Monday, March 11, 2024

True to form, characteristic of all the 4th Reich fascists, I have Rep.Raskin going on and on andon and on and on andon and on and on and ona nd on and on hour after hour, now 3 days of this putridity awful energy of loathing displaced upon moi, as usual. It's women-hating but combined with self-loathing Jewish identity confusion with fascist Nazism. I wrote about RAskin and wrote out to stop him but the filth and ugly degradation he emits is being constantly foisted upon me, hour after hour after hour, day after day. I suspect Douglass Murray is behind all the Jewish Nazi attacks upon me as he's "in control" over the Jewish Nazi division. In return, he feigns concern for "Jews"--or really, his minions who will be the administrators of the New English Colony of Jerusalem with American financial backing as the English "Crown" resumes control (also over the U.S. and in Congress it is almost a done deal if not cemented long ago).Violent, physical violence from Raskin constantly for my posts about the State of the Union, which I suspect hit the mark of truth to the core and thus this reaction. The "Democracy" spewing cesspool minion Raskin is extremely violent in a way, but "they" all are. I realize that Raskin has adopted the same Nazi playacting of a deliberate "soft" tone of voice with a fake emittance of charming undulation of warmth tones when spewing how open-minded he is towards human freedom from all forms of oppression. All the tv interviews he has obtained, now an advocate for "Democracy" with his years---hated years I suspect--of teaching and teaching the tired, drab old Constitutional courses which don't glorify the spewing vocabulary spaghetti he is capable of spitting out, using the same tactic of acting that Nazi German men have used along with their women. A much subdued vocal tone. When the Nazi snarling vicious parasite black hole comes out, the energy-life-sucking and hate and misery is forefront and gone with the Wind are the rehearsed acting skills of passive polite intellectual warmth and concern.

 I make reference to the German Nazis because that group has assaulted me almost the most in my lifetime. Growing up in the Midwest I was surrounded by "Germanic" types who identify mostly with being half German, half English as the majority are (with a blend of other cultures at smaller ratios).

I experienced the same flip of antagonism once the 4th Reich began to slowly and covertly kill off all the peace-nics and the "hippies" and etc. I watched as slowly but surely the brunt of the HIppie movement died down, but those who had ensnared me into their cocoon of false piety pleasantry were hateful and violent in personal private (not private all recorded I fear by the 4th Reich and passed around like "Dark Web" sort of porn---date rape and mind control the major feature).

Jews not excluded from being indoctrinated and trained into Nazi culture and identification.

I have this slime coating of greasy negative energy that is constantly being spewed onto me from yet another rotten and corrupt, pornographic and violence sleazy old man--as even the younger men are old in their mentality as all they can do is  emulate the dinosaur legion because they have killed off any and all alternative paradigms.

Thusly, I am confronted by yet another deadly and physically violent minority minion in the form of this Constitutional Prof, undoubtedly well-educated but indoctrinated by the 4th Reich. In private, because these seemingly savants have nothing to say in private other than "give me I want" like ID-driven infants and terrible as their controllers are probably more infantile than they--

has nothing to say but insults and quirky taunts that you can hear in his comedy routine with MTG as they appear like friendly opposites jesting (she is not funny she is outright insulting he is laughing as the "good" minority minion is supposed to do). Viciously violent towards me, he is hitting me with his disgusting huge body behind every assault, while I am put into a blacked out vision state and within 3 seconds he is using the full force of his filthy vile body to hit me violently---like any coward and parasite as he is. So drained by the ugly hostility and hate of this most self-loathing Jewish Nazi who has been threatening and abusing me--he goes on hour after hour after hour, making stupid sick comments and insults  and death threats and comments on every single thing I am doing, my body how it looks when I am on the toilet

as I constantly call him names, tell him to die and to go away and it's a constant refrain from me. He remains glued because not only is he a life-force parasite--like many of the other parasites of this death cult, I am drained so completely I can't get anything done my energy is so sucked dry from this group of parasitic filth. 

You can see the A$$-groveling Jewish Nazi giggling with Kinzinger in the J-6 committee hearings especially when Cassidy Hutchenson is providing her testimony. I noticed this very clearly that Kinzinger and Raskin made the most telling "gang stalking" triggering gestures in violent motions--the action is of snubbing the nose---which they did in unison. If I had clipped the segment of the testimony and the two idiot savants making this aggressive movement by literally swiping their noses in hateful haste--it was done first by Raskin and then by Kinsinger. This is a telling movement/gesture by the terror operatives which I have seen so many countless times for so many years, and in public this gesture, along with prolific coughing/hacking, is done not only to intimidate the person but also as a sign of displeasure or disagreement, on a large scale level of hate and it also implies an action of terrorism should be leveled at the person. These body movements appear like innocuous almost normal, but you can see the hateful motions of the bombastic arm swiping the face/nose by both within a few seconds of one another. The looks of aggressive hate is on both their faces, if only for a few seconds. This is the gesture of inclusion with the Nazi 4th Reich and that they truly are not--NOT--against Trump nor the Nazi take-over. Otherwise it has been called The New World Order as it also involves a global push for a world order. 

I was listening while RAw-skins (as MTG calls him) was constantly threatening, punching and slapping me in the teleported state, almost like a shadow vision on my part and done extremely quickly and then I am teleported or blanked out so I can "barely" ascertain what has just happened; he does this frequently in his pimp role with the English scumbags behind him--one last night was the insidious and fake Paul McCarthy--and not coincidentally his partnership with Yoko and his attack upon me just today of the Oscars and the "win" by Joko on the "War is over" bs is absolutely done in conjunction with the English terror unit, and Raw-skins is absolutely behind every global Nazi who he can partner with--which, of course, is the exact same as MTG--his seeming "nemesis" in Congress but they are absolutely on the "same page".

This morning, as Raw-skins was punching, slapping and then blanking out my brain as I kept calling him an utter scumbag, a disgusting parasite, and I kept repeating and trying to breathe in, meditate and after another 4 hours I could not do this any longer as my brain is "entrained" by the tech so I "must" react; I cannot untether my brain from the tech so I am constantly telling this filth greasy ugly parasite to get off me and to die and that he's disgusting and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on

Today, listening to the lecture with headphones, trying to drown out the daily parasitic free promotional leech rotation of celebrities and parasitic dysfunctional politicians (all alike in those regards) I listened to how the New World Order is operating in part--by William Cooper in the Hour of the Time podcast called "MAJESTYTWELVE #3 in which the Warsaw Pact was discussed in relation to the NWO--

I have now blanked out on what I had intended to say. I literally have had to fight to pound letters out and constantly backspace and rewrite for this entire post. The lecture, the 3rd time I have fought to listen to this to wipe out the endless physical violence, death threats, insults to my body and my everything, everything I am thinking they turn into some death threat of threat of violence--what I am holding they tell me to kill myself with, etc the entire time I am blasting lectures into my ears to try to drown out the pig apes I wish would drown finally and shut up. It is now 3:50 pm and the pig finally has shut up after hours and hours and hours.

The lecture had something to do with Raw-skins but my brain is completely blanked out from endless rewriting of this post because the keys will not function.


The world order is of America losing it's sovereignty. With the Jewish Nazis, as with the Oscars today, the Jews absolutely play anti-Semite and this is applicable even moreso in the U.S. with Jews violently assaulting me (all my life) and RAw-skins is a perfect example of this. For his role with Kinzinger 3 years ago of attacking me with the English prostituted pawn of the English Crown, Prostitutalina and shit pig pitt, who own mansions, everything else in not only London but around the world for their assistance in fomenting a fascist Nazi order outta Whorewood, mind programming. Half-English shitalina and "English" heritage pig shit pitt, the untouchable Nazi couple of Whorewood and Raw-skins has obtained THREE YEARS of endless interviews as the next representative of Democracy--and all begun with his cow-towing to shitalina which in effect is paying "homage" to the English Crown.

The podcast went into more details but in essence, the Jews are fully in line with extreme Nazism and anti-Semitism out of England and the United Kingdom. It is a situation I have experienced literally all my life as my parents lived in Europe prior to my conception and have been only focused on being as Europigapeland as possible. I know the type of collusion and I am not identifying anyone with my personal experience but simply following a thread that has become a repetition forumla of a protocol system of attack that I have been fighting--for my life--against. Much absolute hate coming out of England and it's always shielded by their millennia of false piety and pretenses and "diplomatic" fluidity, formerly known as "Appeasement", but that was a code word for "collusion" with the Nazis.


To try to tie this all together. The "acting" of Raw-skins is exactly of the same formula of the Germanic types of rapists and haters that I experienced also for the 5 years of having lived in Germany.

Once most of the U.S. troops were absolved of their duties in Germany (thanks to the Clintons who have helped to bring much chaos and Nazism and despair and death into the world with their "benevolent" bs posturing, especially disgusting is Hillary's white supremacist/Nazi version of "feminism").

I encourage people to review the testimony of Cassidy Hutchenson and watch closely at how first Raw-skins aggressively swipes his nose and then Kinzinger makes a violent motion to do the same to his putrid face (so happy he is OUT of Congress). This is the same "bonding" of Jew and "I'm German" so said Kinzinger as they both attacked me, but Raw-skins most openly as usual the white bigot sat smirking as the minority minion did the nasty work--now Raw-skins is extremely violent because of the endless awards and promises of promotion into the Senate or higher if he continues to assault me.

just as McCarthy the mediocrity fake called me the "B-word" because under hypnosis I said that "John Lennon was the Beatles" and he began insulting and calling me names. Out came the lashes of violence from RAw-skins the ugly and sinister self-loathing Jew then for yet another day, hours and hours of violence and abuse vie this system of teleportation and voice-to-skull as this life-sucking draining parasite has not stopped. I watched on interview of him on a podcast, which I have had to "unsubscribe" to because by now, any movie or podcast or movie (no matter how many decades old) or tv show--anything I click on brings a vicious and violent abusive murdering bigot

the Jews are some of the most dumb and sleazy and hateful

but of course, there are the Blacks as well, very violent

but I can feel the oozing hate and self-loathing of Raw-skins whose self-hate and the inculcation of anti-Semitism has so deeply penetrated him, and so many Jews I understand it well, the programming is so complete

I know that behind him is the New World Order of international pig-aprey of Europigapeland and other countries--I have only experienced the absolute sickness of Europigapeland and it's disgusting fascist Nazis--who are extremely genocidal and anti-Semitic and disgusting and really, in my opinion, worthless scum because of the YEARS of watching how sick and disgusting they really are. Not only towards myself, but towards the Thai people and any other "brown or black" group which they can destroy and then exploit in the old "ordo ab chao" scheme: Order out of Chaos.


Having to deal with the stinking and foul self-hate of self-loathing Jews who have imbibed the insults, the humiliations, and gone on "accepting" in order to "get ahead" who are assaulting me feverishly to get more awards, more acceptance as they are stank and foul on every spiritual and emotional/intellectual level.

I am dealing with what looks like "demon" eyes of Raw-skins who looks truly malevolent and "evil" in his endless violent glares at me.

Behind him are the English like McCarthy and of course, the yapping Yoko Ono about all her wonderful acts of charitable kindness in partnership with John Lennon so many decades ago--now "winning" an award at the Oscars on the very same moment that McCarthy was yelling BITCH at me as I said in response, "The Bitch is you" as he is one and a mediocrity and a very hateful sinister person as well--who has been behind attacking me for YEARS.

I posted a John Lennon song unfortunately with Yoko behind John because she was knitting and I made reference to Madame De Farge in A Tale of Two Cities (pls note that every word is a huge struggle due to hacking blocks)

and I obtained a slew, literally for 4 days of The Who and McCarthy with Lennon as a sort of transfer of my attention from Lennon to them, and as i wrote, every click means some scumbag is going to teleport and violently assault me. When I fight back, asj ust happened last week, they kill something and break and destroy something through their stinking foul network.

Behind them all are both Trump and Biden, both have their "emissaries" of hate who attack me for the benefit of both of the 4th Reich lack of leadership that has monopolized the U.S. for so long, but behind them is another string of unexceptional fakes who have been trained to sound very "purty" and say the "right" things in wonderful vocal tones, as Raw-skins has learned from the Nazi example that I LIVED with for more than 5 years actually (on the edge of 6 years, living ONLY around Germans or German-speaking so I was not "sheltered" and being a "target" I experience constantly the ugly reality of a "The World is a Stage and all the players" are just null and void in all their actual real-life roles, and always to the contrary of their pretended wonderful loving and loving-kindness leadership qualities they are trained for YEARS to perfect in front of cameras.


So I wrote to please get Raw-skins off me, and as usual, of course, he "doubled-down" under instructions from the English filth like McCarthy, Yoko Ono (just another minion Nazi) and of course, this foul pretender Douglass Murray who is so endlessly interviewed as some advocate for "Jews" and for "Israel". He is a most fervent anti-Semite on a genocidal Holocaust level. Raw-skins only wants to have a blonde wife and have another child with a blonde Nazi woman--as the Jewish men and women all yearn for and they become extremely violent in that pursuit to prove how they are not the "bad" Jews who are destined to be genocided.

The situation is dire and extremely sad and tragic but that is my post for the day.

He is not going to stop. I have to ask again to get this grease stain RAw-skins off me and for this entire sick contract to be stopped. 

Biden is a sick expletive and so is Trump and both have been passing around filth scumbags to assault me taking turn, I believe. 

Where is there any responsibility towards the U.S. Constitution and for human rights?

I was going to write but the keyboard was so hacked that I am making many references to the Constitution on all the many multiple and non-stop breaches of the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and basic law the Raw-skins is constantly violating. The ugliness, hate and violence he exudes and commits towards me is so draining. THey are ALL life-sucking draining parasites and they have made me old, sucked out everything possible and are just going on and on and on and on. 

Both Biden and Trump are sick and worthless as leaders and are part of the "New World Order" endlessly handing America off for foreign interests.

Oh yes, the Warsaw Pact and NATO are the two entities that both and all Presidents adhere to--but in various ways, to either breech the contracts or to adhere to them. The essence is that the U.S. is part of a global order and the goal is to eliminate U.S. sovereignty and to usher in foreign rule over the U.S. and the weakening of everything from the economy, to the deliberate seeming corruption and incompetence of leaders and their levity at committing crime or in open lying and malfeasance--to deteriorate confidence, to help bring in foreign entities who will promise that their "class" and "elegance" will restore "Democracy" but it's just a bunch of grafting grifters looking for endless free loot and the don't care at all about "The People". The choice of creeple like this is absolutely deliberate and the main component of all of them is their acting proclivity.

Raw-skins has years of lecturing in front of audiences and thus has learned the skills of presenting "Utopian" values for "students' who really are not taught much because they are mired in entertainment.

So I Raw-=skins at this point.

But with all the brain-altering on my inability to finish my thoughts--I am always under attack with keyboard and brain altering

please try to locate the body movements of nose-swiping which I have been forced to see as people do this in front of me constantly in the most nasty and insulting ways--looking disgusting and dirty implying that it's "me". They did this same action as a signal to the Nazis that they really are against what was supposed to be the most incriminating testimony of the entire J-6 Committee tv series (considering how all of the members of this committee have gone along with the terrorism aimed at me and the mind programming terror and they must all know about it if two of their members and the antagonist in the drama--Trump--obtained much of his promotion for having obtained this tech and from that point on became the President and has now embraced all the deviancies of criminality and is proud and the American Creeple fully are programmed as well into going along with it.

All of them are enticed by the "promise" of some huge future awards system of entitlement. Raw-skins is no different.

The hate, the self-hate of Jews towards other Jews is something that has also been touched upon by the "Black-on-black" violence, the black cops beating to death the blacks who are innocent and this is all put on camera (i.e. in Tennessee) and the situation of the divide-and-conquer strategy is one of the most endemic and pathological. Whorewood absolutely endlessly promotes white supremacy even with the Blacks who appear to be fighting against "racism" in very subtle ways they are all paying homage to the 4th Reich and violently assault me as well.


The last thing, after more than SIX HOURS of constant physical violence from RAw-skins, abuse, death threats, every time I did anything he turned what I was doing, holding into a weapon (i.e. holding a pair of scissors he told me to stick them in my eyes--and this was constantly extremely violent subliminal suggestion that I could "hear" in my "inner ear" from the endless hate from this filth scumbag)

and the last thing this filth creep said was, "why don't you get on the internet?" because his goal is for me to do exact this: write about the filth that he is. Like all the rest, he will get MORE promotions as you all congratulate him or do nothing if you don't totally agree with this.

His looks of menacing violence he inflicted on me a few days ago, but the utter violence came after my post after having watched the State of the Union address by the creep in charge of this corruption, partnering with the other creep running against him and all the legion beneath them, supposedly (they are all beholden to a concealed power structure and are merely actors on a stage, mostly incompetent at acting, which is what I had written of. Oddly, the Repug side came out with what is now called horrifically "bad acting" by a female Rep in Congress. I wrote of the faulty acting and the lies and distortions. Obviously I hit on some nerve as Raw-skins came to physically and extremely violently assault me in the teleportation; obviously under directive from Biden the den of iniquity and bipolar unipolar bi-ness.


I am grasping for some lightness however silly

they are despicable they are "evil" they are foul and stinking.

I understand that "no one" can ever do anything as no one ever has or does.     They can certainly babble on television in ways that are "against" the tyrannical front looming on the horizon but they absolutely participate in it when they can. My "contract" is 100% about brainwashing/programming people susceptible to malleable molding through their sleazy greed, lack of any kind of base solidity and all about their filthy stupid mediocrity being promoted as exceptional because of all the acting skills that most of them are mediocre at performing, at best. I wrote of this and the false smiles due to the Y EARS of these politicians like Pelosi and Harris coming to laugh, threaten me as well as the filth I am writing about now

and thusly, in dictatorial and "pimp" fashion, Raw-kins has come to violently assault me like a pimp selling me off to some sex trafficking system. Also from William Cooper on one of his archived shows --the earlier years--is a story of Jewish women trafficked by the Jewish Community and how Jews have sold their daughters off to prostitution for much longer than Hitler has been a household name. 

Jews have "always" sold out one-another at least, undoubtedly, since the Roman imposition of tyranny upon the "native" country that is now under dispute, with the "enemy" fully controlling the "Jews" in power to get them to hate their own, themselves, and I will make a bet that Raw-skins will get divorced in the not-to-near future with his dyed blonde Jewish wife and marry a blonde handed to him as his "prize" for physically assaulting me to defend Nazi bigot Harris, Pelosi and Biden as well as Trump, whom is his "friend" as I wrote they really are all part of a systematic "fraternal" order and the movies out of Whorewood reflect this greatly (I have another film review I would liek to write but they just killed something I harbored on my patio for the past 4-5 years, with love, and that was only because I wrote a review and understood and felt the mind control tech blasting into me, telling her to go away endlessly as she began to violently attack me until I was screaming about what a greasebag skank she is--my honest opinion--so she had the thing killed. Shit pig pitt was next to her, the endless killing brutally of animals I love after the sleaze of the slime of the attack by pig pitt-shitalina is just non-stop.

And they are all at the Oscars. Raw-skins is waiting for his award with a blonde Nazi wife, and a promotion into the Senate or even running for President. All on the back of trying to break me, abusing and now physical violence for writing about what crap I see in Biden after years of the torture from that rotten dino and then Trump and Harris and I see the criminals who have assaulted me violently sitting in the halls of Congress for this lecture to which Raw-skins was not invited, oddly he was attacking me just in time to replace temporarily shit pig pitalina and also as rep for Biden (and Trump) during the State of the Union so the usual pig ape shit were all "busy" getting their endless "awards" and prizes while I am being killed for another day from endless hours and hours and hours of anotther sleazy greasy parasite clutching at me with hate and hate and hate and hate and abuse and hate and hate and torture for defending myself so this pile of shit can continue to monopolize the power structure.

Meanwhile, I am still trying to recall all that I wanted to write about the Warsaw Pact except that Biden pouring money into all these foreign wars is part of the push for expansion of the 4th Reich and the elimination of U.S. sovereignty. At the same time the U.S. Economy has almost crashed for the nth quarter in a row for the nth year in a row after the sickness of this greed and corruption regime with one sleazy pig ape replacing the next; all claiming they are "friends". all the Pacts and the international deals culminate in a pig ape fascist coming to power. That people cannot see that "Jews" are fascist Nazis and have been indoctrinated into behaving like Stockholm Syndrome scumbags is beyond me. 

Of course, there is little to no critical analysis in the media and podcasts, as they are also dominated by the "friends" to the 4th Reich.

So no one will get Raw-skins off me, as I wrote of this and he has only increased the hate and violence. It remains the same. What is changing is the rapid deterioration of the United States and of course my body and life are daily being sucked dry into old age and death by non-stop scum and filth like these creeps who are really only adept at performing their roles of repetition and mediocre pretenses of "caring". 

So Biden is pouring money into the renovation of the former Soviet Bloc country of Ukraine, a country which the Nazis, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and their ilk tried to take over and colonize long before Hitler was even a thing. The idea was to unify and exploit the "bread basket" of Europe (Ukraine). That plan of course meant eliminating/genocide of the native populations to make way. I lived in a dormatory in Stuttgart with Germanic ancestors of former German colonizers who went to various parts of "The East" like Poland, Russia and etc in order to expand the Germanic empire. They are (or were) given Visas, money for housing, jobs, training, English lessons, etc. They were the only way I learned to speak (or just understand a small portion of) German, as the Germans wanted me to never understand the lies and deceptions they are constantly uttering betwixt themselves in front of their intended victims (me and many others). None of the women in my dormitory even remotely liked the Germans (in Stuttgart, which is a more friendly city towards foreigners than most German cities). 

But I learned of their ways and the false deceptions. It has been trained into filth like Raw-skins. I know that writing that he is abusing me along with the others to death only means that the English shit who are "friends" with Biden and with the "Jews" will only increase his exposure and allow him to go on and on as a most disgusting and evil creep parasite. All violations of human rights that he has been preaching are mute and void and null when it comes to exploiting and prostituting and sex enslavement and denigration and destruction of my body, home and my chances my freedoms--he is full on the team. He is full of shit. No one ever gets this group of shit off me. You are all full of shit too.

How can I get rid of you fuckers when I am microchipped, under non-stop surveillance and no one will ever step in to protect my civil rights, my constitutional rights

but I issue a warning to not allow this filth scumbag Raskin to get more power and do not allow him to be promoted in any way. I hope he is not re-elected but the pretense he has been trained in is almost perfected because people are DESPERATE for sanity and for security by now and against the threat of Trump. Trust me in that Raskin is fully invested in the fascist take-over that Trump proposes and will be shielded from anti-Semitism, he believes, by violently assaulting me. Biden has made him this promise and Biden, as I wrote after the State of the Union, is just "friends" in the same fraternal order as they all are (the "sisterhood" are the rape cheerleaders and the "feminist" fascist Nazis).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...