Friday, March 15, 2024

"Money Over Every Thing (M.O.E.T)" & Minority minions as vehemently violent, suppressive force-amplifiers for oppression against "their own": Death threats performed by Congressional minority minions and other actions of oppressive discriminatory violence and orchestrated destruction of my body, life and home and finances and everything else--the same, as noted by other anti-racist activists (now conveniently dead but their ideas stolen by the worst haters and fakes): My writing on my blog, which in no way is a "terrorist threat" to any office, only political commentary and observation, not making any threats to individuals only writing about their terrorism of me in this covert and now highly popular torture-rape-mutilation-poisoning-mind-screw operation that so many run to get free entitlements and promotions out of, and literally none rush to stop or protect my human rights. //I have now obtained a most violent and vicious Nazi but he's from Congress and is "fighting for Democracy" with every baited breath he utters in front of a camera. Heightened since his inclusion of this terror torture Whorewood group many years ago, now coming VIOLENTLY to assault me, using the same Nazi genocidal protocols as the rapist Germans who are teleported to me alongside the "woke" Whorewood ensemble, and in addition to other cultures, notably in addition to Germanic(ish), the rapist English, the rapist Whorewood performers, the violent minorities of America, and he's just another one in the huge "melting pot" of white supremacy.

 **The hacking is now very bad. Every click results in something being closed, two copies which slowly appear after 5 minutes and then are frozen. This post was re-arranged after I clicked on update.  I tried to copy and paste this article (below) the page disappeared while I was copying the URL, this blog was closed out and I was logged out, and btw on the topic of technological discrimination--I ordered an electronic product which was sent to appear like it was functioning but then began to heat up into a nearly burning hot item--too hot to touch literally. I have been sent mobile phones that are broken upon arrival. I only had to click on return and the courier came and took the item back. Now they are demanding an upload of a photo. The new mobile phone I bought will not transfer photos to my laptop but it will receive music files. I was told it had internet capability and it has functions for google. It will not connect. The "system" knows this and has changed the template for the delivery service (Lazada) so that I am not able to complete a return request unless I upload a photo or use a smart phone mobile app. I have told them 10 times, literally, per chat session that something is wrong. They repeat to send a photo. They are playing me but I am under mind control daze and respond in a fury to get actual service. They tell me to wait for one day for an email. The email tells me the next day to please send a photo or use a smart phone This has been ongoing for 3 days. They blocked the email for the customer care service so I can't send an email. They deleted email contact on the delivery page. I phone the main office and my call is  sent to a silent blankness and then the connection is hung up.// All of this is being condoned by members of Congress currently assaulting me. THey are "minorities' but claim they are not discriminated against and that every "liberal" policy they fully support, in addition to "fighting against" the Insurrection and the loss of "Democracy".//THEY are part of this attack on me right now. The amount of hate and discrimination of members of the "entitled" group of an "oppressed" group is the theme of this post. 



**In the endless fight and struggle to use this laptop due to endless non-stop every second hacking blocks, I have to open another browser which is "less secure" if that is even possible with all the hacking than the Brave browser I have used which is like butter being cut by hacking knives constantly.  This browser worked perfectly for about 5 seconds as I rushed to get things done. It began to freeze, I clicked on another tab and the entire browser closed. I opened the browser, I tried to open The Hill again and the page kept spinning and I opened another tab while waiting and the page was shut down. Etc etc. All of this orchestrated and now made MUCH WORSE by the person who is speaking the MOST about Constitutional protections in Congress, this person now violently assaulting me with really deadly violence, physical abuse that is constantly from this nasty thing from Congress and is fully backed by many other of the "minorities' who I am "supposed" to be "associated" with only due to external labels that the Nazis and bigots all force upon me and they are so keen to oppress me with brutal violence in order to prove how "superior" they are and how they are part of the real apparatus of power-over crushing spirit, mind and body for their position of "power".

So the hacking is so atrocious and nothing I do will stop it. I can't order a recovery disc, I am lied to constantly at every single shop and can't get a single thing done. I am losing a lot of money from defective items sent to me which I order for protection from the sleep tyranny that is being inflicted, now, by a fascist who makes endless statements to the public to the exact polar opposite with a trained voice-coached gentle concerned "liberal" approach in his every vocal utterance. It goes with the very vicious and racist white supremacists of all sides of that body politic.

Republicans seethe over Schumer call for Israeli elections


*I include this clip from a movie I watched just yesterday in the sickness of detox from the poison the body politic has ordained be a "slowing down" process for the utter covert discrimination and murder of me, by their sanction by all above and below, on all sides and from top-to-bottom. The movie is a very good reflection of how "minorities" really deal with the oppression that has forced a pressure cooker in the society and within the family. I think this movie was done much more powerfully than most of the usual "directors" who are endlessly in the monopoly of power in Whorewood. This film is far too revealing to be put into that milieu but deserves more credit due to the lack of money poured into top quality production (not in this film but the script and the meaning is very powerful in terms of internal race-baiting and hating)--but, as expected, while I was fighting to open YouTube to get the video link, I had to click on another tab so this blog was closed and the other tabs were closed likewise. I have to spend HOURS as I am now doing, as the process of writing this very short blog post has taken over one hour just up to this point. The pages are freezing constantly. The pages are being closed while I open another tab. The copy and paste function will not work. I have to click and click, and the computer freezes constantly. Hours and hours of this, every single time I am on the laptop. It is very hard to keep my thoughts straight while this is ongoing constantly. I have fought to not get into hate ranting as I am working on not allowing psychic vampires and parasitic meaningless and worthless hateful leeches get me upset so I am trying to not rant because it is part of the energy -sucking enterprise and life-screw operation to destroy me. It is a daily event. They tweak my emotions and brain functioning through the microchip implant(s) and remote tech and a seamless and literal non-stop terror and discrimination network. Every nuance of any and all Constitutional Rights and protections is absolutely OBLITERATED and done right now by those in Congress most dedicated to being televised in defense thereof. If that is the "opposition" to an Insurrection force intending to a dictatorship--who claim that "these are my friends" in either public or private--imagine how deadly this system will become. They are thrilled with it. The lies continue. The attacks by the "entitled" of minority groups are more vicious due to this tech system and the global 4th Reich "hegemony" which increases the longer these minions are put into positions appearing to counter the fascist racist tyranny that they inflict with more deadly violence in the privacy of teleportation or "gang stalking" situations. The real perpetrators are much more subdued because their global PROGRAMMING has worked so perfectly to get the minions to do their dirty work for them. Every single Constitutional Right is being obliterated by the most outspoken "minority" minions who spout endless defense of Constitutional rights in front of promotional tv and video opportunities for their advancement as liars and promoters of a false reality. In truth, they are the oppressors working for actual white supremacy for their solidification as "entitled" from within the group of the "oppressed". I can only state this in most basic "woke" terms which have become vilified by "conservative" media folk especially those who perform the function of the "woke is a joke" minority minions who perform the opposition "minority" voice in collusion with their "conservative" controllers. I am not sure how deep the cognitive dissonance goes within their every lying lecture of benevolence disguising the despotism but they are all Ivy School trained professionals at what they "do" and undo--as they are helping to unravel the "threat" of minorities having "equal opportunity" and that is one of the main goals of the 4th Reich.

"M.O.E.T movie trailer". ShienTv. January 15, 2024.

The problem with an "oppressed" group are those who strive for acceptance into "safety" and prominence who are most keen for their slim shelf life position of prominence so they viciously attack those of their own "race" or skin color, if the "Underdog" group always claiming victimization, by the way, for their ascension to power as "representatives" for the "Underdog" and ALL they do in public is work to help other "under-privileged".

Yet when it comes down the the nitty gritty, their violence to sustain their own power and "elite" entitlement is so pronounced in a reaction of fascist oppression that they are the face of injustice. Often, seemingly countering them are the very forces which have created this self-hate shelf of entitlement for the "oppressed" who openly condemn the minority minion striving to emulate the oppressor. Now, this may sound like "critical race" theory rhetoric but I am using the language that people will identify with. My own language is more sharp and less politically polite so I am using the more common terms but oppression cannot be refuted. Except that so many of the Jews in positions of power actually ignore all the oppression of people like me--and claim that there are no problems in the Jewish community.

Either way, people who analyze racism will understand at least seminally what I am fighting to type out, as typing is fraught with hacking blocks and my brain is completely blocked from all cognitive processes by all the various weapons aimed into my body and brain and typing capabilities.


the violence of the person currently confronting me in teleportation includes an aura of extreme loathing and foul contagion of self-hate, I believe. The viciousness of Jews towards me to cement their apparent fixed hold and place in society where they got their wealthy or semi-wealthy security, their allowance to not be gang stalked but remember, they are still brainwashed, drugged, microchipped and behavior modification is the rule and not the exception. This applies to any of the prominent people in society I believe except for a very basic few. Regardless, as I have no access to actual date on how many are being drugged, microchipped non-consensually, I do know the patterns of the very violent Jews who are all-too violently smug about assaulting me as Nazis nod in approval, literally smirking in delight as they do so and hugging and promoting the Jews who perform this ritual of genocidal proportion. Never realizing that they are setting themselves or their families or community for a future genocidal pogrom. They believe always that their free-range of entitlement will last for their entire lives, Their children they hope will fare well, as well.

I would suggest otherwise.

So the disgusting self-loathing, pouring out at me like psychic slime and degenerated self-hate and murderous violence coming from this person who has been elected to represent the "oppressed" is an absolute oppressor towards me, in a genocidal fascist way.

I was listening to William Cooper's lecture series titled MajestyTwelve which details the loss of the U.S. Constitution and the rise of a Totalitarian State replacing all the Laws and rules of Law. The person who is violently assaulting me has made an oath to protect the Constitution and appears as a staunch defender of this rule of law, but in private teleportation is telling me and the fascist Nazi celebrities and onlookers (all playing "victim of oppression and racism and sexist" roles for their brainmeld movies)

that "she should not be listening to this". Trying to literally block my speech, actions, thought and ability to listen to anything critical of the actual REAL system that this group is truly aligned with.


I just want these nasty people to stop teleporting me (not "just") but for today, to get filthy rotten and disgusting sick sinister creeps to be stopped from teleporting me and forcing their filthy and ugly dirty bad energy upon me constantly for over a decade and sucking my life out and poisoning mutilating raping and every other kind of abuse--completely sanctioned by all.

the man I include as today's news clip--invites the people who have tortured me for YEARS into his office and displays them on his Facebook page, alongside his participation in helping Latinos of his voting district in happy jolly festivals as symbol of his help in fighting against racism. He has photos of himself and his grandson observing a Jewish holiday wearing all the garb and holding the sacred ceremony, taken by photo (not sure if you are "supposed" to use anything electronic on those holy days to take a photo, but as I am not of that religion I am not sure if that was a violation) but anyway

just a small point made about huge and egregious violations of all codes that are broken repeatedly by the Senate Leader and Jewish Nazi representative--only second to the many minority leaders of the other Chambers of Whorewood and of Congress--all linked in a narrowing programming system of shared power-cartel protocol-sharing for mass brainwashing and compliance to the "authority" which is ever-increasingly derailing any true adherence to the U.S. constitution, rule of Law in both domestic and foreign policy.

Behind it all is a severe Nazi antisemitism and the Repugs are very much at the core of the problem. Their reaction to the "Democrat" is just a political anti-thesis to the general amalgamation that has already been fully implemented. They play against one another to appear as opposites. In truth, it is a far more cohesive group and all fake opposition narrows down eventually to a central organization that "rules them all".

Yet the opposition is completely correct. Schumer is dictating domestic policy to a foreign country, As a "Jew" he is "allowed" to make this statement. It's like watching a movie about "African-Americans" in a poor neighborhood calling each other "my nigger" and then if anyone outside of their group uses the term, they are called racist. 


Meanwhile, under the fascist anti-semitism of the minority minion who is polluting my energy and sucking my life force out of me every day, as they all do and all are foul and disgusting parasites who display empty ennui and basic ugliness in private, contrasting completely their horrific postured public statements to the contrary, all completely trained by voice coaches out ofWhorewood and beyond and acting is also undoubtedly one of the main extra-curricular activities by the politicians who make the biggest statements for the televisions to promote (seemingly the government is really "fighting" for the "People").

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Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...