It's not that I am so stupid as to keep making the same mistake
I literally can't read I can't do more than sit in excruciating pain from the mutilations and broken vertebrae and bones and poison hardened into my fractured skeleton that they forced upon me, constantly drugginig and poisoning me without end.
The drugging is so intense that I literally click on the shit they crank out and write that they are great. They are instantly alerted by the central committee of Whorewood, the mafia like pesce and deniro who get a percent of the profit for every filth shit whore they get to join in on the torture-for-profit out of slowly killing me. All are hugged by all the presidents that have been elected for at least the past 20 years and longer and are invited to the White House and to the Oscars and all the festivals like Sundance (especially a partner of this criminal enterprise).
The disgusting Baryishnikov is putting all kinds of sick psycho domestic violence "come back baby" type of videos with Russian lettering underneath the English on all my social media. I see that his rotten dirty partner from Sex and the City has obtained huge deals and has also viciously participated and attacked me in the most stupid and sick ways along with this filth crap from Latvia, this Nazi KGB scumbag Baryishnikov, who is not an aristocrat but an upstart and proves it all the time with his filthy dirty low behavior trying to emulate violent aristocracy. But extremely wealthy and globally famous, especially for his indoctrination and programming into Nazism elitism.
The deals they have obtained are unbelievable just like shit pig pitt and prostitutalina for over a decade of endlessly latching on while I have physically fought them to get them off. They continue and continue and continue. The prizes are so endless for all the hate and violence these filthy low-life creeps can obtain from endlessly tryuing to pull me down.
I must literally physically fight them in teleportation and they are trying to force this reaction out of me.
They rush at me with knives, punching into my head, raping and beating and abusing with the most sick and sinister insults about how my body looks from over a decade of them mutilating and poisoning and torutring me literally 24/7 for years without a single day of a break from over 8 hours, every day, of torture with my food poisoned and my home stinking and toxic as they keep spraying stinking filth into and on everything including my body and what I am sleeping in.j
Endless awards and promotions for them because of this contract.
When I hear goddamn rotten Biden talking about what a "Zionist" he is, I know that he means British Israelism, or Christian Identity, which means killing the Jews and maybe having the "good" obedient antisemitic Nazi Jews put into a few higher positions but the State of Israel going to the fascist Nazis as their "spiritual center" the piece of total control over many religions in Jerusalem, which they intend to control and usurp all possible but the antisemitism of Biden is no less than that of Trump in many ways. The difference between the two is of significance but not much. I have not stopped fighting murder under the tyranny of Biden as I had done under Trump, but it was much, much worse under Trump and his racism is undeniable. Biden has had 50 years of programming in Congress-Whorewood to learn to imitate a concerned leader with his fake pious warm voice--he is extremely convincting however I know he is an excellent actor and much better than most of the A-listers who have teleported me, as far as pretending to be a concerned citizen and working to stop racism (only for Blacks, who service him for example and are subservient and obey and then appear dumb and incompetent, which is what Kamala Harris, who obtained her position because Oprah needed another conduit into political entitlement into more lead roles in Whorewood producing now and etc--of course, relying on a copy-of-a-copy for her "newest" performance but the real attraction for The Color Purple was that she lost weight).
**hackers as usual deleted parts of sentences and strung them together into extremely long, lacking in grammar (commas and separations and periods) so it's almost all a contintuous run-on sentence lingering for over a paragraph.
The hacking to the keyboard has been so awful that just getting any words out was so hard that putting capital letters at the beginning of sentences was too difficult. Just writing this one sentence--this one--is now so difficult
so while i was constantly struggling to type, as all functions were blocked and every click of the mouse made something turn off or pages pop up while I was writing--constantly
the subliminials and "brain" alteration made me get into ranting mode as well.
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