"Brave New World". Reagan Youth--Topic. November 12, 2019.
The sick and sleazy and violent beatings, abuse, death threats and hate yelled at me and every thought I have his ugly "lawyer" liar mouth makes some absolutely threatening response to--every object I hold up he instructs me to jab into my body in murderous ways. There is no doubt--NO DOUBT--that he has killed before that he is truly on the scale of some fascist dictator like Stalin who is doing anything to aspire to power.
The Jewish Nazis are absolutely beholden to the English shit and filth to whom they grovel and defer. The filth from London with shitalina and pig pitt who have been only mutilating torturing having me raped and then stealing my ideas non-stop as they are paid I get everything destroyed and stolen including my beautiful body and my beautiful cat.
The sick psychopathy of this group of shit in "power" is just a testament to the inevitable destruction that will occur from their sheer incompetency to rule with anything but lies and brutality disguised as "benevolent" despotism in the form of "Democracy" which they spout like a drug constantly to the deceived and desperate people who are being slowly destroyed but still, drooling in a mesmerized state of inertia welcoming them all in because they are so besieged by "hero" movies they identify the plastic performances of this group of utter evil hate as being benevolent as well.
The transference from movie heroism to the political parasites of this planet is just astounding in the impact that mind programming has had on the masses who are yearning themselves not for freedom from tyryanny, but to crush any upstart minorities and to have the "freedom" to inflict all the old world trauma-based torture on people like me, calling me a "radical woke" and slated for death, as I have been told. The only "radical" thing about me is that I am fighting racism and listening to punk music and occasionally.
My every post detailing the sick violence from the Jewish Nazis only emboldens them and they are more and more violent and sleazy and parasitic. The hate on Ratskin's face is like he's just dying to kill me for just defending myself. My every post about hos disgusting he and they are makes them more awarded, more promoted, more welcomed into the 4th Reich instead of having to deal with all the racism that they only scraped and bowed to swallow but still, trying to be a part of that system so they are thrilled with attacking me.
My writing about this does NOTHING to stop it and only encourages them. The shit of the U.S. government is fully cheering on Jews violently and in a deadly fashion assaulting any Jew (which I am not) who fights the racism and the hate cliches that they imbibe, accept fully and then try their best to inflict the hate as a weapon of self-imposed desecration instead of the Nazi filth more violently than they already are, pounding down the cudgel of self-hate and hate from society, which ALMOST EVERYONE now participates in so I have no respite anywhere that is a permanently safe sanctuary from State-sponsored Nazi fascist /Mafia terrorism endlessly inflicted upon me.
I was just microchipped and as some new-techno terror institution of destroying human Will, human independence and Capitalist achievement so only monopolies of their filth echelons will have even the chance to THINIK their own thoughts without "silent' torture awaiting them, as it awaits me now for writing on my blog that is so censored and deleted and rewritten that it's truly a version of new silencing dictatorial despotic fascism and authoritarianism.
But no matter what, the shit behind Rat-skin and this really corrupt and nasty leader of Israel, like so many of the hateful Jews i have encountered all my life until I really wanted nothing to do with that race, that country, and have never heard a single word from Jews relating to any religious concept except for what some book instructed them to repeat. Otherwise, their pure motivations for those acclimated to the "Modern" version of the 4th Reich is to fully assault me with every bit of Nazi fascist violence which is far more hateful and violent than the worst of the rapist pig ape Europigapes and the shit from America.
Fully cheered on by ugly and disgusting Marjorie Taylor Greene, who only sexually assaulted me but then threatened my life and then walked away like Rat-skin with massive interviews, hosted by blonde women who want a pig ape scum skank like Greene to be their Right "hero" for them to lean against when they need to destroy people like me, but their "enemy" when they need the yapping ugly sinister lying Rat-skin to "defend" them in elaborate yapping seemingly erudite ways as the "Jewish Intellectual" but who is fully rot to the core, fully disgusting in every way and his energy is so toxic and hateful like his self-hate, his murderous propensity towards jews as another self-hating Jew
and I don't observe the holidays I have not had much to do at all with Jews except to investigate and I decided to not be a part of that disapora. Now endlessly accused of every Jewish stereotype by this group which must crush me into their mental straightjackets and this pair of crap Netanyahu a violent and sinister deadly power-grabbing manipulator, and Rat-skin a most vile not-representative of anything other than the usual greedy grasping self-empowering criminal bonding with the other sleazy selfish ugly violent crap of their tax-free entitlement organization and that is their main goal.
The J-6 Committee appears to me to be just a fight against their own power cartel and hold in Congress and they have absolutely no concern for human rights and never have. If they had, they would not bein that position as the 4th Reich was instituted decades ago by the post-WWII followers of the "system" that has been around for centuries or longer.
Their aim is to truly destroy the fabric of society and the crap and utter K-rap that I have seen of the demagogues aka "Dems" who have been running for president are just sick and greedy sleazy lying filth endlessly grasping for money and their "minority" status to be uplifted by all the graft they plan on exacting, as that is what Congress appears to be most situated into doing for the public which is to steal their opportunities and conform to the demands of Europigape fascist 4th Reich in exchange for shopping sprees in Paris and for castles, mansions and more and more handed to them.
the sickness of Rat-skin towards me is his greed and ugliness and the promises of the Nazis for his upcoming political promotion--his goal is to run for Senate and then probably for president.
All on the back of just torturing me. All his promotions, for which that ugly sinister dirty filth scumbag parasite has obtained is for his duplicity contained within the endless yapping into cameras for his promotion and publicity about "Democracy" and his entrance into that realm of endless interviews and his lecturing professor days of Constitutional law and blathering scripts repeating sentences he knows by rote and is thoroughly SICK OF and sick from the deception
and he's obtaining I can't imagine how many hugs and deals from filthy Biden and along with all of them is the usual hate and fascism of another Black Nazi who is just as foul and rotten, corrupt and another Ivy League blathering "evil" not representing anything but the Black faction of the same 4th Reich White supremacist league. His endless reproaches against racism and conformity to white supremacy are just turned into hateful and mentally and emotionally sick atracks against me in front of all the silent white bigot shit from England and from the wanna be white supremacist Europigape aristocrat filth endlessly sitting watching as piece of sick shit from every minority group comes to violently threaten my life, beating abusing yelling screaming at full vocal range because they use drugs and torture to get me to repeat and write things and say things after THIRTEEN YEARS OF TORTURE NON-STOP DAY AND NIGHT as i fight and fight and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS EVER FOUGHT FOR FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY or for anything else.
aSking anyone to get rotten Netanyahu who, instructed by Douglass murry and the endless shit who are really getting off on watching me constnatly fighting shit pig whore after shitr filth pig because no one will stop this violence against me. All the shit who bowed and did what they were told and then were promoted for it. All the shit who followed the blood sacrificial oaths to gain entrance into higher ranks of authority and political and Whorewood power by attacking me, and anyone who actually does care about equality and freedom and the U.S. Constitution. They are viciously assaulting me because the Jews are so sold-out that they are now facing more genocidal conditions because they just sold out and sold off and conformed and so antisemitism rose and rose until now they are fully viciously Nazi in order to prove that they are nod destined for the next wave of racist genocide. So anxiously attacking me to show that they will destroy me for the sake of being approved-of by the Nazi shit machine that they actually represent, in reality but disguised by all the rhetoric.
But my writings only prove to get more violence from them.
They begin with torture by inserting drugs into my body by cutting or insertions into my bladder EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT just before I wake up, and as I am in just barely waking nascent sleep statae, they begin with the ab use as I yell about what shit they are. The filthy stupid ignoramus whores then steal the ideas, nono-stop this has been going on and on and on and for over 13 years, all backed by the English Crown and the shit like Murray to whom Rat-skin is now a proxy murderous violent beating racist death-threatening abuser. That ugly filth shit Murray threatrened me but then got Netanyahu, his slimy dirty puppet out-of-control and in order to obtain "permission" to invade Gaza, he must try to fuck me he must try to fuck and abuse me. That is the shit sleazy filth contract and that dirty foul creep has sicced Rat-skin on me as a vicious absolutely tyrannical tyrant absolutely unconcerned with "Democracy" and only working for white supremacy and violently doing so. I told Rat-=skin that he is most like Berria, the Jewish right-hand murdering death squad killer who personally oversaw the mass murder of millions of "undesirable" Russians--his own kind, the Jews and etc under the gaze of Stalin. Once Berria did all the dirty work, Stalin had him killed but first "broken" by the same torture apparatus he had used against his former fellow conspirators in the Communist overtake of the Russian monarchy and then the entire country. The people who are attacking me are the types of Communists that are of the genocidal "take all and kill all" philosophy.
Although they are never going to stop, and no one is ever going to do anything, I must ask again as Netanyahu, under the instruction of the hateful most murderous bigots from England/London--dirty ugly Dougla$$ Murray, a most foul lying British Israelist, and the other shit and filth from London (i.e. the Rolling Stones, the dumb whorren mirrage and her Irish shit thug boyfriend scumbag who played in the Spielberg movie(s) but they are all so absolutely antisemitic and part of the British Israelist/Christian Identity death pogram slated for the next wave of the Holocaust--so carefully inculcated by endless subliminal programming seeming as the obverse for all the shit Whorewood movies and representations that are constantly being carefully cranked out, year-after-year until the population is super-saturated into 4th Reich genocidal Nazi hate philosophy.
Get them off me. They are working also for 4th Reich Biden. I had fully supported him when he was running against equally viciously racist Trump, there is absolutely no difference between them except for a slight change in the deadly violence but they are all part of the same "system" of absolute lies and deception and all following the exact same patterns and protocols.
I am under attack, the keyboard is not working and my fingers can't move, my brain can't function as it should due to the remote tech attacks on all these portals of violation of my laptop and my body/brain functioning.
I can't "remember" what I was just going to write.
So Netanyahu, I tried to get him to stop the sexual harassment because he is truly desperate to get this contract out of just sexually abusing and torturing and insulting and threatening me endlessly and then whatever else, it will not be good as this is already been a non-stop murder situation with me fighting constantly to get shit pig ape after sick sleazy piece of shit off me and no one ever does any single thing to stop this.
But, because I finally lost my temper he got this ugly sick thing Rat-skin on me and the cheers from the Nazis has allowed them to be emboldened to just violently assault me to the point of physical breakdown for my body can't handle all this non-stop torture that has not stopped. The fight i have which no one supports me in, and no one will stop, and these clown pcysho dirty desperate Jewish Nazis to get the promotions to not be targeted, willing to make any blood sacrifice possible even their own children
my family has done this not ONLY to me but to another cousin who was very beautiful, talented and not loud, obnoxious and self-hating. THat is such a threat to the bigot shit of the 4th Reich that they had this perfectly beautiful healthy and athletic woman, also very wealthy, poisoned with "cancer" which of course Rat-skin also has been infected with, I would suggest. Her family members also died of "cancer" and my father as well as my mother. I know we have all been poisoned non-stop by the shit of this group, who have their dirty minority minions go and poison the food poison and attack as proxy for the white shit.
Desperate to not be targeted they are rushing at me most violently and getting the green light to be promoted and promoted
so I could not handle the hours and hours of cloying and latched-on disguting Ratskin as the team of shit sat watching so glad someone was just beating and abusing me for them, while they appear "poised" as the pig ape scum that they are.
and finally, Netanyahu came back, although I had told him harshly to get off me and stop bothering me, he had me read more tarot for him, because being tortured to death by a terrorist who is as fanatical as any Hamas operaive, laughing and giggling about the rape and mutilation and poisoning of me 3 years ago sitting next to Kinzinger, the "I'm a German" piece of rotten shit really a disgrace to the Illinois I used to know, the next wave of fascist 4th Reich overtake and an insult to the legacy of Lincon, the Land of.
I finally succumbed and then after the hours of abuse, hours of me fighting for the nth day from hours and hours day after day of abuse, with me listening to music and the black piece of rotten ugly sinister "brothers and sisters we only need 'love'" bs operator dancing across from me while I was listening to "old school" music, and it was finally something fun, as he then sneered in hate at me "loser" because I just let down my guard for about 5 minutes.
I hit him as I try to hit them all and then he remained silent, as Netanyahu promised me a wonderful "house" right on the overtaken land of the Palestinians if he "won", after my tarot reading confirmed that it would work out if he did continue the assault.
Thanks ,but fuck that. I told him to give me otherwise the money so I could make my own living choice instead of him assaulting me if I did finally stop fighting the fight against Nazism and racism that NOO ONE who has participated in assaulting me has ever done one single time in their shit sell-out rotten lives.
That means that none of you, who also are just like this, will stop them from this violent endless assault upon me. I feel more grey hairs as the torture is murder and for years and years but hours and hours every day. I am screaming I blast music I listen to podcasts at top volume I cannot move and do other things because they poisoned me so badly I am in perpetual stagnation and my body is fractured (they broke various bones, poisoned me with hardening poison so the poison seeps into every fracture) my body is internally glued into a hard, solid mass as they perpetually without end torture me
The Awards season which is an annual pilgrimage of Satanic hate aimed at abusing me non-stop with rape and torture for the shit filth actors is now trhe upcoming election awards season for which rotten ugly group of shit is going to "win" the nomination for best performers of "Democracy" and for "The American People" award--aka the 2024 Election.
The stakes are now high and both of the pig apes running for the slot of hbeing top slut of the whores of Congress is now a vicious game.
Dirty filthy Biden who has been behind DECADES of torture of me is now amping up the torture, as he did under Obama who just allowed every sleazy dirty piece of rotten Nazi shit to assault me.
Not "antisemitic" any longer he claimed after he "left" his "Church" espousing hate for "jews"
which is what all the blacks of the 4th Reich have been trained to do
just like the genocidal Muslims, both fo America and in England
and I sit here fighting against rape culture as the Me Too shit is fully applauding rape and torture of me
IO sit here fighting antisemitism as the Jews are some of the most brutally violent of the 13 years of non-stop torture--so desperate to demonstrate how brutally racist they are
WILL SOMEONE STOP SHIT BIDEN and trump and the rest of this shit finally from this sick contract.
I keep praying now that Biden will FALL DOWN THE STAIRS and not up them and break his turkey-looking neck along with dirty Kamala, somewhow not available, Trump imploding (the 4th Reich will never put him in prison, and the 4th Reich is the U.S. Government in part).
I succumbed to torture, mind control and being slowly killed and in order to alleviate some of it, well-experienced at torture and murder Netanyahu obtained his well-trained in victimization scapegoating blood-sacrifice-Nazi goon Rat-skin--a duo of "victim" and whatever else, sick of even thinking about them or any of "them"
I gave this hateful violent man a tarot reading in absolute torture conditions. This is really a pair trained in torture of victims of brutality. Trained in all kinds of information extraction through torture, and with the English bigot pig ape Murray behind them, threatening me that he was going to really harm me, he just got his filthy pair of Jews to assault me and the bigot English can still claim that he is NOT racist that he really 'CARES" about Israel, and he truly does care because he and his English shit fucker group have been on the tails of the British Mandate organized before WW1 in order to create THEIR Holy Land, but to get jews to do the dirty work of killing off the hostile Muslims but the English appear like wonderful jolly ole "friends" in the process. To both sides. They are playing this same strategy in America. Biden is just another sleazy and violent puppet of this same entity and his globalist reach into the old 3rd Reich aims and aspirations of creating more lebensraum and overtaking Judaism and learning all the "secrets" of the Kabbalah and applying all the "secrets" as their own "destiny" and etc.
So, hopefully Biden falls DOWN the stairs very soon and is dead, that is the best I can hope for as some kind of Deus Ex Machina which is far more attainable than any human being who has the capability of even protecting me in any way whatsoever.
Then Trump imploding, as he's never going to be put under any serious constraint as he has done so much work to clear out the former United States and pave the way for 4th Reich fascist overtake. The death squads have been empowered so greatly and of course, they have amplified private tech conglomerates to build the tech for the government so it doesn't have to try to conceal all it's nefarious death camp concentration camp-at-home technologies such as what is constantly being inflicted upon me.
The dumb and ugly sleazy sick pig apes continue to torture me for information on what to say when they pretend they care about any human rights.
Meanwhile, I see my passport photo has been altered my nose has been enlarged and it overshadows my cheeks. This is AI photoshop or some other version of photo alteration.
At this point, I am so sickened what remains of the "Jewish " diaspora from a lifetime of being sacrificed as a blood sacrifice by my family, then almost the entire wealthy Jewish community of New York absolutely participating in attacking me. Now I have the non-representative of the Whore House violently assaulting me because I am telling the "Jewish" leader of Israel to stop sexually harassing me with hate and insults and threats for the sake of British Israelite support because the "jews" have so fully complied with the instructions that they had no warning about the death coming at them on October 7. They were told by Netanyahu that they were safe. He knew very plainly that the attack was imminent.
Just in case the reader does not get it: it amounts to more blood sacrifice.
In the course of writing this, the plants I just bought and grew by seed have once again been doused with killing chemicals so they are half dead. I just bought them two days ago. One of the plants I have been fighting to grow for 3 months, it's now half dead.
I am responding to sick fucking pig whores teleporing and raping and beating and poisoning me and non-stop for over 13 years as shit fuck in the government of every country joins in to get their own shit promotions out of it.
The world cannot sustain the ugliness, innate stupidity of the blathering replicators of texts and scripts they have studied in order to perform the roles of betraying every single thing possible for their greasy and sick dirty promotions into the "big boy league" which is a death "Satanic/Luciferian" cult of death and hate. They "love" one another but in essence, they will always need victims they want to stop abortion because they NEED to have people to abuse and torture and masses of slaves.
Well, keep allowing them to go on, those who know that what I am writing is absolutely true.
I can only hope that somehow you will all be destroyed by the system you are working so feverishly to wrest power and that I may enjoy this life without the filthy degeneration of sick and parasitic emotional losers who are paid so much to convey emotional loser pathologies for Congress and society and for the "entertainment" that they want you to be addicted to, in addition to all the other drugs they crank out constantly to keep you sick and complying.
I complied today because this is murder and 13 years without a single person even coming to defend me
my body can't handle it plus decades of poisoning which I am shitting out every day as they keep poisoning my food and torturing me and then "punishing" me for reacting in rage and asking people to do something goddamn you fuckers reading this, this may also affect your shitty selfish greedy lives as well in the negative.
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