and Harris team, Raskin being another scumbag of that scum troup of bad actors in every sense.

Both, the scumbag Jewish self-hating loathsome energy and life-sucking parasites globbed onto sucking my emotions out of me. Raskin came crying about his son and asking me if I thought it happened because he was "Jewish". He sobbed his problems to me, I offered him sympathy because I know my family has been poisoned and slowly murdered by the Nazi shit they even married and believed that they were "in love" with. 


As soon as I wasted my time reading for Netanyahu, he once more sexually approached me although all I have said is no. The "no" part engendered the reaction of absolute violence from dirty filthy Raskin and Netanyahu obtaining his prize and award from the Nazi group, especially coming from the English piece of rotten lying shit with his nasty dirty Jewish Uncle Tom's--Raskin and N-ya0-hoo 


Uncle Toms who are absolutely violent towards me but first sucking out anything they can of my strength, then trying to push me down below their sense of self-worthlessness with sexual abuse, violence and the emotional and mental abuse I "feel" because they are pumping a lot of very negative statements into my subconscious. I can "feel" it and it's been very destructive since dirty filthy Raskin came to abuse me as surrogate for Netanyahu.

The loss of manhood of both is most distrurbing. But that I must feed their emptiness and lack of every kind of internal strength, and their vision of me or of women is that they must service them emotionally after they dump their shit on them and then they must provide sexual and every other kind of service to rotten men who look and act like loathsome parasites.

The sex trafficking aspect of this is almost openly stated and especially by Raskin the scum Uncle Tom parasitic filth cesspool of hate and negativity. But he is acting on behalf of Netanyahu. 

I recall reading a little bit from Andrea Dworkin about the woman-hating of Jewish men towards Jewish women. I am not of that religion and really not of that "tribe" only born into it and then castigated by it and rejected and offered as a sacrificial trafficked beaten raped and robbed murder sacrificial victim. That role they define and try to force me into their boxes. Dworkin wrote of the hostility and violence and hate Jewish men display towards women. 

My mother detailed it as well. The same symptoms appear that my mother told me from her two first ("Jewish") husbands and the crap I have had to deal with from these parasites who are called "Jewish". 

Their near worship of Nazi women as opposed to the degradation, hate and oppression they act-up as proxy representatives of the Nazi hate cult is sad and astounding. I am not used to it because I avoid these creepy people who I have had mostly awful experiences with. 

In particular out of Israel, and so I never chose to be around people like this and I am FORCED not only to have them abusing insulting threatening poisong raping insulting and yapping into my middle ear for hours with death threats insults and all the baggage of feeling inferior dumped on me.

Fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting to get one piece of rotten shit off me, the Jewish men are almost the most pathetic of the entire group. The fascist men don't tell me their goddamn problems first, but then again, these Jewish men haven't raped me either like the fascist bigot Nazi men are. 

Yet the feeling of their insecurities and hate for Jewish women for Jews for non-blonde people the inherent racism that they have imbibed from their own sense of lacking and inferiority, thus the near worship of the Nazi iconography and their subservience to the Whorewood ensemble who always sit gloating that the divide-and-conquer strategy has worked not only to perfection but despite me yelling at these creeps about how they are playing into the Nazi strategy they nevertheless continue unabated. The prizes, the rewards, for their shattered egos their lack of confidence is restored by the promotions they will obtain. And soon they will have groups of blondes applauding them and will obtain status to replace what has been beaten out of them by the Nazis in the first place.

So they come to beat me, oppress, abuse and push all the hate and loathing onto me.

And I am stuck with piece of shit after piece of shit, fascist blonde bigot filth and ugly dirty nasty crap scumbags some famous many not famous all inflicting their sickness and stupidity on me--the crap who are part of the teleportaiton teams and the stalking groups in "real life" in puiblic

all with the cheers and applause of the crap put into power--Trump, smiling about it endlessly. Now allowed to continue to get power again by the rotten team of Trump on the Democrat side. Biden will be fine if he loses and he has stolen the position that someone else could have obtained in order to fight Trump. They slowed down the investigation of Trump until after the Mid-terms and then kept the pace of indictment so slow that it is too late now with all the delays. 

The Nazi good ole boys have prevailed in protecting one another.

And that is the group of entitlement promised to the Jew who was a professor, and the other one is the son of a professor

and I am the daughter of a professor (step-father)

and I am sick of this and cannot ever succumb to being forced into a sex trafficked murder victim slated to be mutilated and tortured and passed around from one sleazy and filthy hateful scumbag after the next.

My six years of grad school. My childhood was of me WINNING in almost every endeavor and shooting into top position. I was poisoned, and then mutilated and now I am fighting endlessly to get the black hard poison out as they keep re-poisoning me and then blaming me for not being thin and blaming me for not having a career and blaming me for what they are doing to me, have done

and then asking me for sympathy, and once I give it, they abuse me and get more and more

from shit like the English shit whore creep who is very wealthy who they claim is "helping" the Jews. Absolutely in line with shitalina and the rest of the Nazi crew, filled with their Nazi comments and racist remarks and absolute endless destruction of my health and property and then blaming me for how bad I look how b ad my home looks how I have done "nothing" and am a "nothing" but they keep asking me for ideas to use as their own concept because they have done nothing but pose and follow and recite scripts.

And so, asking the f-ing void out there to get these greedy needy sleazy filthy dirty nerdy fuckers off me.

Once and for all. Me living in peace. I have been beaten raped poisoned tortured every single day in rotation by a bunch of pieces of shit in a cesspool vacuum of humanity non-stop and when the fuck will this ever be stopped?

Biden is a rotten lying dirty scumbag as are his team members who appear just like rotten crap--I mean Pelosi, Raskin, AOC and then the ones who know about this, and which ones don't?

As for the Repugs, they are the ones orchestrating this and call it their "system" of which they are very "proud".

I can attest to readers that the "system" they are building  up is extremely genocidal and murderous. The maliciousness and filthy violence, the utter disregard for humanity from shit like Oprah, just a rotten Uncle Tom/Aunt Jemima piece of ignorant dirty shit who sat on her bloated rotten ass for months and years asaulting me and asking me for ideas which she could use for her promotion for her fake humanitarianism. And movies. All have stolen and stolen and stolen and sucked my life force out and then were murdering me in return.

This has not stopped. When the fuck will anyone ever intervene? I have done NOTHING TO YOU GODDAMN RACIST FUCKERS WHEN WILL SOMEONE STOP THIS FUCKING SHIT FINALLY?


ALL of this is happening from absolutely deadly anti-Semitism and these rotten Jewish men are fully employing with vicious hate all the tactics the Nazis have instructed them to use against me. This syndrome of extreme anti-Semitism by Jews I have been witness to for all my life. It was thrust at me as a child at around age 5 and has not stopped and has turned into the Prime Minister of Israel and the "lead" Jewish scumbag in Congress who is just another AIPAC Israel Lobby Nazi. Literally they are following Nazi anti-Semitic values and protocols by doing this.

And the English shit like McCartney is backing this, as is Douglass ass murray the creep who is constantly lecturing about sending Muslims out of England back to kill Jews (not stating it that openly). 

His nasty country inculcated genocidal violence against Jews for decades and centuries. 

And Biden and Harris, the thrust is to put Blacks into Nazi leadership roles so I get vicious violence from Blacks who are smug and "entitled" and acting and behaving like white supremacists--almost in uniform code and throughout America, and all my life this has been going on. It was programmed into blacks in my grade school and has only worsened since--


So I am still fighting to get black poison out of my body which all of them had put in, through their proxy terror unit bot scumbag whore minions aka gang stalkers.

The poison does not come out, was never supposed to come out, and this filth shit Raskin profited off having me poisoned. He observed it, he came to threaten me and then he has been violently abusing me and slapping punching and insulting. After Netanyahu sucked my life force out of me like a leech and then after I would not be a prostituted sex escort for him upon demand after demand over days, he has Raskin violently assaulting me.

A lost tribe of dirty greasy Jewish Nazis--the psychic grease and filth is what I am referring to. THey have allowed the Nazis to putrefy and corrupt them, making their psychic barriers completely corroded That is the goal of the Nazis to completely destroy but keep the shell of the human being alive long enough to do the dirty work for the pig apes who sit back smug and gloating about how well their "system" operates.

What Israel needs is a leader who will not allow Nazis to infiltrate the psyche of the nation, and that goes for the United States as well.

To be strong enough and proud enough of one's nation and one's "race" to not and never allow for sex trafficking in order to demean the women of the race, especially for racist reasoning as I am not blonde and I get darker in the summer or sun zone--and this is like a death mark upon me by now. 

I met some English creep in 1987 who is still behind this. I had no idea who he was, I was only in England on a Eurail Pass after having graduated from College This filth creep wanted to likewise suck as much out of me as possible so he drugged and tried to date rape me after insulting me and ostensibly demanding sex after I was zapped with brain-altering tech and drugged. I resisted by remaining silent and walking away. He began stalking me and I avoided him. I left London but years later in desperation for health care I contacted him and asked him for a job in London, where I had met him in 1987. 

That began the next almost 20 years, from about 2006 until this moment, of this filth shit whore from London who is connected and as Douglass the a$$$ shit whore told me, they are "friends" who has had pig after piece of shit after scumbag after dirty filth crap creep after whore after pig after shit after scumbag come to rape me becaus I said NO not even saying it, just silently avoiding him in 1987. Stealing ideas from me because they are hateful, banal and can replicate styles well but have no originality. Blocking my ability to get anything done.

This is what is controlling the shit Jewish so-called "men" who are so loathsome towards me, as all the pig apes are.

Now that Israel is on the verge of losing it's grasp and it's land and it's life, they are coming to consolidate the very conditions that destroyed Israel and the Jews in the first place.

If the Jews had worked for self-hood if they had not sold their women off to prostitution, as they have done in America and it is for the Nazis to approve of them, for Jewish women to be destroyed for Jewish women to be hated for Jewish women to be raped and beaten while the minorities lavish love and worship upon blondes and Nazi women.

If Jews had only not followed this, if they had not tried to look as blonde as possible, if they had not endlessly allowed Nazis to infiltrate, they may have had a solid foundation now

but these fuckers are coming at me like I owe them my life because they sold out and I have fought and now am targeted. Netanyahu asked me to "fight for Israel" and I told him that Jews have sold me to be raped, beaten adn tortured and I will fight against Nazis but not for Jews who have allow3ed Nazis to get over on them. 

Thusly, Raskin has begun a campaign of the Nazi protocols that is his determination for his advancement into a higher echelon of power within the by-now absolutely racist United States Government. There may be blacks and Jews in positions of power but they are all minority minions absolutely programmed to defend white bigot pig ape and to allow me to be murdered, my ideas stolen, in genocidal fashion.

I do not choose to be around shit and sick creeple like this, and am forced and have been forced to have their self-hate poured upon me by this shit system in order to fully denigrate and destroy the culture, infiltrate the United States, turn it into a completely compliant Nazi minion population with many dying in the streets due to a corrupt and greedy sick government body politic. 

To be forced to have sick and greasy shit people observing my every action, listening to my thoughts and commenting on them, poisoning me into bloated paralysis and then while I am fighting to stop the poisoning they keep injecting it into my bladder via my vagina

raped and beaten and endlessly asked for concepts, ideas and once stolen, they abuse and torture rape beat and have me poisoned to death

fighting and fighting this, I get blacks jews latinos asians who are fully gleefully attacking me as they get instant promotion for it.

How many fucking years do you fuckers need to rape beat torture abuse poison and have millions of shit nazis attack me in stores, while driving, everywhere I go, in everything I do for this to be finally stopped and the goal is just endless destruction.

I tried today not to get onto the internet or write, so fucking Raskin went on for over 6 hours endlessly threatening with violence slapping hitting punching and then abusing and then commenting like  a psychopath rapist about every fucking thing I was doing. Blasting lectures and music into my ears constantly to try to shut this fucking clown rat up, he somehow talked over the noise. I am ENTRAINED that means my brain cannot escape from the electromagnetic clutch onto my brainwaves that this tech forces upon me.

I get this fucking slime whore creep McCartney who I have never done anything to, as a DECADE later he is attacking me on Oscars and after his initial abuse a decade ago (or 8 years ago) I was blasted with his nasty Beatles crap, always saying that I really only liked John Lennon and I fear that if he were alive he would be a brainwashed zombie pig ape as well (my new observation that happens to be the c ase with the rest of this post-hippie scumbag mostly English group).

and calling me this name while I was in a deep sleep mode, asking me under truth serum what I thought of him and I said that John Lennon essentially was the Beatles. A reaction of abuse and hate--and this is just disgusting that this group of shit is allowed to go on and on and on and on so one sick sleazy disgusting piece of worthless shit put into power can get a promotion for being and acting like a low scum and it's supposed to mean that I have no society no government no country no family no support no money no health no chance for any support or protection.

Fuck you all. When the fuck will this shit be stopped? How much longer must I beg the world for this group of worthless shit to be stopped?

Tjhey are repugnant, I do not ever chose shit like this in my life. they have forced goddamn paralysis on me I can't physically move almost all of the time I am stuck istting in a chair trying to clean the stinking filth they spray on everything and I can't even do that.

Talkin' bout the gym generation: We got gyped by the Hippie mainstream pop/"alternative" cock rockers. Rolling Stones, The Who and The Beatles (minus the assassination targets Lennon & Harrison).

This is an addition to my last post. It was fraught with non-stop hacking interventions--disruptions without end. I have no doubt it was rewritten. I could not concentrate and as I fought to type, as I am doing now after just one sentence as the hackers have rushed back to interrupt and block--I began to rant, call names as part of the discrediting/character assassination (preceding the murder, that they have attempted, continue to assault upon me slow murder).


McCartney has been assaulting me giggling next to Shitalina the prostituted English infiltrator for the Crown of England with pig pitt at her side, smug and assured that every president and royal is backing them and mansions jets awards and top prizes have been forthcoming like rain under global warming (their toxicity is the seeding of the outpouring of destruction for the imposition of the fascist New Order).


McCartney, of the Beatles but just the money-grasping primitive backer, influenced only by Lennon and then faded into selfish consumption iconography and post-Beatles fame. His "live and let die" motto is truly the song that would describe the post Hippie era of Boomers who have bottom-out in all moral stance into selfish acquisition and entitlement due to the endless wealth they have obtained. All flowing perfectly with the new war machine and never protesting from the security of their wealth they were paid in various means and ways to just shut up finally now that the draft has been replaced by mostly blacks, minorities and poorer whites who fight for "them" and die for nothing but investment capital and extermination of the "brown and black" peoples of the world for the lebensraum they are all now enjoying. McCartney is so viciously disgusting in his outright racism--which Lennon disparaged but once McCartney saw that Japanese and Asian women were popular after the Vietnam War ended and many are so supplicant and compliant to white males coming to finalized the colonization of Asia

so they are friends now, and I had no idea that a documentary or movie (or whatever it was/is) was slated for Oscars. If I had known, I would not have been induced through mind control to post a video of Lennon and Yoko, which was intended to regard Instant Karma and A Tale of Two Cities. I was truly only trying to reference Lennon. Instantly I got a Trump "short" video with the title about how Trump loves the Beatles but especially Paul McCartney. The pig apes who "own" this contract, which is now divided-up between Trump and Biden--the contract out on me, whereby any and all scum, shit and filth who want an instant promotion only have to be teleported to rape, assault and yell fascistically at me to induce a shock to my nervous system, continuing to poison me so this is actually a component of murder. On a non-stop daily basis for the 13 years that shitwhorewood alone has been doing this, it obviously is a factor of covert murder. 

A slew of the endless Rolling Stones bs was hacked also onto my youtube channel as I sat drugged in a mind control stupor. I had written about my family being "Hippies" fighting the Vietnam War, which then was turned into the Hippie post-bs generation of gyp culture, lies, rotten wealthy scumbags, cock rock stars endlessly adored for the theft of the alternative culture that their crappy (mostly) music was made so famous for. I only make any reference to The Who because of what the director Ken Russell made out of the cock rock opera Tommy--into a fantastic film. I was deluged with Rolling Stones and The Who and The Beatles featuring this creep McCartney for over 3 days until I had to constantly click on "delete" for all the crap videos. I understand the system by now, understanding that these are hacks. 

Because I clicked on one or two of the Beatles videos, only because I had written about A Tale of Two Cities in reference to the shit of this organization and the entitlement "elite" that is clearly a shadow of the outragously murderous regimes of France and Europigapeland which turned into masses of people screaming in delight as the wealthy were paraded and killed in front of cheering mobs. That is the culmination of centuries of this system which is currently being enacted b y all this filth and shit who formerly were the "hippie" generation.

I also told the Rolling Stones that I was fighting to not succumb to this system for their profit, upon their endless questioning "why are you doing this" (as in, resisting) and I said, "For the sovereignty of the U.S." upon which, Richards rushed at me and I was blacked out, I was made aware again about one minute later, on the ground with Richards trying to slam a car door into my head. 

I fought back and was poisoned and tortured and raped by English filth scumbags for the next half year, not constantly but on a recurring basis. Constantly drugged up to the point of immobility and poisoned with bloating and stiffening poisons

the point for the people reading this is that they are violently assaulting me for trying to not have more English come in to control the U.S. media, as they already do. So many English are now featured endlessly for The Oscars and I have only seen English completely backing this system. 

The crap who are "supposed" to "represent" the "Hippie" subculture movement of the 60's-70's are so fake and have always been so. The Rolling Stones have worked in conjunction with the U.S. government for the drug trade that was instituted during the Vietnam War from The Golden Triangle in SE Asia (heroin being one of those famous imported drugs, before the cocaine trade almost surpassed it).

All have attacked me in this system. Sadly also have the founders of the punk group Crass. I have been besieged by one of the less wealthy (seemingly) performers of that punk group and although I truly do love the songs the performed so long ago, they are fully into exploiting me as well. I recall the HATE on the faces of the wealhy founder and his female companion, when Depp teleported me to them in England. They were foul and racist and disgusting. All is such a fraud with these post-Hippie-era and punk bands,  but on the other hand, they have undoubtedly been targets of drugging and mind control and that I have no doubt.


BUT, if people actually want to hear more authentic Hippie and music of that era, and I listen to this often, I believe that the Rolling Stones, like all the filth of this group assaulting me (even the MSNBC anchors who do this so frequently because many of them truly are unoriginal Nazis under cover) but they steal my ideas, as the Stones stole so many musical themes and have been credited for having been of that zeitgeist. They truly are agents of political fascist entities, all of them, at this point in time, McCartney absolutely a disgusting exploiter and hater and bigot racist. His only claim to fame was in partnership with the genius of Lennon, just as many mediocre actors will perform almost at an incredible level if they are put into the hands of a genius director/producer.

Listen to WNYU archives and search for Plastic Tales From The Marshmellow Dimension to listen to the real artists who created that era. Their songs and everything else were about mind and mental expansion. The Stones were about sexual and drug debauchery glorified and they worked hand-in-glove with the "Black-ops" U.S. and (probably) English drug trade to infiltrate, demoralize and then deconstruct the U.S. social fabric. I know that many parents during that era said something very similar to what I am now saying. I find that the situation is more akin to the political and that they were put into these positions to steal musical memes and "sell" the drug trade and drug wars and heroin distribution, to glamorize it and also the wars and wars. They are all fully into sex trafficking, human degradation and have no qualms about fully exploiting this situation heaped upon me endlessly. They are overjoyed to see my ideas being stolen while they suck up everything possible to get their old k-rap back into the limelight--McCartney and Jagger and Richards are the most latched-on hateful parasites possible (Jagger has an excellent poker face but it's a horrific mask--you could see the hateful predator before he had a lot of plastic surgery to conceal it).


It looks like "The English" "won" much of the Oscars once again. This time it was much more open and outright than in previous years. "The English" also encompasses players who perform with English accents very often and are fully indoctrinated into English culture ((Emma Stone has played many English characters in the past so she is a fixture American infiltrator portal for The Crown) she h as been awarded for that awful movie that won an award. No disparagement about her acting capabilities I am only referring to the politics. She deserved awards years ago but the movie she came out with is a Nazi movie (Illuminati themes) but I can't go into that. Using the term "Illuminati" has been discredited by Alex Jones who turned it--deliberately--into a "joke". It is no joke.

That is why Biden will never stop Trump from a rematch and the federal charges will not ever come before the election.

Because they are all "friends" and they want a complete NATO expansion into the East and now they are expanding into Asia---and the "cold war" has revved up again, as Putin wanted and as America wants. 

Many Americans are suffering and dying from this system and many more will if it continues.


**20 minutes later. I had to get up, turn off the WiFi to remember what I was blanked out from writing. 

WNYU has archives that are accessible as far back as (some shows) 2006. There is a show from way-back called ARCANA OBSCURA

the DJ for that show, a student at NYU, offered some of the most unique and rare songs of the Hippie and mind-enlightenment era. Many of the songs which never made Top of the Pops sounded exactly like the Stones' songs that DID make these pop lists. However the lyrics are far more "far out" and intellectual. I theorize that these motifs were stolen as the movement also was usurped. This is the hallmark of the Nazi "entertainment" and intellectual movement which is to usurp and steal and then kick -out the originators. This has been done to me and many I have known all my life and is still ongoing with my idea I wrote, barely able to but never to expand upon due to drugging and literal non-stop torture on a half-day basis or longer, every single day, due to these egregious insane technologies that are being expanded upon daily as i write these posts and brainwashing and mind control is out-of-control I belilve.


The archives for Plastic Tales wiich have the truly unique not-famous originals are from this older era on the archives, dating from 2008-until maybe 2012, or longer. One of the great DJ's was "Baron Saturday", another was "The Paisley Piper" and for Arcana Obscura the DJ was the same as for Plastic Tales, but he used a pseudonym (I think his name for Arcana--his real name--is Harris).

I could not remember the name of this older show, which I have copied and downloaded many shows for many years, until I walked away from this horrible brain-altering seat in front of the laptop where the keyyboard is constantly nearly inoperable and my brain is besieged with altering electro-magnetic waves or whatever is being done. It happens in public spaces all the time while I am being assaulted/insulted and in teleportation hell that is inflicted upon me for over 8 hours per day and night, every day without exception.

The "hippies" and the Boomers who have been put into the scene as reps are just such sinister fakes, are absolute fascist bigots at this point and once they got all that money their racism, elitism has turned into the fascist dictatorship that they claim they were fighting against in the 60's-70's. It is no doubt to me that they are also drugged and/or under mind control and incentivized by all the wealth that they have obtained.

The truly honorable ones of that era, like Lennon (I believe) are being exploited now as symbols for their continuing "fame" out of sucking out the genius of people they probably eschewed long ago. I also heard on a documentary about Lennon andYoko that their marriage was "on the rocks' and when he made his last album, his relationship with her was on a "mend" but it's also possible that a divorce settlement would have left her without access to so much---and now she is part of this terrorism against me and her only claim is what Lennon did, with McCartney using the same "anti-War" slogans that pushed him into fame but nothing except for "screw everyone except for myself" has been his one-hit ever since ("live and let die").

True to form, characteristic of all the 4th Reich fascists, I have Rep.Raskin going on and on andon and on and on andon and on and on and ona nd on and on hour after hour, now 3 days of this putridity awful energy of loathing displaced upon moi, as usual. It's women-hating but combined with self-loathing Jewish identity confusion with fascist Nazism. I wrote about RAskin and wrote out to stop him but the filth and ugly degradation he emits is being constantly foisted upon me, hour after hour after hour, day after day. I suspect Douglass Murray is behind all the Jewish Nazi attacks upon me as he's "in control" over the Jewish Nazi division. In return, he feigns concern for "Jews"--or really, his minions who will be the administrators of the New English Colony of Jerusalem with American financial backing as the English "Crown" resumes control (also over the U.S. and in Congress it is almost a done deal if not cemented long ago).Violent, physical violence from Raskin constantly for my posts about the State of the Union, which I suspect hit the mark of truth to the core and thus this reaction. The "Democracy" spewing cesspool minion Raskin is extremely violent in a way, but "they" all are. I realize that Raskin has adopted the same Nazi playacting of a deliberate "soft" tone of voice with a fake emittance of charming undulation of warmth tones when spewing how open-minded he is towards human freedom from all forms of oppression. All the tv interviews he has obtained, now an advocate for "Democracy" with his years---hated years I suspect--of teaching and teaching the tired, drab old Constitutional courses which don't glorify the spewing vocabulary spaghetti he is capable of spitting out, using the same tactic of acting that Nazi German men have used along with their women. A much subdued vocal tone. When the Nazi snarling vicious parasite black hole comes out, the energy-life-sucking and hate and misery is forefront and gone with the Wind are the rehearsed acting skills of passive polite intellectual warmth and concern.

 I make reference to the German Nazis because that group has assaulted me almost the most in my lifetime. Growing up in the Midwest I was surrounded by "Germanic" types who identify mostly with being half German, half English as the majority are (with a blend of other cultures at smaller ratios).

I experienced the same flip of antagonism once the 4th Reich began to slowly and covertly kill off all the peace-nics and the "hippies" and etc. I watched as slowly but surely the brunt of the HIppie movement died down, but those who had ensnared me into their cocoon of false piety pleasantry were hateful and violent in personal private (not private all recorded I fear by the 4th Reich and passed around like "Dark Web" sort of porn---date rape and mind control the major feature).

Jews not excluded from being indoctrinated and trained into Nazi culture and identification.

I have this slime coating of greasy negative energy that is constantly being spewed onto me from yet another rotten and corrupt, pornographic and violence sleazy old man--as even the younger men are old in their mentality as all they can do is  emulate the dinosaur legion because they have killed off any and all alternative paradigms.

Thusly, I am confronted by yet another deadly and physically violent minority minion in the form of this Constitutional Prof, undoubtedly well-educated but indoctrinated by the 4th Reich. In private, because these seemingly savants have nothing to say in private other than "give me I want" like ID-driven infants and terrible as their controllers are probably more infantile than they--

has nothing to say but insults and quirky taunts that you can hear in his comedy routine with MTG as they appear like friendly opposites jesting (she is not funny she is outright insulting he is laughing as the "good" minority minion is supposed to do). Viciously violent towards me, he is hitting me with his disgusting huge body behind every assault, while I am put into a blacked out vision state and within 3 seconds he is using the full force of his filthy vile body to hit me violently---like any coward and parasite as he is. So drained by the ugly hostility and hate of this most self-loathing Jewish Nazi who has been threatening and abusing me--he goes on hour after hour after hour, making stupid sick comments and insults  and death threats and comments on every single thing I am doing, my body how it looks when I am on the toilet

as I constantly call him names, tell him to die and to go away and it's a constant refrain from me. He remains glued because not only is he a life-force parasite--like many of the other parasites of this death cult, I am drained so completely I can't get anything done my energy is so sucked dry from this group of parasitic filth. 

You can see the A$$-groveling Jewish Nazi giggling with Kinzinger in the J-6 committee hearings especially when Cassidy Hutchenson is providing her testimony. I noticed this very clearly that Kinzinger and Raskin made the most telling "gang stalking" triggering gestures in violent motions--the action is of snubbing the nose---which they did in unison. If I had clipped the segment of the testimony and the two idiot savants making this aggressive movement by literally swiping their noses in hateful haste--it was done first by Raskin and then by Kinsinger. This is a telling movement/gesture by the terror operatives which I have seen so many countless times for so many years, and in public this gesture, along with prolific coughing/hacking, is done not only to intimidate the person but also as a sign of displeasure or disagreement, on a large scale level of hate and it also implies an action of terrorism should be leveled at the person. These body movements appear like innocuous almost normal, but you can see the hateful motions of the bombastic arm swiping the face/nose by both within a few seconds of one another. The looks of aggressive hate is on both their faces, if only for a few seconds. This is the gesture of inclusion with the Nazi 4th Reich and that they truly are not--NOT--against Trump nor the Nazi take-over. Otherwise it has been called The New World Order as it also involves a global push for a world order. 

I was listening while RAw-skins (as MTG calls him) was constantly threatening, punching and slapping me in the teleported state, almost like a shadow vision on my part and done extremely quickly and then I am teleported or blanked out so I can "barely" ascertain what has just happened; he does this frequently in his pimp role with the English scumbags behind him--one last night was the insidious and fake Paul McCarthy--and not coincidentally his partnership with Yoko and his attack upon me just today of the Oscars and the "win" by Joko on the "War is over" bs is absolutely done in conjunction with the English terror unit, and Raw-skins is absolutely behind every global Nazi who he can partner with--which, of course, is the exact same as MTG--his seeming "nemesis" in Congress but they are absolutely on the "same page".

This morning, as Raw-skins was punching, slapping and then blanking out my brain as I kept calling him an utter scumbag, a disgusting parasite, and I kept repeating and trying to breathe in, meditate and after another 4 hours I could not do this any longer as my brain is "entrained" by the tech so I "must" react; I cannot untether my brain from the tech so I am constantly telling this filth greasy ugly parasite to get off me and to die and that he's disgusting and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on

Today, listening to the lecture with headphones, trying to drown out the daily parasitic free promotional leech rotation of celebrities and parasitic dysfunctional politicians (all alike in those regards) I listened to how the New World Order is operating in part--by William Cooper in the Hour of the Time podcast called "MAJESTYTWELVE #3 in which the Warsaw Pact was discussed in relation to the NWO--

I have now blanked out on what I had intended to say. I literally have had to fight to pound letters out and constantly backspace and rewrite for this entire post. The lecture, the 3rd time I have fought to listen to this to wipe out the endless physical violence, death threats, insults to my body and my everything, everything I am thinking they turn into some death threat of threat of violence--what I am holding they tell me to kill myself with, etc the entire time I am blasting lectures into my ears to try to drown out the pig apes I wish would drown finally and shut up. It is now 3:50 pm and the pig finally has shut up after hours and hours and hours.

The lecture had something to do with Raw-skins but my brain is completely blanked out from endless rewriting of this post because the keys will not function.


The world order is of America losing it's sovereignty. With the Jewish Nazis, as with the Oscars today, the Jews absolutely play anti-Semite and this is applicable even moreso in the U.S. with Jews violently assaulting me (all my life) and RAw-skins is a perfect example of this. For his role with Kinzinger 3 years ago of attacking me with the English prostituted pawn of the English Crown, Prostitutalina and shit pig pitt, who own mansions, everything else in not only London but around the world for their assistance in fomenting a fascist Nazi order outta Whorewood, mind programming. Half-English shitalina and "English" heritage pig shit pitt, the untouchable Nazi couple of Whorewood and Raw-skins has obtained THREE YEARS of endless interviews as the next representative of Democracy--and all begun with his cow-towing to shitalina which in effect is paying "homage" to the English Crown.

The podcast went into more details but in essence, the Jews are fully in line with extreme Nazism and anti-Semitism out of England and the United Kingdom. It is a situation I have experienced literally all my life as my parents lived in Europe prior to my conception and have been only focused on being as Europigapeland as possible. I know the type of collusion and I am not identifying anyone with my personal experience but simply following a thread that has become a repetition forumla of a protocol system of attack that I have been fighting--for my life--against. Much absolute hate coming out of England and it's always shielded by their millennia of false piety and pretenses and "diplomatic" fluidity, formerly known as "Appeasement", but that was a code word for "collusion" with the Nazis.


To try to tie this all together. The "acting" of Raw-skins is exactly of the same formula of the Germanic types of rapists and haters that I experienced also for the 5 years of having lived in Germany.

Once most of the U.S. troops were absolved of their duties in Germany (thanks to the Clintons who have helped to bring much chaos and Nazism and despair and death into the world with their "benevolent" bs posturing, especially disgusting is Hillary's white supremacist/Nazi version of "feminism").

I encourage people to review the testimony of Cassidy Hutchenson and watch closely at how first Raw-skins aggressively swipes his nose and then Kinzinger makes a violent motion to do the same to his putrid face (so happy he is OUT of Congress). This is the same "bonding" of Jew and "I'm German" so said Kinzinger as they both attacked me, but Raw-skins most openly as usual the white bigot sat smirking as the minority minion did the nasty work--now Raw-skins is extremely violent because of the endless awards and promises of promotion into the Senate or higher if he continues to assault me.

just as McCarthy the mediocrity fake called me the "B-word" because under hypnosis I said that "John Lennon was the Beatles" and he began insulting and calling me names. Out came the lashes of violence from RAw-skins the ugly and sinister self-loathing Jew then for yet another day, hours and hours of violence and abuse vie this system of teleportation and voice-to-skull as this life-sucking draining parasite has not stopped. I watched on interview of him on a podcast, which I have had to "unsubscribe" to because by now, any movie or podcast or movie (no matter how many decades old) or tv show--anything I click on brings a vicious and violent abusive murdering bigot

the Jews are some of the most dumb and sleazy and hateful

but of course, there are the Blacks as well, very violent

but I can feel the oozing hate and self-loathing of Raw-skins whose self-hate and the inculcation of anti-Semitism has so deeply penetrated him, and so many Jews I understand it well, the programming is so complete

I know that behind him is the New World Order of international pig-aprey of Europigapeland and other countries--I have only experienced the absolute sickness of Europigapeland and it's disgusting fascist Nazis--who are extremely genocidal and anti-Semitic and disgusting and really, in my opinion, worthless scum because of the YEARS of watching how sick and disgusting they really are. Not only towards myself, but towards the Thai people and any other "brown or black" group which they can destroy and then exploit in the old "ordo ab chao" scheme: Order out of Chaos.


Having to deal with the stinking and foul self-hate of self-loathing Jews who have imbibed the insults, the humiliations, and gone on "accepting" in order to "get ahead" who are assaulting me feverishly to get more awards, more acceptance as they are stank and foul on every spiritual and emotional/intellectual level.

I am dealing with what looks like "demon" eyes of Raw-skins who looks truly malevolent and "evil" in his endless violent glares at me.

Behind him are the English like McCarthy and of course, the yapping Yoko Ono about all her wonderful acts of charitable kindness in partnership with John Lennon so many decades ago--now "winning" an award at the Oscars on the very same moment that McCarthy was yelling BITCH at me as I said in response, "The Bitch is you" as he is one and a mediocrity and a very hateful sinister person as well--who has been behind attacking me for YEARS.

I posted a John Lennon song unfortunately with Yoko behind John because she was knitting and I made reference to Madame De Farge in A Tale of Two Cities (pls note that every word is a huge struggle due to hacking blocks)

and I obtained a slew, literally for 4 days of The Who and McCarthy with Lennon as a sort of transfer of my attention from Lennon to them, and as i wrote, every click means some scumbag is going to teleport and violently assault me. When I fight back, asj ust happened last week, they kill something and break and destroy something through their stinking foul network.

Behind them all are both Trump and Biden, both have their "emissaries" of hate who attack me for the benefit of both of the 4th Reich lack of leadership that has monopolized the U.S. for so long, but behind them is another string of unexceptional fakes who have been trained to sound very "purty" and say the "right" things in wonderful vocal tones, as Raw-skins has learned from the Nazi example that I LIVED with for more than 5 years actually (on the edge of 6 years, living ONLY around Germans or German-speaking so I was not "sheltered" and being a "target" I experience constantly the ugly reality of a "The World is a Stage and all the players" are just null and void in all their actual real-life roles, and always to the contrary of their pretended wonderful loving and loving-kindness leadership qualities they are trained for YEARS to perfect in front of cameras.


So I wrote to please get Raw-skins off me, and as usual, of course, he "doubled-down" under instructions from the English filth like McCarthy, Yoko Ono (just another minion Nazi) and of course, this foul pretender Douglass Murray who is so endlessly interviewed as some advocate for "Jews" and for "Israel". He is a most fervent anti-Semite on a genocidal Holocaust level. Raw-skins only wants to have a blonde wife and have another child with a blonde Nazi woman--as the Jewish men and women all yearn for and they become extremely violent in that pursuit to prove how they are not the "bad" Jews who are destined to be genocided.

The situation is dire and extremely sad and tragic but that is my post for the day.

He is not going to stop. I have to ask again to get this grease stain RAw-skins off me and for this entire sick contract to be stopped. 

Biden is a sick expletive and so is Trump and both have been passing around filth scumbags to assault me taking turn, I believe. 

Where is there any responsibility towards the U.S. Constitution and for human rights?

I was going to write but the keyboard was so hacked that I am making many references to the Constitution on all the many multiple and non-stop breaches of the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and basic law the Raw-skins is constantly violating. The ugliness, hate and violence he exudes and commits towards me is so draining. THey are ALL life-sucking draining parasites and they have made me old, sucked out everything possible and are just going on and on and on and on. 

Both Biden and Trump are sick and worthless as leaders and are part of the "New World Order" endlessly handing America off for foreign interests.

Oh yes, the Warsaw Pact and NATO are the two entities that both and all Presidents adhere to--but in various ways, to either breech the contracts or to adhere to them. The essence is that the U.S. is part of a global order and the goal is to eliminate U.S. sovereignty and to usher in foreign rule over the U.S. and the weakening of everything from the economy, to the deliberate seeming corruption and incompetence of leaders and their levity at committing crime or in open lying and malfeasance--to deteriorate confidence, to help bring in foreign entities who will promise that their "class" and "elegance" will restore "Democracy" but it's just a bunch of grafting grifters looking for endless free loot and the don't care at all about "The People". The choice of creeple like this is absolutely deliberate and the main component of all of them is their acting proclivity.

Raw-skins has years of lecturing in front of audiences and thus has learned the skills of presenting "Utopian" values for "students' who really are not taught much because they are mired in entertainment.

So I Raw-=skins at this point.

But with all the brain-altering on my inability to finish my thoughts--I am always under attack with keyboard and brain altering

please try to locate the body movements of nose-swiping which I have been forced to see as people do this in front of me constantly in the most nasty and insulting ways--looking disgusting and dirty implying that it's "me". They did this same action as a signal to the Nazis that they really are against what was supposed to be the most incriminating testimony of the entire J-6 Committee tv series (considering how all of the members of this committee have gone along with the terrorism aimed at me and the mind programming terror and they must all know about it if two of their members and the antagonist in the drama--Trump--obtained much of his promotion for having obtained this tech and from that point on became the President and has now embraced all the deviancies of criminality and is proud and the American Creeple fully are programmed as well into going along with it.

All of them are enticed by the "promise" of some huge future awards system of entitlement. Raw-skins is no different.

The hate, the self-hate of Jews towards other Jews is something that has also been touched upon by the "Black-on-black" violence, the black cops beating to death the blacks who are innocent and this is all put on camera (i.e. in Tennessee) and the situation of the divide-and-conquer strategy is one of the most endemic and pathological. Whorewood absolutely endlessly promotes white supremacy even with the Blacks who appear to be fighting against "racism" in very subtle ways they are all paying homage to the 4th Reich and violently assault me as well.


The last thing, after more than SIX HOURS of constant physical violence from RAw-skins, abuse, death threats, every time I did anything he turned what I was doing, holding into a weapon (i.e. holding a pair of scissors he told me to stick them in my eyes--and this was constantly extremely violent subliminal suggestion that I could "hear" in my "inner ear" from the endless hate from this filth scumbag)

and the last thing this filth creep said was, "why don't you get on the internet?" because his goal is for me to do exact this: write about the filth that he is. Like all the rest, he will get MORE promotions as you all congratulate him or do nothing if you don't totally agree with this.

His looks of menacing violence he inflicted on me a few days ago, but the utter violence came after my post after having watched the State of the Union address by the creep in charge of this corruption, partnering with the other creep running against him and all the legion beneath them, supposedly (they are all beholden to a concealed power structure and are merely actors on a stage, mostly incompetent at acting, which is what I had written of. Oddly, the Repug side came out with what is now called horrifically "bad acting" by a female Rep in Congress. I wrote of the faulty acting and the lies and distortions. Obviously I hit on some nerve as Raw-skins came to physically and extremely violently assault me in the teleportation; obviously under directive from Biden the den of iniquity and bipolar unipolar bi-ness.


I am grasping for some lightness however silly

they are despicable they are "evil" they are foul and stinking.

I understand that "no one" can ever do anything as no one ever has or does.     They can certainly babble on television in ways that are "against" the tyrannical front looming on the horizon but they absolutely participate in it when they can. My "contract" is 100% about brainwashing/programming people susceptible to malleable molding through their sleazy greed, lack of any kind of base solidity and all about their filthy stupid mediocrity being promoted as exceptional because of all the acting skills that most of them are mediocre at performing, at best. I wrote of this and the false smiles due to the Y EARS of these politicians like Pelosi and Harris coming to laugh, threaten me as well as the filth I am writing about now

and thusly, in dictatorial and "pimp" fashion, Raw-kins has come to violently assault me like a pimp selling me off to some sex trafficking system. Also from William Cooper on one of his archived shows --the earlier years--is a story of Jewish women trafficked by the Jewish Community and how Jews have sold their daughters off to prostitution for much longer than Hitler has been a household name. 

Jews have "always" sold out one-another at least, undoubtedly, since the Roman imposition of tyranny upon the "native" country that is now under dispute, with the "enemy" fully controlling the "Jews" in power to get them to hate their own, themselves, and I will make a bet that Raw-skins will get divorced in the not-to-near future with his dyed blonde Jewish wife and marry a blonde handed to him as his "prize" for physically assaulting me to defend Nazi bigot Harris, Pelosi and Biden as well as Trump, whom is his "friend" as I wrote they really are all part of a systematic "fraternal" order and the movies out of Whorewood reflect this greatly (I have another film review I would liek to write but they just killed something I harbored on my patio for the past 4-5 years, with love, and that was only because I wrote a review and understood and felt the mind control tech blasting into me, telling her to go away endlessly as she began to violently attack me until I was screaming about what a greasebag skank she is--my honest opinion--so she had the thing killed. Shit pig pitt was next to her, the endless killing brutally of animals I love after the sleaze of the slime of the attack by pig pitt-shitalina is just non-stop.

And they are all at the Oscars. Raw-skins is waiting for his award with a blonde Nazi wife, and a promotion into the Senate or even running for President. All on the back of trying to break me, abusing and now physical violence for writing about what crap I see in Biden after years of the torture from that rotten dino and then Trump and Harris and I see the criminals who have assaulted me violently sitting in the halls of Congress for this lecture to which Raw-skins was not invited, oddly he was attacking me just in time to replace temporarily shit pig pitalina and also as rep for Biden (and Trump) during the State of the Union so the usual pig ape shit were all "busy" getting their endless "awards" and prizes while I am being killed for another day from endless hours and hours and hours of anotther sleazy greasy parasite clutching at me with hate and hate and hate and hate and abuse and hate and hate and torture for defending myself so this pile of shit can continue to monopolize the power structure.

Meanwhile, I am still trying to recall all that I wanted to write about the Warsaw Pact except that Biden pouring money into all these foreign wars is part of the push for expansion of the 4th Reich and the elimination of U.S. sovereignty. At the same time the U.S. Economy has almost crashed for the nth quarter in a row for the nth year in a row after the sickness of this greed and corruption regime with one sleazy pig ape replacing the next; all claiming they are "friends". all the Pacts and the international deals culminate in a pig ape fascist coming to power. That people cannot see that "Jews" are fascist Nazis and have been indoctrinated into behaving like Stockholm Syndrome scumbags is beyond me. 

Of course, there is little to no critical analysis in the media and podcasts, as they are also dominated by the "friends" to the 4th Reich.

So no one will get Raw-skins off me, as I wrote of this and he has only increased the hate and violence. It remains the same. What is changing is the rapid deterioration of the United States and of course my body and life are daily being sucked dry into old age and death by non-stop scum and filth like these creeps who are really only adept at performing their roles of repetition and mediocre pretenses of "caring". 

So Biden is pouring money into the renovation of the former Soviet Bloc country of Ukraine, a country which the Nazis, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and their ilk tried to take over and colonize long before Hitler was even a thing. The idea was to unify and exploit the "bread basket" of Europe (Ukraine). That plan of course meant eliminating/genocide of the native populations to make way. I lived in a dormatory in Stuttgart with Germanic ancestors of former German colonizers who went to various parts of "The East" like Poland, Russia and etc in order to expand the Germanic empire. They are (or were) given Visas, money for housing, jobs, training, English lessons, etc. They were the only way I learned to speak (or just understand a small portion of) German, as the Germans wanted me to never understand the lies and deceptions they are constantly uttering betwixt themselves in front of their intended victims (me and many others). None of the women in my dormitory even remotely liked the Germans (in Stuttgart, which is a more friendly city towards foreigners than most German cities). 

But I learned of their ways and the false deceptions. It has been trained into filth like Raw-skins. I know that writing that he is abusing me along with the others to death only means that the English shit who are "friends" with Biden and with the "Jews" will only increase his exposure and allow him to go on and on as a most disgusting and evil creep parasite. All violations of human rights that he has been preaching are mute and void and null when it comes to exploiting and prostituting and sex enslavement and denigration and destruction of my body, home and my chances my freedoms--he is full on the team. He is full of shit. No one ever gets this group of shit off me. You are all full of shit too.

How can I get rid of you fuckers when I am microchipped, under non-stop surveillance and no one will ever step in to protect my civil rights, my constitutional rights

but I issue a warning to not allow this filth scumbag Raskin to get more power and do not allow him to be promoted in any way. I hope he is not re-elected but the pretense he has been trained in is almost perfected because people are DESPERATE for sanity and for security by now and against the threat of Trump. Trust me in that Raskin is fully invested in the fascist take-over that Trump proposes and will be shielded from anti-Semitism, he believes, by violently assaulting me. Biden has made him this promise and Biden, as I wrote after the State of the Union, is just "friends" in the same fraternal order as they all are (the "sisterhood" are the rape cheerleaders and the "feminist" fascist Nazis).

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...